For any users in Australia/NZ/Fiji Islands who are getting connected to Telstra-ISDN and their local equivalent, the Telstra Network Termination Unit is the NT1 Plus II manufactured by Open Networks in NZ. Associated Software, also by them, is only for M$-variants and Apple Mac 9/X. The initialisation strings to enter in Injoy are the following: "ATZ!Z=9!T0=255E0V1&D2&C1" PPP(64Kb)single 'B' channel + 'D' control channel. "ATZ!Z=9!T0=0!T2=10!T4=0E0V1&D2&C1" for Multilink PPP (128Kb) dual'B' +D' channel "ATZ!Z=9!T0=0!T2=10!T4=1E0V1&D2&C1" for Multilink PPPDVO (128Kb) dual'B' +D' channel I only have a single extra digital line (saves $4.40/month rental), so can only confirm that the 64Kb PPP works as advertised. I assume that the MLPPP drops back to single B channel when inbound call detected, and MLPPPDVO is for 2 fixed B channels. Only difference between these last two is the value of T4 argument. Measured rate using ZDNet's facilities in US over www from Australia reported 55Kbps overall. Dial on Demand logged 132 calls here this month [February 1st - 08:54:11 ago] totalling 54 minutes. Information from Mike O'Connor.