=============================================================================== install.doc emx 0.9d INSTALLATION GUIDE 21-Dec-1998 =============================================================================== Copyright (c) 1990-1998 by Eberhard Mattes Introduction ------------ Welcome to emx 0.9d, an environment for creating 32-bit programs for OS/2 (and DOS) with the GNU C compiler. To use the GNU C compiler with emx, you need at least emxrt.zip emx runtime package emxdev1.zip Files required for developing programs with emx (part 1) emxdev2.zip Files required for developing programs with emx (part 2) gnudev1.zip The GNU C compiler, the GNU debugger, and other tools (part 1) gnudev2.zip The GNU C compiler, the GNU debugger, and other tools (part 2) gppdev1.zip Additional files for GCC required for compiling C++ programs gobjcdev.zip Additional files for GCC required for compiling programs written in the Objective C language and unzip.exe a free program for unpacking ZIP files The following packages are optional: emxview.zip emx documentation in OS/2 .inf format emxsrcd1.zip Source for emx devlopment tools (part 1) emxsrcd2.zip Source for emx devlopment tools (part 2) emxsrcr.zip Source for the emx runtime package emxample.zip Sample programs emxtest.zip Test programs (used for testing emx and the libraries) gnuview.zip emxgnu.inf (emxgnu.doc in OS/2 .inf format) gnudoc.zip Documentation for GNU programs (texinfo sources etc.) gnuinfo.zip GNU texinfo (includes info file browser) gnupat.zip patches for GNU sources gnusrc.zip Patched GNU sources (info, termcap, GPPDEMID) gbinusrc.zip Patched GNU sources (ld, ar, nm, size, strip, objdump, gprof) gccsrc1.zip Patched GNU sources (GCC 2.8.1, part 1) gccsrc2.zip Patched GNU sources (GCC 2.8.1, part 2) gccsrc3.zip Patched GNU sources (GCC 2.8.1, part 3) gdbsrc1.zip Patched GNU sources (GDB 4.16, part 1) gdbsrc2.zip Patched GNU sources (GDB 4.16, part 2) gppdev2.zip libg++ gppsrc1.zip Patched sources of libstdc++ gppsrc2.zip Patched sources of libg++ bsddev.zip BSD programs (gprof) and libraries (curses etc.) bsddoc.zip Documentation for BSD libraries bsdsrc.zip Source for BSD libraries Preliminary tasks ----------------- IMPORTANT! If there is an older version of emx already installed, you should delete the old version or rename the old directory. Installing a new version over an old version is NOT RECOMMENDED. Some of the emx batch files (such as texi2dvi.cmd) require REXX to be installed. If you haven't installed REXX, use Selective Install to install it. (Note to DOS users: REXX is OS/2's batch file language.) emx 0.9c and later break some versions of Siegfried Hanisch's ScreenSaver. Either upgrade to version 2.6 or disable ScreenSaver before installing emx 0.9c or later. Otherwise, your system will freeze. Installing the packages ----------------------- You should install all the packages on the same drive. For instance, use c: cd \ unzip emxrt to install the emxrt.zip package on drive C:. PKUNZIP cannot be used. All the files will be installed in the \emx subdirectory or in subdirectories thereof. The other packages are installed the same way. If the emx DLLs are in use, unzip won't be able to replace them. emxrt.doc (or emxrt.inf) explains how to use emxuzdll to update the DLLs while they are in use. After unpacking the emx runtime and development system packages, you'll find further information in the following files: \emx\doc\COPYING.EMX emx & library license, license overview \emx\doc\COPYING GNU General Public License \emx\doc\install.doc Installation guide \emx\doc\emxrt.doc User's guide to the emx runtime package \emx\doc\emxdev.doc Application developer's guide \emx\doc\emxlib.doc C library reference \emx\doc\build.doc Compiling the sources \emx\doc\history.doc Change log \emx\doc\future.doc Things to do \emx\book\emxrt.inf .inf version of emxrt.doc \emx\book\emxdev.inf .inf version of emxdev.doc (optional) \emx\book\emxlib.inf .inf version of emxlib.doc (optional) After unpacking the GNU and BSD packages, you'll find further information in the following files: \emx\doc\COPYING GNU General Public License \emx\doc\COPYING.LIB GNU Library General Public License \emx\doc\COPYING.BSD BSD license (for libraries bsd and curses) \emx\doc\COPYING.SCP Additional information for stdc++ library \emx\doc\emxgnu.doc GNU development tools information \emx\doc\emxbsd.doc BSD library information \emx\doc\NEWS.GCC Changes in GCC \emx\doc\NEWS.GDB Changes in GDB \emx\gnu\doc\bounds\README Richard W.M. Jones's bounds checking patches \emx\book\emxgnu.inf .inf version of emxgnu.doc (optional) \emx\book\emxbsd.inf .inf version of emxbsd.doc If you have used emx before, read history.doc first. Setting environment variables ----------------------------- OS/2 users should set the environment variables in config.sys, DOS users should set the environment variables in autoexec.bat. Beware of blanks at the end of the lines! Developing programs on drive different from the installation drive ------------------------------------------------------------------ If you want to develop programs on a drive different from the drive where emx is installed, you have to set the C_INCLUDE_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH environment variables, for instance, set C_INCLUDE_PATH=c:/emx/include set LIBRARY_PATH=c:/emx/lib If you want to compile C++ programs, set CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH as well: set CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=c:/emx/include/cpp;c:/emx/include The genclass utility needs the following environment variable: set PROTODIR=c:/emx/include/cpp/gen If you want to compile programs written in the Objective C language, set OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH as well: set OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH=c:/emx/include Speeding up compilation ----------------------- When compiling projects consisting of many modules (such as libraries) under OS/2, you can speed up compilation if you have enough memory by keeping GCC in memory. For example, to keep GCC in memory for 5 minutes, use set GCCLOAD=5 To make GCC use pipes instead of temporary files under OS/2, use set GCCOPT=-pipe Setting up termcap ------------------ To use GDB (the GNU debugger) and info (the GNU info browser) and other programs that use termcap, set the TERM and TERMCAP environment variables: set TERM=mono set TERMCAP=c:/emx/etc/termcap.dat Setting up the info browser --------------------------- Set the INFOPATH environment variable for info: set INFOPATH=c:/emx/info Setting up on-line documentation in OS/2 .inf format ---------------------------------------------------- To use the emx documentation in OS/2 .inf format, append c:\emx\book to the BOOKSHELF environment variable and define an environment variable which tells VIEW how to concatenate the .inf files. Example: set BOOKSHELF=C:\OS2\BOOK;C:\EMX\BOOK set EMXBOOK=emxdev.inf+emxlib.inf+emxgnu.inf+emxbsd.inf (If you have not installed emxbsd.zip, omit `+emxbsd.inf' from EMXBOOK.) To use the .inf files with EPM (the OS/2 Enhanced Editor), add the following line to your config.sys file: set HELPNDX=emxbook.ndx If HELPNDX is already set in your config.sys file, add emxbook.ndx to the end of the HELPNDX variable, separated by a + character. Moreover, you should add c:\emx\book to the DPATH environment variable: set DPATH=...;c:\emx\book where ... is the previous value of DPATH. Setting up on-line help for pmgdb --------------------------------- To use pmgdb's on-line help, append c:\emx\help to the HELP environment variable. Finishing the installation -------------------------- To finish the installation, add c:\emx\bin (insert the correct drive letter) to your PATH. Add c:\emx\dll (insert the correct drive letter) to the LIBPATH statement in your config.sys file. Reboot your computer to enable the new LIBPATH statement and the new environment variables. Creating desktop objects ------------------------ After rebooting, you can create a folder containing icons for the on-line books by typing emxinst Creating the OMF libraries -------------------------- To create the OMF libraries (for linking with LINK386), type the following commands after installing emx: cd \emx\lib omflibs The omflibs batch file builds .lib files from .a files. If you install (after running omflibs) a package containing additional .a files , you should run omflibs again to build the .lib files for the new package. Using long file names for header files on HPFS ---------------------------------------------- You need `sed' for the following procedure. GNU sed is available for anonymous ftp: ftp.leo.org: /pub/comp/os/os2/leo/gnu/systools/gnused.zip To rename and patch the header files for HPFS, type cd \emx\include long You can revert to the short names for FAT by typing cd \emx\include short Trouble shooting ---------------- If OS/2 says SYS1804: The system cannot find the file EMX. when running a program compiled for emx, you haven't set LIBPATH correctly. If programs print `WARNING: emx 0.9d or later required', an out-of-date version of emx.dll is active. Make sure that the latest version of emx.dll is in a directory pointed to by the LIBPATH statement in your config.sys file. Use emxrev -p c:\config.sys to list all emx dynamic link libraries reachable by the LIBPATH statement of c:\config.sys (use the drive letter of your boot drive instead of c:). To simplify things, you should keep only one version of each DLL. Older programs work with newer emx DLLs, but not vice versa. Compiling sample programs ------------------------- Install the emxample.zip package: c: cd \ unzip emxample Compile the sieve program (optimizer enabled): cd \emx\samples gcc -O2 sieve.c Run the sieve program: sieve sieve 100000 sieve -p 100 Compile the hello program (C++): gcc hello.cc -lstdcpp (Note that \emx\samples\hello.cc has been added by emxfix02.zip.) A `makefile', \emx\samples\makefile, is provided for use with any `make' utility (such as dmake, GNU make, NMAKE). If you have a make utility installed, just type make cpp-samples to build all the C++ sample programs. See the makefile for further make targets. Sample debugging session ------------------------ Compile the sieve program for debugging: cd \emx\samples gcc -g sieve.c Start the debugger and step through some lines: [C:\EMX\SAMPLES]gdb sieve.exe GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it under certain conditions; type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB; type "show warranty" for details. GDB 4.16 (emx), Copyright 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc... (gdb) set arg 100 <- set command line (gdb) b isqrt <- set breakpoint Breakpoint 1 at 0x1003e: file sieve.c, line 45. (gdb) run <- start program Starting program: c:/emx/samples/sieve.exe 10 Breakpoint 1, isqrt (x=100) at sieve.c:45 45 l = 1; r = x; (gdb) s <- step over one line 46 while (l < r) (gdb) l <- list source 41 static ULONG isqrt (ULONG x) 42 { 43 ULONG l, r, m; 44 45 l = 1; r = x; 46 while (l < r) 47 { 48 m = (l+r) / 2; 49 if (m > 46340) m = 46340; 50 if (m*m < x) (gdb) disp l <- watch variable 1: l = 1 (gdb) disp r <- watch variable 2: r = 100 (gdb) s 5 <- step over five lines 53 r = m-1; 2: r = 100 1: l = 1 (gdb) p m*m <- show expression $1 = 2500 (gdb) cont <- continue program Continuing. 25 primes <- output of program Program exited normally. (gdb) q <- quit gdb [C:\EMX\TEST] OS/2 users can use pmgdb, a Presentation Manager front end for GDB, to simplify operating GDB and to debug Presentation Manager applications: [C:\EMX\TEST]pmgdb sieve.exe 100 After starting pmgdb, select Tutorial from the Help menu. Viewing OS/2 .inf files ----------------------- If you've installed the optional emxview.zip and gnuview.zip packages, you can use the OS/2 VIEW utility to view a hypertext version of emxdev.doc, emxlib.doc, emxgnu.doc and emxbsd.doc. If you've added c:\emx\book to the BOOKSHELF environment variable and defined the EMXBOOK environment variable (see above), type view emxbook to view the concatenated .inf files. To get help for, say, printf(), type view emxbook printf If you haven't set the environment variables, type view c:\emx\book\emxdev to view emxdev.inf. If you've properly set the HELPNDX and DPATH environment variables, you can use the kwhelp (Ctrl-H) command of EPM to get on-line help for the function at the cursor. With emxbook.ndx, all four books are required to be installed. If you haven't installed all the books, use a subset of emxdev.ndx, emxlib.ndx, emxgnu.ndx and emxbsd.ndx in the HELPNDX environment variable. emxbook.ndx contains all entries of emxdev.ndx, emxlib.ndx, emxgnu.ndx and emxbsd.ndx, pointing to `emxbook'. Setting the EMXBOOK environment variable as explained above causes the three books to be concatenated and named `emxbook'. Viewing the GNU on-line manuals ------------------------------- To view the GCC, GDB, etc. manuals, unpack gnudoc.zip and gnuinfo.zip and install info (see emxgnu.doc). Use GNU makeinfo to create info files for on-line help from the texinfo files. makeinf.bat and makeinf.cmd are batch files which simplify calling makeinfo. To create info files for the GCC manual, type: cd \emx\gnu\doc\gcc ..\makeinf gcc (Using and Porting GNU CC) ..\makeinf cpp (The C Preprocessor) ..\makeinf gxxint (Internal Architecture of the Compiler) ..\makeinf gppfaq (Frequently asked questions about the GNU C++ compiler) To create info files for GDB, type: cd \emx\gnu\doc\gdb ..\makeinf gdb (Debugging with GDB) ..\makeinf gdbint (The GNU debugger's internals) ..\makeinf annotate (Interfacing GDB to other programs) To create info files for GAS, type: cd \emx\gnu\doc\gas ..\makeinf as (The GNU assembler) ..\makeinf gasp (The GNU Assembler Preprocessor) To create the info file for the new GNU binary utilities (ar, nm, objdump, and size) and gprof, type: cd \emx\gnu\doc\binutils ..\makeinf binutils (The GNU binary utilities) ..\makeinf gprof (Profiling your program's execution) (Note that emx uses the old versions of `ld' and `strip', for which no documentation is available.) To create info files for the texinfo manual, type: cd \emx\gnu\doc\texinfo ..\makeinf texi (The documentation format for the GNU Project) ..\makeinf makeinfo (The makeinfo program) To create info files for libstdc++, type: cd \emx\gnu\doc\stdcpp ..\makeinf iostream (The GNU C++ Iostream Library) To create info files for libg++, type: cd \emx\gnu\doc\libgpp ..\makeinf libgpp (User's Guide to the GNU C++ Class Library) To create info files for the GNU termcap library, type: cd \emx\gnu\doc\termcap ..\makeinf termcap (The Termcap Library) After creating the info files, you can use GNU info (see emxgnu.doc for details) or GNU Emacs to view the info files. Printing the GNU manuals ------------------------ To print the manuals, you have to unpack gnudoc.zip and gnuinfo.zip. Additionally, you have to install TeX. Of course, I recommend emTeX, which can be used both under OS/2 and DOS. emTeX is available for anonymous ftp on ftp.dante.de: /tex-archive/systems/msdos/emtex ftp.tex.ac.uk: /tex-archive/systems/msdos/emtex ftp.cdrom.com: /pub/tex/ctan/systems/msdos/emtex ftp.leo.org: /pub/comp/os/os2/leo/emTeX The following instructions assume that you are using emTeX (with emTeX386). If TeX complains about undefined control sequences, just type `s' and ignore the errors. To typeset the GCC documentation, type cd \emx\gnu\doc makedvi gcc makedvi gppfaq This creates the following files: cpp.dvi (The C Preprocessor) gcc.dvi (Using and Porting GNU CC) gppfaq.dvi (Frequently asked questions about the GNU C++ compiler) To typeset internal G++ documentation (you don't need this unless you want to hack G++), type cd \emx\gnu\doc makedvi gxxint To typeset the GDB documentation, type cd \emx\gnu\doc makedvi gdb This creates the following files: refcard.dvi (GDB Reference Card) gdb.dvi (Debugging with GDB) To typeset internal GDB documentation (you don't need this unless you want to hack GDB), type cd \emx\gnu\doc makedvi gdbint This create the following files: gdbint.dvi (The GNU debugger's internals) stabs.dvi (The "stabs" debugging information format) annotate.dvi (Interfacing GDB to other programs) To typeset the GAS documentation, type cd \emx\gnu\doc makedvi gas This creates the following files: as.dvi (The GNU assembler) gasp.dvi (The GNU Assembler Preprocessor) To typeset the documentation for the new GNU binary utilities (ar, nm, objdump, and size), type: cd \emx\gnu\doc makedvi binutils This creates the following file: binutils.dvi (The GNU binary utilities) gprof.dvi (Profiling your program's execution) (Note that emx uses the old versions of `ld' and `strip', for which no documentation is available.) To typeset the texinfo documentation, type cd \emx\gnu\doc makedvi texinfo This creates the following files: info-stn.dvi (GNU Info) texi.dvi (The documentation format for the GNU Project) makeinfo.dvi (The makeinfo program) To typeset the libstdc++ documentation, type cd \emx\gnu\doc makedvi iostream This creates the following file: iostream.dvi (The GNU C++ Iostream Library) To typeset the libg++ documentation, type cd \emx\gnu\doc makedvi libgpp This creates the following files: libgpp.dvi (User's Guide to the GNU C++ Class Library) To typeset the GNU termcap documentation, type cd \emx\gnu\doc makedvi termcap This creates the following file: termcap.dvi (The Termcap Library) Using BSD termcap instead of GNU termcap ---------------------------------------- If you want to use the BSD termcap library instead of the GNU termcap library, replace `gnu' in \emx\include\termcap.h with `bsd' and use -lbtermcap instead of -ltermcap. See \emx\doc\emxbsd.doc and \emx\doc\emxgnu.doc for details. The most important difference between the two termcap libraries are their licensing conditions, see \emx\doc\COPYING and \emx\doc\COPYING.BSD. GNU termcap has more features than BSD termcap. --------------------------- END OF INSTALL.DOC ------------------------------