Download and Installation Instructions The packages provided with this release are available either as a self-extracting ZIP file or a ZIP file. See below for information on the download and installation of each file type. Downloading and Installing a Self-extracting ZIP File 1.Create a subdirectory to store the files on your hard drive. 2.Return to the Download servers page and click on the link for the protocol you want to use to download each file. Note: The Download servers support different download protocols. One server uses HTTP and the other uses FTP. Your browser might work better with a specific type of protocol (HTTP instead of FTP). 3.Your browser displays a message that a file is being downloaded. Select "Save File..." and save the file in the subdirectory you created. 4.After downloading all the files to the same directory, you will need to execute the self-extracting ZIP files. Execute the file by typing its name at the command prompt from within the directory that you downloaded the file. Note: You must include the -di -ov options for each self-extracting ZIP file. The self-extracting option -di -ov maintains the directory structures embedded in the ZIP files and overwrites duplicate files without prompting. For example, if the file downloaded is named ABC.EXE, at the OS/2 command prompt type: ABC -di -ov 5.After the file has been executed and the files extracted, at the command prompt type: INSTALL The INSTALL command starts the product installation and opens a window that contains eleven buttons specifying the installation languages. Choose the language you prefer and then follow the step-by-step process for installation. Further information on installation can be found in the README located in the drive where you downloaded your package. The README can be viewed using an ASCII text editor such as the OS/2 System Editor (e.exe). Note: If you extracted the file incorrectly (did not use the -di -ov option), when you use the INSTALL command, you will receive the following error message: Incorrect File Extraction. To proceed, run the RESETDIR command from the current directory. After successfully running the RESETDIR command, use the correct file extraction options ( -di -ov), and then run the INSTALL command. If you follow the instructions in the error message, you will be able to correctly extract the files and install the product. Downloading and Installing a ZIP File 1.Create a subdirectory to store this file on your hard drive. 2.Return to the Download servers page and click on the link for the protocol you want to use to download each file. Note: The Download servers support different download protocols. One server uses HTTP and the other uses FTP. Your browser might work better with a specific type of protocol (HTTP instead of FTP). 3.Your browser will display a message that a file is being downloaded. Select "Save File..." and save the file in the subdirectory you created for this purpose. 4.When the file has been downloaded and saved by the browser, you must use a file extraction utility (such as PKUNZIP2) to decompress the file before the product can be installed. For example, if the file downloaded is named ABC.ZIP, type: PKUNZIP2 -d ABC.ZIP (The PKUNZIP2 -d option maintains the directory structures embedded in the ZIP files.) Further information on installation can be found in the README located in the drive where you downloaded your package. The README can be viewed using an ASCII text editor such as the OS/2 System Editor (e.exe).