------------------------------------------------------------------------ IBM(R) DB2(R) Universal Database Enterprise Edition Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under "Notices" near the end of this file. Set the font to monospace to better view this file. Welcome to DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition, Version 7.2. This product is available on the following operating systems: * AIX* * HP-UX** Version 11 * Linux** for Intel** * Linux** on S/390* * PTX (NUMA-Q) * OS/2* * The Solaris** Operating Environment * Windows** 2000, Windows NT** This README describes the contents and directory structure of the CD-ROM for each of these platforms. This CD-ROM contains the following components: * DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition * Administration Client * Application Development Client * A Try and Buy version of DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition Version 7.2 (UNIX**-based CDs only) * Installation books in HTML format for online viewing directly from this CD-ROM * Installation information that became available after the installation books were published. Note: Because there is no Administration Client for DB2 Universal Database for NUMA-Q or Linux on S/390, the Run-Time Client is included on the CD-ROMs for these platforms. To perform remote administration for NUMA-Q or Linux on S/390, install an administration client on a different platform. A full description of these components is provided in the documentation on this CD-ROM. The DB2 products on this CD-ROM are provided in several languages in addition to English. CD-ROM Directory Structure For Windows and OS/2, the files on this CD-ROM are located as follows: DB2 product files: x:\db2 Installation x:\doc\\Install.txt Notes: License files x:\db2\License Tivoli-Ready x:\db2\Tivready files: HTML Books: x:\doc\\ Release Notes: x:\doc\\Release.txt Connect Release x:\doc\\Readcon.txt Notes: For UNIX**, the files on this CD-ROM are located as follows: DB2 product /cdrom/db2 files: Installation /cdrom/doc//Installation.Notes Notes: Tivoli-Ready /cdrom/db2/tivready files: License files: /cdrom/db2/license NetQuestion /cdrom/NetQ files: Dummy RPM files /cdrom/db2/install/dummyrpm (Linux only): HTML Books: /cdrom/doc// Release Notes: /cdrom/doc//Release.Notes Connect Release /cdrom/doc//Readcon.Notes Notes: Notes: 1. NetQuestion is only available for: AIX, Solaris, HP-UX Version 11,OS/2 and Windows. 2. Linux does not have subdirectories for Tivoli-Ready or for NetQuestion, since those components are not supported on DB2 for Linux. Where: x: refers to your CD-ROM drive (Windows and OS/2) /cdrom refers to your mount point (UNIX) refers to the html directory for each DB2 book viewable on this CD-ROM, and named using the five character identifier assigned to each DB2 book (see "Viewing HTML Files") refers to the language directory, consisting of one of the following two character codes: BR Brazilian Portuguese CN Simplified Chinese DE German DK Danish EN English ES Spanish FI Finnish FR French IT Italian JP Japanese KR Korean NO Norwegian RU Russian SE Swedish TW Traditional Chinese Notes: 1. The directory names may appear in uppercase or lowercase, depending on your operating system. 2. All of the directories listed above may not appear on this CD-ROM since all language directories are not available on all CD-ROMs. 3. Not all DB2 books that are viewable from this CD-ROM are translated into all the supported languages. If a particular book is translated into a particular language, then it is in the language directory specific to that language. This means, for example, that the English language books are in the \doc\en directory on Windows and OS/2, and in the /doc/en directory on UNIX, whereas the French books are in the \doc\fr directory on Windows and OS/2, and in the /doc/fr directory on UNIX. Installing from the CD-ROM For detailed installation instructions refer to the installation manuals in the product box, or to the online book in the HTML subdirectory (see "Viewing HTML Files"). Refer to the installation notes on this CD-ROM for last minute installation updates. Installing NetQuestion on UNIX NetQuestion is only installed automatically if installation of DB2 is done through the DB2 installer (db2setup). If DB2 is installed manually, NetQuestion must also be installed manually. To install NetQuestion on AIX, use SMIT or installp and select the IMNSearch.rte.SBCS, IMNSearch.rte.DBCS, and IMNSearch.rte.httplite filesets. To install NetQuestion on other UNIX platforms, login as root and issue the following command: /cdrom/NetQ/IMNpkgadd Note: NetQuestion is not available for DB2 for NUMA-Q or DB2 for Linux. DB2 Publications in HTML The installation manual for your operating system can be viewed from this CD-ROM. A five-character identifier specifies the book directory name. The HTML files are stored in one of the following directories: On Windows and OS/2: x:\doc\\ On UNIX: /cdrom/doc// where is the two-character country code that represents the language (for example, en for English). See the CD-ROM Directory Structure section for a list of two-character language codes. Viewing HTML Files You can view the online books with any browser that conforms to HTML Version 3.2 specifications. The doc directory contains a subdirectory for each book. The names of these subdirectories are the same as the five-character identifier for each book. The main HTML file for that book is index.htm. Load this file into your browser to view the book. Prior to installation, you can use the 'open file' function of your Web browser to open one of the following manuals by indicating the appropriate path for your operating system: "DB2 for OS/2 Quick Beginnings": x:\doc\\db2i2\index.htm "DB2 for Windows Quick Beginnings": x:\doc\\db2i6\index.htm "OLAP Setup and User's Guide" for Windows NT: x:\doc\\db2ip\index.htm "DB2 Universal Database Quick Tour" on Windows and OS/2: x:\doc\\db2qt\index.htm "Installation and Configuration Supplement" on Windows and OS/2: x:\doc\\db2iy\index.htm "Release Notes" on Windows and OS/2: x:\doc\\db2ir\index.htm "Connect Release Notes" on Windows and OS/2: x:\doc\\db2cr\index.htm "DB2 for UNIX Quick Beginnings": /cdrom/doc//db2ix/index.htm "DB2 Universal Database Quick Tour" on UNIX: /cdrom/doc//db2qt/index.htm "Installation and Configuration Supplement" on UNIX: /cdrom/doc//db2iy/index.htm "Release Notes" on UNIX: /cdrom/doc//db2ir/index.htm "Connect Release Notes" on UNIX: /cdrom/doc//db2cr/index.htm Once installation is complete, you can view any of the manuals that have been installed. Notices To request publications or technical information about IBM products, consult your IBM software reseller or the IBM office nearest you. Any reference to an IBM licensed program in this publication is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's licensed program may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program or service that does not infringe any of IBM's intellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, except those expressly designated by IBM, is the user's responsibility. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. 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Trademarks The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries or both: ACF/VTAM MVS/ESA AISPO MVS/XA AIX Net.Data AIX/6000 OS/2 AIXwindows OS/390 AnyNet OS/400 APPN PowerPC AS/400 QBIC BookManager QMF CICS RACF C Set++ RISC System/6000 C/370 RS/6000 DATABASE 2 S/370 DataHub SP DataJoiner SQL/DS DataPropagator SQL/400 DataRefresher System/370 DB2 System/390 DB2 Connect SystemView DB2 Extenders VisualAge DB2 OLAP Server VM/ESA DB2 Universal Database VSE/ESA Distributed Relational VTAM Database Architecture WebExplorer DRDA WIN-OS/2 eNetwork Extended Services FFST First Failure Support Technology IBM IMS IMS/ESA LAN DistanceMVS Trademarks of Other Companies The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies: C-bus is a trademark of Corollary, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. HP-UX is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Java, HotJava, Solaris, Solstice, and Sun are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Linux is a trademark of Linux Torvalds. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Visual Basic, and the Windows logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States, other countries or both and is licensed exclusively through The Open Group Limited. Other company, product, or service names, which may be denoted by a double asterisk (**), may be trademarks or service marks of others. (C) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1993, 2001. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ------------------------------------------------------------------------