This version is for other systems than Windows, and those users, that do no want to read the documentation online. * The program archive This is a jar archive. You can unpack with any unzipper, but it is recommended to use jar in the Java development kit to get local characters in file names. Use the command "jar -xf zirkeldoc_en.jar". On all modern Java systems, you can start C.a.R. by double clicking "zirkel.jar", which you find in the archive. If that does not work, try one of the following commands. cd ZuL/doc_de java -jar zirkel.jar java -cp zirkel.jar Zirkel The documentation is contained in the archive. C.a.R. knows the following command line switches. * "-l locale", where locale is some language (e.g. "en" for English). * "-s". Uses simple graphics for slow systems. * "-h file". Uses the configuration file .zir.cfg in that directory. * "-r". Uses the restricted school mode. * "File". Other parameters are files to load. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Welcome to the English pages of C.a.R. (Z.u.L. in German)! C.a.R. is a program for dynamic geometry. What can you do with C.a.R.? * Ruler and compass constructions can be changed by dragging one of the basic construction points. The construction follows immediately, and the student can check the correctness of the construction, * Tracks of points and animated constructions can help to understand geometric relations. Tracks can be used as new objects to explore. * With macros very complicated constructions become possible. Macros are also a way to organize the geometric thinking. * Hiding construction details and using colors make constructions clearer to read. In C.a.R. lines and circles can also be reduced to the relevant points. * Arithmetic computations, numerical solutions, curves and functions go beyond classical constructions. It is even possible to construct in 3D using advanced macros. * Other geometries, hyperbolic or elliptic, can be explored. C.a.R. is a Java driven program running on all modern platforms. Constructions and assignments can be embedded into web pages easily. C.a.R. can be used free of charge, and the source is available under GPL. R. Grothmann Impressum