IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition, Version 7.1 for OS/2 Warp Evaluation (TRIAL; NEW; G; P48)

This evaluation copy of DB2 Universal Database Version 7.1 is a fully Web-enabled relational database management system. It is scalable from single processors to symmetric multiprocessors to massively parallel clusters. DB2 Universal Database features multimedia capabilities with image, audio, video, text, spatial, and other advanced object relational support. With Version 7.1, DB2 Universal Database delivers even more powerful support for e-business through Java, XML, and mobile solutions as well as new built-in support for business intelligence solutions.

Each new version of DB2 Universal Database builds on the strong foundation of the previous release. With Version 7.1, DB2 Universal Database delivers even more powerful support for business intelligence, data management, and e-business solutions.

What's new

Hardware and software requirements

CD installation instructions

    1. Create a temporary directory on your system.
    2. Change to that directory.
    3. Type unzip and press Enter to uncompress the file.
    4. Change to the \db2\nn directory, where nn represents the language code.
    5. Type install to start the installation.
    6. Refer to the following files for more information:
    7. doc\nn\prereq2.htm

Timeout information

This product times out in 90 days.