--------------------------- Patch 3 - March 25, 2001 --------------------------- ------------- Installation: ------------- Install Patches 1 and 2 first Extract to the game directory, overwriting older files Run Patcher and update *ALL* saved games AND dungeon maps (except the new dungeon.dat included with this patch) - To run, type "java Patch3" or create a shortcut - Select the dungeon or saved game to patch with the file dialog - A backup is created, ending in .prepatch3 (You shouldn't ever need it) ----------- Bugs Fixed: ----------- Game: ----- - Monsters created by generators now have pickup set properly - Credits picture is now shown correctly from the title screen by clicking the scroll - Fixed bug where exchange switches making alcoves were causing a Null pointer in changestate (I can't explain it very well, but it's fixed) - Re-triggering a delaying/resetting floor switch now works properly - Moving backwards while standing on stairs now moves you up (or down) them - Damage is no longer shown when swinging weapons at open doors - Launchers no longer mess up custom items - Resurrect now spelled correctly in message bar - Turning on a teleport while a monster that fills the square is on it will now teleport the monster - Launchers (and other objects) created by Exchange and SetTo switches now behave properly when triggered - Having more mana than your maximum doesn't cause the mana bar next to the champion portrait to go too high - Mana potions adjusted to never give more mana than they cost - Custom weapons can now break breakable doors Editor: ------- - Zoom button on targeting dialog now matches editor zoom button in terms of selected/unselected look - Stairs up button enabled/disabled properly after a load - Took out some debug text I forgot to remove - When you want to edit an already existing chest (using the 'locked' option), you can add new items into the chest (Actually you could before, but now it's a little less confusing) - Champion portait file paths now always saved with '/' (which oddly enough works fine on windows) And probably some others I've forgotten... ----------------------- Additions/Improvements: ----------------------- Game and Editor: ---------------- - Invisible walls - Custom fonts now supported -> put any true type font (.ttf) in the game directory and name it gamefont.ttf, scrollfont.ttf, or editorfont.ttf - gamefont.ttf controls all fonts for buttons and text in the game, other than scrolls and the introduction - scrollfont.ttf controls the font for scrolls and the intro - editorfont.ttf controls all fonts in the editor (except the textfield for creating scrolls, which uses scrollfont.ttf) (when any are not found, defaults are used) - Font antialiasing (can be turned off in the game via the options menu) - Fountains can now have switches and contain items - New "Set To" switch type: always swaps in its new square, never swaps it back out - Load routines modified slightly to decrease # of object creations (should save some memory when doing a lot of reloading) - Monsters can now be set to steal (never, 25%, 50%, 75%, always) Game: ----- - Falling down pits now looks and sounds better - Loading a bad or invalid saved game now displays another load dialog instead of getting weird (Still does weird things when loading a bad custom map or if the default dungeon.dat is bad/missing) - Changed the way darkened item pictures are stored -> saves some memory - Changed the way spell pictures are loaded -> a little faster, a little less memory - Tooltips for the spell symbols (FUL, RA, etc.) - Stopswitch flag added to wallswitches - When the switch is inside a multiple wall switch and this flag is set true, then the iteration stops if it is successfully triggered - Thus, switches further down the list in the multiple switch won't be tried - Should not be applied to reusable button type switches (as then switches further down would never be tried) - Key/Coin/Item Disapears set on a switch in an altar or alcove now destroys the key item (instead of putting it in the alcove) - Only applies to putting item into an alcove, not taking them out - When used with button style switches, will destroy any item put in - Now possible to look at a champion in a mirror even if you already have 4 in your party - Mirror swap option available (per mirror basis, if set true the leader can change places with the mirror hero, resurrect only) Editor: ------- - Some speedups and memory reductions (faster map drawing/scrolling and dialog display) - Stairs can now be marked as No Monsters - Red target arrows, red circle around switch that targets a square on another level - New green/yellow/red/blue circle representing party - Much better zoomed-out look --------------- Future Patches: --------------- Roughly in order of priority: - Ambient sounds and footsteps, and sounds triggered by switches - Editor copy/cut/paste - Event squares - A few more spells - Class skills etc.