AAAAA SSSSS TTTTTTT RRRRRR OOOOO L OOOOO GGGGG A A S S T R R O O L O O G G A A S T R R O O L O O G AAAAAAA SSSSS T RRRRRR O O L O O G GGGG A A S T R R O O L O O G G A A S S T R R O O L O O G G A A SSSSS T R R OOOOO LLLLLLL OOOOO GGGGG F O R O S / 2 PRERELEASE NOTES: - The influence analysis system is in an interim state. It will be reasonably stable in the beta and in a working state in the final alpha. Eventually there will be a new influence control settings dialog, as well as influence displays per sign and house. - User settings as stored in the user profile will not be loaded in full by this and other prereleases. The reason is the many changes to the internal data structures. Updating from the beta to the final release should load all your settings. Revision 1.2 ALPHA 6c (2007-06-26) ---------------------------------- - Revised Sankhya Yoga algorithm to follow the simple count as closely as possible. Without outer planets enabled the integral part should now be identical to the simple count. Outer planets can sometimes raise or lower the integral part in borderline cases. - All 'Universal Time' time zone references now read UTC (the proper name). In chart info dialogs you can now also select two additional time zones from the drop-down list, UTC+12 and UTC-12, as well as enter UTC+11:30 with the expected result. - Synchronized Houses also adjust sidereal charts. - Fixed: Missing ephemeris file(s) no longer cause repeated popups and do not crash the program. - Navamsa Symmetric is now Experimental and called just that. - Default zodiac is yet again the tropical. Fix 1.2 ALPHA 6b (2007-04-24) ----------------------------- - Default planet weights are now the ones to be expected in Alpha 7. They will be showcased on the Sankhya Yoga page on for those interested in verifying the numbers listed for the famous and infamous. - Graphics: Per user request default glyphs for Capricorn and Lilith are now European. You can change this under "Obscure Settings". In the process of making this change a bug was discovered and fixed so that the correct glyph for Lilith is actually available. - Aspect restrictions are now implemented in a similar way to planet restrictions. This makes all kinds of aspect restrictions work as expected (no mysterious orb values showing up after restricting an aspect type nor the inability to unrestrict, and other ugliness). - Fixed: Trying to step through chart files when no chart file was yet associated would crash the program. - The default Zodiac is now the Sidereal. Fix 1.2 ALPHA 6a (2007-03-26) ----------------------------- - Freezing or crashing Dispositor Graphs using unusual rulerships: Temporarily fixed by restoring classical rulerships. Signs are assigned following maximum distance from the Earth. As a result Mars and the Moon are now manly, Venus and the Sun womanly, and so on. You should be able to change these rulerships in the astrolog.cfg file if you so wish. - Enabling sidebar and adding a lot of extra points including uranians caused a floating point divide by zero exception for zero weight Poseidon. - Incomplete and incorrect default data initialization fixed. Default weight values revised yet again. - Sidereal zodiac offset as set with the -s switch or the dialog setting "Ayanamsa adjustment" no longer affects the tropical zodiac. Nor does it affect the Local Horizon chart. - Ascendant and MC are no longer modified by Synchronized Houses. Their tropical values are available as for other house systems so long as the tropical zodiac is in effect. - Aspect listing fixed to display aspects in real order of importance. You can modify the listing by changing the weights assigned to planets and aspect types, as well as using the orb controls in the Aspect Settings dialog. Setting both controls to 100% should exclude all aspects not by sign and include all others. Graphical charts, however, only consider orb and do not draw aspect lines for aspects of less than 1/15 strength (based on actual orb relative maximum orb allowed for the particular aspect). Version 1.2 ALPHA 6 (2007-01-05) -------------------------------- - Synchronized Houses This new house system combines the best of tropical and sidereal astrology. It also flips house numbering from counter- clockwise to clockwise for womanly rising signs, providing symmetric sign assignments with their manly counterparts. - Sankhya Yoga This metric is displayed in the sidebar of graphics charts. It recognizes the seven core planets plus Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Lilith. With only the seven core planets enabled this is the Jyotish value tuned according to planetary weights. - Plenty of minor changes and additions as well as a few fixes including: Scribble kept on repaint, easy stepping through of charts, aspect strengths emphasize peaks using sine squared, more sensible aspect listing. Version 1.2 ALPHA 3 (2004-05-17) -------------------------------- - Peaks available in synastry charts (makes these consistent with the other comparison charts). - Astrological help listings completed. Listing for signs and houses include rulers (as set by default or by the user). Listing for planets and points include secondary exaltation and debilitation columns. Aspect listing only lists enabled aspects. - Astrological 'Meanings' listing added. Text has been written from scratch. - World atlas menu command under help. It will open an URL object by default pointing to the AstroDienst website. The accelerator is CTRL-W. Minor changes or improvements: - Helpfile and other text files opened by the program use object open honoring any associations the user may have established for the files in question. - Text chart changes: Text can now be selected more freely both using the keyboard and the mouse. The default font has been changed to Courier. In the beta any changes to the default will be saved, but at present they are not! Most (if not all) text charts now start off with a short heading such as the one for chart listings. - Graphics: Retrograde and stationary points have lines slightly brighter than those in direct motion. Implementation change: - Text: Since no interest in mixed color charts has been expressed the MLE control has been reintroduced, but this time using subclassing to have the text scroll immediately as the user moves the slider. Fixes: - Aspect controls and heliocentric chart crashes fixed. Fix 1.2 ALPHA 2a (2004-04-05) ----------------------------- - A lot of fixes and small improvements including: Toggling of house peaks; Dual, triple and quadruple wheels; heliocentric charts; aspect list with separating and applying; glyphs (house numbers) displayed for peaks in comparison charts; when upgrading program defaults are available using the "defaults" dialog buttons. Version 1.2 ALPHA 2 (2004-02-13) -------------------------------- - House peaks calculated by the various house systems. Twelve 'peak' objects have been added (one for each house). For houses a planet at a house peak strongly influences the house it is in and also aspects all other houses making it infinitely more influential than another planet right on the cusp of two different houses. A planet on a peak is of direct concern to you. A planet on a cusp is in a state of neglect. Since house cusps are always drawn (both in the original and this version), they have been replaced by 'Peaks' in the restriction and house settings dialogs. For most western house systems the peaks coincide with the cusps, but for whole sign and jyotish houses they fall somewhere in between the cusps following the Ascendant. The peaks are drawn as dashed lines in the colors of the houses they belong to. The -YP switch replaces -YC (only conjunctions are accepted to peaks and all aspects ignored). - Added divisional chart menu. Navamsa is a new division in this update. In navamsa each sign is divided into ninths. It is used in Jyotish for assessing the strength of planets in general and for matters of the 9th house in particular. - Cusps available for all houses (independent of the directions, which are also always available). In the original program either the cusps or the four directions were available (as objects), but not both. Both directions and cusps are simultaneously available. As a result the -Yc switch (switching between cusps as angles or as actual cusps) has been removed. - The Moon's Nodes available at all times (as is Lilith). In the original program Lilith and the South Node shared the same object number. This is no longer the case. As a direct consequence the South Node is now also available with the Placalc option selected. - Setting 'orb by sign/house increase' semantically changed so that 100% means an orb increase by the whole sign/house instead of an orb increase relative to the basic orb. In short the 100% percent setting should always include all aspects by sign/house. In the alpha this is limited to interplanetary contacts and peak-planet conjunctions. - Influence calculations rearranged and revised. The next update will feature even more influence settings and a lot of tuning under the hood. - Graphics wheels now have a defined 'object zone'. Inside the object zone ring (dashed) only aspect lines are drawn and nothing else. The peak of the first house is always straight out from the center to the left. - The Placalc ('Use ephemeris') option is on by default. The Matrix routines otherwise used are OK only for the last century. For historic and future dates ephemeris should be used. Even then ancient positions for Uranus through Pluto should not be relied upon. - Trimming: Maximum orbs are calculated once and only once for any given chart. Mostly for reasons of program consistency, but it will not hurt performance either. Minor changes or additions: - Graphics sidebar: For sidereal geocentric charts the Ayanamsa is shown in the heading "Sidereal". Also, all non-house objects are listed, not just planets. Fixes: - Graphics drawing is now completely naturalized on OS/2. As a result lines should begin and end where you expect them to. The Gauquelin sectors are better aligned with their labels. Version 1.2 ALPHA ----------------- - Brand new influence calculation scheme advanced enough to actually be useful. The system is based on planets, signs, houses and aspects. For planets retrogradation is considered (in the beta also brightness for the sun and the moon). For signs and houses rulership and exaltation (soon also fall and debilitation). For houses focus (states of concern and neglect). For aspects natural, and unnatural harmonic and dynamic. For signs influences are redistributed following dispositor trees. - Orb considered by sign for two planetary objects and by house for combinations involvng a house object. - Fixed zero orbs from crashing. *** Version 1.01 *** - Extended input limits for name and location to 63 characters each. - Ctrl-Insert is now working (copies selected text or currently viewed bitmap to the clipboard). *** Version 1.00 *** - Printing of both text and graphics implemented. Be sure to reverse background when printing graphics on paper, and turn off color if using a monochrome printer. - Chart swapping (to make two-way synastry quicker). - Menu items for creating, opening and editing chart #2 directly. - Triple and quadruple wheels. - Fixes: Sporadic crashes due to buggy chart saving, crashes occuring while resizing window having graphical sidebar, and crashing after restriction of all objects. - The calendar graphics display is no longer upside-down. Known problems reported and to be addressed: - PostScript saving produces mirrored output in GhostView. *** Version 0.99 *** - Dynamic scrolling (tracking slider) in both graphics and text displays. - MLE control replaced by custom solution with keyboard scrolling. This solution may be somewhat faster and will also make it possible to display text in different colors. Please let me know if you are interested, since that will provide the motivation I need. - Changes allowing for planetary orbs (used in classical astrology). Defaults have been changed for planets and aspect settings. - DrawWheel: Fixed alignment of lines and arcs. XChartWheel and XChartWheelRelation: Aspect lines are dotted according to dynamic orb (instead of fixed aspect orbs). - ChartAspectRelation: Upgraded 16-bit legacy limit to INT_MAX, so that also the most important inter aspects are included... - GetAspInf: Orb power weighed and smoothed by a sine function (less than half orb means more power, more than half orb means less power, power changes very slowly at the extremes). *** Version 0.98 *** - Completely revised influence calculation for objects and aspects. All calculations are the same throughout the program. The graphics sidebar summary, text summary and text influence chart use the same basic calculations. Pretty much everything is controlled by user settings. - Aspect list fixed and improved. Now considers dynamic object influence as part of power calculation. Geometric mean has replaced the old arithmetic (a zero influence object will only produce zero influence aspects). - The element/mode/sign summaries now take aspect influence into account as well as object placement and planet personalization. A boosted ruler also boosts its sign or signs. These summaries are now almost identical to the text influence chart with sign influences enabled (see "Chart Setting Details"). The only major difference is that Ascendant and MC sign placements are included in the summaries if they are enabled under "Object Restrictions". The summaries are as earlier normalized around 100, so that values indicate percentage of average sign influence in the chart. - When using the sidereal zodiac Jyotish houses produces results identical to Whole houses. - Fixed: Globe graphics (no criss-crossing lines). - Default animation interval changed to 100 ms. The setting is now persistent between program runs, so if you want to change it back to 1000 ms or any other setting, no problem. - The chart collection that was previously distributed with the program is now available separately (See readme for more info) *** Version 0.97 *** - Extended customization: The aspects and calculation settings dialogs have been extended with user controls affecting things like what aspects are included based on orb and sign, and how different factors are weighed in the element mode summary. This update contains a few fixes and small enhancements. - The new house system introduced in version 0.96 now uses the properly calculated sidereal offset used for the sidereal zodiac. This ancient Indian style of equal houses can now be combined with the tropical zodiac to perhaps gain the best of the two worlds. A fix relevant to the OS/2 version found in Astrolog 5.40 has been incorporated: - Fixed -YJ bug: The -YJ switch which allows changing what signs each planet rules, wouldn't also update a reverse table which given a sign indicates which planet rules it. This would cause -YJ to have seemingly no effect on the sign list table, the influence chart, and the dispositor graph. A couple of small enhancements in Astrolog 5.40 for windows have been implemented: - Improved glyphs: Astrolog now has higher resolution graphic glyphs for sign symbols and house numbers. Before, some glyphs drawn at the default 200% or medium scale and up would look slightly blocky. Now, with a alternate "internal font" of double sized glyphs, the medium ones are smooth to the nearest pixel like the small glyphs are. The glyph for the Quintile aspect has also been improved. - Dialog extension: The sidereal zodiac degree adjustment field in the Calculation Settings dialog has been fitted with a dropdown making it possible to quickly select among several common systems of sidereal astrology. The values in it are 0:00 for Fagan Bradley, 0:53 (0 degrees 53') for N.C. Lahiri, 0:59 (0 degrees 59') for Krishnamurti, and 2:20 (or 2 degrees 20') for B.V. Raman. Additional change specific to the OS/2 version: - The Julian day number is now displayed in the info side bar for graphics charts. *** Version 0.96 *** - An additional house system called Jyotish Houses. In this system the first house always contains the Ascendant, but the Ascendant is not necessarily the starting point of the first house. - Dwad positions. - All dialogs are now fully converted to Warp 4 meaning reduced footprints and more aesthetic looks. - Defaults buttons in dialogs having them are now working. *** Version 0.95 *** - Displays, in the titlebar, the full file name associated with the currently selected buffer. - Saves changes to object and aspect settings automatically. - Refined chart summary. Boosts the ruler (coruler if no primary ruler has been assigned) of the Sun, Moon and rising signs. The boost is calculated from the weights assigned to these three indicators and is also dependent on the base weights assigned to the boosted bodies. - A few ugly bugs in the new buffer system have been fixed. - If a house system is undefined for a chart a warning will be displayed noting that the Equal House System will be used instead. *** Version 0.94 *** - Comparison charts - Easy switching between four chart buffers (in other words four charts can be opened simultaneously). Contents preserved between runs. - A few settings dialogs have been refreshed and a new one added for consistency. - Improved menu layout (including a new "comparison" pull-down menu) - More accelerators - Relocation using the world map has been fixed. *** Version 0.93 *** - Improved birth chart summary now taking house placement into account and normalizing values so that 100 indicates "normal" distribution. All values are relative to the internal average. In order to compare different birth charts the value in parenthesis must be multiplied with the grid value of interest. - Saves current chart info between runs. This includes current file name (if there is any). Also loads filename when opening a chart by double-clicking on it. *** Version 0.92 *** Significantly improved performance on repaint including scrolling. New functionality include: - Copying of select text to the clipboard. - OS/2 bitmap save (currently uncompressed!). - Standard OS/2 user profile (INI file) will eventually eliminate the need for a separate config file. - Preserving size and position of main window between runs. - Most menu and dialog settings should get automatically saved on exit (chart type, mode, calculation features, etc.). If you miss something let me know! Minor improvements and bug fixes include: - A couple of charts are no longer upside-down. - Caption (one-line text) in supported graphics charts. - Local time properly calculated (LT in drop-down list box). - Exaltation is considered in element/mode summary. Many minor fixes as well. Special note to Matrox users Unfortunately this version also reveals bugs in the Matrox graphics drivers leaving incomplete ellipses no matter how you twist and turn. *** Version 0.91 *** This update can be passed a chart file as a command-line argument, enabling direct opening of chart files if associated with the Astrolog executable. In addition original command line parsing should now work reasonably. New functionality include: - Scribble (simple drawing using the mouse). - Help file opened in the System Editor via F1. - Astrolog for OS/2 can be associated with chart files. Minor improvements and bug fixes include: - Time zone calculation working for western zones. - Complete command line argument parsing. - Improved appearance of the chart dialogs (WarpSans font). - Arrow keys can be used for scrolling. - Chart save uses the correct Astrolog time zone format. --