eComStation Preview - September 18 2000
****** WARNING! ********* Warning OS/2 users !! ***************************
By booting to this CD you will upgrade the older FDISK type disk management to the
new LVM. OS/2 volumes will be "marked" and use of FDISK in the future
may be limited. Warp 4 versions of OS/2 can be updated to understand the new LVM
partitions, but FDISK still cannot be used.
****** WARNING! ***********************************************************
****** WARNING! ********* PREVIEW PREVIEW PREVIEW !! **********************
The purpose of this preview edition is to allow evaluation of the components eComStation
will be based on. This software should be considered BETA and should NOT be installed
on production system.
****** WARNING! ***********************************************************
A copy of this README.TXT is available from the eComStation web site and might include
additional information that was not available at the time the eCS documentation
was written. See for detail.
Contents of eCS README.TXT
1. Disclaimer
2. Preview Statement of intent and license
3. Installation Notes
4. Common problems
5. Packaging Notes
6. YOUR Opinion needed!
7. Getting help
8. Trademarks
1. Disclaimer
2. Preview Statement of intent and license.
The eComStation software contains software licensed from IBM, TouchVoice, and other
SSI business partners. They are the owners of their respective programs and are
copyrighted and licensed, not sold.
SSI grants you a nonexclusive license for eComStation. If SSI grants you multiple
liceneses for eComStation, the terms of this Agreement apply to each license. The
term "Program" means the original program and all whole or partial copies
of it, including portions merged into other programs. A Program consists of machine-readable
instructions, audio/visual content (such as images, text, recordings, or pictures),
and related licensed materials.
Use of the program
You may use the Program on only one machine at any one time, except as otherwise
stated in this section. You agree to ensure that anyone who uses the Program (accessed
either locally or remotely) does so only for your authorized use and complies with
the terms of this Agreement. A Program is considered to be in use when it resides
in memory or is otheriwse stored on a machiine. A Program stored on a network server
solely for the purpose of being distributed to other machines is not considered
to be in use. SSI specifies charges for Programs based on how much you use a Program
(for example, the number of users), resources (for example, processor size), or
a combination of both. For a Program managed by a license management tool, copies
may be made and stored on machines under control of that tool, but your use may
not exceed the total number of users or amount of resource authorized.
Certain Program SSI designates for home or travel use may be stored on the primary
and another machine, provided the Program is not in active use on both machines
at the same time.
You may (1) copy the Program for backup and (2) merge the Program into another program.
You must reproduce the copyright notice and any other legend of ownership on each
copy, or partial copy, of the Program. You may use any portion of the Program SSI
marks restricted (for example, "Restricted Materials of SSI" or "Restricted
Materials of IBM") only to (1) resolve problems related to the use of the Program
and (2) modify the Program so that it will work together with other products. You
may not: (1) use, copy, merge, or transfer the Program except as provided in this
Agreement; (2) reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise translate the Program
except as specifically permitted by law without the possibility of contractual waiver;
or (3) sublicense, rent or lease the Program.
Transfer of Rights and Obligations
You may transfer all your rights and obligations under a license for a Program to
another party, unless SSI specifies otherwise in its License Information. To transfer
such rights and obligations, you must transfer a copy of this Agreement, the License
Information, all other documentation (including proof of entitlement), and at least
one complete, unaltered copy of the Program to the other party. Your license is
then terminated. A Program which SSI licenses in multiples of two or more (for example,
as a pack) may only be transferred in its entirety. In this case, individual licenses
may not be transferred.
3. Installation
Starting -
a. Machines with "Boot from CDROM" capability this CD should start the
b. Machines without "Boot from CDROM" capability Run MAKEDISK.CMD from
OS/2 or MAKEDISK.BAT from DOS/Windows to create these installation diskettes. please
refer to the books\pdf\install.pdf for more detailed information on this version
of OS/2 and it's capablities.
4. Common problems
(Be sure to read the file \known.issues on your eCS CD for a list of known issues
with the eCS preview)
- The CD boot disk doesn't boot
1. Check your BIOS to make sure it has been set to boot from CDROM
2. On some systems, the BIOS times out too soon and didn't give the newer generation
of faster CD-ROMs a chance to spin up. You will see the message to the effect of
"Booting from ATAPI - Failure" (the message is different in different
systems) and the CD boot fails. On some systems, for some yet unknown reason, bootable
CDs from Microsoft's Windows NT system, or Redhat's Linux system boots okay but
cause trouble to the eCS bootable CD - although all are using the same El Torito
"standard specification". If this is happening to you, try hitting the
"Pause" key on your keyboard AFTER the BIOS detected the CD-ROM but BEFORE
it attempts to boot from the CD. This will give the CD-ROM a chance to spin up to
speed. To resume, hit the space bar once. The method has shown to help in a number
of systems but does require that you do the PAUSE/SPACE at the right time. If you
can not get this to work, you will have to create the boot diskettes and install
from diskettes.
3. On other systems, such as the IBM 325 and IBM 315, you simply have to resort
to the diskette installation method.
- Hangs or freezes on boot
If the boot process hangs during boot you might try the following:
1. Press Alt+F1 before the logo and press F5 to disable Hardware detection.
2. Press Alt+F1 before the logo and choose another startup method.
- Error when exiting LVM.EXE
A SYS error when exiting LVM whether changes have been made or not. This error does
not seem to present a problem with the function of LVM and it's manipulation of
the disk. You should be able to ignore this error. - No recognizable filesystems,
no freespace. Right now FAT32, NTFS, EXT2 and other filesystems will not be recognized
by the eCS Preview. Please use other disk tools to create space for eCS bootmanager
and boot partition, then let LVM create the OS/2 partitions and BootManager during
installation. After using LVM, do NOT use any other FDISK programs.
5. Packaging Notes ****** (subject to change in future)
WiseMachine and the base operating system installer are on the Main Bootable CD.
Desktop on Call version 4 , SmartSuite 1.5, and StarOffice is in the second CD.
For the preview, these packages are provided in "raw" form - meaning that
you have to install these packages using their own installation routine. They have
not been integrated into WiseMachine yet. In the GA version, the content of the
second CD will likely go through a lot of changes. It is our intention to include
other third party freeware/shareware/demoware/expireware in the second CD - all
packaged in a WiseMachine aware format.
6. YOUR Opinion needed!
We want users to become familiar with the new changes in the Base product (IBM OS/2
Convenience Pack), WiseMachine and the other products in the package. The content
and form of the first eCS release should have many changes based on your evaluation
of this code. Please let us know what you think! Check
for links to discussion groups and feedback instructions.
Duane Chamblee, Indelible Blue eCS preview CD builder
To obtain help with eCS, you can either subscribe to support contracts from eCS
business partners, or go to for links to community based
support discussion groups.
eComStation is packaged on this CD using Info-ZIP's compression utility. The installation
program uses UnZip to read zip files from the CD. Info-ZIP's software (Zip, UnZip
and related utilities) is free and can be obtained as source code or executables
from Internet/WWW sites, including .
eComStation includes the enhanced IDE driver by Daniela Engert. We are grateful
to Daniela for granting us permssion to do so.
The following terms, are registered trademarks of SSI or the TouchVoice Corporation
in the United States, or other countries, or both:
o Managed Client
o eComStation
o eCS
o WiseManager
o WiseServer
o WiseClient
o WiseMachine
o WiseTalker
o Drag-n-DropDeployment
The following terms, are registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United
States, or other countries, or both:
o LAN Distance
o OS/2
o WebSphere
o WIN-OS/2
The following terms are trademarks of other companies: Approach, Freelance Graphics,
Lotus, Lotus Notes, Lotus Organizer, Lotus SmartSuite, and WordPro are trademarks
of Lotus Development Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Tivoli is a trademark of Tivoli Systems Inc. in the United States, other countries,
or both.
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks of Sun Microsystems,
Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of
others. (c) Copyright SSI 2000. All rights reserved.