Graphics Adapter Device Drivers (GRADD) GRADD is an architecture that makes it easier to support new graphics hardware as it becomes available. Enhanced PM applications performance can be realized when using accelerated GRADD drivers. Several new and updated GRADD drivers are included with this package. SUPPORTED ADAPTERS: The following accelerated GRADD drivers are provided: * ATI Mach 64/Rage GRADD (M64GRADD) * Chips & Technology 6555X GRADD (CHPGRADD) * Matrox Millenium/Mystique/G100/G200 GRADD (MGAGRADD) * NeoMagic 2090/2093/2097/2160/2200/2360 GRADD (NMGRADD) * S3 86x/96x/Trio/Trio3D/Savage3D/Savage4 GRADD (S3GRADD) * S3 Virge GRADD (S3DGRADD) * Trident 3DImage975/Cyber9397 GRADD (TRIGRADD) Also included are generic VGA and SVGA support. * Video Graphics Array GRADD (VGAGRADD) * Generic Vesa Unaccellerated GRADD (GENGRADD) * Generic Vesa Unaccellerated & VGA (Default) GRADDs (G_VGRADD) GENGRADD may provide UNACCELERATED support for display graphics at enhanced resolutions and colors depths. GENGRADD will work with most adapters that implement VESA compliant BIOS and the performance, which will vary depending on system configuration, will not be as good as an accelerated driver. These graphics drivers are currently compatible with: * All versions OS/2 4.0 fixpak 5 or later * All versions OS/2 3.0 fixpak 35 or later * Warp Server for e-Business Since a Fixpak is required to run the GRADD drivers, you should restore your system to VGA before uninstalling any required Fixpak to a fixpak level that is prior to Fixpak 5 (OS/2 4.0) or Fixpak 35 (OS/2 3.0).