Parameters This game port supports all original command line parameters, in addition I have added the following. -debug If you are having problems running this game try this parameter. -novram Force the usage of regular memory (RAM) instead of video memory VRAM. -nojoy No joystick support. -framespeed x The speed you want to play in, valid values for x in (1..99) Smaller value means faster updates, normale speed rate preset to 35. -fps Gives you information on Frames Per. Second in the top left corner when the game is running. Small value means poor performance. -nopause When window loose focus the game pauses and CPU time is not used, default setting. If you still want the game to animate while the window has loost focus, start the game with this parameter. To pause the game regardles of this switch, toggle the [Num Lock] key. -nomousecapture Do not capture the mouse when the game has the input focus. Build progress... 0.01 * No sound * No networkN * No joystick suport * No mouse support 0.02 * Mouse support * Option to choose window size, 320x200, 640x400, .. * More internal testing * Some what faster than 0.01 0.03 * Option; select speed rate added (Dead fast, Fast, Normal and Slow) 0.04 * Removed the speed option. Instead I've added two more threads, these make the OS/2 game run at approx. same speed as the DOS version. * Gfx is updated in a more smooth kinda way. * Removed the min/max system menu option, no need for these. * Window gets activated when the gamse starts. 0.05 * Dialog border added * Make use of "Timer0 tech." instead of DosSleep. * Removed the "Bad V_drawPath" test/message, that would eventual exit the game when playing as Mage with the demo version wad file. The test is still there but you need to run the game with -debug parameter. * When in the "Info" menu, the last "screen" would either present it selves as "garbage" or the game would terminat. (This would not occur if I removed the option to play with demo wad file.) * Added joystick support. You need to install this driver to be able to use the joystick. The routines will self calibrate as the end user moves the joystick. To get the best results, the joystick should be moved to the four extreme positions(up, own, left and right) as soon as possible. Hexen OS/2 is using SpiceWare Joystick Support routines by Darrell Spice Jr. If you experienc problem try running with -nojoy parameter. * A safer termination of the game (onexit added). 0.06 * Added Frame Per Second counter, start the game with -fps parameter, to measure the performance on your system. * Some system does not support direct access to the video memory. I have added a test and use the VRAM if access is given, if not the game use regular memory. If you want to force usage of regular memory, start game with -novram parameter. * Speed parameter added, start game with -framespeed xxx parameter, where xxx is a valure between 0 and 100. Normal speed are preset to 35. * Removed thread time counter, instead read the system clock. 0.07 * Game would terminate when loading a presaved game or when passing on to the next level (, due to a stack problem). 0.08 * Fixed DIVE problem when moving the window with system switch "Full Window Dragging" on. Hopefully nailed other DIVE problem with that as well. * Some part of the window did contain desktop "bitmap". Fixed. * Problem playing as Mage ( when the game option "screen size" was not set to full view) the games would terminat. * Messages gets shown when running with -debug switch or when error occur during game play. Joystick calibration settings saved in "Joystick.clb" and is read during game start up. New switch added, -nopause. A more constant FPS rate. 0.09 * Made the internal message buffer 4 times bigger than the original size, hopefully fixed the "Cluster message too long" error, that some users got. * A better mouse support. 0.10 * Was able to reproduce the "Cluster message too long", fixed. This error happens when you run the demo version of hexen.wad (if you get this problem with the full hexen.wad file from version 1.1, you have to let me know), the reason is that Hexen tries to load some gfx that is not there in the file. Run it with the -debug switch and you'll understand. Now, I have added code to skip that gfx, but this is all about "give and take". After this (portral travel, not all, just the "problem" ones): * the game might not look that nice. Eg. gfx turns black and white (this can be fixed by pressing F11) * the game seems to pause (toggle [Num Lock]) * some gfx is simply not there, eg. the sky looks "funny", really does not matter, since you don't play the game with the face up in thesky, I guess. Press [Page Down] and face the sky you'll see. * In some part of the game the walls are missing now this really looks funny. * All in all, the game does not terminates, but the gfx is not as it should. Again, give and take. If you want a full working game, I recommend getting the full hexen.wad file from version 1.1 of Hexen. Music is in, not the sfx I am still working on that. * Mouse is grabbed until Hexen/2 looses focus. If you do not want this feature start with parameter -nomousecapture. 0.11 * Sound (sfx) is in, well some of it. * Temporary disabled the mouse grabbing.