Hi all ! After looking through the IBM GNU EVMS (enterprise volume management system) I found out that most OS/2 code is still there. I extracted the header files needed to connect to LVM.DLL and created a LVM.LIB import library. I therefore offer this toolkit to Serenity for free, no strings attached if they agree to include it as the first of the eComStation toolkit supplement. If you want to know how to code against LVM or if you just want to try out my simple test app, go to http://www.jmast.se/ecs/lvm_tk.zip for the toolkit, or http://www.jmast.se/ecs/lvmtest.exe for the test program. If you want to write a replacement for LVM.EXE /LVMGUI.EXE get the toolkit and start coding ! But, beware, LVM is powerfull, its easy to wipe your partitions. From: "John Martin Alfredsson"