I flashed the BIOS and now my board is dead, what can I do? Check to see if the floppy drive light goes on when you power up. If it does, it's your lucky day, there's a 95% chance you can fix it. Follow these instructions: In another computer, format a floppy disk under DOS/Windows 9x/ME. Don't use Windows 2K/XP or the quick format option. Copy a BIOS .rom file to the floppy. Don't copy any extra files. Rename the file AMIBOOT.ROM. Double check the floppy is good by running Scandisk or Norton Disk Doctor. Put the floppy in your computer and turn it on. Wait while the floppy is being read. Wait until you hear 4 beeps (usually <1 min, 5 min at most). > Turn off and on again. If this doesn't work, try downloading a different BIOS version .rom file and repeat the process. If all else fails, get a replacement BIOS chip. I recommend you try here first: BadFlash. They have instructions on how to identify and replace your BIOS chip with a new one. Before your order, find out what part no. to get. If you live outside the US, in Germany you can try http://www.derpcdoktor.de/ or http://www.segor.de/cih.htm, in The Netherlands http://www.flashBIOS.org/, in France http://electro.proxone.fr/, and in Italy http://www.elma.it/.