BOF - STAMP dw_junon 00:25 2010/01/05 IBM Product Naming and Numbering *** Naming *** Marketing name - Refers to a range of products. Often a trademark. IBM System/370 (TM) IBM Thinkpad (R) IBM Series/1 (TM) IBM AS/400 (R) IBM Personal System/2 (R) Marketing name with model - Identifies a specific item within a range but not its detailed options. Generally corresponds to Machine Type number(s) but not Model. IBM Thinkpad Model T41 IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 IBM System/360 Model 95 Type-like Number as name of range - Range of products referred to primarily by a number - may be an actual Machine Type number or not. May also be a trademark. IBM 3270 Information Display System IBM 4700 Finance Communication System IBM 5080 Graphics System Machine Type Number + Name - Common description of particular Machine. Generally not a trademark. IBM 3178 Display Station IBM 7535 Industrial Computer IBM 3852 Color Printer Part names - Rarely (ever?) involves marketing names. May involve IBM-specific terminology (System Board, Complex, etc.). - Usually accompanied by a Part Number (P/N, see below) on the piece of hardware itself and in reference material. *** Machine Type and Model Numbering *** Early Machine Type numbering - One, two or three digits; zero prefix sometimes added later. 29 650 701 Older Model numbering - Single or double digit number applied to Type Number and/or Name 3420 Model 7 3330 Model 11 3611 Model 2 Machine Type-Model pair - The most effective way for identifying a whole system. (disputes?) - Four digit numeric Machine Type Number defines Machine (i.e. System Unit = computer, major device or peripheral). - Three digit alphanumeric Model Number defines basic Machine specification and options when ordered; can be used to the extreme of a later model being a physically very different design though still fulfilling the same ultimate purpose (eg. 3174 evolution - large floor cabinet to rackmount pseudo-PC -- is any of this last bit worth including??) Does not necessarily specify all configurable options or features of a machine (or aftermarket options!). 3178-C20 8570-061 9595-SCC *** Part Numbering *** Part Number (P/N) - Number of part, may be individual component, sub assembly or complete card or peripheral. Generally seven digits digits long, often with alphabetic third digit (numeric third digit for older parts? - confirm). 6110334 1391401 42H1292 Different types of part numbers served different purposes for ordering parts: - Marketing (MKT) Part Number Standard part number for ordering. Can refer to Machine or Option upgrade package. - Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) Part Number No longer in use - Intended for ordering by technicians - no instructions or accessories would be sent, just the single part. - Option (OPT) Part Number No longer in use - refers to complete upgrade pacakages branded as Options-by-IBM (OBI). Might include multiple parts, as well as software and complete installation instructions for users with no prior experience of system. - Manufacturer (MFG) Part Number Used by plants for production purposes - non-orderable. Hardware may be marked with MKT, FRU or MFG P/Ns. FRU P/Ns were often denoted, others less frequently. Feature Number or Code (FC, F/C) - Four digit code, often prefixed by #, for ordering optional features with a Machine. May refer to alternative or additional Parts or software. Not intended for ordering Parts on their own. Usually seen only in documentation such as announcment letters. o 1.44MB 3 Mode (720MB, 1.2MB and 1.44MB) Diskette Drive with media sense (#5518) SPECIAL FEATURE FEATURE CODE Binary Synchronous Communications Adapter 1204 Cluster Adapter 1206 Cluster Cable Kit 1207 Part Model (Model) - Sometimes designated for peripherals, eg. keyboard. - other examples? M F A Plant Number (Plt. No.) - Plant of manufacture for individual major Parts (eg. keyboard - (ed. other examples??) Different to Plant Code with Serial Number. Have not been deciphered. J1 F5 FL1 Engineering Change (EC) numbers - Used by plants to denote revisions of Parts and for fault finding (confirm?) Specific EC numbers generally(?) non-orderable and very difficult to decipher or trace (have I just noticed a pattern?!). 528952 528510 528131 *** Serial Numbering *** Serial Number (S/N) - Unique identification number for Machine or Part, presented in various formats: Plant Code - Serial Number 55-3A849 Type Number - Plant Code - Serial Number 7534-96H-00008431 Plain ol' Serial Number 2001954 Identification Number (ID No.) - Equivalent to serial number (...isn't it?) *** Publication Numbering *** To be properly considered. EOF