OS/2 & Dos (EMX) The latest version is 1.02 Download in 1 big file: os2102full.zip (12.2 MB) contains all archives and installation program Or you can download a file that contains the same, only without sources,gdb and gnu utils : os2102.zip (5.9 MB) Download as separate files If you have trouble downloading the complete zip file, you can also download the contents of the tar file separately: 1.Mandatory files: The compiler binary and RTL units : baseemx.zip (1.15 Mb) The installer: install.exe (260 kB) and it's data file install.dat (7 kB) as well as the unzip dll: unzip32.dll (230 kB) Then you need one of the following: Selected EMX utilities for Free Pascal: asldemx.zip (1.1 MB) gdbemx.zip (520 kB) Or a complete EMX installation; download from one of these sites: www.leo.org ftp.cdrom.com src.doc.ic.ac.uk ftp.funet.fi Download at least the following files: Emxrt.zip, emxdev1.zip, emxdev2.zip, gnudev1.zip and gnudev2.zip. You should download them all in 1 directory and then run the install program in this directory. It will detect which files you downloaded and offer to install only those files actually present. Therefore you cannot change the name of the files ! 2.Optional files: Compiled API units : uapiemx.zip (38 kB) Demo files: demo.zip (80 kB) Documentation in PDF: docs-pdf.zip (1.8 MB) Documentation in HTML (needed for IDE help): doc-htm.zip (1.1 MB) 3.Optional source files: Sources base (required): basesrc.zip (24 kB) The compiler sources: compsrc.zip (1.47 MB) The runtime library sources: rtlsrc.zip (1.2 MB) API sources: apisrc.zip (127 kB) Free Component Library (FCL) sources: fclsrc.zip (364 kB) Packages sources: pkgssrc.zip (1.1 Mb) utils sources : utilssrc.zip (352 kB) Installer sources : instsrc.zip (47 kB) Documentation sources : docsrc.zip (1.25 MB) IDE sources : idesrc.zip (455 kB) You should download all these files in 1 directory, and then run the install program in this directory. It will detect which files you downloaded, and offer to install only those files actually present. Therefore, you cannot change the name of the files !