System Type: SERVER
Equivalent Models: NONE
Testkit Version: V4.1
OS/2 FixPacks Applied: MPTS WO8610
Test results received by the IBM OS2 Compatiblity Program Office for the system model above showed
All Tests Pass for OS/2 Hardware Compatibility Testkit Version V4.1. This system model, as tested by
the Manufacturer and identified in the Machine Configuration file (machine.txt) submitted by the
Manufacturer, is hereby added to the OS/2 Hardware Compatibility List on the Web. Please allow two
weeks for posting (www.software.ibm.com/os/warp/hw-cert/pcm/pcm_syst.htm).
Pursuant to the terms of the OS/2 Compatibility Testkit License Agreement, IBM discloses the Test
Report attached. A signed original of the OS/2 Tested and Approved for LAN Systems Logo License
Agreement must be submitted to the OS/2 Compatibility Program Office for use of the logo by the
Manufacturer in any product promotions. For questions regarding these test results or the compatibility
of systems or model configurations not provided herein, contact the Manufacturer per information
provided in the attached Test Report.
Test Report
OS/2 Compatibility Test Results Summary (pcmscore.txt):
PCM Base Test________SNF001_____________PASS
PCM Base Test________SNF002_____________PASS
PCM Base Test________SNF006_____________PASS
PCM Base Test________SNF007_____________PASS
PCM Base Test________SNFBPB_____________PASS
PCM Base Test________SNFREXX____________PASS
PCM Base Test________SNFMVDM____________PASS
PCM Base Test________SNFWIN_____________PASS
PCM Base Test________STRESS_____________PASS
PCM Base Test________KBD________________PASS
PCM Base Test________FVTDISK____________PASS
PCM Base Test________FORMAT_____________PASS
PCM Base Test________TIMERDD____________PASS
PCM Base Test________PRINTDD____________PASS
PCM Base Test________MMPM2______________PASS
PCM Base Test________APM________________NOT RUN
PCM Base Test________PCMCIA_____________NOT RUN
PCM Base Test________SMP________________NOT RUN
PCM LAN Domain_______ITLLS56.S01________PASS
PCM LAN Domain_______ITLLS56.R01________PASS
PCM LAN Domain_______ITLLS56.R02________PASS
PCM LAN Domain_______ITLMSG.D01_________PASS
PCM LAN Domain_______ITLMSG.R01_________PASS
PCM LAN Domain_______ITLFTP02.R02_______PASS
PCM LAN Domain_______ITLTCP01.D01_______PASS
PCM LAN Domain_______ITLDUMP.D01________PASS
PCM LAN Domain_______ITLPSNS.D01________PASS
PCM LAN Domain_______ITLRAID.D01________NOT RUN
PCM LAN Server_______ITLLS57.D01________PASS
PCM LAN Server_______ITLLS57.R01________PASS
PCM LAN Server_______ITLLS57.R02________PASS
PCM LAN Server_______ITLFTP01.R01_______PASS
PCM LAN Server_______ITLALERT.S01_______PASS
PCM LAN Server_______ITLLD.R02__________PASS
PCM LAN Server_______SYSINFO.RPT________PASS
PCM LAN Server_______IT01D01.HST________PASS
PCM LAN Server_______IT01D01.INV________PASS
PCM LAN Server_______IT01S01.HST________PASS
PCM LAN Server_______IT01S01.INV________PASS
PCM LAN Server_______IT01R01.HST________PASS
PCM LAN Server_______IT01R01.INV________PASS
PCM LAN Server_______IT01R02.HST________PASS
PCM LAN Server_______IT01R02.INV________PASS
PCM LAN Server_______ITLPSF00.S01_______PASS
PCM LAN Server_______ITLSV06.S01________PASS
Additional Configuration Information:
This is the first OS/2 Certification using the new Dell PERC2/DC, a 64bit PCI dual channel SCSI
LVD RAID controller. The OS/2 drivers and utilities you will need will be in a file on the Dell
website at http://www.dell.com in the Dell 'file library' area and it will be named P2DC109C.ZIP.
The file will hold PEDGE2DC.ADD, PEDGE2DC.EXE, MONITOR.CMD and PEDGEMON.EXE, plus some HTML files
relating to OS/2. If you want to find other OS/2 drivers, instead of searching only for drivers
associated with your own system type, you can find more OS/2 related drivers quite often by going
to the non-specific area of the file library and search on the string OS/2 or PERC or PEDGE.
The OS2CDROM.DMD program that works for multi-session writes on NEC SCSI CDROM drives at Model
level 46n like 464, 465 and 466 etc can be sent to you by email but you must request this by
calling Dell Server Support at 1-800-967-1068 and asking for the MULTICD.ZIP file for OS/2.
To use FixPak 42 drivers for your OS/2 installation diskettes, install FixPak 42 on the OS/2 Server
version you have running on another system; that way you can capture these files and copy them to a
separate diskettes for using later to upgrade your install diskettes:
OS2APIC.PSD (needed for OS/2 Warp Server Advanced Ver 4.0 SMP)
IBM1S506.ADD (for any IDE capability on any server that uses IDE)
IBMIDECD.FLT (for any IDE CDROM capability on any server that uses IDE)
Capture these files noted below to a diskette for using separately from your upgraded installation
diskettes. By copying all these to C:\OS2 before each reboot, you can ensure partition and HPFS file
system stability but you MUST use the HPFS.IFS from FixPak 42 along with these if you are using HPFS
file systems. Use fdisk.com to re-create the D: and other partitions AFTER the initial C: partition
creation and formatting during the normal fdisk and format phase. The assertion to capture and use
these files means you can use these during and after your installation WITHOUT installing the entire
FixPak 42. Although FixPak 42 tends to make the entire OS and networking much more robust (it
especially helps LAN Distance load and unload more quickly and be more stable) it is not required,
but you need it for Y2K issue coverage and so for all these reasons we strongly suggest you use it on
your server. Here is what to collect for future use:
The version 1.09c of the PERC2/DC OS/2 driver has passed initial acceptance testing, installation
testing, RAID creation/use/failure/recovery/rebuild testing, partition and file system stress testing
and combinatorial testing with its utilities- all prior to OS/2 Certification. A DOS utility is also
available for saving RAID levels to a configuration file on a bootable DOS diskette for using as input
to create RAID configurations that are reproduceable- that means same exact controller/BIOS/firmware
using the same number and spindle speed and drive capacity and vendor/model of SCSI LVD hard drives in
each system. This way you can rebuild with few human interventions and you can also create the same
RAID setup for deploying like systems in the field. Any Dell Customer can send an email requesting
this to Russell_Woodland@dell.com for this added functionality.
There have been problems with the larger style AIC7870.ADD basedev driver files so please use one of the
40K style versions. You may also request AIC7870.ZIP from Dell's Server Support that has been in use
for well over a year on all Dell PowerEdge servers in our OS/2 test lab; it is 80846 bytes and dated
1-07-98. The problem that has been seen with one or more of the newer 135K style AIC7870.ADD basedev
drivers is "internal procesing error"which halts the system during the booting of the OS/2 installation
As this is a Dell RAID test/certification, the embedded primary onboard SCSI controller on the PowerEdge
2400 has NOT been tested with any AIC78U2.ADD driver. It is presumed it will work if it is loaded ABOVE
any AIC7870.ADD driver in the C:\CONFIG.SYS file because that is how dual Adaptec controllers in Dell
PowerEdge Servers running OS/2 have been configured to work for OS/2 Warp 4 desktop and OS/2 Warp Server
Version 4.0 in the past.
There is no RAID controller driver for the embedded SCSI RAID controller (PERC 2/Si) on the PowerEdge
2400. At this time it is scheduled to be developed in Q1 of year 2000 however a timeframe for beta
testing has not been set yet.
RAID STABILITY AND RECOVERY WITH THE PERC2/DC: The OS/2 Certification software does not recognize the
Dell RAID controller so special tests are done per IBM's original testing process for non-IBM RAID
controllers. A drive must be removed from the array physically to simulate a failure; the controller
must recognize it and stay running and it must also rebuild the array to optimum status and the system
must reboot after the rebuild. Per this standard process, the Dell system was tested for RAID recovery
in both the Domain Controller phase AND Additional Server phase of the OS/2 Certification at Dell's
Sever Custom Engineering Lab. The other Server in the test group was a PowerEdge 2300/600 using a Dell
PERC 2/SC controller using an Intel Pro100+ Adapter PCI network card whereas this server used the
PERC2/DC and a new style Intel Pro100+ Server Adapter PCI Ethernet network card. Not only were programs
running on the server to keep the server busy by its on programs, the other server was actively
processing on server test target while the RAID use/failure/recovery was initiated. This happend in each
phase of the server being tested. With a drive pulled to simulate a failure on the PowerEdge 2400/600
with the PERC2/DC RAID controller, drive reinsertion was detected by both the PEDGEMON utility and the
PEDGE2DC.EXE array manager; the alarm sounded on the controller card and was silenced in the array
manager; the rebuild started and completed automatically and the system was rebooted once both
utilities verified the rebuild was complete and the drive returned to online status with optimal status
in the array. During the failure and recovery process, the pedgemon.exe monitor showed status changes
and rebuild progress in both the OS/2 window and Netfinity alerts. This testing was done twice per
Server installation/test phase with different physical hard drives being pulled for each test. On each
server test phase (Domain Controller or Additional Server) these were done once to test the survivablity
of the rebuild and subsequent reboot and another to test stressing the server during the rebuild process
with multiple readrite programs, copy and xcopy from partition to partition and from CDROM to hard
drive, formatting of the floppy drive and network testing by the other server with reads and writes to
a network share on the server being tested.
1) The OS/2 ADD driver for the PERC2/DC that was used is version 1.09c and its filename is PEDGE2DC.ADD;
the OS/2 RAID array manager utility is PEDGE2DC.EXE and the MONITOR.CMD script launches PEDGEMON.EXE
which reports on logical RAID drive array status changes and logs to the screen, deposits entries into
the FFST log and sends alerts to Netfinity. PEDGEMON.EXE may be run multiple times; this means that
it can be run during server startup but its window may not be seen by any user or any support person.
Therefore, for support staff to see if a rebuild is currently in progress, the program can be run
remotely at any time and it will display rebuild progress via percentage numbers if indeed there is a
rebuild in progress. This method of running the monitoring utility at any given moment is a good
additional functionality that can be used for double checking the array status prior to beginning any
server maintenance.
2) Logical Drive Array settings for the RAID 10 configuration were writeback for the write policy,
adaptive for the read policy, cached i/o for the cache policy.
3) OS/2 NIC drivers came from http://www.intel.com for the Intel Pro100+ Se
Machine Configuration (machine.txt):
System Manufacturer___________DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION
System Model Name_____________POWEREDGE 2400/600 PERC2/DC RAID
Processor on__________________Planar
BUS Type______________________ISA
LocalBUS Type_________________PCI
Symetric Multi-Processor______NO
Number of Processors__________1
.PSD Filename_________________
Bios Manufacturer_____________DELL
BIOS Version__________________A01
BIOS Date_____________________
Installed Memory MB___________512MB
APM Support___________________NO
PCMCIA Support________________NO
Number PCMCIA Slots___________
MOUSE Mini-Serial-Other_______Mini-Din
MOUSE Other type______________
Video Chip Manufacturer_______ATI
Video Chip Model______________ATI RAGE IIC PCI
Video Memory Size_____________>2MB
Video Chip on_________________Video on Planar
Video Card Manufacturer_______
Video Card Model______________
Video Card Type_______________
CDROM Drive___________________YES
CDROM Regular_________________Regular
CDROM Streaming able__________
CDROM Drive Manufacturer______NEC
CDROM Drive Model_____________Model 466 (CD-3010A 14/32)
CDROM Connected to____________SCSI
Other connection type_________
Sound Support_________________NO
Sound Card Manufacturer_______
Sound Card Model______________
Disk Controller 1 Mfr_________DELL
Disk Controller 1 Model_______RAID: Dual Channel 64bit PCI PERC2/DC
Disk Controller 1 on__________PCI Card
Disk Controller 2 Mfr_________Adaptec
Disk Controller 2 Model_______7880 Ultra/Wide
Disk Controller 2 on__________Planar
Disk Drive 1 Mfr______________Seagate
Disk Drive 1 Model____________ST118202LC
Disk Drive 1 Size_____________18GB
Disk Drive 1 Number installed_4
Disk Drive 1 type_____________SCSI
Disk Drive 2 Mfr______________
Disk Drive 2 Model____________
Disk Drive 2 Size_____________
Disk Drive 2 Number installed_
Disk Drive 2 type_____________
Disk Drive 3 Mfr______________
Disk Drive 3 Model____________
Disk Drive 3 Size_____________
Disk Drive 3 Number installed_
Disk Drive 3 type_____________
Network Card 1 Manufacturer___Intel
Network Card 1 Model/Name_____Intel Pro100+ Server Adapter
Network Card 1 is_____________Ethernet
Network Card 1 type___________PCI Card
Network Card 1 .NIF Name______E100BEO2.NIF
Network Card 1 .NIF Date______09-23-98
Network Card 1 .OS2 Name______E100B.OS2
Network Card 1 .OS2 Date______12-03-98
Network Card 1 Driver From____Other
Network Card 2 Manufacturer___
Network Card 2 Model/Name_____
Network Card 2 is_____________
Network Card 2 type___________
Network Card 2 .NIF Name______
Network Card 2 .NIF Date______
Network Card 2 .OS2 Name______
Network Card 2 .OS2 Date______
Network Card 2 Driver From____
Manufacturer Contact Information
Dell Server Support- 1-800-967-1068