IBM Netfinity 1000 and 3000 POST/BIOS Flash Diskette Version 1.32 Installation README File CONTENTS --------- 1.0 Overview 2.0 Change History 3.0 Installation and Setup Instructions 4.0 Configuration Information 5.0 Unattended Mode 6.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number 7.0 Trademarks and Notices 8.0 Disclaimer 1.0 OVERVIEW: This paragraph should contain detailed information to allow the customer to make the decision to upgrade.) 1.1 Overview about this code This README file contains the latest information about installing the IBM Netfinity 1000 and 3000 POST/BIOS. 1.2 Limitations 1.3 Enhancements Coppermine processor support. 1.4 Level of Recommendations and Prerequisites for the Update: IBM strongly recommends this update to customers running version 1.28 or lower. 1.5 Dependencies: New system boards available to support higher voltage Coppermine processors. 2.0 CHANGE HISTORY -------------------- The below information should include fixes and symptoms history from the last GA code release to the new release. Note: The current change should be listed first. Note: Clarify between new features and fixes. Customers may not be concerned with updates for new features, but very interested in fixes, etc. Flash Change History Models 8476 / 8477 1.05 BIOS release to manufacturing Security Update Cache Code Update DMI code Update IDE Seek use LBA addressing 1.08 Flash Code Update DMI Information corrections Network Code updates ECC cache / cpu speed default settings re-defined Security Code bit 7 switch fix HCT updates 1.09 Processor Patching Fix Fix Configuration Error with CD ROM Fix for Syquest problem NT5.0 / keyboard problem ACPI Memory and I/O updates APM updates DMI update LS-120 boot fix IPDLT update for rev 3 440BX ISA memory hole / Win 95 fix Processor support update Windows 98 does not detect ACPI support Adding new model #s & board serial #s to SMBIOS Add soft off support to SMI handler new patch file for 652 C segment not being shadowed with ISA cards Power LED stays on in Stand-by mode on Win98J NT5 ACPI issues System intermittently loses CMOS setup data ACPI changes for WINDOWS/98. Celeron CPU Name is not correct at Setup Utility DMIBIOS information updates. Hayes Optima (Serial) modem does not connect 1.14 Add Alertpak Token Ring Support IDE Bus Master controller UDMA setting wrong for Zip drive Intermittent hang at checkpoint 58 during Win 98 reboot PCI modem diagnostics hangs system if using IRQ 11 or 15 Cannot update model and serial number during bootblock flash. Memory beep code after boot block recovery completes. E000 segment not fully initialized causing boot hang W/ECC DRAM System board identifier is corrupted very occasionally after bootblock recovery. UDMA mode 0 is being set for non udma devices. ADD LSA version .99j Will not boot SCO cdrom Can't format a ZIP drive under DOS Release IRQ12 if no mouse is installed Update ACPI for NT 5.0 Wn98:USB Hub will not work in Bios ATI AGP adapter with 64K ROM hangs or causes system to reboot. Win95 ignores bios apm settings Problems configuring the 5250 Express ISA adapter in PnP System fails with 2 adaptec quad port ethernet pci adapters APM HCT resume test fails if resume on wake is set. Intermittent error beeps during a warm boot New Patches for various processors Remove video vendor banner during POST. Letter 'm' is not recognized in password in some french langs. Readme.1st files have incorrect information. Serial B does not work correctly if Serial A is disabled Monochrome monitor not displaying correct shades of grey 67x processor cache support update IBM 100/10 ISA Ethernet in causes BIOS error 18XX Diskette emulation not working with ServerGuide. 1.17 System with processor models less that 0650 3DLabs Oxygen RPM adapter hangs entering NT4.0 LSA code puts out bogus "Unsupported" message Request to add user selection of AGP/PCI as primary display Put Intel LSA (DHCP) code version .99L Add patch 653 for slot1 processors Add support for Pentium III processors. 1.19 Setup States PentiumIII is a PentiumII Add Processor Serial Number Access Menu Item and disable processor serial number by default. Intermittent hangs on re-boot BIOS Setup date prompt displays YY not YYYY for the year Added new machine type to SMBIOS information. 1. ACPI changes to support NT2000 2. Add Pentium III 550MHz support 3. Patch for Pentium III 550MHz processor 4. '1886 configuration error' occurs when adapter has empty DMA descriptor 5. Japanese language text changes for Processor Serial Number Access setup option 6. Support for AVID video card 7. System re-boots on second attempt to boot with non-system diskette update to allow fans to run continually for processors with speeds equal to or greater than 550 MHz 1.23 Update CPU patches for various Intel processors Intermittent hang during POST (Power On Self Test). Memory information incorrect when memory hole at 15M-16M is used for some ISA cards. Windows NT Simplified Chinese will not install from CD Keyboard locks up during Windows 95 boot when mouse is not installed System will not boot if 4k page DIMMs are installed L2 cache size reported incorrectly on Pentium III with 673 processor patch Setup: French translation of Power-on Password submenu is displayed incorrectly OS/2 Warp 4.0 hangs when USB keyboard/mouse are installed System Service Function call returns incorrect memory information Updated 665 processor patch Force fans to run continuously when processor speed is 550MHz or higher System will not boot if 512MB registered DIMMs are installed Incorrect UUID in SMBIOS information Add Pentium III 600MHz support Additional processor microcode updates System hangs on re-boot after Windows NT is installed from CD 1962 configuration error on warm boot when enhanced security is enabled 1.27 ACPI does not correctly report memory usage at top of memory 1.28 Updated processor patches for 653, 660, 672, and 673 processors Fixed resource conflict with ISA Token-Ring adapter when video adapter has more than 32K BIOS memory Fixed a hang with multiple devices on USB hub Resolves possible memory conflicts between PCI and ISA adapters Add planer ports to SM BIOS type 8 structures Update Lan Service Agent (LSA) code to 0.99n level 1.29 Added support for Coppermine 650,700,750,800,850 Mhz processors. Disabled write cache and disabled reverting to power on defaults for all IDE hardfiles in order to maintain data integrity in NT. Added an '/ofs' option to the flash2 executable to allow flashing BIOS from a CD or hardfile. Added ACPI Local APIC NMI Structure for all IOAPIC systems for W2K. Fix to make 40X CDROM recognized by W2K. Intel microcode updates. 1.31 New coppermine patches for slot 1 (The Coppermine B-0 Step Level patch, CPUID 683) Support for additional processor speed ratio bits Fix to stop the 301 Error from halting POST with Continuous Beeps when a key is stuck. Page fault during Windows98 Reboot SMBIOS Memory Module Information incorrect Extend range for PCI memory down to 1G Warm boot Detected error 184 & 177(Enhanced Security mode). Virus Detection feature fixed. 1.32 Incorrect Structure Cache Information (Type 7) CD Boot code does not work on 2-track, 1-session disc Add new cpu patch for the C-Step Coppermines (speeds up to 850 MHz) flash2.exe option not working 3.0 INSTALLATION AND SETUP INSTRUCTIONS ----------------------------------------- 1 : PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF ANY SETTINGS YOU HAVE CHANGED IN THE CONFIGURATION UTILITY. THEY MAY HAVE TO BE RE-ENTERED AFTER UPDATING THE BIOS. 2 : PUT THE FLASH UPDATE DISKETTE IN THE DRIVE AND POWER UP THE SYSTEM.. . -YOU ARE PROMPTED TO SELECT YOUR COUNTRY AND PRESS ENTER. -THE SERIAL NUMBER IS DISPLAYED AND YOU ARE ASKED IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO UPDATE THE SERIAL NUMBER -IF YOU ANSWER "Y" THEN YOU ARE PROMPTED TO ENTER THE CORRECT NUMBER. THEN . . . -IF YOU ANSWER "N" THEN . . . -THE MACHINE MODEL/TYPE IS DISPLAYED AND YOU ARE ASKED IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO UPDATE THE MODEL/TYPE -IF YOU ANSWER "Y" THEN YOU ARE PROMPTED TO ENTER THE CORRECT NUMBER. THEN . . . -IF YOU ANSWER "N" THEN . . . 3 : THE CURRENT BIOS LEVEL ON THE COMPUTER IS COMPARED TO THAT ON THE FLASH UPDATE DISKETTE. -IF THE LEVELS ARE THE SAME, A MESSAGE IS DISPLAYED STATING "THE POST/BIOS CODE IN THE SYSTEM IS THE SAME VERSION AS THAT ON THE DISKETTE. PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE. PRESS ESC TO CANCEL." -IF THE LEVELS ARE DIFFERENT: IF THE LEVEL ON THE FLASH DISKETTE IS NEWER THAN THE ROM A MESSAGE IS DISPLAYED STATING "THE SYSTEM POST/BIOS IS BEING UPDATED. THIS MAY TAKE UP TO 2 MINUTES. DO NOT POWER OFF OR RESTART THE SYSTEM DURING THIS PROCEDURE. IF THE LEVEL ON THE DISKETTE IS OLDER THAN THE ROM A MESSAGE IS DISPLAYED STATING "THE POST/BIOS IN THE SYSTEM IS A NEWER VERSION THAN THAT ON THE DISKETTE IF YOU CONTINUE, THE OLDER VERSION WILL REPLACE THE NEWER VERSION IN THE SYSTEM." IF YOU PRESS ENTER, A MESSAGE IS DISPLAYED "THE SYSTEM POST/ BIOS IS BEING UPDATED. THIS MAY TAKE UP TO 2 MINUTES. DO NOT POWER OFF OR RESTART THE SYSTEM DURING THIS PROCEDURE." 4 : THE FLASH UPDATE IS NOW COMPLETE. REMOVE THE DISKETTE FIRST AND THEN PRESS ENTER TO REBOOT THE SYSTEM. 4.0 CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ------------------------------- THIS VERSION OF THE FLASH UPDATE PROGRAM GIVES THE OPTION OF REPLACING (OR ELIMINATING) THE DEFAULT "IBM" IMAGE THAT IS DISPLAYED DURING SYSTEM START UP. THE USER CAN SUBSTITUTE A 16 COLOR WINDOWS BITMAP (.BMP) TO REPLACE THE DEFAULT IMAGE. SOME GUIDELINES FOR THESE IMAGES INCLUDE: 1. SIMPLE DESIGNS (THE IMAGE WILL BE COMPRESSED AND COMPLEX IMAGES DON'T COMPRESS WELL...) 2. NO LARGER THAN 50K FOR EITHER IMAGE 3. KEEP IN MIND THAT THE AMOUNT OF SPACE AVAILABLE IN THE FLASH TO STORE REPLACEMENT IMAGES MAY VARY FROM RELEASE TO RELEASE AND BY LANGUAGE SELECTION. I.E. AN IMAGE THAT FITS IN A U.S. ENGLISH FLASH MAY NOT FIT IN A GERMAN FLASH. 5.0 FLASH PROGRAM OPTIONS --------------------- THE DEFAULT OPERATION OF THE FLASH UPDATE PROGRAM IS A STEP BY STEP DIALOGUE WITH THE USER THAT PRESENTS CHOICES AND GATHERS RESPONSES FROM THE USER ABOUT WHICH CHOICES ARE DESIRED. IN SOME SITUATIONS, (SUCH AS A LARGE ENTERPRISE WITH MANY SYSTEMS THAT NEED UPDATING) IT MAY BE DESIRABLE TO CREATE A FLASH UPDATE DISKETTE THAT REQUIRES NO MANUAL INTERVENTION TO PERFORM AN UPDATE OPERATION. THIS CAN BE DONE BY MODIFYING THE CONFIG.SYS FILE ON THIS DISKETTE WITH THE FOLLOWING: SHELL=FLASH2.EXE option1 option2 option3......optionxx OPTIONS ------- /U UNATTENDED MODE. ALL DEFAULTS ARE ASSUMED (UNLESS OVERRIDDEN BY OTHER OPTION STATEMENTS) AND ALL PROMPTS ARE BYPASSED. ANY ERRORS WILL RESULT IN PROGRAM TERMINATION WITHOUT ANY ERROR INDICATION. <<< USE THIS OPTION WITH CAUTION >>> /US COUNTRY CODE (LANGUAGE). THIS CAN BE ANY OF THE VALID COUNTRY CODES (UK, SV, SU, SP, PO, NO, NL, IT, GR, FR, DK, CF, CE, BE, LA, US, SF, SG, BR,JP, or TK) /B:nnnnnnn SYSTEM SERIAL NUMBER /M:nnnnnnn MACHINE TYPE /N USE THE CURRENT FLASH IMAGE ON THE SYSTEM RATHER THAN THE IMAGE ON THE DISKETTE. THIS IS USED TO UPDATE MACHINE TYPE AND SERIAL NUMBER IN THE EVENT OF THE REPLACEMENT OF THE MAIN SYSTEM BOARD. /L:xxxx.bmp CUSTOM START UP IMAGE FILE NAME FOR THE LARGE CENTERED IMAGE. AN IBM LOGO IS USED BY DEFAULT BUT ANY 16 COLOR WINDOWS BMP FILE CAN BE USED INSTEAD. THE UNCOMPRESSED IMAGE FILE MUST BE LESS THAN 50K. ONLY RELATIVELY SIMPLE IMAGES CAN BE USED AS REPLACEMENTS. FOR NO IMAGE, USE /L:NONE /LL:yyyy.bmp CUSTOM START UP IMAGE FILE NAME FOR THE SMALLER IMAGE IN THE LOWER RIGHT OF THE SCREEN. IT SHOULD BE NO LARGER THAN 50K. AS WITH THE OTHER IMAGE, IT NEEDS TO BE SIMPLE. FOR NO LOWER RIGHT IMAGE USE /LL:NONE /R AUTOMATIC COLD BOOT AFTER AN UNATTENDED (/U) FLASH UPDATE. /E:ON TURNS ON THE ENHANCED SECURITY OPTION. /E:OFF TURNS OFF THE ENHANCED SECURITY OPTION. /BB THE FLASH UTILITY WILL ONLY UPDATE THE RECOVERY SECTION OF THE FLASH. THE BIOS SECTION WILL NOT BE UPDATED. /D THE FLASH UTILITY WILL GENERATE AN UNIVERSALLY UNIQUE IDENTIFIER (UUID), REPLACING THE ONE THAT IS CURRENTLY IN THE FLASH. CMOS SAVE/RESTORE PROGRAM --------------------- THIS DISKETTE INCLUDES A CMOS SAVE RESTORE UTILITY FOR SAVING AND RESTORING THE SETUP AND CONFIGURATION MAINTAINED IN THE CMOS BATTERY BACKED RAM. THIS UTILITY IS INTENDED FOR USE AS AN AID IN CONFIGURING MULTIPLE IDENTICAL SYSTEMS. TO USE THIS UTILITY, COPY THE EXECUTABLE FILE (SRCMOSNT.EXE) TO A DOS BOOTABLE DISKETTE. TYPE 'SRCMOSNT' AT THE COMMAND PROMPT FOR INFORMATION ON COMMAND SYNTAX AND OPTIONS. USAGE NOTES: 1) THE BOOT SEQUENCE INFORMATION INCLUDES PASSWORDS. SAVING AND RESTORING THE BOOT SEQUENCE INFORMATION WILL ALSO CHANGE THE PASSWORDS TO THOSE SAVED IN DATA FILE (IF ANY). 2) SYSTEMS WITH ENHANCED SECURITY STORE PASSWORDS AND BOOT SEQUENCE INFORMATION IN A PROTECTED EEPROM. IN THESE SYSTEMS, THE BOOT SEQUENCE AND PASSWORDS CAN BE NEITHER SAVED NOR RESTORED. 6.0 WEB SITES AND SUPPORT PHONE NUMBERS ---------------- 6.1 IBM Support Web Site: 6.2 IBM Marketing Netfinity Web Site: 6.3 If you have any questions about this update, or problems applying the update go to the following Help Center World Telephone Numbers URL: 7.0 TRADEMARKS AND NOTICES ---------------------------- THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. 8.0 DISCLAIMER ---------------------------- 8.1 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. 8.2 Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.