Oxford University, UK REXX "Curses" is not shareware, it's free: I wrote it for fun. It may be freely distributed provided you aren't making a profit on the deal; I have allowed several magazines to put it on cover discs, so feel free to get in touch if you have that in mind. But it _is_ copyright, and the source code is _not_ public. Moreover, the secret debugging commands may only be divulged to a druid of good standing. Visit the Interactive Fiction Archives at ftp.gmd.de/if-archive. echo If you need hints try the rec.games.int-fiction newsgroup. echo If you want to create your own adventure try rec.arts.int-fiction. ============= Description --------- A simple game based on what I imagined a hand held electronic game would work like if I bought it and opened it. Why should a toy store get $17 US of my hard earned money when for just a few hours of my time I could write my own? Working Environment ----------------- OS/2. Only. Installation --------- 1) Unzip. 2) Run. You'll need the . Online Help --------- Is built into the program. Acknowledgement -------------- I choose to remain anonymous, and give this program to the world!