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OS/2 Warp

Technical detail

Tip Files
These files are available to help in identifying problems encountered with installation or execution of the PCM Testkit Version 4.9. The files are provided in zip format that can be unpacked to create ASCII format files that can be printed for review. Please read through the help/tips files for the testkit section you are having problems with.

If you are still unable to resolve a problem, and need assistance, send an e-mail to

Download Problem Isolation (2KB) 10-21-98
Provides information on general problem isolation.

Download Stress Testcase Help (10KB) 10-21-98
Provides information on the stress testcase and information on re-running individual executibles and updating of the testkit results files.

Download Equivalent Systems Information (3KB) 01-25-99
Provides information on what testing needs to be done for equivalent systems or systems where only 1 sub-system is changed.

Download Device Driver Information (2KB) 10-21-98
Provides information on what device drivers should be tested, and a suggested sequence of where to look for updated drivers, and how they should be noted in the PCM Testing report(PCM_HDW).

Download PCM_TEST PM Interface (3KB) 10-21-98
Provides information on PCM_TEST GUI test execution flow and logfiles for problems encountered.

Download SWITCHER documentation (10KB) 10-21-98
Provides information on switcher code used in automated testcase scripts.

Download LAN Testing (4KB) 10-21-98
Provides information on problems encountered when running LAN Testcases.

Download MAT015 Testcase (38KB) 10-21-98
Provides information on problems encountered when running the testcase MAT015 which exercises the systems numeric co-processor.

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