Upgrading a 6.0, 6.0.1 or 6.0.2 OS/2 install to use 6.0.3 code Technote (FAQ) Problem How do I upgrade my 6.0, 6.0.1 or 6.0.2 OS/2 install to take advantages of the general fixes available in the 6.0.3 fixpack? Solution Overview: 1. Backup existing manager. 2. Get V6.0.3 manager. 3. Import V6.0.3 code into existing manager. 4. Make a V6.0.3 image from V6.0, V6.0.1 or V6.0.2 image. Step 1. Backup existing manager. Make sure that you have a recent backup of your manager file, mgr60.dat. Step 2. Get V6.0.3 manager. a. Download any of the available manager zips. (For example, download the windows manager, b. Extract the new mgr60.dat file TO SOMEPLACE DIFFERENT than the the current manager file location. Example: mkdir c:\tmp cd c:\tmp unzip -j c:\downloads\ "*mgr60.dat" Step 3. Import V6.0.3 code into existing manager. a. Make the inst subdirectory of your original install your current directory. Example: cd c:\vast\inst b. Execute the library importer utility -- a window will open showing the progress of the import. Note: If your existing library uses File IO, ensure that you are the only person using the existing library before running the importer tool. Usage Syntax: start importer -z.source= Examples: start importer\vast\manager\mgr60.dat -z.source=c:\tmp\mgr60.dat importer\va60\manager\mymgr.dat -z.source=c:\tmp\mgr60.dat Note: Use of the OS/2 start command is optional. The importer can also be run directly. Step 4. Make a V6.0.3 image from a V6.0, V6.0.1, V6.0.2 image. a. Go to your vast directory and make a new subdirectory, image603 (this should be a sibling of the current image600, image601 or image602 directory.) b. In the newimage directory, edit the abt.ini file and change fplevel=3. c. Copy the contents of the newimage directory into the image603 directory. d. cd into image603. e. Start the image: ..\bin\vawindow.cmd abt.exe -iabt.icx f. Run the following script, then save the resulting V6.0.3 image: "-- begin swipe --" Transcript execLongOperation: [ | names shadows newCode appsToLoad | names := Application currentlyLoaded collect: [:ea | ea name]. appsToLoad := OrderedCollection new. names do: [:aName | shadows := Application shadowsFor: aName. newCode := shadows detect: [:ed | 'V 6.0.3*' match: ed timeStamp versionName] ifNone: [nil]. newCode isNil ifTrue: [ newCode := shadows detect: [:ed | 'V 6.0.2*' match: ed timeStamp versionName] ifNone: [nil]. newCode isNil ifTrue: [ newCode := shadows detect: [:ed | 'V 6.0.1*' match: ed timeStamp versionName] ifNone: [nil]]. newCode notNil ifTrue: [appsToLoad add: newCode]]]. EmImageBuilder loadApplications: appsToLoad]. (System confirm: 'Save updated image?') ifTrue:[ System saveImage] "-- end swipe --" Note: The image-loading script relies on the following assumptions: 1. There are no new apps in a V6.0.3 image that didn't already exist (by name) in a V6.0, V6.0.1 or V6.0.2 image. 2. There are no old apps in a V6.0, V6.0.1 or V6.0.2 image that need to be removed in order to make a valid V6.0.3 image. 3. The version names in the 6.0.3 manager are the same as shipped by IBM. (that is, all applications modified for 6.0.3 have version names beginning with 'V 6.0.3 ', V6.0.2, or V6.0.1'). Caveats: 1. Although the code in the new image will have 6.0.3 functionality, it will still (always) need to be run against its original set of ICs, either 6.0or 6.0.1, whichever the case may be. Therefore you should NOT change the IC_Root setting in the abt.ini file. Leave it as you found it. 2. Because the message files used by the updated image are still at the V6.0 or V6.0.1 level, the image will still identify itself as V6.0 or V6.0.1.