The MANUAL way to change display type WITHOUT needing to install. In all cases below, you must have diskettes 6-15 (diskettes installed under PM - may be different depending on driver level). When the instructions say: 'UNPACK A:filename targetdrive:', this implies that this command is run against each of the diskettes as the file may reside on any or all of the diskettes. For CGA: 1.UNPACK A:CGA targetdrive: 2.copy (or rename) the file \OS2\DLL\CGA.DLL to \OS2\DLL\DISPLAY.DLL 3.change the CONFIG.SYS SET VIDEO_DEVICES=VIO_CGA SET VIO_CGA=DEVICE(BVHCGA) remove any reference to DEVINFO=KDB,xxx,xxxxx For EGA: 1.UNPACK A:EGA targetdrive: 2.copy (or rename) the file \OS2\DLL\EGA.DLL to \OS2\DLL\DISPLAY.DLL 3.change the CONFIG.SYS SET VIDEO_DEVICES=VIO_EGA SET VIO_EGA=DEVICE(BVHEGA) DEVINFO=KDB,EGA,xxxxx For VGA: 1.UNPACK A:VGA targetdrive: 2.copy (or rename) the file \OS2\DLL\VGA.DLL to \OS2\DLL\DISPLAY.DLL 3.change the CONFIG.SYS SET VIDEO_DEVICES=VIO_VGA SET VIO_VGA=DEVICE(BVHVGA) DEVINFO=KDB,VGA,xxxxx For 8514: 1.UNPACK A:8514 targetdrive: 2.copy (or rename) the file \OS2\DLL\8514.DLL to \OS2\DLL\DISPLAY.DLL 3.change the CONFIG.SYS SET VIDEO_DEVICES=VIO_8514 SET VIO_8514=DEVICE(BVHVGA,BVH8514) DEVINFO=KDB,BGA,xxxxx For XGA: 1.UNPACK A:XGA targetdrive: 2.copy (or rename) the file \OS2\DLL\XGA.DLL to \OS2\DLL\DISPLAY.DLL 3.change the CONFIG.SYS SET VIDEO_DEVICES=VIO_XGA SET VIO_XGA=DEVICE(BVHVGA,BVHXGA) DEVICE=targetdrive:\OS2\XGARING0.SYS DEVINFO=KDB,VGA,xxxxx Where xxxxx = targetdrive:\OS2\VIOTBL.DCP This does not cover dual display systems, those get somewhat more involved. This also does not cover changing the OS2.INI file, but since these are changes to colors and must be done programmatically, it is not usually worth the effort.