The WATCOM C/C++ Programmer's FAQ WW WW AA TTTTTTTT CCCC OOOO MM MM cccc / WW WW AAAA TT CC CC OO OO MMMMMMMM cc / WW WW AA AA TT CC OO OO MM MMMM MM cccc / WW WW AA AA TT CC OO OO MM MM MM / WW WW WW AA AA TT CC OO OO MM MM MM / WW WWWW WW AAAAAAAA TT CC OO OO MM MM MM / cccc + + WWWWWWWW AA AA TT CC CC OO OO MM MM MM cc +++ +++ WW WW AA AA TT CCCC OOOO MM MM MM cccc + + Programmer's FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF AAAAA QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF AAAAAAA QQQQQQQ QQQQQQ FFFFFF AAAAAAAAA QQQQQQ QQQQQQ FFFFFF AAAAAAAAAAA QQQQQQQ QQQQQQ FFFFFFFFFFFFFF AAAAAA AAAAAA QQQQQQQ QQQQQQQ FFFFFFFFFFFFFF AAAAAA AAAAAA QQQQQQQ QQQQQQQ FFFFFF AAAAAA AAAAAA QQQQQQQ QQQ QQQQQQQ FFFFFF AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA QQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQ FFFFFF AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ FFFFFF AAAAAA AAAAAA QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQ Written by Paul Hsieh Revision 4.11b August 24, 2002 (c) Copyright 1996-2002, Paul Hsieh. All Rights Reserved. This document may be freely distributed in any format desired so long as the contents are not modified beyond non-obtrusive formatting. Please note that although I've made a reasonable effort to verify the material contained in this FAQ, I make no guarantees. The things written here are as true as I know them to be and should not be interpreted as anything more. None of WATCOM, PowerSoft/Sybase or TenBerry systems or any other relevant company has officially endorsed this FAQ. Furthermore, I have no affiliation with WATCOM, PowerSoft/Sybase or TenBerry systems. WATCOM, PowerSoft, Sybase, TenBerry Systems, QNX, IBM, OS/2, Microsoft, Windows, Win32, Direct Draw, Direct X, Intel, Metaware, Symantec, Borland, CauseWay, Fastgraph, Varmint's Audio Tools, YackIcons, WordUp Graphics Toolkit, PC Magazine, NuMega, Bounds Checker, Soft ICE, Pharlap, PModeW etc., are copyrights/trademarks of their respective owners. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction Most of the questions dealt with here assume that you already own a version of the WATCOM C/C++ compiler. Ordering information is available on WATCOM's world wide web site. This FAQ mixes advocation with technical information. It has been written this way because after years of posting on USENET this has become my natural style of writing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are very commonly asked questions that people ask about WATCOM C/C++. Q01. What is WATCOM C/C++? What does it come with? How do I purchase it? Q02. How do I obtain Open WATCOM C/C++? How do I make it usable for Windows development? Q03. Where are WATCOM C/C++'s related web/ftp sites? Q04. Why was WATCOM C/C++ so popular? Q05. How do I install STL for WATCOM C/C++? Q06. What features of Standard C++ does Watcom support? Q07. What's the syntax for ____? How do I use the ____ tool? How do I make the code generator do ____? I just don't get it. Q08. I think there is a bug in the compiler, what should I do? Q09. Why did so many games use the DOS4GW.EXE DOS extender? Q10. What libraries are available for WATCOM C/C++? Q11. How do I program for Direct X using WATCOM C/C++? Q12. Is the code WATCOM C/C++ produces the fastest/tightest? Q13. How do I use WATCOM's tools to help me optimize my code? Q14. How does WATCOM C/C++ compare with other C compilers? Q15. How do I debug DOS4GW apps under Windows? Q16. How do I make WATCOM apps to use with Soft-ICE, Bounds Checker or VTUNE? Q17. How do I enable virtual memory for my DOS4GW application? How do I know exactly what interrupts dos4gw handles all by itself? How do I know exactly what I have to do to use dos interrupts from protected mode? Q18. I don't have the latest Windows SDK installed, can I point the WATCOM editor at another HLP file instead of WIN32.HLP? Q19. Why does my code work only when I compile with debugging info on? Q20. What is FLAT memory model? What is the advantage of a 32 bit compiler such as WATCOM C/C++ over 16 bit compilers? What are the differences? Will I be able to move my 16 bit DOS code straight over to 32 bit? Q21. I am getting this weird error message ... Q22. I am having malloc troubles. It seems that I am trashing the heap but I don't know how to debug it. Q23. How do I write directly to graphics memory? Q24. How do I install a mouse event handler? Q25. What is DPMI and what role does it play in using WATCOM C/C++? How do I communicate between the 16 bit world and 32 bit world on my PC? Q26. What if I really need to compile a 16 bit model program? Q27. Why do WATCOM's results and Visual C++'s results differ on the same source code? Why does WATCOM implement the default signedness of chars different from everyone else? I am having difficulty porting code to WATCOM C/C++. Q28. Can I link external assembly files together with my C files? Q29. How do #pragma's work? How do I use inline assembly language? Q30. How do I do compiled bitmaps? How do I implement on-the-fly generated code? Q31. How do I install a 32 bit interrupt vector? How do I install a bimodal interrupt? Q32. How do I get rid of the DOS4GW banner? How do I bind DOS4GW.EXE to my application? How do I get rid of the external DOS4GW.EXE altogether? What other DOS extenders can I use? Q33. How do I build and use DLLs for 32 bit DOS applications? How do I run .EXE images straight from memory? Q34. How do I make WATCOM C/C++ work with the latest OS/2 Toolkit? Q35. Why is WATCOM C/C++ giving me errors when compiling stdio.h? What is the correct order for the WATCOM paths in the PATH environment variable? Q36. Are there any other WATCOM C/C++ caveats? Q37. Will WATCOM C/C++ support MMX? Q38. Why does WASM produce different results from MASM? Q39. How do I use WATCOM C/C++ and other compilers at the same time? Q40. How do I compile extremely long command lines? How does the @file directive file work? Q41. How does one turn off a warning in WATCOM C/C++? Q42. I don't like the Watcom IDE editor VIW. Can I use another editor with the Watcom IDE? Q43. My Watcom editor VIW has crashed and is now unusable. Reinstalling has no effect. What can I do? Q44. The Watcom editor VIW supports syntax highlighting for C, C++ and Fortran. Can I add more languages? Q45. Can I use GNU CVS with the Watcom IDE to manage my sources? Q46. I'm using the traditional chinese version of Windows with Watcom and the error messages generated by "wcc386", "wpp386", "wlink" and "wmake" are unreadable. What can I do? Q47. Does Watcom offer anything to let me check how much stack space is available? Q48. Is there a macro like the __FILE__ and __LINE__ macros used by assert() to tell me which function I am in? Q49. If I click on a compiler error message in the IDE under Windows95 the editor window comes up with the cursor on the right line. Under Windows98/2000 only the taskbar button for the editor flashes and I have to switch manually to the editor window. What am I doing wrong? Q50. So what is your story? Why did you do this? Cool contributions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are contributions sent to me that do not correspond to a frequently asked question such as above, but which nevertheless are worth including. C01. Profiling and debugging all rolled into one using an external terminal connected by serial. Contributed by Charlie Wallace. C02. Convert WATCOM's help file format to a text file for easier reading and potentially for easier manipulation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions with answers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q01. What is WATCOM C/C++? What does it come with? How do I purchase it? A01. WATCOM C/C++ is an Open Source x86 based ANSI C++/C compiler with associated tools. It supports various target operating systems. You can get a more complete description of the compiler on the Open WATCOM web site, however here are the most notable things that are included: - 32 and 16 bit compilers, with standard libraries and DOS4GW.EXE. - Additional DOS graphics and x86 specific libraries. - Library manager and linker. - An x86 assembler. - All flavors of Windows programming including 16 and 32 bit MFC support as well as Win32. (Includes Windows SDK help.) - Numerous Windows development tools (dialogue editors and so on.) - Support for Dos extenders, OS/2, QNX, AutoCAD and Novell NLMs. - IDE: Editor, Debugger, Execution Sampler/Profiler, Make, Touch. - Online documentation and sample code. At version 11.0x, the commercially supported version WATCOM C/C++ has come to the end of its life. On June 30, 1999 registered users of WATCOM C/C++ were given an end of life notice. It may no longer be purchased and support ended on June 30, 2000. The compiler has been substantially resurrected in the form of Open Watcom. The major notable difference between Open Watcom and the commercial version of WATCOM C/C++, is that Windows libraries no longer ship with it. These libraries are part of the Windows SDK, and can be obtained from Microsoft. WATCOM had developped a DEC Alpha based compiler and some skeleton compilers for the Power PC. These compilers were never released as a product. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q02. How do I obtain Open WATCOM C/C++? How do I make it usable for Windows development? A02. Open Watcom C/C++ can be downloaded from the Open Watcom website. In particular, it is currently available in binary and source form at: Do not try to download a new version of WATCOM C/C++ on top of a previous version. This will cause a mix of executables and files that will not function correctly. Always, install WATCOM C/C++ into a fresh new directory, or only on top of the same version. After downloading the Open Watcom binary, it will be ready for development of DOS (16 and 32 bit) and OS/2 programs. To use it for Windows development you must download the Microsoft Platform SDK and convert COFF import libraries from VC++ 6.0 format to VC++ 5.0 format using Microsoft LINK. Use the following command to perform this conversion: LIB newlibrary.lib /CONVERT /LINK50COMPAT /OUT:oldlibrary.lib The source can be compiled with the binary version of WATCOM C/C++ installed, or the previous commercial releases: WATCOM C/C++ 11.0, 11.0a and 11.0b. There is an issue with compiling the IDE when Symantec's Norton AntiVirus is running. Norton AntiVirus should be disabled while building the IDE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q03. Where are WATCOM C/C++'s related web/ftp sites? A03. These are the URLs that I am aware of: WATCOM's home page WATCOM C/C++ Technical documentation Tenberry Software, Inc. X2FTP mirror: Official site for the WATCOM C/C++ FAQ Miscellaneous WATCOM C/C++ and OS/2 device driver notes Power View IDE USENET Newsgroups news:alt.msdos.programmer news:comp.os.msdos.programmer Open watcom newsserver: Sybase "PFC Guide" newsreader: group=powersoft.public.watcom_c_c++.general On Compuserve, try PSLANG. For tutorials on C/C++ (not specifically WATCOM) I have the following URLs: C tutorials ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q04. Why was WATCOM C/C++ so popular? A04. WATCOM C/C++ is a very good tool. It was the first pure 32 bit C/C++ compiler widely available for x86 platforms. It is a cross platform, high performance object code generator with no shortage of support tools. It is on these merits that WATCOM has sustained its popularity. Somewhere around 1992-93, WATCOM decided to drop the price (to a mere $400 Cdn vs. the old price of $1200 US) and started advertising more heavily in magazines such as BYTE and PC Magazine. Around this time I was heavily advocating it (version 9.0) it in newsgroups such as "" as the premiere C compiler for high performance and reliability, making such bold statements as: "WATCOM C/C++ will produce code which is at *least* twice as fast as your current 16 bit compiler, and more typically around five times as fast" which was not stretching the truth as far as I knew it. Flame wars ensued where the focus was not only Borland and Microsoft, but WATCOM. Then a single program was introduced that brought immediate and serious attention to this compiler: DOOM. What is this magical "DOS4GW" thing that makes DOOM so good? Were the DOOM programmers serious when they said they used almost no assembly language? What C compiler could they have possibly used that could pump that much game onto the screen? Soon, more and more games were made, hailing the telltale "DOS4GW" banner. A few years later PC Magazine ran a comparative study of a collection of C compilers. They hailed WATCOM C/C++ v9.5 for producing the fastest code (by a *wide* margin) but criticized it for its klunky command line driven interface. Since then, many game companies switched and dozens of titles appeared with the "DOS4GW" banner displayed proudly including: Raptor, System Shock, Descent, Magic Carpet, NASCAR Racing, Terminal Velocity etc. 32 bit was finally becoming a reality on the PC, and it had nothing to do with "Windows" or "OS/2". But even IBM was getting smart. Numerous OS/2 utilities and parts of the OS itself were compiled using WATCOM C/C++. With version 10.0 WATCOM introduced an IDE, added support for MFC and added an assembler. With 10.5 they added the award winning Blue Sky's Visual Programmer (which generates MFC code.) and have built in a higher degree of Visual C++ compatibility. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q05. How do I install STL for WATCOM C/C++? A05. To use the STL with Watcom you should get Boris Fomitchev's STLport. When using STLport always keep in mind that version 11.0x of the Watcom compiler does not fully support the new ANSI/ISO standard and its possible not every class works as expected. To install STLport, you do the following: 1) Download a STLport distribution. This can be found at: 2) Unzip the distribution to a directory of your choice. It might be a good idea to let the distribution create a directory under your %watcom% directory because then you can use the environment variable %watcom% which Watcom sets during setup. 3) Turn off SGI IOStream support in file %stlport_include%\stl_user_config.h. Where %stlport_include% is the STLport include directory. It differs between versions. E.g. for Version 3.12.3 it was %stlport%\stl and for 4.0 it was %stlport%\stlport. Where %stlport% is the directory where you installed STLport. Please read the STLport documentation for details which you should do anyway. 4) Compile the 'Hello, World!' application and do not forget to add the %stlport_include% directory as the first(!) include directory. (Remember that you can use the .BEFORE: section in your makefiles to modify your INCLUDE environment variable without modifying it in a system-wide or account-wide manner.) #include #include int main() { std::string s = "Hello, World!\n"; std::cout << s; return 0; } If this compiles you can be sure that the installation was successful. The SLTport forums ( include information on for to build cleanly with no warnings, support for SGI's IOStream, numerous bugfixes and other related discussions. Some of the required fixes can be found on Mark Neifer's WATCOM STL page here: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q06. What features of Standard C++ does Watcom support? A06. As of version 11.0x the following list applies: Supported features - bool Keyword - mutable Keyword - explicit Keyword - Namespaces - Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) - New Cast Syntax - Exception Specification Not supported features - typename Keyword - Member Templates - New Template Specialization Syntax - Partial Specialization - Template Function Call Syntax - Method try Blocks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q07. What's the syntax for ____? How do I use the ____ tool? How do I make the code generator do ____? I just don't get it. A07. The first place to look when trying to deal with general questions is the online help. In a DOS box you can access the help via: WHELP help_file [topic_name] If you've installed the compiler to use the CDROM, be sure to have the WATCOM CDROM in the CDROM drive. It takes a little digging but there is a lot of online information available. If you give no parameters, most of the tools will respond with proper command line syntax. (Just type "wcl386" at the command to see this.) Additionally, the file %WATCOM%\DOS4GW.DOC gives you information on configuring DOS4GW.EXE for certain systems and for using virtual memory under DOS. Remember, that the WATCOM C/C++ compiler was not designed with beginners in mind. If you are just starting to learn C/C++ then I is suggest you get plenty of reading on C/C++ in general and OS-specific programming manuals (I.e., DOS, Windows, OS/2, QNX, or whatever target platform you are interested in building for). For a deeper understanding of WATCOM C/C++ you'll need to learn at least bits and pieces about what object files, libraries, dll's, makefiles, and protected mode are. Experienced programmers find that WATCOM C/C++ doesn't have any real brick walls that other compilers have, but that coaxing it to do what you want it to do often takes some patience and perseverance. That is the issue this FAQ is trying to address. In general your pursuit of information when dealing with difficulties using the WATCOM C/C++ compilers should be in the order of: (1) Check the online help files, (2) Check reference materials such as DOS or Windows programming books, Watcom's online technical documentation (the web address is given above) as well as this FAQ, (3) Post a question to the internet (including the USENET newsgroups, or the WATCOM listserver listed above) (4) Contact WATCOM directly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q08. I think there is a bug in the compiler, what should I do? A08. WATCOM C/C++ is a fairly compliant ANSI C/C++ compiler. Most "bugs" that seem to be compiler related will turn out to be a misunderstanding on the part of the programmer. You can bring up your problems on the openwatcom newsgroups, however, you should analyze the problem as thoroughly as possible before doing so. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q09. Why did so many games use the DOS4GW.EXE DOS extender? A09. DOS4GW.EXE is the default royalty free redistributable 32 bit DOS extender that comes with WATCOM C/C++. DOS4GW.EXE is made by "Tenberry Software" (formerly Rational Systems) specifically for WATCOM. Although alternative DOS extenders with more/different features exist, users of WATCOM C/C++ for DOS programming (that is to say, game programmers) will tend to use DOS4GW by default. (It also has brand name recognition which may have lead some programmers to desire the telltale DOS4GW banner.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q10. What libraries are available for WATCOM C/C++? A10. I don't have a comprehensive list, but I know that Varmint's Audio Tools, Fast Graph, WordUp Graphics Toolkit, ZSVGA, and Microsoft's Direct X based Games SDK are notable libraries that come in WATCOM C/C++ friendly flavors. In their latest versions, WATCOM has really gone out of their way to make themselves more compatible with Visual C++. They are apparently source compatible, however retain their own non-compatible object format. But from the #pragma API, this appears to be a good decision, as they end up being more general, in their calling convention descriptions. Look at WATCOM's discussion on "#pragma's" and you can decide for yourself which calling convention you like. Then when you do, you can set it up using WATCOM C/C++; a trick not similarly possible with Visual C++. Needless to say there is no shortage of libraries out there that support WATCOM C/C++. The WATCOM web site lists numerous 3rd party developers that are supporting their C/C++ compiler. Here's a list of some stuff available for WATCOM C/C++: Graphics libraries SciTech's MGL wxWindows WGT Watcom Xlib Watcom Watcom ModeX PD Curses TIFF Software JLIB Zephyr's ZSVGA gkit StelSOFT GDK Allegro D-Flat and OWL NExt MFC-like library from Borland. Turbo Vision+ libpng Audio libraries VAT Watcom SMIX Watcom DSIK Watcom Other libraries dllPower STLPort XBase dBase interface lib. zlib compression library. Some libraries like ACK, and YAKICONS, have simply not been maintained and cannot be used with the latest WATCOM C/C++ compilers. The issue in these cases have to do with use of older 16 bit assembly code that have not been ported forward. With the latest WATCOM C/C++ compilers, there are alternatives listed above, that should be used in their place. Unfortunately this means that "Tricks of the Game Programming Gurus" has become obsolete. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q11. How do I program for Direct X using WATCOM C/C++? A11 I am not a Windows programming expert but the following information appeared on the USENET: >How well does the Games SDK work with Watcom? If well, how many >trials did it take to get the 'magic options' set up right? Works well, so far. I did have to use the windows.h file supplied with the Games SDK, and that was hidden somewhere under the SAMPLES subdirectory. I also had to define a couple of macros to get the samples to compile. The whole thing took about 4 hours. But then Ed Mueller said: With 10.6, you no longer need to include windows.h supplied with the Games SDK. The macros you need to define are NOIME and NOMCX. And Marty (an employee of WATCOM) said: In response to questions regarding the WATCOM C/C++ compiler and DirectX: Watcom C/C++ 10.6 and DirectX 2.0 FYI: The newly released DirectX 2.0 CD has a WATCOM directory that contains a zip file that will make all of the necessary changes to the sample files to work with Watcom C/C++ version 10.6. Once these changes are made, the makeallw.bat batch file can be run to make the sample programs. See the readme file in the WATCOM directory of the DirectX 2.0 CD for more information. Here's the latest info from Rich Jones, (another WATCOM employee): Direct X 3: A patch is available from The patch file modifies your Direct X 3 installation, making the necessary changes to it for Watcom compatibility. This works only with Watcom C/C++ v11.0 Direct X 2: The Direct X 2 SDK is included in Watcom C/C++ v11.0 (with the necessary changes already made). The Direct X 1.0 information he gave is no longer applicable. It is likely that WATCOM no longer supports Direct X 1.0. Rich also indicates that version 10.5 or above is required to support Direct X programming. "Avocado Green" wrote the following on the old WATCOM List server: Here are some simple steps in using the Watcom IDE (10.6) to compile and run the DirectDraw example (DDEX3) included with the DXSDK. I thought I'd save someone a few hours from messing with the make files. 0. Run the Watcom IDE (run it from the DOS box command line if it'd make you feel less guilty.) 1. Select menu option "File->New Project" Select the C:\DxSDK\Samples\DDex3 directory and enter "ddex3.wpj" as your project name Note: If you installed the DirectX SDK in another directory other than C:\DxSDK, make the changes as appropriate. 2. Enter "DDex3" as the target name, "Win32" as Target Environment, and "Windowed Executable [.exe]" as the Image Type. 3. Select menu option "Targets->Target Options->Windows Linking Switches" Go to "2. Import, Export and Library Switches", In field "Library directories(;):[libp]" enter "..\..\lib" In field "Libraries(,):[libr]" enter "ddraw.lib" 4. Add these source files into your project: ..\misc\ddutil.cpp ddex3.cpp ddex3.rc 5. Highlight the "ddex3.cpp" file and select menu option "Sources->Sources Options->C++ Compiler Switches" In field "Include directories:[-i]" add ";..\..\inc;..\misc;..\include" so it should read "$(%watcom)\h;$(%watcom)\h\nt;..\..\inc;..\misc;..\include" ...of course you've set your Watcom environment variables already, right? 6. Repeat step 5. for ddutil.cpp also, or you can perform step 5. on the folder (.CPP) (representing all .CPP files) 7. Select menu option "Target->Make" and watch the few warning messages go by 8. Select menu option "Target->Run" and enjoy your Watcom compiler running something other than "helloworld.c" (well, for me anyway) The following file is required for patching the Direct X 3.0 SDK to work with WATCOM C/C++ Other Direct X specific FAQ's may best be answered at Microsoft's web site. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12. Is the code WATCOM C/C++ produces the fastest/tightest? A12. The WATCOM C/C++ compiler was generally regarded as among the best in terms of code generation. For example, it produces significantly better code than any 16 bit compiler. In an article in PC Magazine a few years back, benchmarks indicated WATCOM C/C++ version 9.5 had the tightest and fastest code among such compilers as Visual C++, Borland C/C++, Metaware Hi C, Zortech and Symantec (by a wide margin). WATCOM's compilers have generally lead in the performance category in all brands and versions of their compilers starting with version 7.x, however among the more modern compilers it appears as though both "djgpp" and "Visual C++ 4.x" produce pure C code compilation which is very competitive with WATCOM's. My own internal testing indicates that VC++ 4.2 and WATCOM C/C++ 10.0a are within 10% of each other in performance (with VC++ having the slight edge). However, in the August issue of Software Development magazine, a comparison of WATCOM C/C++ 10.6 (which they describe as the "perennial performance champion") versus MSVC++ 5.0 indicated that WATCOM still held a performance edge. Such tests are always subject to the particular bias of the chosen codebase. However, among the reasons for choosing WATCOM for high performance code generation is also its ability to use inline assembly language, the disassembly tool and its ability to collect accurate performance profiling information. These tools and features are indispensible for the "pedal to the metal" coder. Be sure to follow the recommended switches for compiling your code that are given in the documentation. Options such as "assume no aliasing" and using "reciprocal and multiply" for floating point divides can cause the compiler to make assumptions about your code that have great performance impact even though the code generation techniques fall outside the rules of the ANSI spec. You should be sure you understand all the options for optimization. The differences to note when comparing with Visual C++ is that WATCOM uses register based parameter passing as well as using a superior inline assembly paradigm. These things may not translate to better C code generation, but they end up being far better for integrating inline code, once you get to the stage of doing hand optimizations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q13. How do I use WATCOM's tools to help me optimize my code? A13. WATCOM comes with 3 tools that make the code optimization process an easy one: Execution sampler/profiler, disassembler and debugger. There is a commonly held belief that in most applications 10% of your code will be executed 90% of the time. That is to say, most applications tend to be bottlenecked, with the tightest bottleneck causing the greatest performance penalties. With WATCOM C/C++ this still holds true, but not to such a severe extent, since WATCOM tends not to produce any "bottle-necky" code. It is for this reason that your first step in your optimization phase should be to profile your code. Even if your project is half complete, and not representative of its final form, execution sampling and profiling can often pinpoint unexpected bottlenecks in your code. The execution sampler works by executing along with your code, randomly gathering instruction addresses during its run. The profiler then converts the sample data into a chart which clearly shows what functions were called. You can zoom into each function to see what lines of code are being executed, and keep doing that right down into assembly level. To do this of course you have to compile your code with line number debugging information (/d1 or /d2.) Not too surprisingly, data collected on Pentiums may show a sample data on machine instructions one after where the real execution occurred. This is because the Pentium tries to execute instructions in pairs and the delays in one instruction may appear to be passed to the instruction it is paired with. The other tool is the disassembler. Using it you can see all the instructions compiled and correlate them their source lines. WATCOM C/C++ generally only uses 1 cycle instructions. However, in order to strike a reasonable balance between code size and performance, WATCOM also uses some complex instructions. The most notable being: mul, imul, div, idiv, movzx and movsx. Simply scanning for these instructions can help you see where your data structures and type mismatching are causing sub-optimal code to be produced. Finally the debugger is a simple tool not only for catching your bugs but for tracing through your code to see the path it is really taking. Most of the time the execution path for small projects is fairly clear to the programmer. But when multiple programmers are involved or your code becomes very fragmented, it is not so clear. Very often, simply tracing through your programs can lead you into good insights about the performance of your program. These general principles can be applied to any compiler, however few compilers can rival WATCOM in these tools. For information about Pentium optimizations in general, Agner Fog has written up an excellent reference work which can be found on the following URL: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q14. How does WATCOM C/C++ compare with other C compilers? A14. WATCOM C/C++'s biggest strengths right now are the performance tools and its ability to do cross-platform development. With WATCOM the concept of a single project targeting multiple platforms is a practically realizable goal. Their 32 bit compilers have been around since about 1992, years before Borland, or Microsoft had PC based 32 bit compiler technology (apparently DJGPP/DJGCC had it, but was highly obscure by comparison, and the fact that they've only just got their dos extender technology working in 1996, puts a big question on just how long that product has been practically useful.) However, their recent acquisition by PowerSoft has given them a highly acclaimed RAD tool (Optima++) that is based on top of the WATCOM C/C++ compiler; a joining of technologies that has caught their competitors with their pants down. By comparison, Microsoft is currently only supporting VC++ which can create targets for Windows. Microsoft has gotten into a habit of tweaking their compilers and operating systems in lock step; creating more and more conventions and odd things like "Thunking" (a Windows OS and VC++ specific way of performing 16<->32 bit execution segment translations, which I have been lead to believe is disfunctional.) Users of Microsoft compilers (and products in general) become locked into their level of technology be it good or bad. They also get locked into their "vision" as they are clearly pointing developers to Windows 95 and Windows NT. Of course OS/2, QNX and other platforms will never be supported. The code generator for version 4.x compares favorably with WATCOM's, but the lack of reliable performance tools and the klunky out-dated method of inline assembly keeps VC++ from being the performance compiler of choice. Borland is looking straight into the abyss these days. I am not very familiar with their most recent products, but their strength has always been their IDE and compile speed. But the latest WATCOM C/C++ compilers have closed these gaps considerably. Borland attempted to diverge from MFC with "OWL". They also stopped support for DOS for a brief period. Their PowerPak solution does not completely map in the first megabyte of memory which is problematic, and requires a lot of support to work around. Last I heard, Borland had dropped PowerPak support completely. These mistakes have cost Borland valuable time and their compiler technology has suffered as a result. They themselves have practically admitted this and have thrown their efforts behind "Delphi" (a RAD tool layered on top of their non-standard Object Pascal.) DJGPP beats all these compilers in one place: price. For x86s up to the 486, the code generation is unbeatable, but currently does not optimize with consideration for the Pentium (though a beta of that version of the compiler is in the works.) It also falls flat on its face in terms of compile speed, interface and third party support. DJGPP has only recently been robust enough to produce targets that work under both DOS and Windows DOS boxes, and the currently available Windows native 32 bit support is still in development stages (and is a separate compiler.) As of yet there have been no Pentium optimizations incorporated into the code generator and don't count on MFC support. User support is there through the internet. Standard game libraries such as WGT, Fastgraph and Direct Draw have not been ported, and are not likely to ever be. (On the other hand, Pmode/W and SVGAKit from SciTech have been ported, very recently.) I haven't heard so much as a peep from Metaware. As for Symantec, I hear they are focussing on java. Its likely that in the face of VC++ these companies felt they simply couldn't compete. Indeed its hard to see how any other compiler besides WATCOM C/C++ will survive Microsoft's latest product juggernaut. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q15. How do I debug DOS4GW apps under Windows? A15. You cannot use the IDE debugger for this. WATCOM implements this with remote debugging using two DOS boxes. This scheme allows the target program to retain full control of its VM without interference from the debugger (for, example, you should be able to debug apps which take over the screen without any problems besides Window's ability to virtualize that mode.) So in theory, debugging should be more reliable. For Windows 95/98 use the following procedure. In one DOS box you run the windows server: winserv -trap=rsi and in the other you run the debugger: %watcom%\binw\wd -trap=win The winserv program should be issued in the target executable's directory while the wd program should be issued in the source directory. Trying to execute "wd -trap=rsi" will not work under Windows 9X. Additional options such as /NoGraphicsMouse and /Vga50 can be passed to to the wd command line. This is essentially the same procedure used for remote debugging over a serial cable (remote debugging.) Be sure that the [386enh] section of your system.ini contains the line "device=wdebug.386". If you have problems try explicitly entering the path for wdebug.386 (it should be %WATCOM%\binw) and make sure that this file actually exists. Be sure you are running wd.exe from the %watcom%\binw directory, not the %watcom%\binnt directory. For Windows NT/2000/XP, the server should be run as: vdmserv -trap=rsi and the debugger should be run as %watcom%\binnt\wd -trap=vdm The "rsi" thing stands for "Rational Systems incorporated" which is the former name of TenBerry Systems. Similar solutions exist for other OS's. For other DOS extenders, "rsi" is substituted by another suitable acronym, see the extender's documenation for more details (Thanks to Eric Kenslow, "Gothmog" and Tomas Likens for the majority of this information.) You must compile your application with debugging information to enable any sort useful debugging. This is done by giving a /d1 or /d2 to the compiler and a "debug all" directive to the linker. See the online help for more information on each of these steps. Unfortunately, even following the above steps to the letter, may not let you reliably debug under Windows 95. Commonly, developers can get the process started, but some functionality, or simple prolonged use of the debugger eventually hangs the machine. According to Terry Colligan (president of TenBerry Systems): This is caused by a bug in Windows 95 involving the INT 1 handler (triggered for stepping). Basically Win95 is not letting the debugger see the INT 1's. This bug in Win95 will affect *every* debugger which uses INT 1 -- basically all of them. He went on to indicate that it is possible to work around the problem which they (TenBerry Systems) have incorporated into their own products. If you are developing an application that is purely ANSI (that is to say it does not use low level graphics, sound, interrupt vectors, keyboard polling or other DOS-specific capabilities) you can usually switch your application over to a Win32 console application. The WATCOM debugger works directly in the IDE with Win32 applications. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q16. How do I make WATCOM apps to use with Soft-ICE, Bounds Checker or VTUNE? A16. Through information received from Richard Horrocks, Christian Schlange and an anonymous contributer who queried WATCOM about it directly, I have surmized the following procedure: 1) Compile with "-hc" compiler options to set the codeview debugger format, as well as your regular compiler options (including -d? debugging options of course!) 2) Link with "debug codeview opt cvpack". By default "op symf" is set in the IDE, be sure to turn it off. 3) Generate a map file. You can add "opt map" to the link options above (combining steps 2 and 3) or run DBG2MAP on the executable. 4) Run MSYM on the map file to get a symbol file that can be read. Then use Soft-ICE/Bounds Checker/VTune as described in their manuals. A common problem with NuMega's tools when debugging large applications is running out of memory for symbol information. With Soft-ICE, you can expand the amount of pre-allocated symbol memory by setting the 'SYM=####' directive in the WINICE.DAT configuration file. Alternatively you can reduce the number of symbols with the -d2 or -d1 instead of -d3, and by being selective about which modules you include debugging information for. James Shaw writes: Here's a few details I've found regarding my comments on CVPACK. Q132335 From Microsoft's 'knowledge' base. "CVPACK's purpose is to remove duplicate symbol and type information and rewrite the remaining information in a format optimized for CodeView processing. The type indices for this remaining information must not exceed 64K, because the index itself is a 16-bit value. Because this index is part of the specification, it cannot be changed without breaking the tools that depend on it, many of which are supplied by third-party vendors." Therefore, if your packed symbols exceed 64K (ie. all real programs), you're stuffed. I also think there's some problem using the technique you outline (and the one Intel are peddling on intel.other_products.vtune) when you try and link Tasm object modules. In this case cvpack balks saying "no sstSrcModule present for detected module." Unfortunately, I have no solution (except just putting debug info in those files which need debugging). Obviously that's daft, as the bugs are never in those files you suspect :-) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q17. How do I enable virtual memory for my DOS4GW application? How do I know exactly what interrupts dos4gw handles all by itself? How do I know exactly what I have to do to use dos interrupts from protected mode? A17. These and other DOS4GW specific questions are answered in the file %WATCOM%\DOS4GW.DOC, and in the online help under the DOS/4GW section of the user's guide. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q18. I don't have the latest Windows SDK installed, can I point the WATCOM editor at another HLP file instead of WIN32.HLP? A18. Tony Cook says: The name "win32.hlp" is hardcoded into the VIW executable. Suppose you wish to use an older SDK HLP file such as win31wh.hlp. [PH] You can do this by creating the file in %WATCOM%\eddat with the contents: #launch winhelp using the whole word, or special case, or _f or _n stripped # version as a partial key winhelp HELP_PARTIALKEY win31wh.hlp %1 and then insert the line: menuitem "&Windows 3.1 Help" "Look up Win31 SDK help for '%1'" source %1 (all one line) after the 'menuitem "&Windows Help"...' line in %WATCOM%\eddat\ Restart the editor and right click, you should now have a "Windows 3.1 Help" item on the content menu. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q19. Why does my code work only when I compile with debugging info on? A19. Dom Laflamme asked this question on the USENET newsgroup "" and I gave the following response: Dom Laflamme wrote: > Hi, > I've been coding a game engine for the passed 3 months. It works > fine and it's fast. Except that when I turn the "Debugging Info" off > in Watcom, _nothing_ works, it just crashes. Since I cant debug the > thing properly because of lack of debugging info, I face a truly > problematic situation! There is a big difference in the code generated by using the /d2 debug switch and no debugging. /d1 is supposed to be nearly identical to using no debugging but has significantly less debugging information. WATCOM's optimizations are *NOT* broken as someone else posted. But they are truly aggressive. WATCOM recommends setting: /otexan, and each switch (t, e, x, a, and n) is sufficiently documented in the online help. I'm guessing that you have these settings all on since "it's fast". This recommendation is based on the assumption that you are writing correct ANSI-C and that you are not stepping outside the bounds to the point of breaking one of WATCOM's optimization strategies. As a simple test, trying setting all the optimization switches off (as well as the debugging switch off.) If your engine starts working again, then turn the optimization switches back on one at a time until your engine breaks again. Keeping in mind that the "a" switch (assume no aliasing) is the only one in which correctly written (but really brain dead) ANSI C can fail to execute. Once you have isolated the switch, read the documentation on the switch very carefully. Try to isolate the problem area and disassemble the code with each optimization switch. Once you see the difference, you should be able to figure it out. Your problem is likely one of three things: (1) Simple mistake, like dereferencing a bad pointer, or accessing outside the bounds of an array, (2) You are misunderstanding the meaning of the "volatile" ANSI C keyword and hence are misusing it, or not using it (the most likely) when you should. (3) You are aliasing pointers to non-disjoint structures and WATCOM is reordering an inner loop in too aggressive a manner (you will have to either recode or remove the "oa" switch entirely.) I have seen all three cases in my own work and in the work of others. I found that using WATCOM is an exercise in "re-learning" how ANSI C really works. This is an all too common problem that can manifest itself in he most unexpected ways. It is for this reason that having a familiarity with the debugger and, in some cases, a good understanding of x86 assembly language, is required. Danie Conradie, emailed me with a case where in his external assembly routines, he was using pusha/popa to save and restore registers when calling a C function from his assembly in order to retain register coherency. When compiling with full debugging the compiler is significantly less aggressive about register usage, and as a result there was no problem. However, with debugging turned off nothing worked. The reason, of course, is that he was only saving and restoring the 16 bit versions of the registers where he should have used pushad/popad to save and restore the 32 bit versions of the registers, and without full debugging info turned on, the compiler was dirtying all sorts of registers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q20. What is FLAT memory model? What is the advantage of a 32 bit compiler such as WATCOM C/C++ over 16 bit compilers? What are the differences? Will I be able to move my 16 bit DOS code straight over to 32 bit? A20. WATCOM C/C++ can compile for either 16 bit or 32 bit. The compilers are named wpp/wcc/wcl and wpp386/wcc386/wcl386 respectively for 16 bit and 32 bit compilation. Every DOS programming model under the sun is implemented: TINY, SMALL, COMPACT, MEDIUM, LARGE, HUGE (the 16 bit models) as well as FLAT and LARGE32 (the 32 bit models). Libraries are not available for the LARGE32 bit model, and besides the FLAT model, the others are obviously only supported by the 16 bit compiler. So WATCOM C/C++'s sweet spot model is the FLAT memory model. FLAT memory model is an analogue of TINY model for 32 bit programs. ES and DS are set to the same selector which points at the base of memory and maps all 4GB of address space. CS is a selector that points to all of memory like DS and ES, but has the execution attribute set, meaning that it cannot be written to directly. SS is set to a special stack segment to make stack overflow easier to detect. This set up allows you to, in nearly all situations, ignore segment/selector registers completely. FS and GS are available for applications to use as they see fit and by default are set to 0. (Hint: Be sure to check the values of these selectors whenever you are debugging a failure in your code. These selectors may change as a result of ill-behaved interrupt vector calls, and hence may need to be saved and restored properly (see the #pragma discussions elsewhere in this FAQ)) Unless you are dealing with interfacing to external 16 bit resources (such as APIs implemented through interrupts) you never need to deal with 64K segment limits, or strange keywords like FAR, NEAR or MK_FP. Pointers and int's are both 32 bit, and while its not advisable, you can cast between the two and still be portable to most platforms (16 bit x86 environments and 64 bit DEC Alpha environments being the most notable exceptions.) The extra bandwidth/precision you get for using a 32 bit coding model over a 16 bit one speaks for itself. 32 bit instructions executed from 32 bit segments do not need instruction overrides. Beyond that only TINY and SMALL models (from the 16 bit model choices) compare with the low overhead for context switches. That is to say, the only 16 bit models that also don't require selector loads for new data pointers or function calls are restricted to 64K of data and/or code. Familiar DOS/BIOS data areas such as 0A000:0000 and 0040:0000 have been mapped in the most natural way: 16*segment+offset. So VGA space is now at _FLAT:0x0A0000 and the standard BIOS area is now at _FLAT:0x0400. But this mapping doesn't necessarily hold true for the rest of system memory. This is actually a good thing since it allows for linearly mapped graphics cards to have their address range placed at a convenient place, namely the end of your conventional memory. (Or in the case of Windows; usually a special address range with certain OS specific characteristics.) (It is important to note that the construct MK_FP(0xA000,0); doesn't have the same meaning and will *NOT* correctly map the screen to a usable pointer. Use (char *)(0x0A0000) as just described.) This sudden ease of implementation for everything is actually likely to make the job of porting from 16 bit DOS quite involved for many applications. This porting procedure would mostly be an exercise in *undoing* all the 16 bit nonsense that was being done previously. For more information look under "Converting to WATCOM C/C++" in the Programmer's Guide. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q21. I am getting this weird error message ... A21. Lets go through some of the more common ones: (1) When I run my program I get something like: DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.97 Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994 DOS/4GW error (2001): exception 0Eh (page fault) at 237:825A401F TSF32: prev_tsf32 5290 SS 23F DS 23F ES 23F FS 0 GS 87 EAX FFFFFFFF EBX 8244A380 ECX 0 EDX 0 ESI 824493A1 EDI 8244939C EBP 8244A374 ESP 8244A370 CS:IP 237:825A401F ID 0E COD 6 FLG 10202 CS= 237, USE32, page granular, limit FFFFFFFF, base 0, acc CFFB SS= 23F, USE32, page granular, limit FFFFFFFF, base 0, acc CFF3 DS= 23F, USE32, page granular, limit FFFFFFFF, base 0, acc CFF3 ES= 23F, USE32, page granular, limit FFFFFFFF, base 0, acc CFF3 FS= 0, USE16, byte granular, limit 0, base 0, acc 0 GS= 87, USE16, byte granular, limit FFFF, base 18DD0, acc F3 CR0: unavailable Crash address (unrelocated) = 1:0000001F This means that you have an error in your program. If the address given in the last like looks like 1:000????? (basically segment 1 and a reasonably small sized offset) then chances are you can run this under the debugger and have the address of your error shown to you. If even the address looks like its off in the weeds, remember that WATCOM's debugger allows you to crawl up the execution stack to see how the crash was arrived at. If running the debugger is out of the question or somehow problematic for you then you can generate a map file by putting "option map=myprog" on your link command line, or putting "/fm=myprog" on your wcl command line. This is most useful when you are compiling with debug info ("/d2" on your compile command line.) The resulting file will correlate the line numbers in your program to relative addresses which can be matched against the "Crash address" given above. Often the target address will be in a library function. This generally means that either the parameters passed to the function are bogus, or some global state that the function depends on has become damaged. Global state is hard to be debug, but not impossible. (Trying to do this without a debugger is a hurting proposition.) See "Q22. I am having malloc troubles. It seems that I am trashing the heap but I don't know how to debug it." later on in the FAQ. Another possibility that everyone seems to run into sooner or later is the small stack limitation. WATCOM C/C++'s stack, by default is 16K, so declaring a local array in a function of more than 4096 ints, say, will cause a stack fault with no clear explanation about the error. This error is ordinarily caught by debugging with runtime stack checking on (the default, without the "/s" switch.) But most of the time you are simply accessing memory you shouldn't be (past end of an array, stuffing a pointer without first mallocing it, inadvertently corrupting a pointer that you use later.) Remember, pointers are not in "far" format, but rather in "_FLAT" format. So 0x0A0000000 is not the address of the VGA frame buffer, 0x0A0000 is. (2) I type: wcl386 /l=dos4g hello.c and get back: WATCOM Linker Version 10.6 Copyright by WATCOM International Corp. 1985, 1996. All rights reserved. WATCOM is a trademark of WATCOM International Corp. Warning(1107): file __WCL__.LNK: line(2): undefined system name: dos4g loading object files searching libraries Error(3002): ** internal ** - format not decided Error: Linker returned a bad status This means that when you installed WATCOM C/C++ you did not select 32-bit DOS target. You can run the installation procedure again to do an incremental install of 32 bit DOS compiler support. (3) I'm using the IDE and am trying to compile an example program that comes with "SupermundoGraph" and am getting messages like: wlink SYS dos op m op maxe=25 op q op symf @smg_ex1.lk1 Warning(1028): smg_move_ is an undefined reference Warning(1028): smg_drawmap_ is an undefined reference file timmy.obj(C:\smg\src\smg_ex1.c): undefined symbol smg_resize_ file timmy.obj(C:\smg\src\smg_ex1.c): undefined symbol smg_setclip_ "undefined reference" and "undefined symbol" indicate that something has gone wrong in the linking process. I am not very familiar with the IDE but, chances are you have not added in the SupermundoGraph library properly. According to the v10.0 IDE help documentation, you simply add the library (*.lib) as if it were a source file. Alternatively, you can add the library's path under the Targets->Target Options->Window Linking Switches->Import export & Lib switches. Also watch that you have selected the right directories for your project. I usually set up my directories and build my project sources before invoking the IDE (in the rare occasions that I have ever used the IDE.) If you are not careful, you will end up building projects right in the compiler's own Windows tool directories, which makes for file maintenance headaches sooner or later. Using the command line interface, you have to make sure your link file (smg_ex1.lk1 in the above example) contains a "library [lib path & name]" directive. See the online documentation about the linker for more information. If that's not it, then perhaps the example is not compatible with your version of WATCOM C/C++. In this case, you should contact the library vendor and inform them of this problem. (4) I'm just trying to compile a very simple application and I'm getting something like: WATCOM C/C++32 Compile and Link Utility Version 10.0 Copyright by WATCOM International Corp. 1988, 1994. All rights reserved. WATCOM is a trademark of WATCOM International Corp. wcc386 TEST.C WATCOM C32 Optimizing Compiler Version 10.0a Copyright by WATCOM International Corp. 1984, 1994. All rights reserved. WATCOM is a trademark of WATCOM International Corp. C:\VC98\INCLUDE\stdio.h(23): Error! E1091: ERROR: Only Mac or Win32 targets supported! TEST.C: 32 lines, included 472, 0 warnings, 1 errors Error: Compiler returned a bad status compiling 'TEST.C' You have installed or are using Visual C++. (Installing other compilers may cause similar problems.) WATCOM can still be used when other compilers are installed, however the environment variables INCLUDE, LIB, and WATCOM need to be set to the default values set by WATCOM when it was first installed. The WATCOM variable will be untouched by other compilers, so its usually best to redefine the INCLUDE and LIB environment variables in terms of %WATCOM% from batch files or makefiles. For example in makefiles the .BEFORE directive can be used for this purpose: .BEFORE @set INCLUDE=.;$(%watcom)\H @set LIB=.;$(%watcom)\LIB386 (5) I am getting linker errors from wpp386 that make no sense. I have everything externed and prototyped as far as I can tell. One possibility is that you are trying to combine C and C++ code. If it is your intention to only write C, and not import C++ libraries, then you should use the wcl386 or wcc386 compilers. If you want to write C++ code, you cannot simply mix C and C++ directly. To import C code into a C++ project you must prototype them as extern "C" { } as follows: extern "C" // c must be a capital C { extern void Set_320_200(); extern void Put_Pixel( BYTE Color, WORD x, WORD y ); } The extern's publicize the symbol, and the "C" declares them as C symbols so that they are linked without C++ attributions. Thus they act as C symbols, not C++ symbols. This means their names are not mangled in the objects, they cannot be overloaded, etc., etc. Thanks to Mark Lassche for verifying this, and thanks to Eric Kenslow for giving more a detailed explanation of extern "C". (6) I am getting an unexplicable unmatched #if/#endif preprocessor error: f.c(99): Warning! W129: #endif matches #if in different source file 'f.h' A missing linebreak after the #endif can generate this message. Make sure you have a linebreak after your #endifs. (7) I get ILLEGAL ADDRESS HAS CAUSED A PAGE FAULT when I run WLINK in a DOS box on my Windows machine. What's wrong here? Check which WLINK you're running. On Windows 9x/NT you should be running the WLINK located in %watcom%\binnt and on Windows 3.1x/DOS you should be running WLINK located in %watcom%\binw (check environment name PATH). If you've installed the Windows 3.1x/DOS tools accidentally on your NT machine please re-install Watcom C/C++. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q22. I am having malloc troubles. It seems that I am trashing the heap but I don't know how to debug it. A22. Someone on asked this question and I gave this as the response: Apparently somewhere in version 10.0 or 10.5, WATCOM had a problem with mallocing that has been fixed in a subsequent build. It is likely that a patch for it exists on their WWW site. Nevertheless, I believe that bug was an extremely obscure one with the "free" command and is unlikely to be your problem. Dealing with a trashed heap is difficult with any compiler, but WATCOM makes it particularly challenging because of its "frugal" heap memory tracking system. If you do a little debugging/reverse engineering, you will see that a WATCOM memory allocation tracks the size in the int (signed long) just before the actual allocation itself. So (ptr=(int*)malloc(99))[-1] should be 99. The malloc/free functions use this and this alone to track the heap so if you are trashing memory, especially these sizes, you will start dying really soon. I found that the WATCOM debugger is particularly good at tracking down precisely this sort of problem. Allow me to tell you a story: Once upon a time I had a memory corruption in a large convoluted program I was writing. So I started debugging by putting a wrapper around the "malloc" and "free" functions that added an additional size to test the validity of each malloced size against when I use it (which I put on the *other* side of the allocation.) I put a test in the place where my program was accessing it and GP faulting. I simply output a message indicating that the memory was trashed. Using the debugger I put a break point on the error message printer. Then I used the "reverse execution" feature to get me back to the failed memory size comparison and noted the machine address of the WATCOM size pointer. Then I reset the program and put a breakpoint on access to that memory address. It turns out that my program legally accessed it several times (on the order of a thousand.) So I used the breakpoint "counter" to help me zero in (essentially a binary search) on the number many times this memory was accessed before the crash occurs. By setting the counter appropriately, I found the code which was pounding on the size and rectified it. Total time spent was about 1.5 hours which is not bad for a bug of this complexity (most of the time was spent on other desperate attempts to find the bug *before* diving in and trying the above procedure, which took < 10 mins.) I can't praise the WATCOM debugger enough for enabling me to do the above procedure. In particular, the reverse execution feature gives me unparalleled power (with the exception of Soft-ICE, which of course, gives you much more power) for determining my context. Mixed assembly and source level debugging allowed me to reverse engineer WATCOM's malloc method lickedy split. BTW, the bug in my program was simple. I was accessing a pointer before mallocing it. Paul Keys responded to the post above with a very good suggestion: Watcom has functions that can be used to debug the heap. Functions such as _heapset, _heapchk, _heapwalk, are indispensible. Using _heapset I have managed to find cases where I was using pointers to memory that had been mistakenly freed. With _heapchk, I have tracked down where the heap lost its integrity. And using _heapwalk, I was able to track down some rampant allocation that was slowly gobbling up all available memory. I have since used these functions; _heapchk () alone is worth while. Overwriting the bounds of a malloced piece of memory can also be tracked down, by simply sprinkling _heapchk () calls around the affected areas. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q23. How do I write directly to graphics memory? A23. As mentioned above, the base of VGA memory is mapped at 0x0A0000. The ports can be accessed via the outp() function, so even setting up Mode X is no big deal. For an example of this see: It is #pragma based, and assumes a little ASM and Mode X knowledge. CGA and EGA are no more challenging than VGA. SVGA modes have their own special problems. The examples in Ferraro's book on VGA's and SVGA's can be easily adapted to WATCOM C/C++, even in pure C, with the exception of the VESA SVGA stuff. Revision 1.2 of the VESA SVGA interface (the interface most widely supported by SVGA's out there) requires a 16 bit memory allocation for a data buffer and a 16 bit call or interrupt to the "Bank Switch" procedure (my own investigations lead me to find that the WinPtr call was not reliable on many graphics cards and thus I stuck with the interrupt). Many novices (including myself, when I first tried it) make the mistake of thinking that they can just pass in some appropriately cooked values into the required registers as the VESA spec requires and just call int 10h. Unfortunately this does not work when the "es" register has to be stuffed with the segment for the buffer that VESA fills in with mode info. You need a protected mode to real mode translation API to make dos allocations and simulate real mode dos interrupts. These are both achieved by using DPMI which is discussed elsewhere in this FAQ (see Q25.) Revision 2.0 of the VESA SVGA interface has a 32 bit interface and also allows the option of mapping the entire frame buffer to a single contiguous linear memory range. The VESA SVGA specs are available at:, and The CauseWay DOS extender actually comes with an on-the-fly extender patch for providing an extender wrapper for the VESA graphics pointers (much like they have extended int 21.) If you have a banked only SVGA and wish to virtualize it into a linear SVGA Ivan Ristic has written up some sample code for doing precisely this: Understanding of the above code requires a good low level understanding of Intel 386+ processors. Programming a graphics controller to use its specific functions requires getting specifications for the graphics controller themselves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q24. How do I install a mouse event handler? A24. This appears to be extender specific. The CauseWay Extender has specific support for the int 0x33 (including sub-function 0xc) function. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q25. What is DPMI and what role does it play in using WATCOM C/C++? How do I communicate between the 16 bit world and 32 bit world on my PC? A25. DPMI stands for "DOS Protected Mode Interface" and was dreamed up by Intel and Microsoft. It is a method for extending DOS's functionality for supporting 32 bit programming at the lowest possible level. Windows 95/98 is an example of a program which implements and leverages the DPMI interface to enable "Enhanced Mode" and 32 bit DOS Extended applications to run under DOS boxes. (QDPMI, CWSDPMI and DOS4GW itself are other examples.) For most purposes DPMI essentially is an API for setting up 32 bit selectors, and call gates between 16 and 32 bit execution segments. A version 0.90 (the one used by Windows) specification is available at: (you need 'ARJ' to decompress this file; its available elsewhere on x2ftp) An online 1.0 specification can be found at: The major differences between 0.90 and 1.0 is that 1.0 servers must return with exact error codes in the event of a failure. Among its most common uses are: allocating 16 bit memory and calling a 16 bit interrupt which takes a 16 bit segmented address for a data buffer (ordinarily DOS4GW and/or WATCOM's heap manager will not "malloc" from DOS memory, so it essentially goes wasted.) These are both required for supporting VESA SVGA 1.2. You may notice that among the many messages printed on DOOM's fake "DOOM OS" init screen is a mention of DPMI allocations. The programmers at "id" probably wrote their own memory manager which uses conventional memory in addition to regular heap memory. More information about DPMI can be found in the WATCOM C/C++ compiler users guide under the section: "INTERRUPT 31H DPMI FUNCTIONS". The major short coming of DOS4GW is that its an incomplete implementation of DPMI (0.90). The WATCOM C/C++ users's guide describes what DPMI functions *are* implemented in the "INTERRUPT 31H DPMI Functions" chapter. DOS4GW even steps outside of the bounds in the sense that unsupported functions do not simply return with the carry flag set indicating an error (even though it has not completed the DPMI function.) Fortunately the latest DOS4GW implements both the DOS alloc function and the simulated DOS interrupt call, which are sufficient for setting up rudimentary 16 bit communication. If another DPMI manager is present, however, DOS4GW will not set up its own DPMI server. (I purchased the CauseWay DOS Extender which is far more robust and feature rich.) So how does one actually coordinate 16 and 32 bit components together? Allow me to explain one method. All 32 bit DOS executables are bound with a 16 bit kick-start program. This kick-start program is, by default, named WSTUB.EXE and is located in the %WATCOM%\BINB directory. Obviously you can change the contents of this file to anything you like (you can do this without mucking with %WATCOM%\BINB\WSTUB.EXE directly, by instead modifying %WATCOM%\BINB\WSYSTEML.LNK; it should be self explanatory.) The 16 bit source code for WSTUB is also supplied, which makes the kick starting procedure fairly clear (starting with version 10.0, WATCOM included both that 16 and 32 bit versions of their compiler in the same package.) It basically parses the command line arguments and passes control to DOS4GW with itself as the first parameter followed by the rest of the regular parameters. You can write all your 16 bit components in the stub, passing critical pointer values as command line parameters to the 32 bit portion. The pointers could point to anything, including 16 bit function entry point addresses and data areas. The 32 portion would do the simple math to convert the pointers and can pass control back to the 16 bit stub functions using the DPMI 16 bit function call simulation call. Voila! The reason I've described the above procedure is that I've seen others take a less savory approach that I'd just as soon see avoided in the future. In at least one sound library I noticed that the implementer wrote a 16 bit TSR that had to be executed beforehand. Clearly, an unsanctioned or unreliable method of communication between the 16bit TSR and 32bit library was being used. Using the stub method is much cleaner. Why would you ever want to paste 16 and 32 bit code together? Well, the main reason would be that you have a large database of 16 bit code that is most logically accessed as if coming from an interrupt event. I've also heard rumors to the effect that using DMA is a 16 bit only operation, but I'd have to investigate that more fully before confirming it. For example, you might have a substitute mouse driver written in 16 bit code that you don't want to run as a separate TSR because you want to retain the old mouse ISR. So you could install it at the start of WSTUB, spawn the 32 bit process, then deinstall it when you come back. Personally, I've modified WSTUB.EXE in minor ways, but in all honesty, I have to admit that I have not tried the above procedure myself. David Vandewalle has used precisely this procedure to write a LAN monitor app. Note that extenders that bind to the executable typically have their *own* wstub.exe in binary form (including their proprietary DPMI server), and hence don't allow for this sort of scenario to be set up. So this is really only applicable in this form to DOS4G/DOS4GW applications. (Although it is still possible to do this or something similar with any DPMI supporting extender, you will have to compile, load and manage all the 16 bit code separately yourself.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q26. What if I really need to compile a 16 bit model program? A26. Starting with version 10.0, WATCOM includes both the 16 and 32 bit compilers in a single package. The 16 bit compiler executables are wpp.exe, wcl.exe and wcc.exe, while the 32 bit compilers are wpp386, wcl386.exe and wcc386.exe. It should just be a matter of changing your makefile or flipping an IDE switch. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q27. Why do WATCOM's results and Visual C++'s results differ on the same source code? Why does WATCOM implement the default signedness of chars different from everyone else? I am having difficulty porting code to WATCOM C/C++. A27. A list of these differences can be found in the online help. Here's a list of the major gotcha's: - To get around the signedness default be sure to pass a "/j" on the command line. - WATCOM will, by default, use registers for its parameter passing convention which makes it incompatible with regular COFF format libraries and object files. However, adding the extra declaration information via "#pragma aux frame;" will force WATCOM to pass parameters to the function via the stack. - WATCOM's "wmake" utility parses a makefile format that is entirely different from Microsoft's. WATCOM decided to mimic UNIX as closely as possible, while Microsoft went ahead and made their own standard. Version 11.0 of wmake includes an /ms switch that supports Microsoft nmake files. Also included is an nmake stub that converts nmake switches to their wmake counterparts and invokes "wmake /ms". - If you do asynchronous variable updates (such as modifying global variables in an ISR), you *need* to declare your variable as "volatile". Other C compilers optimization strategies act as if all variables were declared volatile, and can mislead you into thinking it is unnecessary to declare your variables this way. - In general, WATCOM's C/C++ compilers tend to be more stable, however one notable exception was the initial release of version 10.0. But WATCOM had patches available in a couple months which fixed its most outstanding problems. Relatively speaking, WATCOM's compiler is fairly robust and more ANSI compliant than Visual C++ which can explain most discrepancies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q28. Can I link external assembly files together with my C files? A28. WATCOM's linker can accept .OBJ files in its own format or in the standard intel format. So using a separate assembler should not cause any extra unnecessary complications. Earlier versions (9.0) of the compiler required the use of the "WOMP" utility to convert object formats. Starting with version 10.0, WATCOM C/C++ also comes with an external assembler called "WASM". However about the most praiseworthy comment I've heard about it was something along the lines of "when I wrote everything from scratch and followed all its rules, WASM seemed to be able to do the job." Basically, I don't believe WATCOM implemented many of the common, but superfluous assembler features of MASM or TASM which a lot of people rely on and hence were complaining about. The most common problem when trying to link external assembly objects with C/C++ objects is the name mangling/modification that the C/C++ compiler does by default. WATCOM C symbols in general are prepended with an underscore ("_"), whereas assembler names are not modified in any way. This can be changed with a #pragma directive (see Q29, and the online documentation for changing the symbol renaming convention used by WATCOM C/C++.) However, Eric Kenslow says that this is unnecesary. WATCOM has changed the meaning of "cdecl" recently, so how you deal with this may be different depending on the version of WATCOM C/C++ you are using. According to Mats Byggmastar, in C++ you should declare your external variables as: extern "C" int Variable; int Variable; And your ASM external variables as: extrn _Variable:dword In any event, if you are having problems linking asm and C objects together, use "wdisasm" ("wdis" in version 11.0) or any binary viewer for that matter, and see how the shared symbol names are being modified for each of your objects. As recourse, in C you can use the #pragma name modification directive, and in assembly you can simply append your public/extern names with underscores as necessary. Modifying your assembly symbol names is the method Eric Kenslow recommends. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q29. How do #pragma's work? How do I use inline assembly language? A29. WATCOM's #pragma command is generally used as an alternative way for defining C/C++ function generation properties. Examples: 1. If you know that the parameters for a function are available either on the stack or in certain x86 registers then you can assign which go where *explicitly*. 2. If you know that at link time you will need the exported function names to be mangled in some nondefault way then you can deal with that in a #pragma. 3. If you want to generate inline assembly then you can do so as actual assembly text or opcode bytes. You give a function prototype and then declare its content using the #pragma aux ="" directive. This system for dealing with inline assembly is very powerful as it allows you to explicitly declare your register usage, so that your C and assembly stitch together perfectly. This method requires that you abstract your inline assembly to have a regular C-function prototype which aids in portability to non-x86 platforms. A word of warning; inline assembly functions declared with #pragma aux are not externed and hence behave like regular C++ "inline" or "static" functions. The typical method of dealing with multiple C files using the same inline function is to define it in a local include file common to your C files. In this vein I think of #pragma's as type checked macros, rather than functions. Here's an example of the power of #pragma inline assembly for 32 bit FLAT memory model. Suppose we wish to implement the following: static void DWORDCopy(long *Source, long *Destination, int Length) { for(;Length;Length--) { *Source++=*Destination++; } } in tight (i.e., small) assembly. Using the WATCOM disassembler will show you that the above is *not* compiled to a "rep movsd" no matter what compiler settings you use. The functionally equivalent inline pragma is implemented as follows: void DWORDCopy(long *Source, long *Destination, int Length); #pragma aux DWORDCopy = " rep movsd " parm [ESI] [EDI] [ECX]\ modify [ESI EDI ECX]; The above function will copy a packed array of 32 bit quantities from a source pointer to a destination pointer using the "rep movsd" x86 assembly construct. The source and destination parameters are put into ESI and EDI, with the length (in dwords) in ECX which is exactly what "rep movsd" requires for priming. In addition movsd requires that es and ds are set up, but that is all taken care of by the FLAT model start up code. To implement this same thing with Borland C++ or Visual C++ you need additional priming code to transfer the source and destination parameters to the correct registers. Finally, the C-compiler needs to know what registers were modified by the inline #pragma so that it can figure out what registers are available to the surrounding C-code. This cuts down on unnecessary save and restores of registers that is generally required to safely implement an inline "_asm". Typically, the meat of the code appears in the double quotes, and is several lines long, however opcodes can also be entered directly as bytes as well. Remember that ANSI C constants strings can be broken up in sequence, and that lines can be stitched together with a "\" at the end. #pragma's have to be declared on one line, so longer inline assembly language sequences typically look more like: void SetMode13(void); #pragma aux SetMode13 = \ " mov ax,13h " \ " int 10h " \ modify [ax]; (My point above is that this #pragma statement is equivalent to: #pragma aux SetMode13 = " mov ax,13h " " int 10h " modify [ax];) You then call "SetMode13()" as if it were a regular function, and WATCOM does the inline pasting for you. Why would you ever want to enter opcodes? Well, Intel and AMD have been introducing new instruction set extensions faster than WATCOM has been releasing their compilers. So at first, these new instructions require opcode encoding (starting with version 11.0 WATCOM is supporting MMX, Open Watcom C/C++ now correctly supports the cmovCC instructions.) I had, in an earlier version of the WATFAQ.TXT claimed that rdtsc required opcode inlining, however this is not the case as Charlie Wallace informs me that: double RDTSC(void); #pragma aux RDTSC = " .586 " \ " rdtsc " \ " push edx " \ " push eax " \ " fild qword [esp] " \ " pop eax " \ " pop edx " \ modify [eax edx] value [8087]; is perfectly acceptable. (Thanks to Tamas Kaproncai for suggesting the use of floating point for the RDTSC value.) However, recent attempts to encode "fsave", "fwait" and "frstor" using the inline assembler have lead me to some interesting results. I found I had to use opcodes for these instructions (using v10.0a.) The following code implements these instructions with some combined opcode and mneumonic trickery: static char FPUstate[0x94]; void FPUSave(void); #pragma aux FPUSave = 0xdd " xor eax,offset FPUstate "; void FPUSaveToBuffer(char *); #pragma aux FPUSaveToBuffer = 0xdd 0x37 parm [edi]; void FPURestore(void); #pragma aux FPURestore = 0xdd " and eax,offset FPUstate "; void FPURetoreFromBuffer(char *); #pragma aux FPURetoreFromBuffer = 0xdd 0x27 parm [edi]; void FPUWait(void); #pragma aux FPUWait = " wait "; I'm currently stymied about how to encode something like "fsave [ebx+esi]". Another reason for using inline assembly is to chose between short handed and non-short handed instructions (when differing opcodes produce the same assembly instruction.) The Pentium actually has some performance penalties for executing some of the short-hand opcodes. Note that the division of strings into separate implicitely concatenated strings is important. That is to say " mov eax,ebx add ebx,ecx " will not be parsed correctly, however " mov eax,ebx " " add ebx,ecx " will. This clearly falls outside of what one expects from C's parsing rules. However, I believe WATCOM is still inside the ANSI rules on this one since what is parsed after a #pragma directive is implementation defined. (I wouldn't mind getting an official ruling on this one though.) Starting with version 11.0 WATCOM C/C++ supports the "_asm" language extension, purely as a compatibility feature as most other PC based C compilers use it. WATCOM still recommends the use of the #pragma aux method since it gives you and the compiler far more control. Refer to the online documentation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q30. How do I implement compiled bitmaps? How do I do on-the-fly generated code? A30. Its no big deal really. Remember that CS, DS and ES are mapped to the same physical space. So in principle you need only malloc some space, fill it with 32 bit instructions (note that the opcodes between 16 and 32 bit do not translate directly) cast it to a function pointer (be especially careful with any parameters passed) and call it. Modifying existing code (realizing of course that you take your life in your own hands when you do this) is also possible. Cast a function pointer to a regular data pointer ((char *) is probably the only appropriate pointer type) modify the data function code as if it were just an array of opcodes and operands, then call the function. Unfortunately, it looks like the compiler can do something really odd. If you assign the address of an existing function to a function pointer and modify it directly under the same scope, the compiler will tack on a "CS:" segment override, which will cause a page fault at execution time (Code selectors cannot be used to write data.) I don't quite see why they did this but the obvious work around of using another function to modify the actual code seems to work just fine: #include #include #include // printf compatible function prototype typedef int (* fntype)(char *, ... ); char * fn; // Assembly language opcode to cause an immediate return: #define RET 0xc3 void SetReturn(char * ptr) { ptr[0] = RET; } void main(void) { printf("Hello\n"); // Call "printf" as normal fn = (char *)malloc(128); // Get some memory SetReturn(fn); // Assign function ((fntype)fn)("Hello\n"); // Call function with parameter fn = (char *)&printf; // Point to "printf" SetReturn(fn); // Reassign printf function printf("Hello\n"); // Call "printf" as normal } This was compiled with the -5r and -s switches (only.) Clearly there is a difference between the stack based and non-stack based libraries which makes this sort of self-modifying code particularly hazardous to deal with. The details for doing compiled bitmaps are beyond the scope of this FAQ, however the general idea is to construct a number of mov [edi+offset],immediate one after the other which plot the sprite. This makes transparency encoding an intrinsic part of the sprite. However, difficulty with clipping (especially in the x direction) and destination memory write alignment makes compiled sprites a questionable compromise to a more general run length copy routine. For more information read the newsgroup: Doing more exotic things like writing your own compiler and setting up your own compiler environment with protected execution spaces are also beyond the scope of this FAQ, but can probably be dealt with just using DPMI. Now, before you go off and get any not so bright ideas, read the following USENET conversation: > Hi there, I was wondering how you need to set things up so you can modify > your code and make copies of your functions under DOS4GW/Watcom.... I've > tried copying the function's code around to several different areas, but > it always gets a GPF.... Here's a simple example that crashes, if anyone > has any idea how to make it work, please let me know! Thanks in advance! > > void printstuff() > { > printf("HELLO\n"); > } > > void main() > { > void (*pFn)(); > > pFn = new char[500]; > memcpy( pFn, printstuff, 500 ); > pFn(); > } The reason this doesn't work is because of the x86's relative addressing modes. That is to say, that the >> printf("HELLO\n") << statement is translated to a *relative* call. It gets translated to something like: mov eax,offset L1 ; Pointer for string "HELLO\n" call relative ((offset printf)-($+5)) ; $ = current address. The x86 will automatically add in the current address to the relative offset and come back with the right address. So in the copied version of the routine (in pFn()) you won't end up at the address of "printf" which you desire, because the relative difference was copied, rather than the physical address. There is no easy work around for this, and it is for reasons such as this that self-modifying code and related techniques, such as what you've tried to do are generally frowned upon. The following two suggestions which fix the above program also serve to illustrate the flaw I am pointing out. (1) Instead of using 500, try using the number 31744 in both places. (Of course, the only reason this works is because printf is linked after your local functions.) (2) Rather than calling printf directly, assign the address of printf to a global volatile (just to make sure WATCOM doesn't try any simplification tricks to avoid using it) function pointer, and call the function pointer instead of printf directly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q31. How do I install a 32 bit interrupt vector? How do I install a bimodal interrupt? A31. Look up _dos_getvect, _dos_setvect, _dos_keep and _chain_intr in the online help. Bimodal interrupts need an extra step or two to set up; DPMI and x86 knowledge is a requirement. Here is an example for hooking out the timer interrupt in regular protected mode. Note the use of "volatile" on the Timer_Tick variable declaration. This is an often over looked detail in this sort of asynchronous kind of programming. #include #include #include volatile int Timer_Tick = 0; /* Must be "volatile" */ void __interrupt New_Timer_ISR(void); void (__interrupt * Old_Timer_ISR)(void); void __interrupt New_Timer_ISR(void) { Timer_Tick ++; Old_Timer_ISR(); /* Chain back to original interrupt */ } /* Ordinarily using INT 01Ch is the preferred method, but INT 08h can * also be used. */ #define TIMER_INTERRUPT (0x1C) void main(void) { Old_Timer_ISR = _dos_getvect( TIMER_INTERRUPT ); _dos_setvect( TIMER_INTERRUPT, New_Timer_ISR ); do { printf( "%d\n", Timer_Tick ); } while( !kbhit() ); _dos_setvect( TIMER_INTERRUPT, Old_Timer_ISR ); } In previous versions of the FAQ, I indicated bimodal interrupts are very complicated and difficult to deal with. Unfortunately, I was prejudiced by my own example, where I was trying to do some really contorted things. The truth is that if you are doing something simple, its really not all that hard. My application was for trapping v86 mode application executed through system() when they made calls to software interrupts. However, another practical application is pure performance improvements of interrupt calls, by avoiding the real mode to protected mode DOS extender pass up layer. The general problem "bimodal interrupts" is trying to solve is the fact that an interrupt may occur either when the system is in v86 mode (essentially real mode, with certain restrictions) or in pure 32 bit protected mode, and so under certain application contraints it may be desirable to have a separate v86 mode and protected mode service interrupt that would have essentially identical functionality. To do this you need to use the DPMI API to install a "Real mode interrupt" (really a v86 mode interrupt; see the documentation recommended in Q25) and then use the regular DOS extender API (_dos_setvect(), _dos_getvect()) to install a protected mode interrupt. Ordinarily you need a shared data area (in the first meg of memory so that the v86 code can access it) to communicate the results of whatever you are doing so that the main thread of your application can react in an unified way regardless of which version of the interrupt was triggered. What this does is it overrides the pass up that the DOS extender performs normally does, which can be very slow as it requires a switch up to protected mode and back; the switch is ordinarily trapped by Windows which will add other overhead. You can find a somewhat simple example of a bimodal interrupt implementation at: It was submitted by Fernando Anton of the "Spanish Lords" as a demonstration of a simple bimodal implementation for trapping the keyboard interrupt. It requires Borland's TASM assembler. Bimodal interrupts can be extremely difficult to debug since you need a debugger that can trace in v86 mode as well as protected mode. When I was trying such things, I did not even bother with the WATCOM debugger, instead going straight to NuMega's SOFT-ICE for Windows. In some cases, I traced through a little of the DOS extender, and Windows internals to see what was going on. But it is likely, that I was just exacerbating things with the complication of what I was doing (my main 32 bit application was spawning another 16 bit application after it rerouted a 16 bit interrupt to my 32 bit interrupt handler; so there were two applications, a dos extender and Windows that were all alive at any given time, and I only had sources to my stuff.) If understanding is your goal then keep the following in mind: - DOS4GW initializes most interrupt vectors to point into the extender itself. These new vectors are just a translation layer through DPMI to switch into real mode and call the old vector. - Since function pointers (including those declared as __interrupt) are 32 bit offsets, the standard old DOS set/get vector int 21h functions will not work in the standard old way. Using the _dos_getvect() and _dos_setvect() library functions is really the only reliable way to do ISR management. - When a new 32 bit ISR is installed, no translation layer is installed because it is not needed. However, chaining is still possible. - DOS4GW emulates the old real mode interrupts as closely as possible by preserving the regular register values across the interrupt translation layer. However, the segment registers are clearly not preserved. This is not only because a direct Selector->Segment translation makes no sense but because CS, and SS, must be set up to simulate a 16 bit context. - DOS4GW implements its own version of int 21h, which looks very much like a 32 bit extension of int 21h. This is why it is referred to as a "DOS Extender". In these cases places where there might be Selector-> Segment translation issues, there has been a work around to use the _FLAT model paradigm. See the online documentation for more information. - When you are *required* to pass a segment value to a 16 bit interrupt routine, you need to use the DPMI 300h "Simulated interrupt" function. Other DOS extenders such as CauseWay work in similar ways, on top of better DPMI services. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q32. How do I get rid of the DOS4GW banner? How do I bind DOS4GW.EXE to my application? How do I get rid of the external DOS4GW.EXE altogether? What other DOS extenders can I use? A32. To get rid of the DOS4GW startup banner, bind your application to "wstubq.exe" instead of the default "wstub.exe", or alternatively write your own wstub.exe which does a "set DOS4GW=QUIET". You cannot simply get rid of DOS4GW.EXE. You need some sort of DOS extender to drive your 32 bit app. DOS4GW.EXE does not give you a link option however other extenders such as DOS4G (the professional version of DOS4GW) and CauseWay are plug in DOS4GW compatible DOS extenders that will let you link the extender right to your code. This way, from the user perspective, your application is no different from old 16 bit .exe's out there. This is very important for those interested in making tools that are easily transportable in a stand alone form. The other main advantage of using DOS Extenders *other* than DOS4GW, is that all of them seem to support the DPMI "800" call, which is essential for mapping physical memory to linear memory so that you can access all of graphics memory for some SVGA cards directly. WATCOM's 3rd party support home page includes other DOS extenders that work with their compiler. Pointers to these can all be found either directly from a www search engine or on the WATCOM www page. Here's a quick comparison of what is out there that I am aware of. If you have information to add or about other extenders (such as blinker, FlashTek) please tell me so I can include it. Pharlap/TNT - Large proven API, which supersets DPMI. The extender is external and a separate link process is required, but WATCOM supports it as part of the basic compiler environment. I don't know the current going rate, but last I checked it had a $500 price tag. PharLap is now owned by venturcom. Check it out here: CauseWay - Fast, extended DPMI API, supports exe compression, links to final exe, unlimited virtural memory (I accidentally allocated 800MB of memory once, and since I had the hard drive space the app didn't complain!), supports DLLs, plug in compatible with DOS4GW, $200. This is a real no nonsense dos extender which truly supersets DOS4GW and which is at least as robust. The WATCOM debugger can be used with uncompressed CauseWay extended apps (be sure to follow the CauseWay installation instructions carefully), but CauseWay comes with its own debugger that can deal with compressed apps as well. It comes with an informative manual and plenty of sample code for assembly and WATCOM C/C++ usage (including examples of using VESA SVGA.) For more information, check out DOS/4G - What DOS4GW was based on. It allows linking to your executable and TSR programming. Versions up to 1.97 appear to be limited to 64MB, though apparently version 2.01 and above have fixed this problem. They claim to be the extender used for Lotus 1-2-3, and thus guarantee system compatibility. There is varying pricing, but the main Watcom C/C++ upgrade option appears to cost $999. See for more information. WDOSX - Wuschel's DOS Extender - This extender is free. I am not familliar with it, so I cannot comment much about it. For more information you can go here: DOS/32 Advanced - This extender is free. I am not familliar with it, however the author has made some claims about its superior performance. For more information you can go here: FlashTek - I know nothing about this extender (it is used by the WATCOM tools themselves.) For more information you can go here: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q33. How do I build and use DLLs for 32 bit DOS applications? How do I run .EXE images straight from memory? A33. Ordinarily 32 bit DLLs support was not designed with 32 bit DOS in mind. However, many DOS extenders provide this capability. See Q32 above for a list of these DOS extenders. There is no officially supported way to enable DLL support using DOS4GW.EXE, however, there is a sort of "starter's kit" available at the following URL: Which comes with complete source, an example and a brief explanation about how to enable DLLs under DOS4GW. Running .EXE images straight from memory ordinarily requires DOS extender support. Most DOS extenders have some sort of API for precisely this sort of thing (though the free DOS4GW, does not.) Clearly it is possible to spawn programs using system(), and you could store the .EXE in a RAM disk. So it remains to be investigated as to whether or not it is possible to simulate a RAM disk on the fly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q34. How do I make WATCOM C/C++ work with the latest OS/2 Toolkit? A34. I know nothing about WATCOM's OS/2 support, however Eric Lekven has given me the following information: WATCOM does not ship its compiler with the newest OS/2 Toolkit and must be obtained on the IBM OS/2 Developer Connection CDROM or direct from IBM. Unfortunately both require payment, although there have been promotional versions of the Developer Connection CDROM shipped with Dr Dobb's Journal magazine which contain the Toolkit for free. Perhaps they will do this again when OS/2 Merlin ships. In order to use IBM's OS/2 Warp Toolkit header files you need to edit three of the files. os2def.h: Find the two identical lines containing #if defined(__IBMC__) || defined(__IBMCPP__) Edit these two lines to contain this #if defined(__IBMC__) || defined(__IBMCPP__) || defined(__WATCOMC__) mmio.h, mmioos2.h: Both of these have two lists of #defines, one for country codes, the other for keyboard codes. The values are decimal. However these files are non-ANSI in that these decimal numbers have leading zeroes. Delete the leading zeroes from all these #define statements. Breckan Morris has verified this and recommends this over compiling with the stack interface (/4s or /5s) which would also solve the problem. He also adds that there is also a line of the form: #if __IBMC__ || __IBMCPP__ which should be changed to #if __IBMC__ || __IBMCPP__ || __WATCOMC__ According to Vance Palodichuk, OS/2 4.0 (aka Merlin) has fixed the non-ANSI leading zeros error from their mmio*.h files, and the modification listed by Breckan above is sufficient. I.e., you just have to add a "|| __WATCOMC__" to one line of the os2def.h file to make it work. It makes me wonder why IBM didn't simply add this modification themselves just to make it that much easier to use the OS/2 toolkit. This has to be contrasted with Microsoft and Intel who have clearly gone out of their way to support WATCOM C/C++. It seems surprising to me that the relationship between WATCOM and IBM isn't better since they have clearly been beneficial to each other. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q35. Why is WATCOM C/C++ giving me errors when compiling stdio.h? What is the correct order for the WATCOM paths in the PATH environment variable? A35. At the time of installation the environment in which the tools operate is chosen. I.e., there is a different setup in DOS, versus Windows, versus OS/2 etc. This boils down specifically to the PATH chosen. In WATCOM C/C++ version 11.x, the following path order is used for Windows: %watcom\BIN;%watcom\BIN95;%watcom\BINNT;%watcom\BINW;%watcom\BINB For MSDOS this order should be: %watcom\BINW;%watcom\BINB;%watcom\BIN;%watcom\BIN95;%watcom\BINNT The reason for this is that WATCOM C/C++ actually comes with multiple compilers with different tool chain support. Some of the executables are Windows only binaries, while some are actually DOS applications. Check your environment variables with the commandline "SET" command. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q36. Are there any other WATCOM C/C++ caveats? A36. Here are some things I've learned while playing with WATCOM C/C++: 1) Structure declarations that include shorts or chars are highly unlikely to be in physically packed offsets. This is because WATCOM pads entries to align them. This is within ANSI C specifications which only requires that offsets be in increasing order as they are declared. Watcom has a switch "/zp{1,2,4,8}" which allows you to change this behavior as desired. The default behavior differs between the 16 and 32 bit compilers. 2) ISR's do not properly load ES. Hence you should insert a #pragma aux macro (that looks something like: "push ds "" pop es") if you are using any library functions in an ISR. Autoinitialization of arrays or structures is out of the question, since WATCOM C/C++ uses rep movsd. 3) To mix use of floating point in an ISR and in your main thread you must save the floating point state (fsave) at the beginning of your ISR and restore it at the end (frstor). This is because the state of the FPU cannot be reliably known when the ISR is executed (the stack may be full from FPU code in the main thread). Because saving and restoring the FPU state is so costly, I would recommend against using the FPU entirely, within ISRs. If you must, it turns out that WATCOM C/C++ has some difficulty in encoding these instruction mneumonics directly; see Q29 for details. 4) DOS4GW ISR's do not share the same stack with your main application. This means that there are certain function calls that will not work: longjmp and exit are the ones that immediately come to mind. (Of course any non-reentrant functions are off limits as well, but those are standard ISR restrictions.) 5) DOS4GW has no provisions for TSR programming, however it is possible with the professional version, DOS4G and possibly other extenders. (I am not aware of these capabilities in other DOS extenders.) 6) On pre-version 11.0 WATCOM compilers, the #pragma aux inline assembly language directive is limited to assembly sequences of up to 127 bytes or 255 bytes depending on the version of the compiler. Version 11.0 fixes this problem. (Rich Jones, an employee of WATCOM, says they can do 2GB .) For the earlier versions, WATCOM recommended using external assembly for longer assembly sequences. But Charlie Wallace made the good observation that you can deal with this easily by breaking up your inline fragments into pieces: void setup(void); #pragma aux setup = \ " mov edi,0xa0000 " \ " mov ecx,2000 " \ modify [edi ecx]; void copy(void); #pragma aux copy = \ " loop1: " \ " mov [edi],0 " \ " inc edi " \ " dec ecx " \ " jnz loop1 " \ modify [edi ecx]; void main(void) { setup(); copy(); } The "modify" statements above are identical (the code generator is smart enough to see that it doesn't need to restore then save the registers between setup and copy), but as usual, they must describe the registers modified in each inline #pragma. If your flow logic is complicated in such a way that you might jump from one #pragma to another, then you should include all potentially modified registers for the collection of #pragma's, in each #pragma's modify clause. 7) Although mentioned elsewhere, I might as well reiterate that WATCOM has by default implemented "char" as "unsigned char". This can be overridden with the /j switch. 8) Apparently the WATCOM C/C++ tools have difficulty on DOS systems with 64MB of memory as well as with trying to spawn the WATCOM tools themselves inside of an application (via the system() command.) This problem exhibits itself in different ways depending on whether or not you are using Windows, plain DOS or another DPMI server. The work around, as suggested by Charlie Wallace and confirmed by Michael Devore, is to replace w32run.exe (in either %WATCOM%\binw or %WATCOM%\bin, depending on the which version you are using) with one of tntrun.exe, d4grun.exe or x32run.exe (i.e., use the DOS copy command; if things screw up you can always quickly incrementally reinstall from the CDROM.) Apparently, the one which works is system dependent. 9) ES is assumed to be equal to DS and the direction flag is assumed clear. For autoinitialization, structure copying and many library functions, WATCOM C/C++ simply uses the "rep movsd" assembly instruction which means that the direction flag must be clear and ES, must be set to the _FLAT selector, as they are by default. WATCOM does not allow you to add (E)SP, (E)BP, or segment registers to a "modify clause" in a #pragma. So if they are modified (by a BIOS call, or by some inline assembly) you have to save and restore those registers yourself. Similarly the direction flag should be explicitly cleared with the "cld" instruction if it is potentially set. 10) WATCOM C/C++'s stack, by default, is very small. Depending on how you write your code, this can be very limiting. Basically, you should try to avoid declaring arrays inside your functions, but rather declare them statically, outside your functions. If you need the array to be local for recursive (or context) reasons you can either simulate your own stack or simply enlarge the stack using the "stack" linker directive. Here are the default stack sizes for version 11.0: 16-bit: DOS 2K Win 3.x 8K 32-bit: DOS 4K Win32 (95/NT) 64K OS/2 72K (more than 64K is required for Warp 3.0+) By default if, during runtime, your program overflows its stack it will exit with a message saying so. However, for performance reasons you are likely to be tempted to remove stack checking (with the /s option.) In this instance the stack will simply grow past its bounds until another error occurs and likely exit with a page fault in code that crashes as a side effect of the corrupted data. This makes even realizing what has gone wrong somewhat difficult to arrive at directly. As such it is a good idea to avoid removing the stack checking in your program during development until after it has been reasonably tested with its given stack. 11) WATCOM C/C++, by default, does not equate "enum"s to "int"s, but rather to chars if the number of the enums is less than 256. As described in the WATCOM documentation, ANSI is ambiguous about this behavior. I believe this optimization is unique to WATCOM's compiler. Clearly it can cause problems for parameters and structure sizes for libraries, especially if the libraries have been built for/by other compilers. The "-ei" compiler switch will force enums to be equated to "int"s. (Thanks Intel, for reminding me of this caveat!) 12) By default, the linker and library manager are case insensitive with respect to external symbol names. This can pose problems for porting some UNIX based packages. wlib takes the parameter "-c" and wlink takes the directive "option caseexact" which make these tools respect case. 13) WATCOM C/C++ is more strongly typed with respect to function parameter passing than many other C compilers. Other C compilers let you mismatch the parameters passed on a given call from the prototype, because they pass all parameters in a deterministic way onto a stack or register file, and therefore results tend to be predictable, if not well defined. Instead of using the stack, WATCOM C/C++ uses registers agressively, but not necessarily predictably. Such coding practices are outside of the ANSI C specification that can obviously lead to unpredictable results and thus should be avoided independent of using WATCOM C/C++. 14) The WATCOM C/C++ rand() function is exactly the linear congruence method recommended by the ANSI committee. This function has been used by a number of other implementations. The idea, I suppose was that this should provide a moderate degree of portability of random sequences from platform. However, for reasons beyond the depth of this FAQ, this function is far from an ideal random number generator, and it is recommended that users requiring good random number seek another solution. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q37. Will WATCOM C/C++ support MMX? A37. Yes. Starting with version 11.0, WATCOM C/C++ fully supports MMX programming. Other extensions such as 3DNow! and SSE are not directly supported, however, Microsoft, AMD and Intel have made some tools and mechanisms available to support these instructions in MASM, or through the use of include files that can be used together with WATCOM C/C++. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q38. Why does WASM produce different results from MASM? A38. There are several differences between WASM and MASM. WASM is much smaller and does not cover nearly the scope of MASM's features. Here are some of the fundamental things that I have noticed: 1) WASM will not properly relocate _TEXT labels used as data addresses. I believe this is related to the comments in Q30 about how WATCOM will sometimes throw up barriers that keeps you from writing self modifying code. This is a bit of a problem for writing a 16 bit ISR hook that chains (since you would ordinarily prefer to avoid loading your data segment.) Of course, its not too hard to get the IP, so working around this is doable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q39. How do I use WATCOM C/C++ and other compilers at the same time? A39. The major concern when using other compilers are how the environment variable INCLUDE is set to point in the WATCOM default include directory. Assuming that the variable WATCOM has been set, this usually means that INCLUDE = .;%watcom%\H. The problem is that other compiler will use that identical environment variable for its own include directory. To do simple command line compiles, I recommend writing a batch file to save %INCLUDE% then redefine INCLUDE to .;%watcom%\H then perform your compile, then reset %INCLUDE% to its original contents. Within a handwritten makefile, you can simply put the INCLUDE definition in the .BEFORE section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q40. How do I compile extremely long command lines? How does the @file directive file work? A40. In place of command line linker directives, one can use a file, say "proj.lnk" with linkers directives on seperate lines then pass this file to the linker via an @proj.lnk parameter. For example, your proj.lnk file may contain the following lines: option quiet system CauseWay option stack=32768 name .\main.exe library ..\gfxlib\gfxlib.lib file mouse.obj, gui.obj, winman.obj, wrbmp.obj file trace.obj, rectman.obj which is then passed the linker thusly: wlink @proj.lnk Notice that options are not repeated and multiple comma seperated object files may appear per file directive. The WATCOM IDE builds makefiles on the fly which themselves will make *.lnk files on the fly using the %write and %append makefile commands. For a rough idea of how the link files for a particular kind of project, one can try to build a sample project from the IDE that follows the intended environment as closely as possible, build it, and observe the generated *.mk1 and *.lk1 files. A typical "on-the-fly" generated link file set of makefile directives might look like the following: proj.exe : $(OBJS) makefile $(LIBS) @echo Linking $(TGT) @echo opt quiet system CauseWay > $^&.lnk @echo opt stack=32768 >> $^&.lnk @echo name $^@ >> $^&.lnk @for %%f in ($(LIBS)) do @echo library %%f >> $^&.lnk @for %%f in ($(OBJS)) do @echo file %%f >> $^&.lnk @$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) @$^&.lnk @$(CW_DIR)\le23p $^@ @$(CW_DIR)\cwc $^@ Echoing and redirection are alternative options to using the makefile "write" and "append" commands, however it is slower. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q41. How does one turn off a warning in WATCOM C/C++? A41. There are a few warnings that Watcom complains about that don't make any sense like "must look ahead to determine whether construct is a declaration/type or an expression" or "no reference to formal parameter '...'" which should never have been given (parameters may be correctly ignored as a function pointer target, and WATCOM's look ahead mechanism actually does do the right and legal thing.) While you can work around some of these warnings, some cannot be worked around which makes the "-we" compile option seem totally useless. With WATCOM C/C++ version 11.x, however warnings can be turned off will the "#pragma warning" directive: #pragma warning 640 10 void setComplain (int (*complainFn)(const char * __format, ...) ) { #pragma warning 640 9 Presumably the "10" and "9" are internal values corresponding to the warning level. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q42. I don't like the Watcom IDE editor VIW. Can I use another editor with the Watcom IDE? A42. Yes, you can. In the IDE click the 'File' menu and then 'Set Text Editor'. A dialog pops up where you can enter the editor file name with parameter macros and select the editor type: executable or DLL. You find a detailed description in the Watcom IDE Help (Book 'Watcom Integrated Development Environment', sub-book 'Configuring the Integrated Development Environment', section 'Selecting Your Own Text Editor'). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q43. My Watcom editor VIW has crashed and is now unusable. Reinstalling has no effect. What can I do? A43. Find and delete any weditor.ini files you have. The editor will rebuild the defaults next time it's started. If you do any customization, save a backup copy of weditor.ini in case it gets corrupted again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q44. The Watcom editor VIW supports syntax highlighting for C, C++ and Fortran. Can I add more languages? A44. Not officially. But since the 11.0b-patch you should be able to enable a build-in but not documented syntax highlighting for Java. Have a look at this Tips and Tricks Page for details: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q45. Can I use GNU CVS with the Watcom IDE to manage my sources? A45. Yes. Have a look at this Tips and Tricks Page for details: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q46. I'm using the traditional chinese version of Windows with Watcom and the error messages generated by "wcc386", "wpp386", "wlink" and "wmake" are unreadable. What can I do? A46. You can set the language of the messages with one of the following commands: SET WLANG=japanese SET WLANG=english By default the tools check to see if codepage 932 is in operation (Japanese) and defaults to Japanese otherwise English. But for some reason Chinese customers sometimes see Japanese. WLANG is present in the following tools: WASM WDIS WLIB WLINK WMAKE WSAMPLE WSAMPLEW WSAMPRSI WSTRIP WTOUCH WBRG WCC WCC386 WPP WPP386 WRC but only seems to affect the first group. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q47. Does Watcom offer anything to let me check how much stack space is available? A47. Watcom offers the stackavail() function to check this. Please have a look into the online-documentation for details. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q48. Is there a macro like the __FILE__ and __LINE__ macros used by assert() to tell me which function I am in? A48. Version 11.0 has an undocumented __FUNCTION__ macro. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q49. If I click on a compiler error message in the IDE under Windows95 the editor window comes up with the cursor on the right line. Under Windows98/2000 only the taskbar button for the editor flashes and I have to switch manually to the editor window. What am I doing wrong? A49. Microsoft has changed the window behaviour since Windows98/2000. Please read the following articles in Microsoft Knowledge Base: - INFO: SetActiveWindow() and SetForegroundWindow() Clarification:;EN-US;Q97925&LN=EN-US &SD=gn&FR=0&qry=Q97925&rnk=1&src=DHCS_MSPSS_gn_SRCH&SPR=VCC - INFO: Changing the Foreground Window in Windows 98 and Windows 2000:;EN-US;Q227043&ID=KB; EN-US;Q227043&FR=1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q50. So what is your story? Why did you do this? A50. I was a summer hire for WATCOM many eons ago, and I appreciate that they gave me my first real job. I have always been impressed by their compilers and I've always wanted to see them crush both Borland and Microsoft in the compiler arena. (It looks like Borland will be laying down for the count, but Microsoft is still there of course.) WATCOM's most notable weakness is user support. Their documentation is very dry and generally does not fully explain all of the compiler's capabilities. I'm told this is the main reason a very high profile game company stopped using their compiler in favor of another 32 bit DOS based C compiler. I've also found that lately, I'd been posting to USENET on a daily basis just answering people's basic questions about WATCOM C/C++. It is in the hopes of curing this problem that I've written up this FAQ. Finally, I am hoping that people make contributions and possibly submit corrections so that I can verify my own knowledge. This process also results in a more reliable FAQ. Numerous contributions have been made thus far (including some from WATCOM and Intel employees), and I have received a lot of positive feedback which has made it worth while. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cool contributions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C01. Profiling and debugging all rolled into one using an external terminal connected by serial. Contributed by Charlie Wallace. [PH - The following contribution describes an alternative method for profiling and debugging using a serial port connection to another machine. I believe the idea is to redefine default the epilogue and prologue code for your functions to communicate with a debugging or profiling device. The details were too complicated for me to verify. However, for advanced WATCOM C/C++ users looking for an alternative debugging or profiling method, the following may be useful.] This is a small tip on using /ee /ep /en options of watcom, usually these are used by the watcom profiler. I`ve found them useful for debugging in the past, especially when you can`t load into the debugger, like when watcom debugger had no support for X32, what I`d do was compile with those options which adds a call before and after every function call, so when the code locked up I knew roughly where it was happening, I made the __PRO routine emit the function name to the serial port at a preset speed to a terminal, with a tab added at every level entered, then the __EPI routine removed a tab and a new line so on the serial terminal it looked thus : main(i) my_func1(i) my_func2(i) my_func2(o) my_func1(o) main(o) where (i) and (o) are in and out, when the code locked up only the last call entered would be displayed. there are many other uses of this function, profiling with other hardware, remember though this changes the execution flow, you can compensate for it though, making a simple debugger, debug options, watchdogs for memory leak and code overwrites and so on . . . However one caveat is to make sure you don`t add profile hooks to the profiler code, write it in asm in a separate asm file, (don`t use #pragma aux), and don`t call a C function of your own that has been compiled with /ep /en, otherwise it`ll recurse. a small example of how it works, assuming a simple compile with wcl386 /ep /ee /en test.c pro.asm where test.c is something like , simple.. int foo(int a) { return a-1; } main() { int a; a=foo(1); } which is compiled to db 'foo' db 3 _foo: push ebp mov ebp,esi call __PRO ; does the function call _EPI pop ebp ret db 'main' db 4 _main: push ebp mov ebp,esi call __PRO ; code goes here.. call _EPI pop ebp ret so get the function name, get the return address, esp will point to it, subtract the length of the code before the __PRO call, ie the push ebp + mov ebp,esi and add 1, use wdisasm to calculate this, usually its 9, but I`m not saying it always will be, so check. this byte is the length of the function name, subtract this from the previous address just calculated and this gives you the function name + length, ready to print out, or do whatever you like.. Here is a 32bit version of __PRO and __EPI, for 32bit flat mode. pro.asm - snip here 8-X ; ; use this fragment to code your own routines. ; .586p .model flat .code PUBLIC __PRO PUBLIC __EPI ; this routine gets called first ; ; usually like this, *- means subtract from current offset ; ;function_name: ; db 'my_c_function' ; db *-function_name (compute length of prev string) ;my_c_function: ; push ebp ; mov ebp,esp ; call __PRO ; ; __PRO proc near push esi push eax mov esi,[esp] sub esi,9 ; this is the length of the ; call __PRO+mov ebp,esp+push ebp+1 ; it may need to be changed to match different ; compile options. check with wdisasm xor eax,eax mov byte ptr al,[esi] ; length of function name sub esi,eax ; esi -> function name ; eax -> length of string ; do what you will with these, EXCEPT ! call any function in C ; that you compiled with /ep or /en, otherwise it`ll recurse ; for ever (at least for a while anyway). pop eax pop esi ret __PRO endp ; this gets called at the end of the function ; usually like this :- ; ; call __EPI ; pop ebp ; ret __EPI proc near ; do what you will here, just save all the reg's ret __EPI endp end pro.asm - snip here 8-X ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C02. Convert WATCOM's help file format to a text file for easier reading and potentially for easier manipulation. Joergen Bech sent me a program which will convert WATCOM's .IHP files to a text file, a table of contents file and an index file. This will allow you to peruse the file from your favorite text editor, or manipulate it as you see fit. The program is freely available at: It assumes you have DOS4GW.EXE at your disposal, in your path. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the feedback! I have received numerous emails in response to my creation and public dissemination of the WATCOM C/C++ FAQ. They have, for the most part, been very encouraging. The contributions and corrections that have been sent to me have served to increase the quality of the FAQ tremendously. I must single out the efforts of Markus Neifer, and his Watcom QAF for his tremendous and significant contributions. Readers can rest assured knowing that the accuracy and content is being examined very carefully by discerning WATCOM C/C++ users. I would like to especially thank WATCOM Systems. I am honored to receive their attention and grateful to include the information they have provided. I would also like to thank Programmers Heaven for including a web link to the WATCOM C/C++ FAQ on their very prominent programming WWW page. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Request for information I've tried to include everything I can, but this FAQ is clearly lacking in several areas. Open areas: - Information on Windows, OS/2 or QNX programming. - Writing ROMs or startup code. - Info on dealing with using TASM/WASM and the C/C++ compiler together. Got anything to add? Suggestions? Don't hesitate to send them my way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Hsieh