AAAAA SSSSS TTTTTTT RRRRRR OOOOO L OOOOO GGGGG A A S S T R R O O L O O G G A A S T R R O O L O O G AAAAAAA SSSSS T RRRRRR O O L O O G GGGG A A S T R R O O L O O G G A A S S T R R O O L O O G G A A SSSSS T R R OOOOO LLLLLLL OOOOO GGGGG F O R O S / 2 T E C H N I C A L P R E V I E W Version 2.0 Technical Preview (TP15) ==================================== This is a prerelease of Astrolog for OS/2 and not a final release. As a general rule all prerelease versions should be used for testing purposes only. For a technical preview this is especially true! Some features are only partially implemented. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please report any problems with the software and your ideas for improvement to the developer. Thanks for participating! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New in this preview ------------------- * Fixed integrity score (dispositor code). * Graphics: Sidebar lists planetary dignity. * Help/Meanings listing (slightly revised) New in this TP13 ---------------- * Configurable default rising sign (Aquarius is the default). * File dialogs honor ASTROLOG_HOME environment variable. * Help/Meanings listing (greatly revised) * Highly preliminary integrity score now includes first dispositor * Many bugs fixed and other changes. More details will hopefully be available in later previews. About Astrolog -------------- Astrolog is a classic when it comes to astrology software, not only is it 100 percent open source software, but it is also the most complete, and most flexible astrology calculation program ever made freely available. Thanks to the original author Walter D. Pullen, Astrolog is already available on multiple platforms, including DOS, Windows, Mac and Unix. Permission for this independent port and the name "Astrolog for OS/2" has been granted by the original author. Astrolog for OS/2 ----------------- This port of the original Astrolog software for 16-bit MS Windows to 32-bit IBM OS/2 compares to the Windows version (5.30) as follows. In the list below a minus sign precedes original functionality not ported. A plus sign indicates functionality not found in the original Windows version. An exclamation mark precedes functionality previously omitted. Functional changes: - Basic interpretations (report function to be implemented) - Arabic parts (unlikely to get implemented) - Biorythm (unlikely to get implemented) - Windows bitmap save (unlikely to get implemented) + OS/2 bitmap save. + Sidereal whole sign houses (aka Synchronized Houses). + Sankhya Yoga (Jyotish). NEW + Integrity score (planetary dignity based on zodiac placement and interactions among the planets themselves such as war and light cast by the Sun). NEW + Extended chart information including tags and rodden ratings. NEW + Extended dispositor screen NEW + House peaks (makes a difference for whole sign houses). + Long filenames (if supported by the filesystem). + Divisional charts modify houses. + Dwadasamsa division. + Remembers size and position of main window. + Automatic saving of all settings on exit. + Chart info caching (automatic resume). + Easy switching between four chart slots. + Chart slot swapping (to ease synastry work). + Chart ring rotation (primary chart slot always in the center) NEW + Localized time and date formats. NEW + In addition to local time and date formats also recognizes ISO, US and German dates as input in chart info dialog. NEW + Calendar can be specified for any date (suffix a date with a capital J for Julian or a capital G for Gregorian). NEW + Time zone automatically picked up if the environment variable TZ has been set in config.sys, to test select the "Now" push button in the chart dialog or press ctrl+z. + Clear and non-conflicting UTC-based time zone designations. No confusing daylight savings setting. + Also recognizes direction based time zone values such as 7W for 7 hours west and 2E for 2 hours east. NEW + Chart files can be easily associated with the executable. + Chart files in the current directory can be quickly opened in sequence (Next, Previous, First, Last). NEW + Copying of select text to the clipboard. + Adjustment of aspect lines to orb (instead of a fixed 2 degrees). + Aspect trimming, by sign and out of sign. + Sine function for power reduction following orb. ! Command line dialog (direct access to command line switches). NEW ? Influence summary in the sidebar for graphics charts with values for signs, elements and modes normalized around 100. - Future uncertain, please provide some feedback if you are interested in this feature. ? Automatic chart analysis (ACA) advanced and accurate enough to be of practical use. The system aims to provide accurate ranking of planets as well as signs in a chart. - Version 1.0 calculations are to be completely replaced by a new and much more comprehensive system in version 2.0. Operational improvements: + Faster chart drawing. + Repaint instead of redraw when possible (disabled in this version for stability reasons). + Transit and other listings scrollable without recalculation. Functionality yet to be implemented: * Extended chart information: Multiple events per file. * Chart information dialog: More useful Atlas button (currently diabled). * Automatic Chart Analysis: Scores for individual planets, fortune score, plus more accurate integrity score. * Chart wheels: Easier to read planetary positions. * Many other features such as crude stats may get implemented on the way to final release. The following will probably have to wait until version 2.1: * Report function (user editable interpretation texts) * Major Yogas (jyotish) * Chart search Support OS/2 Software Development --------------------------------- Since this application has been ported and extended for free your donations are welcome! As a supporter you will receive program updates at least two weeks in advance. You can also feel yourself extra entitled to personal support. Your questions or comments regarding the software or astrology are always welcome. My sincere thanks for your support!! The main features in Astrolog for OS/2 -------------------------------------- Position calculation features: Positions of Sun through Pluto and the house cusps. Positions of Chiron and the four main asteroids. Positions of True and Mean nodes, Vertex, and East Point. Positions of Lilith. Positions of the eight Uranian planets. Positions of over 40 fixed stars. Option to use any or all of accurate 8400 year ephemeris. Computation features: Fifteen house systems. Tropical and sidereal zodiac. Specify zodiac starting position / ayanamsa. Heliocentric and other planet centered charts. Applying and separating aspects. Parallel and contraparallel aspects. Harmonic charts. Solar charts with objects on Ascendant or Midheaven. Divisional charts: Drekkana, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa. Specify your own positions for planets. Positions relative to ecliptic or equator. Local horizon positions in prime vertical coordinates. Display formats: Generic position listing. Wheel charts. Aspect and midpoint grids. List aspect configurations such as Yods. List aspects sorted by influence. List midpoints sorted by position. Local horizon positions. Times of planets rising and setting. Solar system orbit charts. Gauquelin sector charts. Astro-graph charts. List latitude crossings in astro-graph charts. Generic monthly and yearly calendars. Ephemeris tables. Transit and progression features: Secondary progressions and solar arc progressions. Specify your own progression rate. Times of exact aspects among transiting planets. Times of planets changing sign or direction. Times of lunar phases and season changes. Times of exact aspects in a progressed chart. Times of exact transit hits. Times of transits to house cusps. Times of solar, lunar, and other returns. Times of exact transits from progressed planets. List transits to natal planets within orb in influence order. List aspects within orb among transiting planets in influence order. Transits to composite and other no-time charts. Relationship chart features: Synastry charts. Composite charts. Time space midpoint charts. Weighted relationship charts. Display elapsed time between charts. Aspect and midpoint grids between two charts. Aspect and midpoint lists between two charts. Automatic progressed to natal comparison chart. Influence assessment features: Influence listing sorting planets and signs by influence. Sign, Element and Mode summary for graphic wheels. Graphics features: Graphic wheel chart. Graphic bi-wheel comparison / transit chart. Graphic tri-wheels and quad-wheels. Graphic aspect / midpoint and relationship aspect / midpoint grids. Graphic astro-graph chart on a map of the world. Graphic local and polar horizon, Gauquelin wheel, and orbit charts. Graphic ephemeris tracking chart. Graphic calendars. Dispositor graph chart. Plot positions among the astronomical constellations. Smoothly animate charts through time at varying rates. Continuously update chart to current moment now. Animate a rotating globe. Timed exposures for horizon and orbit charts. Create PostScript graphic files. Customization options: Initialization file for default settings. Choose what transiting and natal planets to include in charts. Choose among 18 major and minor aspects, or define your own. Specify aspect orbs. Specify the maximum orb allowed to a planet. Specify wider orbs for any planet. Display zodiac positions to the nearest second. ISO or American time and date formats. Display locations in hours & minutes or 360 degree form. Customize colors. Define your own orbital elements for planets. Choose among graphic glyphs for certain signs and planets. Specify influence of planets and planets when transiting. Specify influence of houses and aspects. Chart access features: Quick charts for the current moment now. Save and load chart information to file. Save and load chart positions to file. Save text output directly to file. Relocate charts. Cast a chart a specified time ahead of any chart. Astrolog for OS/2 system requirements ------------------------------------- Any system running OS/2 Warp 4.5 or later. It may run on earlier versions, but this has not been tested. Early versions of OS/2 Warp will not run this software due to dependency on new system functions. The source code for this version was compiled and linked using Open Watcom C 1.8 (C99), OS/2 Warp 4.5 libraries, and the resource compiler included in the Warp 4.5 toolkit. Where to get Astrolog for OS/2 ------------------------------ This independent port of Astrolog to OS/2 is archived at the public OS/2 shareware and free software archive Hobbes: In case you cannot reach Hobbes, or you want the latest info on Astrolog for OS/2 you may visit its home page (see top). The Astrolog Homepage (The Original) ------------------------------------ Ephemeris and general info about Astrolog as well as links to related sites can be found at the Astrolog homepage: Here you will also be able to find the original source code for Astrolog as well as binaries for MS Windows. Ephemeris --------- Ephemeris files are not required but provide more accurate positions. The anonymous FTP site maintained by Astrodienst AG in Switzerland has all the Placalc ephemeris files available at the following url. The files are in groups with xx being a number indicating the time period covered. The three files LRZ5_24, CHI_24, and CPJV_24 cover the period 16 November 1858 through 31 August 2132. Copies of these files are already in the end user package. Legal notices ------------- The graphics database and chart display routines used in this program are copyright (c) 1991-1996 by Walter D. Pullen ( Permission is granted to freely use and distribute these routines provided one doesn't sell, restrict, or profit from them in any way. Modification is allowed provided these notices remain with any altered or edited versions of the program. The main planetary calculation routines used in this program are copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a conversion to C of routines created by James Neely. The copyright gives us permission to use the routines for personal use but not to sell them or financially profit from them in any way. The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed and copyright (c) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby. Conditions are identical to those above. The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from the calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and copyright (c) 1989, 1991, 1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl The use of that source code is subject to regulations made by Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the public domain. This copyright notice must not be changed or removed by any user of this program. This customized and extended port of the original program for 16-bit MS Windows to 32-bit IBM OS/2 is copyright (c) 1998-2009 by Magnus Olsson. None of these notices may be changed or removed for any reason. --