Starting with BlueCAD 2.0 the product is win32 only. They have graciously made the latest 1.0 version available as a free download. You can download for free last BlueCAD 1.0 version, for Windows and for OS/2, in all available languages. No technical support is available for this BlueCAD version. "BlueCAD is the CAD solution which gives you powerful drafting tools fully exploiting the Windows and OS/2 Warp's best features. BlueCAD was conceived and developed specifically for professional users and students: due to its flexibility, speed, facility and low price, it is ideal for mechanical and architectural planning, for producing technical documentation and as a tool for office automation. BlueCAD can dialog, integrating itself, with desktop publishing, word processing and painting products, therefore it is a necessary tool for personal productivity. Drawing with BlueCAD is very easy. Due to its intuitive user interface you will be familiar with BlueCAD very quickly. The use of contextual menus and drag&drop tecniques enable the inexperienced user to also be immediately productive. If you need some information about a BlueCAD command, a complete on-line contextual help system is always available to give you support. Furthermore, if you would like to add new features to the program expanding its functions, it is possible to create new commands using the C/C++ (Windows) or REXX (OS/2) programming language: BlueCAD's macro interface enables you to access all program's functions."