Odin is the name of the project and software that allows users to run Win32 (Windows 95 and Windows NT) applications in OS/2 Warp operating system natively, almost as if they were intended to be OS/2 applications in the first place. It also makes porting from Win32 to OS/2 easier by providing a Win32 API implementation in OS/2: the Odin32 API. The ODIN 20050125 build in available in WarpIn format Release version: Debug version: Odin user support group: Changelog: /* $Id: ChangeLog,v 1.2752 2005/01/23 18:40:12 sao2l02 Exp $ */ 2005-01-23: Dietrich Teickner - kernel32: o src/kernel32/directory.cpp src/kernel32/kernel32.def,kernel32dbg.def src/kernel32/lang.cpp src/kernel32/mmapview.cpp src/kernel32/unicode/string.c - advapi32: o src/advapi32/ADVAPI32.DEF src/advapi32/security.c - shell32: o src/shell32/shell32_main.c - wininet: o src/wininet/http.c - NTDLL: o src/NTDLL/error.c src/NTDLL/nt.c src/NTDLL/sync.c - include: o include/win/ntstatus.h,sddl.h include/win/cderr.h include/win/dlgs.h include/win/rpcnterr.h include/win/thread.h include/win/winnt.h 2 new headers from wine. Some reorders for more wine-like, for msi, new stups,functions for msi. Please, Test this for regression in others, msi will more work yet, not properly end. One (not complete) change for Acrobat 5.01. 2005-01-15: Dietrich Teickner - kernel32: o \src\kernel32\Fileio.cpp GetLongPathNameA/W, no copy into longPath, if the Size zero. Crash in audacity.exe (longPath is also zero). o \src\kernel32\heap.cpp HeapFree works w2k/wine-like also with zero-pointer and returns TRUE. removed mamy pointercheck before HeapFree.