bootaspi.txt BootASPI.EXE is a DOS2000 bootable diskette image that contains the DLTtools V4.14c program for Adaptec Adapters 20memu.txt 1123 11-16-95 OS/2 Memory Usage display tool 95388 11-17-95 OS/2 2.X Memory Usage Display Tool alphal.txt 40079 01-15-98 This is a simple 32-bit, configurable, multi-document, highlighting editor (Docs) 1586822 09-09-99 This is a simple 32-bit, configurable, multi-document, highlighting editor aping.txt 101494 08-04-93 APPC Echo Test written in CPI-C (Docs) 105472 04-09-93 APPC Echo Test written in CPI-C. apmtst.txt 316 11-16-94 PM Automation Tool (Docs) 192232 11-16-94 PM Automation Tool arexec.txt 97275 04-08-93 APPC Remote Command Execution (written in CPI-C) (Docs) 89437 04-09-93 APPC Remote Command Execution atell.txt 97030 03-24-93 APPC Tell Program - send a message (written in CPI-C) (docs) 89585 04-09-93 APPC Tell program - Sends a message autodi.txt 1247 03-23-93 A graphical display of APPN resources (docs) 14642 03-24-93 A graphical display of APPN resources bingo2.txt 6306 12-02-94 Bingo/2 (Docs) 449934 12-02-94 Bingo/2 bn2src.txt 1548 08-04-93 Binary Data File to Source Translation Utility (Docs) 23825 08-04-93 Binary Data File to Source Translation Utility bootos2.txt 328 01-30-97 Program to create various OS/2 Boot Diskettes 306329 02-06-98 Program to create various OS/2 Boot Diskettes cbook.txt 10565 04-09-93 C language file formatter for BookMaster (Docs) 55391 04-09-93 C language file formatter for BookMaster cdexpl.txt 17351 05-11-95 A Compact Disc Digital Audio Explorer (Docs) 58240 05-11-95 A Compact Disc Digital Audio Explorer chksto.txt 964 12-08-94 Checks storage space on hard disk (Docs) 1081303 12-08-94 Checks storage space on hard disk. clokgs.txt 518 10-28-93 A simple clock for your PM desktop (Docs) 30907 10-28-93 A simple clock for your PM desktop clpsrv.txt 3705 08-06-93 TCP/IP clipboard server for OS/2 2.x (Docs) 32961 10-28-93 TCP/IP clipboard server for OS/2 2.x colrpt.txt 4607 08-06-93 A program that will report the Pixel colors (Docs) 41120 08-09-93 A program that will report the Pixel colors cpost.txt 17587 03-23-93 C language file formatter for PostScript (Docs) 58705 03-24-93 C language file formatter for PostScript cstepm.txt 3511 08-06-93 A customized version of EPM (Docs) 150457 08-09-93 A customized version of EPM dbmrpw.txt 23761 09-01-92 Program to allow REMOTE ADMINISTRATION of DB Passwords (Docs) 31971 09-01-92 Database Mgr Remote Password Admin tool dinfo.txt 443 08-21-92 Program to display Swapper Size and Free space (Docs) 50847 08-21-92 Program to display Swapper Size and Free space dirsta.txt 3492 09-07-95 Program to Display LAN info for attached LAN (Docs) 31932 09-08-95 Program to Display LAN info for attached LAN dvorkb.txt 587 02-14-97 Dvorak Keyboard Remapper for OS/2 (Docs) 39789 02-14-97 Dvorak Keyboard Remapper for OS/2 editini.txt 1911 10-02-92 A text only INI file editor (Docs) 20686 10-06-92 A text only INI file editor elep2f.txt 402 04-08-93 OS/2 Entry Level 3270 Emulation Program (Docs) 158070 04-08-93 OS/2 Entry Level 3270 Emulation Program elepht.txt 3173 05-04-93 ELEPHANT a demo of OS/2 animations using icons (Docs) 14927 05-04-93 ELEPHANT a demo of OS/2 animations using icons enved.txt 12152 02-01-94 An environment variables editor (Docs) 23714 02-08-94 An environment variables editor excal.txt 799 04-04-95 PM Calender Program (Docs) 424896 04-06-95 PM Calender Program exdesk.txt 632 08-06-93 A WPS DLL to extend functions of OS/2 Desktop object (Docs) 45989 08-09-93 A WPS DLL to extend functions of OS/2 Desktop object exemap.txt 7313 11-09-93 Maps OS/2 V2, V1, Windows and PC-DOS EXE Headers. (Docs) 45894 11-11-93 Maps OS/2 V2, V1, Windows and PC-DOS EXE Headers. fenx2.txt 689 06-08-95 Phoenix file recovery utility (Docs) 81362 06-08-95 Phoenix file recovery utility fmos2.txt 1166 12-16-97 FMOS2 (FILEMAN) is a fullscreen/window OS/2 program for managing files/directories on one or more drives simultaneously. (Docs) 158014 12-16-97 FMOS2 (FILEMAN) is a fullscreen/window OS/2 program for managing files/directories on one or more drives simultaneously. fv2.txt 645 12-15-97 FV2 (FileView for OS/2) is a small multi-threaded fullscreen/window OS2 program for quickly viewing/browsing files. (Docs) 58907 12-15-97 FV2 (FileView for OS/2) is a small multi-threaded fullscreen/window OS2 program for quickly viewing/browsing files. gfoldr.txt 2671 04-04-95 Group Folder create subsections within a folder (Docs) 107945 04-06-95 Group Folder create subsections within a folder gopher.txt 275 11-10-94 OS/2 PM client for the Internet Gopher protocol (Docs) 442251 11-10-94 OS/2 PM client for the Internet Gopher protocol goserv.txt 2424 09-09-95 32bit Gopher/WWW Server for OS/2 v2.40 (Docs) 328992 09-07-95 32bit Gopher/WWW Server for OS/2 v2.40 hexdmp.txt 876 09-01-92 Hexdump, BIN2HEX, & HEX2BIN program (Docs) 26874 09-01-92 Hexdump, BIN2HEX, & HEX2BIN program iniedit.txt 814 12-05-96 A dialog driven binary INI file editor (Docs) 97107 12-05-96 A dialog driven binary INI file editor ipfcpp.txt 17581 07-18-92 Expands capabilities of IPF compiler (Docs) 27171 07-17-92 Expands capabilities of IPF compiler jumpkey.txt 2204 08-05-96 JumpKey/2: Allows hotkeys to jump to sessions, etc. (Docs) 895927 08-05-96 JumpKey/2: Allows hotkeys to jump to sessions, etc. kdraw.txt 879 09-16-98 KDRAW.ZIP includes KEDIT macros to draw box characters by cursor move keys just the same manner as DRAW.E macro for EPM editor for OS/2. (Docs) 16868 09-16-98 KDRAW.ZIP includes KEDIT macros to draw box characters by cursor move keys just the same manner as DRAW.E macro for EPM editor for OS/2. kl.txt 491 07-09-99 KEDIT macro to list File/Directory like FILELIST EXEC (Docs) 60701 07-07-99 Abstract of KL macro for KEDIT and for THE editors (Version 3.00) l40bat.txt 8337 08-06-93 L40SX Battery indicator program (Docs) 38706 08-06-93 L40SX Battery indicator program l40tem.txt 7743 08-06-93 L40SX Temperature indicator program (Docs) 38854 08-06-93 L40SX temperature indicator program lanxco.txt 262 09-08-94 L40SX Temperature indicator program (Docs) 41135 09-08-94 L40SX Temperature indicator program lckdrv.txt 2188 01-27-95 A DOS-Mode Drive Lock Utility for OS/2 (Docs) 3790 01-31-95 A DOS-Mode Drive Lock Utility for OS/2 lnchhk.txt 423 08-08-96 Get Launchpad or Tasklist via pointer (Docs) 30012 09-09-96 Get Launchpad or Tasklist via pointer loaddf.txt 13844 04-09-93 Diskette image prg LOADDSKF & SAVEDSKF (Docs) 26171 04-09-93 Diskette image prg LOADDSKF & SAVEDSKF lp3820.txt 1138 09-07-95 Prnt AFP docs on prsnl lasr prntr v2.5a (Docs) 438890 09-08-95 Prnt AFP docs on prsnl lasr prntr v2.5a lp382f.txt 857 04-12-93 LP382F - Fonts for use with lp3820 HP-PCL and 4019 PPDS modes (Docs) 849195 04-12-93 LP382F - Fonts for use with lp3820 HP-PCL and 4019 PPDS modes ltrnam.txt 1906 08-05-93 Change text of LT Window in CM LT sess. ...The LTRENAME utility allows you to change Title Text of both the LT Window and the window list for a give CM owned LT session to something other than "HOST - X - 3270 Emulator". (Docs) 10231 08-04-93 Change text of LT Window in CM LT sess. ...The LTRENAME utility allows you to change Title Text of both the LT Window and the window list for a give CM owned LT session to something other than "HOST - X - 3270 Emulator". megads.txt 4700 08-05-93 Virtual Desktop Overviewer for PM Wins ...Megadisk is a virtual desktop overview which allows you to expand the area for your PM windows, creating many "rooms" in which to group running PM applications. (Docs) 63698 08-04-93 Virtual Desktop Overviewer for PM Wins ...Megadisk is a virtual desktop overview which allows you to expand the area for your PM windows, creating many "rooms" in which to group running PM applications. mshell.txt 6436 02-01-94 Mini PM Shell for OS/2 (Docs) 59129 02-07-94 Mini PM Shell for OS/2 netutl.txt 2929 10-26-99 NetUtil.DLL is a REXX function package which includes REXX functions that simulate and enhance NET commands of IBM OS/2 Warp Server products. It also includes functions that can perform what NET commands do not offer. (Docs) 95452 10-26-99 NetUtil.DLL is a REXX function package which includes REXX functions that simulate and enhance NET commands of IBM OS/2 Warp Server products. It also includes functions that can perform what NET commands do not offer. nrexx.txt 2220 05-02-96 NetRexx - Prog. language derived from Java and Rexx (Docs) 311069 05-07-96 NetRexx - Prog. language derived from Java and Rexx os2gfc.txt 893 05-09-95 A Graphical File Comparison Program (Docs) 44689 05-11-95 A Graphical File Comparison Program os2pops.txt 3591 05-09-97 A full function POP server for OS/2 (Docs) 1374026 05-09-97 A full function POP server for OS/2 pmcalc.txt 245 03-02-95 OS/2 Presentation Manager Calculator (Docs) 41473 03-02-95 OS/2 Presentation Manager Calculator pmcam2.txt 7452 02-15-93 PM CAMERA/2, capture the screen with this utility (Docs) 155173 02-15-93 PM CAMERA/2, capture the screen with this utility pmftrm.txt 7776 03-23-93 An Async Terminal Emulator for OS/2 (Docs) 87409 03-23-93 An Async Terminal Emulator for OS/2 pmgb32.txt 27432 06-17-93 PMGlobe -- An OS/2 PM World Globe (Docs) 113229 06-18-93 PMGlobe -- An OS/2 PM World Globe pmprtf.txt 9342 06-17-93 PRINTF F(X) for OS/2 & PM Apps (Docs) 36804 06-17-93 PRINTF F(X) for OS/2 & PM Apps pmtree.txt 3500 08-18-92 Graphical display of PM windows (Docs) 113421 08-18-92 Graphical display of PM windows prntps.txt 658 11-10-92 REXX CMD file to print TEXT on a PS capable printer (Docs) 4774 11-10-92 REXX CMD file to print TEXT on a PS capable printer progrf.txt 883 02-01-94 A utility to generate program reference objects from exe's (Docs) 20851 02-07-94 A utility to generate program reference objects from exe's qconfg.txt 387 06-08-95 Machine Configuration Report Utility (Docs) 264589 06-08-95 Machine Configuration Report Utility ringut.txt 219 09-08-94 LAN Ring Utilization display utility (Docs) 17641 09-08-94 LAN Ring Utilization display utility robosv.txt 40166 02-01-94 Desktop backup and restore program (Docs) 101788 02-07-94 Desktop Backup and Restore Program rxd.txt 8840 02-15-93 PM source level debugger for REXX (Docs) 149595 02-16-93 PM source level debugger for REXX rxftp.txt 217 10-25-93 Rexx Function Package for TCP/IP FTP for OS/2 2.0 (Docs) 85899 10-28-93 Rexx Function Package for TCP/IP FTP for OS/2 2.0 rxmath.txt 768 12-02-92 Basic math functions for OS/2 REXX (Docs) 32434 08-05-93 Basic math functions for OS/2 REXX rxnetb.txt 426 11-06-92 Provides access to NETBIOS thru REXX ...This program provides access to the OS/2 NETBIOS programming interface from REXX programs. (Docs) 21277 11-10-92 Provides access to NETBIOS thru REXX ...This program provides access to the OS/2 NETBIOS programming interface from REXX programs. rxsock.txt 226 08-16-93 Rexx pkg for TCP/IP sockets for OS2 2.0 (Docs) 36720 08-17-93 Rexx pkg for TCP/IP sockets for OS2 2.0 shftrn.txt 849 11-18-93 Program to run an OS/2 2.0 program before IPL is done (Docs) 21420 11-18-94 Program to run an OS/2 2.0 program before IPL is done startd.txt 313 10-13-95 An OS/2 Program to Start VDM's Under OS/2 (Docs) 96454 10-13-95 An OS/2 Program to Start VDM's Under OS/2 stpos2.txt 1135 12-15-97 STPOS2 (Subdirectory Tree manager Plus) is a fullscreen/window OS/2 program for managing subdirectory trees. (Docs) 85705 12-15-97 STPOS2 (Subdirectory Tree manager Plus) is a fullscreen/window OS/2 program for managing subdirectory trees. tinyed.txt 93038 01-31-94 A powerful Tiny OS/2 and DOS editor. ...A powerful Tiny editor, fast, configurable, and easy to use. (Docs) 71943 01-31-94 A powerful Tiny OS/2 and DOS editor. ...A powerful Tiny editor, fast, configurable, and easy to use. tshell.txt 337 10-13-95 A non-GUI, Text Based Shell for OS/2 (Docs) 43014 10-13-95 A non-GUI, Text Based Shell for OS/2 tuneup.txt 783 10-25-93 LAN Server 2.0 & 3.0 tuning utility (Docs) 127666 10-25-93 LAN Server 2.0 & 3.0 tuning utility tvfs.txt 328 01-15-97 Toronto Virtual File System for OS/2 ...The Toronto Virtual File System (TVFS) is an OS/2 installable file system that combines VM and UNIX file system concepts. The specific VM file system concept employed is the "CMS search path". The specific UNIX file system concept employed is the "symbolic link". (Docs) txt2ps.txt 8306 03-08-95 Prints text to printer in PS mode. ...TEXTORPS.EXE is a program that will permit the user to leave the printer in PostScript mode and still print text sent to the printer spooler by applications that are not PostScript aware. (Docs) 129527 03-08-93 Prints text to printer in PS mode. ...TEXTORPS.EXE is a program that will permit the user to leave the printer in PostScript mode and still print text sent to the printer spooler by applications that are not PostScript aware. utlos2.txt 4057 02-09-98 *ix-like and other utilities for OS/2 V.2.9 (Docs) 925728 02-09-98 *ix-like and other utilities for OS/2 V.2.9 vpoker.txt 1705 06-16-94 Video Poker for OS/2 2.1 (Docs) 414733 06-16-94 Video Poker for OS/2 2.1 vrexx2.txt 102758 09-24-92 Visual REXX for OS/2 2.0 Presentation Manager (Docs) 202532 09-24-92 Visual REXX for OS/2 2.0 Presentation Manager wpsfwin.txt 906 10-20-95 Workplace Shell for Windows (Docs) 650473 10-20-95 Workplace Shell for Windows (Docs) 14629.txt 1190 11-12-93 IBM ISA CDROM installation for OS/2 2.1 20fixes.txt 31634 12-16-92 List of official fixes for OS/2 2.0 3606.txt 6505 04-07-95 A Text File equal to the 3606 FAX 56kpcd.txt 7594 05-05-97 IBM 56K PC Card Modem Kit Warranty Information 153126 05-04-95 IBM 800 Support #'s (INF VIEWable form) 97372 05-04-95 IBM 800 support #'s (text format) adept.txt 17736 04-14-95 Info For Adept BBS software for OS/2 allfiles.txt 1348138 11-07-99 All Files Available from this BBS 228123 11-07-99 Compressed Version of ALLFILES.TXT aptnonet.txt 1166 12-19-96 Statement of "Network Support" on Aptiva articovr.bul 23646 01-14-93 ARTIC overview bbs_qa.txt 334957 09-01-94 BBS sysop FAQs, Downloaded from the NET ...This is a text file we found in alt.bbs.allsysop News Group out on the Internet. This file was created by Claire Walters. The file contains BBS sysop Q&As and is very informative. bbsfax.txt 461058 04-20-99 IBM PC Company Enduser FAXBack Catalog blt3com.bbs 1938 09-26-92 NDIS MAC Drivers f/3COM Ethernet Cards blt40.bul 570 02-13-92 DOS 5.0 32MB Partition Fix (08/15/91). blt45.bul 46985 06-25-92 Info Guide of Software Prods on Artic blt9.bbs 3088 11-01-93 Frequently Called IBM Phone Numbers bltbuprb.bul 968 05-01-92 A Problem with DOS CSD (past bulletin) bltn51.bbs 997 09-26-92 IBM NOTEBOOK - N51 SX (06/04/92) bltns2.bul 1451 12-16-92 Info Guide on NS/2 bltserv.bul 899 06-25-92 PS/2 Service Aid Diskette bltsnap.bbs 36661 09-26-92 SNAPDUMP-tool for prob. deter in OS/2 ...SNAPDUMP is a tool for problem determination in an OS/2 enviornment. bltsvr.bbs 2867 09-26-92 ES 3.5 Database Server Problem 7168 02-01-94 Boot error code list 75776 02-18-94 Internet FAQ (info) on CD-ROMS clipper.txt 20930 03-01-94 WiReD article on Clipper Chip. Read!!! ...This is an article that will be printed in the April issue of WirReD magazine. It concerns the Clipper Chip and its affect on your privacy and the infobahm (data superhighway) cringely.txt 792 03-02-95 IBM's response to the Infoworld piece csdinfo.bul 2166 01-14-93 Using the CSD command on the BBS 35167 04-02-94 Creative Labs Technical Notes expcpp.txt 4271 06-23-94 Experience C++ CD - announcmnt of help 24576 02-18-94 Internet FAQ(info) on FAXing foxpro.faq 60003 09-02-94 FAQ for FOXPRO, MS windows app. 17408 02-25-94 Good place to visit on the Internet 32768 02-15-94 FAQ on Games and Gaming (Internet) 55296 02-19-94 List of virus, trojan, etc found. ibm4072.pft 2964 03-03-94 Printer driver for the IBM 4072 Printer ibmav.txt 2194 07-22-93 Info on IBM Anti-Virus product 50326 08-04-95 IBM's Electronic Resource Guide (.INF) 47660 09-16-96 IBM's Electronic Resource Guide (HTML) ldevco.txt 6896 04-22-94 Lan Systems DEVCON CD-ROM Survey ...This is a brief snapshot of a planned DEVCON for Lan Systems, including a customer survey for feedback. Replies to the survey may be via E-mail, 1-800 fax or US Mail. munich.txt 7400 10-14-96 Europe Tech. Interchange Forum 12/2/96 mwavefaq.txt 20053 07-02-94 FAQ on Mwave Hardware & Software 35840 02-02-94 listing of 300 support/tech/BBS numbers 13428 06-02-94 Article from Wired on antitrust & MS ... Oh No, Mr. Bill! The Inside Story of the US Governments' Antitrust Case Against Microsoft from WIRED 2.04 os2books.bul 6974 01-14-93 Books available on OS/2 (5/1/92) os2dform.bul 8291 02-01-93 OS/2 Defect Report Form os2tools.txt 4080 05-03-94 Wordpefect for Windows 6.0a interm posid.txt 21286 03-02-94 POS Ids for IBM hardware. ps2faq.txt 209459 10-21-96 PS/2 Most Frequently Asked Questions rarfrs.txt 5080 04-28-95 PS/2 Ref/Opt disk License Revision 4.3 rdu0994.txt 20066 05-04-95 NC Triangle area BBS's refguide.bul 1725 01-14-93 Reference Guide Summary for PS/2's etc 12774 04-12-94 Computer Risks Digest from Internet 47264 03-24-94 serial prog info (C and ASM) (Win) 60468 10-20-92 Summary of APARs on OS/2 2.0 serv pack. supplemt.txt 45877 04-07-95 PC DOS 7: The Best DOS and Best Value sytos2gb.bul 2242 01-14-93 Sytos Plus 2.3GB Tape Backup techint.txt 1810 03-11-96 1996 IBM Technical Interchange ti96.txt 4259 05-13-96 Technical Interchange notes 96 user.txt 25547 04-02-97 Info. on how to use this BBS (Maximus) 145254 02-08-94 complete FIDONET/INTERNET gateway v0.26 v34-read.txt 118232 05-03-96 7852 Model 10 Advanced Modem Control 32846 04-02-94 FAQ(Internet) on Viruses warpbook.txt 4444 03-02-95 List of OS/2 Warp Books 31048 06-01-95 Warp: Performance and Tuning White Paper whatsnew.txt 4190 04-07-95 What's New with PC DOS 7? Find out here! 1137 10-05-93 Disable the internal pocessor cache. 7852_v03.exe 150886 05-09-95 Version 3.0 code - IBM7852-010 modem 8xwn3xpe.exe 114724 03-18-95 2380/81 or plus Win 3.x printer driver 9xwn3xpe.exe 116849 03-17-95 2390/91 or plus Win3.x printer driver. algebrax.arc 93184 05-11-90 Intro to Algebra - not too involved ambcsd01.txt 2872 10-06-95 Text for IBM DSP sound cards CSD v01 223350 10-06-95 CSD for IBM DSP sound card MIDI drivers 92160 12-23-90 Loan payment calculation 240640 01-21-94 AMTax tax program for 1993 append.bas 3137 05-11-90 Password File Appender by R. Hendrix 137849 12-03-92 Over forty computational screen savers. atquik.exe 14058 07-30-93 Quick Ref. PS/2 AT Bus mods. postscript 169984 02-22-94 Big Dummy's Guide to Internet 2.0 beta05.exe 203608 04-22-96 Beta update 05 for 7852-013 9216 06-02-94 256 color Bloom County ICONS 73728 09-12-90 Database: Keep track of College books! ...This is a databse written in Qbasic. It is a utility for college students to keep track of book prices, titles, authors, classes, and lots more! 84699 12-15-92 Btrieve v6.0x Rqtrs for DOS, WIN, OS/2. 10017 05-11-90 Buzz word generator 86281 06-10-94 Util helps in repair/diag of PC cards 11999 01-21-94 Concatenates files 879369 09-26-94 OS/2&LAN Cert. Eng.:smpl tests & info 861093 07-28-95 Professional Certification '95: OS/2&LAN 87951 05-11-90 Chaos Programs from NOVA, Jan 31, 1989 64512 02-22-94 Reports MIPS, VidSpd, aprox Mkt value 221440 04-05-94 CID Code Server Setup for SRVIFS &LAD/2 clip16mb.sys 278 06-25-96 Driver for using EduQUest w/Win95+16MB clip16mb.txt 830 06-25-96 Instructions for clip16mb.sys 5 03-11-93 Cold boots IML machine configur.exe 6612 04-17-92 PS/1 Configuration deletion replacement cpb288.txt 500 01-13-95 How to use 2.88 drives with CPBackup. cpmread.arc 40960 05-11-90 Read CPM files on your PC cpuidibm.exe 143756 06-17-96 Pentium CPU ID Checker csdmm102.exe 575806 06-17-96 Multi-Media Upgrade Warp Fullpack supp. csdmm102.txt 7705 06-15-95 Text for Multimedia modem CSDMM102.EXE csdv102d.exe 491599 08-10-95 Updates/Enhancements 4 Multimedia Modem csdv102d.txt 8104 08-10-95 Fix, Install info. Multimedia Modem customiz.exe 7296 03-23-95 CUSTOMIZ program for early PS/1's ...CUSTOMIZE (original file) program for early PS/1's (2011 and 2121). This program will allow you to "Customize How your System Starts", allowing you to boot from disk or built in ROM (DOS) chip and where to read the CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT. Installation:Place file in the DOS directory on drive C, then type: CUSTOMIZ. da.arc 22912 05-11-90 Disk Arranger - arranges files Dir list dca.txt 18815 05-11-90 Text info on DCA pubs. by request dcafcwd.exe 40281 12-06-95 DCAF 1.3 REXX CMD file Directory Builder dcafhint.txt 21430 06-19-96 DCAF 1.3 General Information & Hints dcafsvga.exe 31361 02-27-95 DCAF tool (tests SVGA Driver Support) dcfos2in.cmd 3494 05-15-95 DCAF REXX Prm to fix OS2.INI file 7168 06-18-90 Our experience with Jerusalum B virus decrypto.arc 108941 05-11-90 Unscrambles newspaper cryptograms delc0811.arc 148480 05-11-90 Listings on DELCHES, 8/11/89 no charges disktest.exe 566915 06-17-96 Disktest benchmark routines, Dos & OS/2 dos5-oem.lst 5807 04-21-92 List of DOS 5.0 compatible pc clones. ds230dem.exe 993142 12-15-95 DualStor 3.0 DEMO for OS/2 dsd30dem.exe 1002222 12-15-95 DualStor 3.0 DEMO for DOS dsq300.arc 8192 05-11-90 Disk Squeeze/Unsqueeze Ver 3.0, Graham dsw30dem.exe 942700 12-15-95 DualStor 3.0 DEMO for Win/95 290198 05-11-90 CASE Pk for Software Design, EGA/mouse electron.arc 87936 05-11-90 Prog Ref RO Electronic Tables & Forual element.exe 7168 05-11-90 Self-extracting Periodic Chart Program eqncm03.131 83803 12-18-95 DCAF 1.31 Trac Module equik.exe 16278 10-21-93 PS/2 E Machines--Quick Ref.-Postscript 13876 05-11-90 Utility - viewing facts about your sys 22105 07-16-93 TSO/E Rexx for ESO tapes. Lvl 930901 ...Use this EXEC to assist with the installation of ESO service tapes. Unzip and upload to your mvs host as hlq.ESOEXEC and execute under ispf option 6 with EX ESOEXEC EXEC 30483 07-16-93 family tree program flash04.exe 210591 12-07-95 v4.0 code - IBM7852-013 modem (not -010) 166862 11-11-93 Floppy to Tape Utility ...A shareware utility that copies floppy disks from A & B drives to a CMS Jumbo 120 or 250 tape drive for archiving. Needs the CMS TAPE.EXE backup program to run. ftn0408.exe 245440 04-06-93 OS/2 Graphics Version for 4/8 FTN guide ftn1112.exe 1402240 11-13-92 Graphics f/OS/2 LAN Server 11/12/92 FTN ftn1112.txt 801 11-13-92 Info-Graphics-OS/2 LAN Srvr 11/12 FTN ftn1113.exe 955280 11-10-92 Graphics f/OS/2 LAN Server 11/13/92 FTN ftn1113.txt 668 11-10-92 Inf for Graphics File for 11/13/92 FTN ftn1210.exe 19360 12-14-92 DLS.ENC for Postscript ptr 12/14/92 38387 05-11-90 Grocery List and Program gtr16m_1.exe 440114 06-17-96 Install patch for Multimedia/16 MB prob ibm5183.exe 105155 11-17-94 IBM 5183 Win 3.X printer Driver ibm7845.exe 72820 10-13-94 IBM 7845 BBS files, manual, errata, tip 234988 10-23-92 Windows Prod. for Complete Contact Inf. ...Includes: work & home address, six phone numbers, custom categories, contact status, last call & call back dates, birth date & age, eight custom flag fields, and up to 64,000 characters of free-form notes for each contact. 203871 11-20-92 Windows contact manager v1.1 (setup) ...Use INCT11_B.ZIP with this file. ( Directory 7 ) 214650 11-20-92 Windows contact manager v1.1 (setup) 204916 02-26-93 InContact! Contact Manager Program 1/2 218551 02-25-93 InContact! Contact Manager program 2/2 integrtd.exe 225490 08-11-94 PCMCIA Integrated DAA modem disk ipas0001.exe 47691 10-11-94 ISDN Srvr App Enabler Patch 0001 instll ...This is self extracting. Creates 2 files: ISDNPMAC.SYS and IPAS0001.REA. The former is a new device driver and the latter contains instructions for this patch. Be sure to execute IPAS001.01.EXE A: to create the installation diskette. isdnpri.txt 1338 10-11-94 Index of ISDN Primary Adapter updates isdnprim.txt 6584 10-11-94 Instl instrctns for ISDN prim adpt & sv ...INstall instructions for ISDN primary adapter and ISDN server application enabler. This file should be copied to the \ISDNPRIM directory on the drive where LAN Distance is installed. 410753 06-02-94 Latest CMS Jumbo TAPE.EXE V4.04 16420 06-02-94 Removes the Monkey virus (from UofA) ...This virus killer, written by a programmer at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, will successfully remove the Monkey virus from harddisks and floppies. 31530 05-11-90 Disk Label Utility 69517 05-11-90 More improvement from Verne Buerg 10831 05-22-91 USE THIS PROGRAM TO WIN MILLIONS! ls30rpl.exe 42517 07-22-93 Token Ring II 16/4 Credit Card RPL info m-motion.exe 436283 08-12-95 M-Motion 256 color driver MMotion. macpab1.exe 559001 06-17-96 M-Audio Capture Drivers and APIs 1 of 2 macpab2.exe 665470 06-17-96 M-Audio Capture Drivers and APIs 2 of 2 3585 07-16-92 M-Audio Capture Drivers Docs macpawin.exe 128914 08-14-92 M-Audio Support files for Windows 3.1 1393170 04-27-95 MMotion Media control for M-motion Adt. mcquick.exe 90030 08-23-94 IBM PS/2 Quick Reference List mdm315c.exe 183875 04-30-97 Version 315C firmware for IBM 7852-400 US/Canada modem mmpmctr1.exe 705416 08-12-95 MMotion MControl/2 for MMPM (1/2) mmpmctr2.exe 479048 08-12-95 MMotion MControl/2 for MMPM (2/2) 378430 10-04-93 .MOD sound file editor. 246896 06-17-94 MotoCross Bitmaps 60785 02-28-94 WAVEmaker for DOS or OS/2 (src inc.) mwdelete.exe 27373 08-15-95 MWave Deletion Procedure for Preloads naoca.arc 158720 05-11-90 Personality Testing for New Employees 73342 05-11-90 NARC archive utility program ver 3.0B 10500 05-11-90 Create "computer paper" news offering.txt 12512 02-19-97 latest pc factory outlet update oldisk1.arc 262836 05-11-90 Overlord: Clubs & Ass. Mngt disk 1 oldisk2.arc 144839 05-11-90 Overlord: Clubs & Ass. Mngt disk 2 79792 04-29-93 OMF.INF- Obj.Mod.Form & Linear Executab 404080 05-17-93 Freelance Graphics f/os/2 (5/11-5/19) pcomm400.exe 957856 10-25-94 Personal Communications/400 V4.0 Demo. pktrefup.txt 1768 08-12-93 Corrections/Updates Pocker Reference GD portquik.exe 16272 07-31-93 Quick Ref, IBM portables - postscript 30122 09-19-90 Send ASCII files to Postscript printer. ...DOS shareware utility to send ASCII or plain text files to a Postscript printer for printing. Works from the commandline and has many options. Shareware ver 1.4 dtd 6-15-90. 573985 08-17-95 PPP support for OS/2 TCP/IP 2.0 5045 09-04-91 Procom drives & other for PS/2. Text. ...A text file captured from the Procom Technologies BBS which includes bried product descriptions of ProCom's product offerings for IBM PS/2s. They have a lot of interesting internal and external floppy and hard drive expansion options. Many support OS/2, but you need to check for specific versions supported. 180800 08-27-94 IBM Personal Systems Support Guide ...Designed to give a comprehensive and structured approach for IBM Personal Systems Hardware and Software Products. There are three versions included. The Pocket version - PSSGPOCK.EPS (postscript) The Full version - PSSGUIDE.EPS (postscript) and the on-line version - PSSGUIDE.INF (requires OS/2). 280890 08-13-93 Hard Disk Menuing System 10240 05-21-91 Records all file accesses on your disk ... Lets you monitor the usage of the files on your hard disk for security reasons of for the sake of knowing. 71680 02-18-94 Unix Source (C) for Zmodem safewin.txt 3252 12-06-95 Safe Windows Reinstall Procedure sb16w31.exe 429872 02-14-94 new win drvrs scsi.txt 2917 05-07-91 Text file on SCSI Hard Disks 837330 02-09-95 PCMCIA SCSI OBI installation diskettes setdaqa.exe 28425 02-10-97 DMA Bus Master Fix for Deskstar3 drives 142336 03-22-91 Shez Ver 60B Compress/uncomp Shell 149084 01-20-94 gives operating char of your computer ...Tells you about your CPU, NDP, bus, memory, ports, IRQ's, DMA, mouse, disks, etc...... soho104c.exe 592463 06-17-96 SOHO Configuration Utility Disk v1.04c somftn.exe 572640 10-07-92 System Object Model (FTN) ...This is a self exracting file. spann.txt 15845 10-01-92 OS/2 2.0 Service Packs, Advance Notice 26624 10-02-90 Several OS/2 Utilities tcp0803p.exe 124720 08-17-93 FTN-Netware 4.01 for OS/2 handouts ...Handouts for 8/3/93 FTN on Netware 4.01 for OS/2 in two formats. TCP0803P.PS is PostScript version. TCP0803P.AFP is LIST3820 version. First type FTN0803P in DOS or OS/2 to unpack this file. Self-extracting file. tcp0803s.exe 403920 08-17-93 FTN-Netware 4.01 for OS/2 screen show ...Files necessary to view the screen show for the FTN presentation on Netware 4.01 for OS/2. Self-extracting. Type TCP0803S in DOS or OS/2 to unpack. Type SHOW NW4OS2P to view screen show. teirem2.exe 225646 06-09-94 TEI removed bug fix in ISDN port mgr. 120905 07-13-94 Convert INF or HLP files to text files 183889 06-10-94 Tweak various VGA chipsets 132860 02-16-94 PC Magazine Utilities June 15, 1993 148757 02-16-94 PC Magazines utilities July 1993 vcpa.exe 547924 01-13-92 Video Capture Card/A App. Prog. Inter. 369664 01-24-94 huge list of fax/sales/support fone #'s 33757 08-15-94 Home Video Game FAQ (sega, SNES, etc.) vpquik.exe 27433 07-30-93 Quick Ref. PS/VP models - Postscript vru.txt 1963 11-28-95 VRU tree for IBM OS/2 & PC DOS SS Center w95ir.exe 286785 02-27-96 Windows 95 infrared driver 38 03-11-93 Warm boots IML machine 132096 02-25-94 Win&OS/2 ASP member shareware listing windrv.exe 343249 03-01-95 Windows pscript drv; gendrv.dll/unidrv 43851 10-12-92 Shareware 1.00 for Win 3-3.1 keybd util 18906 03-22-94 Print or Copy PTFs without SMP/E. ...ZESO100 (ESOUTIL) can be used to print PTF coverletters or copy PTF's by SREL, FMID or COMPID, without using SMP/E. UNZIP and read ZESO100.REA 119486 07-02-91 List and Specs of Seagate Hard Drives 63488 03-14-91 DOS-based video speed benchmark. ...An interesting DOS-based benchmark that measures video speed. This is a PD application and runs OK in the DOS-box of OS/2 v1.3. afs.arc 1024 05-11-90 PCjr Patch to Run Chuck Yeager's Flight am2os21.exe 571553 06-14-95 Actionmedia OS2 device driver v1.2 1/2 am2os22.exe 461244 06-14-95 Actionmedia OS2 device driver v1.2 2/2 am2win1.exe 277804 06-14-95 Actionmedia Windows driver v1.2, 1/2 am2win2.exe 475060 06-14-95 Actionmedia Windows driver v1.2, 2/2 app-serv.exe 401018 06-17-96 Application/Service Disk (GO/IBM HWX) 10770 05-11-90 Convert ASCII-MS Word DOC. C/O SFPCjrUG 5405 04-15-94 DOS ASPI Driver for IBM SCSI BIOS ...This is a DOS device driver which will supply an ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming Interface) for SCSI attachment cards which support the IBM SCSI BIOS (interrupt 4B) interface. A .DOC file installation and user's guide is included. atc144.exe 6345 09-02-94 Add 1.44 B-Drive to AT (REQ 11/85 BIOS) ...This file requires a BIOS Date of 11/15/85. bach.bas 362 05-11-90 PCjr Cartridge BASIC Music Program bach.doc 294 05-11-90 PCjr Music Program Instructions 68986 05-11-90 16 Co. Bard Tale (PCjr) & more (C/O SFP 458 05-11-90 PCjr Screen Blank Program - Set Minutes 7461 05-11-90 Stops Annoying Monitor Blinkinggms. on bootthru.arc 7168 05-11-90 Boot Off Hard Disk with Occupied A: dri 99597 06-18-90 Checks defects on new computer. 3726 05-11-90 View a 3-D Sopwith Camel in 16 Colors o 124800 05-11-90 Complete Disk Cataloging System (Labels 12654 05-11-90 Hourly Chime, Different Options. C/O SF 210 05-11-90 Sets Ctrl-Alt-Ins Key Clicks for PCjr colrprod.arc 8192 05-11-90 Run PRODIGY in Color on 640kb PCjr compat.asc 4685 05-11-90 PCjr Compatibility With PC Programs 9634 07-05-91 Common Family I product Q's & A's 16916 03-15-91 IBM Family I Q & A's in DCA format 11893 03-15-91 IBM Family I Q & A's in RTF format 11524 03-15-91 IBM Family I Q & A's in W.P. 5 format 14662 03-15-91 IBM Family I Q & A's in W. Write format configjr.arc 8704 05-11-90 Jr Memory, RAM Disk, and more confrmt.arc 40960 05-11-90 Format Floppies in the Background corelook.arc 3072 05-11-90 Look Inside Your Machines ROM dipset.bas 8553 05-11-90 Show/Change DIP Switches on System Boar 356 03-12-82 Patch for Model 77 14204 05-11-90 PCjr Custom Driver for MS-FS III 2048 05-11-90 Set AT's Clock w/out Having to use SetV 13924 05-11-90 IBMs Notes on Several PCjr Probs. & Sol 4443 05-11-90 Great 16 Color Drawing Program for the 5408 05-11-90 PCJR Only! Cart. BASIC w/>128k. C/jr UG 403 05-11-90 Use ALT-Right Shift for Warm Boot on PC jrcfg214.arc 27648 05-11-90 PCjr ONLY Memory Manager for Tecmar, IS 1346 05-11-90 Help Using PCJR and the Internal IBM Mo 8409 05-11-90 Discussion of PCJR with the IBM Interna 24619 05-11-90 The Latest! Version 2.15 of L.N.s Rcon jrconfig.arc 20480 05-11-90 New and Better Version. Config PCJR. Ex jrddos.arc 2944 05-11-90 Patch to Allow DoubleDos to Run on PCJR 2509 05-11-90 PCjr Display Adapter HOW TO Connect to 18354 05-11-90 Eight 3-Voice Songs for IBM PCJR 34921 05-11-90 Great Manual for new users of the IBM P jrpro.txt 11392 05-11-90 Hints for Using Procomm 2.42 on PCJR 5867 05-11-90 Hints for Using Procomm 2.42 with the P jrreset.arc 2816 05-11-90 Add a System Reset to Your PCJR jrtele21.arc 75828 05-11-90 PCJR Telecommunications Program 1761 05-11-90 Make PCJR Functionally Equiv. to TRS-10 535 05-11-90 A Keyboard Buffer for the PCjr 90 05-11-90 Test Bios for Extended Key Support 4504 05-11-90 PCjr ONLY! Lucky 7 Card Game. C/O SFPC 957 05-11-90 BIOS Drive Table for PS/2 M80 (& M60 to mesa286j.arc 1536 05-11-90 Describes New 286 Card for PCjr midnight.arc 4567 05-11-90 16 Color "Movie" for PCjr W/Cart. Basic 42801 04-22-94 BootMgr for OS/2, CP/M, DOS, Unix etc. mupgrade.asc 5964 05-11-90 Upgrade PCjr IBM 128k Sidecar to 512k n1kt62a.exe 586037 06-17-96 62 BIOS revision for service level D neonjr.arc 79541 05-11-90 PCjr Drawing Program pagescan.exe 145493 12-17-91 IBM Page Scanner Option diskette V.1.0 4616 05-11-90 Patch BASICA to Run Without the PCjr patchfs3.arc 384 05-11-90 PCjr Patch for 16 Colors W/Flight Sim. 26921 05-11-90 PC System Hardware Check Program pcentral.exe 485513 06-17-96 Pcentral Disk (v.1.1A.03) pcjr9600.arc 4940 05-11-90 Use Your Junior's Serial Port at Speeds 6479 05-11-90 Help Programmers Make Software Compatib pcjrmidi.arc 36608 05-11-90 PCjr MIDI Interface Information pcjrplay.arc 10368 05-11-90 3 Voice, 3 Songs, Create Your Own 90112 10-17-91 Check and change the HD interleave. pcwindow.arc 12288 05-11-90 Sidekick Clone pepsi.arc 831 05-11-90 BASIC Pepsi Logo. For PCjr W/Cart. Basi 250713 05-11-90 Automenu w/good DOS Utilities - Great prcmjrcd.arc 1280 05-11-90 PCjr Dial Cmd for Procomm 2.4.2 prices.bbs 50864 05-11-90 PS/2 Part Numbers/Prices/Availability L 8016 05-11-90 PCjr-Prodigy Driver, 16 Colors. C/O SP ps2e.exe 109986 06-17-96 PS/2 E AdvPwrMgt DOS 5.02+ Win3.1 v1.01 ps2updat.exe 96596 06-17-96 PS/2 Sys Update-V1.02; DASDDRVR & ABIOS psprod.txt 90818 10-24-96 IBM PS Product Release and Service Lvls question.txt 2048 10-17-91 Backup Novell ramtest3.arc 71680 05-11-90 Test All System MemoryBetter than adv d ramtst30.arc 70656 05-11-90 RAM Test Utility from Brown Bag Softwar reconfig.arc 5248 05-11-90 Utility to Reconfigure & Warm-boot PC reset_sw.arc 2048 05-11-90 Add a Reset to Your System Switch - PC riskjr.arc 22987 05-11-90 RISK for PCjr 14336 05-11-90 Cursor Key Test Program by CCG 898 05-11-90 Allows New 512K Sierra Games to Run on 222 05-11-90 For PCjr - Swaps Comm Port 1 and 2 sysid44.exe 55552 05-11-90 16 Pgs. of Info. About Your System and 75812 05-11-90 System Description Display Program sysloc.arc 20480 05-11-90 System Lock Program Uses Device Drivers timepark.arc 3072 05-11-90 Parks Hard Drive Heads timset34.arc 140288 05-11-90 Sets PC's Clock to U.S. Naval Observato 3229 05-11-90 PCjr ONLY! Theme From ST:TNG. C/O SFP ts.arc 10240 05-11-90 Time Stats for Running Things 152274 01-06-94 32-bit,multi-user,multi-tasking os;1/4 ...For 386,486 systems. Supports 2 simultaneous users and multi-tasking and multi-sessions allowing each user to control up to 10 sessions as well as background batch jobs.Runs most DOS 16-bit pgms.Uses same file structure as DOS 1140692 01-06-94 32-bit,multi-user,multi-tasking os;2/4 1140553 01-06-94 32-bit,multi-user,multi-tasking os;3/4 1078207 01-06-94 32-bit,multi-user,multi-tasking os;4/4 23739 05-11-90 You Set Format Spec.s upgohwx1.exe 564362 06-17-96 Upgrade Disk 1 (GO HANDWRITING) upgohwx2.exe 527770 06-17-96 Upgrade Disk 2 (GO HANDWRITING) vdma304.exe 36224 04-03-92 Fix/imporvement for Sound Blaster users ...Fixes/improves how soundblaster works . A self extracting file which will extract under DOS or OS/2. Includes the sys file and a simple install file. wordvu.exe 1319462 06-17-96 view/print MS Word documents in Windows 12531 03-11-94 REXX cmd to print 2 up on laser printer 8192 02-02-94 Patches for Borland's OS/2 C compiler bmp2.exe 96404 12-06-95 Source & EXE for OS/2 Mag Jan 96 column bmp2.txt 2018 12-06-95 README for BMP2.EXE bmp3.exe 96107 01-06-96 "Lesson in Iconography" source and exe bmp3.txt 2019 01-06-96 Description of bmp3.exe bmp4.exe 91925 02-20-96 Source from OS/2 Mag art (see bmp4.txt) bmp4.txt 2041 02-20-96 "A Pointer of Contention" (see bmp4.exe) 66121 07-21-93 OS/2 Debugging utility, ver 1.2.1 6176 04-20-93 Container Ctrl Samp Spring '93 OS/2 Dev ...Source Code from the article: 'Programming the OS/2 Container Control: By Example' In the Spring 1993 Issue of the OS/2 Developer Magazine. Programmed from Peter Haggar (CIS ID: 71075, 2426) 264192 01-26-94 Shareware C lib for OS/2 16148 05-24-90 OS/2 PM Checkers Demo By Petzold clrwhl.exe 62524 10-18-93 32 bit color whel custm control source 15053 04-22-94 OS/2 data compression library (DLL) 92074 03-03-93 Container Control Sample csetpp.exe 21409 11-02-93 New C/Set++ Product Information ...Info on C/set++ v2.1, FirstStep and new Class Libraries ctlcpp.exe 48472 08-31-94 Source code: OS/2 PM Ctrls(OS/2 Dev)oct ctlcpp.txt 1592 08-31-94 Text description of CTLCPP.EXE ctrl1.exe 42842 05-01-96 Src Code for art:"Everything Under Ctrl" ctrl1.txt 2047 05-01-96 Describes contents of ctrl1.exe ctrl2.exe 66435 06-12-96 Self extracting zip containing src samp ctrl2.txt 2024 06-12-96 Describes contents of ctrl2.exe ctrl3.exe 65835 06-30-96 Self-extract bin containing Article Src ctrl3.txt 2027 06-30-96 Text file that describes ctrl3.exe ctrl4.exe 65970 08-14-96 Contains src for article, "Caching In" ctrl4.txt 2028 08-14-96 Decribes contents of ctrl4.exe 22218 09-21-93 sample code: Custom PM Control, OS/2.x ...Contains a sample program for creating a custom PM Control in OS/2 2.x The sample program is fully documented in "Designing PM Controls" Sprin 1993 _OS/2 Developers Magazine_. See CLRWHL.EXE for the 9/10 1993 article "A Color-full Example". comments: // dbcs.exe 144505 03-18-96 "DBCS: Double-Byte Your Pleasure" source dbcs.txt 2225 03-18-96 Info on dbcs.exe file 69205 12-19-91 DDE sample code for OS/2 1.x dlgcpp.exe 45380 08-31-95 Source for OS/2 Dev. Sep/Oct 95 issue dlgcpp.txt 1993 08-31-95 Description of contents of DLGCPP.EXE 89574 02-02-94 Developer Support News #1 Jan 17, 1994 189028 02-07-94 Developer Support News '94#1 INF format 212986 02-07-94 Developer Support News #1 PostScript 129503 02-16-94 1994 Issues 2&3 of PSP Dev. Supp News 3535 02-18-94 Developer Support News-iss. 2,3;2/15/94 250916 03-17-94 Developer Support News;INF form 3/15/94 368803 03-17-94 Developer Support News,PS for,2/15/94 dsn4d.txt 8867 03-17-94 Developer Support News Summary, 3/15/94 57614 03-17-94 Developer Support News #4, 3/15/94 111530 03-21-94 PSP Developer Supp News, 1994 #4 INF 169718 03-21-94 PSP Developer Supp News, 1994 #4 PS 115372 04-20-94 PSP Developer Supp News, 1994 #5 Ascii 168717 05-06-94 Developer Support News #5 April 15 .INF 224130 05-06-94 Developer Support News #5 April 15 .PS 111312 05-16-94 Developer Support News #6 05/13/94;ASCI dsn4g.txt 314365 06-15-94 Developer Support News June 1994 ASCII 96352 06-15-94 Developer Support News June 1994 dsn4i.txt 109070 07-28-94 Developer Support News July 27 1994 120990 08-16-94 Developer Support News 15 Aug 1994 dsn4k.txt 160278 09-19-94 Developers Support News # 11 dsn4l.txt 360690 10-18-94 Developer Support News, 14 Oct 94, #1 dsn4m.txt 97527 10-18-94 Developer Support News, 14 Oct 94, #2 110922 11-16-94 SDO Developer Support News: Nov 15 1994 103899 12-19-94 Developer Support News/ Dec 15 1994 80011 02-15-95 Developer Support News 1995 issue 2 113310 03-15-95 Developer Support News 15 March 1995 76776 04-14-95 Develop Support News 1995 issue 4 78972 05-15-95 Developer Support News. 15 May 1995 93887 05-30-95 Developer Support News 1995 Issue 6 153369 06-15-95 Developer Support News: June 15 1995 196361 07-14-95 Developer Support News: #8, 95 Ascii 169788 08-15-95 Developer Support News - 1995 #10 8/15 129780 09-14-95 Developer Support News: 1995 issue 12 194023 10-16-95 Developer Support News. 2 issues (13/14) 144437 11-06-95 Developer Support News 1995 #15 & #16 115541 11-16-95 Developer Support News #17, 11/15/95 Asc 53600 11-22-95 Developer Support News #18 11/22/95 145512 12-14-95 Developer Support News #19 12/15/95 edctl1.exe 93571 07-06-94 Source&SmplDrvr for "The Forbidden Text ...self extracting file that contains the source and sample driver for the aeticle "The Forbidden Text" in _OS/2 Developer_ magazine GUI column. July/August 1994 edctl1.txt 1804 07-06-94 Readme file for EDCTL1.EXE 109979 04-22-94 Univerally applicable OS/2 optimization etkbbs.txt 2154 08-12-93 E Toolkit- program info 7386 08-12-93 E Toolkit-EDIALOG-create an E-MLE 8899 08-12-93 E Toolkit-ESAMPDLG-call dialog from EPM 192935 08-12-93 E Toolkit-ETKE.INF-online documentation 15929 08-12-93 E Toolkit - export directory (.H files) 5708 08-12-93 E Toolkit-ESIMPLE-creates an E frame 208644 06-30-93 OS/2 Freq Asked Questions - V2.1a ...OS/2 General FAQ v2.1a - includes both INF and ASCII text versions. Please remove any other general FAQ, as since release supercedes all previous releases. 213809 09-21-93 FAQ on OS/2 2.1 - release C of list 243062 04-22-94 Sipple's OS/2 Faq 4/94 release framctl1.exe 40458 09-12-96 sample src for "A picture perfect contrl framctl1.txt 2041 09-12-96 readme for framctl1.exe framctl2.exe 37271 10-07-96 Sample source code framctl2.txt 2107 10-07-96 Describes contents of framctl2.exe framctl3.exe 45735 11-14-96 Sample source package framctl3.txt 2197 11-14-96 Describes contents of framctl3.exe 5846 04-22-94 Rexx-list user's INI file info 211340 05-24-90 Misc C Source Code 51553 11-19-93 Readme .txt files for ...Please read this documentation before you use 443578 11-19-93 Performs maint. on .ini files CAUTION! ...Please read before using this program because changes to your .ini files can have EXTREMELY HARMFUL EFFECTS. 472716 10-21-94 Inetgrate tools with Wkframe 2.1.... ...libraries, docs and samples to integrate tools with the WorkFrame/2 v2.1. javasamp.exe 77707 11-26-96 Java Alive! 1/97 issue of OS/2 Magazine javasamp.txt 2101 11-26-96 Contents of Javasamp.exe Package 34794 07-20-93 C DD to give unlimited access to mem 138612 05-10-94 OS/2 2.1 WPS Launch information in .INF ...An INF file of a soon to be published article on different methods of launching applications by using the OS/2 2.1 WorkPlace Shell. 776270 06-21-94 Liberty BASIC for OS/2 36835 08-18-94 Fixes for the LSTBX2.EXE package. 65819 06-29-94 lib door for OS/2 BBS's w.source 118241 07-28-94 Link386.exe v2.016/implib.exe 2.0 1.002 ...Fixes for the C/Set++ Linker, mainly for the /L option ...but there are other fixes too. ls311.exe 232101 08-23-90 OS/2 & DOS replacement for SORT. ...LSORT is a more flexible replacement for the DOS utility SORT. You can sort on any field. See LS311.TXT for a description of this file before DLing it if you are unsure as to its utility. This ver 3.11 is dtd 8-8-90. lstbx1.exe 128443 01-14-94 source & .EXE's for listbox replacement lstbx2.exe 300141 04-29-94 Sample src for OS/2 Developer mag GUI ...Corner column, "A Musical List Box", which appears in May/June '94 lstbx2.txt 1820 04-29-94 description of LSTBX2.EXE lstbx3.exe 47985 09-01-94 Obj of Desire source(OS/2 dev 9/10 94) lstbx3.txt 2028 08-16-94 Object of Desire information (9/10 94) lstbx4.exe 327979 10-28-94 "Just a Matter of Editing" source code lstbx4.txt 1998 10-28-94 Nov/Dec94 OS/2 Dev. Mag | lstbx4 info 50558 02-23-93 Fix for 000D's when migrating apps 11178 05-24-90 Source Code & Docs. for Multi Thd. Pgm. 82439 05-24-90 OS/2 PM Notepad Like E.EXE and SK Notes 286126 08-21-94 OS/2 Personal Hypermedia Mag Aug94 39414 02-04-93 PM Custom Control Sample -fixed 119435 05-24-90 OS/2 X-Lisp Interpreter-.EXE and Sample 103680 05-24-90 OS/2 X-Lisp Interpreter-6/88-W/Source pcx.c 6144 07-17-94 Example of PCX file processing for PM 75667 06-30-93 OS/2 Programming FAQ v2.1 - ASCII 122618 06-30-93 OS/2 Programming FAQ v2.1- INF version 116682 09-15-93 OS/2 Programming FAQ v2.2 26811 01-26-93 COBOL/PM sample code, Jan. issue PSTS ...Sample COBOL code discussed in the article "Developing OS/2 Presentation Manager Applications using Micro Focus COBOL" which appears in the January issue of Personal Systems Technical Solutions. 155526 07-19-91 PM programming hints. part 1 ...Includes a large .INF file (read with OS/2 PM VIEW utility) and a number of code examples with source. From the UK. 73728 02-01-94 PM status monitor--thd,proc,semfor,mem 47672 06-18-90 A regression tester for PM programs. 411828 12-03-93 Base API info. for OS/2 1.x ...This is a .INF file containing the reference material for the base API for OS/2 1.x. These calls are all 16-bit and not all of them are supported under OS/2 2.x. prnt1.exe 54586 03-03-95 Smpl Code: OS/2 Dev March/April 95 prnt1.txt 1906 03-03-95 ReadMe for prnt1.exe (OS/2 Dev Sample Cd prnt2.exe 80893 05-05-95 Source for May/June'95 OS/2 Developer prnt2.txt 2185 05-05-95 Info for PRNT2.EXE "Fonts 101" prnt3.exe 155724 06-30-95 Sample source from Jul/Aug OS/2 Developr prnt3.txt 2327 06-30-95 Info file for PRNT3.EXE 178974 08-14-92 OS/2 2.0 REXX fixes/details/Use samples ...This file contains an updated text file. 3033 09-01-92 Borland objvision for OS/2 2.0 for apps 3796 05-24-90 Rexxterm Text File Describing Feature 52224 12-19-93 A tutorial for learning REXX 28072 09-20-93 Explanation of Rexxutil.dll functions 4755 03-04-94 source for REXX function package for O2 ...This package contains the source for the rxPrior function package for OS/2, as described in the OS/2 Developer Magazine, Jan/Feb 1994, pg. 73, by Andrei Malacinski and Patrick Mueller. It implements functions SysGetPriority() and SysSetPriority() to set and get a process's priority. 97729 01-16-96 1996 Issue 1 of SDPnews formerly DSNEWS 62104 01-30-96 1996 Issue 2 of SDPnews (form. DSNEWS) submit.txt 11865 08-28-92 For submitting programming articles. 8271 05-24-90 OS/2 1.2 IPF File Example (Source Code) tools2.arc 143360 05-24-90 C Programming Tools for OS/2 vacpp.txt 9556 07-19-95 VisualAge C++ for C/Set - Ordering Info 40283 06-06-94 VisualAge 1.0 Fixes ...Fixes for the base, COBOL, C & IBMDB components of VisualAge. Each file is zipped and contains a readme with instructions for installing the fix 49638 02-07-92 Example source of using OS/2 value set vprdb2.exe 85871 03-03-94 VisPro/Rexx-DB2/2 source smpl/ Demo. ...Contains zip file for source and executable for a sample VisPro/REXX program. See MUSTREAD.ME for crucial inofrmation. You will need to have VisPro/REXX installed on your system to view the forms that we have included. Finally, you must have DB2/2 installed in order to run the demo program. 426814 08-26-94 VSE/ESA OS/2 interface for VSE library ...Allows users to work with VSE libraries from their PC's as well as submit JCL from the PC's and retrieve listings. So editing, development, and job submission can be done from the OS/2 PC. wpobj.exe 131882 11-17-93 WPS color palette object source code 62671 10-01-93 builds REXX script to rebuild desktop xceptn.exe 215963 01-03-95 Demonstartion of an exception handler xceptn.txt 1992 01-03-95 Text file re: XCEPTN.EXE 0-8emadp.exe 79530 01-02-91 Expanded Memory Adapter /A Driver v 1.0 0-8opt.exe 24668 12-16-92 0-8 MB option diskette for 80286 7009 01-24-95 0-8MB XMA Adapter Option Disk v.1.00 00n7990.pdf 892175 08-31-99 User's Guide for the 40/80GB DLT Internal Tape Drive 00n80712.pdf 44485 10-06-99 User's Guide Supplement for the 9.1GB and 18.2GB 10,000 RPM SCSI Hard Drives. 01055143.exe 2107341 10-22-99 Display Drivers and HawkEye IV (TM) Display Utilities for Windows 95 for the Number Nine SR9. 01055143.txt 12048 10-22-99 Readme for 01055143.exe. 01k1315.pdf 22524 03-27-98 9.1GB (10000RPM) UltraWide SCSI Hard Drive user's guide supplement. 04055135.exe 1842181 10-22-99 Display Drivers and HawkEye IV (TM) Display Utilities for Windows NT for the Number Nine SR9. 04055135.txt 7176 10-22-99 Readme for 04055135.exe. 06055143.exe 2098101 10-22-99 Display Drivers and HawkEye IV (TM) Display Utilities for Windows 98 for the Number Nine SR9. 06055143.txt 12048 10-22-99 Readme for 06055143.exe. 1020v730.exe 357129 10-27-99 Firmware Upgrade for the 10/20GB NS20 SCSI Tape Backup. 1020v730.txt 2087 09-09-99 Readme for 1020V730.exe. 1224v735.exe 689769 08-26-99 1224v735.exe is the Firmware upgrade, version 735E. 1224v735.txt 10960 08-26-99 1224v735.txt is the readme for 1224v735.exe. 122kdrv.exe 47835 10-16-93 keyboard fix 127m_dos.exe 121737 12-06-94 OBI 127M R/W Optical Driver for DOS 127m_os2.exe 209557 08-11-95 Optical drivers for OS/2. 168gbhd.pdf 36187 06-29-98 16.8GB Deskstar EIDE ATA-4 hard drive user's guide supplement. 168gbhdd.pdf 3513990 06-29-98 16.8GB Deskstar EIDE ATA-4 hard drive user's guide. 16xmaxop.exe 325517 04-16-97 16X Max CD-Rom Option Diskette 16xmaxop.txt 25255 02-20-98 Readme file for 16xmaxop.exe. 2-14mem.exe 81456 11-30-90 PS/2 Enhanced 80386 mem exp opt v. 1.40 2-14mem.txt 2609 02-20-98 Readme file for 2-14mem.exe. 64461 01-07-94 Opt/Drv for 1-8/2-8 80286 mem expn opt 59623 11-28-90 2-8 386 Memory Option Disk. 2040dds4.pdf 317204 08-19-99 User's Guide for the 20/40GB DDS4 4-mm Internal Tape Drive (00N7991) 2040smp4.exe 29182 11-20-97 IBM 20/40GB 8mm SCSI Tape Drive (76H0485) Device Driver for OS/2 Version 4 SMP 2040smp4.txt 1175 11-20-97 Readme for 2040SMP4 - IBM 20/40GB 8mm SCSI Tape Drive (76H0485) Device Driver for OS/2 Version 4 SMP 2040v38z.exe 917231 12-01-98 Firmware flash update file for 20/40 8mm SCSI tape drive.(Marketing part number 76H0485) 2040v38z.txt 1965 12-01-98 Readme file for 20/40 8mm SCSI tape drive. 24x.exe 230377 06-16-99 Includes Installation drivers for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, 65xx Systems, Microchannel Systems, OS/2 Warp and realmode (16bit) DOS drivers 24x.txt 11264 06-16-99 Readme for 24x.exe 24xmaxcd.exe 313520 10-06-97 24X MAX CD ROM Option/Setup Diskette 24xmaxcd.txt 29807 10-06-97 Readme for 24xmaxcd.exe 2600sns.exe 558357 02-16-98 Crystal Audio Drivers for SpeechViewer III. 2600sns.htm 5382 02-13-98 Readme file for 2600sns.exe (Crystal Audio Drivers for SpeechViewer III.) 6194 04-19-91 Option Adapter File for 3117 Scanner ...This is a self-extracting file that contains the ADF file for the 3117 scanner. The ADF version is 1.00 3119opt.exe 241322 12-17-93 3119 scanner option diskette v1.0 3214xcd.exe 287311 04-15-98 32X - 14X CD-ROM Option diskette. 3214xcd.txt 7175 04-15-98 32X - 14X CD-ROM installation notes. 3270conn.exe 24599 04-16-99 3270 microchannel options diskette 32xcdrom.pdf 154954 04-13-98 32X CD-ROM user's guide additional information. 3363driv.exe 142869 11-14-90 3363 Optical Disk Drive Opt Dsk V.1.02D 33l5000.pdf 807348 08-31-99 User's Guide for the PCI Wide Ultra2 SCSI Adapter. 33l5007.pdf 862976 08-31-99 User's Guide for the 6X MAX Internal IDE DVD-ROM Drive w/MPEG2 software. 340updt.exe 199476 09-17-93 For CHKDSK errors on Western Digital 340mb harddrive 3447v161.exe 428175 02-18-99 Firmware upgrade version 1.61 for the 3447 Digital Linear Tape Library 3447v161.txt 3191 02-18-99 Readme for 3447v161.exe 3510020.pdf 4516860 06-02-98 3510-020 and 030 External Half High SCSI Storage Enclosure user's guide. 35rwdos.exe 110694 10-18-94 Optical Disk Device Drivers for DOS 35rwos2.exe 96921 10-18-94 Optical Disk Device Drivers for OS/2 3c905ctx.pdf 1724332 10-25-99 Contains the user's guide for the 10/100 Fast Etherlink XL Mgm't Adapter by 3Com. 3c90xx1.exe 544440 10-23-99 Contains the drivers for NetWare, WFW, Win95, Win98, and Win NT. 3c90xx2.exe 810776 10-23-99 Contains the DOS ODI and NDIS drivers, Packet driver, COMSLINK, Help files, and DOS Diagnostics. 3ddos1.exe 404468 10-06-95 IBM PCMCIA 3D Audio Adapter DOS disk 1/1 3ddos1.txt 28668 06-22-98 These files are for the 3D PCMCIA Audio Adapter (Marketing part number 08H4188): 3ddos1.exe is the DOS diskette. 3ddos1.txt is the readme for 3ddos1.exe, 3dwin1.exe, 3dwin2.exe, 3dwin3.exe. 3dsndrv.exe is the OS/2 diskette. 3dsndrv.txt is the readme for 3dqgame.exe 145353 02-06-96 These files are for the 3D PCMCIA Audio Adapter (Marketing part number 08H4188): 3ddos1.exe is the DOS diskette. 3ddos1.txt is the readme for 3ddos1.exe, 3dwin1.exe, 3dwin2.exe, 3dwin3.exe. 3dsndrv.exe is the OS/2 diskette. 3dsndrv.txt is the readme for 3dqgame.txt 4619 08-26-98 These files are for the 3D PCMCIA Audio Adapter (Marketing part number 08H4188): 3ddos1.exe is the DOS diskette. 3ddos1.txt is the readme for 3ddos1.exe, 3dwin1.exe, 3dwin2.exe, 3dwin3.exe. 3dsndrv.exe is the OS/2 diskette. 3dsndrv.txt is the readme for 3dsndrv.exe 1026946 02-13-96 These files are for the 3D PCMCIA Audio Adapter (Marketing part number 08H4188): 3ddos1.exe is the DOS diskette. 3ddos1.txt is the readme for 3ddos1.exe, 3dwin1.exe, 3dwin2.exe, 3dwin3.exe. 3dsndrv.exe is the OS/2 diskette. 3dsndrv.txt is the readme for 3dsndrv.txt 8200 06-22-98 These files are for the 3D PCMCIA Audio Adapter (Marketing part number 08H4188): 3ddos1.exe is the DOS diskette. 3ddos1.txt is the readme for 3ddos1.exe, 3dwin1.exe, 3dwin2.exe, 3dwin3.exe. 3dsndrv.exe is the OS/2 diskette. 3dsndrv.txt is the readme for 3dwin1.exe 1117385 10-06-95 IBM PCMCIA 3D Audio Adapter Win disk 1/3 3dwin2.exe 1125338 10-06-95 IBM PCMCIA 3D Audio Adapter Win disk 2/3 3dwin3.exe 1086695 10-06-95 IBM PCMCIA 3D Audio Adapter Win disk 3/3 40xmax.exe 316416 06-09-99 Contains installation files for DOS, Windows 3.11, and OS/2 Version 4. 40xmax.txt 8433 06-09-99 Is the readme for 40xmax.exe 4869drve.exe 47377 02-18-98 PS/2 5.25" Disk Adapter/Option Driver Diskette. 48xopdsk.exe 269533 10-22-99 Driver installation and Setup for Win85, NT, Microshannel and OS/2 , and Acer Logic Busmaster IDE Device Driver 3.10. 48xopdsk.txt 7842 10-22-99 Readme for 48xopdsk.exe. 4xnosnd.exe 249286 02-10-98 Setup Disk for 4x PCMCIA CD ROM Drive. 4xnosnd.txt 10449 02-18-98 Readme file for 4xnosnd.exe. 4xsnd12.exe 989854 02-10-98 Sound disk 1 of 2 for 4x stereo PCMCIA CD. 4xsnd12.txt 17474 02-18-98 Readme file for 4xsnd12.exe. 4xsound.exe 328875 02-10-98 Setup Disk for 4x Stereo PCMCIA CD 4xsound.txt 11007 02-18-98 Readme file for 4xsound.exe 5068pin.pdf 15318 04-15-98 50pin to 68pin SCSI converter (p/n 01K1326). 50puvid2.exe 454711 03-01-94 50/55pln upg SVGA drv WIN3.1,OS/2.0(2) 27908 11-13-90 5.25" 1.2MB Opt/device Driver Diskette 53winv31.exe 1206792 11-24-93 9553&50/55 Plnr Upgrd Win3.1 v1.3 SVGA 6519 12-07-93 Streaming Tape Option Disk v1.03 6xdvdide.pdf 862976 08-26-99 User's Guide for the 6X MAX Black Internal IDE DVD-ROM Drive and 6X MAX Internal IDE DVD-ROM Drive w/MPEG-2 Software. 7080pu.exe 21454 09-07-93 486dx33 Proc Upgrade for 70/80 16/20Mhz 7200cap.pdf 8166 04-13-98 7200RPM EIDE Hard Drive capacity statement. 7200ide.pdf 22742 04-13-98 7200RPM EIDE Hard Drive user's guide. 7200scsi.pdf 103464 04-15-98 User's Guide Supplement for the 4.5/9.1GB Wide Ultra SCSI Hard Drive, marketing part numbers 01K1327 and 01K1328 6718 08-14-90 80286 2MB Expanded Memory Option Disk 820xnosd.exe 236610 10-21-97 IBM 8XMin/20XMax Portable CD-Rom Drive (1969010) - Options/Setup Diskette 820xsnd.exe 858933 10-21-97 IBM 8XMin/20XMax Portable Stereo CD-Rom Drive (1969011) - Options/Setup Diskette 820xsnd.txt 56762 10-21-97 Readme for 820xsnd.exe and 820xnosd.exe 8xdosos2.exe 73761 06-17-97 OS & OS/2 Warp Device Drivers for the TP 8X CD-Rom 95.txt 16809 09-02-99 Install instructions for Adaptec 7800 Family Manager Set v3.02.2 for Windows 95. 960opt.exe 644101 09-27-95 ARTIC960 reference diskette 98.txt 14304 09-02-99 Install instructions for Adaptec 7800 Family Manager Set v3.02.2 for Windows 98. actmed2.exe 267289 01-29-93 ActionMedia II Option/Exerciser v1.03 admin.exe 1071021 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is admin.txt 443 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is at16scsi.exe 370835 05-18-94 IBM 16-BIT AT Fast SCSI adapt opt dsk at16scsi.txt 729 10-08-99 Readme for At16scsi.exe. audio16.txt 1369 08-26-98 Readme for Audio16x.exe audio161.exe 1253816 07-26-95 IBM PCMCIA 16 Bit Audio Adapter disk 1/3 audio162.exe 1291431 07-26-95 IBM PCMCIA 16 Bit Audio Adapter disk 2/3 audio163.exe 676898 07-26-95 IBM PCMCIA 16 Bit Audio Adapter disk 3/3 audiocap.exe 277680 04-09-94 Audio Capture/Playback Adp Option Disk blackdvd.pdf 4073103 05-27-99 User's Guide for the 2X/4X/24X Black CD-ReWritable Internal IDE Option Kit blckdvds.pdf 23552 05-27-99 User's Guide Supplement for the 2X/4X/24X Black CD-ReWritable Internal IDE Option Kit c79fdmst.pdf 55707 10-08-98 User's Guide for ThinkPad i Series NiMH Battery c79femst.pdf 135461 10-08-98 User's Guide for ThinkPad i Series Port Replicator casino.pdf 7110971 10-14-98 User Guide for the IBM NetMEDIA Storage Expansion Unit EL cdrom1.exe 179976 07-02-96 SCSI CDROM1 driver diskette d3q1cmst.pdf 3766792 05-05-98 20X Max Portable CD-ROM drive user's guide. d3q1jms2.pdf 5991637 11-09-98 User's Guide for DLT Drive External Enclosure d3q1kmst.pdf 802473 03-04-99 User's Guide Supplement for the AGP/PCI Digital TFT 2D/3D G200 P&D A/D Graphic Accelerator Adapers d3q2bms2.pdf 225714 02-18-98 DeskStar Enhanced IDE (ATA-3) Hard Disk Drive - User's guide d3q2cmst.pdf 387385 05-05-98 12/24GB DDS/3 4mm Internal Tape drive. d3q2efly.pdf 26130 03-11-98 Deskstar 8.4GB hard disk drive user's guide supplement. d3q2hmst.pdf 748280 10-15-98 Installing your IBM keyboard d3q2qmst.pdf 989804 06-17-99 User's guide for the 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive.. d3q3hmst.pdf 635434 02-11-99 User's Guide for the 10/20GB TR5 Internal IDE Tape Drive d3q3nmst.pdf 120914 06-17-99 User's guide for the Desktop Floor Stand. d3q4bmst.pdf 4178326 05-05-98 24X Max IDE CD-ROM drive user's guide. d3q4dms3.pdf 4237412 04-20-98 32x - 14x CD-ROM user's guide. d3q4ems4.pdf 348712 06-15-98 Business Audio Speaker Kit user's guide. d3q4gmst.pdf 495895 10-08-98 Installing Your IBM Space Saver Keyboard d3q4hmse.pdf 4073103 02-10-99 User's Guide for the 2X/4X/24X CD-ReWritable Internal IDE Option Kit d3q4pfly.pdf 7618 06-17-99 Hawkeye Software Additional Features Document for the SR9 AGP 4X DVI-I Graphics Adapter. d3q4pmst.pdf 202029 06-17-99 User's guide for the SR9 AGP 4X DVI-I Graphics Adapter. d3q5bms4.pdf 887987 04-20-98 Scrollpoint mouse user's guide. d3q5ffly.pdf 43024 10-08-98 User's Guide Supplement for the 16.6GB Enhanced IDE Hard Disk Drive d3q5hfly.pdf 45072 10-08-98 User's Guide Supplement for the 10.1/16.8GB Enhanced IDE Hard Disk Drive d3q5jfly.pdf 26846 02-10-99 User's Guide Supplement for the 9.1GB and 18.2GB Ultra2 SCSI Hard Drive d3q5qmst.pdf 935157 10-24-99 Contains the User's guide for Black 8Xmax DVD-ROM Drive. d3q6ams2.pdf 3776443 10-08-98 User's Guide for the 35/70GB DLT Internal Tape Drive d3q6amst.pdf 3792349 05-05-98 User's Guide for the 35/70GB Black DLT Internal Tape Drive d3q6cfly.pdf 496905 04-21-98 User's Guide Supplement for the 35/70GB Black DLT Internal Tape Drive d3q6ems2.pdf 4237304 10-08-98 User's Guide for the 20/40GB DLT Internal Tape Drive d3q6kmst.pdf 668672 03-02-99 User's Guide for the 40X-17X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive. d3q7fmst.pdf 795510 10-08-98 User's Guide for the ThinkPad SuperDisk (LS-120) UltraslimBay Drive d3q7fqit.pdf 119052 10-08-98 SuperDisk Drive Installation Instructions d3q7gfly.pdf 20977 10-08-98 User's Guide Supplement for the IBM Geometry Accelerator Adapter Option d3q7hmww.pdf 4289536 03-02-99 User's Guide for the 6X DVD-ROM Internal IDE Option Kit d3q7nmst.pdf 862976 08-20-99 User's Guide for the PCI Audio Adapter (33L5134). d3q8bms2.pdf 633385 04-20-98 Color Flatbed Scanner user's guide. d3q8ffl2.pdf 31233 10-08-98 User's Guide Supplement for the 9.1/18.2GB 10,000 RPM SCSI Hard Disk Drive d3q8qmst.pdf 1217347 06-17-99 Contains the user's guide for the IBM Zip 250MB Internal Drive (Marketing part number 00N8078). d3qf1ms4.pdf 1251747 11-09-98 User's Guide for the ThinkPad 56W DC Power Adapter d3qf7fl3.pdf 28196 10-08-98 User's Guide Supplement for the 18.2GB Wide UltraSCSI Hard Disk Drive d3qt6mst.pdf 173961 07-08-98 16 bit AT Fast SCSI Plug and Play Adapter user's guide. d3qu3mst.pdf 194227 05-19-98 User's Guide for SIMM Memory d3qu9mst.pdf 753275 05-05-98 4X External PCMCIA CD-ROM drive user's guide. d3qw5mst.pdf 461847 05-05-98 20/40GB 8mm Black Internal Tape Drive. d3qz6mst.pdf 772720 05-05-98 16X Max IDE CD-ROM drive user's guide. dcom95.exe 1228032 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is dcom95.txt 629 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is deskplus.pdf 20965 03-12-98 Deskstar 5 6.4/4.2GB hard drive user's guide supplement. dgdisk.exe 1587136 06-29-98 DiskGo hard drive installation utility. diagdrv.exe 1410048 10-25-99 Contains the GUI diagnostics for Win NT4.0, Win98, Win95 for the 3C905C Etherlink 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card. diskgo.txt 7377 06-29-98 Readme file for diskgo hard drive utility. dlt.exe 946176 06-04-99 Utility and Flash Files for DOS. dlt.txt 3176 06-04-99 Is the readme for Dlt.exe. dlt2040.pdf 4250224 04-15-98 User's Guide for the 20/40GB DLT Internal Tape Drive dltautog.pdf 815164 06-17-99 User's Guide for the 280/560GB DLT Tape Autoloader (3502-108). dltlibry.pdf 876623 06-17-99 User's Guide for the 490/980GB DLT Rack and Tower Tape Library (3502-R14 and 3502-314). dlttape.pdf 96616 02-10-99 DLTtape Cartridge Inspection Procedure Overview dltwin.exe 1009664 06-04-99 Utility and Flash files for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000. dltwin.txt 4206 06-04-99 Is the readme for dltwin.exe. dosdpmv.exe 112614 11-20-93 XGA-2 AdvPwrMgt DOS 5.02+ Win 3.1 v1.02 dosdpmv.txt 8677 08-27-98 Readme for dosdpmv.exe drivers.exe 67351 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is drivers.txt 277 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is ds250450.exe 122619 03-08-95 DualStor 250/450 Option Disk v1.01 ds800.exe 275000 02-22-96 Dual Stor 800 fix diskette dsdrvrs.exe 132610 03-19-82 DualStor fix for CMS Jumbo 250 tape drv dvdnt40.exe 1826974 03-02-99 Real Magic Application and Driver files for Windows NT (Marketing part number 20L0550). dvdnt40.txt 6184 03-02-99 Readme for Dvdnt40.exe dvdopdsk.exe 231298 10-24-99 Contains the installation Option Diskette for UDF, Windows 95/98 & NT, Microchannel systems with OS/2, OS2 2.1 and installation under Red Hat Linux. dvdopdsk.txt 14430 10-24-99 Contains the readme for dvdopdsk.exe. ess_nt.txt 594 09-02-99 Ess_NT.txt is the readme for Ess_NT40.exe. ess_nt40.exe 687932 09-02-99 Ess_NT40.exe are the Ess SOLO PCI Audio Device Drivers for Windows NT 4.0, version 4.05. ess_wave.exe 4401272 09-02-99 Ess_Wave.exe are the wave table drivers. ess_wave.txt 173 09-02-99 Is the readme for Ess_Wave.exe essos25.exe 249482 06-13-97 OS/2 version 2.05 Driver updates to allow the ESS 688 chipset to work with the Speechviewer III essos27.exe 275121 06-13-97 OS/2 version 1.07 Driver updates to allow the ESS 1688 chipset to work with the Speechviewer III essos28.exe 262893 06-13-97 OS/2 version 1.08 Driver updates to allow the ESS 1868 chipset to work with the Speechviewer III essw9598.exe 3483400 09-02-99 ESSW9598.exe are the Ess SOLO PCI Audio Device Drivers for Windows 95 and Windows 98, version 4.06. esswin14.exe 205695 06-13-97 Windows95 version 4.05.14 Driver updates to allow the ESS 688/1688/1868 chipset to work with the Speechviewer III esswin14.htm 3883 04-16-98 Readme file for esswin14 (Windows95 version 4.05.14 Driver updates to allow the ESS 688/1688/1868 chipset to work with the Speechviewer III). esswin59.exe 215863 06-13-97 Windows 3.1 version 4.16.59 Driver updates to allow the ESS 1868 chipset to work with the Speechviewer III esswin60.exe 450055 06-13-97 Windows 3.1 version 4.16.60 Driver updates to allow the ESS 688/1688 chipset to work with the Speechviewer III et10_100.pdf 740533 10-20-98 Installation and User's Guide for the IBM 10/100 EtherJet PCI Adapter etherxl.pdf 687828 11-13-98 User's Guide for the 10/100 Fast EtherLink XL Adapter by 3Com and the 10/100 Fast EtherLink XL Adapter by 3Com with Remote Wake-Up 4014 01-23-91 External 3.5" Driver for AT and XT 286 ez50dos.exe 1275648 09-02-99 Adaptec EZ-SCSI Standard Edition 5.0c for DOS and Windows 3.1x ez50dos.txt 21501 09-02-99 Is the readme for ez50dos.exe. ez50nt98.exe 1805092 09-02-99 Adaptec EZ-SCSI 5.0c Standard Edition 95/98/NT Drivers ez50nt98.txt 28678 09-02-99 Is the readme for ez50nt98.exe. fflyer.pdf 1307730 11-23-98 Fragility Flyer for IBM Hard Drives fms3022.exe 1677479 09-02-99 DISK1 Adaptec 7800 Family Manager Set v3.02.2 for Windows 95/98/NT DISK2 Adaptec 7800 Family Manager Set v3.02.2 for Novell NetWare/OS2 DISK3 This "create.bat" utility will create the full 7800 family manager set. gemsafe1.exe 1138669 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is gemsafe1.txt 378 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is gemsafe2.exe 1458333 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is gemsafe3.exe 357452 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is h298ins.pdf 899445 06-22-99 Installation Guide for IBM Home Director Professional. h298usr.pdf 341780 06-22-99 User's Guide for IBM Home Director Professional. hd101320.pdf 65203 10-17-99 Publication(s) for the 10.1GB, 13.5GB, and 20.4GB Enhanced IDE Hard Drives (Marketing part numbers 33L4958, 33L5043, and 33L5044). hd64128p.pdf 49152 06-07-99 User's Guide Supplement for the 6.4GB and 12.8GB EIDE Hard Drives. 4733 12-22-93 High Speed Scan Adapt/A Opt Disk v1.04 hnccins3.pdf 333500 06-22-99 User's Guide for IBM Home Network Connection Center. hnccown.pdf 288792 06-22-99 Installation Manual for the Home Network Connection Center. hnccown1.pdf 288792 06-17-99 Owner's Manual for the Home Network Connection Center 0142-200 and 0142-201. hpofs20.exe 469494 12-23-95 IBM Opt Drv use FAT/HPOFS (device driver hspdadf.exe 16504 06-09-94 ADF file for high speed scanner 3117 htstps1.pdf 40139 06-24-99 Contains updated configuration and web site information ia16v210.exe 567925 08-09-94 Image/a & Image-i OS/2 16bit drivers ia32v211.exe 1203292 01-23-95 Image/A & Image-i OS/2 Drvr (2.1x-BETA) iados210.exe 737541 08-09-94 Image/a & Image-i DOS AI&AutoCAD drvrs iadsp211.exe 109580 01-16-95 Image/a & Image-i Dsp. Sprt. (required) iaopt211.exe 90507 08-09-94 Image/a & Image-i Opt Dsk(inc new 76/77 iawin210.exe 863823 08-09-94 Image/a & Image-i Windows 3.x drivers ibm2.exe 40042 02-10-98 F/W SCSI Adapter and OS/2 2.1 Fix ibmadf.txt 12219 10-11-98 Readme for Ibmadf1.exe and Ibmadf2.exe ibmadf1.exe 689561 07-23-96 ADF Scanner disk-1 Windows v1.25,7.01 ibmadf2.exe 1298975 07-23-96 ADF Scanner disk-2 Windows v1.25,7.01 ibmd1r9s.exe 155145 10-25-99 Ibmdlr9s.exe contains the Install Disk 1, ver. 1.1 ibmd3r4.exe 1158401 10-25-99 Ibmd3r4.exe contains the Install Disk 2, ver. 1.1 ibmdsply.exe 272545 12-09-92 Color Displays Test-Pattern Dsk v.1.00 id2000.txt 5083 10-25-99 Id2000.txt contains the readme instructions for the IdeaScan 2000 drivers ( All Languages). id2000bp.exe 1714679 10-18-99 Id2000bp.exe contains the installation drivers and the Simple Access Button program. id2000en.exe 1716130 10-18-99 Id2000en.exe contains the installation drivers and the Simple Access Button program id2000fr.exe 1715535 10-18-99 Id2000fr.exe contains the installation drivers and the Simple Access Button program. id2000ge.exe 1720650 10-18-99 Id2000ge.exe contains the installation drivers and the Simple Access Button program. id2000it.exe 1717581 10-18-99 Id2000id.exe contains the installation drivers and the Simple Access Button program id2000sp.exe 1719598 10-18-99 Id2000sp.exe contains the installation drivers and the Simple Access Button program. id2ugeng.pdf 825024 10-17-99 User's guide for Ideascan 2000 scanner. ideahow2.pdf 40960 05-26-99 'How to' booklet for the IdeaScan Color Flatbed Scanner. ideauseg.pdf 873472 05-26-99 User's Guide for the IdeaScan Color Flatbed Scanner. imageopt.exe 68254 12-30-92 Image Adapter/A option disk v1.04 infrared.exe 169288 02-10-98 Infrared Adapter Disk. isa2slot.exe 842588 09-19-95 ISA 2 slot PCMCIA Adapter Diskette 1/1 isa2slot.txt 10875 08-27-98 Readme for isa2slot.exe isacdrm.exe 315786 08-17-93 ISA CD-Rom sftwre install disk for MVP isacdrom.exe 160893 05-03-95 ISA CD Rom Driver Diskette ...Works with the ISA CD ROM, pn 70G8501 internal or 3509701 external. itbudiag.exe 133044 10-25-93 Internal Tape (ITBU) diags ver 2.0 itbuopt.exe 222513 11-15-94 ITBU Opt/Diag & Adapter Diskettes keno.pdf 1046998 02-10-99 User's Guide for IBM Net MEDIA Systems Management Adapter kiowapro.pdf 152410 06-17-99 Read First flyer concerning attaching the Processor Handle. m-mvidad.exe 371070 04-24-92 M-Motion Video Adpt. Software v1.02 m-mvidad.txt 2475 08-27-98 Readme for m-mvidad.exe m74g8523.exe 61965 08-09-95 PS/2 Opt Dsk for SCSI Tape Drives v1.04 macpaopt.exe 279435 10-30-93 Drivers for Audio Capture/Playback macpaopt.txt 1681 02-19-98 Readme file for macpaopt.exe. magic1.exe 1032410 03-02-99 Real Magic Application files for Windows 95/98, Disk 1 of 2. (Marketing part number 20L0550) magic1.txt 14705 03-02-99 Readme for Magic1.exe and Magic2.exe magic2.exe 1069342 03-02-99 Real Magic drivers files for Windows 95/98, Disk 2 of 2. (Marketing part number 20L0550) mammoth8.exe 216404 05-05-97 IBM Mammoth 8MM Tape Drive -76H0485- Updated Drivers v1.00 for OS/2, NT 3.51, NT 4.0 mammoth8.txt 354 08-27-98 Readme for mammoth8.exe mba402.exe 660221 10-23-99 Contains the flash update for the 3C90Xx NICs. Fully supports WfM (Wired for Mgm't) 2.0 spec. and includes new Boot Image Editor. mediabst.exe 318383 12-06-94 MediaBurst Driver DOS/Windows v1.00 mediaos2.exe 826486 12-06-94 MediaBurst Driver for OS/2 2.11 v1.00 mediaos2.txt 22074 08-27-98 readme for mediaos2.exe mousepub.pdf 949112 03-11-99 Publication(s) for the IBM Sleek Mouse (Marketing part numbers 28L3672, 28L3673, 28L3674, 28L3675, 28L3676, and 28L3677). mpeg2vid.pdf 05-27-99 User's Guide Supplement for the MPEG-2 Video PCI Decoder Card. mpegw95b.exe 921083 09-05-97 Multimedia - MPEG Interactive Video Player (55H8615) - Software version 1.0 for Windows 95 mpegw95b.txt 13934 09-05-97 Readme file for MPEGW95B.EXE mwdgame.exe 27878 06-14-96 These files are for the 3D PCMCIA Audio Adapter (Marketing part number 08H4188): 3ddos1.exe is the DOS diskette. 3ddos1.txt is the readme for 3ddos1.exe, 3dwin1.exe, 3dwin2.exe, 3dwin3.exe. 3dsndrv.exe is the OS/2 diskette. 3dsndrv.txt is the readme for mwdgame.txt 1976 08-27-98 These files are for the 3D PCMCIA Audio Adapter (Marketing part number 08H4188): 3ddos1.exe is the DOS diskette. 3ddos1.txt is the readme for 3ddos1.exe, 3dwin1.exe, 3dwin2.exe, 3dwin3.exe. 3dsndrv.exe is the OS/2 diskette. 3dsndrv.txt is the readme for mwos210.exe 64537 06-16-98 ScrollPoint mouse drivers for OS/2 version 2.0. mwos210.txt 13600 06-16-98 ScrollPoint mouse drivers for OS/2 version 2.0 readme file. netw.txt 36431 09-02-99 Install instructions for Adaptec 7800 Family Manager Set v3.02.2 for Novell Netware. new80386.exe 108249 10-21-91 New enhanced 2-14 80386 MEM Adapt v1.02 ns20tr5.pdf 4137984 04-15-98 User's Guide for the 10/20GB NS SCSI Tape Drive (01K1319). nt.txt 33774 09-02-99 Install instructions for Adaptec 7800 Family Manager Set v3.02.2 for SCO Unix Windows NT. nt40edmm.exe 524085 03-19-97 NT 4.0 drivers OBI MM Education Kit nt40edmm.txt 2597 08-27-98 Readme for nt40edmm.exe ntos2edm.exe 411624 02-10-98 NT3.51 and OS2 Warp drivers OBI MM Ed kit. ntos2edm.txt 4797 08-27-98 Readme for ntos2edm.exe obicdrom.exe 98961 07-02-96 OBI PCMCIA Ext IDE CDROM Device Driver obicdrom.txt 4429 02-19-98 Readme file for obicdrom.exe. obidm603.exe 74086 08-10-95 DiskManager v6.03 lockout update obihardd.exe 124938 08-10-95 OBI PCMCIA Ext IDE Harddrive Driver obirs232.exe 272925 09-10-96 OBI PCMCIA RS232 Serial Config SW v1.10 obirwopt.exe 110137 12-06-94 OBI 127M R/W Optical Option Diskette optical.exe 322489 04-28-95 H127072 drivers for old 3.5" RW Opt Drv option.exe 229868 06-17-99 This is needed for questbot.exe to run correctly. (used as a template) options.txt 106 09-02-99 contains the readme for Option.exe os2.txt 34991 09-02-99 Install instructions for Adaptec 7800 Family Manager Set v3.02.2 for OS/2. os213drv.exe 94405 11-24-93 9553&50/55 Plnr Upgrd OS/21.3 v1.3 16cl os22xdr1.exe 658604 03-01-94 9553&50/55 Plnr Upgrd OS/2 2.x v1.3 1/2 os22xdr2.exe 574812 04-04-94 9553&50/55 Plnr Upgrd OS/22.X v1.3 2/2 os2solo.exe 26294 09-02-99 Os2solo.exe is the readme for Ess_os2.exe(All Languages included, pcmciamc.exe 133893 12-22-93 IBM PCMCIA Adapter/A Option disk v1.0 pcmnt.exe 25425 09-16-98 Windows NT drivers for 4x PCMCIA CD-Rom Drive (Marketing part number 1969008) pcmnt.txt 514 09-16-98 Readme for Pcmnt.exe 8249 10-25-93 Page scan driver portmstr.exe 147233 09-17-93 Artic Portmaster Option Diskette pro_nt40.exe 1045622 09-05-97 Multimedia - MPEG Interactive Video Player (55H8615) - Software version 1.0 for Windows NT pro_nt40.txt 6894 09-05-97 Readme file for PRO_NT40.EXE procrpub.pdf 169984 06-01-99 Installation guide for non-laptop processor upgrades. 9196 09-25-95 IBM PS/2 Mouse Program Diskette Ver 1.00 ps2tv.exe 265755 02-01-94 IBM PS/2 TV install diskette ps2tv.txt 11527 02-20-98 Readme for ps2tv.exe. quickref.pdf 97727 03-30-99 Quick Reference Manual for the SmartCard Security Kit. rak2intl.exe 8084209 09-14-99 Rak2vintl.exe contains the Multi-Lingual installation drivers for the Rapid Acess Keyboard. rak2intl.txt 11103 10-14-99 rak2vintl.txt contains installation information on how to download the drivers (in English). raknt.exe 3279872 06-09-99 Contains the files and drivers for Windows NT 4.0 raknt.txt 7259 06-09-99 Is the readme for Raknt.exe rakv13n.txt 9369 05-06-99 Readme.txt for Rakv13n1.exe and Rakv13n2.exe rakv13n1.exe 1254339 03-10-99 Rapid Access Keyboard files and drivers for Windows 95 or Windows 98 version 1.3. For download to make floppy disks, 1 of 2. rakv13n2.exe 389120 03-10-99 Rapid Access Keyboard files and drivers for Windows 95 or Windows 98 version 1.3. For download to make floppy disks, 2 of 2. rapidusr.pdf 1245618 06-09-98 Rapid Access Keyboard user's guide. rewritcd.exe 58461 03-17-99 Rewritcd.exe is the Installation instructions for the current Atapi and Piixide drivers, to support Drive Letter Access under Windows NT4.0 Preload of the PC300GL and PC300PL.(Marketing Part Number 20L0551) rewritcd.txt 1585 03-17-99 Rewritcd.txt is the readme for Rewritcd.exe. rf80plan.exe 620715 07-02-96 ref dsk for 60/65/80 planar upgrade sc16nt40.exe 111159 03-12-97 Educ 16bit sound Install-Win/NT 4.0 sc16ntos.exe 453216 03-12-97 Educ 16bit sound Install-Win/NT,OS/2Warp sc16wi31.exe 547049 03-12-97 Educ 16bit sound Install-Win 3.1 sc16wi95.exe 1176698 03-12-97 Educ 16bit sound Install-Win 95 sc16wi95.txt 3221 02-20-98 Readme file for sc16wi95.exe. sc591.exe 157700 11-10-95 SC591 Scanner Utility Diskette sc591.txt 11219 08-27-98 Readme for sc591.exe sca95106.exe 2032227 07-02-98 These files are for the Color Flatbed Scanner (Marketing part numbers 01K1235, 01K1233, 01K1229, 01K1232, 01K1234, 01K1230, 01K1231, 0275001): Win31_1.exe and Win31_2.exe contain files and drivers for use with Windows 3.1. Win31.txt is the readme for Wi sca95106.txt 1258 07-02-98 These files are for the Color Flatbed Scanner (Marketing part numbers 01K1235, 01K1233, 01K1229, 01K1232, 01K1234, 01K1230, 01K1231, 0275001): Win31_1.exe and Win31_2.exe contain files and drivers for use with Windows 3.1. Win31.txt is the readme for Wi scanapi.exe 37641 03-03-99 These files are for the Color Flatbed Scanner (Marketing part numbers 01K1235, 01K1233, 01K1229, 01K1232, 01K1234, 01K1230, 01K1231, 0275001): Win31_1.exe and Win31_2.exe contain files and drivers for use with Windows 3.1. Win31.txt is the readme for Wi scanapi.txt 538 03-03-99 These files are for the Color Flatbed Scanner (Marketing part numbers 01K1235, 01K1233, 01K1229, 01K1232, 01K1234, 01K1230, 01K1231, 0275001): Win31_1.exe and Win31_2.exe contain files and drivers for use with Windows 3.1. Win31.txt is the readme for Wi scanner2.exe 741091 03-18-96 IBMADF Scanner Setup Disk(WIN-OS/2) v2.0 scanv237.exe 13981791 07-29-99 Contains the installation drivers for Windows'95, Windows '98, and Windows NT 4.0. scanv237.txt 20693 07-29-99 Is the readme for Scanv237.exe scbase.exe 757416 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is scbase.txt 223 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is sco.txt 1215 09-02-99 Install instructions for Adaptec 7800 Family Manager Set v3.02.2 for SCO Unix. scsiadptr.pdf 773717 05-18-98 PCI Fast Wide SCSI Adapter user's guide. scsicdrm.exe 247107 12-11-95 IBM SCSI CD Rom Driver Diskette ...Works with CD ROM II, Enhanced CD ROM II, SCSI-2 2X CD ROM scsihdd.pdf 206607 04-15-98 SCSI hard drive for IBM PCs user's guide. scsitape.dgs 53094 07-26-95 Diag for SCSI TAPE DRIVES v1.04f scsiusgd.pdf 3553980 11-11-98 User's Guide for SCSI Hard Disk Drives for IBM PCs scskadmn.pdf 1202453 03-01-99 IBM SmartCard Security Kit for Notebooks Administrator Reference Manual scskmsr.pdf 143473 03-30-99 Smart Card Security Kit: GemSAFE for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Outlook Express User Guide scsknet.pdf 288920 03-30-99 Smart Card Security Kit: GemSAFE for Netscape Communicator User Guide scskuser.pdf 465207 03-01-99 IBM SmartCard Security Kit for Notebooks User Reference Manual scskwpr.pdf 107376 03-30-99 Smart Card Security Kit: GemSAFE White Paper sgtape.exe 149521 10-04-99 Sgtape.exe contains (STT) Tape Drive Diagnostics. sgtape.txt 21145 10-04-99 Sgtape.txt contains readme instructions for Sgtape.exe. skybdusg.pdf 903168 06-01-99 User's Guide for the Space Saver II Keyboard slc_util.exe 253059 01-27-95 8555-SLC2 processor upgrade utility dsk sp821.txt 9636 11-06-98 Readme for Sp821a.exe and Sp821b.exe. sp821a.exe 1149899 11-06-98 ScrollPoint Mouse drivers for Windows 98, Windows 95, and Windows NT, Disk 1 of 2, Release 8.21 sp821b.exe 779725 11-06-98 ScrollPoint Mouse drivers for Windows 98, Windows 95, and Windows NT, Disk 2 of 2, Release 8.21 spmouse3.txt 1495 07-15-97 Readme for the SPMOUSE3.EXE ss2kybd.exe 119891 08-06-99 Contains the software support for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 for the Space Saver II Keyboard. ss2kybd.txt 2076 08-06-99 contains the readme for Ss2kybd.exe. svga13.exe 1454028 10-28-93 50/55 Planar Upgrade Video Driver 1.3 svgapu1.exe 658602 02-28-94 Plan. up SVGA drv. disk 1; for OS/2 2.1 svgapu2.exe 574812 02-28-94 Plan. up SVGA drv. disk 2; for OS/2 2.1 svgapu3.exe 94405 02-28-94 Plan. up SVGA drv. disk 3; for OS/2 1.3 svgapu4.exe 1205442 02-28-94 Plan. up SVGA drv. disk 4;WN3.1 OS2 2.0 titanusr.pdf 3514716 11-02-98 User's Guide for the Enhanced IDE Hard Disk Drive tp4v10k.exe 922552 07-17-98 Trackpoint IV Keyboard files and drivers (Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 and OS/2) tp4v10k.txt 2715 07-17-98 Trackpoint IV Keyboard files and drivers installation instructions tr3back1.exe 1047606 04-18-97 IBM TR3 Internal Tape Backup - 06H9712 - Tape Backup S/W Rev.2 - Disk 1 of 2 tr3back1.txt 18476 02-20-98 Readme file for tr3back1.exe and tr3back2.exe. tr3back2.exe 904524 04-18-97 IBM TR3 Internal Tape Backup - 06H9712 - Tape Backup S/W Rev.2 - Disk 2 of 2 tr4v122.exe 234935 10-04-99 Contains the TR4 (CTT) SCSI Firmware Update. tr4v122.txt 2444 10-04-99 Contians the readme for Tr4v122.exe tr4v344.txt 2435 09-28-99 Tr4v344.txt contains the readme for Tr4v344.exe. tr4v544.exe 466361 10-21-99 contains the TR4 IDE firmware update file. tr4v544.txt 2434 09-27-99 Tr4v544.txt contains installation instructions for use of the TR4 IDE firmware update file Tr4v544.exe. trackpoi.pdf 991381 07-15-98 TrackPoint IV Keyboard user's guide. trdrvs.exe 46877 10-28-99 Trdrvs.exe contains Sytos for OS/2 device driver diskette for TR4, TR5, and NS20 IBM TRAVAN technology tape drives. trdrvs.txt 954 10-28-99 Trdrvs.txt contains Installation instructions for Sytos for OS/2 devices drivers for Trdrvs.exe. twainusr.pdf 601088 06-03-99 Twain User's Guide for the IdeaScan Color Flatbed Scanner. uguide4x.exe 1238657 10-23-99 Contains the User's Guide for the MBA402.exe. user1.exe 741635 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is user1.txt 413 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is user2.exe 1129474 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is user3.exe 303949 03-01-99 These files are for the Smart Card Security Kit (Marketing part number 10L7333): Dcom95.exe is the DCOM Driver for Windows 95. This is required for proper operation of your Smart Card Security Kit. Dcom95.txt is the readme for Dcom95.exe. Scbase.exe is uwflash.exe 315020 09-12-99 Uwflash.exe is the BIOS upgrade to version 1.34.3. uwflash.txt 205 09-12-99 Uwflash.txt is the readme for Uwflash.exe. vf600dvd.exe 301832 11-20-98 UltraslimBay DVD Drive (PN: 05K8890) - Video Features (v6.17.01Q) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600 vf600dvd.txt 5094 11-20-98 README: UltraslimBay DVD Drive (PN: 05K8890) - Video Features (v6.17.01Q) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600 51179 12-21-90 Video Capture Adapter/A Option v1.10 videocap.txt 10415 08-27-98 Readme for videocap.exe w31edmm.exe 530580 02-10-98 Win3.1x drivers OBI MM Education Kit. w95edmm.exe 473584 02-10-98 Windows 95 drivers, OBI Education kit. wacpcnt1.exe 388939 02-03-97 PCI Adapter WNT 3.51 Device Driver v1.0 wacpcnt2.exe 903605 02-03-97 PCI WNT 3.51 Link Driver/Diags. v1.0 wacpcnt3.exe 465954 07-21-97 PCI Adapter WinNT 4.0 Device Driver Diskette v1.42 wacpcnt4.exe 798655 07-21-97 PCI Adapter WinNT 4.0 Device Driver/Diagnostic Diskette v1.42. wacpcos2.exe 514131 07-15-97 PCI Adapter OS/2 Device Drivers Diskette v1.41 warp311.exe 1137612 10-30-97 Modified Installation disk to install Warp 3.0 on the Thinkpad 5.1GB Hard Drive from CD (Disk 1 of 2) warp311.txt 7153 10-30-97 Readme for WARP311.EXE and WARP312.EXE warp312.exe 930081 10-30-97 Modified Diskette 1 to install Warp 3.0 on the Thinkpad 5.1GB Hard Drive from CD (Disk 2 of 2) warp411.exe 1206119 10-30-97 Modified Installation disk to install Warp 4.0 on the Thinkpad 5.1GB Hard Drive from CD (Disk 1 of 3) warp411.txt 5806 10-30-97 Readme for WARP411.EXE, WARP412.EXE, WARP413.EXE warp412.exe 928269 10-30-97 Modified Diskette 1 to install Warp 4.0 on the Thinkpad 5.1GB Hard Drive from CD (Disk 2 of 3) warp413.exe 1002436 10-30-97 Modified Diskette 2 to install Warp 4.0 on the Thinkpad 5.1GB Hard Drive from CD (Disk 3 of 3) win31.txt 711 07-02-98 These files are for the Color Flatbed Scanner (Marketing part numbers 01K1235, 01K1233, 01K1229, 01K1232, 01K1234, 01K1230, 01K1231, 0275001): Win31_1.exe and Win31_2.exe contain files and drivers for use with Windows 3.1. Win31.txt is the readme for Wi win31_1.exe 1359884 03-04-98 These files are for the Color Flatbed Scanner (Marketing part numbers 01K1235, 01K1233, 01K1229, 01K1232, 01K1234, 01K1230, 01K1231, 0275001): Win31_1.exe and Win31_2.exe contain files and drivers for use with Windows 3.1. Win31.txt is the readme for Wi win31_2.exe 1427416 03-04-98 These files are for the Color Flatbed Scanner (Marketing part numbers 01K1235, 01K1233, 01K1229, 01K1232, 01K1234, 01K1230, 01K1231, 0275001): Win31_1.exe and Win31_2.exe contain files and drivers for use with Windows 3.1. Win31.txt is the readme for Wi win9598.txt 601 09-02-99 Win9598.txt is the readme for ESSW9598.exe wizadptr.exe 111871 11-10-90 PS/2 Wizard Adapter Option disk v1.01 wpinstll.pdf 139639 06-24-99 Front and Back views of the Installation card. wpref.pdf 948598 06-22-99 User's Guide for Home Director Professional - WebPoint Internet Distribution Center. wpz50bat.pdf 686080 05-25-99 User's Guide for IBM WorkPad z50 High-Capacity Li-Ion Battery Option with Dry Cell Battery Case. wpz50cdl.pdf 686080 05-25-99 User's Guide for IBM WorkPad z50 Docking Cradle. xga.exe 1256894 06-19-96 OS/2 Dvr for IBM XGA Video Adapter zippub.pdf 5557098 10-12-98 User's Guide for the ZIP 100MB IDE Internal Drive alprog.arc 34944 05-24-90 Assembly Language Tutorial 50327 05-24-90 Unix Awk language, DOS Version 6144 05-24-90 Small, but Powerful Basic Cross Referen c-cmpilr.arc 236544 05-24-90 A Small C Compiler Shareware 202752 02-18-94 Lint program for C programmers compile.arc 17518 05-24-90 IBM Compilers, Assembler, Basic Ref 3.3 cprompts.arc 1024 05-24-90 6 Batch Files of Colorized Prompts ctlbreak.bas 1331 05-24-90 Disable Ctrl-Break From BASIC by D. Co ctrlc10.exe 184188 04-09-91 User-initiated interrupt mgmt functions 57809 05-24-90 Dialog Box Pro "C" Library 1 of 3 95442 05-24-90 Dialog Box Pro "C" Library 2 of 3 MS5/Q 76944 05-24-90 Dialog Box Pro "C" Library 3 of 3 8753 05-24-90 Dbase Program Samples decode.arc 6016 05-24-90 "C" Encoder for Gifs (Public Domain Cod 9585 11-02-93 XCS DataHub tool package ...Contains executable code, code description and rexx installation program. From Nov/Dec 1993 issue of Personal Systems Technical Solutions. 47433 05-24-90 Source Code Formatter, Xref Generato 311296 02-19-94 Electronic programmers guide to DOS 6912 09-24-91 Pascal EBIDIC to ASCII text converter ...Converts EBIDIC text file to ASCII. Does not do extensive error checking, but is a quick and dirty way to convert a file. This program leaves the original file unaltered and creates an output file of your choice. Includes EXE and source Pascal code. encode.arc 15744 05-24-90 "C" Code (Public Domain) for Gif Encode getparms.bas 999 05-24-90 Parameter Passing to Compiled BASIC 12288 05-24-90 TSR Programmers Helper line25.bas 2558 05-24-90 Reading/Writing to Line 25 20620 05-24-90 Unix Make Facility for DOS palview.bas 2557 05-24-90 Demonstrates Use of Setclr.asm 173151 05-24-90 PC HyperText Demo. pcprof.arc 145637 05-24-90 A Basic Tutorial. Type "Go" to Begin peekpoke.doc 12146 07-19-91 Use peek and poke in your basic program ...This doc file lists a few ways to use peek and poke in your basic programs. 164039 05-24-90 TP (4,5) Source for Pibterm 159254 05-24-90 Source for Pibterm TP V 4,5 144818 05-24-90 Source for Pibterm TP V 4,5 166214 05-24-90 Source for Pibterm TP V 4,5 ppp26a.exe 273147 02-14-91 Programmer's Productivity Pack - v 2.60 ...Propak provides the utilities and reference tools most frequently needed by programmers. It provides a Programmer's Calculator, bit manipulation functions, logical functions, an ASCII color attribute chart, scan codes, dBASE INKEY() values, Keystroke Recordings, and much more. This is a shareware program. ppp26b.exe 155098 02-14-91 Programmer's Productivity Pack - v 2.60 ...This is the User's Guide to the Programmer's Productivity Pack. This is a shareware program. 277439 02-14-91 Programmer's Productivity Pack *LITE* ...This is a shareware program. 7637 05-24-90 Quick-C Function Library for T 1328 05-24-90 Pascal Implementation of QuickSort Algo 20732 11-19-92 Docs containing format of QWK files. setclr.asm 2105 05-24-90 Color Register Change Routine 6988 09-23-92 Condense basic programs, less line #s 5533 11-02-93 DOS asm code for a soft boot facility ...From Nov/Dec 1993 issue of Personal Systems Technical Solutions magazine. splpress.txt 8704 08-03-92 Info. for Structured Programming Lang. 7471 05-24-90 Turbo-C Function Library for TSR p 4345 05-24-90 TurboPascal, Help Build Window Ap 00n5798.pdf 14098274 08-04-99 IBM PC/IBM IntelliStation Hardware Maintenance Manual August 1999 01k4552.pdf 2502553 11-17-98 IntelliStation M Pro User Guide 6889 01k4554.pdf 4029211 11-17-98 Installing Options in your IBM IntelliStation M Pro 6889 01k4611.pdf 88397 11-02-98 PC300GL About your NT 4.0 software 6267, 6277, 6287 01k4624.pdf 1768690 11-17-98 Installing Options in your IntelliStation E Pro (PDF format) 01k4634.pdf 1549336 11-17-98 IntelliStation E Pro User Guide 01k4651.pdf 2714808 10-01-98 IntelliStation Z Pro User Guide 6865 - Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 01k4652.pdf 3458742 10-01-98 Installing Options in Your IntelliStation Z Pro 6865 - Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 01k4690.pdf 1826594 11-02-98 PC300GL User Guide 6267, 6277, 6287 01k4695.pdf 84199 11-05-98 About your software - Windows 98 6267, 6277, 6287 09n1019.pdf 108746 08-20-99 IBM PC 300GL About Your Software (Windows 95) 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 09n1082.pdf 4645547 09-29-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual for IBM PC300PL (Type 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338, 6563, 6564, 6574) IBM PC300PL (Type 6565) 10l9181.pdf 10609883 06-02-98 IBM PC/IBM IntelliStation Hardware Maintenance Manual - June 1998 25gbfix.exe 124994 06-05-97 Fix for data problems with 2.5GB Hard Disk in Windows NT 4.0/Windows 95 6577, 6587 25gbfix.txt 2703 09-18-97 Readme file for 25gbfix.exe 32bit.exe 26766 04-24-97 32 bit disk access driver windows 3.1 6577, 6587, 6272, 6282, 6899 32bit.txt 611 06-11-97 Readme for 32BIT.EXE 37l2065.pdf 14007007 01-25-99 IBM IntelliStation/IBM PC Hardware Maintenance Manual January 1999 37l5312.pdf 14013855 06-24-99 IBM PC/IBM IntelliStation Hardware Maintenance Manual (June 1999) 37l5312r.pdf 14015488 05-18-99 IBM IntelliStation/IBM PC Hardware Maintenance Manual - March 1999 42gbfix.exe 188286 07-03-97 Fix for 1762 error with 4.2 GB Hard Disk 6589 42gbfix.txt 1243 07-03-97 Readme for 42GBFIX.EXE 52h3381.pdf 508986 02-19-98 Technical Information Manual 6877, 6887 606580up.exe 620713 11-02-98 Mod 8560/65/80 system board upgrd refdsk 6267tim.pdf 280828 11-09-98 Technical Information Manual 6267, 6277, 6287 6272io.pdf 3506093 04-16-98 Installing Options in Your PC300GL - 6272, 6282 6272us.pdf 646362 04-16-98 Using your Personal Computer - PC300GL - 6272, 6282 6275tim.pdf 377910 06-30-98 Technical Information Manual 6275, 6285 6561io.pdf 1655304 04-16-98 Installing Options in your PC300GL - 6561 6561tim.pdf 230706 04-09-98 Technical Information Manual 6561, 6591 6561us.pdf 2576384 04-16-98 Using your Personal Computer - PC300GL - 6561, 6591 6562io.pdf 1263680 04-16-98 Installing Options in your PC300PL - 6562 6562us.pdf 742493 04-16-98 Using your Personal Computer - PC300PL - 6562 6577io.pdf 2932006 04-16-98 Installing Options in your PC300 - 6577, 6587 6577us.pdf 569839 04-16-98 Using your Personal Computer - PC300 - 6577, 6587 5805 07-25-95 Windows 3.11 32-bit disk access 6576, 6586 6588io.pdf 1176772 04-16-98 Installing Options in your PC300XL - 6588 6588us.pdf 464069 04-16-98 Using your Personal Computer - PC300XL - 6588 6589io.pdf 1267328 04-16-98 Installing Options in your PC365 - 6589 6589us.pdf 678048 04-16-98 Using your Personal Computer - PC365 - 6589 6591io.pdf 2816152 04-16-98 Installing Options in your PC300GL - 6591 6592io.pdf 2878451 04-16-98 Installing Options in your PC300PL - 6592 6592us.pdf 1658758 04-16-98 Using your Personal Computer - PC300PL - 6592 6865tim.pdf 250674 11-09-98 Technical Information Manual - IntelliStation Z Pro 6865 6865uypc.pdf 489345 11-17-98 Understanding Your IntelliStation Z Pro 6865 6889tim.pdf 301994 07-29-98 Technical Information Manual - IntelliStation M Pro 6889 6889uypc.pdf 492989 11-17-98 Understanding Your IntelliStation M Pro (6889) 6893tim.pdf 292561 06-30-98 Technical Information Manual - IntelliStation E Pro 6893 6893uypc.pdf 492175 11-16-98 Understanding Your IntelliStation E Pro Type 6893 6898tim.pdf 265929 03-22-99 Technical Information Manual - IntelliStation M Pro 6898 6899tim.pdf 218872 11-09-98 Technical Information Manual - IntelliStation Z Pro 6899 700aud.exe 194301 10-12-95 Crystal Audio Drivers OS/2 Warp 6875, 6885, 6876, 6886 700unaud.txt 1559 06-27-95 Uninstall for Business Audio 6875, 6885, 6876, 6886 addcpu.exe 174080 01-14-97 Dual Processor Update program for Windows NT for 6865, 6889 and 6898 systems (Warning! This is NOT a diskette image! Read ADDCPU.TXT first!) addcpu.txt 8740 08-11-99 Readme for ADDCPU.EXE apmfix.exe 38310 02-12-97 Windows 3.11 APM fix - IBM HDD only! 6576, 6586 apmfix.txt 631 06-13-97 Readme for APMFIX.EXE asstidf.pdf 77287 04-15-98 Asset ID Info Brief ays_w95.pdf 134599 04-30-98 About your software - Windows 95 ays_w98.pdf 87973 10-26-98 About your software - Windows 98 ays_wnt.pdf 121478 04-30-98 About Your Software - Windows NT aysw981.pdf 80098 08-20-99 IBM PC 300GL About Your Software (Windows 98) 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 ayswnt1.pdf 81733 08-20-99 IBM PC 300GL About Your Software (Windows NT) 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 bitoff.reg 424 09-10-99 Device Bitmaps Caching disable fix 6862, 6872, 6892, 6893 5519 01-18-96 Fix for PCI Skyline Token Ring Adapter 6573, 6583, 6875, 6885 busmset.exe 25915 05-27-97 Bus Master Enable/Disable Tool 6560, 6877, 6887 cadence.pdf 246752 11-19-98 Cadence cdbtrcv.exe 712024 06-26-98 Boot disk for Windows 95 recovery CD (DOS 7- based) - All preloaded Win 95 systems cdbtrcv.txt 8728 06-26-98 Readme file for CDBTRCV.EXE cdtips.pdf 33146 02-24-97 Tips & Tech Info on Desktops - Adobe Acrobat cdtips.txt 20772 02-24-97 Tips & Tech Info on Desktops - ASCII cl30ds11.exe 637683 08-03-95 Cirrus GD5430 v1.1 DOS Drivers/Utilities 6571, 6581, 6573, 6583 cl30os.exe 1352103 06-16-95 Cirrus GD54xx (Not 5422) OS/2 6571, 6581, 6573, 6583 cl30wn11.exe 1059957 08-03-95 Cirrus GD5430 v1.1 Windows 3.11 6571, 6581, 6573, 6583 32299 01-29-96 Configuration Capture Utility 6576, 6586, 6875, 6885 127422 09-19-95 Crystal Wave OS/2 2.11 Audio Drivers 6885, 6886 crystal1.exe 778937 10-12-95 Crystal Wave DOS/Windows Audio Drivers disk 1 of 2 crystal2.exe 740333 10-12-95 Crystal Wave DOS/Windows Audio Drivers disk 2 of 2 d3q2ams2.pdf 709338 04-30-98 User Manual for Desktop Floor Stand 6862 5381049 04-27-98 User Manual for Desktop Floor Stand 6562 d3qy6mst.pdf 827894 04-30-98 User Manual for Desktop Floor Stand - All machines d4anabas.pdf 272308 04-09-98 Technical Information Manual 6562, 6592 d4as3tim.pdf 221099 04-09-98 Technical Information Manual 6272, 6282 d4aw1bas.pdf 241373 04-09-98 Technical Information Manual 6588, 6888 d4bk2bas.pdf 459495 11-09-98 Understanding Your Personal Computer 6267, 6277, 6287 d4bl1bas.pdf 119529 04-21-99 About Your Software manual 6865, 6893, 6889 d4bp1bas.pdf 1546917 08-20-99 IBM PC 300GL User Guide 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 d4bp3bas.pdf 340372 08-20-99 IBM PC 300GL Understanding Your PC 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 d4ca3tim.pdf 332008 09-28-99 Technical Information Manual 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 d53t02a.exe 567720 10-29-98 IBM SoftOff application/device driver for Windows 95 6267, 6277, 6287 d53t02a.txt 5476 10-29-98 Readme file for d53t02a.exe d55t03a.exe 571526 10-30-98 IBM SoftOff application/device driver for Windows NT 4.0 6267, 6277, 6287 d55t03a.txt 6184 10-30-98 Readme file for d55t03a.exe d60z04us.exe 2503593 08-18-99 ADI audio Software Wavetable for Windows NT 4.0 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 d60z04us.txt 1978 08-18-99 Readme file for ADI Software Wavetable D60Z04US.EXE d61t02a.exe 483638 08-18-99 ADI SoundMax audio for OS/2 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 d61t02a.txt 781 08-18-99 Readme file for ADI SoundMax audio D61T02A.EXE d63z08us.exe 3346402 08-18-99 ADI SoundMax audio for Windows 95/98 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 d63z08us.txt 2222 08-18-99 Readme file for ADI SoundMax audio D63Z08US.EXE d65z03us.exe 2551134 08-20-99 ADI Software Wavetable for Windows 95/98 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 d65z03us.txt 1472 08-20-99 Readme file for ADI Wavetable D65Z03US.EXE d68z10us.exe 3542558 08-18-99 ADI SoundMax audio for Windows NT 4.0 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 d68z10us.txt 1860 08-18-99 Readme file for ADI Soundmax audio D68Z10US.EXE d73z03us.exe 1884519 08-18-99 ESS Solo 1 PCI audio adapter for Windows 95/98 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 d73z03us.txt 1246 08-18-99 Readme file for ESS audio adapter D73Z03US.EXE d75z00us.exe 4529840 08-18-99 ESS 3Meg Software Wavetable for Windows 95/98 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 d75z00us.txt 381 08-18-99 Readme file for ESS Software Wavetable D75Z00US.EXE d81t04a.exe 88848 10-20-99 ESS Allegro audio for OS/2 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 d81t04a.txt 1619 10-20-99 Readme file for ESS audio D81T04A.EXE d82t02a.exe 210112 11-01-99 ESS Allegro audio for Windows 3.11 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 d82t02a.txt 983 11-01-99 Readme file for ESS audio D82T02A.EXE d83z05us.exe 6290034 06-17-99 ESS Allegro audio for Windows 95/98 (Vxd) 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 d83z05us.txt 1898 10-20-99 Readme file for ESS audio D83Z05US.EXE d84z02us.exe 1153482 10-21-99 ESS Allegro audio for Windows NT 3.51 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 d84z02us.txt 356 10-21-99 Readme file for ESS audio D84Z02US.EXE d88z04jp.exe 1696386 11-01-99 ESS Allegro audio for Windows NT 4.0 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 (Japanese) d88z04jp.txt 1968 11-01-99 Readme file for ESS audio D88Z04JP.EXE d88z08us.exe 1702267 10-20-99 ESS Allegro audio for Windows NT 4.0 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 d88z08us.txt 1965 10-20-99 Readme file for ESS audio D88Z08US.EXE d89z07us.exe 1629157 10-20-99 ESS Allegro audio for Windows 98SE/Windows 2000 Beta (WDM) 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 d89z07us.txt 1967 10-20-99 Readme file for ESS audio D89Z07US.EXE desktop.txt 3627 04-06-95 Backup & Restore desktop Select-A-System dginstruct.pdf 7402 07-15-99 Microsoft operating system downgrading instructions dma6898.pdf 332909 05-05-98 IntelliStation M Pro Digital Media segment brochure 6898 dtb9419f.pdf 654042 04-15-98 IntelliStation Family Brochure dtb9420f.pdf 569796 04-15-98 Engineering Segment brochure 6889 dtb9421f.pdf 388716 04-15-98 Electronic Design segment brochure 6889 dtb9422f.pdf 498782 04-15-98 Digital Media segment brochure 6889 dtb9426f.pdf 579340 04-15-98 Financial Services segment brochure 6889 dts6065f.pdf 143202 09-03-98 IntelliStation Z Pro Specification dts6066f.pdf 106009 05-04-98 PC300GL Specifications Sheet 6272, 6282 dts6067f.pdf 127391 05-04-98 PC300PL Specifications Sheet 6562, 6592 dts6069.pdf 186995 04-17-98 IntelliStation M Pro Specifications 6888 dts6123f.pdf 120782 04-17-98 IntelliStation M Pro Specifications 6898 dts6126f.pdf 133576 05-04-98 PC300GL Specifications Sheet dts6145f.pdf 110210 05-04-98 PC300PL Specifications Sheet 6862, 6892 dts6154f.pdf 94311 04-15-98 IntelliStation M Pro Series Spec Sheet 6889 dts6169f.pdf 96832 09-09-98 IntelliStation E Pro Specifications dts6200f.pdf 116183 07-30-98 PC300GL with Pentium II Specifications Sheet dts6201f.pdf 113672 07-30-98 IBM PC 300GL with Celeron Processor Specifications Sheet dts6202f.pdf 113068 07-30-98 PC300PL Specifications Sheet 6862, 6892 dts6226f.pdf 104659 05-18-99 IBM PC 300PL Spec Sheet 6862, 6892 e11t13a.exe 1254892 05-01-98 S3 Video for OS/2 6862, 6892 e11t13a.txt 20648 05-01-98 Readme file for E11T13A.EXE e11t15a.exe 1254632 05-27-98 S3 video for OS/2 6862, 6892 e11t15a.txt 19246 05-27-98 Readme file for E11T15A.EXE e11t15wa.exe 1310762 06-22-98 S3 video for OS/2 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Japan) e11t17a.exe 1254557 06-22-98 S3 video for OS/2 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 e11t17a.txt 19246 06-22-98 Readme file for E11T17A.EXE e11t19wa.exe 1322784 03-15-99 S3 Video for OS/2 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Japanese) e11t21a.exe 1275694 03-15-99 S3 Video for OS/2 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 e11t21a.txt 27817 03-15-99 Readme file for S3 Video E11T21A.EXE e11t22a.exe 1254630 08-25-99 S3 video for OS/2 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 e11t22a.txt 27818 08-25-99 Readme file for S3 Video E11T22A.EXE e11t23a.exe 1272473 09-21-99 S3 video for OS/2 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 e11t23a.txt 25205 09-21-99 Readme file for S3 video E11T23A.EXE e12t10a.exe 710269 05-01-98 S3 Video for Windows 3.1 6862, 6892 e12t10a.txt 7545 05-01-98 Readme file for E12T10A.EXE e12t11a.exe 707685 05-27-98 S3 video for Windows 3.11 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 e12t11a.txt 7545 05-27-98 Readme file for E12T11A.EXE e13t18a.exe 473647 05-01-98 S3 Video for Windows 95 6862, 6892 e13t18a.txt 8342 05-01-98 Readme file for E13T18A.EXE e13t19a.exe 557395 05-27-98 S3 video for Windows 95 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 e13t19a.txt 6565 05-27-98 Readme file for E13T19A.EXE e13t26a.exe 368603 10-14-98 S3 Trio 3D video for Windows 95 6862, 6892 e13t26a.txt 5796 10-14-98 Readme file for E13T26A.EXE e13t29a.exe 386504 11-17-98 S3 video for Windows 95 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 e13t29a.txt 5796 11-17-98 Readme file for E13T29A.EXE e13t30a.exe 368850 10-30-98 S3 Trio 3D video for Windows 95 and Windows 98 6267, 6277, 6287 e13t30a.txt 5976 11-04-98 Readme file for E13T30A.EXE e13t33a.txt 6038 03-24-99 Readme file for S3 Video E13T33A.EXE e13t36a.txt 6226 04-08-99 Readme file for S3 Video E13T36A.EXE e13z33us.exe 443392 06-04-99 S3 video for Windows 95/98 6267, 6277, 6287 e13z36us.exe 458966 06-23-99 S3 video for Windows 95/98 6267, 6277, 6287 e13z37us.exe 447981 07-07-99 S3 Video for Windows 95/98 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 e13z39us.exe 464121 09-10-99 S3 video for Windows 95/98 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892, 6267, 6277, 6287 e13z39us.txt 5842 09-10-99 Readme file for S3 video E13Z39US.EXE e13z40us.exe 482913 11-03-99 S3 video for Windows 95/98 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 e13z40us.txt 5842 11-03-99 Readme file for S3 video E13Z40US.EXE e14t15a.exe 169048 05-01-98 S3 Video for Windows NT 3.51 6862, 6892 e14t15a.txt 6282 05-01-98 Readme file for E14T15A.EXE e14t16a.exe 169365 05-27-98 S3 video for Windows NT 3.51 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 e14t16a.txt 6282 05-27-98 Readme file for E14T16A.EXE e14t18a.exe 174830 10-31-98 S3 Trio 3D video for NT 3.51 6267, 6277, 6287 e14t18a.txt 7389 10-31-98 Readme file for E14T18A.EXE e14t19a.exe 169622 11-04-98 S3 Trio3D video for Windows NT 3.51 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 e14t19a.txt 7190 11-04-98 Readme file for E14T19A.EXE e14t21a.exe 95539 03-15-99 S3 Video for Windows NT 3.51 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 e14t21a.txt 7190 03-15-99 Readme file for S3 Video E14T21A.EXE e14z18us.exe 281099 04-28-99 S3 Video for Windows NT 3.51 6267, 6277, 6287 e14z21us.exe 217804 08-25-99 S3 video for Windows NT 3.51 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 e14z21us.txt 7191 08-25-99 Readme file for S3 video E14Z21US.EXE e18t18a.exe 67384 05-01-98 S3 Video for Windows NT 4.0 6862, 6892 e18t18a.txt 7887 05-01-98 Readme file for E18T18A.EXE e18t19a.exe 67340 05-27-98 S3 video for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 e18t19a.txt 7887 05-27-98 Readme file for E18T19A.EXE e18t24a.exe 108920 11-04-98 S3 video for Windows NT 4.0 6267, 6277, 6287 e18t24a.txt 7045 11-04-98 Readme file for E18T24A.exe e18t26a.exe 101654 03-15-99 S3 Video for Windows NT 4.0 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 e18t26a.txt 7888 03-15-99 Readme file for S3 Video E18T26A.EXE e18z26us.exe 225733 06-23-99 S3 video for Windows NT 4.0 6267, 6277, 6287 e18z27us.exe 227174 08-19-99 S3 video for Windows NT 4.0 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 e18z27us.txt 7046 08-19-99 Readme file for S3 video E18Z27US.EXE e19t00a.exe 178075 11-30-98 S3 video for Microsoft Windows 2000 6267, 6277, 6287, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 e19t00a.txt 5384 11-30-98 Readme file for E19T00A.EXE e24z01us.exe 1880188 07-26-99 Appian J Pro video for Windows NT 4.0 6889, 6893 e28t08us.exe 4385122 03-12-99 IBM Fire GL1 for Windows NT 6865, 6889, 6893 e28z11us.exe 6414984 05-21-99 IBM Fire GL1 for Windows NT v1048 e28z12us.exe 7509581 07-12-99 IBM Fire GL1 video for Windows NT 6889, 6897, 6865 e28z15us.exe 7720178 09-03-99 IBM Fire GL1 for Windows NT 6865, 6889, 6893 e28z15us.txt 26876 09-03-99 Readme file for IBM Fire GL1 video E28Z15US.EXE e41t05a.exe 855802 08-16-99 Intel 810 video for OS/2 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 e41t05a.txt 25377 08-16-99 Readme file for Intel video E41T05A.EXE e42t06a.exe 949895 08-16-99 Intel 810 video for Windows 3.1 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 e42t06a.txt 18593 08-16-99 Readme file for Intel video E42T06A.EXE e43z11us.exe 7614222 08-16-99 Intel 810 video for Windows 95/98 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338) e43z11us.txt 19880 08-16-99 Readme file for Intel video E43Z11US.EXE e44z03us.exe 200442 08-17-99 Intel 810 video for Windows NT 3.51 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 e44z03us.txt 11854 08-17-99 Readme file for Intel video E44Z03US.EXE e45z00us.exe 1750854 09-03-99 Intel 810 video driver for Windows 2000 Beta 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 e45z00us.txt 16593 09-03-99 Readme file for E45Z00US.EXE e48z10us.exe 7347838 08-17-99 Intel 810 video for Windows NT 4.0 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 e48z10us.txt 19079 08-17-99 Readme file for Intel video E48Z10US.EXE e51t05a.exe 1281764 08-10-99 Savage Reality video for OS/2 6862, 6872, 6892 e51t05a.txt 23272 08-10-99 Readme for Savage Reality video E51T05A.EXE e51t05wa.exe 1337621 08-10-99 Savage Reality video for OS/2 6862, 6872, 6892 (Japanese) e51t07a.exe 773079 09-27-99 Savage 4 video for OS/2 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 e51t07a.txt 25613 09-27-99 Readme file for Savage 4 video E51T07A.EXE e51t08a.exe 755109 10-26-99 Savage 4 video for OS/2 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 e51t08a.txt 25613 10-26-99 Readme file for Savage 4 video E51T08A.EXE e51t08wa.exe 802794 10-26-99 E51T08WA.EXE - Savage 4 video for OS/2 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 (Japanese) e51t08wa.txt 4270 10-26-99 Readme file for E51T08WA.EXE e52t07a.exe 615233 09-27-99 Savage 4 video for Windows 3.11 6563, 6564, 6574, 6584, 6594 e52t07a.txt 957 09-27-99 Readme file for Savage 4 video E52T07A.EXE e53z10us.exe 2054151 06-24-99 Savage Reality 4 video for Windows 95 6862, 6872, 6892 e53z11us.exe 2018761 08-05-99 Savage Reality 4 video for Windows 95 6862, 6872, 6892 e53z15us.exe 1970306 09-27-99 Savage 4 video for Windows 95 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 e53z15us.txt 11727 09-27-99 Readme file for E53Z15US.EXE e54z04us.exe 205348 06-24-99 Savage Reality video for Windows NT 3.51 6862, 6872, 6892 e54z08us.exe 230236 10-27-99 Savage 4 video for Windows NT 3.51 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 e54z08us.txt 1712 10-27-99 Readme file for Savage 4 video E54Z08US.EXE e58z08us.exe 1834115 06-24-99 Savage Reality Video for Windows NT 4.0 6862, 6872, 6892 e58z13us.exe 1736958 09-27-99 Savage 4 video driver for Windows NT 4.0 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 e58z13us.txt 7168 09-27-99 Readme file for Savage 4 video E58Z13US.EXE e59z07us.exe 2045019 06-24-99 Savage Reality video for Windows 98 6862, 6872, 6892 e59z08us.exe 2009649 08-05-99 Savage Reality 4 video for Windows 98 6862, 6872, 6892 e59z12us.exe 1961310 10-26-99 Savage 4 video for Windows 98 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 e59z12us.txt 11727 10-26-99 Readme file for Savage 4 video E59Z12US.EXE edp6898.pdf 322235 05-05-98 IntelliStation M Pro Electronic Design segment brochure 6898 eduq_02i.txt 2753 08-11-97 Readme for EDUQ_02I.TXT eduq_05g.exe 342386 01-29-97 Flash BIOS Update diskette 9615 ( 55 ) emm386.exe 119390 04-09-99 EMM386.exe from PC DOS 7.0 ep6898.pdf 298457 05-05-98 IntelliStation M Pro Engineering segment brochure 6898 epro_nov.pdf 127562 02-24-99 Spec Sheet for IntelliStation E Pro factory.exe 38548 01-17-97 Diskette Factory fix 6577, 6587 10352 07-05-95 Enable Video Passthru 6576, 6586 flash12j.exe 193804 10-07-97 Firmware update for Sony 16X Max CD-ROM 6588, 6888 flash12j.txt 536 10-07-97 Readme file for flash12j.exe glcel.pdf 125462 01-22-99 Spec Sheet for PC300GL with Celeron Processors glcel32.pdf 152015 02-11-99 PC300GL Celeron Spec Sheet glcel323.pdf 110285 02-11-99 PC300GL with Celeron Spec Sheet glpiii.pdf 127207 01-22-99 Spec Sheet for PC300GL with Pentium II or Pentium III Processors glpiii32.pdf 154551 02-11-99 PC300GL with Pentium III Spec Sheet glsmb.pdf 154765 01-22-99 Spec Sheet for PC300GL Small-Medium Business models glsmb14.pdf 95293 02-23-99 PC300GL Small Business Series Spec Sheet glsmb323.pdf 154801 02-11-99 PC300GL Small Business Series Spec Sheet headup.exe 497724 10-16-97 Head Up hard disk utility 6588 headup.txt 5054 10-16-97 Readme file for headup.exe ho1t01wa.exe 425818 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for OS/2 6561, 6591 (Japanese) ho2t03wa.exe 1004347 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 3.1 6561, 6591 (Japanese) ho3t04wa.exe 701988 10-30-97 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 (Japanese) 6561, 6591, 6898 ho4t04wa.exe 330091 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows NT 6561, 6591 (Japanese) ho4t05wa.exe 775843 10-31-97 Crystal Audio for Windows NT (Japanese) hu3205a.exe 591491 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 2 of 3 (Japan) hu3305a.exe 109624 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 3 of 3 (Japan) hu3t05a.exe 622878 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 1 of 3 (Japan) hu8205a.exe 592776 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 2 of 2 (Japan) hu8t05a.exe 614124 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 1 of 2 (Japan) i1_38-80.exe 107641 11-28-95 Mod 60,65,80 plan. upg. BIOS disk v1.38 i1_40-50.exe 159108 11-28-95 Mod 50,50z,55 plan. upg. BIOS disk v1.40 ibm2ide.add 32000 09-27-95 IDE CDROM OS/2 Compatibility 54080 02-26-96 Driver fix for IBM 10/100 ethernet PCI card ibmrempc.pdf 242550 07-20-98 IBM Remotely Managed PC's Network Administrator's Guide ibook.pdf 214648 09-03-98 Personal Systems Reference ide340fx.exe 380260 03-06-97 Patch for Windows 95 IDE Issues on 6560 intsupt.pdf 59603 09-03-99 IBM IntelliStation US Warranty Upgrade Information iodsktop.pdf 1929265 04-30-98 Installing Options in your PC - 6862, 6275 iotower.pdf 3519325 04-30-98 Installing Options in your PC - 6892, 6285 isharsp4.exe 174855 06-17-99 Patch for Artisoft iShare and Windows NT Service Pack 4 6267, 6277, 6287 927460 01-31-96 Cirrus Logic GD5430 Windows 3.11 Driver v1.24 6571, 6581, 6573, 6583 disk 1 of 2 1097237 01-31-96 Cirrus Logic GD5430 Windows 3.11 Driver v1.24 6571, 6581, 6573, 6583 disk 2 of 2 l6jt69a.exe 428962 01-27-97 Flash ROM Update for VP2 V.69 lcntsjp2.exe 10665472 06-10-98 Golden Level code of LCCM 2.0 (Japanese/DBCS version) ldcmfix.exe 38837 07-26-99 LanDesk Control Manager fix ldcmfix.txt 2032 07-26-99 Readme file for LDCMFIX.EXE lejt67a.exe 656981 08-22-96 Flash Update Disk 6571, 6581, 6573, 6583 v67 lejt67a.txt 13768 01-01-98 Readme for LEJT67A.EXE lg40xupd.exe 565155 07-12-99 Firmware update version 1.09 for LG 40X CD-ROM drive for Windows 2000 Beta 3 lkgt35a.exe 948917 05-27-97 QA Plus Diagnostics 6271, 6281, 6571, 6581, 6573, 6583 llgt27a.exe 1108277 09-27-96 QA Plus/Win for IBM v1.15 lpjt63a.exe 733500 02-23-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v63a 6576, 6586 lpjt63a.txt 2882 02-23-98 Readme file for LPJT63A.EXE lqjt45a.exe 764588 07-17-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v45a 6877, 6887 lqjt45a.txt 21762 07-17-98 Readme file for LQJT45A.EXE lqjt46a.exe 765035 09-09-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v46a 6877, 6887 lqjt46a.txt 22061 09-09-98 Readme file for LQJT46A.EXE lqjt47a.exe 765030 03-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v47a 6877, 6887 lqjt47a.txt 22329 03-19-99 Readme file for flash BIOS LQJT47A.EXE ltjt16a.exe 378250 08-26-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6598 v16 ltjt16a.txt 11604 08-11-98 Readme file for LTJT16A.EXE luj235a.exe 1026253 04-17-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v35a 6589 (Japanese) luj236a.exe 1026401 09-24-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v36a 6589 (Japanese) luj237a.exe 1025589 12-16-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v37a 6589 (Japanese) luj239a.exe 1030144 05-27-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v39a 6589 (Japanese) lujt35a.exe 828629 04-17-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v35a 6589 lujt35a.txt 18377 04-17-98 Readme file for LUJT35A.EXE lujt36a.exe 828745 09-24-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v36a 6589 lujt36a.txt 18634 09-24-98 Readme file for LUJT36A.EXE lujt37a.exe 828610 12-16-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v37a 6589 lujt37a.txt 18786 12-16-98 Readme file for LUJT37A.EXE lujt39a.exe 833536 05-27-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v39a 6589 lujt39a.txt 19805 05-27-99 Readme file for flash BIOS LUJT39A.EXE lvj234a.exe 1040934 03-23-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v34a 6577, 6587 (Japanese) lvj235a.exe 1041228 09-09-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v35a 6577, 6587 (Japanese) lvj237a.exe 1041875 03-24-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v37a 6577, 6587 (Japanese) lvjt34a.exe 845024 03-23-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v34a 6577, 6587 lvjt34a.txt 21881 03-23-98 Readme file for LVJT34A.EXE lvjt35a.exe 844851 09-09-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v35a 6577, 6587 lvjt35a.txt 22182 09-09-98 Readme file for LVJT35A.EXE lvjt37a.exe 845756 03-24-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v37a 6577, 6587 lvjt37a.txt 22402 03-24-99 Readme file for flash BIOS LVJT37A.EXE lxj225a.exe 1025030 04-17-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v25a 6560 (Japanese) lxj227a.exe 1024786 07-28-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v27a 6560 (Japanese) lxjt25a.exe 828588 04-17-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v25a 6560 lxjt25a.txt 19251 04-17-98 Readme file for LXJT25A.EXE lxjt27a.exe 828621 03-11-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v27a 6560 lxjt27a.txt 19730 03-11-99 Readme file for LXJT27A.EXE lyjt32a.exe 250097 12-16-97 Flash BIOS v32 6260 lyjt32a.txt 9118 12-16-97 Readme for LYJT32A lyst05a.exe 480455 08-01-96 WW Language Setup diskette 6260 v5 lyut01a.exe 574636 08-01-96 ICU configuration utility diskette 6260 v1 lz0t03a.exe 939387 07-25-96 Cirrus Logic DOS driver & utilities 6560 v 1.12a lz1t13a.exe 1256766 07-25-96 Cirrus Logic OS/2 driver 6560 v1.12f lz1t15a.exe 1219138 08-18-97 Cirrus Logic Driver for OS/2 Warp 6560, 6260 v1.13t lz1t15a.txt 13205 08-18-97 Readme for lz1t15a.exe lz1t16a.exe 1217475 09-18-97 Cirrus Logic Video for OS/2 Warp 6560 lz1t16a.txt 13584 09-18-97 Readme file for Lz1t16a.exe lz2t07a.exe 1172129 07-25-96 Cirrus Logic Windows 3.11 driver 6560, 6260 v1.12f lz3t08a.exe 266624 05-06-97 Cirrus Logic 5436 Drivers Windows 95 6560, 6260 lz4t05a.exe 180105 07-25-96 Cirrus Logic Windows NT driver 6560, 6260 v1.12f macswap.exe 422369 09-03-97 Fix for LCCM fails to identify on-board ethernet adapter 6588, 6888 macswap.txt 2117 09-03-97 Readme file for MACSWAP.EXE macupdat.exe 290022 10-27-97 Fix for LCCM unable to connect to client 6272, 6282 macupdat.txt 1806 10-27-97 Readme file for macupdat.exe midint40.exe 22913 09-15-98 Configure MIDI for Windows NT 4.0 for IntelliStations midint40.txt 6575 09-15-98 Readme file for MIDINT40.EXE mpro6889.pdf 39656 04-15-98 Announcement Overview 6889 mproio.pdf 1214610 04-16-98 Installing Options in your IntelliStation M Pro - 6888 mwos2_1.exe 1207554 06-25-96 MWAVE driver/software OS/2 6877, 6887 disk 1 of 5 mwos2_2.exe 1229595 06-25-96 MWAVE driver/software OS/2 6877, 6887 disk 2 of 5 mwos2_3.exe 166806 06-25-96 MWAVE driver/software OS/2 6877, 6887 disk 3 of 5 mwos2_4.exe 1236623 06-25-96 MWAVE driver/software OS/2 6877, 6887 disk 4 of 5 mwos2_5.exe 1366481 06-25-96 MWAVE driver/software OS/2 6877, 6887 disk 5 of 5 mww95_1.exe 1262858 06-25-96 MWAVE drivers/software Windows 95 6877, 6887 disk 1 of 4 mww95_2.exe 1237686 06-25-96 MWAVE drivers/software Windows 95 6877, 6887 disk 2 of 4 mww95_3.exe 1236623 06-25-96 MWAVE drivers/software Windows 95 6877, 6887 disk 3 of 4 mww95_4.exe 1366481 06-25-96 MWAVE drivers/software Windows 95 6877, 6887 disk 4 of 4 mwwin3_1.exe 1068624 06-25-96 MWAVE drivers/software Windows 3.11 6877, 6887 disk 1 of 7 mwwin3_2.exe 1278848 06-25-96 MWAVE drivers/software Windows 3.11 6877, 6887 disk 2 of 7 mwwin3_3.exe 826203 06-25-96 MWAVE drivers/software Windows 3.11 6877, 6887 disk 3 of 7 mwwin3_4.exe 1236623 06-25-96 MWAVE drivers/software Windows 3.11 6877, 6887 disk 4 of 7 mwwin3_5.exe 1366481 06-25-96 MWAVE drivers/software Windows 3.11 6877, 6887 disk 5 of 7 mwwin3_6.exe 858672 06-25-96 MWAVE drivers/software Windows 3.11 6877, 6887 disk 6 of 7 mwwin3_7.exe 1003367 06-25-96 MWAVE drivers/software Windows 3.11 6877, 6887 disk 7 of 7 n1jt89a.exe 664700 01-28-98 Flash BIOS update v89a 6575, 6585, 6875, 6885 n1jt89a.txt 20178 01-28-98 Readme for N1JT89A.EXE n2jt50a.exe 269643 11-14-97 Flash BIOS update v50a 6876, 6886 n2jt50a.txt 13902 11-14-97 Readme for N2JT50A.EXE n2mt28a.exe 732160 05-25-99 MCA/PCI PC700 Series Reference Disk v1.20 n72t00a.exe 675631 03-27-96 S3 864/868 Video for Windows 3.1 6875, 6876, 6885, 6886 ndj224a.exe 1131736 01-12-98 Flash BIOS update v24a 6272, 6282 (Japanese) ndj225a.exe 1132735 03-05-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v25a 6272, 6282 (Japanese) ndj228a.exe 1131676 07-01-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v28a 6272, 6282 (Japan) ndj230a.exe 1134343 09-09-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v30a 6272, 6282, 6284 (Japanese) ndj232a.exe 1134592 05-26-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v32a 6272, 6282, 6284 (Japanese) ndjt28a.exe 935187 07-01-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v28a 6272, 6282 ndjt28a.txt 16034 08-17-98 Readme file for NDJT28A.EXE ndjt30a.exe 937931 09-09-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v30a 6272, 6282, 6284 ndjt30a.txt 16613 09-09-98 Readme file for NDJT30A.EXE ndjt32a.exe 939008 05-26-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v32a 6272, 6282, 6284 ndjt32a.txt 18763 05-26-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NDJT32A.EXE nejt16a.exe 732022 06-17-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v16a 6588, 6888 nejt16a.txt 13042 06-15-99 Readme file for NEJT16A.EXE nejt17a.exe 808700 04-28-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v17a 6588, 6888 nejt17a.txt 13257 04-28-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NEJT17A.EXE newauto.txt 1037 06-09-99 New autoexec.bat file for recovery CD failure 6267, 6277, 6287 newboot.txt 1066 06-09-99 New bootcatr.bat file for recovery CD failure 6267, 6277, 6287 ngj231a.exe 1200899 07-29-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v31a 6898 (Japanese) ngj234a.exe 1224870 05-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v34a 6898 (Japanese) ngj235a.exe 1226730 08-18-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v35a 6898 (Japanese) ngjt31a.exe 1004088 07-29-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v31a 6898 ngjt31a.txt 19751 07-29-98 Readme file for NGJT31A.EXE ngjt34a.exe 1030609 05-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v34a 6898 ngjt34a.txt 22339 05-19-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NGJT34A.EXE ngjt34b.exe 410561 04-16-99 Flash BIOS update diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta (6898) ngjt34b.txt 15701 04-16-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NGJT34B.EXE ngjt35a.exe 1031729 08-18-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v35a 6898 ngjt35a.txt 22688 08-18-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NGJT35A.EXE nhj224a.exe 1167175 11-04-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v24a 6267, 6277, 6287 (Japanese) nhj225a.exe 1168344 11-09-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v25a 6267, 6277, 6287 (Japanese) nhj226a.exe 1168100 12-11-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v26a 6267, 6277, 6287 (Japanese) nhj228a.exe 1175818 02-11-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v28a 6267, 6277, 6287 (Japanese) nhj229a.exe 1175860 02-22-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v29a 6267, 6277, 6287 (Japanese) nhj230a.exe 1175840 03-17-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v30a 6267, 6277, 6287 (Japanese) nhj233a.exe 1179648 04-28-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v33a 6267, 6277, 6287 (Japanese) nhj234a.exe 1179648 06-08-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v34a 6267, 6277, 6287 (Japanese) nhj235a.exe 1181256 07-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v35a 6267, 6277, 6287 (Japanese) nhj236a.exe 1181352 07-23-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v36a 6267, 6277, 6287 (Japanese) nhj237a.exe 1183263 10-22-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v37a 6267, 6277, 6287 (Japanese) nhjt24a.exe 969639 11-04-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v24a 6267, 6277, 6287 nhjt24a.txt 15166 11-04-98 Readme file for NHJT24A.EXE nhjt25a.exe 970617 11-09-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v25a 6267, 6277, 6287 nhjt25a.txt 15566 11-09-98 Readme file for NHJT25A.EXE nhjt26a.exe 970800 12-11-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v26a 6267, 6277, 6287 nhjt26a.txt 15992 12-11-98 Readme file for NHJT26A.EXE nhjt28a.exe 979051 02-11-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v28a 6267, 6277, 6287 nhjt28a.txt 17242 02-11-99 Readme file for NHJT28A.EXE nhjt29a.exe 979041 02-22-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v29a 6267, 6277, 6287 nhjt29a.txt 17323 02-22-99 Readme file for NHJT29A.EXE nhjt30a.exe 979065 03-17-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v30a 6267, 6277, 6287 nhjt30a.txt 17511 03-17-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NHJT30A.EXE nhjt33a.exe 984064 04-28-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v33a 6267, 6277, 6287 nhjt33a.txt 18324 04-28-99 Readme file for Flash BIOS NHJT33A.EXE nhjt33b.exe 382130 04-16-99 Flash BIOS update diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta (6267, 6277, 6287) nhjt33b.txt 15301 04-16-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NHJT33B.EXE nhjt34a.exe 984064 06-08-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v34a 6267, 6277, 6287 nhjt34a.txt 19797 06-08-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NHJT34A.EXE nhjt35a.exe 985650 07-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v35a 6267, 6277, 6287 nhjt35a.txt 19289 07-19-99 Readme file for flash BIOS update NHJT35A.EXE nhjt36a.exe 985685 07-23-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v36a 6267, 6277, 6287 nhjt36a.txt 19380 07-23-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NHJT36A.EXE nhjt37a.exe 986167 10-22-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v37a 6267, 6277, 6287 nhjt37a.txt 19712 10-22-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NHJT37A.EXE nkj215a.exe 1067687 04-17-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v15a 6899 (Japanese) nkj216a.exe 1068247 09-24-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v16a 6899 (Japanese) nkj217a.exe 1068236 12-16-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v17a 6899 (Japanese) nkj218a.exe 1070996 04-08-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v18a 6899 (Japanese) nkjt15a.exe 872256 04-17-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v15a 6899 nkjt15a.txt 16796 04-17-98 Readme file for NKJT15A.EXE nkjt16a.exe 872663 09-24-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v16a 6899 nkjt16a.txt 17041 09-24-98 Readme file for NKJT16A.EXE nkjt17a.exe 873062 12-16-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v17a 6899 nkjt17a.txt 17221 12-16-98 Readme file for NKJT17A.EXE nkjt18a.exe 874600 04-08-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v18a 6899 nkjt18a.txt 17555 04-08-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NKJT18A.EXE nmj219a.exe 1150909 06-02-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v19a 6562, 6592 (Japanese) nmj220a.exe 1154535 09-24-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v20a 6562, 6592 (Japanese) nmj222a.exe 1155072 05-27-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v22a 6562, 6592 (Japanese) nmjt19a.exe 955321 06-02-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v19a 6562, 6592 nmjt19a.txt 22705 06-02-98 Readme file for NMJT19A.EXE nmjt20a.exe 958617 09-24-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v20a 6562, 6592 nmjt20a.txt 23260 09-24-98 Readme file for NMJT20A.EXE nmjt22a.exe 959444 05-27-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v22a 6562, 6592 nmjt22a.txt 24511 06-10-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NMJT22A.EXE ntrecov.exe 195413 09-11-96 Windows NT Preload Recovery disk 6589 nuj230a.exe 636635 10-22-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v30a 6889 (Japanese) nuj232a.exe 638663 12-16-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v32a 6889 (Japanese) nuj234a.exe 641273 02-15-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v34a 6889 (Japanese) nuj236a.exe 644681 07-07-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v36a 6889, 6897 (Japanese) nuj237a.exe 647043 07-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v37a 6889, 6897 (Japanese) nuj239a.exe 647699 07-23-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v39a 6889, 6897 (Japanese) nuj240a.exe 648865 10-20-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v40a 6889, 6897 (Japanese) nujt30a.exe 1044937 10-22-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v30a 6889 nujt30a.txt 18461 10-22-98 Readme file for NUJT30A.EXE nujt32a.exe 1048974 12-16-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v32a 6889 nujt32a.txt 19178 12-16-98 Readme file for NUJT32A.EXE nujt34a.exe 1056263 02-15-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v34a 6889 nujt34a.txt 20337 02-15-99 Readme file for NUJT34A.EXE nujt35a.exe 1057188 04-16-99 Flash BIOS update diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta (6889) nujt35a.txt 15701 04-16-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NUJT35A.EXE nujt36a.exe 1060282 07-07-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v36a 6889, 6897 nujt36a.txt 21207 07-07-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NUJT36A.EXE nujt37a.exe 1060766 07-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v37a 6889, 6897 nujt37a.txt 22029 07-19-99 Readme file for flash BIOS update NUJT37A.EXE nujt39a.exe 1060977 07-23-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v39a 6889, 6897 nujt39a.txt 22200 07-23-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NUJT39A.EXE nujt40a.exe 1060942 10-20-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v40a 6889, 6897 nujt40a.txt 22373 10-20-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NUJT40A.EXE nvj236a.exe 1206128 08-20-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v36a 6862, 6892, 6893 (Japanese) nvj237a.exe 1210806 09-15-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v37a 6862, 6892, 6893 (Japanese) nvj239a.exe 1225703 12-16-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v39a 6862, 6892, 6893 (Japanese) nvj244a.exe 1238016 04-28-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v44a 6862, 6872, 6892, 6893 (Japanese) nvj245a.exe 1238016 06-08-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v45a 6862, 6872, 6892, 6893 (Japanese) nvj246a.exe 1237695 06-14-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v46a 6862, 6872, 6892, 6893 (Japanese) nvj247a.exe 1239320 07-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v47a 6862, 6872, 6892, 6893 (Japanese) nvj248a.exe 1239398 06-17-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v48a 6862, 6872, 6892, 6893 (Japanese) nvj249a.exe 1240340 10-21-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v49a 6862, 6872, 6892, 6893 (Japanese) nvjt39a.exe 1029903 12-16-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v39a 6862, 6892, 6893 nvjt39a.txt 19364 12-16-98 Readme file for NVJT39A.EXE nvjt43a.exe 1037590 04-16-99 Flash BIOS update diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta (6862, 6872, 6892, 6893) nvjt43a.txt 15343 04-16-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NVJT43A.EXE nvjt44a.exe 1040384 04-28-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v44a 6862, 6872, 6892, 6893 nvjt44a.txt 21339 04-28-99 Readme file for Flash BIOS NVJT44A.EXE nvjt45a.exe 1040384 06-08-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v45a 6862, 6872, 6892, 6893 nvjt45a.txt 21920 06-10-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NVJT45A.exe nvjt46a.exe 1040352 06-14-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v46a 6862, 6872, 6892, 6893 nvjt46a.txt 22023 06-14-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NVJT46A.EXE nvjt47a.exe 1042924 07-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v47a 6862, 6872, 6892, 6893 nvjt47a.txt 22408 07-19-99 Readme file for flash BIOS update NVJT47A.EXE nvjt48a.exe 1043002 07-23-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v48a 6862, 6872, 6892, 6893 nvjt48a.txt 22497 07-23-99 Readme file for flash BIOS update NVJT48A.EXE nvjt49a.exe 1043865 10-21-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v49a 6862, 6872, 6892, 6893 nvjt49a.txt 22922 10-21-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NVJT49A.EXE nxj224a.exe 622073 08-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v24a 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 (Japanese) nxj227a.exe 623254 09-28-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v27a 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 (Japanese) nxjt24a.exe 1066289 08-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v24a 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 nxjt24a.txt 15212 08-19-99 Readme file for flash BIOS update NXJT24A.EXE nxjt27a.exe 1069243 09-28-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v27a 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 nxjt27a.txt 17176 09-28-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NXJT27A.EXE nyj217a.exe 591308 10-15-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v17a 6865 (Japanese) nyj220a.exe 596843 11-30-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v20a (Japanese) 6865 nyj225a.exe 600064 05-26-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v25a 6865 (Japanese) nyj226a.exe 599824 07-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v26a 6865 (Japanese) nyj227a.exe 600138 06-17-99 Flash Bios update diskette v27a 6865 (Japanese) nyj228a.exe 600188 07-29-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v28a 6865 (Japanese) nyj229a.exe 600320 10-21-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v29a 6865 (Japanese) nyjt17a.exe 1009431 10-15-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v17a 6865 nyjt17a.txt 15440 10-15-98 Readme file for NYJT17A.EXE nyjt20a.exe 1015605 11-30-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v20a 6865 nyjt20a.txt 16347 11-30-98 Readme file for NYJT20A.EXE nyjt23a.txt 17821 04-29-99 Readme file for Flash BIOS NYJT23A.EXE nyjt24b.exe 382848 04-16-99 Flash BIOS update diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta (6865) nyjt24b.txt 15701 04-16-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NYJT24B.EXE nyjt25a.exe 1025024 05-26-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v25a 6865 nyjt25a.txt 19792 05-26-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NYJT25A.EXE nyjt26a.exe 1024238 07-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v26a 6865 nyjt26a.txt 18969 07-19-99 Readme file for flash BIOS update NYJT26A.EXE nyjt27a.exe 1024286 07-23-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v27a 6865 nyjt27a.txt 19038 07-23-99 Readme file for flash BIOS update NYJT27A.EXE nyjt28a.exe 1024435 07-29-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v28a 6865 nyjt28a.txt 19095 07-29-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NYJT28A.EXE nyjt29a.exe 1024056 10-21-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v29a 6865 nyjt29a.txt 19275 10-21-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NYJT29A.EXE nyut20a.exe 659087 11-30-98 Flash BIOS flashover foreign BIOS utility 6865 nyut25a.exe 662528 05-26-99 Flashover foreign BIOS utility for NYJT25A 6865 nyut26a.exe 662052 07-19-99 Flashover foreign BIOS utility v26a 6865 nyut27a.exe 662092 07-23-99 Flashover foreign BIOS utility v27a 6865 nyut28a.exe 662112 07-29-99 Flashover foreign BIOS utility 6865 nyut29a.exe 662022 10-21-99 Flashover foreign BIOS utility for NYJT29A.EXE nzj234a.exe 1151240 08-05-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v34a 6561, 6591 (Japanese) nzj235a.exe 1154939 09-09-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v35a 6561, 6591 (Japanese) nzj236a.exe 1156458 10-22-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v36a 6561, 6591 (Japanese) nzj238a.exe 1163264 05-26-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v38a 6561,6591 (Japanese) nzj239a.exe 1165268 08-26-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v39a 6561, 6591 (Japanese) nzjt34a.exe 953725 08-05-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v34a 6561, 6591 nzjt34a.txt 23676 08-05-98 Readme file for NZJT34A.EXE nzjt35a.exe 958915 09-09-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v35a 6561, 6591 nzjt35a.txt 24292 09-09-98 Readme file for NZJT35A.EXE nzjt36a.exe 960994 10-22-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v36a 6561, 6591 nzjt36a.txt 24755 10-22-98 Readme file for NZJT36A.EXE nzjt38a.exe 968704 05-26-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v38a 6561,6591 nzjt38a.txt 26313 05-26-99 Readme file for flash BIOS update NZJT38A.EXE nzjt38b.exe 381098 04-16-99 Flash BIOS update diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta (6561, 6591) nzjt38b.txt 15101 04-16-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NZJT38B.EXE nzjt39a.exe 969652 08-26-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v39a 6561, 6591 nzjt39a.txt 26550 08-26-99 Readme file for flash BIOS NZJT39A.EXE nzut38a.exe 594944 05-26-99 Flashover foreign BIOS utility for NZJT38A 6561, 6591 nzut39a.exe 596216 08-26-99 Flashover foreign BIOS utility 6561,6591 ops6034f.pdf 61209 03-27-98 IBM PC Options Compatibility Matrix ops6085f.pdf 37802 03-27-98 IBM Intellistation Options Compatibility Matrix p09n1168.pdf 2481275 09-22-99 IBM PC300GL User Guide 6563, 6564, 6574 p09n1169.pdf 1976696 09-22-99 IBM PC300PL User Guide 6584, 6594 p09n1170.pdf 155419 10-08-99 IBM PC300GL (Type 6563, 6564, 6574) - About Your Software for Windows NT Workstation 4.0, Applications, and Support Software p35l4447.pdf 282726 11-02-99 About Your Software - Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Applications, and Support Software p35l4462.pdf 280029 11-02-99 About Your Software - Windows 98, Applications, and Support Software p35l4567.pdf 118729 11-02-99 About Your Software - Windows 95, Applications, and Support Software p35l5289.pdf 160956 11-02-99 About Your Software - Windows 98, Applications, and Software Support p35l5302.pdf 145939 10-28-99 About Your Software - Windows 98 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 (Bulgarian) p35l5303.pdf 121630 10-28-99 About Your Software - Windows 98 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 (Croatian) p35l5308.pdf 85650 11-02-99 About Your Software - Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Applications, and Support Software p37l2185.pdf 160198 10-08-99 IBM PC300GL(Type 6563, 6564, 6574) About Your Software Windows 98, Applications and Support Software p44l1471.pdf 137122 10-28-99 About Your Software - Windows NT 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 (Bulgarian) p44l1472.pdf 117209 10-28-99 About Your Software - Windows NT 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 (Croatian) pc350ori.exe 269801 04-06-95 Preload files for PC350 Select-A-System pc750ori.exe 276953 04-06-95 Preload files for PC750 Select-A-System pcsupt.pdf 64158 09-03-99 IBM PC US Warranty Upgrade Information pcwinbhf.exe 15866 05-31-95 32 Bit disk access Drivers PC700 (WIN) pdj216a.exe 1141736 08-10-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v16a 6265, 6275, 6285 (Japanese) pdj217a.exe 1143718 08-20-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v17a 6265, 6275, 6285 (Japanese) pdj219a.exe 1161007 12-16-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v19a 6265, 6275, 6285 (Japanese) pdj221a.exe 1169232 02-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v21a 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285 (Japanese) pdj224a.exe 1174528 04-29-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v24a 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285 (Japanese) pdj225a.exe 1175552 06-08-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v25a 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285 (Japanese) pdj226a.exe 1176249 07-23-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v26a 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285 (Japanese) pdj227a.exe 1176309 06-17-99 Flash Bios update diskette v27a 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285 (Japanese) pdj228a.exe 1177279 10-27-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v28a 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285 (Japanese) pdjt16a.exe 946176 08-10-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v16a 6265, 6275, 6285 pdjt16a.txt 16862 08-10-98 Readme file for PDJT16A.EXE pdjt17a.exe 948393 08-20-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v17a 6265, 6275, 6285 pdjt17a.txt 17206 08-20-98 Readme file for PDJT17A.EXE pdjt19a.exe 965940 12-16-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v19a 6265, 6275, 6285 pdjt19a.txt 19170 12-16-98 Readme file for PDJT19A.EXE pdjt21a.exe 975035 02-19-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v21a 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285 pdjt21a.txt 20362 02-19-99 Readme file for PDJT21A.EXE pdjt23a.exe 976108 04-16-99 Flash BIOS update diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta (6263, 6265, 6275, 6285) pdjt23a.txt 15320 04-16-99 Readme file for flash BIOS PDJT23A.EXE pdjt24a.exe 978944 04-29-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v24a 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285 pdjt24a.txt 20587 04-29-99 Readme file for Flash BIOS PDJT24A.EXE pdjt25a.exe 977920 06-08-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v25a 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285 pdjt25a.txt 21872 06-08-99 Readme file for flash BIOS PDJT25A.EXE pdjt26a.exe 977141 07-23-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v26a 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285 pdjt26a.txt 21633 07-23-99 Readme file for flash BIOS update PDJT26A.EXE pdjt27a.exe 977249 07-23-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v27a 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285 pdjt27a.txt 21724 07-23-99 Readme file for flash BIOS update PDJT27A.EXE pdjt28a.exe 977880 10-27-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v28a 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285 pdjt28a.txt 21963 10-27-99 Readme file for flash BIOS PDJT28A.EXE piix4.exe 1109970 01-21-98 Retail and OEM version Windows 95 installation fixes 6275, 6285, 6561, 6591, 6862, 6892, 6898 piix4.txt 10727 01-21-98 Readme file for piix4.exe pjj224a.exe 642274 10-11-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v24a 6563, 6564, 6574 (Japanese) pjjt24a.exe 1092541 10-11-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v24a 6563, 6564, 6574 pjjt24a.txt 16682 10-11-99 Readme file for flash BIOS PJJT24A.EXE placeholder.txt 36 08-17-99 blank text file plpiii.pdf 124074 01-22-99 Spec Sheet for PC300PL with Pentium II or Pentium III Processors plpiii32.pdf 104659 05-18-99 IBM PC 300PL Spec Sheet 6862, 6892 preclean.inf 528 06-14-99 INF patch for Finnish language in Danish preload 6862, 6872, 6892, 6893, 6265, 6275, 6285 preload.txt 2697 04-06-95 Readme for IBM Select-A-System Preloads prin01.exe 23677 07-13-95 New PRINT01.SYS for OS/2 2.11 on P90's pro_234m.exe 984778 02-09-98 IBM MPEG Accelerator driver v 2.34 for Windows 95 all machines pro_234m.txt 15651 02-09-98 Readme file for PRO_234M.EXE q00t01a.exe 199126 04-17-98 Crystal Audio for OS/2 Warp 4 6272, 6282, 6284 q00t01a.txt 16431 04-17-98 Readme file for Q00101A.EXE q01t01a.exe 397938 04-17-98 Crystal Audio for OS/2 Warp 3 6272, 6282, 6284 q01t01a.txt 18307 04-17-98 Readme file for Q01T01A.EXE q02201a.exe 1014945 04-17-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 3.1 6272, 6282, 6284 disk 2 of 2 q02t01a.exe 952931 04-17-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 3.1 6272, 6282, 6284 disk 1 of 2 q02t01a.txt 9130 04-17-98 Readme file for Q02T01A.EXE q04t01a.exe 144623 04-17-98 Crystal Audio for Windows NT 6272, 6282, 6284 q04t01a.txt 5079 04-17-98 Readme file for Q04T01A.EXE q37212a.exe 38210 10-02-98 Intel Fast Ethernet WoL 6865 disk 2 of 2 q37213a.exe 38210 06-16-98 Intel Ethernet (All OS) 6893, 6889 disk 2 of 2 q37t03a.exe 938686 03-24-97 Ethernet 10/100 drivers 6588, 6888, 6899 v2.32 q37t03a.txt 1227 12-22-97 This diskette contains Intel Ethernet drivers. q37t07a.exe 843422 08-27-97 Intel Ethernet 6562, 6592, 6898 q37t07a.txt 615 10-30-97 Readme file for Q37T07A.EXE q37t11a.exe 891667 04-17-98 Intel Ethernet all OS 6889 q37t12a.exe 963228 10-02-98 Intel Fast Ethernet WoL 6865 disk 1 of 2 q37t12a.txt 1308 10-02-98 Readme for Q37T12A.EXE q37t13a.exe 891651 06-16-98 Intel Ethernet (All OS) 6893, 6889 disk 1 of 2 q3qt04a.exe 106081 03-24-97 Ethernet Refresh Flash Utility 6899 q3qt05a.exe 106702 05-07-97 Intel Ethernet 10/100 FLASH Diskette required for use with LCCM 6899 q3qt05a.txt 341 06-13-97 Readme for Q3QT05A.EXE q57t10a.txt 10932 09-15-97 Readme for q57t10a.exe q57t11a.exe 212627 11-14-97 Crystal Ethernet 6272, 6282 v11 q57t11a.txt 3166 11-14-97 Readme for Q57T11A.EXE q57t12a.exe 211790 05-04-98 Crystal Ethernet 6272, 6282, 6284 q57t12a.txt 11166 05-04-98 Readme file for Q57T12A.EXE q57t13a.exe 212912 11-23-98 Crystal Ethernet 6272, 6282, 6284 q57t13a.txt 11166 11-23-98 Readme file for Q57T13A.EXE q5qt02a.exe 136141 01-23-98 Crystal Ethernet Flash Utility 6272, 6282 q5qt02a.txt 1143 01-23-98 Readme for Q5QT02A.EXE q61204a.exe 1262717 08-20-97 S3 v2 drivers OS/2 6588 6888 v3.03.07 Disk 2 of 2 q61t04a.exe 1241347 08-20-97 S3 v2 drivers OS/2 6588 6888 v3.03.07 Disk 1 of 2 q61t04a.txt 23365 09-02-97 Readme for S3 V2 Drivers OS/2 6588 6888 v3.03.07 q63t04a.txt 8405 06-10-97 Readme for q63t04a.exe q63t05a.txt 8058 10-07-97 Readme for q63t05a.exe q63t06a.exe 209681 10-10-97 S3 V2 Video for Windows 95 6588, 6888 v2.30.30 q63t06a.txt 8237 10-10-97 Readme file for q63t06a.exe q63t07a.exe 260040 01-22-98 S3 V2 video for Windows 95 v2.41.06 6588, 6888 q63t07a.txt 8032 01-22-98 Readme for Q63T07A.EXE q64t04a.exe 151554 05-21-97 S3 V2 Driver Windows NT 3.51 6588 q64t04a.txt 6686 06-11-97 Readme for Q64T04A.EXE q68t03a.exe 170719 05-16-97 S3 V2 Drivers Windows NT 4.0 6588 q68t03a.txt 8778 06-11-97 Readme for Q68T03A.EXE q93200ia.exe 590069 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 2 of 2 (Italy) q93201ca.exe 591497 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 2 of 3 (Sweden) q93201da.exe 591495 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 2 of 3 (Finland) q93201ea.exe 591491 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 2 of 3 (Spain) q93201ga.exe 591493 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 2 of 3 (Norway) q93201ha.exe 591495 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 2 of 3 (Netherlands) q93201ja.exe 591513 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 2 of 3 (Germany) q93201ka.exe 591511 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 2 of 3 (France) q93201la.exe 591495 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 2 of 3 (Denmark) q93215a.exe 650028 11-19-97 STB PerMedia2 (Glyder MAX2) Video for Windows 95 6898. Disk 2 of 3 q93300ia.exe 102178 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 3 of 3 (Italy) q93301ca.exe 109928 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 3 of 3 (Sweden) q93301da.exe 110226 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 3 of 3 (Finland) q93301ea.exe 109764 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 3 of 3 (Spain) q93301ga.exe 109768 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 3 of 3 (Norway) q93301ha.exe 109916 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 3 of 3 (Netherlands) q93301ja.exe 109982 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 3 of 3 (Germany) q93301ka.exe 109900 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 3 of 3 (France) q93301la.exe 109972 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 3 of 3 (Denmark) q93315a.exe 529400 11-19-97 STB PerMedia2 (Glyder MAX2) Video for Windows 95 6898. Disk 3 of 3 q93t00ia.exe 625561 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 1 of 3 (Italy) q93t01ca.exe 623889 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 1 of 3 (Sweden) q93t01da.exe 629614 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 1 of 3 (Finland) q93t01ea.exe 624363 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 1 of 3 (Spain) q93t01ga.exe 623855 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 1 of 3 (Norway) q93t01ha.exe 624315 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 1 of 3 (Netherlands) q93t01ja.exe 624365 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 1 of 3 (Germany) q93t01ka.exe 624029 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 1 of 3 (France) q93t01la.exe 623847 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.10.01.5105 for Windows 95 6889 disk 1 of 3 (Denmark) q93t15a.exe 365149 11-19-97 STB PerMedia2 (Glyder MAX2) Video for Windows 95 6898. Disk 1 of 3 q93t15a.txt 11424 11-19-97 Readme for Q93T15A - STB PerMedia2 (Glyder MAX2) Video for Windows 95 6898 q93z16us.exe 1405657 04-28-99 STB Permedia2 (Glyder MAX2) Video for Windows 95 6898 q93z22us.exe 1198439 04-28-99 STB Permedia2 (Glyder MAX2) Video for Windows 95 6889, 6897 q98201ca.exe 593875 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 2 of 2 (Sweden) q98201da.exe 594095 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 2 of 2 (Finland) q98201ea.exe 592564 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 2 of 2 (Spain) q98201ga.exe 593569 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 2 of 2 (Norway) q98201ha.exe 593028 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 2 of 2 (Netherlands) q98201ia.exe 585997 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 2 of 2 (Italy) q98201ja.exe 592688 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 2 of 2 (Germany) q98201ka.exe 592714 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 2 of 2 (France) q98201la.exe 593871 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 2 of 2 (Denmark) q98213a.exe 367783 11-17-97 STB PerMedia2 (Glyder MAX2) Video for Windows NT 4.0 6898. Disk 2 of 3 q98225a.exe 593799 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 2 of 2 q98313a.exe 529398 11-17-97 STB PerMedia2 (Glyder MAX2) Video for Windows NT 4.0 6898. Disk 3 of 3 q98t01ca.exe 614068 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 1 of 2 (Sweden) q98t01da.exe 614156 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 1 of 2 (Finland) q98t01ea.exe 615009 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 1 of 2 (Spain) q98t01ga.exe 614056 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 1 of 2 (Norway) q98t01ha.exe 614866 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 1 of 2 (Netherlands) q98t01ia.exe 614877 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 1 of 2 (Italy) q98t01ja.exe 614957 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 1 of 2 (Germany) q98t01ka.exe 614679 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 1 of 2 (France) q98t01la.exe 614024 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 1 of 2 (Denmark) q98t13a.exe 735147 11-17-97 STB PerMedia2 (Glyder MAX2) Video for Windows NT 4.0 6898. Disk 1 of 3 q98t13a.txt 11926 11-17-97 Readme for Q98T13A - STB permedia for Windows NT 4.0 6898 q98t25a.exe 613645 06-25-98 STB/permedia Glyder max-2+ video v4.00.1381.6027 for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 1 of 2 q98t25a.txt 27613 06-25-98 Readme file for Q98T25A.EXE q98z15us.exe 1451312 04-28-99 STB Permedia2 (Glyder MAX2) Video for Windows NT 4.0 6898 q98z16us.exe 1451394 04-28-99 STB Permedia2 (Glyder MAX2) video for Windows NT (Flat panel displays only) 6898 q99t05a.exe 325139 02-18-98 STB Permedia Flash v1.41 6898 (Required for use of Q93T16A or Q98T15A drivers) q99t05a.txt 4891 02-18-98 Readme file for Q99T05A.EXE qa1t00a.exe 498028 09-27-99 IBM Etherjet for Windows 3.11, OS/2 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 qa1t00a.txt 3079 09-27-99 Readme file for IBM Etherjet QA1T00A.EXE qa5t01a.exe 175162 03-11-98 IBM Etherjet adapter Flash utility 6561, 6591 qa5t01a.txt 906 03-11-98 Readme file for QA5T01A.EXE qa5t03a.exe 180058 10-02-98 IBM Etherjet adapter Flash utility 6561, 6591, 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285 qa5t03a.txt 2296 10-02-98 Readme file for QA5T03A.EXE qa7200a.exe 274082 10-20-97 IBM EtherJet 6272, 6282, disk 2 of 2 qa7200a.txt 338 10-15-97 Readme file for qa7t00a.exe and qa7200a.exe qa7205a.exe 437177 03-11-98 IBM Etherjet for all OS 6561, 6591, 6862, 6892 disk 2 of 2 qa7209a.exe 436215 05-27-98 IBM EtherJet for all OS 6862, 6892 disk 2 of 2 qa7214a.exe 593920 05-18-99 IBM Etherjet adapter for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287 disk 2 of 2 qa7215a.exe 593282 03-18-99 IBM Etherjet for all OS (Czech, Polish, Rumanian, German languages) 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 disk 2 of 2 qa7221a.exe 511318 07-29-99 IBM EtherJet for all OS 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 disk 2 of 2 qa7t00a.exe 817200 10-20-97 IBM EtherJet 6272, 6282, disk 1 of 2 qa7t05a.exe 885152 03-11-98 IBM Etherjet for all OS 6561, 6591, 6862, 6892 disk 1 of 2 qa7t05a.txt 2218 03-11-98 Readme file for QA7T05A.EXE qa7t09a.exe 882291 05-27-98 IBM EtherJet for all OS 6862, 6892 disk 1 of 2 qa7t14a.exe 886784 05-18-99 IBM Etherjet adapter for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287 disk 1 of 2 qa7t14a.txt 2130 05-18-99 Readme file for IBM Etherjet QA7T14A.EXE qa7t15a.exe 886490 03-18-99 IBM Etherjet for all OS (Czech, Polish, Rumanian, German languages) 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 disk 1 of 2 qa7t21a.exe 698304 07-29-99 IBM EtherJet for all OS 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 disk 1 of 2 qa7t21a.txt 3073 07-29-99 Readme file for QA7T21A.EXE qa7z25us.exe 1362595 09-27-99 IBM Etherjet for Windows 95/98/NT 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 qa7z25us.txt 3079 09-27-99 Readme file for IBM Etherjet QA7Z25US.EXE qb1t03a.exe 1024012 01-13-98 Cirrus Logic video for OS/2 GRADD v1.62 6561, 6591 qb1t03a.txt 10913 01-13-98 Readme for QB1T03A.exe qb1t04a.exe 920321 04-16-98 Cirrus Logic video for OS/2 (GRADD) 6561, 6591 qb1t04a.txt 10913 04-16-98 Readme file for QB1T04A.EXE qb1t10a.exe 930690 11-20-98 Cirrus Logic video for OS/2 GRADD 6561, 6591 qb1t10a.txt 8397 11-20-98 Readme file for QB1T10A.EXE qb2205a.exe 1035765 01-13-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows 3.11 v1.62 6561, 6591 disk 2 of 3 qb2305a.exe 821224 01-13-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows 3.11 v1.62 6561, 6591 disk 3 of 3 qb2t05a.exe 946918 01-13-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows 3.11 v1.62 6561, 6591 disk 1 of 3 qb2t05a.txt 13975 08-27-99 Readme file for QB2T05A.EXE qb3210a.exe 1077957 01-13-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows 95 v 1.62a 6561, 6591 disk 2 of 3 qb3214a.exe 1083545 04-28-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows 95 6561, 6591 disk 2 of 3 qb3217a.exe 243309 04-27-99 Cirrus Logic video for Windows 95/98 6561, 6591 disk 2 of 2 qb3310a.exe 840614 01-13-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows 95 v 1.62a 6561, 6591 disk 3 of 3 qb3314a.exe 840750 04-28-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows 95 6561, 6591 disk 3 of 3 qb3t10a.exe 1360883 01-13-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows 95 v 1.62a 6561, 6591 disk 1 of 3 qb3t10a.txt 8509 01-13-98 Readme for QB3T10A.exe qb3t14a.exe 1376966 04-28-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows 95 6561, 6591 disk 1 of 3 qb3t14a.txt 8512 04-28-98 Readme file for QB3T14A.EXE qb3t17a.exe 1389855 04-27-99 Cirrus Logic video for Windows 95/98 6561, 6591 disk 1 of 2 qb3t17a.txt 24031 04-27-99 Readme file for Cirrus Logic video QB3T17A.EXE qb4t07a.exe 186160 01-13-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows NT 3.51 v1.62b 6561, 6591 qb4t07a.txt 9677 01-13-98 Readme for QB4T07A.exe qb4t08a.exe 201726 04-28-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows NT 3.51 6561, 6591 qb4t08a.txt 9676 04-28-98 Readme file for QB4T08A.EXE qb4t09a.exe 182708 11-10-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows NT 3.51 6561, 6591 qb4t09a.txt 9676 11-10-98 Readme file for QB4T09A.EXE qb7t02a.exe 1046384 01-13-98 Cirrus Logic video for OS/2 Presentation Manager v1.62 6561, 6591 qb7t02a.txt 8384 01-13-98 Readme for QB7T02A.exe qb7t03a.exe 1168434 07-17-98 Cirrus Logic Video for OS/2 Presentation Manager 6561, 6591 qb7t03a.txt 18987 07-17-98 Readme file for QB7T03A.EXE qb7t05a.exe 1170878 11-20-98 Cirrus Logic video for OS/2 Presentation Manager 6561, 6591 qb7t05a.txt 20334 11-20-98 Readme file for QB7T05A.EXE qb7t06a.exe 1170792 02-18-99 Cirrus Logic video for OS/2 Presentation Manager 6561, 6591 qb7t06a.txt 20800 02-18-99 Readme file for QB7T06A.EXE qb8213a.exe 91273 04-28-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 disk 2 of 2 qb8214a.exe 91275 11-11-98 Cirrus Logic Video for Windows NT 4.0 v1.71a 6561, 6591 Disk 2 of 2 qb8215a.exe 91275 02-24-99 Cirrus Logic video for Windows NT 4.0 v1.71B 6561, 6591disk 2 of 2 qb8t08a.exe 626340 01-13-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows NT 4.0 v1.62b 6561, 6591 qb8t08a.txt 9697 01-13-98 Readme for QB8T08A.exe qb8t13a.exe 570043 04-28-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 disk 1 of 2 qb8t13a.txt 10209 04-28-98 Readme file for QB8T13A.EXE qb8t14a.exe 550793 11-11-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows NT 4.0 v1.71A 6561, 6591 qb8t14a.txt 8853 11-11-98 Readme for QB8T14A.EXE qb8t15a.exe 526306 02-24-99 Cirrus Logic video for Windows NT 4.0 v1.71B 6561, 6591disk 1 of 2 qb8t15a.txt 9421 02-24-99 Readme file for QB8T15A.EXE qc1t00a.exe 534124 09-27-99 IBM Token Ring for Windows 3.11, OS/2 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 qc1t00a.txt 5483 09-27-99 Readme file for IBM Token Ring QC1T00A.EXE qc7206a.exe 1087573 06-23-99 IBM Token Ring with Wake on LAN for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 disk 2 of 2 qc7t00a.exe 471401 10-16-97 IBM Token Ring 6272, 6282 qc7t00a.txt 44603 10-16-97 Readme file for qc7t00a.exe qc7t03a.exe 604271 03-11-98 IBM Wake-on-LAN Token Ring for all OS 6561, 6591 qc7t03a.txt 5855 03-11-98 Readme file for QC7T03A.EXE qc7t05a.exe 644606 05-27-98 IBM Wake-on-LAN Token Ring for all OS 6862, 6892 qc7t06a.exe 706207 06-23-99 IBM Token Ring with Wake on LAN for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 disk 1 of 2 qc7z07us.exe 2134808 09-27-99 IBM Token Ring for Windows 95/98/NT 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 qc7z07us.txt 1178 09-27-99 Readme file for IBM Token Ring QC7Z07US.EXE qd1t02a.exe 355963 05-01-98 Crystal Audio for OS/2 6862, 6892 qd1t02a.txt 18543 05-01-98 Readme file for QD1T02A.EXE qd1t04a.exe 326462 09-01-98 Crystal Audio for OS/2 6862, 6892 qd1t04a.txt 29666 09-01-98 Readme file for QD1T04A.EXE qd2201a.exe 1313594 09-24-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 3.1 6862, 6892 disk 2 of 2 qd2t00a.exe 916027 05-01-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 3.11 6862, 6892 qd2t00a.txt 4633 05-01-98 Readme file for QD2T00A.EXE qd2t01a.exe 917125 09-24-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 3.1 6862, 6892 disk 1 of 2 qd2t01a.txt 5920 09-24-98 Readme file for QD2T01A.EXE qd3t04ea.exe 532736 04-05-99 Crystal Audio for Windows 95/98 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 (Spanish) qd3t04ia.exe 532334 04-05-99 Crystal Audio for Windows 95/98 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 (Italian) qd3t04ja.exe 532238 04-05-99 Crystal Audio for Windows 95/98 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 (German) qd3t04ka.exe 531722 04-05-99 Crystal Audio for Windows 95/98 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 (French) qd3t05wa.exe 540397 04-05-99 Crystal Audio for Windows 95/98 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 (Japanese) qd3t07a.exe 606379 04-17-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 (English) 6889, 6862, 6892 qd3t07a.txt 18689 04-17-98 Readme file for QD3T07A.EXE qd3t08a.exe 541640 11-02-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 6267, 6277, 6287 qd3t08a.txt 18701 11-02-98 Readme file for QD3T08A.EXE qd3z10us.exe 677888 08-19-99 Crystal Audio for Windows 95/98 6865 qd3z10us.txt 22709 08-19-99 Readme file for QD3Z10US.EXE qd3z11us.exe 612352 04-29-99 Crystal Audio for Windows 95/98 6865, 6889, 6893 qd3z12us.exe 613747 07-20-99 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 6287 qd3z12us.txt 1249 07-30-99 Readme file for Crystal Audio QD3Z12US.EXE qd4t08a.exe 336644 11-02-98 Crystal Audio for Windows NT 6267, 6277, 6287 qd4t08a.txt 18701 11-02-98 Readme file for QD4T08A.EXE qd4z05us.exe 449536 04-29-99 Crystal Audio for Windows NT (English) 6862, 6872, 6892 qd4z06us.exe 449536 04-29-99 Crystal Audio for Windows NT 4.0 6889, 6893 qd4z07us.exe 484352 08-19-99 Crystal Audio for Windows NT 4.0 6865 qd4z07us.txt 23587 08-19-99 Readme file for QD4Z07US.EXE qd4z09us.exe 434176 04-29-99 Crystal Audio for Windows NT 6287 qd5z01us.exe 1409024 04-29-99 Crystal Audio WaveTable support for Windows 95 6287 qd6z00us.exe 237568 04-29-99 Crystal Audio for Windows 98 6287 qd7t00a.exe 356715 03-30-98 Crystal Audio for OS/2 with Wavetable support 6561, 6591 qd7t00a.txt 21618 03-30-98 Readme file for QD7T00A.EXE qe6t02a.exe 453242 08-10-99 Matrox G400 flash BIOS update 6893, 6897, 6889 qe6t02a.txt 896 08-10-99 Readme file for Matrox G400 BIOS QE6T02A.EXE qf4z14us.exe 919517 08-20-99 Rockwell modem for Windows NT 6277 qf4z14us.txt 985 08-19-99 Readme file for QF4Z14US.EXE qf4z18us.exe 931303 08-17-99 Rockwell/Conexant modem for Windows NT 4.0 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 qf4z18us.txt 21533 08-17-99 Readme file for Rockwell/Conexant modem QF4Z18US.EXE qf4z22us.exe 938755 09-27-99 Conexant modem for Windows NT 4.0 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 qf4z22us.txt 9603 09-27-99 Readme file for Conexant modem QF4Z22US.EXE qf5z03us.exe 641347 09-28-99 Conexant modem for Windows 2000 Beta 6563, 6564, 6574, 6565 qf5z03us.txt 1280 09-28-99 Readme file for Conexant modem QF5Z03US.EXE qf7z16us.exe 4969472 04-30-99 Rockwell modem for Windows 95/98 6267, 6277, 6287 qf7z21us.exe 5218309 08-23-99 Rockwell/Conexant modem for Windows 95/98 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 qf7z21us.txt 9495 08-23-99 Readme file for Rockwell/Conexant modem QF7Z21US.EXE qf7z25us.exe 5085358 09-27-99 Conexant modem for Windows 95/98 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 qf7z25us.txt 9603 09-27-99 Readme file for Conexant modem QF7Z25US.EXE qg7t06a.exe 14364316 12-22-98 Iomega Zip Drive for Windows 95/98, NT 6267, 6277, 6287 (self extracting zip) qh6201a.exe 1297509 11-02-98 3COM Etherlink for Windows 98 6267, 6277, 6287, 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 disk 2 of 2 qh6t01a.exe 874491 11-02-98 3COM Etherlink for Windows 98 6267, 6277, 6287, 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 disk 1 of 2 qh6t01a.txt 9795 11-02-98 Readme file for QH6T01A.EXE qh7202a.exe 1210970 06-23-99 3COM ethernet adapter for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 disk 2 of 3 qh7205a.exe 1220191 09-27-99 3COM Etherlink for all OS 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574, disk 2 qh7302a.exe 873816 06-23-99 3COM ethernet adapter for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 disk 3 of 3 qh7305a.exe 853187 09-27-99 3COM Etherlink for all OS 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574, disk 3 qh7t02a.exe 1102548 06-23-99 3COM ethernet adapter for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 disk 1 of 3 qh7t05a.exe 1122579 09-27-99 3COM Etherlink for all OS 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574, disk 1 qh7t05a.txt 31396 09-27-99 Readme file for 3COM Etherlink QH7T05A.EXE qi6z08us.exe 818928 08-23-99 Intel INF update utility 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 qi6z08us.txt 22284 08-23-99 Readme file for Intel INF utility QI6Z08US.EXE qi8t03a.exe 1574717 03-18-99 Pentium III driver for Windows NT 4.0 (all Pentium III systems) qi8z00br.exe 1729773 10-26-99 Pentium III streaming SIMD extensions for Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 (Brazilian) qi8z00cs.exe 1703659 10-27-99 Pentium III streaming SIMD extensions for Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 (Simplified Chinese) qi8z00ct.exe 1710911 10-27-99 Pentium III streaming SIMD extensions for Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 (Traditional Chinese) qi8z00fr.exe 1726867 10-26-99 Pentium III streaming SIMD extensions for Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 (French) qi8z00gr.exe 1727793 10-26-99 Pentium III streaming SIMD extensions for Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 (German) qi8z00it.exe 1726383 10-26-99 Pentium III streaming SIMD extensions for Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 (Italian) qi8z00jp.exe 1717862 10-26-99 Pentium III streaming SIMD extensions for Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 (Japanese) qi8z00ru.exe 1730534 10-26-99 Pentium III streaming SIMD extensions for Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 (Russian) qi8z00sp.exe 1725898 10-26-99 Pentium III streaming SIMD extensions for Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 (Spanish) qi8z03us.exe 1708927 11-04-99 Intel Pentium III streaming SIMD extensions for Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4 (English) qi9z06us.exe 2026035 08-17-99 INF files for Intel chipsets for Windows 95/98 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 qi9z06us.txt 18271 08-17-99 Readme file for INF files QI6T08US.EXE qj1t03a.exe 380851 09-27-99 ScrollPoint 2 mouse for OS/2 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 qj1t03a.txt 7036 09-27-99 Readme file for ScrollPoint 2 mouse QJ1T03A.EXE qj6210a.exe 1022049 06-23-99 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse 2 for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287 disk 2 of 2 qj6t10a.exe 1243272 06-23-99 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse 2 for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287 qj6t12a.exe 1243272 07-20-99 IBM ScrollPoint Mouse 2 for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287 qj6t13a.exe 1267134 08-16-99 ScrollPoint II mouse for Windows 95/98/NT 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 qj6t13a.txt 3107 08-16-99 Readme file for ScrollPoint II mouse QJ6T13A.EXE qj6z14us.exe 1370047 09-27-99 ScrollPoint 2 mouse for Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 qj6z14us.txt 3107 09-27-99 Readme file for ScrollPoint 2 mouse QJ6Z14US.EXE ql1t03a.exe 96732 09-27-99 VIA AGP 4Z/133 Bus Master video for OS/2 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 ql1t03a.txt 5381 09-27-99 Readme file for VIA AGP video QL1T03A.EXE ql3z03us.exe 721714 09-27-99 VIA AGP 4X/133 VXD video for Windows 95/98 6563, 6564, 6565, 6575 ql6z06us.exe 889544 09-27-99 VIA AGP 4X/133 Bus Master video for Windows NT 4.0 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 ql6z06us.txt 8120 09-27-99 Readme file for VIA AGP video for Windows 95/98 ql8z03us.exe 773095 09-27-99 VIA AGP 4X/133 SMBUS video for Windows 95/98/NT4.0 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 ql8z03us.txt 7341 09-27-99 Readme file for VIA AGP video QL8Z03US.EXE regdel.exe 50520 08-13-97 Fix For No Logon Prompt Problem 6272, 6282 regdel.txt 900 08-13-97 Readme for REGDEL.EXE rf70up.exe 632923 11-02-98 Mod 70 system board upgrd refdsk s01k4832.pdf 13760628 11-05-98 IBM PC/IntelliStation Hardware Maintenance Manual - November 1998 s30h1721.pdf 328829 04-09-98 Technical Information Manual 6598, 6576, 6586 s3864dos.exe 335239 01-18-95 S3 864 DOS Drivers and Utils s3tds13b.exe 209456 09-06-95 S3 TRIO64 v1.3B8 DOS/UTILS 6576/86 s3trfrsh.exe 70770 06-22-95 S3 TRIO Refresh Utility s3vds12.exe 330065 06-16-95 S3 VISION 864 v1.2 DOS/Utils s78h5083.pdf 431235 02-19-98 Technical Information Manual 6577, 6587 s78h5142.pdf 186915 04-09-98 Technical Information Manual 6260, 6560 s83g7789.pdf 13433227 08-27-98 IBM IntelliStation/IBM PC Hardware Maintenance Manual - August 1998 s84h0334.pdf 217006 04-09-98 Technical Information Manual 6589 37 10-08-96 Auto T/R Card and LAN Support 6577, 6587 spoosu.exe 64638 01-09-98 Seagate Sytos for OS/2 fix spoosu.txt 485 01-09-98 Readme for SPOOSU.EXE sudsktop.pdf 1490590 04-30-98 Setting Up Your PC - 6862, 6275 supp95nt.exe 102033 06-12-97 IBM 16X Max CDROM Driver Supplement Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0 sutower.pdf 1348935 04-30-98 Setting Up Your PC - 6892, 6285 t3gt20a.exe 837776 11-04-98 IBM Enhanced Diagnostics for all non-DMI compliant IBM PC Pentium systems t3gt20a.txt 6397 11-04-98 Readme file for T3GT20A.EXE t3gt43a.exe 1161429 11-03-99 IBM Enhanced Diagnostics for all DMI-compliant systems t3gt43a.txt 7926 11-03-99 Readme file for IBM Enhanced Diagnostics TG3T43A.EXE tivoli.z 2668904 10-09-98 UMA Tivoli Framework module trp6898.pdf 286340 05-05-98 IntelliStation M Pro Financial Services segment brochure 6898 uma101.pdf 107817 10-09-98 Universal Management Agent Installation Guide (PDF format) update.bat 974 07-22-97 This update is to be used only when installing Crystal Audio driver ZO3T08A on a 6588 or 6888 system running Windows 95 update.txt 1667 07-22-97 Readme for UPDATE.BAT updatebb.exe 164915 06-05-98 Seagate Bigbear Hard Disk Firmware update 6889, 6893, 6898 updatebb.txt 2115 06-05-98 Readme file for UPDATEBB.EXE using.pdf 2722683 04-30-98 Using Your Personal Computer - 6862, 6892, 6275, 6285 vvgdeut.txt 6027 08-24-98 ViaVoice Gold Readme file (German) vvgfren.txt 5732 08-24-98 ViaVoice Gold Readme file (French) vvgital.txt 5747 08-24-98 ViaVoice Gold Readme file (Italian) vvgspan.txt 5751 08-24-98 ViaVoice Gold Readme file (Spanish) vvgukeng.txt 5213 08-24-98 ViaVoice Gold Readme file (UK English) vvguseng.txt 5213 08-24-98 ViaVoice Gold Readme file (US English) w95gl.pdf 16797 03-25-99 Installing Retail Windows 95 for PC300GL 6267, 6277, 6287 warp_pmi.exe 47980 08-01-95 Golden PMI Versions for Warp warput01.exe 641307 04-06-95 WARP Bootable Utility Disks 1/3 warput02.exe 523015 04-06-95 Warp Bootable Utility Disks 2/3 warput03.exe 529859 07-10-96 Warp Bootable Utility Disks 3/3 webmchne.pdf 1620202 10-21-98 IntelliStation Z Pro Ultimate Web Machine brochure z01236a.exe 345581 03-27-97 S3 Trio (all) OS/2 driver 6576, 6586, 6577, 6587, 6875, 6885, 6877, 6887, 6589 disk 2 of 2 z01236a.txt 24720 06-13-97 Readme for Z01236A.EXE z01237a.exe 345933 10-15-97 S3 864/868 Video for OS/2 6575, 6585, 6875, 6885, 6876, 6886 - Disk 2 0f 2 z01239a.exe 346125 10-30-97 S3 OS/2 Driver 6576, 6586, 6577, 6587. Diskette 2 of 2. z01240a.exe 346144 11-21-97 S3 TrioV+ video for OS/2 6577, 6587 disk 2 of 2 z01241a.exe 346144 09-01-98 S3 video for OS/2 6577, 6587 disk 2 of 2 z01t18a.exe 1315515 05-24-96 S3 Trio (all) OS/2 driver 6576, 6586, 6577, 6587, 6877, 6887 v2.81-05 z01t32a.exe 1288453 10-01-96 S3 Trio 64v+ OS/2 driver v2.85.02 z01t33a.exe 1206348 12-11-96 S3 Trio (all) OS/2 driver 6576, 6586, 6577, 6587, 6877, 6887 v2.85.07 z01t36a.exe 1244732 03-27-97 S3 Trio (all) OS/2 driver 6576, 6586, 6577, 6587, 6875, 6885, 6877, 6887, 6589 disk 1 of 2 z01t37a.exe 1247991 10-15-97 S3 864/868 Video for OS/2 6575, 6585, 6875, 6885, 6876, 6886 - Disk 1 of 2 z01t37a.txt 28594 10-15-97 Readme for z01t37a.exe & z01237a.exe z01t39a.exe 1258931 10-30-97 S3 OS/2 Driver 6576, 6586, 6577, 6587. Diskette 1 of 2. z01t39a.txt 27879 10-30-97 Readme for Z01T39A.EXE and Z01239A.EXE z01t40a.exe 1249433 11-21-97 S3 TrioV+ video for OS/2 6577, 6587 disk 1 of 2 z01t40a.txt 27882 11-21-97 Readme for Z01T40A.EXE z01t41a.exe 1249908 09-01-98 S3 video for OS/2 6577, 6587 disk 1 of 2 z01t41a.txt 27885 09-01-98 Readme file for Z01T41A.EXE z02t10a.exe 669376 10-14-97 S3 Trio 64V Video Driver (V. 1.68.11) Windows 3.1 6577, 6587 z02t10a.txt 5111 10-14-97 Readme for z02t10a.exe z03t10a.exe 119106 10-01-96 S3 Trio 64V+ driver Windows 95 6589 v2.10.10 z03t10a.txt 2104 01-02-98 Readme for Z03T10A.EXE z03t11a.exe 120291 01-11-99 S3 Trio64 video for Windows 95 6576, 6586, 6577, 6587, 6877, 6887 z03t11a.txt 2104 01-11-99 Readme file for Z03T11A.EXE z04t06a.exe 125718 03-12-97 S3 Trio 64V+ driver Windows NT 3.51 6577, 6587, 6877, 6887, 6589 z04t06a.txt 2376 08-13-99 Readme file for Z04T06A.EXE z08t00a.exe 130533 02-25-97 S3 Trio 64V+ driver Windows NT 4.0 6589 v1.01.01 z08t00a.txt 2261 06-13-97 Readme for Z08T00A.EXE z08t02a.exe 168841 04-03-97 S3 864/868 driver Windows NT 4.0 6875, 6885, 6876, 6886 z08t02a.txt 2296 06-13-97 Readme for Z08T02A.EXE z21t06a.exe 149520 03-24-97 IDE Bus Master Driver OS/2 6899 v2.06 z21t07a.exe 70641 08-18-97 Bus Master IDE for OS/2 6272, 6282, 6588 z21t07a.txt 4642 06-10-97 Readme for z21t07a.exe z21t09a.exe 76653 10-24-97 Bus Master IDE for OS/2 6898, 6561, 6591, 6862, 6892 z21t09a.txt 4801 10-27-97 Readme file for z21t09a.exe z21t13a.exe 72199 09-27-99 Bus Master IDE for OS/2 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892, 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 z21t13a.txt 5128 09-27-99 Readme file for Bus Master IDE Z21T13A.EXE z23t09a.exe 430630 10-03-96 IDE Bus Master Driver Windows 95 6589 v2.64 z23z11us.exe 730112 04-30-99 Bus Master IDE for Windows 95 z24t10a.exe 60409 05-02-97 IDE Bus Master Driver Windows NT 6589 z24t11a.exe 60199 03-24-97 Bus Master IDE for Windows NT 6272, 6282, 6588, 6888, 6899 z24t11a.txt 33564 06-13-97 Readme for Z24T11A.EXE z24t16a.exe 62493 01-13-98 Bus Master IDE for Windows NT 4.0 6898, 6561, 6591 z24t16a.txt 24348 10-30-97 Readme file for z24t16a.exe z24z19us.exe 182272 04-30-99 Bus Master IDE for Windows NT 6898, 6862, 6892 z24z22us.exe 180224 04-30-99 Bus Master IDE for Windows NT 4.0 6889, 6893 z24z23us.exe 181248 04-30-99 Bus Master IDE for Windows NT 4.0 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892, 6865, 6267, 6277, 6287 z24z25us.exe 184530 06-23-99 Bus Master IDE for Windows NT 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 z24z27us.exe 1133361 08-17-99 Bus Master IDE for Windows NT 4.0 6268, 6278, 6288, 6338 z24z27us.txt 10994 08-17-99 Readme file for Bus Master IDE Z24Z27US.EXE z41201a.exe 771062 09-25-96 InfraRed driver & Tranxit application OS/2 v47 6588, 6888, 6899 disk 2 of 2 z41203a.exe 771753 08-26-97 InfraRed for OS/2 6562, 6952 Disk 2 of 3 v1.04 z41203a.txt 19273 08-26-97 Readme for Z41T03A.EXE & Z41203A.EXE & Z41303A.EXE z41303a.exe 125389 08-26-97 InfraRed for OS/2 6562, 6952 Disk 3 of 3 v1.04 z41t01a.exe 853166 03-24-97 InfraRed driver & TranXit application OS/2 v47 6588, 6888, 6899 disk 1 of 2 z41t03a.exe 806337 08-26-97 InfraRed for OS/2 6562, 6952 Disk 1 of 3 v1.04 z43204a.exe 1170418 09-25-96 InfraRed driver & Tranxit application Windows 95 v2.1.06 disk 2 of 2 z43206a.exe 1135773 05-12-97 InfraRed driver & TranXit application Windows 95 6588, 6888, 6899, Disk 2 of 2 z43208a.exe 1253425 08-27-97 InfraRed for Windows 3.1, Windows 95 6562, 6592 Disk 2 of 2 z43208a.txt 29955 08-27-97 Readme file for Z43T08A.EXE and Z43208A.EXE z43t04a.exe 1200354 09-25-96 InfraRed driver & Tranxit application Windows 95 v2.1.06 disk 1 of 2 z43t06a.exe 1181936 03-24-97 InfraRed driver & TranXit application Windows 95 6588, 6888, 6899, Disk 1 of 2 z43t06a.txt 29951 05-27-98 Readme file for Z43T06A.EXE z43t08a.exe 1181998 08-27-97 InfraRed for Windows 3.1, Windows 95 6562, 6592 Disk 1 of 2 z51t03a.exe 421046 09-24-96 IBM 8X IDE CD ROM driver diskette v1.45 z51t05a.exe 421646 03-24-97 16X MAX CDROM driver 6272, 6282, 6899 v1.50 z51t05a.txt 7643 10-14-97 Readme file for z51t05a.exe z51t06a.exe 422354 08-18-97 24X IDE CD-ROM 6562, 6592, 6588, 6888 z51t06a.txt 3746 08-18-97 Readme for Z51T06A.EXE z51t07a.exe 420764 01-13-98 12X MAX IDE CD ROM for OS/2 6561, 6591 z51t07a.txt 51792 01-13-98 Readme for Z51T07A.exe z51t08a.exe 420498 09-27-99 48X CD-ROM for Windows 3.11 6563, 6564, 6565, 6574 z51t08a.txt 3312 09-27-99 Readme file for 48X CD-ROM Z51T08A.EXE z64202a.exe 1061413 02-27-97 Data Collaboration Adapter Windows NT 4.0 drivers 6877, 6887 disk 2 of 2 z64204a.exe 1163160 11-04-98 Data Collaboration Adapter for Windows NT 6877, 6887 disk 2 of 2 z64t02a.exe 763700 02-27-97 Data Collaboration Adapter Windows NT 4.0 drivers 6877, 6887 disk 1 of 2 z64t04a.exe 1073476 11-04-98 Data Collaboration Adapter for Windows NT 6877, 6887 disk 1 of 2 z64t04a.txt 29963 11-04-98 Readme file for Z64T04A.EXE za1t12a.exe 1313907 03-24-97 Matrox Millenium OS/2 driver 6588, 6589, 6877, 6887, 6888, 6899 v2.04.39 za1t12a.txt 13603 09-10-97 Readme file for za1t12a.exe za1t19a.txt 15541 08-26-97 Readme for ZA1T19A.EXE za1t20a.exe 1369581 11-12-97 Matrox Video for OS/2 6562, 6592 za1t20a.txt 15541 11-12-97 Readme for ZA1T20 - Matrox Video for OS/2 6562, 6592 za1t21a.exe 1432941 06-03-98 Matrox video for OS/2 Presentation Manager 6562, 6582 za1t21a.txt 15541 06-03-98 Readme file for ZA1T21A.EXE za1t23a.exe 1422279 09-01-98 Matrox Video for OS/2 6562, 6592 za1t23a.txt 14881 09-01-98 Readme file for ZA1T23A.EXE za2205a.exe 877252 05-12-97 Matrox Millenium Windows 3.11 driver 6589, 6877, 6887, 6899 v1.32.11, Disk 2 of 2 za2207a.exe 874614 08-26-97 Matrox Graphics for Windows 3.1 6562, 6592 Disk 2 of 2 v1.41.023 za2t05a.exe 1084375 03-24-97 Matrox Millenium Windows 3.11 driver 6589, 6877, 6887, 6899 v1.32.11, Disk 1 of 2 za2t05a.txt 7071 09-10-97 Readme file for ZA2T05A.Exe and ZA2205A.Exe za2t07a.exe 1097704 08-26-97 Matrox Graphics for Windows 3.1 6562, 6592 Disk 1 of 2 v1.41.023 za2t07a.txt 7076 08-26-97 Readme for ZA2T07A.EXE & ZA2207A.EXE za3209a.exe 883275 10-02-96 Matrox Millenium Windows 95 driver 6589 v3.12.25 disk 2 of 2 za3216a.exe 893004 05-07-97 Matrox Millennium drivers Windows 95 6588, 6888 v3.20.55 disk 2 of 2 za3220a.exe 441512 05-12-97 Matrox Millenium Windows 95 driver 6589, 6877, 6887, 6899 v3.40.07, Disk 2 of 2 za3220a.txt 10980 06-13-97 Readme for ZA3220A.EXE za3229a.exe 1059785 08-26-97 Matrox Graphics for Windows 95 (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish) 6562, 6592 Disk 2 of 2 v3.70.007 za3241a.exe 1415507 04-17-98 Matrox video for Windows 95 6889 disk 2 of 4 za3243a.exe 1416183 06-16-98 Matrox video for Windows 95 6893, 6889 disk 2 of 4 za3245a.exe 1401399 10-05-98 Matrox Video for Windows 95/98 6865 disk 2 of 3 za3247a.exe 1416379 09-09-98 Matrox G200 Video for Windows 95 6889, 6893 disk 2 of 3 za3248a.exe 1416207 09-09-98 Matrox Millennium II Video for Windows 95 6889, 6893 disk 2 of 4 za3251a.exe 1401401 10-09-98 Matrox G200 Video for Windows 95/98 6865 disk 2 of 3 za3255a.exe 1346418 03-17-99 Matrox G200D video for Windows 95/98 6862, 6892 disk 2 of 3 za3341a.exe 1417379 04-17-98 Matrox video for Windows 95 6889 disk 3 of 4 za3343a.exe 1417576 06-16-98 Matrox video for Windows 95 6893, 6889 disk 3 of 4 za3345a.exe 816164 10-05-98 Matrox Video for Windows 95/98 6865 disk 3 of 3 za3347a.exe 32199 09-09-98 Matrox G200 Video for Windows 95 6889, 6893 disk 3 of 3 za3348a.exe 1417596 09-09-98 Matrox Millennium II Video for Windows 95 6889, 6893 disk 3 of 4 za3351a.exe 816162 10-09-98 Matrox G200 Video for Windows 95/98 6865 disk 3 of 3 za3355a.exe 918340 03-17-99 Matrox G200D video for Windows 95/98 6862, 6892 disk 3 of 3 za3441a.exe 565776 04-17-98 Matrox video for Windows 95 6889 disk 4 of 4 za3443a.exe 559952 06-16-98 Matrox video for Windows 95 6893, 6889 disk 4 of 4 za3448a.exe 551098 09-09-98 Matrox Millennium II Video for Windows 95 6889, 6893 disk 4 of 4 za3t09a.exe 1221460 10-02-96 Matrox Millenium Windows 95 driver 6589 v3.12.25 disk 1 of 2 za3t16a.exe 978923 05-07-97 Matrox Millennium drivers Windows 95 6588, 6888 v3.20.55 disk 1 of 2 za3t16a.txt 11539 06-10-97 Readme for za3t16a.exe za3t20a.exe 978044 03-24-97 Matrox Millenium Windows 95 driver 6589, 6877, 6887, 6899 v3.40.07, Disk 1 of 2 za3t20a.txt 10980 01-14-99 Readme file for ZA3T20A.EXE za3t29a.exe 888864 08-26-97 Matrox Graphics for Windows 95 (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish) 6562, 6592 Disk 1 of 2 v3.70.007 za3t29a.txt 10857 08-26-97 Readme for ZA3T29A.exe and ZA3229A.exe za3t41a.exe 633990 04-17-98 Matrox video for Windows 95 6889 disk 1 of 4 za3t41a.txt 337 04-17-98 Readme file for ZA3T41A.EXE za3t43a.exe 635200 06-16-98 Matrox video for Windows 95 6893, 6889 disk 1 of 4 za3t43a.txt 324 06-16-98 Readme file for ZA3T43A.EXE za3t45a.exe 710050 10-05-98 Matrox Video for Windows 95/98 6865 disk 1 of 3 za3t47a.exe 704458 09-09-98 Matrox G200 Video for Windows 95 6889, 6893 disk 1 of 3 za3t47a.txt 8996 09-09-98 Readme file for ZA3T47A.EXE za3t48a.exe 635078 09-09-98 Matrox Millennium II Video for Windows 95 6889, 6893 disk 1 of 4 za3t49a.txt 22840 09-11-98 Readme file for ZA3Z49US za3t51a.exe 714337 10-09-98 Matrox G200 Video for Windows 95/98 6865 disk 1 of 3 za3t51a.txt 8996 10-09-98 Readme file for ZA3T51A.EXE za3t53a.txt 10857 11-20-98 Readme file for ZA3Z53US za3t55a.exe 795953 03-17-99 Matrox G200D video for Windows 95/98 6862, 6892 disk 1 of 3 za3t55a.txt 11906 03-17-99 Readme file for Matrox G200D video ZA3T55A.EXE za3z49us.exe 3931136 06-04-99 Matrox Millennium II video for Windows 95/98 6889, 6893 za3z53us.exe 2945024 06-04-99 Matrox video for Windows 95 6562, 6592 za3z55us.exe 3007126 03-12-99 Matrox G200 video for Windows 95/98 6865, 6889, 6893 za3z60us.exe 5759243 08-10-99 Matrox G200/G400 video for Windows 95/98 6865, 6887, 6889, 6893 za3z60us.txt 30754 08-10-99 Readme file for Matrox video ZA3Z60US.EXE za4212a.exe 647001 09-09-97 Matrox Graphics 2 of 2 for Windows NT 3.51 6589, 6877, 6887 za4219a.exe 611197 01-06-99 Matrox Graphics for Windows NT 3.51 version 2.33.74 6562, 6592 (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish) disk 2 of 2 za4t11a.exe 559224 03-24-97 Matrox Millenium Windows NT 3.51 driver 6588,6888,6899, PC Server 315 (8638) v2.25.67 za4t11a.txt 107600 06-13-97 Readme for ZA4T11A.EXE za4t12a.exe 561807 09-09-97 Matrox Graphics 1 of 2 for Windows NT 3.51 6589, 6877, 6887 za4t12a.txt 107658 09-09-97 Readme file for ZA4T12A.EXE and ZA4212A.EXE za4t19a.exe 582451 08-26-97 Matrox Graphics for Windows NT 3.51 version 2.33.74 6562, 6592 (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish) za4t19a.txt 109486 08-26-97 Readme for ZA4T19A.exe za8218a.exe 739540 08-26-97 Matrox Graphics for Windows NT 4.0 6562, 6592 (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish) Disk 2 of 2 v3.20.55 za8229a.exe 1415198 04-17-98 Matrox video for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 2 of 3 za8232a.exe 1413067 06-16-98 Matrox video for Windows NT 4.0 6562, 6592, 6588, 6888, 6893, 6889 disk 2 of 3 za8234a.exe 1419016 09-09-98 Matrox G200 video for Windows NT 4.0 6889, 6893 disk 2 of 3 za8236a.exe 1419601 10-05-98 Matrox Video for Windows NT 6865 disk 2 of 3 za8329a.exe 1028233 04-17-98 Matrox video for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 3 of 3 za8332a.exe 1041527 06-16-98 Matrox video for Windows NT 4.0 6562, 6592, 6588, 6888, 6893, 6889 disk 3 of 3 za8334a.exe 1248872 09-09-98 Matrox G200 video for Windows NT 4.0 6889, 6893 disk 3 of 3 za8336a.exe 1311523 10-05-98 Matrox Video for Windows NT 6865 disk 3 of 3 za8t04a.exe 525208 11-06-96 Matrox Millenium Windows NT 4.0 driver 6589 za8t08a.exe 569057 03-24-97 Matrox Millenium Windows NT 4.0 driver 6588, 6589, 6877, 6887, 6888, 6899 v2.35.16 za8t08a.txt 103632 06-13-97 Readme for ZA8T08A.EXE za8t18a.exe 808441 08-26-97 Matrox Graphics for Windows NT 4.0 6562, 6592 (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish) Disk 1 of 2 v3.20.55 za8t18a.txt 18231 08-26-97 Readme for ZA8T18A.EXE & ZA8218A.EXE za8t29a.exe 856462 04-17-98 Matrox video for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 1 of 3 za8t29a.txt 40551 04-17-98 Readme file for ZA8T29A.EXE za8t32a.exe 849529 06-16-98 Matrox video for Windows NT 4.0 6562, 6592, 6588, 6888, 6893, 6889 disk 1 of 3 za8t32a.txt 307 06-16-98 Readme file for ZA8T32A.EXE za8t34a.exe 792335 09-09-98 Matrox G200 video for Windows NT 4.0 6889, 6893 disk 1 of 3 za8t34a.txt 20025 09-09-98 Readme file for ZA8T34A.EXE za8t35a.txt 20025 03-18-99 Readme file for ZA8Z35US za8t36a.exe 741029 10-05-98 Matrox Video for Windows NT 6865 disk 1 of 3 za8t36a.txt 20692 10-05-98 Readme file for ZA8T36A.EXE za8t41a.txt 314 03-17-99 Readme file for Matrox G200D video ZA8T41A.EXE za8z35us.exe 3365888 06-04-99 Matrox Millennium II video for Windows NT 4.0 6889, 6897, 6893 za8z41us.exe 3519488 06-04-99 Matrox G200D video for Windows NT 4.0 6862, 6872, 6892 za8z48us.exe 4832485 08-13-99 Matrox G200/G400 video for Windows NT 6893, 6889, 6897, 6865 za8z48us.txt 38128 08-13-99 Readme file for Matrox video ZA8Z48US.EXE zc2t02a.exe 26916 08-20-98 32 bit disk access for Windows 3.1 6265, 6272, 6275, 6282, 6285, 6562, 6577, 6587, 6592 zc2t02a.txt 611 08-20-98 Readme file for ZC2T02A.EXE zg1t01a.exe 21251 08-23-96 OS/2 APM driver 6576,6586 zi6t00a.txt 588 10-05-98 Readme file for ZI6T00A.EXE zi6z00us.exe 415744 06-04-99 Adaptec SCSI for Windows NT 4.0 6865 zi7102a.exe 249465 04-21-99 Adaptec UW SCSI drivers 6899 v1.30 zi7102a.txt 879 04-21-99 Readme file for ZI7102.EXE zi7202a.exe 1317212 04-21-99 Adaptec EZSCSI for Windows 95 6899 zi7202a.txt 1224 04-21-99 Readme file for ZI7202.EXE zi7209a.exe 1323540 10-24-97 Adaptec EZ SCSI drivers and utilities 6898 disk 2 of 4 zi7212a.exe 1317474 04-17-98 Adaptec SCSI drivers and utilities for Windows 95/NT 6889, 6862, 6892 disk 2 of 4 zi7213a.exe 1317474 06-16-98 Adaptec SCSI for All OS 6893, 6889 disk 2 of 4 zi7215a.exe 634460 08-19-99 Adaptec SCSI drivers for NetWare and OS/2 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 zi7309a.exe 1412181 10-24-97 Adaptec EZ SCSI drivers and utilities 6898 disk 3 of 4 zi7312a.exe 1412667 04-17-98 Adaptec SCSI drivers and utilities for Windows 95/NT 6889, 6862, 6892 disk 3 of 4 zi7313a.exe 1412669 06-16-98 Adaptec SCSI for All OS 6893, 6889 disk 3 of 4 zi7315a.exe 877151 08-19-99 Adaptec SCSI utilities for Windows 95/98/NT 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 disk 1 of 2 zi7409a.exe 1181399 10-24-97 Adaptec EZ SCSI drivers and utilities 6898 disk 4 of 4 zi7412a.exe 1189757 04-17-98 Adaptec SCSI drivers and utilities for Windows 95/NT 6889, 6862, 6892 disk 4 of 4 zi7413a.exe 1189757 06-16-98 Adaptec SCSI for All OS 6893, 6889 disk 4 of 4 zi7415a.exe 985292 08-19-99 Adaptec SCSI utilities for Windows 95/98/NT 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 disk 2 of 2 zi7t09a.exe 511244 10-24-97 Adaptec EZ SCSI drivers and utilities 6898 disk 1 of 4 zi7t09a.txt 28350 10-27-97 Readme file for zi7t09a.exe zi7t12a.exe 513371 04-17-98 Adaptec SCSI drivers and utilities for Windows 95/NT 6889, 6862, 6892 disk 1 of 4 zi7t12a.txt 991 04-17-98 Readme file for ZI7T12A.EXE zi7t13a.exe 514284 06-16-98 Adaptec SCSI for All OS 6893, 6889 disk 1 of 4 zi7t13a.txt 991 06-16-98 Readme file for ZI7T13A.EXE zi7t15a.exe 337705 08-19-99 Adaptec SCSI drivers for Windows 95/98/NT 6263, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6872, 6892 zi7z09us.exe 4339712 06-07-99 Adaptec SCSI drivers and utilities for Windows 95/NT 6898 zi7z13us.exe 4342784 06-07-99 Adaptec SCSI drivers and utilities 6889, 6897, 6893 zjjt01a.exe 803272 11-12-97 IBM Token Ring Adapter Flash Utility 6898 zjjt01a.txt 1976 11-12-97 Readme for ZJJT01A - IBM Token Ring Adapter Flash Utility 6898 zn2t01a.exe 541887 10-15-97 ESS Audio for Windows 3.1 6272, 6282 zn2t01a.txt 3507 10-16-97 Readme file for ZN2T01A.EXE zn3t02a.exe 496093 10-16-97 ESS audio for Windows 95 6272, 6282 zn3t02a.txt 3316 10-16-97 Readme file for zn3t02a.exe zn3t11a.txt 464 01-25-99 Readme file for ZN3T11A.EXE zn3z09jp.exe 891674 07-20-99 ESS Audio for Windows 95/98 6267, 6277, 6287 (Japanese) zn3z11us.exe 929792 06-04-99 ESS Audio for Windows 95/98 6267, 6277, 6287 zn3z18us.exe 933811 07-20-99 ESS Audio for Windows 95/98 6267, 6277, 6287 zn4t01a.exe 524709 10-15-97 ESS Audio for Windows NT 6272, 6282 zn4t01a.txt 2597 10-16-97 Readme file for ZN4T01A.EXE zn4t05a.txt 594 01-15-99 Readme file for ZN4T05A.EXE zn4z05us.exe 794624 06-04-99 ESS Audio for Windows NT 4.0 6267, 6277, 6287 zn4z06us.exe 806973 09-27-99 zn4z06us.exe - ESS audio driver for Windows NT 4.0 zn4z06us.txt - Readme zn4z06us.txt 598 09-27-99 zn4z06us.txt - Readme zn5z01jp.exe 1546161 07-20-99 ESS Wave Table for Windows 95/98 6267, 6277, 6287 (Japanese) zn5z01us.exe 1547580 07-20-99 ESS Wave Table for Windows 95/98 6267, 6277, 6287 zn7t01a.txt 302 01-15-99 Readme file for ZN7T01A.EXE zn7z01us.exe 236544 06-04-99 ESS Audio for Windows NT 3.51 6267, 6277, 6287 zn8z01jp.exe 777995 07-20-99 ESS Audio for Windows NT 4.0 6267, 6277, 6287 (Japanese) zn9t01a.exe 28628 09-15-97 ESS Audio Card Flash Diskette 6589, 6272, 6282 zn9t01a.txt 185 09-15-97 Readme for ZN9T01A.EXE zo1t05a.exe 432766 09-03-97 Crystal Audio for OS/2 zo1t05a.txt 19554 09-03-97 Readme for ZO1T05A.EXE zo1t06a.exe 424753 10-24-97 Crystal Audio for OS/2 6888, 6899, 6561, 6591, 6588, 6562, 6592 zo1t06a.txt 19554 03-11-98 Readme for ZO1T06A.EXE zo2201a.exe 1014945 05-12-97 Crystal Audio Driver Windows 3.11 6899, Disk 2 of 2 zo2t01a.exe 945125 03-24-97 Crystal Audio Driver Windows 3.11 6899, Disk 1 of 2 zo2t03a.exe 992124 08-26-97 Crystal Audio for Windows 3.1 6561, 6562, 6591, 6592 zo3t01da.exe 702842 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 6561, 6591 (Finnish) zo3t01fa.exe 701669 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 6561, 6591 (Portugese) zo3t02ca.exe 702210 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 6561, 6591 (Swedish) zo3t02ga.exe 701615 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 6561, 6591 (Norwegian) zo3t02ha.exe 702234 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 6561, 6591 (Dutch) zo3t03la.exe 701898 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 6561, 6591 (Danish) zo3t04ea.exe 703107 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 6561, 6591 (Spanish) zo3t04ia.exe 702736 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 6561, 6591 (Italian) zo3t04ja.exe 703376 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 6561, 6591 (German) zo3t04ka.exe 702902 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 6561, 6591 (French) zo3t06a.exe 697207 03-24-97 Crystal Audio Driver Windows 95 6899 zo3t06a.txt 20104 10-14-97 Readme file for zo3t06a.exe zo3t07a.txt 19554 06-10-97 Readme for zo3t07a.exe zo3t08a.exe 698554 06-19-97 Crystal Audio driver Windows 95, OS/2 Warp 3, OS/2 Warp 4, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0 - 6588, 6888 v4.03.2010 - See UPDATE.BAT zo3t08a.txt 19713 06-19-97 Readme for ZO3T08A.EXE zo3t11a.exe 699138 08-18-97 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 6562, 6592 zo3t11a.txt 19554 08-18-97 Readme for ZO3T11A.EXE zo3t12a.txt 20104 10-27-97 Readme file for zo3t12a.exe zo3z12us.exe 769024 06-04-99 Crystal Audio for Windows 95 6898 zo4t04ea.exe 329742 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows NT 6561, 6591 (Spanish) zo4t04ia.exe 329531 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows NT 6561, 6591 (Italian) zo4t04ja.exe 329775 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows NT 6561, 6591 (German) zo4t04ka.exe 329755 03-11-98 Crystal Audio for Windows NT 6561, 6591 (French) zo4t05ea.exe 329956 10-24-97 Crystal Audio for Windows NT (Danish) 6898 zo4t05ia.exe 329955 10-24-97 Crystal Audio for Windows NT (Italian) 6898 zo4t05ja.exe 330199 10-24-97 Crystal Audio for Windows NT (German) 6898 zo4t05ka.exe 330180 10-24-97 Crystal Audio for Windows NT (French) 6898 zo4t07a.exe 149517 05-30-97 Crystal Audio Driver Windows NT 3.51,4.0 6899 zo4t08a.exe 149984 08-18-97 Crystal Audio drivers Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0 6588, 6888 v1.51.6c zo4t08a.txt 19554 08-18-97 Readme for zo4t08a.exe zo4t10a.txt 20104 05-27-98 Readme file for ZO4T10A.EXE zo4t11a.exe 330644 10-24-97 Crystal Audio for Windows NT 6898 zo4z10us.exe 432128 06-04-99 Crystal Audio for Windows NT 6562, 6592, 6898 zp1t04a.exe 108312 09-24-96 SMART Application OS/2 v1.1 zp1t06a.exe 101675 08-18-97 IBM IDE Hard Disk Monitor for OS/2 6272, 6282, 6588, 6888, 6899 zp1t06a.txt 6658 08-18-97 Readme for ZP1T06A.EXE zp3t01a.exe 644299 09-24-96 SMART Application Windows 95/ Windows NT v1.0 zp6t01a.exe 1070850 03-24-97 SMART Application Windows 95 6899 v1.0 zp6t02a.exe 1072640 05-07-97 SMART Application Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0 6588, 6888 v2.0 zp6t04a.txt 7994 08-26-97 Readme for ZP6T04A.EXE zp6z04us.exe 1307648 06-04-99 IDE hard disk monitor for Windows 95/NT zpro.pdf 118239 04-17-98 IntelliStation Z Pro Specifications 6899 zproio.pdf 1518636 04-16-98 Installing Options in your IntelliStation Z Pro - 6899 zprous.pdf 606890 04-16-98 Using your IntelliStation Z Pro - 6899 zq6t00a.exe 1159492 03-24-97 PDA (HP200LX) for InfraRed Windows 95 6588, 6888, 6899 v1.8 zq6t00a.txt 4045 10-14-97 Readme file for zq6t00a.exe zq6t01a.exe 1161545 08-26-97 InfraRed PDA Connect for Windows 95, Windows 3.1 6562, 6592 zq6t01a.txt 3873 08-26-97 Readme for ZQ6T01A.EXE zq6t02a.exe 1159951 09-03-97 InfraRed PDA Connect for Windows 95, Windows 3.1 zq6t02a.txt 3873 09-03-97 Readme for ZQ6T02A.EXE zr9t07a.exe 257814 05-02-97 PD CD ROM OS/2 & Windows 95 & Windows NT driver 6589 zs3t01a.exe 569710 03-24-97 InfraRed Select Mode Application & Driver 6588, 6888, 6899 v1.0 zs3t01a.txt 3315 06-13-97 Readme for ZS3T01A.EXE zs3t03a.exe 640522 08-26-97 Infrared Mode Selection version 1.0 for Windows 95 6562, 6592 zs3t03a.txt 3315 08-26-97 Readme for ZS3T03A.EXE zu2t00a.exe 60987 03-26-99 Unattended install utility for Intergraph video 6865, 6889 zu2t00a.txt 1747 03-26-99 Readme file for unattended install utility ZU2T00A.EXE zu4209a.exe 716626 05-14-97 Intergraph Intense 3D Driver Windows NT 3.51 6888, 6899 V3.5.0.7 Disk 2 of 2 zu4t07a.exe 1147369 03-24-97 Intergraph Windows NT 3.51 driver 6899 v3.5.0.4 zu4t07a.txt 24094 06-13-97 Readme for ZU4T07A.EXE zu4t09a.exe 1145795 05-14-97 Intergraph Intense 3D Driver Windows NT 3.51 6888, 6899 V3.5.0.7 Disk 1 of 2 zu4t09a.txt 22922 06-10-97 Readme for zu4t09a.exe zu4t18a.txt 23369 10-27-97 Readme file for zu4t18a.exe zu4z18us.exe 1964032 06-04-99 Intergraph Video for Windows NT 6898 zu5t01a.exe 1403427 04-21-99 Intergraph Intense 3D Wildcat 4000 video for Windows 2000 Beta 6889, 6865 zu5t01a.txt 1024 04-21-99 Readme for Intergraph video ZU5T01A.EXE zu8214a.exe 1220586 05-14-97 Intergraph Intense 3D Driver Windows NT 4.0 6888, 6899 V4.2.2.1 Disk 2 of 2 zu8224a.exe 280788 10-30-97 Intergraph video for Windows NT 4.0 6898. Diskette 2 of 2. zu8225a.exe 307929 11-19-97 Intergraph Video for Windows NT 4.0 6898. Disk 2 of 2 zu8227a.exe 1277436 02-18-98 Intergraph 3D video for Windows NT 4.0 6898 disk 2 of 2 zu8230a.exe 1347752 06-16-98 Intergraph 3D video for Windows NT 4.0 6893, 6889 disk 2 of 2 zu8233a.exe 835161 08-04-98 Intergraph Video for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 2 of 2 zu8236a.exe 834949 10-05-98 Intergraph Video for Windows NT 6865 disk 2 of 2 zu8t12a.exe 930143 03-24-97 Intergraph Windows NT 4.0 driver 6899 v4.1.0.A zu8t12a.txt 24094 06-13-97 Readme for ZU8T12A.EXE zu8t14a.exe 1340533 05-14-97 Intergraph Intense 3D Driver Windows NT 4.0 6888, 6899 V4.2.2.1 Disk 1 of 2 zu8t14a.txt 22922 06-10-97 Readme for zu8t14a.exe zu8t24a.exe 1366006 10-30-97 Intergraph video for Windows NT 4.0 6898. Diskette 1 of 2. zu8t24a.txt 17511 10-30-97 Readme for ZU8T24A.EXE and ZU8224A.EXE zu8t25a.exe 1353439 11-19-97 Intergraph Video for Windows NT 4.0 6898. Disk 1 of 2 zu8t25a.txt 22922 11-19-97 Readme for ZU8T25A - Intergraph Video for Windows NT 4.0 6898 zu8t27a.exe 1314826 02-18-98 Intergraph 3D Video for Windows NT 4.0 6898 disk 1 of 2 zu8t27a.txt 19143 02-18-98 Readme file for ZU8T27A.EXE zu8t30a.exe 1193273 06-16-98 Intergraph 3D video for Windows NT 4.0 6893, 6889 disk 1 of 2 zu8t30a.txt 19918 06-16-98 Readme file for ZU8T30A.EXE zu8t33a.exe 1348174 08-04-98 Intergraph Video for Windows NT 4.0 6889 disk 1 of 2 zu8t33a.txt 25147 08-04-98 Readme file for ZU8T33A.EXE zu8t36a.exe 1351005 10-05-98 Intergraph Video for Windows NT 6865 disk 1 of 2 zu8t36a.txt 18585 10-05-98 Readme file for ZU8T36A.EXE zu8t45a.txt 28059 03-30-99 Readme file for Intergraph video ZU8T45A.EXE zu8z45us.exe 2577408 06-04-99 Intergraph Intense3D 3400/4000 video for Windows NT 4.0 6889, 6897, 6865 zu8z48us.exe 2637221 07-07-99 Intergraph Intense 3D Wildcat 4000 video for Windows NT 4.0 6865 zu8z50us.exe 2671679 09-14-99 Intergraph Intense3D 3400/4000 video for Windows NT 4.0 6865, 6889, 6897 zu8z50us.txt 18689 09-14-99 Readme file for Intergraph video ZU8Z50US.EXE zu9z00us.exe 1658989 08-30-99 Intense 3D video for WIndows 2000 Beta 6889, 6865 zu9z00us.txt 1360 08-30-99 Readme file for ZU9Z00US.EXE zv1t09a.txt 13584 10-10-97 Readme file for zv1t09a.exe zv1t10a.exe 1218932 11-21-97 Cirrus Logic Video for OS/2 6272, 6282 zv1t10a.txt 13205 11-21-97 Readme file for ZV1T10A.EXE zv2203a.exe 1022074 10-15-97 Cirrus Logic Video for Windows 3.1 6272, 6282 disk 2 of 3. zv2205a.exe 1037827 10-15-97 Cirrus Logic Video for Windows 3.1 6272, 6282 Disk 2 of 3 zv2303a.exe 814082 10-15-97 Cirrus Logic Video for Windows 3.1 6272, 6282 disk 3 of 3. zv2305a.exe 822480 10-15-97 Cirrus Logic Video for Windows 3.1 6272, 6282 Disk 3 of 3 zv2t03a.exe 865573 10-15-97 Cirrus Logic Video for Windows 3.1 6272, 6282 disk 1 of 3. zv2t03a.txt 18344 10-16-97 Readme for ZV2T03A.EXE, ZV2203A.EXE, ZV2303A.EXE zv2t05a.exe 867081 10-15-97 Cirrus Logic Video for Windows 3.1 6272, 6282 Disk 1 of 3 zv3t05a.exe 1189881 05-13-97 Cirrus Logic Video for DOS 6272, 6282 zv3t10a.txt 8276 10-16-97 Readme file for zv3t10a.exe zv3t11a.exe 889549 11-19-97 Cirrus Logic Video for Windows 95 6272, 6282 zv3t11a.txt 8524 11-19-97 Readme for ZV3T11A - Cirrus Video for Windows 95 6272, 6282 zv3t12a.exe 458619 07-08-98 Cirrus Logic video for Windows 95 6272, 6282, 6284 zv3t12a.txt 9071 07-08-98 Readme file for ZV3T12A.EXE zv4t05a.txt 8704 06-11-97 Readme for ZV4T05A.EXE zv4t06a.exe 936941 08-20-97 Cirrus Logic Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0 Drivers (Version 1.31A) Readme for ZV4T06A.EXE zv4t06a.txt 8704 08-20-97 Readme for zv4t06a.exe zv4z09us.exe 217088 05-10-99 Cirrus Logic video for Windows NT 3.51 6272, 6282, 6284 zy1t02ca.exe 65986 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for OS/2 6561, 6591(Sweden) zy1t02da.exe 65988 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for OS/2 6561, 6591(Finland) zy1t02ea.exe 66525 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for OS/2 6561, 6591 (Spain/Mexico) zy1t02fa.exe 65992 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for OS/2 6561, 6591 (Portugal) zy1t02ga.exe 65974 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for OS/2 6561, 6591 (Norway) zy1t02ha.exe 65982 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for OS/2 6561, 6591(Netherlands) zy1t02ia.exe 66523 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for OS/2 6561, 6591 (Italy) zy1t02ja.exe 66559 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for OS/2 6561, 6591 (Germany) zy1t02ka.exe 67094 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for OS/2 6561, 6591 (France) zy1t02la.exe 65980 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for OS/2 6561, 6591 (Denmark) zy1t03a.exe 63104 05-01-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for OS/2 6862, 6892 zy1t03a.txt 489 05-01-98 Readme file for ZY1T03A.EXE zy1t03wa.exe 66517 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for OS/2 6561, 6591 (Japan) zy1t04a.exe 65319 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for OS/2 6561, 6591 zy1t04a.txt 489 06-03-98 Readme file for ZY1T04A.EXE zy1t04wa.exe 64084 09-15-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for OS/2 6275, 6285 (Japanese) zy1t05a.exe 64697 06-23-99 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for OS/2 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 zy1t05a.txt 489 09-15-98 Readme file for ZY1T05A.EXE zy3t01ca.exe 1135584 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows 95 6561, 6591(Sweden) zy3t01ea.exe 1139123 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows 95 6561, 6591(Spain/Mexico) zy3t01fa.exe 1139392 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows 95 6561, 6591(Portugal) zy3t01ga.exe 1136009 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows 95 6561, 6591(Norway) zy3t01ha.exe 1139264 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows 95 6561, 6591(Netherlands) zy3t01ka.exe 1139792 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows 95 6561, 6591(France) zy3t01la.exe 1134627 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows 95 6561, 6591(Denmark) zy3t01wa.exe 1141917 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows 95 6561, 6591(Japan) zy3t027a.exe 1131089 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows 95 6561, 6591(China) zy3t02da.exe 1138599 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows 95 6561, 6591(Finland) zy3t02ia.exe 1139224 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows 95 6561, 6591(Italy) zy3t03ja.exe 1139168 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows 95 6561, 6591(Germany) zy3t04a.exe 1129177 05-01-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95 6862, 6892 zy3t04a.txt 1896 05-01-98 Readme file for ZY3T04A.EXE zy3t05a.exe 1132644 06-25-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 zy3t05a.txt 1896 06-25-98 Readme file for ZY3T05A.EXE zy6200da.exe 669381 11-04-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Finnish) disk 2 of 2 zy6200ea.exe 668901 11-04-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Spanish) disk 2 of 2 zy6200fa.exe 668070 11-04-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Portuguese) disk 2 of 2 zy6200ga.exe 667138 11-04-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Norwegian) disk 2 of 2 zy6200ha.exe 679943 11-04-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Dutch) disk 2 of 2 zy6200ia.exe 668760 11-04-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Italian) disk 2 of 2 zy6200ja.exe 668058 11-04-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (German) disk 2 of 2 zy6200ka.exe 672125 11-04-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (French) disk 2 of 2 zy6200la.exe 667027 11-04-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Danish) disk 2 of 2 zy6201wa.exe 662351 11-04-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Japanese) disk 2 of 2 zy6206a.exe 700876 11-02-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for All OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 disk 2 of 2 zy6t00ca.exe 1121041 11-02-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for All OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Swedish) disk 1 of 2 zy6t00da.exe 1120488 11-02-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for All OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Finnish) disk 1 of 2 zy6t00ea.exe 1120334 11-02-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for All OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Spanish) disk 1 of 2 zy6t00fa.exe 1120694 11-09-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for All OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Portuguese) disk 1 of 2 zy6t00ga.exe 1121011 11-02-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for All OS 6267 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Norwegian) disk 1 of 2 zy6t00ha.exe 1110550 11-02-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for All OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Dutch) disk 1 of 2 zy6t00ia.exe 1120725 11-03-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for All OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Italian) disk 1 of 2 zy6t00ja.exe 1120706 11-02-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for All OS 6267 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (German) disk 1 of 2 zy6t00ka.exe 1121518 11-02-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for All OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (French) disk 1 of 2 zy6t00la.exe 1120695 11-02-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for All OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Danish) disk 1 of 2 zy6t01wa.exe 1126496 11-02-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for All OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Japanese) disk 1 of 2 zy6t06a.exe 1106768 11-02-98 ScrollPoint Mouse for all OS 6267, 6277, 6287, 6265, 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 disk 1 of 2 zy6t06a.txt 9636 11-02-98 Readme file for ZY6T06A.EXE zy6z01dk.exe 1891029 06-24-99 ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95/98/NT 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 (Danish) zy6z01fr.exe 1898973 06-24-99 ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95/98/NT 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 (French) zy6z01gr.exe 1894246 06-24-99 ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95/98/NT 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 (German) zy6z01it.exe 1894857 06-24-99 ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95/98/NT 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 (Italian) zy6z01nl.exe 1896479 06-24-99 ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95/98/NT 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 (Dutch) zy6z01no.exe 1891022 06-24-99 ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95/98/NT 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 (Norwegian) zy6z01po.exe 1894294 06-24-99 ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95/98/NT 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 (Portuguese) zy6z01sp.exe 1894848 06-24-99 ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95/98/NT 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 (Spanish) zy6z01su.exe 1893636 06-24-99 ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95/98/NT 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 (Swedish) zy6z01sv.exe 1890497 06-24-99 ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95/98/NT 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 (Finnish) zy6z02jp.exe 1871094 06-24-99 ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95/98/NT 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 (Japanese) zy6z06us.exe 1871872 06-04-99 ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95/98 6267, 6277, 6287 zy6z08us.exe 1867047 06-23-99 ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows 95/98 6267, 6277, 6287, 6862, 6872, 6892 zy6z08us.txt 16078 06-23-99 Readme file for ZY6Z08US.EXE zy82007a.exe 216436 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 disk 2 of 2 (China) zy82017a.exe 216436 06-22-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (China) disk 2 of 2 zy8t007a.exe 1307230 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 disk 1 of 2 (China) zy8t017a.exe 1306939 06-22-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (China) disk 1 of 2 zy8t01wa.exe 1303381 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 (Japan) zy8t02da.exe 1318255 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 (Finland) zy8t02ea.exe 1319158 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 (Spain/Mexico) zy8t02fa.exe 1318521 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 (Portugal) zy8t02ga.exe 1317462 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 (Norway) zy8t02ha.exe 1318017 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 (Netherlands) zy8t02ia.exe 1318197 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 (Italy) zy8t02ja.exe 1318831 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 (Germany) zy8t02ka.exe 1320933 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 (France) zy8t02la.exe 1316935 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 (Denmark) zy8t02wa.exe 1302495 06-22-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Japan) zy8t03a.exe 1307011 05-01-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 6862, 6892 zy8t03a.txt 1508 05-01-98 Readme file for ZY8T03A.EXE zy8t03ca.exe 1316949 06-03-98 Logitech Scrollpoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6561, 6591 (Sweden) zy8t03da.exe 1315799 06-22-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Finland) zy8t03ea.exe 1316442 06-22-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Spain) zy8t03fa.exe 1315825 06-22-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Portugal) zy8t03ga.exe 1315048 06-22-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Norway) zy8t03ha.exe 1315545 06-22-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Netherlands) zy8t03ia.exe 1315721 06-22-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Italy) zy8t03ja.exe 1316127 06-22-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Germany) zy8t03ka.exe 1318106 06-22-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (France) zy8t03la.exe 1314517 06-22-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Denmark) zy8t04a.exe 1306449 06-22-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (English) zy8t04a.txt 1508 06-22-98 Readme file for ZY8T04A.EXE zy8t04ca.exe 1314651 06-22-98 Logitech ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Sweden) zy8z04us.exe 1413120 06-04-99 ScrollPoint Mouse for Windows NT 4.0 6862, 6872, 6892 00n5902.pdf 12168072 09-23-99 IBM Netfinity 5500 - Type 8660 - Hardware Maintenance Manual, June 1999 00n8610.exe 587454 04-30-99 7800 Family Manager Diskette (OS/2 Warp Server 4.0 SMP, Win NT 4.0, Win 95, NT 3.51, Netware 3.1x & 4x) version 2.11 I37) 00n8610a.txt 27689 04-30-99 Windows NT Readme for 00N8610.exe (7800 Family Manager Diskette (OS/2 Warp Server 4.0 SMP, Windows NT 3.51 & 4.0, Windows 95, NetWare 3.1x & 4x) version 2.11 I37) 00n8610b.txt 28682 04-30-99 OS/2 Readme for 00N8610.exe (7800 Family Manager Diskette (OS/2 Warp Server 4.0 SMP, Win NT 4.0, Win 95, NT 3.51, Netware 3.1x & 4x) version 2.11 I37) 00n8610c.txt 23821 05-12-99 NetWare readme for 00N8610C.exe(7800 Family Manager Diskette (OS/2 Warp Server 4.0 SMP, Windows NT 3.51 & 4.0, Windows 95, NetWare 3.1x & 4x) version 2.11 I37) 00n8610d.txt 14010 04-30-99 Windows 95 Readme for 00N8610.exe (7800 Family Manager Diskette (OS/2 Warp Server 4.0 SMP, Win NT 4.0, Win 95, NT 3.51, Netware 3.1x & 4x) version 2.11 I37) 00n8613.exe 1044131 03-31-99 S3 Video Device Driver for Windows NT 4.0 Diskette version 3.24.16 00n8613.txt 4379 03-31-99 Readme for 00N8613.exe (S3 Video Device Driver for Windows NT 4.0 Diskette V3.24.16) 00n8614.exe 734505 03-30-99 IBM Netfinity 7000 M10 Flash BIOS Update Diskette version 1.02 00n8614.txt 2946 03-30-99 Readme for 00N8614.exe (IBM Netfinity 7000-M10 Flash BIOS Update Diskette version 1.02) 00n8615.exe 487424 03-31-99 Netfinity 7000 M10 Advanced System Management Processor firmware update diskette version 2.01 00n8615.txt 3163 03-31-99 Readme for 00N8615.exe (Netfinity 7000 M10 Advanced System Management Processor firmware update diskette version 2.01) 00n8629.exe 351232 04-02-99 Netfinity 7000 M10 Advanced System Management PCI adapter device driver diskette version 1.02 00n8631.exe 351232 04-29-99 Netfinity 5500 Advanced System Mangement Processor update diskette version 1.02 00n8632.exe 368373 08-19-99 00N8632 IBM Netfinity 5500 M10 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette V1.03 00n8632.txt 1675 08-19-99 00N8632 IBM Netfinity 5500 M10 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette V1.03 00n8634.exe 369664 04-07-99 Netfinity 5000 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette version 1.02 00n8637.exe 428032 04-29-99 Netfinity 5500 M10 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette V2.00 00n8638.exe 431104 04-30-99 Netfinity 5500 M20 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette version 2.00 00n8640.exe 495616 04-29-99 Netfinity 7000 M10 Advanced System Management Processor firmware update diskette version 2.02 00n8640.txt 4207 04-29-99 Readme for 00N8640.exe (Netfinity 7000 M10 Advanced System Management Processor firmware update diskette version 2.02) 00n8642.exe 31744 04-13-99 00N8641 IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI adapter firmware update diskette version 1.00 00n8645.exe 423897 08-19-99 IBM Netfinity 5500 M20 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette V1.01 00n8645.txt 2258 08-19-99 IBM Netfinity 5500 M20 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette V1.01 00n8663.txt 12169 05-12-99 Readme for RACKCNFG.exe (IBM Netfinity Rack Configurator version 1.9C) 00n8665.exe 736256 04-28-99 00N8665 Netfinity 7000 M10 BIOS Flash Update Diskette v1.03 00n8666.exe 919552 04-30-99 PC Server 704 System Board Diagnostics Diskette version 5.45T 8650 - 4M0, 4BW, 7AX) 00n8666.txt 3114 05-12-99 Readme for 00N8666.EXE (PC Server 704 System Board Diagnostics Diskette version 5.45T 8650 - 4M0, 4BW, 7AX) 00n8669.exe 1037312 04-27-99 Netfinity 1000 Flash BIOS update diskette version 1.20 00n8669.txt 16641 04-27-99 Readme for 00N8669.exe (Netfinity 1000 Flash BIOS update diskette version 1.20) 00n8670.exe 1234944 04-30-99 00N8670.exe Netfinity 1000 Flash BIOS update diskette version 1.20J - Japanese 00n8670.txt 15382 04-30-99 English readme for 00N8670.exe (Netfinity 1000 Flash BIOS update diskette version 1.20J) 00n8670j.txt 5105 04-30-99 Japanese readme for 00N8670.exe (Netfinity 1000 Flash BIOS update diskette version 1.20J) 00n8671.exe 592896 05-10-99 IBM PS/2 (Model 8590) / PS/2 Server 95 - Flash BIOS update diskette (revision 10) version 1.28 00n8671.txt 5236 05-10-99 Readme for 00N8671.exe (PS/2 (Model 8590) / PS/2 Server 95 - Flash BIOS update diskette (revsion 10) version 1.28 00n8674.exe 807936 05-04-99 Netfinity 5500 Flash BIOS Update diskette version 1.08 00n8678.exe 590848 05-10-99 Netfinity 5000 Flash BIOS Update Diskette version 1.06 00n8679.exe 374784 05-10-99 IBM Netfinity 5000 Flash BIOS Remote Update Diskette version 1.06 (For use with Netfinity Manager) 00n8685.exe 102400 05-17-99 Netfinity 1000 / 3000 S3 Trio-3D Windows NT Video driver diskette version 3.26.35 00n8686.cmd 1024 05-17-99 IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management Utility Diskette 00n8686.exe 188416 05-17-99 IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management utility diskette version 2.00 00n8686.txt 19913 05-17-99 Readme for 00N8686.exe (IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management utility diskette version 2.00) 00n8687.exe 1045504 05-18-99 Netfinity 1000 / 3000 Flash BIOS update diskette version 1.23 00n8689.exe 970399 03-25-99 7800 Family Manager Diskette (OS/2 Warp Server 4.0 SMP, Windows NT 4.0 & 3.51, Windows 95, NetWare 3.1x & 4x) version 3.01 I37 00n8689.txt 2806 03-25-99 Readme for 00N8689.exe (7800 Family Manager Diskette (OS/2 Warp Server 4.0 SMP, Windows NT 4.0 & 3.51, Windows 95, NetWare 3.1x & 4x) version 3.01 I37) 00n9000.exe 265216 05-26-99 Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI adapter device driver diskette versin 1.03 00n9000.txt 5249 05-26-99 Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Device Driver Diskette V1.03 00n9001.exe 490496 06-03-99 Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration update utility and device driver diskette (Japanese) version 2.90J 00n9001.txt 12590 06-02-99 Readme for 00N9001.txt (Advanced Systems Management Adapter configuration update utility and device driver diskette (Japanese) version 2.90J) 00n9001j.txt 12082 06-02-99 Japanese Readme for 00N9001.exe (Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration Update Utility and Device Driver Diskette (Japanese) V2.90J) 00n9002.exe 304128 05-28-99 Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration Update Utility and Device Driver diskette version 2.90 00n9002.txt 12590 05-28-99 Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration Update Utility and Device Driver Diskette V2.90 00n9003.exe 688128 05-24-99 IBM Hot Plug PCI System Bus Driver for Novell NetWare V4.11, V4.2 and V5.0 diskette version 1.03 00n9003.txt 54501 05-24-99 Readme for 00N9003.exe (IBM Hot Plug PCI System Bus Driver for Novell NetWare V4.11, V4.2 and V5.0 diskette version 1.03) 00n9004a.dta 992894 08-04-99 Netfinity 5500 and 5500 M10 Flash BIOS Update Diskette V1.09 00n9004a.exe 807195 08-06-99 00N9004A Netfinity 5500 / 5500 M10 BIOS Flash Update Diskette version 1.09 00n9004a.txt 5705 08-06-99 00N9004A Netfinity 5500 / 5500 M10 BIOS Flash update diskette version 1.09 00n9005.exe 1238562 06-21-99 Netfinity 1000 / 3000 Flash BIOS update diskette version 1.23J 00n9010.exe 1256864 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID BIOS and Firmware Diskete Version 3.50 00n9010.txt 28166 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID BIOS & Firmware Diskette Version 3.50 00n9011.exe 634952 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette Version 3.50 00n9011.txt 14679 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette Version 3.50 00n9012.exe 944259 06-29-99 IBM ServeRAID Administration And Monitoring Programs Diskette Version 3.50 00n9012.txt 9499 06-29-99 IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Programs Diskette Version 3.50 00n9014.exe 389857 08-11-99 00N9014 7800 Family Manager Set for Windows NT 3.5x, 4.0,95 and 98 V3.02.2 00n9014.txt 33242 08-11-99 00N9014 7800 Family Manager Set for Windows NT 3.5x, 4.0,95 and 98 V3.02.2 00n9015.exe 304031 06-29-99 IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette version 3.50 (Microsoft Certification Pending) 00n9015.txt 4424 06-29-99 BM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette version 3.50 (Microsoft Certification Pending) 00n9016.exe 711810 06-29-99 IBM ServeRAID Cluster Solutions for Windows NT diskette version 3.50 (Microsoft Certification Pending) 00n9016.txt 3834 06-29-99 IBM ServeRAID Cluster Solutions for Windows NT diskette version 3.50 (Microsoft Certification Pending) 00n9017.exe 590388 06-29-99 IBM ServeRAID Failover Applet Diskette Version 3.50 (Microsoft Certification Pending) 00n9017.txt 4636 06-29-99 IBM ServeRAID Failover Applet Diskette version 3.50 (Microsoft Certification Pending) 00n9019.exe 9754452 06-29-99 ServeRAID Manager for Windows Version 3.50 00n9019.txt 10168 06-29-99 ServeRAID Manager Windows Version 3.50 00n9022.exe 336828 08-16-99 00N9022 4235 Audio Device Driver for Windows NT 4.0 V4.01.1910 00n9022.txt 18773 08-16-99 00N9022 4235 Audio Device Driver for Windows NT 4.0 V4.01.1910 00n9023.exe 533017 08-17-99 00N9023 4235 Audio Device Driver for Windows 95 and Windows 98 V4.05.2720-1 00n9023.txt 18775 08-17-99 00N9023 4235 Audio Device Driver for Windows 95 and Windows 98 V4.05.2720-1 00n9025.exe 1064231 08-03-99 00N9025 IBM Enhanced Diagnostics Diskette version 2.0.612 00n9025.txt 8814 08-03-99 IBM Enhanced Diagnostics Diskette V2.0.612 00n9026.exe 123903 08-16-99 00N9026 IBM Netfinity IDE Bus Master OS/2 Device Driver Diskette V4.52 00n9026.txt 5128 08-16-99 00N9026 IBM Netfinity IDE Bus Master OS/2 Device Driver Diskette V4.52 00n9028.exe 1791430 08-17-99 00N9028 S3 Video Device Driver for Windows 95 V01.055.119 00n9028.txt 5864 08-17-99 00N9028 S3 Video Device Driver for Windows 95 V01.055.119 00n9029.exe 724805 07-30-99 00N9029 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 1 of 4 V3.12 00n9029.txt 3606 07-30-99 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0 1 of 4 V3.12 00n9029i.exe 928126 09-30-99 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for Windows 95,98,NT 4.0 Diskette 1 of 4 Version 3.12 00n9030.exe 574455 07-30-99 00N9030 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for Novell NetWare and OS/2 2 of 4 V3.12 00n9030.txt 3596 07-30-99 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for Novell NetWare and OS/2 2 of 4 V3.12 00n9031.exe 222650 07-30-99 00N9031 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for SCOand UnixWare 3 of 4 V3.12 00n9031.txt 3600 07-30-99 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for SCO and UnixWare 3 of 4 V3.12 00n9032.exe 497552 07-30-99 00N9032 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for Bootable Diagnostics and Help 4 of 4 V3.12 00n9032.txt 3106 07-30-99 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for Bootable Diagnostics and Help 4 of 4 V3.12 00n9034.exe 725855 08-11-99 00N9034 7800 Family Manager Set for OS/2 2.1x, 3.0, 4.0, Novell NetWare 3.1x, and 4.xx version 3.02.2 00n9034.txt 36424 08-11-99 00N9034 7800 Family Manager Set for OS/2 2.1x, 3.0, 4.0, Novell NetWare 3.1x, and 4.xx version 3.02.2 00n9034a.txt 34647 08-11-99 00N9034A 7800 Family Manager Set for OS/2 2.1x, 3.0, 4.0, Novell NetWare 3.1x, and 4.xx version 3.02.2 00n9035.exe 709671 10-11-99 7800 Family Manager Set for SCO UnixWare 3.2 and 4.2, and SCO UnixWare Openserver 5.0x V3.02.2 00n9035.txt 1838 10-11-99 7800 Family Manager Set for SCO UnixWare 3.2 and 4.2, and SCO UnixWare Openserver 5.0x V3.02.2 00n9036.exe 1782102 08-16-99 00N9036 S3 Video Device Driver for Windows 98 V06.055.119 00n9036.txt 5867 08-16-99 00N9036 S3 Video Device Driver for Windows 98 V06.055.119 00n9038.exe 87943 08-16-99 00N9038 S3 Video Device Driver for Windows 3.51 Version 6.11.04 00n9038.txt 1766 08-16-99 00N9038 S3 Video Device Driver for Windows 3.51 Version 6.11.04 00n9039a.exe 524054 07-26-99 00n9039A IBM Netfinity Ethernet Controller and IBM Netfinity 10/100 Fault Tolerant Device Driver V2.07 00n9039a.txt 26909 07-26-99 00N9039A IBM Netfinity 10/100 Fault Tolerant Adapter Device Driver Diskette version 2.07 00n9040.exe 98181 06-29-99 ServeRAID NT Monolithic Device Driver Diskette V3.50 (Microsoft Certification Pending) 00n9040.txt 23284 06-29-99 ServeRAID NT Monolithic Device Driver Diskette V3.50 (Microsoft Certification Pending) 00n9042.exe 521449 07-20-99 00N9042 PC Server 310 ISA Ethernet Option Diskette version 2.51 00n9042a.txt 3810 07-20-99 PC Server 310 ISA Ethernet Option Diskette V2.51 (How to create an installation diskette from the CD-ROM) 00n9042b.odi 1965 07-20-99 PC Server 310 ISA Ethernet Option Diskette V2.51 (Information about Novell server & client drivers.) 00n9042c.ndi 4415 07-20-99 PC Server 310 ISA Ethernet Option Diskette V2.51 (Information NDIS2 drivers.) 00n9042d.lan 9093 07-20-99 PC Server 310 ISA Ethernet Option Diskette V2.51 (Information about installation and LANAID/LANAIDC.) 00n9042e.nt 5338 07-20-99 PC Server 310 ISA Ethernet Option Diskette V2.51 (Information about Windows NT.) 00n9045.exe 335712 08-16-99 00N9045 IBM Netfinity 3500 M10 System Management Drivers version 1.20 00n9045.txt 2388 08-16-99 00N9045 IBM Netfinity 3500 M10 System Management Drivers version 1.20 00n9049.exe 1198610 07-09-99 00N9049 OS/2 Video Device Driver for Number 9 Virge GX2 (Japanese) version 1.03.25 00n9049.txt 23029 07-09-99 OS/2 Video Device Driver for Number 9 Virge GX2 (Japanese) V1.03.25 00n9049j.txt 4158 07-09-99 OS/2 Video Device Driver for Number 9 Virge GX2 (Japanese) V1.03.25 00n9057.exe 570928 07-20-99 00N9057 PC Server 325 / 330 Flash Boot Utility Update Diskette version 2.00 00n9057.txt 7695 07-20-99 PC Server 325 and 330 Flash Boot Utility Update Diskette V2.00 00n9058.exe 576267 07-14-99 00N9058 PC Server 325/330 Flash BIOS Update Diskette version 28 00n9058.txt 11218 07-14-99 PC Server 325 and 330 Flash BIOS Update Diskette V28 00n9060.exe 342939 08-03-99 00N9060 7800 Family Manager Set for Windows NT 3.5x, 4.0, 95 and 98 version 3.02 00n9060.txt 589 08-03-99 7800 Family Manager Set for Windows NT 3.5x, 4.0, 95 and 98 V3.02 00n9061.exe 634981 08-03-99 00N9061 7800 Family Manager Set for OS/2 2.1x, 3.0, 4.0, Novell NetWare 3.1x and 4.xx version 3.02 00n9061.txt 813 08-03-99 7800 Family Manager Set for OS/2 2.1x, 3.0, 4.0, Novell NetWare 3.1x and 4.xx V3.02 00n9062.exe 706863 10-06-99 7800 Family Manager Set for SCO UnixWare 3.2 and 4.2, and SCO UnixWare Openserver 5.0x version 3.02 00n9062.txt 1838 10-06-99 7800 Family Manager Set for SCO UnixWare 3.2 and 4.2, and SCO UnixWare Openserver 5.0x version 3.02 00n9064.exe 1092357 08-18-99 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 Failover DMI Agent V2.01 00n9064.txt 5659 09-10-99 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 Failover DMI Agent V2.01 00n9065.exe 643782 08-18-99 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 ServeRAID DMI Component Service V3.02 00n9065.txt 5663 08-18-99 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 ServeRAID DMI Component Service V3.02 00n9066.exe 1148447 08-18-99 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 Solution V3.00 00n9066.txt 16854 08-18-99 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 Solution V3.00 00n9072.exe 730818 07-26-99 00N9072 IBM Netfinity 5500 M20 Flash BIOS Update Diskette version 1.02 00n9072.txt 2968 07-26-99 IBM Netfinity 5500 M20 Flash BIOS Udpate Diskette V1.02 00n9076.exe 734058 07-27-99 00N9076 IBM Netfinity 7000 M10 Flash BIOS Update Diskette version 1.04 00n9076.txt 3349 07-27-99 IBM Netfinity 7000 M10 Flash BIOS Updated Diskette V1.04 00n9079.exe 1042885 08-04-99 00N9079 IBM Netfinity 1000 and 3000 Flash BIOS Update Diskette version 1.27 00n9079.txt 15272 08-04-99 IBM Netfinity 1000 and 3000 Flash BIOS Update Diskette V1.27 00n9079a.txt 7051 08-04-99 IBM Netfinity 1000 and 3000 Flash BIOS Update Diskette V1.27 00n9093.pdf 131549 10-13-99 Netfinity 8500R Master Index 00n9098.pdf 150081 09-02-99 IBM PCI Hot Plug Services and Fault Tolerant Management Interface for Windows NT 4.0 User Guide Third Edition. 00n9106.pdf 1238888 10-07-99 Netfinity 4000R User's Handbook Version 1.0 00n9124.pdf 447063 06-17-99 Netfinity SP Switch Administrator Utilities Version 1.5 01k7506.exe 613346 08-04-98 Netfinity 7000 System Configuration Utility Diskette v3.80 01k7506.txt 1259 08-04-98 Readme for 01K7506.exe (Netfinity 7000 System Configuration Utility Diskette v3.80) 01k7507.exe 724762 08-03-98 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT v4.0 IBM ServeRAID Fault Tolerent CPL Applet v1.00 01k7507.txt 10704 08-03-98 Readme for 01K7507.EXE (IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT v4.0 IBM ServeRAID Fault Tolerent CPL Applet v1.00) 01k7510.exe 882391 08-10-98 IBM 10/100 Etherjet PCI Adapter Diskette 1 of 2 v1.47B 01k7510.txt 4923 08-10-98 Readme for 01K7510.EXE (IBM 10/100 Etherjet PCI Adapter Diskette 1 of 2 v1.47B) 01k7511.exe 436549 08-10-98 IBM 10/100 Etherjet PCI Adapter Diskette 2 of 2 v1.47B 01k7511.txt 4923 08-10-98 Readme for 01K7511.EXE (IBM 10/100 Etherjet PCI Adapter Diskette 2 of 2 v1.47B) 01k7513.exe 1255396 08-12-98 Netfinity 3000 S3 Trio-3D OS/2 Video Driver Diskette version 4.00.25 01k7513.txt 19243 08-12-98 Readme for 01K7513.EXE (Netfinity 3000 S3 Trio-3D OS/2 Video Driver Diskette version 4.00.25) 01k7514.exe 68024 08-12-98 Netfinity 3000 S3 Trio-3D NT 4.0 Video Driver Diskette version 3.26.28 01k7514.txt 7884 08-12-98 Readme for 01K7514.EXE (Netfinity 3000 S3 Trio-3D NT 4.0 Video Driver Diskette version 3.26.28) 01k7516.pdf 18226 08-10-98 IBM Netfinity Rack Cable Instructions and Warranty Information 01k7535.txt 10283 08-28-98 Readme for Rackcnfg.exe (IBM Netfinity Rack Configurator version 1.7A) 01k7536b.exe 794719 10-15-98 PC Server and Netfinity 4.5GB - 9.1GB Hard Drive Update Diskette v1.04 01k7536b.txt 8571 10-13-98 Readme for 01K7536b.exe ( PC Server and Netfinity 4.5GB - 9.1GB Hard Drive Update Diskette v1.04) 01k7543.exe 202463 08-27-98 Netfinity 5500 Advanced Systems Management Processor Device Driver Diskette version 1.02 01k7543.txt 2887 08-27-98 Readme for 01K7543.EXE (Netfinity 5500 Advanced Systems Management Processor Device Driver Diskette version 1.02) 01k7554.exe 504240 09-16-98 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette version 3.01 Microsoft Certified 01k7554.txt 16998 09-16-98 Readme for 01K7554.EXE (IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette version 3.01) Microsoft Certified 01k7555.exe 941673 09-16-98 IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Program Diskette version 3.01 Microsoft Certified 01k7555.txt 9484 09-16-98 Readme for 01K7555.EXE (IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Program Diskette version 3.01) Microsoft Certified 01k7556.exe 550072 09-16-98 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette version 3.01 Microsoft Certified 01k7556.txt 27069 09-16-98 Readme for 01K7556.EXE (IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette version 3.01) Microsoft Certified 01k7557.exe 238326 09-16-98 IBM ServeRAID SCO Device Driver Diskette version 3.01 01k7557.txt 22001 09-16-98 Readme for 01K7557.EXE (IBM ServeRAID SCO Device Driver Diskette version 3.01) 01k7558.exe 599161 09-16-98 IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette version 3.01 Microsoft Certified 01k7558.txt 4422 09-16-98 Readme for 01K7558.EXE (IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette version 3.01) Microsoft Certified 01k7559.exe 698290 09-16-98 IBM ServeRAID Cluster Solution for Windows NT Diskette version 3.01 Microsoft Certified 01k7559.txt 3832 09-16-98 Readme for 01K7559.EXE (IBM ServeRAID Cluster Solution for Windows NT Diskette version 3.01) Microsoft Certified 01k7560.exe 1069573 09-16-98 IBM ServeRAID BIOS Firmware Update Diskette 1 of 2 version 3.01 Microsoft Certified 01k7560.txt 18060 09-16-98 Readme for 01K7560 (IBM ServeRAID BIOS Firmware Update Diskette 1 of 2 version 3.01) Microsoft Certified 01k7560a.txt 9530 10-20-98 Readme for 01K7560 (IBM ServeRAID BIOS Firmware Update Diskette 1 of 2 version 3.01) Microsoft Certified 01k7561.exe 623153 09-16-98 IBM ServeRAID BIOS Firmware Update Diskette 2 of 2 version 3.01 Microsoft Certification 01k7561.txt 18024 09-16-98 Readme for 01K7561(IBM ServeRAID BIOS Firmware Update Diskette 2 of 2 version 3.01) Microsoft Certified 01k7561a.txt 9530 10-20-98 Readme for 01K7561(IBM ServeRAID BIOS Firmware Update Diskette 2 of 2 version 3.01) Microsoft Certified 01k7565.exe 948763 09-23-98 Netfinity 5500 and 5500 M10 Diagnostic Flash Diskette 1 of 2 version 1.10 01k7565.txt 2661 09-23-98 Readme for 01K7565 (Netfinity 5500 and 5500 M10 Diagnostic Flash Diskette 1 of 2 version 1.10) 01k7566.exe 306934 09-23-98 Netfinity 5500 and 5500 M10 Diagnostic Flash Diskette 2 of 2 version 1.10 01k7566.txt 2661 09-23-98 Readme for 01K7566 (Netfinity 5500 and 5500 M10 Diagnostic Flash Diskette 2 of 2 version 1.10) 01k7571.pdf 1828996 10-13-99 Netfinity 8500R Start Here version 1.0 01k7572.pdf 424030 10-13-99 Netfinity 8500R Express Setup and Installation 01k75731.pdf 7054718 10-12-99 Netfinity 8500R Hardware Information Version 1.0 Part 1 of 2 01k75732.pdf 2770117 10-12-99 Netfinity 8500R Hardware Information Version 1.0 Part 2 of 2 01k7574.pdf 55373 10-13-99 Netfinity 8500R Getting Help, Service, and Information 01k7575.pdf 175302 10-13-99 Netfinity 8500R Legal Information 01k7580.pdf 240965 12-15-98 Netfinity 7000 M10 - Advanced System Management Token Ring Connection Installation Instructions, First Edition 01k7588.exe 760872 09-14-98 PC Server 704 (8650 - 4M0, 5M0, 6MM) BIOS Flash Update Diskette version 1.00.16 01k7588.txt 3157 09-10-98 Readme for 01K7588.EXE (PC Server 704 (8650 - 4M0, 5M0, 6MM) BIOS Flash Update Diskette version 1.00.16) 01k7591.pdf 357377 11-17-98 Netfinity 5000 Power Supply Option Installation Instructions 01k7598.exe 747585 09-14-98 PC Server 325 (8639 - EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640 - ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) EISA Configuration Diskette version 6.11 01k7598.txt 7308 09-14-98 Readme for 01K7598.EXE (PC Server 325 (8639 - EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640 - ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) EISA Configuration Diskette version 6.11) 01k7610.pdf 224287 09-02-99 01K7610.pdf Netfinity 7000 M10 - Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Information Version 1.0 01k7610a.pdf 219952 11-12-98 Netfinity Advanced System Management Adapter Information 01k7611.pdf 367243 08-26-98 Netfinity 5500 M10 - ServeRAID Information 01k7612.pdf 9853210 09-11-98 Netfinity 7000 M10 - Legal and Safety Information 01k7613.pdf 44342 11-03-98 Netfinity 5000 - Getting Help Information 01k7617.pdf 200225 11-03-98 Netfinity 5000 /Netfinity 5500 M10 - Advanced System Management Information 01k7618.pdf 9829509 08-26-98 Netfinity 5500 M10 - Legal and Safety Information 01k7622.pdf 10548094 11-04-98 Netfinity 5000 Legal and Safety Information 01k7646.exe 1290876 08-03-98 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT v4.0 Failover DMI Agent v1.07.10.0 01k7646.txt 10704 08-03-98 Readme for 01K7646.EXE (IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT v4.0 Failover DMI Agent v1.07.10.0) 01k7647.exe 1268695 08-03-98 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT v4.0 Solution v1.07.28A 01k7647.txt 10704 08-03-98 Readme for 01K7647.EXE (IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT v4.0 Solution v1.07.28A) 01k7649.exe 959013 08-03-98 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT v4.0 IBM ServeRAID Fault Tolerant Device Driver Diskette v2.90.5 01k7649.txt 10704 08-03-98 Readme for 01K7649.EXE (IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT v4.0 IBM ServeRAID Fault Tolerant Device Driver Diskette v2.90.5) 01k7650a.exe 399345 07-08-99 01K7650A IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT 4.0 - Token Ring Adapter Device Drivers version 3.34 01k7650a.txt 12288 06-07-99 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 - Token Ring Adapter Device Drivers V3.34 01k7651.exe 1073442 08-03-98 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT v4.0 10/100 Fault Tolerant Ethernet Adapter Device Drivers Diskette v4.00.009 01k7651.txt 10704 08-03-98 Readme for 01K7651.EXE (IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT v4.0 10/100 Fault Tolerant Ethernet Adapter Device Drivers Diskette v4.00.009) 01k7652.exe 214702 09-24-98 Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Device Driver Diskette V1.00 01k7652.txt 2326 09-24-98 Readme for 01K7652.exe (Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Device Driver Diskette v1.00) 01k7664b.exe 476816 03-11-99 IBM Netfinity IDE CD-ROM Support Package version 1.46 01k7664b.txt 47236 03-11-99 Readme for 01k7664b.exe (IBM Netfinity IDE CD-ROM Support Package v1.46) 01k7665.pdf 1295446 10-27-98 Advanced System Management Adapter Installation Instructions 01k7666.pdf 171574 10-27-98 01K7666.pdf Advanced System Management Adapter User's Guide 01k7667.pdf 17346 10-27-98 Advanced System Management Adapter (ASMA) Feature Summary 01k7692.exe 314220 07-14-98 PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and IBM PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) BIOS flash update diskette revision 11 version 46A 01k7692.txt 4728 07-14-98 Readme for 01k7692.exe (PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and IBM PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) BIOS flash update diskette revision 11 version 46A) 01k7695.exe 762880 05-18-99 Netfinity 7000 Flash BIOS update diskette version 15A 01k7695.txt 3146 05-18-99 Readme for 01K7695.exe (Netfinity 7000 Flash BIOS update diskette version 15A) 01k7710.pdf 18226 08-11-98 IBM Netfinity Rack Cable Instructions and Warranty Information 01k7719.pdf 421174 11-03-98 Netfinity 5000 - Setup and Installation Guide 01k7720.pdf 4798797 11-03-98 Netfinity 5000 - Start Here Book, First Edition 01k7722.pdf 1282464 11-18-98 Netfinity 5000 Rack-to-Tower Conversion Kit 01k7723.pdf 1285932 11-17-98 Netfinity 5000 Tower-to-Rack Conversion Kit 01k7725.pdf 114663 11-17-98 Netfinity 5000 SCSI Cable Option Installation Instructions 01k7735j.txt 5233 06-05-98 Japanese Readme for 01k7735.exe (Netfinity 3000 BIOS flash update diskette version 1.08 (Japanese) 01k7761.pdf 6136154 09-28-98 IBM Netfinity Cluster Enabler Getting Started Handbook for Oracle Parallel Server, First Edition 01k7775.exe 569110 05-13-98 PC Server 325 (8639-RB0, PT0, PB0, PTW, 1RY, 2RY) and PC Server 330 (8640-PT0, PB0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) BIOS flash update diskette version 22 01k7775.txt 10364 05-13-98 Readme for 01k7775.exe (PC Server 325 (8639-RB0, PT0, PB0, PTW, 1RY, 2RY) and PC Server 330 (8640-PT0, PB0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) BIOS flash update diskette version 22) 01k7780.pdf 27813 11-03-98 Quick Start Guide for SYMplicity Storage Manager, Second Edition 01k7786.pdf 338228 09-18-98 Netfinity 7000 M10 - Express Setup and Installation 01k7789.pdf 580181 08-25-98 Netfinity 5500 M10 - Express Setup and Installation 01k7790.pdf 5258436 08-25-98 Netfinity 5500 M10 - Start Here Section 02l7569.exe 1041501 01-19-98 IBM SSA RAID Adapter for DOS configurator and utility diskette version 1.05 02l7569.txt 14911 01-19-98 Readme for 02l7569.exe (IBM SSA RAID Adapter for DOS configurator and utility diskette version 1.05) 02l7657.exe 1129725 01-19-98 IBM SSA RAID Adapter for OS/2 device driver and utility diskette version 1.05 02l7657.txt 24193 01-19-98 Readme for 02l7657.exe (IBM SSA RAID Adapter for OS/2 device driver and utility diskette version 1.05) 02l7719.exe 775817 01-19-98 IBM SSA RAID Adapter for Windows NT device driver and utility diskette version 1.05 02l7719.txt 22224 01-19-98 Readme for 02l7719.exe (IBM SSA RAID Adapter for Windows NT device driver and utility diskette version 1.05) 03010000.txt 10901 07-29-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support Firmware Bootware Code Version 375043 07-29-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support Firmware Bootware Code Version 03010100.txt 10902 07-29-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support Firmware Application Version 714572 07-29-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support Firmware Application Version 05k7430.exe 966577 09-19-97 PC Server 315 System board diagnostic diskette version 5.47 (Japanese) 05k7430.txt 3297 09-19-97 Readme for 05k7430.exe (PC Server 315 System board diagnostic diskette version 5.47 (Japanese) 05l1401.exe 694141 10-09-97 PC Server 325 (8639-PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY) and PC Server 330 (8640-PB0, PM0, PT0, 11Y, 21Y) SCSI diskette version 1.00 05l1401.txt 1331 10-09-97 Readme for 05L1401.exe (PC Server 325 (8639-PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY) and PC Server 330 (8640-PB0, PM0, PT0, 11Y, 21Y) SCSI diskette version 1.00) 05l1435.exe 1028688 07-18-97 PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0E6) SCSI BIOS flash utility update diskette for Adaptec Ultra SCSI 1.23 only version 1.00 05l1435.txt 798 07-18-97 Readme for 05l1435.exe (PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0E6) SCSI BIOS flash utility update diskette for Adaptec Ultra SCSI 1.23 only version 1.00) 05l1453.exe 924288 08-07-97 PC Server 704 (8650-5M0, 6MM) System board diagnostic diskette version 5.45H 05l1453.txt 3173 08-07-97 Readme for 05l1453.exe (PC Server 704 (8650-5M0, 6MM) System board diagnostic diskette version 5.45H) 05l1488.exe 901771 10-28-97 Service Processor Manager for Windows 95 and Windows NT installation diskette version 2.00 05l1488.txt 2651 10-28-97 Readme for 05L1488.exe (Service Processor Manager for Windows 95 and Windows NT installation diskette version 2.00) 05l1491.exe 730270 10-28-97 Service Processor Manager for OS/2 and NetWare installation diskette version 2.00 05l1491.txt 2651 10-28-97 Readme for 05L1491.exe (Service Processor Manager for OS/2 and NetWare installation diskette version 2.00) 05l1500.exe 30645 07-24-98 PC Server 720 SCO OpenServer 5.0.0 and 5.0.2 diskette 3 of 3 version 1.00 05l1500.txt 9732 07-24-98 Readme for 05l1500.exe (PC Server 720 SCO OpenServer 5.0.0 and 5.0.2 diskette 3 of 3 version 1.00) 05l1988.exe 26580 02-24-98 PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 4Y7, 0EV, 4Y8, 0E4, 0EX, 0E5, 0EY, 0EF) Installation Utility Diskette version 1.00 05l1988.txt 1504 02-24-98 Readme for 05L1988 (PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 4Y7, 0EV, 4Y8, 0E4, 0EX, 0E5, 0EY, 0EF) Installation Utility Diskette version 1.00) 05l1996.exe 540384 09-30-97 PC Server 325 (8639-PT0, PTW, PB0, RB0) and PC Server 330 (8640-PT0, PB0, PM0) BIOS flash update diskette version 11 (Japanese) 05l1996.txt 5629 09-30-97 Readme file for 05l1996.exe 05l1997.exe 381808 10-15-97 IBM SSA RAID Adapter Novell Netware device driver and utilities diskette version 1.04 05l1997.txt 16279 10-15-97 Readme for 05l1997.exe (IBM SSA RAID Adapter Novell Netware device driver and utilities diskette version 1.04) 05l2004.exe 922970 10-28-97 PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) QAPLUS diagnostic diskette version 5.45A 05l2004.txt 10954 10-28-97 Readme for 05L2004.exe (PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) QAPLUS diagnostic diskette version 5.45A) 05l2009.exe 943067 10-03-97 PC Server 315 BIOS flash update diskette version 15 05l2009.txt 11634 10-03-97 Readme for 05l2009.exe (PC Server 315 BIOS flash update diskette version 15) 05l2011.exe 1057792 10-01-97 IBM Cluster Systems Management Windows NT 4.00 application utility version 1.01 05l2011.txt 3394 10-01-97 Readme for 05L2011.exe (IBM Cluster Systems Management Windows NT 4.00 application utility version 1.01) 05l2031.exe 539646 10-14-97 IBM Hard Disk Drive Identify Utility diskette version 2.10 05l2031.txt 17241 10-14-97 Readme for 05l2031.exe (IBM Hard Disk Drive Identify Utility diskette version 2.10) 05l2054.pdf 552503 09-18-98 Servers - 05L2054-IBM Netfinity ServeRAID-3H and ServeRAID-3L Ultra2 SCSI Adapters Installation and User's Guide (1st Edition) 05l2060.exe 408149 11-06-97 PC Server 325 (8639-PT0, PTW, PB0, RB0) and PC Server 330 (8640-PT0, PB0, PM0) Windows NT 3.51 utility II diskette version 1.20 05l2060.txt 1780 11-06-97 Readme for 05l2060.exe (PC Server 325 (8639-PT0, PTW, PB0, RB0) and PC Server 330 (8640-PT0, PB0, PM0) Windows NT 3.51 utility II diskette version 1.20) 05l2062.exe 708524 11-04-97 IBM ServeRAID 1 Synch/Verify Update Diskette v1.20 05l2062.txt 13352 11-04-97 Readme for 05L2062.EXE (IBM ServeRAID 1 Synch/Verify Update Diskette v1.20) 06222515.exe 9184122 07-29-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support for Windows NT Version 06222515.txt 10902 07-29-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support for Windows NT Version 06223512.exe 10511531 07-29-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support for Windows NT Network Version 06223512.txt 10902 07-29-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support for Windows NT Network Version 06j0791.pdf 6971392 06-02-99 Netfinity 7000 - Hardware Maintenance Manual 0798road.pdf 189987 08-03-98 Roadmap to IBM Netfinity Support 09l5505.exe 638685 10-07-98 09L5505 IBM SSA Raid Adapter Flash BIOS update diskette 1 of 2 V 1.25 09l5505.txt 1264 10-07-98 Readme for 09L5505.exe (IBM SSA Raid Adapter Flash BIOS update diskette v1.25) 09l5506.exe 1151721 10-07-98 09L5506 IBM SSA Raid Adapter Flash BIOS update diskette 2 of 2 V 1.25 09l5506.txt 1264 10-28-98 Readme for 09L5506.exe (IBM SSA Raid Adapter Flash BIOS update diskette v1.25) 09n1001.pdf 10615418 06-25-99 IBM Netfinity 5500-M10 - Type 8661 - Hardware Maintenance Manual, July 1999 09n1004.pdf 136192 05-06-99 IBM Netfinity Internal Tape Drives Hardware Maintenance Manual 09n1015.pdf 9297689 06-25-99 IBM Netfinity 5500 M20 - Type 8662, Hardware Maintenance Manual, June 1999 09n1017.pdf 10447071 08-09-99 Netfinity 3500 M10 Hardware Maintenance Manual, August 1999 09n1031.pdf 2515814 08-25-99 09n1031.pdf Type 9306, Type 9308 - Hardware Maintenance Manual, August 1999 09n1052.pdf 7995118 08-24-99 IBM Netfinity 7000-M10 - Type 8680, Hardware Maintenance Manual, August 1999 09n1064.pdf 7252326 06-17-99 Netfinity 3000 - Type 8476 - Hardware Maintenance Manual, August 1999 09n1065.pdf 5249616 08-27-99 IBM Netfinity 5000 - Type 8659 Hardware Maintenance Manual September 1999 09n1393.pdf 3200538 10-26-99 IBM Netfinity Storage Expansion Unit EXP15-Type 3520, EXP200-Type 3530, HMM, October, 1999 09n1594.pdf 6919074 09-28-99 IBM Netfinity Servers - IBM Netfinity 1000 - Type 8477 Models 11Y, 21Y & 31Y Hardware Maintenance Manual September 1999 09n1595.pdf 16504410 09-21-99 IBM Netfinity 5600 - Type 8664 - Models 11Y, 1RY, 21Y, 2RY, Hardware Maintenance Manual, September 1999 09n7317.exe 1239354 08-04-99 09N7317 IBM Netfinity 1000 and 3000 Flash BIOS Update Diskette(Japanese) version 1.27J 09n7317.txt 15272 08-04-99 IBM Netfinity 1000 and 3000 Flash BIOS Update Diskette (Japanese) V1.27J 09n7317j.txt 5105 08-04-99 IBM Netfinity 1000 and 3000 Flash BIOS Update Diskette (Japanese) V1.27J 09n7318.exe 1265828 08-04-99 09N7318 S3 Trio-3D OS/2 Video Driver Diskette version 4.10.05 09n7318.txt 27662 08-04-99 S3 Trio-3D OS/2 Video Driver Diskette V4.10.05 09n7319.exe 1313291 08-04-99 09N7319 S3 Trio-3D OS/2 Video Driver Diskette(Japanese) version 4.10.05J 09n7319.txt 27662 08-04-99 S3 Trio-3D OS/2 Video Driver Diskette (Japanese) V4.10.05J 09n7319j.txt 4050 08-04-99 S3 Trio-3D OS/2 Video Driver Diskette (Japanese) V4.10.05J 09n7320.exe 101746 08-10-99 09n7320 S3 Trio-3D Windows NT 4.0 Video Driver Diskette version 3.26.35 09n7320.txt 7889 08-10-99 S3 Trio-3D Windows NT 4.0 Video Driver Diskette Version 3.26.35 09n7321.exe 705904 08-10-99 09N7321 IBM 10/100 Etherjet PCI Adapter Device Driver Diskette 1 of 2 version 3.1 09n7321.txt 19308 08-10-99 IBM 10/100 Etherjet PCI Adapter Device Driver Diskette 1 of 2 V3.1 09n7323.exe 1715663 10-22-99 S3 Video Device Driver for Windows NT 4.0 (C Level Video Cards) Version 04.055.128E1 09n7323.txt 7256 10-22-99 S3 Video Device Driver for Windows NT 4.0 (C Level Video Cards) Version 04.055.128E1 09n7324.exe 1281218 08-16-99 09N7324 OS/2 Video Device Driver Version 6.10.10 09n7324.txt 23273 08-16-99 09N7324 OS/2 Video Device Driver Version 6.10.10 09n7327.exe 511412 08-10-99 09N7327 IBM 10/100 Etherjet PCI Adapter Device Driver Diskette 2 of 2 version 3.1 09n7327.txt 2810 08-10-99 IBM 10/100 Etherjet PCI Adapter Device Driver Diskette 2 of 2 V3.1 09n7328.txt 9210 08-10-99 IBM Netfinity Rack Configurator V2.0 09n7330.exe 1278409 08-26-99 09N7330 S3 Video Device Driver for OS/2 V6.10.12 09n7330.txt 23270 08-26-99 S3 Video Device Driver for OS/2 Version 6.10.12 09n7334a.exe 543573 08-23-99 IBM Netfinity 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter II for Windows 95, 98, NT V5.12 09n7334a.txt 6908 08-23-99 IBM Netfinity 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter II for Windows 95, 98, NT V5.12 09n7338a.exe 388138 10-11-99 7800 Family Manager Set for Windows NT 3.5x, 4.0,95 and 98 V3.02.2 09n7338a.txt 29344 10-11-99 7800 Family Manager Set for Windows NT 3.5x, 4.0,95 and 98 V3.02.2 09n7338b.txt 16000 10-11-99 Adapter 7800 Family Manager Set v3.02.2 for Windows 95 09n7338c.txt 13213 10-11-99 Adapter 7800 Family Manager Set v3.02.2 for Windows 95 09n7342.exe 755327 10-11-99 09N7342 Netfinity 5600 Hot Plug SCSI Setup Utility Diskette Version 1.00 09n7342.txt 1897 10-11-99 09N7342 Netfinity 5600 Hot Plug SCSI Setup Utility Diskette Version 1.00 09n7354.exe 788191 10-08-99 09N7354 IBM Netfinity 8500R Flash BIOS Update Diskette Version 1.00 09n7354.txt 2590 10-08-99 09N7354 IBM Netfinity 8500R Flash BIOS Update Diskette Version 1.00 09n7357.exe 570252 08-30-99 IBM Netfinity Gigabit Ethernet SX Adapter for Windows NT 4.0 Drivers Diskette 1 of 2 Version 1.3 09n7357.txt 4573 08-30-99 IBM Netfinity Gigabit Ethernet SX Adapter for Windows NT 4.0 Drivers Diskette 1 of 2 Version 1.3 09n7357i.exe 609868 09-30-99 IBM Netfinity Gigabit Ethernet SX Adapter for Windows NT 4.0 Drivers Diskette 1 of 2 Version 1.3 09n7358.exe 431060 08-30-99 IBM Netfinity Gigabit Ethernet SX Adapter for Windows NT 4.0 Drivers Diskette 2 of 2 Version 1.3 09n7358.txt 4532 08-30-99 IBM Netfinity Gigabit Ethernet SX Adapter for Windows NT 4.0 Drivers Diskette 2 of 2 Version 1.3 09n7358i.exe 485374 09-30-99 IBM Netfinity Gigabit Ethernet SX Adapter for Windows NT 4.0 Drivers Diskette 2 of 2 Version 1.3 09n7364.exe 342557 11-04-99 7800 Family Manager Diskette NT 4.0 Version 3.02 09n7364.txt 32973 11-04-99 7800 Family Manager Diskette NT 4.0 Version 3.02 09n7364i.exe 432726 09-30-99 7800 Family Manager Diskette NT 4.0 Version 3.02 09n7365.exe 1192845 09-03-99 IBM Netfinity 5000 Diagnostic Flash Diskette 1 of 2 V2.03 09n7365.txt 5233 09-03-99 IBM Netfinity 5000 Diagnostic Flash Diskette 1 of 2 V2.03 09n7366.exe 167803 09-03-99 IBM Netfinity 5000 Diagnostic Flash Diskette 2 of 2 V2.03 09n7366.txt 5233 09-03-99 IBM Netfinity 5000 Diagnostic Flash Diskette 2 of 2 V2.03 09n7367.iso 4904960 09-22-99 Netfinity 4000R System CD Version 1.01 09n7373.pdf 15526 10-18-99 Hard Drive Packaging Instructions 09n7398i.exe 165450 09-30-99 IBM Netfinity 4000R QL1080 SCSI Driver Version 1.18 09n7399i.exe 238462 09-30-99 IBM Netfinity 4000R CT69000 Video Driver Version 1.1.7 09n7401.exe 615123 09-29-99 09N7401 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Fault Tolerant Adapter Device Driver Diskette Version 2.08 09n7401.txt 22366 09-29-99 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Fault Tolerant Adapter Device Driver Diskette Version 2.08 09n7403.exe 946757 09-28-99 IBM Netfinity 5500, 5500 M10, and 5500 M20 Diagnostic Update Diskette 1 of 2 Version 3.02 09n7403.txt 6097 09-28-99 IBM Netfinity 5500, 5500 M10, and 5500 M20 Diagnostic Update Diskette 1 of 2 Version 3.02 09n7404.exe 467184 09-28-99 IBM Netfinity 5500, 5500 M10, and 5500 M20 Diagnostic Update Diskette 2 of 2 Version 3.02 09n7404.txt 6093 09-28-99 IBM Netfinity 5500, 5500 M10, and 5500 M20 Diagnostic Update Diskette 2 of 2 Version 3.02 09n7405.exe 1212305 10-11-99 09N7405 IBM Netfinity 5600 Diagnostic Flash Update Diskette 1 of 2 Version 1.00 09n7405.txt 2226 09-24-99 IBM Netfinity 5600 Diagnostics Flash Update Diskette 1 of 2 Version 1.00 09n7406.exe 294998 10-11-99 09N7406 IBM Netfinity 5600 Diagnostic Flash Update Diskette 2 of 2 Version 1.00 09n7406.txt 2226 09-24-99 IBM Netfinity 5600 Diagnostics Flash Update Diskette 2 of 2 Version 1.00 09n7651.exe 951166 09-28-99 09N7651 Netfinity 7000 M10 Diagnostic Flash Diskette 1 of 2 version 1.04 09n7651.txt 3394 09-28-99 IBM Netfinity 7000 M10 Diagnostic Flash Diskette 1 of 2 Version 1.04 09n7652.exe 461431 09-28-99 09N7651 Netfinity 7000 M10 Diagnostic Flash Diskette 2 of 2 version 1.04 09n7652.txt 3394 09-28-99 IBM Netfinity 7000 M10 Diagnostic Flash Diskette 2 of 2 Version 1.04 09n7662.exe 884989 09-30-99 09N7662 IBM Netfinity 8500R Diagnostic Flash Update Diskette 1 of 2 Version 1.00 09n7662.txt 2477 09-30-99 IBM Netfinity 8500R Diagnostic Flash Update Diskette 1 of 2 Version 1.00 09n7663.exe 685933 09-30-99 09N7663 IBM Netfinity 8500R Diagnostic Flash Update Diskette 2 of 2 Version 1.00 09n7663.txt 2477 09-30-99 IBM Netfinity 8500R Diagnostic Flash Update Diskette 2 of 2 Version 1.00 09n7674.exe 45933 10-15-99 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug Solution for Windows 2000 Version 09n7674.txt 8059 10-15-99 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug Solution for Windows 2000 Version 09n7677.exe 1721405 10-22-99 09N7677 S3 Video Device Driver for Windows NT 4.0 (D Level Video Cards) V04.055.131 09n7677.txt 7248 10-22-99 09N7677 S3 Video Device Driver for Windows NT 4.0 (D Level Video Cards) V04.055.131 09n7684.exe 1092366 10-18-99 09N7684 Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 Failover DMI Agent Version 2.01 (Japanese) 09n7684.txt 5651 10-18-99 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 Failover DMI Agent (Japanese) Version 2.01 09n7685.exe 1145365 10-18-99 09N7685 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 Solution Version 3.00 (Japanese) 09n7685.txt 16547 10-18-99 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 Solution (Japanese) Version 3.00 09n7686a.exe 1259746 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID BIOS and Firmware Diskette Version 3.50C 09n7686a.txt 29760 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID BIOS and Firmware Diskette Version 3.50C 09n7687.exe 634680 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette Version 3.50C 09n7687.txt 14679 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Version 3.50C 09n7688.exe 944555 10-15-99 IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Program Diskette Version 3.50C 09n7688.txt 9770 10-15-99 IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Program Diskette Version 3.50C 09n7689.exe 660704 10-15-99 09N7689 IBM ServeRAID Device Drivers Diskette Version 3.50C 09n7689.txt 30855 10-15-99 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette Version 3.50C (Microsoft Certification Pending) 09n7690.exe 259900 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver for SCO Operating Systems Diskette Version 3.50C 09n7690.txt 22366 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver for SCO Operating Systems Diskette Version 3.50C 09n7691.exe 304221 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette Version 3.50C 09n7691.txt 4727 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette Version 3.50C 09n7694.iso 72009728 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Configuration Management CD Version 3.50C 09n7694.txt 3173 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Configuration Management CD Version 3.50C Readme File 09n7695.exe 451314 10-15-99 IBM Netfinity 5000 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette Version 2.10 09n7695.txt 2459 10-15-99 IBM Netfinity 5000 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette Version 2.10 09n7696.exe 600021 10-20-99 IBM Netfinity 5000 Flash BIOS Update Diskette Version 1.12 09n7696.txt 4895 10-20-99 IBM Netfinity 5000 Flash BIOS Update Diskette Version 1.12 09n7697.exe 379253 10-20-99 IBM Netfinity 5000 Flash BIOS Remote Update Diskette (For use with Netfinity Manager) Version 1.12 09n7697.txt 3987 10-20-99 IBM Netfinity 5000 Flash BIOS Remote Update Diskette (For use with Netfinity Manager) Version 1.12 09n7698.exe 543571 10-19-99 09N7698 IBM Netfinity 8500R Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette Version 2.00 09n7698.txt 2653 10-19-99 IBM Netfinity 8500R Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette Version 2.00 09n7699.exe 1078441 10-27-99 09N7699 IBM Netfinity 3500 M10 Flash BIOS Update Diskette Version 1.09 09n7699.txt 11727 10-27-99 09N7699 IBM Netfinity 3500 M10 Flash BIOS Update Diskette Version 1.09 09n7709.exe 506391 10-26-99 09N7709 IBM Hard Drive Update Program Diskette 1 of 4 V1.02 09n7709.txt 6294 10-26-99 IBM Drive Update Program Disk 1 of 4 Version 1.02 09n7710.exe 215921 10-26-99 09N7710 IBM Hard Drive Update Program Diskette 2 of 4 V1.02 09n7710.txt 6294 10-26-99 IBM Drive Update Program Disk 2 of 4 Version 1.02 09n7711.exe 386575 10-26-99 09N7711 IBM Hard Drive Update Program Diskette 3 of 4 V1.02 09n7711.txt 6294 10-26-99 IBM Drive Update Program Disk 3 of 4 Version 1.02 09n7712.exe 385235 10-26-99 09N7712 IBM Hard Drive Update Program Diskette 4 of 4 V1.02 09n7712.txt 6294 10-26-99 IBM Drive Update Program Disk 4 of 4 Version 1.02 09n7713.exe 578510 11-05-99 Netfinity Advanced System Management Device Driver Diskette Version 1.10 09n7713.txt 10774 11-05-99 Netfinity Advanced System Management Device Driver Diskette Version 1.10 09n7714.exe 452717 11-05-99 IBM Netfinity 5500 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette Version 2.10 09n7714.txt 2459 11-05-99 IBM Netfinity 5500 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette Version 2.10 09n7715.exe 454020 10-29-99 IBM Netfinity 5500 M10 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette Version 2.10 09n7715.txt 2465 10-29-99 IBM Netfinity 5500 M10 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette Version 2.10 09n7716.exe 456044 10-29-99 IBM Netfinity 5500 M20 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette Version 2.10 09n7716.txt 2467 10-29-99 IBM Netfinity 5500M20 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette Version 2.10 09n7720.exe 519484 11-02-99 IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Firmware Update Diskette Version 2.10 09n7720.txt 2848 11-04-99 IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Firmware Update Diskette Version 2.10 09n7723.exe 2742651 11-03-99 Netfinity Web Server Accelerator Version 1.00 09n7723.txt 5133 11-03-99 Netfinity Web Server Accelerator Version 1.00 1000pack.exe 2523041 09-30-99 Netfinity 1000 - System Service Package 10l8803.exe 995968 12-15-97 PC Server 315 BIOS flash update diskette version 17A 10l8803.txt 7205 12-15-97 Readme for 10l8803.exe (PC Server 315 BIOS flash update diskette version 17A) 10l8817.exe 887808 05-18-99 Netfinity 7000 Diagnostic diskette version 1.10 10l8817.txt 4219 05-18-99 Readme for 10L8817.exe (Netfinity 7000 Diagnostic diskette version 1.10) 10l8829.exe 843516 08-23-99 10L8829 IBM Netfinity 3500 Ethernet 10/100 Diskette V2.53 10l8829.txt 1342 08-23-99 IBM Netfinity 3500 Ethernet 10/100 Diskette V2.53 10l8830.exe 80428 01-16-98 Netfinity 3500 IDE Bus Master OS/2 device driver diskette version 4.01 10l8830.txt 4979 01-16-98 Readme for 10l8830.exe (Netfinity 3500 IDE Bus Master OS/2 device driver diskette version 4.01) 10l8831.exe 70006 01-16-98 Netfinity 3500 IDE Bus Master NT 4.0 device driver diskette version 2.01.03 10l8831.txt 19811 01-16-98 Readme for 10l8831.exe (Netfinity 3500 IDE Bus Master NT 4.0 device driver diskette version 2.01.03) 10l8839.exe 431709 01-16-98 Netfinity 3500 Crystal 4236 Audio System device driver diskette for OS/2 Warp version 10l8839.txt 20118 01-16-98 Readme for 10l8839.exe (Netfinity 3500 Crystal 4236 Audio System device driver diskette for OS/2 Warp version 10l8840.exe 337921 01-16-98 Netfinity 3500 Crystal 4236 Audio System device driver for NT 4.0 and 3.51 version 10l8840.txt 20123 01-16-98 Readme for 10l8840.exe (Netfinity 3500 Crystal 4236 Audio System device driver for NT 4.0 and 3.51 version 10l8845.exe 173240 01-16-98 Netfinity 3500 Flash utility video driver for number 9 Virge GX2 version 4.00.03 10l8845.txt 2123 01-16-98 Readme for 10l8845.exe (Netfinity 3500 Flash utility video driver for number 9 Virge GX2 version 4.00.03) 10l8846.exe 346167 12-17-97 Advanced Systems Management Adapter configuration update utility and device driver diskette version 2.20 10l8846.txt 4539 02-09-98 Readme for 10l8846.txt (Advanced Systems Management Adapter configuration update utility and device driver diskette version 2.20) 10l9284.pdf 1593094 03-26-99 10L9284 Advanced Systems Management PCI Adapter Installation Instructions 10l9285.pdf 351737 03-26-99 10L9285 Advanced Systems Management PCI Adapter Software User's Guide 10l9288.exe 447543 01-16-98 Netfinity 3500 video device driver for Number 9 Virge GX2 diskette 1 of 2 version 4.054.125HI 10l9288.txt 17576 01-16-98 Readme for 10l9288.exe (Netfinity 3500 video device driver for Number 9 Virge GX2 diskette 1 of 2 version 4.054.125HI) 10l9289.exe 826850 01-16-98 Netfinity 3500 NT 4.0 video device driver for Number 9 Virge GX2 diskette 2 of 2 version 4.054.125HI 10l9289.txt 17576 01-16-98 Readme for 10l9289.exe (Netfinity 3500 NT 4.0 video device driver for Number 9 Virge GX2 diskette 2 of 2 version 4.054.125HI) 10l9290.exe 1323634 01-28-98 Netfinity 3500 EZ SCSI utility diskette 1 of 3 version 4.01b S 10l9290.txt 64114 01-28-98 Readme for 10l9290.exe (Netfinity 3500 EZ SCSI utility diskette 1 of 3 version 4.01b S) 10l9291.exe 1412275 01-28-98 Netfinity 3500 EZ SCSI utility diskette 2 of 3 version 4.01b S 10l9291.txt 64112 01-28-98 Readme for 10l9291.exe (Netfinity 3500 EZ SCSI utility diskette 2 of 3 version 4.01b S) 10l9292.exe 1181489 01-28-98 Netfinity 3500 EZ SCSI utility diskette 3 of 3 version 4.01b S 10l9292.txt 64111 01-28-98 Readme for 10l9292.exe (Netfinity 3500 EZ SCSI utility diskette 3 of 3 version 4.01b S) 10l9294.exe 335531 04-30-99 10L9294 7800 Manager Diskette for SCO and UnixWare version 2.11 S3 10l9294.txt 1806 04-30-99 10L9294 7800 Manager Diskette for SCO and UnixWare version 2.11 S3 10l9295.exe 1117488 01-16-98 Netfinity 3500 OS/2 video device driver for Number 9 Virge GX2 diskette version 1.03.13 10l9295.txt 24795 01-16-98 Readme for 10l9295.exe (Netfinity 3500 OS/2 video device driver for Number 9 Virge GX2 diskette version 1.03.13) 10l9317.exe 407219 01-30-98 PC Server 325 (8639-PT0, PTW, PB0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY) and PC Server 330 (8640-PT0, PB0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) - Utility diskette II version 1.30 10l9317.txt 1017 01-30-98 PC Server 325 (8639-PT0, PTW, PB0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY) and PC Server 330 (8640-PT0, PB0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) Utility diskette II version 1.30 10l9798.pdf 3373133 09-17-98 IBM Netfinity 3000 Hardware Maintenance Manual, September 1998 10l9839.pdf 2644584 09-23-98 Netfinity EXP15 Storage Expansion Unit Hardware Maintenance Manual 10l9849.exe 55887 02-12-98 IBM PCI-bus RAID supplemental option diskette version 2.00 10l9849.txt 3792 02-12-98 Readme for 10l9849.exe (IBM PC-bus RAID supplemental option diskette version 2.00) 10l9850a.exe 645479 07-08-98 IBM SSA RAID adapter PC Servers flash package diskettes 1 of 2 version 1.21 10l9850a.txt 1156 07-08-98 Readme for 10l9850a.exe (IBM SSA RAID adapter PC Servers flash package diskettes version 1.21 10l9851.exe 1409778 02-05-98 IBM SSA RAID adapter PC Servers flash package diskette 2 of 2 version 1.21 10l9851.txt 1169 02-05-98 Readme for 10l9851.exe (IBM SSA RAID adapter PC Servers flash package diskettes (2) version 1.21) 10l9876.exe 395911 02-20-98 Netfinity update for NetWare users diskette version 5.10.2 10l9876.txt 1831 02-20-98 Readme for 10l9876.exe (Netfinity update for NetWare users diskette version 5.10.2) 10l9882.exe 566205 02-11-98 PC Server 325 (8639-PT0, PTW, PB0, RB0) and PC Server 330 (8640-PT0, PB0, PM0) BIOS flash update diskette version 18a.01 10l9882.txt 9720 02-11-98 Readme for 10l9882.exe (PC Server 325 (8639-PT0, PTW, PB0, RB0) and PC Server 330 (8640-PT0, PB0, PM0) BIOS flash update diskette version 18a.01) 10l9941.pdf 1312802 09-08-98 9306 Rack Enclosure Hardware Maintenance Manual 11j7786.exe 1284770 03-20-97 PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640- ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) video device driver for Cirrus Logic version 1.12f (Japanese) 11j7800.exe 830245 03-20-97 PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640- ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) EISA configuration diskette version 6.00 (Japanese) 11j7858.exe 868003 10-21-97 PC Server 720 reference diskette version 1.13 (Japanese) 11j7870.exe 829685 03-20-97 PCI RAID Adapter option diskette 1 of 2 version 2.01 (Japanese) 11j7873.exe 1116167 03-20-97 PCI RAID Adapter option diskette 2 of 2 version 2.01 (Japanese) 11j7878.exe 981916 03-20-97 PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) utility diskette version 1.10 (Japanese) 11j7881.exe 750838 03-20-97 PC Server 704 system configuration utility diskette version 3.61 (Japanese) 11l1619.pdf 19489 09-11-98 11L1619.pdf is the document titled "Netfinity 3000 - System board replacement instructions". 195295fm.exe 770233 10-26-93 Server 195/295 Field Maint. Test 2.0 2100bios.exe 91125 12-02-98 Fibre Channel Solutions - Netfinity Fibre Channel PCI Adapter BIOS v1.28 2100bios.txt 1873 09-20-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel PCI Adapter BIOS Version 1.35 2100nvra.exe 33898 12-02-98 Fibre Channel Solutions - Netfinity Fibre Channel PCI Adapter NVRAM Update v1.28 2100nvra.txt 905 12-02-98 Readme for 2100nvra.exe (Fibre Channel Solutions - Netfinity Fibre Channel PCI Adapter NVRAM Update v1.28) 22l2195.exe 1339743 05-31-98 Netfinity 5000 / 5500 / 5500 M10 /7000 M10 S3 Trio V2/GX device driver diskette for OS/2 version 3.03.26 (Japanese) 22l2195.txt 27885 05-31-98 Readme for 22l2195.exe (Netfinity 5000 / 5500 / 5500 M10 / 7000 M10 S3 Trio V2/GX device driver diskette for OS/2 version 3.03.26 (Japanese) 22l2195j.txt 4267 05-31-98 Japanese Readme for 22l2195.exe (Netfinity 5000 / 5500 / 5500 M10 / 7000 M10 S3 Trio V2/GX device driver diskette for OS/2 version 3.03.26 (Japanese) 24l7780.exe 849593 03-17-98 PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0) Recovery diskette for BIOS version 42a keyboard lock-up utility version 42a.1 24l7780.txt 1151 03-17-98 Readme for 24l7780.exe (PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0) Recovery diskette for BIOS version 42a keyboard lock-up utility version 42a.1) 24l7781.exe 850691 03-17-98 PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2) Recovery diskette for BIOS version 42a keyboard lock-up utility version 42a.2 24l7781.txt 1151 03-17-98 Readme for 24l7781.exe (PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2) Recovery diskette for BIOS version 42a keyboard lock-up utility version 42a.2). 24l7785.exe 566820 04-05-98 PC Server 325 (8639-RB0, PT0, PB0, PTW, 1RY, 2RY) and PC Server 330 (8640-PT0, PB0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) BIOS flash update diskette version 21a 24l7785.txt 10094 04-05-98 Readme for 24l7785.exe (PC Server 325 (8639-RB0, PT0, PB0, PTW, 1RY, 2RY) and PC Server 330 (8640-PT0, PB0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) BIOS flash update diskette version 21a 24l7813.pdf 446152 11-09-98 IBM Netfinity High Availability Cluster Solutions Installation and User's Guide 24l7940.pdf 2480680 10-08-98 IBM Netfinity EXP15 Installation and User's Handbook First Edition 24l7989.exe 1192783 04-09-98 Netfinity 3500 BIOS flash update diskette revision 29A version 1.29 (Japanese) 24l7989.txt 22352 04-09-98 Readme for 24l7989.exe (Netfinity 3500 BIOS flash update diskette revision 29A version 1.29 (Japanese) 24l7989j.txt 5612 04-09-98 Japanese Readme for 24l7989.exe (Netfinity 3500 BIOS flash update diskette revision 29A version 1.29 (Japanese) 24l7990.exe 1175082 04-07-98 PC Server 520 (8641 - ED0, ED1, ED2, EDL, EDG, EDV, EDE, EZ0, EZV, EZ1, EZS, EZE, EZL) EISA BIOS Flash Update Diskette for 133MHz systems and below version 9F 24l7990.txt 1211 04-09-98 Readme for 24L7990 (PC Server 520 (8641 - ED0, ED1, ED2, EDL, EDG, EDV, EDE, EZ0, EZV, EZ1, EZS, EZE, EZL) EISA BIOS Flash Update Diskette for 133MHz systems and below version 9F) 24l8010.exe 420592 05-12-98 Netfinity 3000 IDE CD-ROM support package version 1.45A 24l8010.txt 3310 05-13-98 Readme for 24l8010.exe (Netfinity 3000 IDE CD-ROM support package version 1.45A) 24l8010a.txt 51792 05-12-98 Installation instructions for 24l8010.exe (Netfinity 3000 IDE CD-ROM support package version 1.45A) 24l8023.pdf 628695 10-08-98 Netfinity Fibre Channel Hub Installation Handbook First Edition 24l8025.pdf 173822 10-08-98 IBM Netfinity Fibre PCI Adapter Hardware Installation Handbook First Edition 24l8026.pdf 75506 10-08-98 Netfinity Fibre Channel PCI Adapter Software Installation Handbook First Edition 24l8032.exe 225371 05-21-98 Netfinity 5500 / Netfinity 5500 M10 Advanced Remote Manager device driver diskette version 1.00 (Japanese) 24l8032.txt 1951 05-21-98 Readme for 24l8032.exe (Netfinity 5500 / Netfinity 5500 M10 Advanced Remote Manager device driver diskette version 1.00 (Japanese) 24l8032j.txt 1774 05-21-98 Japanese Readme for 24l8032.exe (Netfinity 5500 / Netfinity 5500 M10 Advanced Remote Manager device driver diskette version 1.00 (Japanese) 24l8033.exe 94947 04-27-98 Netfinity 7000 IBM Class Monolithic ServeRAID II device driver and utility diskette version 1.00 24l8033.txt 24839 04-27-98 Readme for 24l8033.exe (Netfinity 7000 IBM Class Monolithic ServeRAID II device driver and utility diskette version 1.00) 24l8036.exe 1336800 05-21-98 Netfinity 5500 / Netfinity 5500 M10 S3 Trio V2/GX device driver diskette for OS/2 version 3.03.26 24l8036.txt 28074 05-21-98 Readme for 24l8036.exe (Netfinity 5500 / Netfinity 5500 M10 S3 Trio V2/GX device driver diskette for OS/2 version 3.03.26) 24l8037.exe 57900 05-21-98 Netfinity 5500 / Netfinity 5500 M10 IDE Bus Master device driver diskette for Windows NT 4.0 version 24l8037.txt 26882 05-21-98 Readme for 24l8037.exe (Netfinity 5500 / Netfinity 5500 M10 IDE Bus Master device driver diskette for Windows NT 4.0 version 24l8054.pdf 9691 08-18-98 IBM 9306 Model 200 Netfinity NetBay 22 Unpacking Instructions 24l8055.pdf 1263550 08-12-98 IBM Netfinity Rack - Planning and Installation Guide 24l8056.pdf 256880 08-13-98 IBM Netfinity Rack Console Server Selector Switch Installation Guide 24l8060.exe 1317568 05-12-98 Netfinity 3000 EZ SCSI utility diskette 1 of 3 version 4.02L 24l8060.txt 64113 05-12-98 Readme for 24l8060.exe (Netfinity 3000 EZ SCSI utility diskette 1 of 3 version 4.02L) 24l8061.exe 1412763 05-12-98 Netfinity 3000 EZ SCSI utility diskette 2 of 3 version 4.02L 24l8061.txt 64111 05-12-98 Readme for 24l8061.exe (Netfinity 3000 EZ SCSI utility diskette 2 of 3 version 4.02L) 24l8062.exe 1189851 05-12-98 Netfinity 3000 EZ SCSI utility diskette 3 of 3 version 4.02L 24l8062.txt 64110 05-12-98 Readme for 24l8062.exe (Netfinity 3000 EZ SCSI utility diskette 3 of 3 version 4.02L) 27l3258.exe 750151 09-17-98 IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette version 3.01 (Japanese) 27l3258.txt 4422 09-17-98 Readme for 27L3258.EXE (IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette version 3.01 (Japanese) 27l3258j.txt 4319 09-17-98 Japanese Readme for 27L3258.EXE (IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette version 3.01 (Japanese) 27l3259.exe 553566 09-17-98 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette version 3.01 (Japanese) 27l3259.txt 27069 09-17-98 Readme for 27L3259.EXE (IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette version 3.01 (Japanese) 27l3259j.txt 28630 09-17-98 Japanese Readme for 27L3259.EXE (IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette version 3.01 (Japanese) 27l3260.exe 1435015 09-17-98 IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Program Diskette version 3.01 (Japanese) 27l3260.txt 9484 09-17-98 Readme for 27L3260.EXE (IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Program Diskette version 3.01) 27l3260j.txt 10675 09-17-98 Japanese Readme for 27L3260.EXE (IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Program Diskette version 3.01 (Japanese) 27l3261.exe 635952 09-17-98 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette version 3.01 (Japanese) 27l3261.txt 16998 09-16-98 Readme for 27L3261.EXE (IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette version 3.01 (Japanese) 27l3261j.txt 13174 09-17-98 Japanese Readme for 27L3261.EXE (IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette version 3.01 (Japanese) 27l3262.exe 720726 09-17-98 IBM ServeRAID NT Cluster Solution for Window NT Diskette version 3.01 (Japanese) 27l3262.txt 3832 09-17-98 Readme for 27L3262.EXE (IBM ServeRAID NT Cluster Solution for Window NT Diskette version 3.01 (Japanese) 27l3262j.txt 3636 09-17-98 Japanese Readme for 27L3262.EXE (IBM ServeRAID NT Cluster Solution for Window NT Diskette version 3.01 (Japanese) 27l3288.exe 749821 08-31-99 27L3288 IBM ServeRAID DOS Configurator Diskette Version 3.10J (Microsoft Certified) 27l3288.txt 4423 08-31-99 IBM ServeRAID DOS Configurator Diskette Version 3.10J (Microsoft Certified) 27l3288j.txt 4110 09-01-99 27l3288j.txt ServeRAID V3.10 japanese 27l3289.exe 655420 08-31-99 27L3289 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette Version 3.10J (Microsoft Certified) 27l3289.txt 28342 08-31-99 IBM serveRAID Device Drivers Diskette Version 3.10J (Microsoft Certified) 27l3289j.txt 28746 09-01-99 27L3289J.txt ServeRAID V3.10 Japanese 27l3290.exe 1432915 08-31-99 27L3290 IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Program Diskette Version 3.10J(Microsoft Certified) 27l3290.txt 9498 08-31-99 IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitroing Program Diskette Version 3.10J (Microsoft Certified) 27l3290j.txt 10194 09-01-99 27L3290J.txt ServeRAID V3.10 Japanese 27l3291.exe 644700 08-31-99 27L3291 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette 3.10J (Microsoft Certified) 27l3291.txt 15420 08-31-99 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette Version 3.10J (Microsoft Certified) 27l3291j.txt 12528 09-01-99 27L3291J.txt ServeRAID V3.10 Japanese 28l2258.pdf 7110971 10-14-98 NetMEDIA Storage Expansion Unit EL - User's Guide 295diag.exe 333715 10-30-95 Server 195 and Server 295 diagnostic diskette 295fw170.exe 223582 08-04-94 Server 295 FirmWare upgrade version 1.7 295ref.exe 609284 02-08-95 Server 195 and Server 295 reference diskette version 1.7.1 295start.exe 932653 04-02-96 Server 195 and Server 295 system startup diskette 3000pack.exe 2523042 09-30-99 Netfinity 3000 - System Service Package 300diags.exe 666384 06-21-95 PC Server 300 QAPro diagnostic diskette version 5.22 300eisa.exe 388366 06-12-95 PC Server 300 EISA configuration diskette version 1.2 300scsi.exe 207320 09-18-95 PC Server 300 PCI support diskette version 1.20 300scsi.txt 14839 10-07-94 Readme for 300SCSI PC Server 300 (8640 - 0P0, 0PT, 1P0, 1PT) IBM SCSI-2 Fast PCI Support Diskette version 1.2 30f6922.exe 29088 07-24-98 PC Server 720 SCO OpenServer 5.0.0 and 5.0.2 diskette 1 of 3 version 1.00 30f6922.txt 9084 07-24-98 Readme for 30f6922.exe (PC Server 720 SCO OpenServer 5.0.0 and 5.0.2 diskette 1 of 3 version 1.00) 30f6923.exe 30717 07-24-98 PC Server 720 SCO OpenServer 5.0.0 and 5.0.2 diskette 2 of 3 version 1.00 30f6923.txt 11525 07-24-98 Readme for 30f6923.exe (PC Server 720 SCO OpenServer 5.0.0 and 5.0.2 diskette 2 of 3 version 1.00) 30f6931.exe 885817 01-17-97 PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) utility diskette version 1.10 30f6931.txt 3980 01-17-97 Readme for 30F6931.exe ( PC Server 325 (8639 - EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640 - ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) Utility Diskette version 1.10) 30f6965.pdf 46819 08-12-98 IBM Netfinity Rack Fixed Shelf Installation Guide 30f6966.pdf 78361 08-11-98 IBM Netfinity Rack Power Distribution Unit Installation Instructions 30f6975.pdf 31992 08-12-98 IBM Netfinity Rack Blank Filler Panel Kit Installation Instructions 30f6976.pdf 47330 08-13-98 IBM Netfinity Rack Keyboard Tray Installation Instructions 30f6980.pdf 66815 08-13-98 IBM Netfinity Rack Monitor Compartment Installation Instructions 30f6996.exe 946094 07-11-97 PC Server 315 diagnostic diskette version 5.47 30f6996.txt 3189 07-14-97 Readme for 30f6996.exe (PC Server 315 diagnostic diskette version 5.47) 30h2582.exe 269875 10-09-97 PC Server 300 (8640-0N0, 1N0, 0NJ, 4N0) BIOS flash update diskette version T.55 30h2582.txt 3203 10-09-97 Readme for 30h2582.exe (PC Server 300 (8640-0N0, 1N0, 0NJ, 4N0) BIOS flash update diskette version T.55) 30h2585.exe 190855 10-14-97 PC Server 300 (8640-0P0, 1P0, 1PT) BIOS flash update diskette version T.53 30h2585.txt 3199 10-14-97 Readme for 30h2585.exe (PC Server 300 (8640-0P0, 1P0, 1PT) BIOS flash update diskette version T.53) 310enetm.exe 271382 01-06-96 PC Server 310 Micro Channel ethernet diskette version 2.20 310netwr.exe 87408 01-06-96 PC Server 310 Micro Channel update diskette for Netware 4.1 33l3576.exe 976896 05-18-99 Netfinity 3500 Flash BIOS update diskette version 1.33 33l3576.txt 13647 05-18-99 Readme for 33L3576.exe (Netfinity 3500 Flash BIOS update diskette version 1.33) 33l3598.exe 971389 10-22-98 Netfinity 7000 M10 - 7800 Family Manager Diskette ( Win NT V4.0, Win NT V3.51, Netware V3_X, Netware OS/2 2/1X/Warp/SMP) v3.01 S33 33l3598.txt 2836 10-22-98 Readme for 33L3598.exe (Netfinity 7000 M10 - 7800 Family Manager Diskette ( Win NT V4.0, Win NT V3.51, Netware V3_X, Netware OS/2 2/1X/Warp/SMP) v3.01 S33) 33l3619.pdf 584969 01-20-99 IBM Netfinity Cluster Enabler Hardware and Software Installation Guide for Oracle Parallel Server First Edition 33l3637.exe 1169716 11-04-98 Netfinity 3500 Flash BIOS Update Diskette v1.33 Japanese 33l3637.txt 13227 11-04-98 Readme for 33L3637.exe - Japanese (Netfinity 3500 Flash BIOS Update Diskette v1.33 Japanese) 33l3637j.txt 5612 11-03-98 Readme for 33L3637.exe - Japanese (Netfinity 3500 Flash BIOS Update Diskette v1.33 Japanese) 33l3638j.txt 5233 11-20-98 Readme for 33L3638.exe (Netfinity 3000 Flash BIOS Update Diskette v1.14 (Japanese)) 33l3646.exe 891000 11-09-98 Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP V4.0 Diskette 1 for CD-ROM v1.00 33l3646.txt 8446 11-09-98 Readme for 33L3646.exe (Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP V4.0 Diskette 1 for CD-ROM v1.00) 33l3647.exe 1193104 11-09-98 Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Installation Diskette for CD-ROM v1.00 33l3647.txt 8446 11-09-98 Readme for 33L3647.exe (Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP V4.0 Installation Diskette for CD-ROM v1.00) 33l3650.exe 310368 11-03-98 Netfinity 5500 and 5500 M10 Diagnostic Flash Diskette 2 of 2 v2.01 33l3650.txt 3754 11-03-98 Readme for 33L3650.exe (Netfinity 5500 and 5500 M10 Diagnostic Flash Diskette 2 of 2 v2.01) 33l3656.pdf 7541690 03-09-99 Netfinity 5500 M20 Start Here 33l3657.pdf 829642 03-09-99 Netfinity 5500 M20 Express Setup and Installation 33l3658.pdf 5192652 03-09-99 Netfinity 5500 M20 Hardware Information 33l3666.pdf 11970095 03-09-99 Netfinity 5500 M20 Legal and Safety Information 33l3684.pdf 29980608 01-21-99 Netfinity 7000 M10 - Start Here 33l3690.pdf 88842 03-09-99 Netfinity 5500 M20 Getting Help Information 33l3875.exe 1191280 11-02-99 IBM ServeRAID Fault Tolerant CPL Applet Version 3.50 (Japanese) 33l3875.txt 9639 11-02-99 IBM ServeRAID Fault Tolerant CPL Applet Version 3.50 (Japanese) 33l3875j.txt 10821 11-24-98 Readme for 33L3875.exe (Netfinity 5500 PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT v4.0 - IBM ServeRAID Fault Tolerent CPL Applet (Japanese) v1.08.04) 33l3882.pdf 3464538 03-08-99 Netfinity 5000 Hardware Information Book, Second Edition 33l3885.pdf 4288210 03-08-99 Netfinity 5500 M10 Hardware Information, Second Edition 33l3886.exe 242688 04-30-99 IBM Remote Connect diskette version 1.03 33l3886.txt 2100 04-30-99 Readme for 33L3886.exe (IBM Remote Connect diskette version 1.03) 33l3889.pdf 78495 12-23-98 Update to the ServeRAID-3H and ServeRAID-3L Ultra2 SCSI Adapters Installation and User's Guide 33l3890.pdf 292413 01-05-99 IBM Netfinity High Availability Cluster Solutions using the IBM ServeRAID-3H Ultra2 SCSI Adapter Installation and User's Guide, Fourth Edition 33l3891.pdf 712243 10-13-99 NetBAY3E 33l3906.pdf 4870243 01-21-99 Netfinity 7000 M10 Hardware Information 33l3914.exe 954368 05-18-99 IBM Enhanced Diagnostics diskette version 2.0.512 33l3917.exe 1086195 12-09-98 PC Server 320 and PC Server 520 Micro Channel BIOS Flash Update Diskette v29A 33l3917.txt 1111 12-09-98 Readme for 33L3917.exe (PC Server 320 and PC Server 520 Micro Channel BIOS Flash Update Diskette v29A) 33l3918b.exe 532707 04-27-99 IBM Netfinity and PC Server Ethernet Controller and IBM Netfinity 10/100 Fault Tolerant Device Driver Diskette version 2.03B 33l3926.pdf 5090627 02-04-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Controller Unit User's Handbook Second Edition 33l3936.exe 597149 07-29-99 33L3936 IBM ServeRAID Failover Applet Diskette version 3.10 33l3936.txt 4634 07-20-99 33l3936 IBM ServeRAID Failover Applet Diskette version 3.10 (Microsoft Certified) 33l3937.exe 510976 07-29-99 33L3937 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette version 3.10 33l3937.txt 15419 07-01-99 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette version 3.10 (Microsoft Certified) 33l3938.exe 303973 07-20-99 33L3938 IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette version 3.10 (Microsoft Certified) 33l3938.txt 4423 07-20-99 33L3938 IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette version 3.10 (Microsoft Certified) 33l3939.exe 650612 07-29-99 33L3939 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette version 3.10 33l3939.txt 28342 07-01-99 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette version 3.10 (Microsoft Certified 33l3940.exe 262121 07-01-99 IBM ServeRAID SCO Device Driver Diskette version 3.10 (Microsoft Certified) 33l3940.txt 22346 07-01-99 IBM ServeRAID SCO Device Driver Diskette version 3.10 (Microsoft Certified) 33l3941.exe 941463 07-29-99 33L3941 IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Program Diskette version 3.10 33l3941.txt 9498 07-01-99 IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Program Diskette version 3.10 (Microsoft Certified) 33l3943.exe 703854 07-29-99 IBM ServeRAID Cluster Solution for Windows NT Diskette version 3.10 33l3943.txt 3834 07-01-99 IBM ServeRAID Cluster Solution for Windows NT Diskette version 3.10 (Microsoft Certified) 33l3945.pdf 528834 12-18-98 IBM Shared-Disk Clustering Hardware Reference Third Edition 33l3950.exe 303056 01-12-99 Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration Update Utility and Device Driver Diskette v2.50 (Netfinity 7000 / PC Server 325 (8639 - RB0, PT0, PB0, PTW, 1RY, 2RY) and PC Server 330 (8640 - PT0, PB0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y))- 33l3950.txt 10329 01-12-99 Readme for 33l3950.exe (Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration Update Utility and Device Driver Diskette v2.50) 33l3952.exe 1017925 01-15-99 Netfinity 3000 BIOS Flash Update Diskette v1.17 33l3952.txt 18705 01-15-99 Readme for 33L3952.exe (Netfinity 3000 BIOS Flash Update Diskette v1.17) 33l3958.exe 735604 01-18-99 Netfinity 5500 / 5500 M10 BIOS Flash Update Diskette (Rev 62A) V1.05 33l3958.txt 4477 01-18-99 Readme for 33L3958.exe (Netfinity 5500 / 5500 M10 BIOS Flash Update Diskette (Rev 62A) v1.05) 33l3959a.exe 657704 07-20-99 33L3959A IBM Netfinity 3500 SCSI Initialization Utility version 1.02 33l3959a.txt 1326 07-20-99 IBM Netfinity 3500 SCSI Initialization Utility V1.02 33l3963.pdf 5375746 04-26-99 IBM Netfinity 1000 User's Handbook 33l3966.exe 1042709 04-27-99 Netfinity 3000 BIOS Flash Update Diskette v1.19 33l3970.pdf 1484485 03-26-99 33L3970 Netfinity Advanced System Management Interconnect Cable Option 33l6127j.txt 5105 02-02-99 Japanese Readme for 37L6127.exe (Netfinity 3000 BIOS Flash Update Diskette version 1.17 (Japanese)) 33l6687.pdf 5711694 08-12-99 Netfinity 3500 User's Handbook 3500pack.exe 2454586 09-30-99 Netfinity 3500 - System Service Package 3500uhen.pdf 4160260 01-11-98 Netfinity 3500 User's Handbook 35201ru.pdf 2626585 07-17-98 IBM Netfinity EXP10 (3520-1RU) Installation and User's Handbook, November 1997 3570b_mi.pdf 14071039 01-28-99 -99 Magstar MP 3570 Tape Subsystem Maintenance Information for B-Series models 3570c_mi.pdf 11256215 10-01-98 Magstar MP 3570 Tape Subsystem Maintenance Information for C-Series Models 36l9850.pdf 88716 09-30-98 IBM Netfinity Cluster Enabler Flowchart 36l9851.pdf 2725110 09-30-98 IBM Netfinity Cluster Cabling Diagram 36l9883.exe 203281 10-05-98 Netfinity 5500 and Netfinity 5500 M10 Advanced Systems Management Processor Device Driver Diskette version 1.03 36l9883.txt 2777 10-05-98 Readme for 36L9883 (Netfinity 5500 and Netfinity 5500 M10 Advanced Systems Management Processor Device Driver Diskette version 1.03) 37l5122.pdf 3223757 10-01-99 Netfinity SP Switch - Hardware Maintenance Manual, September, 1999 37l5123.pdf 16116193 11-04-99 IBM Netfinity 8500R - Type 8681 - Hardware Maintenance Manual, September 1999 37l5210.pdf 8250203 01-19-99 Netfinity 5500 M10 Hardware Maintenance Manual 37l5211.pdf 5234598 03-16-99 IBM Netfinity 5000 - Type 8659 - Models 12Y, 1SY, 22Y, 2SY, 31Y, 3RY, 41Y, 4RY, Hardware Maintenance Manual, March 1999 37l6138.exe 949248 02-18-99 Netfinity 7000 M10 Diagnostic flash diskette 1 of 2 version 1.02 37l6139.exe 552960 02-18-99 7000 M10 Diagnostic flash diskette 2 of 2 version 1.02 37l6140.exe 1243444 07-29-99 IBM ServeRAID BIOS Firmware Update Diskette version 3.10 37l6140.txt 20010 07-01-99 Description for Programs - These programs are required to be installed first: Windows NT V.4.0 Use: 37L6155 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 Failover DMI Agent V2.0 37L6156 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 Solution V2.21 37l6160.exe 462177 03-29-99 37L6160 IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter II for Diagnostics and LANAidC version 2.27 37l6161.exe 67791 03-29-99 IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Adapter II for Device Dirvers: DOS and Windows 3.1x (NDIS 2) version 2.00 37l6161.txt 1840 03-29-99 IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Adapter II for Device Dirvers: DOS and Windows 3.1x (NDIS 2) version 2.00 37l6162.exe 274451 03-29-99 IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Adapter II for NetWare and Bit 32 version 2.43 37l6163.exe 91624 03-29-99 IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Adapter II for OS/2 version 2.00 37l6163.txt 1789 03-29-99 IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Adapter II for OS/2 version 2.00 37l6164.exe 98008 03-29-99 IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Adapter II for SCO (Levels 5.0.4 & 5.0.5) version 5.0.5B 37l6165.exe 925018 03-29-99 IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Adapter II for LAN Client - Disk 1 version 3.00A 37l6165.txt 101021 03-29-99 IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Adapter II for LAN Client - Disk 1 version 3.00A 37l6166.exe 790141 03-29-99 IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Adapter II for LAN Client - Disk 2 version 3.00A 37l6166.txt 101021 03-29-99 IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Adapter II for LAN Client - Disk 2 version 3.00A 37l6167.exe 1262575 03-29-99 IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Adapter II for LAN Client - Disk 3 version 3.00A 37l6167.txt 101021 03-29-99 IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Adapter II for LAN Client - Disk 3 version 3.00A 37l6168.exe 1438147 03-29-99 IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Adapter II for LAN Client - Disk 4 version 3.00A 37l6168.txt 101021 03-29-99 IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Adapter II for LAN Client - Disk 4 version 3.00A 37l6169.exe 337398 03-08-99 Netfinity 3500 - Windows NT 4.0 IBM ClientCare Setup Diskette v1.20 37l6169.txt 2744 03-08-99 Readme for 37L6169.exe (Netfinity 3500 - Windows NT 4.0 IBM ClientCare Setup Diskette v1.20) 37l6170.exe 336808 03-08-99 Netfinity 3000 Windows NT 4.0 IBM ClientCare Setup Diskette v1.20 37l6170.txt 2748 03-08-99 Readme for 37L6170.exe (Netfinity 3000 Windows NT 4.0 IBM ClientCare Setup Diskette v1.20) 37l6170a.exe 336798 04-26-99 Netfinity Windows NT 4.0 ClientCare Setup Diskette version 1.20 37l6170a.txt 2778 05-12-99 Readme for 37L6170A.exe (Netfinity Windows NT 4.0 IBM ClientCare Setup Diskette version 1.20) 37l6175.exe 604691 04-30-99 Description for Programs - These programs are required to be installed first: Windows NT V.4.0 Use: 37L6155 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 Failover DMI Agent V2.0 37L6156 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 Solution V2.21 37l6175.txt 11210 04-30-99 Description for Programs - These programs are required to be installed first: Windows NT V.4.0 Use: 37L6155 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 Failover DMI Agent V2.0 37L6156 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot Plug for Windows NT V4.0 Solution V2.21 37l6176.iso 50774016 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Configuration Management CD Version 3.50 37l6176.txt 3173 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Configuration Management CD Version 3.50 Readme File 37l6181.exe 659664 06-29-99 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette version 3.50 (Microsoft Certification Pending) 37l6181.txt 28343 06-29-99 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette version 3.50 (Microsoft Certification Pending) 37l6184.exe 260253 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver for SCO Operating System Diskette Version 3.50 37l6184.txt 22365 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver for SCO Operating System Diskette Version 3.50 37l6190.exe 876776 09-03-99 37L6190 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 37l6190.txt 3803 09-03-99 37L6190 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 37l6191.exe 424582 09-03-99 37L6191 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for Novell NetWare Diskette 2 of 3 V2.50 37l6191.txt 3802 09-03-99 37L6191 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for Novell NetWare Diskette 2 of 3 V2.50 37l6192.exe 663820 09-03-99 37L6192 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for SCO and Unixware Diskette 3 of 3 V2.50 37l6192.txt 3802 09-03-99 37L6192 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for SCO and Unixware Diskette 3 of 3 V2.50 37l6193.exe 463706 09-03-99 37L6193 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for Bootable Diagnostics and Help Diskette V2.50 37l6193.txt 3803 09-03-99 37L6193 IBM Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Adapter for Bootable Diagnostics and Help Diskette V2.50 37l6642.pdf 17363 03-26-99 37L6642 Advanced System Management Adapter (ASMA) Feature Summary Matrix 37l6649.pdf 60930 10-13-99 ServerGuide Getting Started (July 1999) 37l6650.pdf 200143 10-13-99 SeverGuide and Netfinity Manager Information (July 1999) 37l6654.pdf 816032 10-08-99 37L6654.pdf IBM Netfnity EXP200 Installation and User's Handbook Version 1.0 37l6688.pdf 422547 08-12-99 Netfinity 3500 Start Here 37l6972.pdf 45162 03-26-99 37L6972 Technical Update - New Information About Your Netfinity 5000 37l6975.pdf 2531900 04-26-99 Netfinity 1000 Start Here 37l6986.pdf 870132 06-24-99 IBM Netfinity High Availability Cluster Solution using the ServeRAID II Adapter Installation and User's Guide version 4.0 37l7012.pdf 5173898 10-13-99 8UX28D - Rack to Tower 37l7028.pdf 1072688 08-18-99 IBM ServeRAID-3H; ServeRAID-3HB; ServeRAID-3L Ultra 2 SCSI Controllers Installation and User's Guide. 37l7034.pdf 928823 08-16-99 ServeRAID Cluster Solutions 37l7035.pdf 2536870 05-28-99 Netfinity 3000 Start Here, May 1999 37l7037.pdf 5411372 05-28-99 Netfinity 3000 User's Handbook, May 1999 37l7050.pdf 1311067 08-30-99 37L7050.pdf Netfinity Networked SYMplicity Storage Manager Installation and User's Handbook, Second Edition 37l7051.pdf 1243720 08-11-99 37L7051 Netfinity SYMplicity Storage Manager for Windows NT Installation and User's Handbook, Second Edition 37l7052.pdf 3518940 08-30-99 37L7052.pdf Netfinity SYMplicity Storage Manager User's Handbook, Second Edition 37l7055.pdf 678385 08-12-99 Netfinity 9308 Enterprise Rack version 1.0 38760sn.txt 10902 06-22-99 Readme for (Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support Firmware NVSRAM Code version 38760) 485 06-22-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support Firmware NVSRAM Code version 38760 38760sn1.txt 10902 07-29-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support Firmware NVSRAM Application Version 38760sn1 484 07-29-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support Firmware NVSRAM Application Version 38760sn1 41h6604.exe 846643 02-01-96 PC Server 320 / 520 / 720 - OS/2 and Windows 3.1x SVGA Driver Diskette v1.01 41h6604.txt 13667 02-06-98 Readme for 41H6604.txt (PC Server 320 / 520 / 720 - OS/2 and Windows 3.1x SVGA Driver Diskette v1.01) 4227068.exe 281944 10-09-97 PC Server 704 7800 Family Manager drivers diskette 1 of 2 version 1.30 4227068.txt 910 10-09-97 Readme for 4227068.exe and 4227069.exe (7800 Family Manager drivers diskettes (2) version 1.30) 4227069.exe 312191 10-09-97 PC Server 704 7800 Family Manager drivers diskette 2 of 2 version 1.30 4227070.exe 1331854 10-09-97 PC Server 704 EZ-SCSI Lite diskette version 4.00e 4227070.txt 1265 10-09-97 Readme for 4227070.exe (PC Server 704 EZ-SCSI Lite diskette version 4.00e) 4227103.exe 286678 06-13-97 PC Server 720 diagnostic diskette version 1.13 4227109.exe 762537 05-27-97 IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide PCI-Bus RAID Adapter option diskette version 2.02 4227109.txt 15075 08-14-97 Readme for 4227109.exe (IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide PCI-Bus RAID Adapter option diskette version 2.02) 4227110.exe 687168 05-20-97 4227110 IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Streaming Micro Channel RAID Adapter Option Diskette 1 of 2 version 2.31 4227111 IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Streaming Micro Channel RAID Adapter Option Diskette 2 of 2 version 2.31 4227110.txt 15801 08-14-97 4227110 IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Streaming Micro Channel RAID Adapter Option Diskette 1 of 2 version 2.31 4227111 IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Streaming Micro Channel RAID Adapter Option Diskette 2 of 2 version 2.31 4227111.exe 300155 05-20-97 4227110 IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Streaming Micro Channel RAID Adapter Option Diskette 1 of 2 version 2.31 4227111 IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Streaming Micro Channel RAID Adapter Option Diskette 2 of 2 version 2.31 4227117.exe 116799 05-28-97 Windows NT 3.51 device drivers diskette for S3 Trio64V+ version 1.50 4227117.txt 2559 07-18-97 Readme for 4227117.exe (Windows NT 3.51 device drivers diskette for S3 Trio64V+ version 1.50) 4227122.exe 134000 04-25-97 PC Server 325 (8639 - EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640 - ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) system IOQD utility diskette version 1.00 4227122.txt 635 06-13-97 Readme for 4227122.exe (PC Server 325 (8639 - EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640 - ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) system IOQD utility diskette version 1.00) 4305312.exe 921700 03-09-99 PC Server 704(5M0, 6MM) System Board Diagnostic Diskette v5.45G 4305312.txt 3184 03-09-99 Readme for 4305312.exe (PC Server 704(5M0, 6MM) System Board Diagnostic Diskette v5.45G) 4305317.exe 455827 07-11-97 PC Server 315 extended memory diagnostic diskette version 1.00 4305317.txt 309 07-11-97 Readme for 4305317.exe (PC Server 315 extended memory diagnostic diskette version 1.00) 4305320.exe 411944 06-24-97 PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0E6) BIOS flash update diskette version 1.21 4305320.txt 8425 06-20-97 Readme for 4305320.exe (PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0E6) BIOS flash update diskette version 1.21) 4305332.exe 305539 05-28-97 PC Server 720 processor device driver diskette version 1.12 4305332.txt 4244 05-20-97 Readme for 4305332.exe (PC Server 720 processor device driver diskette version 1.12) 4305333.exe 323153 06-26-97 IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Micro Channel RAID adapter firmware update diskette version 2.21 4305333.txt 1333 06-26-97 Readme for 4305333.exe (IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Micro Channel RAID adapter firmware update diskette version 2.21) 4305334.exe 248380 06-26-97 IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide PCI RAID adapter firmware update diskette version 2.43b 4305334.txt 1406 06-26-97 Readme for 4305334.exe (IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide PCI RAID adapter firmware update diskette version 2.43b) 4305348.exe 319177 08-26-97 PC Server 720 BIOS flash update diskette level 14 version 1.10 4305348a.txt 4694 10-30-97 Readme for 4305348.exe (PC Server 720 BIOS flash update diskette level 14 version 1.10) 4306788.exe 1260363 07-11-97 PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF), PC Server 315, PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY), and PC Server 330 (8640 - PB0, PT0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) OS/2 device drivers diskette for S3 TRIO 64V+ version 3.03.14 4306788.txt 27022 07-11-97 Readme for 4306788.exe (PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF), PC Server 315, PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY), and PC Server 330 (8640 - PB0, PT0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) OS/2 device drivers diskette for S3 TRIO 64V+ version 3.03.14) 4306924.exe 422545 07-11-97 PC Server 315 Windows 95 device driver for S3 Trio 64V+ version 2.11.03 4306924.txt 2095 07-18-97 Readme for 4306924.exe (PC Server 315 Windows 95 device driver for S3 Trio 64V+ version 2.11.03) 4306927.exe 948518 07-11-97 PC Server 315 Windows 3.1x device driver for S3 Trio 64V+ version 1.66.02 4306927.txt 3953 07-18-97 Readme for 4306927.exe (PC Server 315 Windows 3.1x device driver for S3 Trio 64V+ version 1.66.02) 4306930.exe 125722 07-11-97 PC Server 315, PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY), and PC Server 330 (8640 - PB0, PT0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) Windows NT 3.51 device drivers diskette for S3 TRIO 64V+ version 1.31.08 4306930.txt 2385 07-11-97 Readme for 4306930.exe (PC Server 315, PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY), and PC Server 330 (8640 - PB0, PT0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) Windows NT 3.51 device drivers diskette for S3 TRIO 64V+ version 1.31.08) 4306933.exe 286736 07-11-97 PC Server 315 7800 Manager diskette 1 of 2 version 1.31 4306933.txt 31159 08-26-97 Readme for 4306933.exe and 4306936.exe PC Server 315 7800 Manager diskettes (2) version 1.31) 4306936.exe 312197 07-11-97 PC Server 315 7800 Manager diskette 2 of 2 version 1.31 (This diskette supports SCO Unix 3.2v4.2/dl.8, SCO Open Server 5/dl.8, and Unixware 1.x/d1.30 2.0x/d1.3095/d1.3) 4306939.exe 1336423 07-11-97 4306939 PC Server 315, PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY), and PC Server 330 (8640 - PB0, PT0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) Adaptec EZ SCSI Diskette 1 of 3 version 4.01L 4306942 PC Server 315, PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY), and 4306939.txt 65504 07-11-97 4306939 PC Server 315, PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY), and PC Server 330 (8640 - PB0, PT0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) Adaptec EZ SCSI Diskette 1 of 3 version 4.01L 4306942 PC Server 315, PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY), and 4306942.exe 1422091 07-11-97 4306939 PC Server 315, PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY), and PC Server 330 (8640 - PB0, PT0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) Adaptec EZ SCSI Diskette 1 of 3 version 4.01L 4306942 PC Server 315, PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY), and 4306945.exe 1174148 07-11-97 4306939 PC Server 315, PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY), and PC Server 330 (8640 - PB0, PT0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) Adaptec EZ SCSI Diskette 1 of 3 version 4.01L 4306942 PC Server 315, PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY), and 4306979.exe 386309 01-23-97 PC Server 704 configuration utility diskette version 3.61 4306980.exe 845140 01-18-97 PC Server 325 (8639 - EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640 - ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) ServerGuide and Netfinity update diskette version 1.00 4306980.txt 2239 01-18-97 Readme for 4306980.exe (PC Server 325 (8639 - EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640 - ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) ServerGuide and Netfinity update diskette version 1.00) 4307001.exe 132453 07-11-97 PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF), PC Server 315, PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY), and PC Server 330 (8640 - PB0, PT0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) Windows NT 4.00 device drivers diskette for S3 TRIO 64V+ version 1.01.01 4307001.txt 2319 07-11-97 Readme for 4307001.exe (PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF), PC Server 315, PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PTW, PT0, RB0, 1RY, 2RY), and PC Server 330 (8640 - PB0, PT0, PM0, 11Y, 21Y) Windows NT 4.00 device drivers diskette for S3 TRIO 64V+ version 1.01.01) 46l3433.exe 1317686 04-27-99 Netfinity 3000 - S3 Trio-3D OS/2 Video Driver Diskette (Japanese) version 4.10.03J 46l3459.exe 1371975 08-26-99 S3 Video Device Driver for OS/2 (Japanese) Version 6.10.12 46l3459.txt 23272 08-26-99 S3 Video Device Driver for OS/2 (Japanese) Version 6.10.12 46l3459j.txt 3947 08-26-99 S3 Video Device Driver for OS/2 (Japanese) Version 6.10.12 46l3461.exe 605944 07-28-99 46L3461 IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette (Japanese) V3.50 46l3461.txt 4424 07-28-99 IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette (Japanese) V3.50 46l3461j.txt 4669 07-28-99 IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette (Japanese) V3.50 46l3462.exe 659368 07-28-99 46L3462 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette (Japanese) V3.50 46l3462.txt 28343 07-28-99 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette (Japanese) V3.50 46l3462j.txt 30244 07-28-99 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette (Japanese) V3.50 46l3463.exe 1323802 07-29-99 46L3463 IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Program Diskette version 3.50 46l3463.txt 9499 07-28-99 IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitroing Program Diskette (Japanese) V3.50 46l3463j.txt 10646 07-28-99 IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Program Diskette (Japanese) V3.50 46l3464.exe 818541 07-28-99 46L3464 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette (Japanese) V3.50 46l3464.txt 14679 07-28-99 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette (Japanese) V3.50 46l3464j.txt 14425 07-28-99 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette (Japanese) V3.50 46l3480.exe 744771 11-02-99 IBM ServeRAID Cluster Solutions for Windows NT Diskette Version 3.50 (Japanese) 46l3480.txt 3834 11-02-99 IBM ServeRAID Cluster Solutions for Windows NT Diskette Version 3.50 (Japanese) 46l3480j.txt 3543 11-02-99 IBM ServeRAID Cluster Solutions for Windows NT Diskette Version 3.50 (Japanese) 46l3558.exe 606387 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette (Japanese) Version 3.50C 46l3558j.txt 4446 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette (Japanese) Version 3.50C 46l3559.exe 667945 11-03-99 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette (Japanese) Version 3.50C 46l3559j.txt 32492 11-03-99 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette (Japanese) Version 3.50C - Readme File 46l3560.exe 1323354 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Program Diskette (Japanese) Version 3.50C 46l3560j.txt 10336 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Program Diskette (Japanese) Version 3.50C 46l3561.exe 815875 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette (Japanese) Version 3.50C 46l3561j.txt 14385 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette (Japanese) Version 3.50C 46l3562.exe 258796 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver for SCO Operating Systems Diskette (Japanese) Version 3.50C 46l3562j.txt 16638 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Device Driver for SCO Operating Systems Diskette (Japanese) Version 3.50C 4mmdat4.exe 526030 07-17-98 4/10 Tape drive firmware update revision 4BKC for ARCHIVE drives with switches 4mmdat4.txt 13926 07-17-98 Readme for 4mmdat4.exe and 4mmdat5.exe (4/10 Tape drive firmware update revision 4BKC for ARCHIVE drives with switches and revision 5AJ for CONNOR/SEAGATE drives with jumpers) 4mmdat5.exe 518707 07-17-98 4/10 Tape drive firmware update revision 5AJ for CONNOR/SEAGATE drives with jumpers 4mmread.txt 5576 07-17-98 Introductory Readme for 4mmdat4.exe and 4mmdat5.exe (4/10 Tape drive firmware update revision 4BKC for ARCHIVE drives with switches and revision 5AJ for CONNOR/SEAGATE drives with jumpers) 4way.pdf 2093842 03-10-99 Netfinity 5500 M20 Four-Way Processor Upgrade Kit 5000f.pdf 12374 04-30-99 Netfinity 5000 - Executive Summary 5000pack.exe 4289854 11-02-99 Netfinity 5000 - System Service Package 525wropt.exe 277513 11-06-93 5.25" Read/Write Optical Option/Driver 5500f.pdf 97280 01-12-99 IBM Netfinity 5500 Server Family 5500m10p.exe 3503547 11-02-99 Netfinity 5500 M10 - System Service Package 5500m20p.exe 3927063 11-02-99 Netfinity 500 M20 - System Service Package 5500pack.exe 3842364 09-30-99 IBM Netfinity 5500 - System Service Package 5500uhen.pdf 7150151 08-19-98 Netfinity 5500 User's Handbook 616ibm.txt 7731 06-21-99 Readme for (Netfinity Fibre Channel PCI adapter Windows NT 4.0 driver version 6.16) 54736 06-21-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel PCI adapter Windows NT 4.0 driver version 6.16 62h6806.exe 772553 04-07-98 PC Server 320 (8640 - 0Z0, 0ZV, 1Z0, 2Z0, 3Z0, 0X0, 0XT, 0Y0, 0YT, 1Y0, 1YT, Z11, Z12, Z13, Z14, Z15, Z16, Z17, Z18, Z19, Z1A, Z1B, Z1C, Z1D, Z1E, Z1F, Z1G, Z1H, Z1I, Z1J, Z1K, Z1L, Z1M, Z1N, Z1O, Z1P, Z1Q) and PC Server 520 (8641-EZ0, EZV, EZ1, EZS, EZE, EZL) EISA configuration diskette for systems under 133Mhz version 3.30 62h6806.txt 3421 04-07-98 Readme for 62h6806.exe (PC Server 320 (8640-0Z0, 0ZV, 1Z0, 2Z0, 3Z0, 0X0, 0XT, 0Y0, 0YT,1Y0, 1YT) and PC Server 520 (8641-EZ0, EZV, EZ1, EZS, EZE, EZL) EISA configuration diskette version 3.30) 62h6830.exe 496888 09-14-95 PS/2 8590 / PS/2 Server 95 / PC Server 500 - RD9095A - Diagnostics Diskette version 2.33 62h7062.exe 1034332 04-07-98 PC Server 320 (8640 - 0Z0, 0ZV, 1Z0, 2Z0, 3Z0, 0X0, 0XT, 0Y0, 0YT, 1Y0, 1YT, Z11, Z12, Z13, Z14, Z15, Z16, Z17, Z18, Z19, Z1A, Z1B, Z1C, Z1D, Z1E, Z1F, Z1G, Z1H, Z1I, Z1J, Z1K, Z1L, Z1M, Z1N, Z1O, Z1P, Z1Q) EISA BIOS flash update diskette for 133Mhz systems and below version 9N 62h7062.txt 1211 04-07-98 Readme for 62h7062.exe (PC Server 320 (8640 - 0Z0, 0ZV, 1Z0, 2Z0, 3Z0, 0X0, 0XT, 0Y0, 0YT, 1Y0, 1YT, Z11, Z12, Z13, Z14, Z15, Z16, Z17, Z18, Z19, Z1A, Z1B, Z1C, Z1D, Z1E, Z1F, Z1G, Z1H, Z1I, Z1J, Z1K, Z1L, Z1M, Z1N, Z1O, Z1P, Z1Q) EISA BIOS flash update diskette for 133Mhz systems and below version 9N) 7000m10.pdf 303063 10-29-98 Netfinity 7000 M10 White paper 7000m10p.exe 3955331 11-02-99 Netfinity 7000 M10 - System Service Package 7000pack.exe 2066902 09-30-99 Netfinity 7000 - System Service Package 720nos.exe 447369 06-27-96 PC Server 720 NOS diskette version 1.10 720nos.txt 12092 04-09-98 Readme for 720nos.exe (PC Server 720 NOS diskette version 1.10) 720pci.exe 19677 10-26-95 PC Server 720 PCI bus configuration diskette 720svga.exe 846479 10-23-95 PC Server 720 SVGA support diskette version 1.01 720svga.txt 13667 11-12-97 Readme for 720svga.exe (PC Server 720 SVGA support diskette version 1.01) 76h4891.exe 310689 11-26-96 PC Server 320 (8640 - EE0, EEV, EE1, EES) EISA BIOS Flash Update Diskette version 16T3B 76h4891.txt 1211 02-24-98 Readme for 76H4891 (PC Server 320 (8640 - EE0, EEV, EE1, EES) EISA BIOS Flash Update Diskette version 16T3B) 76h4892.exe 309806 11-26-96 PC Server 520 (8641 - EE0, EE1, EEE, EEL) EISA BIOS Flash Update Diskette version 16T3C 76h4892.txt 1245 11-12-97 Readme for 76H4892 (PC Server 520 (8641 - EE0, EE1, EEE, EEL) EISA BIOS Flash Update Diskette version 16T3C) 76h7575.pdf 1482766 02-19-98 3518 Enterprise Enclosure Hardware Maintenance Manual 76h7576.pdf 251969 02-19-98 3517 Multi Storage Enclosure Hardware Maintenance Manual 76h7644.exe 440650 06-18-98 PC Server 500 and PS/2 95 (9595 - 0PT, 0PV, 3PG, 3PT, CPT, 0QT, 0QV, 3QG, 3QT, 1NG, 1NT, 3NG, 3NT) BIOS flash update diskette revision 8 version 1.26 76h7644.txt 3701 06-14-98 Readme for 76h7644.exe (PC Server 500 and PS/2 95 (9595 - 0PT, 0PV, 3PG, 3PT, CPT, 0QT, 0QV, 3QG, 3QT, 1NG, 1NT, 3NG, 3NT) BIOS flash update diskette revision 8 version 1.26) 76h7644a.txt 6396 06-14-98 OS/2 Readme for 76h7644.exe (PC Server 500 and PS/2 95 (9595 - 0PT, 0PV, 3PG, 3PT, CPT, 0QT, 0QV, 3QG, 3QT, 1NG, 1NT, 3NG, 3NT) BIOS flash update diskette revision 8 version 1.26) 76h8959.exe 953288 02-13-98 IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide PCI-bus RAID diagnostic diskette version 2.01 76h8962.exe 712248 10-07-97 IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide PCI-Bus RAID SCO diskette version 2.01 76h8962.txt 2801 10-07-97 Readme file for 76h8962.exe (IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide PCI-Bus RAID SCO diskette version 2.01) 78h6478.exe 360981 01-30-98 PC Server 310 PCI/ISA BIOS flash update diskette version 5.0 78h6478.txt 5485 01-30-98 Readme for 78h6478.exe (PC Server 310 PCI/ISA BIOS flash update diskette version 5.0) 78h6479.exe 243380 01-15-98 PC Server 310 (8639-MXT) BIOS flash update diskette version 6 78h6479.txt 5576 01-15-98 Readme for 78h6479.exe (PC Server 310 (8639-MXT) BIOS flash update diskette version 6) 78h6488.exe 841705 10-17-96 PC Server 320 (8640-1D0, 1DS, 2D0, 3D0, 0D0, 0DV, EE0, EEV, EE1, EES) and PC Server 520 (8641-ED2, EE0, EDG, EE0, EE1, EEE, EEL) EISA configuration diskette version 4.02 78h6488.txt 3500 11-12-97 Readme for 78h6488.exe (PC Server 320 (8640-1D0, 1DS, 2D0, 3D0, 0D0, 0DV, EE0, EEV, EE1, EES) and PC Server 520 (8641-ED2, EE0, EDG, EE0, EE1, EEE, EEL) EISA configuration diskette version 4.02) 82h5713.exe 819603 03-20-97 PC Server 320 and PC Server 520 EISA configuration diskette version 4.02 (Japanese) 82h5734.exe 931227 03-20-97 PC Server 310 QA Plus diagnostics diskette version 5.44 (Japanese) 82h5734.txt 3113 06-11-97 Readme for 82h5734.exe (PC Server 310 QA Plus diagnostics diskette version 5.44 (Japanese) 82h5769.exe 1278010 03-20-97 PC Server 310 OS/2 S3 Video diskette 1 of 2 version 22A (Japanese) 82h5772.exe 1292567 03-20-97 PC Server 310 OS/2 S3 Video diskette 2 of 2 version 22A (Japanese) 82h5815.txt 3804 09-25-98 Readme for M82H5815.exe ( PC Server 704 (8650-4BW, 7AX, 4M0) System Board Diagnostic Diskette V 5.45I (Japanese)) 84h2952.exe 921946 05-23-97 PC Server 310 (8639-0DT, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0E6, 0EF) system board diagnostics diskette v5.44 84h2952.txt 3113 05-23-97 Readme for 84h2952.exe (PC Server 310 (8639-0DT, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0E6, 0EF) system board diagnostics diskette v5.44) 84h2957.exe 671358 05-23-97 PC Server 310 (8639-0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF) Windows 3.1x device driver diskette for S3 Trio 64V+ version 1.20 84h2957.txt 3951 07-18-97 Readme for 84h2957.exe (PC Server 310 (8639-0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF) Windows 3.1x device driver diskette for S3 Trio 64V+ version 1.20) 84h2960.exe 126990 05-23-97 PC Server 310 (8639-0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF) Windows 3.1x device driver diskette for S3 Trio 64V+ version 1.20 84h2960.txt 2063 07-18-97 Readme for 84h2960.exe (PC Server 310 (8639-0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF) Windows 3.1x device driver diskette for S3 Trio 64V+ version 1.20) 84h2975.exe 281950 05-23-97 84H2975 PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF), PC Server 325 (8639 - EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640 - ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) 7800 Family Manager diskette 1 of 2 version 1.30 84h2978 PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 84h2975.txt 879 03-01-96 84H2975 PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF), PC Server 325 (8639 - EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640 - ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) 7800 Family Manager diskette 1 of 2 version 1.30 84h2978 PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 84h2978.exe 312197 05-23-97 84H2975 PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF), PC Server 325 (8639 - EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640 - ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) 7800 Family Manager diskette 1 of 2 version 1.30 84h2978 PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 84h2981.exe 1339441 05-23-97 PC Server 310 (8639-0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF), PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) EZ-SCSI diskette 1 of 3 for Windows version 4.00e. 84h2981.txt 64113 03-13-97 Readme for 84h2981.exe (PC Server 310 (8639-0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF), PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) EZ-SCSI diskette 1 of 3 for Windows version 4.00e) 84h2984.exe 1419683 05-23-97 PC Server 310 (8639-0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF), PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) EZ-SCSI diskette 2 of 3 for Windows version 4.00e. 84h2984.txt 64111 05-23-97 Readme for 84h2984.exe (PC Server 310 (8639-0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF), PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) EZ-SCSI diskette 2 of 3 for Windows version 4.00e) 84h2987.exe 1095661 05-23-97 PC Server 310 (8639-0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF), PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) EZ-SCSI diskette 3 of 3 for Windows version 4.00e. 84h2987.txt 65552 03-13-97 Readme for 84h2987.exe (PC Server 310 (8639 - 0E0, 0EV, 0E4, 0E5, 0EF), PC Server 325 (8639 - EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640 - ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) EZ-SCSI for Windows Diskette 3 of 3 version 4.00E) 84h3050.pdf 2598820 11-28-96 PC Server 330 Hardware Maintenance Manual 84h4298.exe 1190103 01-08-97 PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) OS/2 support diskette for Logic 5436 video version 1.12 84h4298.txt 10750 06-11-97 Readme for 84h4298.exe (PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) OS/2 support diskette for Logic 5436 video version 1.12) 84h4301.exe 179786 01-08-97 PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) Windows NT support diskette for Logic 5436 video version 1.12 84h4301.txt 2820 06-11-97 Readme for 84h4301.exe (PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, EM0) and PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2, EMR) Windows NT support diskette for Logic 5436 video version 1.12) 84h5958.exe 919552 03-10-99 PC Server 704 (4M0, 4BW, 7AX) System Board Diagnostic Diskette v5.45F 84h5958.txt 3187 03-10-99 Readme for 84h5958.exe (PC Server 704 (4M0, 4BW, 7AX) System Board Diagnostic Diskette v5.45F) 84h7085.exe 660489 06-13-97 PC Server 720 reference diskette version 1.12 84h7098.exe 1187552 11-26-96 PC Server 9306 Rack configuration diskette version 1.00 8500pack.exe 3553493 11-02-99 Netfinity 8500R - System Service Package 8500rf.pdf 190385 06-22-99 IBM Netfinity 8500R Overview 9585rd.exe 358544 02-23-94 Server 85 diagnostic diskette version 1.30 9585rf.exe 634068 02-23-94 Server 85 reference diskette version 1.32 95acdrom.exe 72493 05-03-95 Server 95 Array Enhanced CD-ROM II or SCSI-2 2X CD-ROM driver diskette 95bios02.exe 399173 02-01-94 Server 95 (9595) Type 4 BIOS version 02 9919036e.exe 465992 02-03-97 APC PowerChute Plus for Windows NT diskette 1 of 2 version 4.2.5 9919075a.exe 758705 02-03-97 APC PowerChute Plus for Windows NT diskette 2 of 2 version 4.2.5 a8855010.pdf 3065708 10-21-99 Netfinity 3500 User's Handbook (Japanese) a8860180.pdf 3089326 10-21-99 Netfinity 5000 Hardware Information a8860380.pdf 4181742 10-21-99 Netfinity 5500 M10 Hardware Information (Japanese) a8861350.pdf 208338 10-21-99 Netfinity 5000 Express Setup & Installation (Japanese) a8861420.pdf 793731 10-21-99 Netfinity 5500 M20 Legal & Safety Information (Japanese) a8864021.pdf 172122 10-21-99 Netfinity 1000 Start Here a8864210.pdf 3168530 10-21-99 Netfinity 1000 User's handbook a8866311.pdf 4446918 10-21-99 Netfinity 7000 M10 Legal & Safety Information (Japanese) a8866360.pdf 1651813 10-21-99 Fibre Channel Legal & Safety Information (Japanese) a8866550.pdf 3068111 10-21-99 A8866550.pdf Netfinity 3000 - User's Handbook a8866560.pdf 218615 10-29-99 33L3891.pdf IBM Netfinity NetBAY3E Installation Instructions Version 1.0 a8866571.pdf 64414 10-21-99 Systems management Serverguide (Japanese) a8866590.pdf 649376 10-21-99 Rack/Storage Enclosures Installation Instructions (Japanese) a8866900.pdf 4706031 10-21-99 Netfinity 5500 M20 - Hardware Information (Japanese) a8866910.pdf 576682 10-21-99 Netfinity 5500 M20 Express Setup & Installation (Japanese) a8866920.pdf 433503 10-21-99 Netfinity 5500 M20 Start Here (Japanese) a8866960.pdf 4679807 10-21-99 Netfinity 5000 Start Here (Japanese) a8866980.pdf 5136922 10-21-99 Netfinity 5500 M10 Start Here (Japanese) a8868940.pdf 172245 10-21-99 Netfinity 5600 Express Setup & Installation (Japanese) a8868960.pdf 419457 10-21-99 Netfinity 5500 M20 Express Setup & Installation (Japanese) a8868980.pdf 467932 10-21-99 Netfinity 5600 Express Setup & Installation (Japanese) a8868990.pdf 806624 10-22-99 A8868990.pdf ServeRAID -3H/3L IBM Netfinity Update to the ServeRAID -3H and ServeRAID (Japanese) a8869180.pdf 5079508 10-21-99 Netfinity 5600 - Hardware Information (Japanese) a8869220.pdf 1345775 10-21-99 Netfinity 5600 Hardware Information a8869230.pdf 699118 10-21-99 Netfinity 5600 Start Here (Japanese) a8870340.pdf 326221 10-21-99 Netfinity 3500 M10 Start Here (Japanese) a8870370.pdf 4658045 10-21-99 Netfinity 1000 Legal & Safety Information (Japanese) aberdrpt.pdf 226590 10-07-98 IBM Netfinity Servers: Leveraging Enterprise Technologies for Its New X-Architecture aberscon.pdf 156948 04-12-99 Server Consolidation - Aberdeen Group Profile adsysmgt.pdf 126639 04-13-99 IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management Processors advsysmg.pdf 68435 03-23-99 IBM Netfinity Advanced Systems Management - White paper announce.txt 57 10-11-99 unannounced file apspc.pdf 1101675 04-28-99 WWSPC Server Paper Configurator Guide contains data relevant world wide. USSPC Server Paper Configurator Guide contains data relevant to the United States. EMEASPC Server Paper Configurator Guide contains data relevant to countries in Europe, Middle ar1632e.txt 5988 01-28-98 Adobe Acrobat Reader license agreement version 3.0. You must read this agreement before installing the software (ar16e30.exe and ar32e30.exe) asmupdt.pdf 208041 09-10-99 Advanced System Management Information Update atyourse.pdf 77399 09-11-98 At your service...Differentiation beyond technology avextf1.pdf 172892 06-23-99 IBM Netfinity Availability Extensions for Microsoft Cluster Server b5gw04jp.exe 463871 03-20-97 PC Server 720 2.88MB diagnostic diskette version 1.10 (Japanese) bios05.exe 440452 03-01-95 Server 95 (9595) and PC Server 500 Type 4 BIOS revision 05 c43.exe 432252 12-31-96 PC Server 1.12, 2.25, and 4.5GB hard drive update diskette version 4.2 c43.txt 3582 06-13-97 Readme for C43.exe (PC Server 1.12, 2.25, and 4.5GB hard drive update diskette version 4.2) cbus530.exe 378325 09-30-96 Corollary supplement for SCO version 5.30 chipkif1.pdf 366797 03-23-99 IBM Chipkill Memory chipkilf.pdf 368073 02-01-99 IBM Chipkill Memory - Advanced ECC Memory for the IBM Netfinity 7000 M10 1036325 03-23-95 File Server Performance Benchmark 4.0 clus0605.pdf 132096 05-10-99 IBM Cluster Checklist clusprvf.pdf 72076 04-07-99 IBM Netfinity ClusterProven Program clust98.pdf 248244 11-02-98 IBM Netfinity Cluster Directions - White paper configd3.exe 697619 06-30-96 PC Server 704 Mylex DAC960 RAID Configuration and Utility Diskette configd3.txt 3839 06-30-96 Readme for CONFIGD3.EXE (PC Server 704 Mylex DAC960 RAID Configuration and Utility Diskette) d3jp1mst.pdf 1497200 03-26-98 IBM Netfinity High Availability Cluster Solutions Installation and User's Guide (Japanese) d3jp3mst.pdf 428071 05-07-98 IBM Netfinity High Availability Cluster Solutions Installation and User's Guide, Third Edition d3kt21ms.pdf 11856 02-27-98 Advanced Systems Management Adapter Technical Update d3kt2mst.pdf 1277980 11-03-97 PC Server Advanced Systems Management Adapter Installation Instructions d3kt4mst.pdf 165072 11-03-97 Service Processor Manager for Netfinity User's Guide d3ne7mst.pdf 28734 06-16-98 Netfinity 3000 Hard Drive Installation Instructions. This information is being provided to ensure proper installation of hard disk drives in bays 5 and 6. This information replaces the hard disk drive-installation instructions in the Working with Drives in Bays 5 and 6 section of your Netfinity 3000 User's Handbook. d3zaqbas.pdf 1799169 02-19-98 PC Server 325 (8639 - PB0, PT0, PTW, RB0, 1RY, 2RY) Hardware Maintenance Manual d3zarbas.pdf 2099221 02-19-98 PC Server 330 (8640 - PT0, PM0, PB0, 11Y, 21Y) Hardware Maintenance Manual d3zavfru.pdf 12048 11-05-98 Netfinity 3000 / PC 300PL System Board FRU Flyer 733 06-17-99 Netfinity Manager Documentation (Japanese) Version 5.20.5 e52novs.exe 2245469 06-29-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20 e52novs.txt 2159 06-29-98 Readme for e52novs.exe (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20) e52os2m.exe 9746142 06-29-98 Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Warp 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20 e52os2m.txt 1703 06-29-98 Readme for e52os2m.exe (Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Warp 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20) e52os2s.exe 5462800 06-29-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Warp 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20 e52os2s.txt 1793 06-29-98 Readme for e52os2s.exe (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Warp 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20) e52w3xs.exe 3997265 06-29-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20 e52w3xs.txt 1914 06-29-98 Readme for e52w3xs.exe (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20) e52w95m.exe 18637420 06-29-98 Netfinity Manager for Windows 95 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20 e52w95m.txt 1787 06-29-98 Readme for e52w95m.exe (Netfinity Manager for Windows 95 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20) e52w95s.exe 11310837 06-29-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20 e52w95s.txt 1877 06-29-98 Readme for e52w95s.exe (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20) e52wntm.exe 18637415 06-29-98 Netfinity Manager for Windows NT 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20 e52wntm.txt 1786 06-29-98 Readme for E52WNTM.EXE (Netfinity Manager for Windows NT 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20) e52wnts.exe 11310836 06-29-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows NT 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20 e52wnts.txt 1877 06-29-98 Readme for e52wnts.exe (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows NT 90-day evaluation diskette version 5.20) eca024sn.txt 73282 12-15-98 ECA024SN.TXT eca025sn.txt 58356 12-21-98 ECA025 Serial Number List eisasvga.exe 846479 02-01-96 PC Server 320 and PC Server 520 EISA video support diskette version 1.01 emeaspc.pdf 830261 08-30-99 WWSPC Server Paper Configurator Guide contains data relevant world wide. USSPC Server Paper Configurator Guide contains data relevant to the United States. EMEASPC Server Paper Configurator Guide contains data relevant to countries in Europe, Middle entstorf.pdf 73354 03-01-99 IBM Netfinity Enterprise Storage Solutions escon.pdf 78067 09-29-98 IBM Netfinity ESCON Adapter White Paper failover.pdf 42921 08-16-99 Failover Manual faq390.382 66560 07-15-97 PC Server S/390 Hints & Tips 482088 07-15-97 PC Server S/390 Hints & Tips faq390.txt 130764 07-15-97 PC Server S/390 Hints & Tips fibrchan.pdf 72704 03-02-99 IBM Netfinity Fibre Channel Solutions for Enterprise Storage flash241.exe 461290 04-15-96 PCI RAID firmware flash version 2.41 flashboot.pdf 159664 02-26-99 Flash Memory Card Implementation for the IBM Network Station Release 3.0 Version 2.0.1 - January 15, 1999 goalpfru.pdf 43799 03-17-99 Netfinity 3000 System Board Replacement instructions ibmnet2.pdf 416781 07-15-98 Netfinity Merchandise Catalog ibmntsrv.pdf 239211 11-13-98 NT Strategies: Servers, Software and Solutions - A Summit Strategies Market Strategy Report ibmsg.exe 2455533 02-22-99 ServerGuide V4.1 Demonstration Version 2.0 ibmsg.txt 1005 02-22-99 Readme for IBMSG.exe (ServerGuide v4.1 Demonstration version 2.0) impsermg.pdf 331726 07-10-98 Implementing IBM Netfinity Server Management ips-100.tgz 32216 08-24-99 Linux ServeRAID Device Driver Version 1.00 ips-100.txt 4061 08-24-99 Linux ServeRAID Device Driver Version 1.00 irmtcond.exe 1028762 04-30-99 IBM Remote Connect Installation and Configuration Guide NOTE: Make sure when extracting this file to use -d and -o as follows: irmtcond -o -d irmtconn.exe 193058 11-21-97 Remote Connect Client Code. NOTE: Make sure when extracting this file to use -d and -o as follows: irmtconn -d -o irmtcont.exe 16047857 10-01-99 IBM Remote Connect Agent for Windows NT Version 2.01 irmtcont.txt 6605 09-22-99 IBM Remote Connect Agent for Windows NT Version 2.01 irpstack.reg 125 12-01-97 IBM AntiVirus fix for 'IrpStackSize too small' error on Windows NT 4.0 j21971sa.pdf 2881252 10-01-98 MetaStor (Symbios) Command Module Installation Guide kaykuse.pdf 431119 04-20-98 IBM Netfinity NetBAY3 Installation Instructions lotus.txt 3355 06-21-96 IBM Lotus Notes Product Fulfillment Form lotusnsm.pdf 141639 02-09-99 IBM Network Station Manager - Lotus eSuite 1.5 / NSM Integration m37l6099.exe 953014 06-30-99 37L6099 IBM Netfinity 5500 M20 Diagnostics flash update diskette 1 of 2 version 3.00 m37l6102.exe 461793 06-30-99 IBM Netfinity 5500 M20 Diagnostics flash update diskette 2 of 2 version 3.00 m524os2j.exe 10102784 05-19-99 Netfinity Manager for OS/2 (Japanese) m525os2e.exe 9963884 09-07-99 Netfinity Manager for OS/2 (English) Version 5.20.5 m525os2e.txt 1752 09-07-99 Netfinity Manager for OS/2 (English) Version 5.20.5 m525os2j.exe 10116849 09-28-99 Netfinity Manager for OS/2 (Japanese) Version 5.20.5 m525os2j.txt 1820 09-28-99 Netfinity Manager for OS/2 (Japanese) Version 5.20.5 m525w32e.exe 25920625 09-07-99 Netfinity Manager for Windows 95/98/NT (English) Version 5.20.5 m525w32e.txt 1819 09-07-99 Netfinity Manager for Windows 95/98/NT (English) Version 5.20.5 m525w32j.exe 26004149 09-28-99 Netfinity Manager for Windows 95/98/NT (Japanese) Version 5.20.5 m525w32j.txt 1886 09-28-99 Netfinity Manager for Windows 95/98/NT (Japanese) Version 5.20.5 m71g1402.exe 501108 01-01-93 PS/2 Server 85 Reference Diskette v1.11 (-0Xx) m82h5815.exe 931848 09-25-98 PC Server 704 (8650-4BW, 7AX, 4M0) System Board Diagnostic Diskette V 5.45I (Japanese) m85svga.exe 75651 07-02-93 Server 85 (9585) SVGA device driver diskette m95svga.exe 75651 10-08-93 Server 95 (9595) SVGA device driver diskette version 1.10 mass160.exe 499484 07-17-95 Server 195 and Server 295 MASS/2 version 1.60 mcantsmp.exe 84722 10-09-96 PC Server 320 and PC Server 520 Micro Channel Windows NT support diskette for SMP version 1.01 mcantsmp.txt 6292 06-13-97 Readme for mcantsmp.exe (PC Server 320 and PC Server 520 Micro Channel Windows NT support diskette for SMP version 1.01) mcavga1.exe 831846 02-01-96 PC Server 320 and PC Server 520 Micro Channel video support diskette 1 of 2 mcavga2.exe 1009890 02-01-96 PC Server 320 and PC Server 520 Micro Channel video support diskette 2 of 2 metafram.pdf 2688301 03-12-99 MetaFrame Solutions Guide - Citrix MetaFrame Application Server mpext21f.exe 308648 07-17-95 Server 295 HPFS fix for MP extensions msiisf.pdf 92222 04-07-99 Netfinity 5500 M10 - Implementing Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) msmnt.txt 2288 02-22-99 Readme for (MultiSystem Manager Netfinity Agent for Windows NT (February 1999)) 464645 02-22-99 MultiSystem Manager Netfinity Agent for Windows NT (February 1999) msmos2.txt 2286 02-22-99 Readme for (MultiSystem Manager Netfinity Manager Agent for OS/2 (February 1999)) 768458 02-22-99 MultiSystem Manager Netfinity Manager Agent for OS/2 (February 1999) mt6007us.pdf 902856 05-29-97 PC Server 310 Hardware Maintenance Manual Supplement mt6009us.pdf 347680 10-30-97 SSA RAID Cluster Adapter Hardware Maintenance Manual mt6010us.pdf 1191014 11-30-96 7133 SSA Disk Subsystem for PC Servers Hardware Maintenance Manual Supplement mt6016us.pdf 1624413 11-30-96 PC Server 325 Hardware Maintenance Manual mt7003us.pdf 8542193 09-21-98 Netfinity 5500 Hardware Maintenance Manual nces.exe 1814528 09-29-98 Netfinity 7000 Cluster Enabler version 1.0 for Oracle Parallel Server version 8.04 nces.txt 15306 09-29-98 Readme for NCES (Netfinity 7000 Cluster Enabler version 1.0 for Oracle Parallel Server version 8.04) ncesii.exe 1806848 02-05-99 IBM Netfinity Cluster Enabler OSD for OPS 8.05 V1.10 ncesii.txt 17896 02-05-99 Readme for IBM Netfinity Cluster Enabler OSD for OPS 8.05 V1.10 net2100.txt 11491 04-05-99 Readme for (Netfinity Fibre Channel PCI Adapter NetWare Driver version 2.09) 46363 04-05-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel PCI Adapter NetWare Driver version 2.09 netfinit.exe 5632231 04-08-98 IBM Netfinity screen saver netsym.exe 9493113 11-19-98 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support for Windows NT Network v06.20.35.16 (CD v2.0) nf5104us.exe 799812 08-31-98 Fixes for Netfinity Manager and Client Services for OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, Windows 95 Windows, and NetWare version 5.10.4 nf5104us.txt 5774 08-31-98 Readme for NF5104US.EXE (Fixes for Netfinity Manager and Client Services for OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, Windows 95 Windows, and NetWare version 5.10.4) nf5200us.exe 592306 12-03-98 Fixes for Netfinity Manager and Client Services for OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, Windows 95 Windows, and NetWare version 5.20.0 nf5200us.txt 6805 12-03-98 Readme for NF5200US.EXE (Fixes for Netfinity Manager and Client Services for OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, Windows 95 Windows, and NetWare version 5.20.0) nf5201us.exe 1619729 02-22-99 Fixes for Netfinity Manager and Client Services v5.20.1 nf5201us.txt 4402 02-22-99 Readme for NF5201US.exe (Fixes for Netfinity Manager and Client Services v5.20.1) nf5202us.exe 1619730 02-22-99 Fixes for Netfinity Manager and Client Services v5.20.2 nf5202us.txt 4403 02-22-99 Readme for NF5202US.exe (Fixes for Netfinity Manager and Client Services v5.20.2) nf5204us.exe 97280 04-30-99 Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services version 5.20.4 nf5204us.txt 4264 04-30-99 Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services version 5.20.4 nf_prop2.pdf 38714 08-03-98 Overview of IBM's Technical Support for Netfinity Server nfcsp0823.pdf 204739 09-16-99 Netfinity Server CUSTOMER SUPPORT PLAN nfdocse.exe 2494627 09-09-99 Netfinity Manager Documentation (English) nfdocse.txt 3079 09-10-99 Netfinity Manager documentation Version 5.20.5 2489517 09-09-99 Netfinity Manager Documentation (English) Version 5.20.5 nfdocsf.exe 4550926 12-02-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager Documentation (French) nfdocsf.txt 3238 12-02-98 Readme for NFDOCSF (Client Services for Netfinity Manager Documentation (French)) nfdocsg.exe 1208859 12-02-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager Documentation (German) nfdocsg.txt 3238 12-02-98 Readme for NFDOCSG (Client Services for Netfinity Manager Documentation (German)) nfdocsi.exe 4091206 12-02-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager Documentation (Italian) nfdocsi.txt 3239 12-02-98 Readme for NFDOCSI (Client Services for Netfinity Manager Documentation (Italian)) nfdocsj.exe 3901440 05-19-99 Netfinity Manager Documentation (Japanese) nfdocsj.txt 3568 05-19-99 Netfinity Manager Documentation (Japanese) Version 5.20.5 nfdocss.exe 1208695 12-02-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager Documentation (Spanish) nfdocss.txt 3239 12-02-98 Readme for NFDOCSS (Client Services for Netfinity Manager Documentation (Spanish)) nfmgr52.pdf 126223 03-23-99 Netfinity Manager 5.2 - White paper nfmgrcr.pdf 293687 09-10-99 Netfinity Manager Command Reference nfmgrqb.pdf 156203 09-10-99 Netfinity Manager Quick Beginnings nfmgrug.pdf 1808606 09-10-99 Netfinity Manager User's Guide nfraidf.pdf 486459 08-10-99 nfraidf.pdf Raid White Papers nfscobas.pdf 59676 09-10-99 Client Services for SCO UnixWare User's Guide nfsdramr.pdf 216505 06-17-99 Netfinity 1000 - Server memory technology directions nfservla.pdf 322601 06-26-98 Netfinity Sales Resources Guide nfsvcnw.pdf 85379 09-10-99 Client Services for Netfinity for NetWare User's Guide nfsvcqb.pdf 105124 09-10-99 Client Services for Netfinity Quick Beginnings nfsvcug.pdf 539821 09-10-99 Client Services for Netfinity User's Guide nfsysmgt.pdf 115587 04-13-99 IBM Netfinity Systems Management - Marketing brochure nm52y2ke.exe 3331888 10-29-99 Netfinity Manager & Client Services Y2K Patch (English) Version 5.20.x nm52y2ke.txt 4001 10-29-99 Netfinity Manager & Client Services Y2K Patch (English) Version 5.20.x nm52y2kf.exe 1718137 10-29-99 Netfinity Manager & Client Services Y2K Patch Version 5.20.x nm52y2kf.txt 3549 10-29-99 Netfinity Manager & Client Services Y2K Patch Version 5.20.x nm52y2kg.exe 1718012 10-29-99 Netfinity Manager & Client Services Y2K Patch (German) Version 5.20.x nm52y2kg.txt 3549 10-29-99 Netfinity Manager & Client Services Y2K Patch (German) Version 5.20.x nm52y2ki.exe 1717944 10-29-99 Netfinity Manager & Client Services Y2K Patch (Italian) Version 5.20.x nm52y2ki.txt 3550 10-29-99 Netfinity Manager & Client Services Y2K Patch (Italian) Version 5.20.x nm52y2kj.exe 1717406 10-29-99 Netfinity Manager & Client Services Y2K Patch (Japanese) Version 5.20.x nm52y2kj.txt 3778 10-29-99 Netfinity Manager & Client Services Y2K Patch (Japanese) Version 5.20.x nm52y2ks.exe 1717921 10-29-99 Netfinity Manager & Client Services Y2K Patch (Spanish) Version 5.20.x nm52y2ks.txt 3550 10-29-99 Netfinity Manager & Client Services Y2K Patch (Spanish) Version 5.20.x nmexp200.exe 1035468 10-29-99 Netfinity EXP200 Support Update for Netfinity Manager & Client Services Version 5.20.5 nmexp200.txt 5296 10-29-99 Netfinity EXP200 Support Update for Netfinity Manager & Client Services Version 5.20.5 nmntsec.exe 112797 10-29-99 Netfinity Manager Enhanced Security for Windows NT Update Version 5.20.x nmntsec.txt 3078 10-29-99 Netfinity Manager Enhanced Security for Windows NT Update Version 5.20.x nmp4tiv1.txt 4306 11-30-98 Readme for nmp4tiv1.exe (Netfinity Manager Plus for Tivoli v1.01) 697067 11-30-98 Netfinity Manager Plus for Tivoli v1.01 nmp4tivj.txt 4251 06-28-99 Readme for (Netfinity Manager Plus For Tivoli V1.01 (Japanese)) 3217176 06-28-99 Netfinity Manager Plus For Tivoli version 1.01 (Japanese) nwsa.exe 2745535 11-12-98 Netfinity Web Server Accelerator version 1.00 nwsaa.txt 5114 11-12-98 Readme for NWSA (Netfinity Web Server Accelerator version 1.00) onforevf.pdf 50176 05-07-99 IBM Netfinity OnForever Initiative ops6060f.pdf 136448 03-27-98 IBM Netfinity and PC Server Options Compatibility Matrix ops6197f.pdf 78677 09-18-98 IBM Netfinity ESCON Adapter ops6198f.pdf 1358526 09-18-98 IBM Netfinity ServeRAID-3H and ServeRAID-3L Ultra2 SCSI Adapters marketing brochure ops6220f.pdf 115365 09-18-98 IBM Netfinity EXP15 Storage Expansion Unit os2cp.pdf 1966013 01-11-99 Standby Server for OS/2 Warp os2qcp.pdf 20677 01-11-99 StandbyServer for OS/2 Warp Quick Setup Card os2smpd0.exe 1043993 04-16-96 OS/2 2.11 SMP install diskette os2smpd1.exe 846525 04-16-96 OS/2 2.11 SMP diskette 1 pcifw1.exe 343461 02-01-96 PC Server 320 PCI F/W device drivers diskette for NetWare, OS/2, and Windows NT version 1.2 pcifw1.txt 919 02-01-96 Readme for PCIFWx.EXE (PC Server 320 PCI F/W device drivers diskette for NetWare, OS/2, and Windows NT version 1.2) pcifw2.exe 159129 02-01-96 PC Server 320 PCI F/W device drivers diskette for SCO 3.2., 4.2, and Unixware 1.0 version 1.10 pcifw3.exe 1070362 02-01-96 PC Server 320 PCI F/W device drivers diskette for Unixware 2.0 version 1.0 pcifw4.exe 1336221 02-01-96 PC Server 320 PCI F/W device drivers diskette 1 of 4 for DOS and Windows version 4.0 pcifw5.exe 1422055 02-01-96 PC Server 320 PCI F/W device drivers diskette 2 of 4 for DOS and Windows version 4.0 pcifw6.exe 1440623 02-01-96 PC Server 320 PCI F/W device drivers diskette 3 of 4 for DOS and Windows version 4.0 pcifw7.exe 559087 02-01-96 PC Server 320 PCI F/W device drivers diskette 4 of 4 for DOS and Windows version 4.0 38317 07-01-96 Downlevel PCI RAID device drivers for NetWare pcipeer.exe 638254 07-19-96 PCI Peermaster option diskette version 2.21 18400 09-12-95 PC Server 500 S/390 Performance Information pe4001us.pdf 73629 11-13-98 IBM PC Server 330 Performance Report 3.0 pe4004us.pdf 48176 11-13-98 NotesBench Disclosure Report for the IBM PC Server 330 with Lotus Domino 4.51 for Windows NT 4.0 pe4005us.pdf 69057 11-13-98 NotesBench Disclosure Report for the IBM Netfinity 7000 with Lotus Domino 4.51 for Windows NT 4.0 pe5001us.pdf 165334 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity 7000 Performance Report 1.2 pe5002us.pdf 154201 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity 7000 NotesBench Disclosure Report for Lotus Domino 4.6 pe5004us.pdf 108397 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity 3500 NotesBench Disclosure Report for Lotus Domino 4.6a pe5005us.pdf 93047 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity and SAP R/3 - 1200 SD Benchmark Users pe5007us.pdf 105808 11-13-98 NotesBench Disclosure Report for the IBM PC Server 330 with RAID-5 and Lotus Domino 4.6a for Windows NT 4.0 pe5008us.pdf 15890 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity and SAP R/3 - Benchmark Details pe5009us.pdf 107796 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity 7000 TPC-C Executive Summary pe6001us.pdf 49664 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity 7000 with Microsoft Exchange Server pe6002us.pdf 64752 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity 3000 Performance Report 1.0 pe6003us.pdf 182169 11-13-98 NotesBench Disclosure Report for IBM Netfinity 3500 (RAID-5) with Lotus Domino 4.6a for Windows NT 4.0 pe6004us.pdf 87256 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity 3500 Performance Report 1.1 pe7001us.pdf 67883 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity 5500 Performance Report 1.1 pe7002us.pdf 21643 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity 7000 TPC-D Executive Summary pe7003us.pdf 39634 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity 7000 M10 Raises the Bar for Performance pe7004us.pdf 17329 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity 7000 M10 TPC-D Executive Summary pe7005us.pdf 79130 11-13-98 NotesBench Disclosure Report for IBM Netfinity 5500 (RAID-1 / RAID-5) with Lotus Domino Server 4.61 for Windows NT 4.0 pe7006us.pdf 67534 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity 5500 (450MHz) Performance Report 2.0 pe7007us.pdf 38513 11-13-98 IBM Netfinity 3000 (450MHz) Performance Report 2.0 perf320.exe 91348 03-31-95 PC Server 320 Performance Report pfaf.pdf 62260 07-17-98 White Paper: IBM Netfinity Predictive Failure Analysis postbios.exe 225705 04-30-93 Server 85 (9585-0Xx) Post/BIOS upgrade diskette version 1.11 prereq.txt 4017 04-30-99 Prerequisites for installation of IBM Remote Connect qaplus.exe 912202 02-06-96 PC Server 320 and PC Server 520 QA ProPlus diagnostic diskette version 5.32 qlc2100.txt 404 04-05-99 Readme for qlc2100.exe (Netfinity Fibre Channel PCI Adapter SCO UnixWare Driver v3.11) qlc2100.z 171182 04-05-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel PCI Adapter SCO UnixWare Driver v3.11 qref390.382 84992 07-15-97 PC Server 500 S/390 Quick Reference Guide 598818 07-15-97 PC Server 500 S/390 Quick Reference Guide qref390.txt 177236 07-15-97 PC Server 500 S/390 Quick Reference Guide 490240 03-19-97 PC Server 500 S/390 Quick Reference Guide qsguide3.pdf 1399977 03-12-99 NT Quick Start Server Guide NSM 3.0 rackcfg2.exe 2525890 08-10-99 IBM Netfinity Rack Configurator V2.0 rackcnfg.exe 1814674 04-28-99 Readme for RACKCNFG.exe (IBM Netfinity Rack Configurator version 1.9C) raid161a.exe 909005 06-22-95 Server 95 Array RAID firmware update diskette version 1.61 raid162a.exe 235087 06-22-95 Server 95 Array RAID firmware update diskette version 1.62 raid163a.exe 901855 05-01-95 Server 95 Array RAID firmware update diskette version 1.63 raid199a.exe 895158 01-14-97 Server 95 Array RAID firmware update diskette version 1.99 raid199a.txt 1401 06-13-97 Readme for raid199a.exe (Server 95 Array RAID firmware update diskette version 1.99) 2738 04-10-96 Server 95 Array RAID API Module (Non-ASPI) raiddoc.txt 1159 10-20-99 Understanding RAID Technology raidman.ds 5473280 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Manager Unix Version 3.50 raidman.txt 10188 11-04-99 IBM ServeRAID Manager Unix Version 3.50 raidnw.exe 372852 06-22-95 Server 195 and Server 295 RAID installation diskette for NetWare rd310.exe 270587 01-06-96 PC Server 310 Micro Channel diagnostic diskette version 1.00 rd9095a.exe 496712 09-14-95 PS/2 Model 90 (8590 and 9590) and Server 95 (8595 and 9595) and PC Server 500 diagnostic diskette version 2.33 rd9585a.exe 338890 03-17-94 Server 85 (9585-0Xx) diagnostic diskette version 1.11 rdacnet.exe 624563 07-29-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support SYMplicity RDAC Driver for Windows NT Version 2.0 rdacnet.txt 9759 07-29-99 Netfinity Fibre Channel RAID Support SYMplicity RDAC Driver for Windows NT Version 2.0 rdpcimca.exe 296895 02-01-96 PC Server 320 and PC Server 520 Micro Channel diagnostics diskette version 5.30 rdrv104.exe 637028 06-30-96 PC Server 704 Mylex NOS device drivers diskette 120334 05-10-96 PC Server 500 S/390 Readme first document readme.htm 70600 07-30-99 Readme for ServeRAID for SCO OpenServer Updates readme.lwp 195044 09-13-99 Readme file for ServeRAID for OS/2 version 3.10 readme.sco 2721 09-10-99 IBM Netfinity Services 5.20.5 for SCO UnixWare 7 readnov.htm 76885 07-30-99 Readme for ServeRAID for Netware readnt.htm 91338 07-30-99 Readme for ServeRAID for Windows NT reados2.htm 76885 07-30-99 Readme for ServeRAID for OS/2 rev71upd.exe 234936 05-20-96 SCSI-2 F/W adapter firmware update diskette revision 71 rf178600.exe 627140 04-14-94 Server 195 and Server 295 reference diskette version 1.7.0 rf310.exe 729479 01-06-96 PC Server 310 Micro Channel reference diskette version 1.00 rf90951a.exe 523885 11-12-92 PS/2 Model 90 (8590) and PS/2 Server 95 (8595) Type 1 reference diskette version 1.31 8590 xGx, or 8595 xGx (486SX 20MHz processor complex) 8590 xJx or 8595 xJx (486DX 25 MHz processor complex) 8590 xKx or 8595xKx (486DX 33MHz processor complex) rf90952a.exe 594144 06-03-94 PS/2 Model 90 and Server 95 Type 2 reference diskette 8590 xHx or 8595 xHx (486SX 25MHz processor complex) 8590 xLx or 8595 xLx (486DX2 25/50MHz processor complex) 9590 xLx or 9595 xLx (486DX2 25/50MHz processor complex) rf90953a.exe 803883 01-01-94 PS/2 Server 95 Type 3 reference diskette version 1.1 8595/9595 0MF, 0MG, and 0MT (486DX 50MHz processor complex) rf90954a.exe 682257 11-29-95 PS/2 Server 95 (9595) and PC Server 500 Type 4 reference diskette version 1.34 9595 xNx, xPx, xQx and PC Server 500 rf9585a.exe 501112 12-10-93 Server 85 (9585-0Xx) reference diskette version 1.11 rfpcimca.exe 744030 09-24-96 PC Server 320 and PC Server 520 Micro Channel reference diskette version 2.07 s01k4880.pdf 795421 10-19-98 NetMEDIA Storage Expansion Unit EL - Hardware Maintenance Manual s05l1827.pdf 1038086 10-31-97 Netfinity EXP10 Storage Expansion Unit Hardware Maintenance Manual s05l1908.pdf 3012572 10-15-98 Netfinity 3500 Hardware Maintenance Manual s10l9837.pdf 5176748 10-30-98 Netfinity 5000 Hardware Maintenance Manual s10l9845.pdf 3404340 09-28-98 Netfinity Fibre Channel Solutions Hardware Maintenance Manual s10l9938.pdf 2135459 09-13-99 ServeRAID Hardware Maintenance Manual s30h2501.pdf 6328902 03-01-96 PC Server 300, PC Server 310, PC Server 320, PC Server 500, PC Server 500 System/390, PC Server 520, PC Server 720, 3517 Enclosure and 3518 Enclosure Hardware Maintenance Manual s521novf.exe 2329691 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare (French) s521novf.txt 2135 12-01-98 Readme for S521NOVF (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare (French)) s521novg.exe 2330709 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare (German) s521novg.txt 2139 12-01-98 Readme for S521NOVG (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare (German)) s521novi.exe 2327962 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare (Italian) s521novi.txt 2140 12-01-98 Readme for S521NOVI (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare (Italian)) s521novj.exe 2329042 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare (Japanese) s521novj.txt 2141 12-01-98 Readme for S521NOVJ (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare (Japanese)) s521novs.exe 2328695 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare (Spanish) s521novs.txt 2140 12-01-98 Readme for S521NOVS (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare (Spanish)) s521os2f.exe 5635634 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Version 5.20.1(French) s521os2f.txt 1769 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Version 5.20.1(French) s521os2g.exe 5623262 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Version 5.20.1 (German) s521os2g.txt 1772 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Version 5.20.1 (German) s521os2i.exe 5619689 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Version 5.20.1 (Italian) s521os2i.txt 1773 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Version 5.20.1 (Italian) s521os2j.exe 5574500 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Version 5.20.1 (Japanese) s521os2j.txt 1774 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Version 5.20.1 (Japanese) s521os2s.exe 5613569 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Version 5.20.1(Spanish) s521os2s.txt 1773 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Version 5.20.1 (Spanish) s521w3xf.exe 4066567 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x (French) s521w3xf.txt 1891 12-01-98 Readme for S521W3XF (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x (French)) s521w3xg.exe 4060777 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x (German) s521w3xg.txt 1895 12-01-98 Readme for S521W3XG (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x (German)) s521w3xi.exe 4056483 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x (Italian) s521w3xi.txt 1896 12-01-98 Readme for S521W3XI (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x (Italian)) s521w3xj.exe 4025846 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x (Japanese) s521w3xj.txt 1897 12-01-98 Readme for S521W3XJ (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x (Japanese)) s521w3xs.exe 4052021 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x (Spanish) s521w3xs.txt 1896 12-01-98 Readme for S521W3XS (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x (Spanish)) s521w95f.exe 11594240 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95 (French) s521w95f.txt 1851 12-01-98 Readme for S521W95F (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95 (French)) s521w95g.exe 11586602 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95 (German) s521w95g.txt 1855 12-01-98 Readme for S521W95G (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95 (German)) s521w95i.exe 11578230 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95 (Italian) s521w95i.txt 1856 12-01-98 Readme for S521W95I (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95 (Italian)) s521w95j.exe 11541991 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95 (Japanese) s521w95j.txt 1857 12-01-98 Readme for S521W95J (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95 (Japanese)) s521w95s.exe 11578092 02-04-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95 (Spanish) s521w95s.txt 1856 12-01-98 Readme for S521W95S (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95 (Spanish)) s521wntf.exe 11594237 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows NT (French) s521wntf.txt 1851 12-01-98 Readme for S521WNTF (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows NT (French)) s521wntg.exe 11586599 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows NT (German) s521wntg.txt 1855 12-01-98 Readme for S521WNTG (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows NT (German)) s521wnti.exe 11578227 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows NT (Italian)) s521wnti.txt 1856 12-01-98 Readme for S521WNTI (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows NT (Italian)) s521wntj.exe 11541988 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows NT (Japanese) s521wntj.txt 1857 12-01-98 Readme for S521WNTJ (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows NT (Japanese)) s521wnts.exe 11578089 12-01-98 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows NT (Spanish)) s521wnts.txt 1856 12-01-98 Readme for S521WNTS (Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows NT (Spanish)) s525nove.exe 1786556 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare (English) Version 5.20.5 s525nove.txt 2100 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare (English) Version 5.20.5 s525novj.exe 1795875 09-28-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare (Japanese) Version 5.20.5 s525novj.txt 2161 09-28-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for NetWare (Japanese) Version 5.20.5 s525os2e.exe 5537984 09-08-99 S525OS2E.exe Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Version 5.20.5 s525os2e.txt 1558 09-08-99 S525OS2E.exe Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 Version 5.20.5 s525os2j.txt 1840 09-29-99 S525OS2J Client Services for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 (Japanese) V5.20.5 s525scoe.tar 2181120 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for SCO UnixWare 7 (English) Version 5.20.5 s525scoe.txt 1925 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for SCO UnixWare 7 (English) Version 5.20.5 s525scoj.tar 2181120 09-28-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for SCO UnixWare 7 (Japanese) Version 5.20.5 s525scoj.txt 1982 09-28-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for SCO UnixWare 7 (Japanese) Version 5.20.5 s525w32e.exe 11794303 09-08-99 S525W32E Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95/98/NT (English) Version 5.20.5 s525w32e.txt 1599 09-08-99 S525W32E Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95/98/NT (English) Version 5.20.5 s525w32j.exe 11802137 09-28-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95/98/NT (Japanese) Version 5.20.5 s525w32j.txt 1962 09-28-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 95/98/NT (Japanese) Version 5.20.5 s525w3xe.exe 4027328 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x (English) Version 5.20.5 s525w3xe.txt 1852 09-07-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x (English) Version 5.20.5 s525w3xj.exe 4036065 09-28-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x (Japanese) Version 5.20.5 s525w3xj.txt 1911 09-28-99 Client Services for Netfinity Manager for Windows 3.x (Japanese) Version 5.20.5 s78h6414.pdf 1177464 05-01-97 PC Server 704 Hardware Maintenance Manual May 1997 s83h9618.pdf 570991 07-01-95 PC Server 320, PC Server 520, and PC Server 720 Parts Listings PC ServeRAID Adapter Information July 1995 s84h7201.pdf 1554846 05-01-97 PC Server 315 Hardware Maintenance Manual Supplement s84h7202.pdf 850174 05-01-97 3519 Rack Enclosure Hardware Maintenance Manual sanf.pdf 1943185 06-24-99 IBM Netfinity Storage Area Networks sbs40cp.pdf 2236993 01-11-99 StandbyServer for NetWare/IntranetWare sco1.exe 280223 04-10-96 PC Server 720 Mylex PCI DAC960 device driver diskette sco2.exe 754852 04-10-96 PC Server 720 Mylex PCI DAC960 RAID configuration diskette sco3.exe 777168 04-10-96 PC Server 720 SCO supplement diskette sco4.exe 1294380 04-10-96 PC Server 720 SCO pre boot diskette sco5.exe 392951 04-10-96 PC Server 720 Corollary SLS diskette sco720.txt 6211 04-10-96 Readme for sco1.exe, sco2.exe, sco3.exe, sco4.exe, sco5.exe, sco6.exe, sco7.exe, and sco8.exe (PC Server 720 with Mylex DAC960 RAID SCO installation instructions) scsi2fw.exe 518443 11-18-98 PS/2 Server 95 / PC Server 500 - SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Support Diskette v2.0 scsi2fw.txt 19762 11-18-98 Readme for SCSI2FW.exe (PS/2 Server 95 / PC Server 500 - SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Support Diskette v2.0) scsipapr.pdf 168811 04-28-98 Successfully implementing SCSI in an IBM Netfinity/PC Server serv520.exe 723391 04-10-96 PC Server 520 Micro Channel servicer BIOS version 19A service33.pdf 50996 02-26-99 NC - Network Station Manager - Release 3 Service Document servraid.exe 552634 01-01-97 PC ServeRAID Installation and User's Guide in HTML sguidef.pdf 52670 02-26-99 Servers - ServerGuide for Netfinity and PC Server Systems sm1002us.pdf 622710 09-11-96 PC Server 704 User's Reference sm1003us.pdf 4070624 08-11-98 PC Server 704 User's Handbook sm1004us.pdf 811805 07-12-96 PC Server 310 User's Reference sm1005us.pdf 5213701 07-12-96 PC Server 310 User's Handbook sm1006us.pdf 495425 06-27-96 9306 PC Server Rack Enclosure User's Guide for 19-inch Racks sm1007us.pdf 11867824 01-20-96 PC Server 320 User's Handbook for PCI/EISA sm1008us.pdf 1591592 07-24-95 PC Server 720 User's Reference sm1009us.pdf 7780071 09-12-96 PC Server 325 User's Handbook sm1012us.pdf 3255112 05-11-96 PC Server 520 User's Reference sm1013us.pdf 20886400 05-11-96 PC Server 520 User's Handbook for PCI/Micro Channel sm1014us.pdf 16870488 05-11-96 PC Server 520 User's Handbook for PCI/EISA sm1015us.pdf 1824437 01-20-96 PC Server 320 User's Reference sm1016us.pdf 13097906 01-20-96 PC Server 320 User's Handbook for PCI/Micro Channel sm1017us.pdf 1451982 09-12-96 PC Server 325 User's Reference sm1021us.pdf 7022147 01-11-96 PC Server Enterprise Expansion Enclosure User's Handbook sm1022us.pdf 10187388 09-11-96 PC Server 330 User's Handbook sm1023us.pdf 1719835 09-11-96 PC Server 330 User's Reference sm2001us.pdf 4244987 03-24-97 PC Server 704 User's Handbook sm2002us.pdf 4920389 04-13-97 PC Server 315 User's Handbook sm2003us.pdf 1101799 04-13-97 PC Server 315 User's Reference sm2004us.pdf 2149922 04-13-97 3519 Rack Storage Expansion Enclosure User's Handbook sm2006us.pdf 629305 03-27-97 PC Server 704 User's Reference sms.pdf 28416 07-13-98 Integrating IBM Netfinity Manager with Microsoft Systems Management Server spock.sys 12064 12-18-96 Windows NT driver for the SCSI2F/W MicroChannel Adapter/A P/N 70G8498 srvgrd10.exe 48927 07-21-94 IBM PS/2 ServerGuard adapter option diskette version 1.0 sumsprpt.pdf 121336 11-05-99 IBM Puts the 'Net in Netfinity - A Summit Strategies Report sv6189f.pdf 208731 09-18-98 IBM Netfinity Fibre Channel Storage Solutions svb9432f.pdf 219307 01-18-99 The IBM Netfinity Server Family svb9451f.pdf 272978 09-18-98 Enterprise storage options marketing brochure svs6109f.pdf 146480 09-18-98 IBM Netfinity Clustering Solutions marketing brochure svs6110f.pdf 131329 07-14-99 Netfinity Rack Solutions Brochure svs6131f.pdf 235538 06-24-98 Netfinity 3500 Marketing brochure svs6132f.pdf 129613 11-12-98 The IBM and Microsoft relationship svs6133f.pdf 111937 11-12-98 The IBM and Oracle relationship svs6134f.pdf 114058 11-12-98 The IBM and SCO relationship svs6135f.pdf 117563 11-13-98 The IBM and Novell relationship svs6150f.pdf 91563 10-21-99 Netfinity 3000 - Marketing Brochure svs6151f.pdf 94695 03-16-99 IBM Netfinity 5500 Technical specifications svs6179f.pdf 103701 03-16-99 Netfinity 7000 M10 - Marketing brochure svs6187f.pdf 88771 10-21-99 Netfinity 5000 Marketing Brochure svs6188f.pdf 88306 03-16-99 Netfinity 5500 M10 marketing brochure svs6190f.pdf 104298 09-18-98 IBM Netfinity ServerProven Program - Marketing brochure svs6233f.pdf 90368 09-10-99 Netfinity 5500 M20 - Marketing Brochure svs6239f.pdf 100466 10-21-99 Netfinity 8500R Marketing Brochure svs6241f.pdf 82691 10-21-99 Netfinity 1000 Marketing Brochure svs6252f.pdf 87946 06-17-99 Netfinity 3500 M10 - Marketing brochure svs6257f.pdf 114087 10-21-99 Netfinity 5600 Marketing Brochure svs6267f.pdf 84053 09-13-99 Marketing brochure - IBM Netfinity 4000R svs9433f.pdf 1834469 07-01-98 IBM Netfinity and JD Edwards One World brochure sysman.pdf 152823 05-27-98 System Management for Servers Business Solution Brief sysmgtf.pdf 78186 03-16-98 White paper: IBM Netfinity Systems Management for Servers tapediag.exe 60843 03-18-93 SCSI Tape option diskette version 1.00 tapef.pdf 228193 06-01-98 Using Tape Subsystems, Netfinity Storage Management white paper termserv.pdf 46080 03-02-99 Capacity Planning for Netfinity on Windows Terminal Server test.lwp 235496 09-02-99 test lotus word pro readme for ServeRAID for windows tivolif.pdf 41443 02-26-99 IBM Netfinity Manager Plus for Tivoli Enterprise Overview - White paper tmeddd.exe 610871 09-09-98 Update for RAID Servers using TME 10 NetFinity V4 tmeddd.txt 2216 10-01-96 Readme for TMEDDD.EXE (Update for RAID Servers using TME 10 NetFinity V4) touch.pdf 18382 03-02-99 Touchscreen Support for the IBM Network Station - Release 3.0 - Version 1.2.1 - December 15, 1998 tr1006us.pdf 971934 07-06-96 IBM PC Server and Lotus Notes Integration Guide July 1996 tr1026us.pdf 6735016 12-08-95 IBM PC Server and Novell NetWare Integration Guide tr2001us.pdf 1535342 03-08-97 IBM PC Server and Windows NT Integration Guide u8857140.pdf 207791 10-21-99 Netfinity 7000 M10 Installation Instructions (Japanese) u8857160.pdf 3260255 10-27-99 U8857160.pdf Netfinity 7000 M10 Hardware Information (Japanese) u8857730.pdf 1266042 10-21-99 Netfinity 5000 Hardware Maintenance Manual (Japanese) ultra3.pdf 58703 04-07-99 Ultra 160/m (Ultra3 SCSI) usspc.pdf 1396706 11-04-99 Server Paper Configurator - November 1999 236303 09-26-95 Performance Monitor Newsletter number 1 in PostScript 57212 09-26-95 Performance Monitor Newsletter number 1 in PostScript 156759 10-23-95 Performance Monitor Newsletter number 2 in PostScript 363703 09-26-95 September Performance Monitor in PostScript 96987 09-26-95 September Performance Monitor in PostScript vpdwrite.exe 184320 09-29-99 IBM Netfinity SP Switch VPD Update Utility Version 1.00 vpdwrite.txt 3320 09-29-99 IBM Netfinity SP Switch VPD Update Utility Version 1.00 vpn.pdf 35322 10-13-98 Achieving Remote Access using Microsoft Virtual Private Networking - White paper 28615 03-26-96 Server S/390 "Jazzier" logo for Warp warranty.pdf 129665 10-13-99 Warranty Upgrade Information for IBM Netfinity and PC Servers webaccel.pdf 70840 10-12-98 IBM Netfinity Web Server Accelerator - White paper wp5008us.pdf 18213 06-19-98 Netfinity White Paper: Integrating IBM Netfinity Manager with Intel LANDesk Server Manager wp5012us.pdf 68170 01-04-97 Rack Storage Expansion Enclosure Planning Guide - Netfinity White Paper wp5014us.pdf 83634 06-19-98 Netfinity White Paper: Lotus Domino Clusters Overview wp5015us.pdf 291044 06-19-98 Netfinity White Paper: Lotus Domino Clusters Installation Primer wp6001us.pdf 55687 01-04-98 Making Windows NT Enterprise-Ready: IBM,s NT Strategy Revisited - White Paper wp6003us.pdf 45217 03-04-98 IBM Netfinity 8-Way SMP Directions wp6004us.pdf 148453 02-04-98 IBM Netfinity Fibre Channel Directions wp6005us.pdf 102900 05-30-98 IBM Netfinity Server Quality wp6006us.pdf 33484 05-30-98 IBM Netfinity Technology Trends and Directions ! wp6007us.pdf 23226 04-04-98 IBM Netfinity Server Ultra2 SCSI Directions wp6008us.pdf 428840 08-17-98 IBM Netfinity Storage Management Using Tape Subsystems wp7003us.pdf 26191 06-30-98 IBM Netfinity System Management Processor wp7007us.pdf 106442 06-30-98 IBM Netfinity PCI Hot-Plug Solutions wp7009us.pdf 33769 07-04-98 Balanced Performance in a Departmental Server: An Evaluation of the IBM Netfinity 5500 and the Compaq ProLiant 3000 - White Paper wp7012us.pdf 217518 04-04-98 IBM Netfinity Enterprise Storage Tape Backup Subsystems wwspc.pdf 1253957 05-28-99 WWSPC Server Paper Configurator Guide contains data relevant world wide. USSPC Server Paper Configurator Guide contains data relevant to the United States. EMEASPC Server Paper Configurator Guide contains data relevant to countries in Europe, Middle xarchtur.pdf 190212 12-31-98 IBM Netfinity X-architecture White Paper ============================================================================ DOS BBS Files /pub/pccbbs/dos_comm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ DOS Text Processing /pub/pccbbs/dos_text_proc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ DOS Applications /pub/pccbbs/dos_apps ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ PowerPC Files /pub/pccbbs/powerpc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3comenet.exe 48684 09-07-95 3COM ISA Ethernet adapter diag file 7248_110.exe 1009440 10-30-96 PowerPC Firmware/SMS v1.10 for 43P aix3cisa.dd 1474560 10-02-95 AIX drivers for 3COM ISA cards, dd formt arc146.trz 235571 05-05-95 Arc 1.46 for AIX. compressed and tar'd arc148.dd 1474560 10-02-95 Windows NT ARC 1.48 in UNIX dd format arc148.exe 290616 08-03-95 Windows NT Arc Bootloader v1.48 arc149.exe 327200 11-13-95 Windows NT ARC Bootloader v1.49 arc150.dd 1474560 10-30-96 PowerPC ARC Boot Disk 1.50 Unix DD Image arc150.exe 389440 04-10-96 ARC v1.50 for PowerPC computers arc151.dd 1474560 10-30-96 PowerPC ARC Boot Disk 1.51 Unix DD Image arc151.exe 390480 10-30-96 PowerPC ARC Boot Diskette v1.51 arcv146.exe 228455 03-07-95 Windows NT ARC Bootloader version 1.46 eth_conf.exe 48428 04-08-96 NE2000 Ethernet software configuration ibmpc28.tar 20480 03-19-96 AIX 4.1.4 Script-IBM PCMCIA 28.8 Modem ientdd.bin 32492 02-27-95 ISA ethernt drvr for AIXv4.2.1.1+ (mltct ientdd.txt 500 02-28-95 README for IENTDD.BIN nt40ppcs.exe 116800 04-10-96 Windows NT 4.0 Beta PPC Sound Drivers ntsp2ppc.txt 5166 11-13-95 NT ServicePak 2 Installation Instruction p4x0_128.exe 812223 09-28-95 440 1.28 SMS/firmware update p8x0_106.exe 1068320 09-01-95 830/850 1.06 firmware update p8x0_106.trz 1403677 09-01-95 830/850 1.06 firmware, tar/compress p8x0_107.exe 1096684 12-05-95 PowerSeries 830/850 SMS/ROS v1.07 p8x0_108.exe 1078560 01-12-96 Power Series 830/850 Firmware Upt v1.08 p8x0_110.exe 1075840 10-30-96 PowerPC Firmware/SMS v1.10 for 830/850 perfwp.exe 297493 10-09-95 Power Series 800 Performance Paper, PS ros104.exe 931185 06-20-95 830/850 ROS 1.04 image only sms102.exe 1448323 07-01-95 830/850 SMS 1.02 sms126.dd 1474560 03-21-95 AIX dd image of 440 SMS 1.26 sms126.exe 756958 02-16-95 440 SMS 1.26 sms127.exe 763860 07-22-95 440 SMS 1.27 ============================================================================ Reference & Adapter Diskettes /pub/pccbbs/refdisks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 160mslct.exe 136456 03-06-91 PS/2 160MB SCSI fixed restoration dsk 25-286ad.exe 241630 08-04-95 PS/2 Model 25-286 Advanded Diags V 1.0 253540dg.exe 292630 10-18-93 PS/2 Adv Diag 25,35,40 disk ver 1.20 25start.tg0 289990 07-21-93 IBM PS/2 MOD 25 starter diskette v1.0 25sxstr.exe 293588 05-06-92 Adv Diag for 25, 35, 40 v1.3 30start.exe 311255 07-02-96 PS/2 model 30 starter disk 3540st.exe 293656 12-04-93 Models 35 & 40 starter disk ver. 1.03 3_3boot.exe 126208 08-24-95 DOS 3.3 Boot disk with maint. files 40sxdiag.tg0 282344 07-09-91 Advanced Diag v1.02 for 40SX 1316800 07-24-96 Sound Disk 2of2 for 4x Stereo PCMCIA CD 5-25boot.exe 151819 08-24-95 DOS 3.3 BOOT DISK W/ MAINT. FILES 5140star.exe 311787 07-14-94 5140 PCC Starter Disk w/APP Selector 55ls65rf.exe 461821 01-02-92 55ls & 65 Reference Diskette 56patch.exe 18038 10-18-94 56 LS patch for 169 errors. 70_flash.exe 71700 09-12-94 Mod 70 Planar Upgrade - BIOS v 1.18.02 7677_201.exe 1049563 07-15-94 76/77 I&S OS/2 2.0 Video Driver Disk 1 7677_202.exe 752888 07-15-94 76/77 I&S OS/2 2.0 Video Driver Disk 2 7677diag.exe 390712 10-18-95 G7GT55A 76/77 I&S Diagnostic disk v3.11 7677dosd.exe 727016 12-06-94 76/77 I&S DOS/Win S3 Graphics Disk v1.2 7677flsh.exe 225495 03-12-96 76/77 I&S Flash Update Disk Revision 7 G7GT59A 7677ref.exe 774689 10-19-95 76/77 I&S Reference Disk v3.10 7677scsi.exe 515335 07-02-96 Future Domain SCSI-2 Option Disk v1.00 7677wnet.exe 707331 10-20-94 76/77 S3 Windows drvrs for Novell Ntwks 953540st.exe 405829 03-01-94 9535/9540 Starter Disk version 1.00 adv25dia.exe 140884 04-18-91 PS/2 Model 25 Advanced Diag ver 1.00 adv30286.exe 193226 07-02-96 Advanced Diags for Mod-30 & Mod-25 286s adv30dig.exe 142180 08-20-92 Advanced diag for Model/30 8086 atdg207.exe 148558 02-07-97 Adv Diag PC/AT & XT-286 v.2.07 360K atdg207.tg0 131074 11-10-94 Adv Diags Disk PC/AT & XT-286 v.2.07 blc_util.exe 27438 01-27-95 70/80 Blue-Lightning proc u/g util disk bopt103.exe 376224 03-26-93 enable all enhanced memory - see 5 line ...The files contained allow users with AT LEAST ONE Enhanced Memory Adapter with ROM installed to enable all memory contained on all installed Enhanced Memory Adapters. This included systems that hBOPT103.LAB label for IBM label prg.for BOPT103.EXE bopt103.lab 969 03-25-93 label for IBM label prg.for BOPT103.EXE bopt103.txt 396 03-25-93 Text file for BOPT103.EXE disk02.sys 36893 02-17-94 76/77 I & S OS/2 1.3 Installation Fix 1010375 06-18-96 MWAVE for OS/2 Disk 1 of 2 for 25H2749 230364 06-18-96 MWAVE for OS/2 Disk 2 of 2 for 25H2749 1212865 06-18-96 MWAVE for Win3.1x Disk 1of6 for 25H2749 1339530 06-18-96 MWAVE for Win3.1x Disk 2of6 for 25H2749 1335967 06-18-96 MWAVE for Win3.1x Disk 3of6 for 25H2749 1272865 06-18-96 MWAVE for Win3.1x Disk 4of6 for 25H2749 1339659 06-18-96 MWAVE for Win3.1x Disk 5of6 for 25H2749 369270 06-18-96 MWAVE for Win3.1x Disk 6of6 for 25H2749 ether32a.exe 303949 03-30-93 32bit 3Connect Ether/A Opt Disk v1.00 g7jt60a.exe 225221 08-18-97 PS/2 - Model 76/77 Bios revision level 8 build 60A g7jt61a.exe 225303 04-27-98 Flash BIOS Update diskette v61a 9576, 9577 interfac.exe 207422 04-11-94 Interface code for 8514/A 1.02 irlan.exe 473495 09-07-94 IR Lan version 2.10 replacement disk kelrec.exe 840280 08-24-95 Kelso Recovery Diskette m5060pu.exe 215084 02-25-94 50/60 Microelectronics PU opt. diskette mod30286.exe 458650 07-02-96 Mod 30-286 Starter diskette v 1.02 n51ref.exe 616270 07-29-93 PS/2 model for N51 v1.10 opt3514.exe 369863 04-14-93 3514 Startable Option Diskette v1.15 opt4a.exe 351832 03-12-93 Option dsk for 4/A w/updted diag os2dpmv.exe 130051 06-01-94 OS/2 Display Power Management Drivers os2power.exe 184965 10-04-94 XGA Power mgnt. drivers for OS/2 p70-386r.exe 483171 04-22-94 P70-386 Reference disk (Type 8573 Model 031, 061 and 121) 6709 04-02-93 Per Page Ptr Adp/A Opt Dsk V.1.10 pc_net.exe 115857 07-02-96 PC Network Diagnostics V.2.0 pccadv11.exe 102472 12-02-91 PC Convertible Advance Diag ver 1.11 powrscsi.exe 323562 07-02-96 Future Domain PowerSCSI Util Disk v1.00 powscsi4.exe 751872 03-24-97 Future Domain Power SCSI Util. Disk v4.1 ps1diag1.exe 151584 07-02-96 PS/1 Diagnostics Diskette ps1diag2.exe 159556 09-17-92 PS/1 Type 2121 Advanced Diagnostics ps1diag3.exe 293224 09-17-92 PS/1 Type 2123 Advanced Diagnostics ps1diag4.exe 135247 10-20-92 PS/1 Type 1 2133/2155 Advanced Diags. ps2estrt.exe 457749 04-11-95 9533E Starter Diskette v1.0 ps2eutil.exe 437208 04-23-96 9533E utilities disk version 1.0 rd7677a.exe 335394 04-08-94 Adv Diags. for 9576/9577 Ver 1.10 rd855657.exe 308552 02-14-95 Diagnostic Disk for 8556/8557 v2.04 rd9553a.exe 324726 11-24-93 Diagnostics for 9553 v1.00 rd955657.exe 332850 07-02-96 Diagnostic Disk for 9556/9557 v2.04 rf5055pu.exe 641901 10-01-96 Mod 50/50z/55 System Board Upgrd RefDsk rf5060a.exe 418375 07-01-96 PS2 50/50Z/60 ref disk, v 1.08 rf5565a.exe 461821 07-02-96 PS/2 Model 55/65 Ref Disk ver 1.05 rf70486a.exe 441168 04-23-92 PS/2 Model 70-486 Reference Disk v1.06 rf7080a.exe 450404 07-01-96 Model 8570/8580 Reference Disk ver 1.12 rf70plan.exe 632877 07-13-99 8570 planar upgrade reference diskette rf7677a.exe 647418 07-02-96 Ref. Diskette for Mod. 76 & 77 Ver 1.10 rf855657.exe 537776 07-02-96 Reference Disk for 8556/8557 v2.10 rf90386a.exe 515172 03-01-93 PS/2 MOD 90XP/386 ref diskette rf9553a.exe 529771 11-25-93 Reference disk for 9553 V1.10 rf955657.exe 579652 07-02-96 Reference Disk for 9556/9557 v1.10 rfp70a.exe 483171 04-24-92 Ref Disk for a P70 (Type 8573, Model 031, 061 and 121) rfp75a.exe 525532 07-02-96 PS/2 Mod P75 486 Ref. Disk - ver 1.00 (Type 8573, Model 161 and 401) rs25286a.tg0 500048 08-18-93 PS/2 Model 25-286 Starter disk - V1.00 s3-cid.cmd 28480 03-07-95 CMD file for LAcuna (S3928) CID Install trbm.exe 314282 10-30-92 Token-Ring 16/4/A Busmaster Ref v. 1.02 utte131.exe 897512 11-15-94 PCMCIA Device Drivers for 9533 vpadv100.exe 144419 12-22-92 PS/VP Adv Diags-Mach Type 6384, V1.00 ...PS/ValuePoint Advanced Diagnostics - Machine Type 6384, Ver 1.00 For IBM Dealers and support personnel only. Not provided with ValuePoint machine shipments. (C)IBM Corp. 1981, 1992 405704 06-18-96 MWAVE for DOS Disk 1 of 2 for 25H2749 473273 06-18-96 MWAVE for DOS Disk 2 of 2 for 25H2749 193208 06-18-96 MWAVE for OS/2 v2.11 Disk 1of1 25H2749 127369 06-18-96 MWAVE for Warp Disk 1 of 1 for 25H2749 win30drv.exe 368198 05-07-93 XGA-2 drivers for Windows 3.0 winpower.exe 220234 10-13-95 DOS/ Windows 3.x DPMS drivers xga210.exe 883754 11-15-93 XGA-2 Drivers Win 3.1 & Vesa v2.10 xga211.exe 877913 12-28-93 XGA/XGA2 DOS,WIN,ACAD, VESA DMQS v2.11 xga212.exe 960857 08-16-94 XGA/XGA2 Drv v2.12 DMQS/DOS/WIN311 xga2adp.exe 493919 04-22-94 Option Disk for XGA-2 Adapter v2.2 xgadoc.txt 118899 01-07-94 XGA/XGA-2 tech support supplemental xgaopt.exe 493919 08-05-93 XGA/XGA2 Display Adapter Options Disk 28185 04-06-95 XGA Patch files for 9533 Starter Disk xgautil.exe 67714 08-09-94 XGA/XGA2 Utilities (P70.EXE & P75.EXE) xtdgs225.dsk 126350 07-01-91 Advanced Diags, PC, XT, & PPC ver 2.25 ============================================================================ Disability Enabling Text Files /pub/pccbbs/disability ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17506 01-21-94 Braille Type 1 PS Fonts for MS-WIN 3.0 ...with Adobe Type Manager. Contains two fonts for the use with ATM. general.gui 216185 12-06-91 Disability Technology and Support hearing.gui 38616 12-06-91 Resource guide for the hearing impaired learning.gui 288284 12-06-91 Resource guide for learning impaired mobility.gui 303898 12-06-91 Resource guide for mobility impaired speech.gui 109774 12-06-91 Resource guide for the speech impaired support.gui 264188 12-06-91 Resource guide of support organizations vision.gui 234424 12-06-91 Resource guide for the vision impaired ============================================================================ Aptiva Files /pub/pccbbs/aptiva ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00n4020.pdf 5767480 04-19-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual for Aptiva 2158, 2163, and 2164 systems. 09n1086.pdf 1539343 10-20-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual for 2190 model Aptivas. (English) 10h3030.pdf 1786442 05-14-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2144 Service Level C systems with Cirrus Logic 5430 video controllers. 20dd1au.exe 1174495 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (AUSTRALIA) 20dd1bd.exe 1161776 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (BELGIUM/DUTCH) 20dd1bf.exe 1162410 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (BELGIUM/FRENCH) 20dd1br.exe 1161711 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (BRAZIL) 20dd1cf.exe 1161963 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (CANADA/FRENCH) 20dd1dk.exe 1159482 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (DENMARK) 20dd1fr.exe 1161444 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (FRANCE) 20dd1gr.exe 1172328 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (GERMAN) 20dd1it.exe 1163771 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (ITALY) 20dd1la.exe 1162458 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (LATIN AMERICA) 20dd1nl.exe 1159347 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (NETHERLAND) 20dd1no.exe 1160360 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (NORWAY) 20dd1sf.exe 1162766 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (SWISS/FRENCH) 20dd1sg.exe 1174071 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (SWISS/GERMAN) 20dd1sp.exe 1160205 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (SPAIN) 20dd1su.exe 1161486 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (FINLAND) 20dd1sv.exe 1162536 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (SWEDEN) 20dd1uk.exe 1229936 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 1 of 3 (UK) 20dd1us.exe 1189184 10-01-97 These files are for MWave-equipped Aptivas preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 33.6Kbps data and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. 2144 and 2168 users MUST upgrade AudioStation and Communications Center after completing this upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to 2159 systems or 2176-C6Z/9R1 or 2176-C6V/9R2. (US) IBM provides these files without warranty support, see 20ddus.txt for details. 20dd2au.exe 1396410 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (AUSTRALIA) 20dd2bd.exe 1395550 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (BELGIUM/DUTCH) 20dd2bf.exe 1396394 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (BELGIUM/FRENCH) 20dd2br.exe 1395478 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (BRAZIL) 20dd2cf.exe 1395947 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (CANADA/FRENCH) 20dd2dk.exe 1394771 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (DENMARK) 20dd2fr.exe 1395313 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (FRANCE) 20dd2gr.exe 1396606 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (GERMAN) 20dd2it.exe 1395200 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (ITALY) 20dd2la.exe 1396119 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (LATIN AMERICA) 20dd2nl.exe 1396293 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (NETHERLAND) 20dd2no.exe 1396488 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (NORWAY) 20dd2sf.exe 1395183 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (SWISS/FRENCH) 20dd2sg.exe 1396538 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (SWISS/GERMAN) 20dd2sp.exe 1394643 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (SPAIN) 20dd2su.exe 1395724 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (FINLAND) 20dd2sv.exe 1396384 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (SWEDEN) 20dd2uk.exe 1394866 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 2 of 3 (UK) 20dd2us.exe 1395961 09-22-97 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 33.6Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing the MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems or the 2176-C6Z/9R1 or 2176-C6V/9R2. (US) 20dd3au.exe 1436793 09-22-97 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (AUSTRALIA) 20dd3bd.exe 1426132 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (BELGIUM/DUTCH) 20dd3bf.exe 1436429 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (BELGIUM/FRENCH) 20dd3br.exe 1430888 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (BRAZIL) 20dd3cf.exe 1436892 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (CANADA/FRENCH) 20dd3dk.exe 1424154 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (DENMARK) 20dd3fr.exe 1436408 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (FRANCE) 20dd3gr.exe 1446441 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (GERMAN) 20dd3it.exe 1435447 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (ITALY) 20dd3la.exe 1432850 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (LATIN AMERICA) 20dd3nl.exe 1425724 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (NETHERLAND) 20dd3no.exe 1424816 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (NORWAY) 20dd3sf.exe 1436429 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (SWISS/FRENCH) 20dd3sg.exe 1446770 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (SWISS/GERMAN) 20dd3sp.exe 1431751 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (SPAIN) 20dd3su.exe 1426297 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (FINLAND) 20dd3sv.exe 1420908 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (SWEDEN) 20dd3uk.exe 1435885 01-15-98 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 28.8Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing this MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems. Disk 3 of 3 (UK) 20dd3us.exe 1436753 09-22-97 These drivers are for MWave-equipped Aptiva systems preloaded with Windows 95. They provide 33.6Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. Users of 2144 and 2168 Aptiva systems MUST upgrade the AudioStation and Aptiva Communications Center software after completing the MWave upgrade. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2159 systems or the 2176-C6Z/9R1 or 2176-C6V/9R2. (US) 20ddau.txt 49019 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1AU.EXE 20ddbd.txt 7620 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1BD.EXE 20ddbf.txt 7975 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1BF.EXE 20ddbr.txt 9383 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1BR.EXE 20ddcf.txt 7975 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1CF.EXE 20dddk.txt 7444 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1DK.EXE 20ddfr.txt 7975 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1FR.EXE 20ddgr.txt 48966 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1GR.EXE 20ddit.txt 12305 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1IT.EXE 20ddla.txt 8786 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1LA.EXE 20ddnl.txt 7620 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1NL.EXE 20ddno.txt 6907 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1NO.EXE 20ddsf.txt 7975 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1SF.EXE 20ddsg.txt 48966 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1SG.EXE 20ddsp.txt 8786 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1SP.EXE 20ddsu.txt 9268 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1SU.EXE 20ddsv.txt 7590 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1SV.EXE 20dduk.txt 48604 01-15-98 Readme for 20DD1UK.EXE 20ddus.txt 45226 10-01-97 Readme for 20DD1US.EXE 20dm1au.exe 388881 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (AUSTRALIA) 20dm1bd.exe 389476 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (BELGIUM/DUTCH) 20dm1bf.exe 389495 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (BELGIUM/FRENCH) 20dm1br.exe 387941 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (BRAZIL) 20dm1cf.exe 389495 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (CANADA/FRENCH) 20dm1dk.exe 388016 03-30-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (DENMARK) 20dm1fr.exe 389495 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (FRANCE) 20dm1gr.exe 389382 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (GERMANY) 20dm1it.exe 390390 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (ITALY) 20dm1la.exe 387605 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (LATIN AMERICA) 20dm1nl.exe 389476 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (NETHERLAND) 20dm1no.exe 389502 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (NORWAY) 20dm1sf.exe 389495 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (SWISS/FRENCH) 20dm1sg.exe 389381 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (SWISS/GERMAN) 20dm1sp.exe 387604 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (SPAIN) 20dm1su.exe 389373 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (FINLAND) 20dm1sv.exe 388100 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (SWEDEN) 20dm1uk.exe 388401 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (UK) 20dm1us.exe 388210 09-22-97 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx and select 2159-Sxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #1of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D and 20E MWave drivers (US-Canadian English) . 20dm2au.exe 1396989 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (AUSTRALIA) 20dm2bd.exe 1396989 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (BELGIUM/DUTCH) 20dm2bf.exe 1396989 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (BELGIUM/FRENCH) 20dm2br.exe 1396988 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (BRAZIL) 20dm2cf.exe 1396989 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (CANADA/FRENCH) 20dm2dk.exe 1396987 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (DENMARK) 20dm2fr.exe 1396988 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (FRANCE) 20dm2gr.exe 1396988 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (GERMANY) 20dm2it.exe 1396988 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (ITALY) 20dm2la.exe 1396988 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (LATIN AMERICA) 20dm2nl.exe 1396988 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (NETHERLAND) 20dm2no.exe 1396988 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (NORWAY) 20dm2sf.exe 1396988 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (SWISS/FRENCH) 20dm2sg.exe 1396988 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (SWISS/GERMAN) 20dm2sp.exe 1396988 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (SPAIN) 20dm2su.exe 1396988 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (FINLAND) 20dm2sv.exe 1396987 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (SWEDEN) 20dm2uk.exe 1396987 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (UK) 20dm2us.exe 1394133 09-22-97 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx and select 2159-Sxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #2of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D and 20E MWave drivers (US-Canadian English) . 20dm3au.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (AUSTRALIA) 20dm3bd.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (BELGIUM/DUTCH) 20dm3bf.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (BELGIUM/FRENCH) 20dm3br.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (BRAZIL) 20dm3cf.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (CANADA/FRENCH) 20dm3dk.exe 969392 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (DENMARK) 20dm3fr.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (FRANCE) 20dm3gr.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (GERMANY) 20dm3it.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (ITALY) 20dm3la.exe 969392 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (LATIN AMERICA) 20dm3nl.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (NETHERLAND) 20dm3no.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (NORWAY) 20dm3sf.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (SWISS/FRENCH) 20dm3sg.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (SWISS/GERMAN) 20dm3sp.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (SPAIN) 20dm3su.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (FINLAND) 20dm3sv.exe 969392 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (SWEDEN) 20dm3uk.exe 969393 01-15-98 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3 of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D MWave drivers (UK) 20dm3us.exe 967747 09-22-97 This file is for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx, 2144/2168-Axx and 2134/2176-Cxx and select 2159-Sxx systems equipped with the MWave card. This file will create Disk #3of 3 of the MIDI samples to be used in conjunction with the 20D and 20E MWave drivers (US-Canadian English) . 20dp13.exe 695475 08-04-98 Patch for Mwave Dolphin adapter with 20D drivers installed (Windows 95 only) 20dp13.txt 1359 08-04-98 Readme file for: Patch for Mwave Dolphin adapter with 20D drivers installed (Windows 95 only) 20ed1us.exe 1028743 10-01-97 These are the latest drivers for select 2159-xxx and 2176-C6Z/9R1 MWave-equipped Aptiva's preloaded with Windows 95. These drivers provide 33.6Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2144-xxx, 2168-xxx, 2134-xxx, 2176-xxx (except 2176-C6Z & 2176-9R1), 2159-S80, 2159-17R, 2159-S90, or 2159-18R. MWave Drivers Disk 1 of 3 (US-Canadian English) 20ed2us.exe 1428353 10-01-97 These are the latest drivers for select 2159-xxx and 2176-C6Z/9R1 MWave-equipped Aptiva's preloaded with Windows 95. These drivers provide 33.6Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2144-xxx, 2168-xxx, 2134-xxx, 2176-xxx (except 2176-C6Z & 2176-9R1), 2159-S80, 2159-17R, 2159-S90, or 2159-18R. MWave Drivers Disk 2 of 3 (US-Canadian English) 20ed3us.exe 1111626 10-01-97 These are the latest drivers for select 2159-xxx and 2176-C6Z/9R1 MWave-equipped Aptiva's preloaded with Windows 95. These drivers provide 33.6Kbps data capability and Direct Sound 3 compatibility. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2144-xxx, 2168-xxx, 2134-xxx, 2176-xxx (except 2176-C6Z & 2176-9R1), 2159-S80, 2159-17R, 2159-S90, or 2159-18R. MWave Drivers Disk 3 of 3 (US-Canadian English) 20edus.txt 7083 10-01-97 Readme for 20EDxUS.EXE 20ep11.exe 1264065 04-10-98 The 20EP11.EXE and readme (20EP11.TXT) are files that are designed to further prevent software conflicts with the Mwave drivers. Reference 20eusfx1.txt for installation instructions. 20ep11.txt 896 04-10-98 Readme for 20EP11.EXE. 20l2222.pdf 1759607 10-29-98 Reference Guide for Aptiva 2139 and 2153 models. 2136hmm.pdf 3431550 12-01-98 Hardware Maintenance Manual for Aptiva 2136 systems. 2139-53.pdf 8378470 10-27-98 Hardware Maintenance Manual for 2139 and 2153 model Aptiva systems. 2140_42.pdf 1790945 05-15-98 This file contains the Hardware Maintenance Manual (HMM) for the Aptiva 2140/2142 models. 2144_68a.pdf 2479616 05-18-98 This file contains the Hardware Maintenance Manual (HMM) for the Aptiva 2144/2168 Service Level I models. 2144_68m.pdf 2462673 05-18-98 This file contains the Hardware Maintenance Manual (HMM) for the Aptiva 2144/2168 Service Level H models. 2144s15.pdf 2243662 05-18-98 This file contains the Hardware Maintenance Manual (HMM) for the Aptiva 2144S15 model. 214x_dx5.exe 5479520 11-06-97 These files will update your computer with Microsoft DirectX 5.0, and the latest audio drivers. If you have installed Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or another application which requires DirectX 5.0, you must install this update. This update applies ONLY to IBM Aptiva model 2140 or 2142 that did not include Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. 214x_dx5.txt 5662 11-06-97 Readme for 214X_DX5.EXE 2153cdk.exe 428852 08-12-98 Microcode update (version 32KP) for the CD-ROM drive in 2153-E2N and 2153-E3N systems 2153cdk.txt 292 08-12-98 Readme file for 2153CDK.EXE 2156hh.pdf 1898673 10-12-98 Hardware Handbook for Aptiva 2156 systems 2156hmm.pdf 965537 10-28-98 Hardware Maintenance Manual for Aptiva model 2156 systems. 2158-63.pdf 5242154 01-29-99 29-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual for Aptiva 2158 and 2163 models. 2158post.pdf 441519 07-02-99 Setup Poster (US English) for 2158, 2163, and 2164 Aptiva systems. 2158ref.pdf 1449181 07-02-99 Reference Guide (US English) for 2158, 2163, and 2164 model Aptiva systems. 2159.pdf 1842266 05-18-98 This file contains the Hardware Maintenance Manual (HMM) for the Aptiva 2159 models. 2161.pdf 1532172 05-18-98 This file contains the Hardware Maintenance Manual (HMM) for the Aptiva 2161 models. 2162.pdf 1466082 05-18-98 This file contains the Hardware Maintenance Manual (HMM) for the Aptiva 2162 models. 2165hb.pdf 2214494 05-20-99 Hardware Handbook for Aptiva 2165 models. 2165hmm.pdf 1594325 05-20-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual for 2165 model Aptiva systems. 2165post.pdf 606638 05-20-99 Setup Poster for 2165 model Aptivas. 2170hmm.pdf 4914987 10-05-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual for US 2170, 2171, and 2172 Aptivas. 2170pna.pdf 479232 06-07-99 Setup Poster for Aptiva 2170, 2171, and 2172 systems with HomePNA. 2170post.pdf 461824 06-03-99 Setup Posters for Aptiva 2170, 2171, and 2172 systems without Home PNA. 2173hmm.pdf 3596221 10-20-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual (HMM) for Aptiva 2173 systems. (English) 2174hmm.pdf 3885971 08-30-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual for Aptiva 2174 systems. 2174post.pdf 2855002 08-30-99 Setup poster for Aptiva 2174 systems. 2174ref.pdf 9472999 08-30-99 Reference Guide for Aptiva 2174 models. 2187hb.pdf 4003520 10-25-99 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for Aptiva 2187 systems. (English) 2187hmm.pdf 1095449 10-08-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual for Aptiva 2187 systems. (English) 2187spen.pdf 2091774 10-08-99 Setup Poster for Aptiva 2187 models. (English) 28l3854.pdf 155401 02-19-99 Statement of Limited Warranty and Program License Agreement for Aptiva 2156 models (US/Canada) 367fix.bat 1587 02-10-99 Fix for Update Connector Runtime 367 error 367fix.txt 5316 02-10-99 Readme for 367fix.bat 37l5181.pdf 1120525 01-15-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual for Aptiva 2156-1xx models 465hbusp.pdf 3575289 05-15-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2138 model systems. 465pausp.pdf 410966 02-18-99 Statement of Limited Warranty and Program License Agreement for Aptiva 2138 systems. (US/Canada) 4wa58.pdf 70862 02-17-99 Statement of Limited Warranty and Program License Agreement for Aptiva 2137 systems sold in the US and Canada. 63g2028.pdf 4226095 05-20-98 Hardware Maintenance Manual for PS/1 systems. This manual covers systems built in Fall 1992 and Spring 1993. 6672reus.pdf 1458850 12-03-98 Reference Guide for Aptiva 2158 and 2163 systems. 6672wa.pdf 138849 12-03-98 Warranty and Software License Agreement (US and Canada) for Aptiva 2158 and 2163 systems. 672rwa.pdf 140913 03-03-99 Aptiva 2164 Statement of Limited Warranty and Program License Agreement (North America) 700rebr.pdf 1678083 10-05-99 Reference Guide for Brazilian 2170, 2171, and 2172 model Aptivas. 700recf.pdf 5904924 10-01-99 Reference Guide for 2170, 2171, and 2172 model Aptivas. (Canada - French) 700rede.pdf 2838706 10-05-99 Reference Guide for German 2170, 2171, and 2172 model Aptivas. 700redk.pdf 5499237 10-05-99 Reference Guide for Danish 2170, 2171, and 2172 model Aptivas. 700rees.pdf 5178006 10-05-99 Reference Guide for Spanish 2170, 2171, and 2172 model Aptivas. 700refr.pdf 5904924 10-05-99 Reference Guide for French 2170, 2171, and 2172 model Aptivas. 700renl.pdf 5964352 10-05-99 Reference Guide for Dutch 2170, 2171, and 2172 model Aptivas. 700reno.pdf 5392795 10-05-99 Reference Guide for Norwegian 2170, 2171, and 2172 model Aptivas. 700rese.pdf 8099889 10-05-99 Reference Guide for Swedish 2170, 2171, and 2172 model Aptivas. 700retw.pdf 1912614 10-05-99 Reference Guide for Taiwanese 2170, 2171, and 2172 model Aptivas. 700reus.pdf 8994603 10-01-99 Reference Guide for 2170, 2171, and 2172 model Aptivas. (US English) 90x98fx.exe 9004 07-20-98 Use this patch only if the 3C905B Network Interface Card will not install properly in Windows 98 using EtherDisk version 3.x. 90x98fx.txt 1472 07-20-98 Instructions for the 90x98fx.exe file. 94h5153.pdf 3742699 12-01-98 Hardware Maintenance Manual for Aptiva 2134 and 2176 systems a2137sa.pdf 4095125 05-14-98 This file contains the Hardware Maintenance Manual (HMM) for the Aptiva 2137/2138 models, in an electronically readable format. In order to view the HMM you are required to obtain and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader. accie4.txt 5270 11-06-97 Readme for ACCIE4_1.EXE and ACCIE4_2.EXE accie4_1.exe 1456788 11-06-97 These files will apply an update to the Access Aptiva application on your Aptiva Model 2140 or 2142 system. This update is required if you have installed Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. Without this update applied, Access Aptiva will be displayed as a blank white block and will not function. Disk 1 of 2 accie4_2.exe 1338351 11-06-97 These files will apply an update to the Access Aptiva application on your Aptiva Model 2140 or 2142 system. This update is required if you have installed Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. Without this update applied, Access Aptiva will be displayed as a blank white block and will not function. Disk 2 of 2 accos2_1.exe 1194727 03-26-97 This file is an upgraded version of Aptiva Communications Center. Installing will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application such as printing faxes. ONLY for Aptiva models 2144/2168-Mxx preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 and MWave version 60AE7. Do NOT use unless the MWave drivers on system are version 60AE7 or higher. Do NOT use if machine was preloaded with Windows '95. accos2_1.txt 5091 03-25-97 Readme for ACCOS2_1.EXE accos2_2.exe 1465089 03-26-97 This file is an upgraded version of Aptiva Communications Center. Installing will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application such as printing faxes. ONLY for Aptiva models 2144/2168-Mxx preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 and MWave version 60AE7. Do NOT use unless the MWave drivers on system are version 60AE7 or higher. Do NOT use if machine was preloaded with Windows '95. accos2_3.exe 1464447 03-26-97 This file is an upgraded version of Aptiva Communications Center. Installing will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application such as printing faxes. ONLY for Aptiva models 2144/2168-Mxx preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 and MWave version 60AE7. Do NOT use unless the MWave drivers on system are version 60AE7 or higher. Do NOT use if machine was preloaded with Windows '95. accos2_4.exe 612063 03-26-97 This file is an upgraded version of Aptiva Communications Center. Installing will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application such as printing faxes. ONLY for Aptiva models 2144/2168-Mxx preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 and MWave version 60AE7. Do NOT use unless the MWave drivers on system are version 60AE7 or higher. Do NOT use if machine was preloaded with Windows '95. accread.txt 5847 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. accw1br.exe 1347557 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Brazil) accw1fr.exe 1345070 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (France) accw1gr.exe 1346594 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Germany) accw1it.exe 1347846 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Italy) accw1nl.exe 1344102 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Netherlands) accw1sp.exe 1347691 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Spain) accw1sv.exe 1349890 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Sweden) accw2br.exe 1519204 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Brazil) accw2fr.exe 1519273 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (France) accw2gr.exe 1519769 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Germany) accw2it.exe 1517048 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Italy) accw2nl.exe 1519301 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Netherlands) accw2sp.exe 1516884 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Spain) accw2sv.exe 1520071 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Sweden) accw3br.exe 1515581 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Brazil) accw3fr.exe 1512826 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (France) accw3gr.exe 1514130 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Germany) accw3it.exe 1517730 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Italy) accw3nl.exe 1515967 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Netherlands) accw3sp.exe 1513554 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Spain) accw3sv.exe 1516825 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Sweden) accw4br.exe 1510334 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Brazil) accw4gr.exe 1508476 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Germany) accw4it.exe 1511953 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Italy) accw4nl.exe 1510298 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Netherlands) accw4sp.exe 1509107 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Spain) accw4sv.exe 1508267 09-26-97 Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. This upgrade is ONLY for Aptiva models Mxx/Axx/Cxx with Windows95. Mxx and Axx models must have MWave driver versions 60AE7 or 20D installed. Do NOT use this upgrade unless the MWAVE drivers on your system are version 60AE7 or 20D. (Sweden) accwin.txt 5758 08-31-99 Installation instructions for Aptiva Communications Center for Windows 95 upgrade. This file details how to use the files ACCWIN_1.EXE, ACCWIN_2.EXE, ACCWIN_3.EXE, and ACCWIN_4.EXE. accwin_1.exe 1277578 03-26-97 Executing this file will create diskette 1 of 4 which contains the upgraded Windows95 version of the Aptiva Communications Center application. Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. NOTE: For use ONLY on systems running Windows95. accwin_2.exe 1463675 03-26-97 Executing this file will create diskette 2 of 4 which contains the upgraded Windows95 version of the Aptiva Communications Center application. Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. NOTE: For use ONLY on systems running Windows95. accwin_3.exe 1464222 03-26-97 Executing this file will create diskette 3 of 4 which contains the upgraded Windows95 version of the Aptiva Communications Center application. Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. NOTE: For use ONLY on systems running Windows95. accwin_4.exe 73982 03-26-97 Executing this file will create diskette 4 of 4 which contains the upgraded Windows95 version of the Aptiva Communications Center application. Installing this upgrade will repair problems related with earlier versions of the application. NOTE: For use ONLY on systems running Windows95. agpide.exe 828631 10-22-98 Update for IDE and AGP Drivers on Aptiva 2153 systems agpide.txt 480 10-22-98 Instructions for the update to IDE and AGP drivers for Aptiva 2153 systems agpidej.txt 5534 08-17-99 Japanese readme.txt for AGP update aptadvup.exe 24548 08-17-98 This file corrects French Aptiva systems that receive an INCONNU error message when running "Your Aptiva Adventure Starts Here". aptati.exe 1099531 07-02-97 The following file contains updated Windows '95 video drivers for IBM Aptiva 2134, 2176 and 2159 systems equipped with ATI 3D Rage video.This file is a self-extracting diskette. Executing this file will create a diskette containing all the files necessary for the upgrade. aptati.txt 3425 07-02-97 Readme for APTATI.EXE aptie4us.exe 988061 11-11-97 These files update certain applications on your Aptiva to resolve various compatibility issues after the installation of Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. The specific updates applied by these files are for: Aptiva Desktop Customization , Aptiva Demo, Kidsroom, DVD MPEG Sound, Missing Sage.Vxd file, and Aptiva Update Connector. aptie4us.txt 7822 11-11-97 Readme for APTIE4US.EXE aptrstor.exe 33592 12-13-96 Executing this file will create a diskette containing the "RESTORE.EXE" program and supporting files. The RESTORE.EXE program allows you to restore corrupted or missing files or directories on your hard drive. This file is for systems with Windows95 preloaded ONLY. If you are using OS/2, consult your Users Guides forassistance. aptrstor.txt 5096 06-12-97 Readme for APTRSTOR.EXE aptwarp2.exe 610874 07-08-96 OS/2 Warp Install Asst. Kit for Aptiva aptwarp2.txt 3447 06-10-97 Readme for APTWARP2.EXE ar16e301.exe 3916243 10-04-99 Adobe Acrobat Reader version 3.01 for Windows 3.x. ar40eng.exe 5455526 10-04-99 Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 for Windows 95/98/NT. aro2e30.exe 4215291 10-04-99 Adobe Acrobat Reader version 3.0 for OS/2. ati435fg.exe 1865750 04-07-98 This executable file is a self-extracting archive which contains updated ATI video drivers for Aptiva 2140 and 2142 systems equipped with a Pentium II system board. (French/German) ati435fr.txt 1058 10-28-98 Readme file for ATI435FG.EXE (French). ati435gr.txt 1225 10-28-98 Readme for file ATI435FG.EXE (German). ati435it.txt 1036 10-28-98 Readme for ATI435SI.EXE (Italian). ati435nl.exe 1755158 04-07-98 This executable file is a self-extracting archive which contains updated ATI video drivers for Aptiva 2140 and 2142 systems equipped with a Pentium II system board. (Dutch) ati435nl.txt 1014 10-28-98 Readme file for ATI435NL.EXE. ati435si.exe 1861858 04-07-98 This executable file is a self-extracting archive which contains updated ATI video drivers for Aptiva 2140 and 2142 systems equipped with a Pentium II system board. (Italian/Spanish) ati435sp.txt 972 10-28-98 Readme for file ATI435SI.EXE (Spanish). ati435us.exe 1648091 04-07-98 This executable file is a self-extracting archive which contains updated ATI video drivers for Aptiva 2140 and 2142 systems equipped with a Pentium II system board. (English) ati435us.txt 1081 10-28-98 Readme for ATI435US.EXE. atioutfr.pdf 432852 10-05-99 ATI TV Out flyer for French 2170, 2171, and 2172 Aptivas. atioutnl.pdf 436662 10-05-99 ATI TV Out flyer for Dutch 2170, 2171, and 2172 Aptivas. atioutsw.pdf 430942 10-05-99 ATI TV Out flyer for Swedish 2170, 2171, and 2172 Aptivas. atioutuk.pdf 435805 10-05-99 ATI TV Out flyer for English 2170, 2171, and 2172 Aptivas. att330.exe 916213 09-17-97 This diskette is used to update the drivers for the AT&T WinModem ONLY and to correct "Open Com Port" errors. ATT330.EXE is a self-extracting diskette image. It writes a diskette containing updated drivers for the WinModem in Aptiva systems. The diskette is not bootable. att330.txt 792 09-17-97 Readme for ATT330.EXE audio20.exe 352470 07-17-97 This file is needed if you have a 2136 and the system has been locking during boot. audio20.txt 377 07-17-97 Readme for AUDIO20.EXE audstfr.exe 4543918 01-15-98 This is the latest AudioStation program for Aptiva systems which were preloaded with Windows 95 as the operating system and MWave. This requires that MWave version 20D drivers have already been installed. Failure to install MWave version 20D drivers before making AudioStation upgrade will cause problems with the software. This software is NOT applicable to 2159 systems. ( FRANCE ) audstgr.exe 4578390 01-15-98 This is the latest AudioStation program for Aptiva systems which were preloaded with Windows 95 as the operating system and MWave. This requires that MWave version 20D drivers have already been installed. Failure to install MWave version 20D drivers before making AudioStation upgrade will cause problems with the software. This software is NOT applicable to 2159 systems. (GERMANY) audstit.exe 4655083 01-15-98 This is the latest AudioStation program for Aptiva systems which were preloaded with Windows 95 as the operating system and MWave. This requires that MWave version 20D drivers have already been installed. Failure to install MWave version 20D drivers before making AudioStation upgrade will cause problems with the software. This software is NOT applicable to 2159 systems. (ITALY) audstnl.exe 4538633 01-15-98 This is the latest AudioStation program for Aptiva systems which were preloaded with Windows 95 as the operating system and MWave. This requires that MWave version 20D drivers have already been installed. Failure to install MWave version 20D drivers before making AudioStation upgrade will cause problems with the software. This software is NOT applicable to 2159 systems. (NETHERLANDS) audstsp.exe 4576180 01-15-98 This is the latest AudioStation program for Aptiva systems which were preloaded with Windows 95 as the operating system and MWave. This requires that MWave version 20D drivers have already been installed. Failure to install MWave version 20D drivers before making AudioStation upgrade will cause problems with the software. This software is NOT applicable to 2159 systems. (SPAIN) audstuse.exe 535508 11-06-97 AudioStation program for use on Aptiva systems with Windows 95 and MWave. This requires that MWave version 20D drivers have already been installed. Failure to install MWave version 20D drivers before making the AudioStation upgrade will cause problems with the software. This software is NOT applicable to the 2159-xxx systems or the 2176-C6Z/2176-9R1 or 2176-C6V/2176-9R2. (US-Canadian English) audstuse.txt 255 10-29-97 Readme for AUDSTUSE.EXE aus330f.exe 991204 10-14-97 This is an update for the modem in Australian Aptiva systems to improve the audio quality of the speaker phone. This file is for 2162-Q81 and 2162-Q91 systems. aus330f.txt 428 10-14-97 Readme for AUS330F.EXE aus330g.exe 930776 10-08-97 Update for the modem in Australian Aptiva systems to improve the audio quality of the speaker phone. aus330g.txt 639 10-08-97 Readme file for aus330g.exe ausupd1.txt 733 06-26-97 Readme for AUSUPD.EXE modem software update. ausupd2.txt 453 06-26-97 Readme for AUSUPT.EXE Ring Central registration update. ausupdat.exe 621345 06-26-97 Update for modem software and Ring Central registration on Australian systems models 2161-E64/E84 and 2162-Q81/Q91. For the modem and Ring Central updates, apply the contents of AUSUPDAT.EXE. After a diskette is produced from AUSUPDAT.EXE, boot the system from the diskette produced. The appropriate files will automatically be updated. axxremov.pdf 255225 06-04-98 Mwave removal instructions for the Mwave card used in Aptiva Axx systems preloaded with Windows 95. In order to view the instructions you are required to obtain and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader. blueboot.exe 38085 06-11-96 Executing this file creates a diskette which will install an icon on your Windows95 desktop. That icon, when clicked, will reboot your system to MSDOS Mode and allow the selection of an user defineable memory configuration for DOS applications. For Aptiva models Mxx, Axx and Cxx with Windows 95 ONLY. blueboot.txt 5530 06-10-97 Readme for BLUEBOOT.EXE c3ddvd.txt 3104 12-11-98 Readme for c3ddvdup.exe c3ddvdup.exe 2605748 08-28-98 Updated DVD drivers and Cinemaster software for 2161-C3D cdcreatr.pdf 958219 07-01-99 User's Guide for Adaptec Easy CD Creator software. cdvsdupd.exe 71317 04-21-97 Executing this file will create a diskette which contains an updated driver for CD AutoPlay under Windows95. This driver corrects compatability problems with AutoPlay and APM/RapidResume. cdvsdupd.txt 4742 06-12-97 Readme for CDVSDUPD.EXE cer.exe 6080 02-11-98 Phone numbers in the French version of Wall Street Money appear as eight digit numbers instead of ten digit numbers. Installing a CER.DLL will modify these phone numbers. Run the CER.EXE file and the CER.DLL will be installed in the correct directory. cktier.exe 11538 06-08-98 Check the amplifier TIER level on Aptiva 2140/2142 systems. cktier.txt 3460 06-08-98 Instructions for using CKTIER.EXE colormon.exe 318464 06-07-99 Color matching profile for IBM E-Series 2122, 2124, 2126, and 2127 monitors. colormon.txt 3127 06-07-99 Readme file color matching profile for IBM E-Series 2122, 2124, 2126, and 2127 monitors. couflash.exe 1059418 02-11-99 Executing this file will run a program which creates a bootable floppy which will flash the BIOS, updating it to the most current level (BST_4I/BFL_4N). This can solve conflicts that require information not in the original BIOS in order to interact with the system. This BIOS flash is for use with 2134, 2159 and 2176 Aptivas. couflash.txt 2304 06-21-99 Instructions for using couflash.exe cxxremov.pdf 223543 06-04-98 Mwave removal instructions for the Mwave card used in Aptiva Cxx systems preloaded with Windows 95. In order to view the instructions you are required to obtain and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader. devfix.reg 870 01-26-99 This file corrects incorrect characters in Device Manager for the harddisk controller and the PCI busmastering. This file is only for the 2140-L35, L44, L45, L46, 2142-S34, S35, S36, S44, S45, S46, S47 with the Italian preload and it is not recommended to be used on any other load. disk21gb.exe 316988 09-23-97 This is a firmware upgrade for the 2.1 GB Seagate Drives in some 2136 system units. Apply this file if ScanDisk is reporting errors such as lost clusters, bad sectors, etc... It will not change the firmware on a NON-Seagate Drive. disk21gb.txt 1856 09-23-97 Readme for DISK21GB.EXE 10865 06-15-98 Installation Wizard attempts to dial a US Telephone number to register Ring Central when the program is initiated in select international machines. DOSRCREG.COM changes the registry settings so that Ring Central records as being registered. Run DOSRCREG.COM from anywhere on the machine. dsk4w32.exe 89600 01-08-99 Utility for creating 2158/2163 diagnostics diskette dvdflash.exe 651241 06-23-99 Firmware update for Hitachi DVD-ROM drives. dvdflash.txt 6196 06-23-99 Instructions for using dvdflash.exe e26fix.exe 458805 03-17-98 This diskette contains the files necessary to update your Aptiva 2137-E26 to the most current available BIOS level. This file should be used to correct problems such as lock ups and hangs while using ViaVoice. e26fix.txt 4532 03-17-98 Readme for E26FIX.EXE. essswten.exe 1540903 02-12-99 Software Wavetable for ESS drivers. essswten.txt 1148 02-12-99 Readme for ESSSWTEN.EXE. essupus.exe 912806 02-12-99 Updated ESS audio drivers (version for Aptiva 2158 and 2163 systems. essupus.txt 1008 02-12-99 Readme for ESSUPUS.EXE fixpar.exe 16834 04-21-97 Fixes 'Invalid Partition Table' on Cxx Models fixpar.txt 1293 06-12-97 Readme for FIXPAR.EXE flyflsdk.exe 881639 11-03-98 Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (Danish) flyflsdk.txt 224 11-03-98 Readme for FLYFLSDK.EXE flyflsfi.exe 876243 11-03-98 Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (Finnish) flyflsfi.txt 224 11-03-98 Readme for FLYFLSFI.EXE flyflsfr.exe 882163 11-03-98 Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (French) flyflsfr.txt 224 11-03-98 Readme for FLYFLSFR.EXE flyflsgr.exe 882712 11-03-98 Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (German) flyflsgr.txt 224 11-03-98 Readme for FLYFLSGR.EXE flyflsh.exe 879887 10-22-98 BIOS Update for 2153 model Aptivas flyflsh.txt 484 10-22-98 Instructions for using BIOS update for 2153 model Aptivas flyflsit.exe 876275 11-03-98 Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (Italian) flyflsit.txt 224 11-03-98 Readme for FLYFLSIT.EXE flyflsnl.exe 876123 11-03-98 Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (Dutch) flyflsnl.txt 224 11-03-98 Readme for FLYFLSNL.EXE flyflsno.exe 873647 11-03-98 Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (Norwegian) flyflsno.txt 224 11-03-98 Readme for FLYFLSNO.EXE flyflspt.exe 875757 11-03-98 Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (Portuguese) flyflspt.txt 224 11-03-98 Readme for FLYFLSPT.EXE flyflssp.exe 881867 11-03-98 Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS update (Spanish) flyflssp.txt 224 11-03-98 Readme for FLYFLSSP.EXE flyflssv.exe 881046 11-03-98 Aptiva 2153 Flash BIOS Update (Swedish) flyflssv.txt 224 11-03-98 Readme for FLYFLSSV.EXE frmup.exe 1043733 02-13-98 Firmware update for 2140/2142 French systems ONLY. Please read FRMUP.TXT before attempting to apply. frmup.txt 475 02-13-98 Readme file for FRMUP.EXE. fwv95-1.exe 1276643 06-11-96 This file is needed to run Faxworks Voice properly under Win95. Only use this fix if your Aptiva came pre-loaded with the Faxworks Voice software package. fwv95-2.exe 1392447 06-11-96 This file is needed to run Faxworks Voice properly under Win95. Only use this fix if your Aptiva came pre-loaded with the Faxworks Voice software package. fwv95.txt 4811 06-10-97 Readme for FWV95.EXE idflash.exe 1067162 01-22-99 Flash BIOS for Aptiva Model 2140 and 2142 systems, this file updates the BIOS to level BSW_4G/BLX_4M. idflash.txt 5892 06-21-99 Instructions for using idflash.exe iosfix.exe 134541 03-14-97 This file will create a diskette containing an update for your system. This update resolves occurrences of the following error message: "While initializing device IOS: Windows protection error. You need to restart your computer." This file should also be installed after a full recovery of your system software to prevent futureerrors. iosfix.txt 4710 06-11-97 Readme for IOSFIX.EXE japn0117.exe 4638151 01-15-98 This is the latest AudioStation program for Aptiva systems which were preloaded with Windows 95 as the operating system and MWave. This requires that MWave version 20D drivers have already been installed. Failure to install MWave version 20D drivers before making AudioStation upgrade will cause problems with the software. This software is NOT applicable to 2159 systems. (JAPAN) kidstsr.exe 102521 04-21-97 Executing this file starts a program which will create a bootable floppy diskette. If the one is getting "file not found", or "file corrupted", or "can't open file", the file KIDSTSR.COM is probably causing the problem. This disk installs a newer version which will eliminate the problem. The bootable diskette runs a program whichreplaces the existing file with a new KIDSTSR.COM. kidstsr.txt 4644 06-12-97 Readme for KIDSTSR.EXE klflash.exe 822110 06-08-99 Flash BIOS update disk for 2156-133, 140, 143, 145, and 146 model IBM Aptivas. klflash.txt 7335 05-05-99 Instruction on applying BIOS update on 2156-1xx Aptivas. kwflash.exe 855763 06-08-99 BIOS update for 2156-D1N and J1N ONLY kwflash.txt 7334 05-05-99 Readme for KWFLASH.EXE . lotmwave.exe 21884 06-11-96 This file is needed if you are using Lotus Notes and are not able to dial out using Lotus Organizer on Aptivas with the MWave modem. lotmwave.txt 2006 06-12-97 Readme for LOTMWAVE.EXE lt423.exe 1194519 02-11-98 The files contained in this document are used for updating Aptiva 2137, 2140, 2142, 2161 and 2162 systems equipped with the Lucent Technologies Winmodem to driver version 4.23. This is a self-extracting zip file which contains all necessary files for updating the Lucent Technologies Winmodem. lt423.txt 4515 02-11-98 Readme for LT423.EXE. lt428d.exe 1158912 05-01-98 Lucent Technologies Winmodem driver version 4.28D for Australian 2140 and 2142 systems. lt428d.txt 548 05-01-98 Readme file for the Lucent Technologies Winmodem driver version 4.28D for Australian 2140 and 2142 systems. lt518.exe 2290901 08-11-98 Lucent 5.18 drivers with K56Flex and V.90 support. lt518.txt 5446 08-11-98 Readme file for the Lucent 5.18 drivers. lt518a.exe 1214258 06-23-99 Updated Lucent Technologies modem drivers for Australia. lt518a.txt 3705 06-23-99 Instructions for using lt518a.exe. ltwn56k.exe 20719 10-12-98 Lotus CC:Mail script file for the Lucent 56k Winmodem m91video.exe 757379 05-21-96 Running this file creates a diskette which contains drivers for the installation of Matrox Millennium video board on the Aptiva 2168-M91 system. This diskette is needed by anyone who has installed OS/2 on their M91. m91video.txt 20424 06-13-97 Readme for M91VIDEO.EXE magicmem.exe 1332993 05-21-96 Executing this file will creates a bootable floppy diskette. Booting the system off of this disk will bring up a menu giving selections for Aptiva memory configurations. Some DOS games and other programs may require more "expanded" memory and/or more "conventional" memory than normal. This diskette loads only those files required to get such a program to run. magicmem.txt 4883 06-10-97 Readme for MAGICMEM.EXE mfix.exe 55213 10-06-95 Executing this file will creates a bootable floppy diskette. Booting the computer off of this diskette will update the software on your Aptiva system. This upgrade fixes some lockup and sound problems found while playing the game Descent. mfix.txt 4954 06-11-97 Readme for MFIX.EXE mflash.exe 1384735 01-22-99 Flash BIOS for Aptiva Model 2144-Mxx and 2168-Mxx systems, this file updates the BIOS to level BGO__1L/BO2__0W. This can resolve conflicts with new hardware and software that require information not in the original BIOS in order to interact with the system. mflash.txt 6008 06-21-99 Instructions for using mflash.exe mouse.exe 87554 07-23-99 MOUSE.EXE file which was not included in the preload of the 2165-11V Aptiva system. mpeginst.exe 565274 05-21-96 Executing this file runs a program that creates a bootable floppy diskette. Booting the system off of this diskette installs the MPEG drivers and creates the "TOTAL IMAGE MPEG" group in Windows 3.11. It will also allow for creation of the system recovery diskette. This program is only for use on the 'select-a-load' systems preloaded with WIN 3.1/DOS/OS2. Do not use on WIN 95 systems. mpeginst.txt 498 06-11-97 Readme for MPEGINST.EXE mwdiag.exe 378600 09-25-96 This file contains the updated MWave diagnostic program for use on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx systems preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. For Aptivas preloaded with Windows '95 please download and install the MWave drivers version 20D which contains the latest MWave diagnostic program (US). mwdiag.txt 5486 09-23-97 Readme for MWDIAG.EXE mwdos01.exe 1074353 07-26-96 These are the latest drivers for MWave-equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers will function, but are NOT recommended for the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems preloaded with Windows '95. (US) mwdos01.txt 6715 06-11-97 Readme for MWDOS01.EXE mwdos02.exe 953393 07-26-96 These are the latest drivers for MWave-equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers will function, but are NOT recommended for the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems preloaded with Windows '95. (US) mwmidi01.exe 334886 07-26-96 These MIDI drivers are for MWave (60AE7) equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers will function, but are NOT recommended for the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems preloaded with Windows '95 (US), Disk 1 of 3. mwmidi01.txt 6343 06-11-97 Readme for MWMIDI01.EXE mwmidi02.exe 1357186 07-26-96 These MIDI drivers are for MWave (60AE7) equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers will function, but are NOT recommended for the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems preloaded with Windows '95 (US), Disk 2 of 3. mwmidi03.exe 920771 07-26-96 These MIDI drivers are for MWave (60AE7) equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers will function, but are NOT recommended for the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems preloaded with Windows '95 (US), Disk 3 of 3. mwos201.exe 1147925 07-26-96 These are the latest drivers for MWave-equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems preloaded with Windows '95. (US) mwos201.txt 5637 06-11-97 Readme for MWOS201.EXE mwos202.exe 1328960 07-26-96 These are the latest drivers for MWave-equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers are NOT applicable to the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems preloaded with Windows '95. (US) mwos2vsd.exe 178910 07-26-96 This file is for use on Aptiva 21xx-Mxx and 21xx-Axx systems (North America-US English ONLY) with Mwave card. These drivers will supply sound capabilities along with modem support for 28.8kbps data and 14.4kbps fax. mwv34.exe 305911 10-24-96 This file contains the updated V34 driver file for use on Aptiva MWave to improve 28.8Kbps data connection reliability on Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx systems preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. For Aptivas preloaded with Windows '95 please download and install the MWave drivers version 20D which contains the latest V.34 driver (US). mwv34.txt 4696 09-23-97 Readme for MWV34.EXE mwwin01.exe 1334336 07-26-96 These are the latest drivers for MWave-equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers will function, but are NOT recommended for the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems preloaded with Windows '95. Disk 1 of 3 mwwin01.txt 6090 06-11-97 Readme for MWWIN01.EXE mwwin02.exe 1228286 07-26-96 These are the latest drivers for MWave-equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers will function, but are NOT recommended for the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems preloaded with Windows '95. Disk 2 of 3 mwwin03.exe 349734 07-26-96 These are the latest drivers for MWave-equipped Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx systems which were preloaded with OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 as the operating system. These drivers provide 28.8Kbps data capability and 14.4Kbps capability. These drivers will function, but are NOT recommended for the 2144/2168-Mxx and 2144/2168-Axx systems preloaded with Windows '95. Disk 3 of 3 mxxremov.pdf 254399 06-04-98 Mwave removal instructions for the Mwave card used in Aptiva Mxx systems preloaded with Windows 95. In order to view the instructions you are required to obtain and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader. o95us0i1.exe 781182 07-28-97 Recovery Diskette For Use With Aptiva 2144/2168-Axx Models Preloaded with Windows95 odyflash.exe 1390332 01-22-99 This file will run a program which creates a bootable floppy. Booting the computer off of the floppy will flash the BIOS, updating it to the most current level (BG2xx0M, BO3xx0I). This can solve conflicts with new hardware and software that require information not in the original BIOS in order to interact with the system. odyflash.txt 6005 06-21-99 Instructions for using odyflash.exe opflash.exe 535775 01-24-96 Executing this file will run a program which creates a bootable floppy. Booting the computer off of the bootable floppy will flash the bios, updating it to the most current level. This can solve conflicts with new hardware and software that require information not in the original bios in order to interact with the system. This bios flash is only for use with Aptiva 2144-P30 systems. opflash.txt 4473 06-13-97 Readme for OPFLASH.EXE optcdfix.exe 374575 03-17-97 This file is intended to correct problems associated with Aptiva Mxx and Axx models with Windows '95 preloaded that are running in MS-DOS compatibility mode and have lost use of the cd-rom drive. This file may also be used to prevent the problem from occuring. It should be reapplied after any re-install of the preload. optcdfix.txt 5285 06-10-97 Readme for OPTCDFIX.EXE p07h1638.pdf 2015063 05-15-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2134/2176 systems with SIS video controller. p07h1639.pdf 3468680 05-14-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2134/2176 systems with ATI video controllers. p10h3031.pdf 1779318 05-14-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2144 Service Level C models with Cirrus Logic 5426/28 video controller. p10h3032.pdf 4171008 05-15-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2144 Service Level D systems. p10h3033.pdf 1747115 05-14-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2168 Service Level C systems with Cirrus Logic 5430 video controllers. p10h3034.pdf 1559705 05-15-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2168 Service Level C models with Cirrus Logic 5426/28 video controller. p25h5729.pdf 1561280 05-15-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2144 Service Level F models. (2144-P30) p41h7837.pdf 1959350 05-15-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2144/2168 Service Level H (Mxx) systems with Windows 95 pre-installed. p41h7838.pdf 3021593 05-15-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2144/2168 Service Level H (Mxx) models with OS/2, DOS, and Windows 3.11 preloaded. p76h1482.pdf 1431509 05-15-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2159 models with Mwave. p76h3712.pdf 49094 05-15-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook supplement for 2176-C6Z and 2176-9R1. p76h6287.pdf 1705655 05-15-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2159-S80 and 2159-S90 systems. p76h6302.pdf 1478835 05-15-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2162 models. p76h6303.pdf 1429726 05-15-98 Aptiva Hardware Handbook for 2161 systems. pflash.exe 281068 12-11-98 BIOS update for the following Aptiva systems: 2144- 66P, 67P, 766, 866, 784, 785, 787, 887, 789, 786, 782, 788, 888, 856, S86, S82, T82, Y78, Y84, X79, Y79, X89, Y89, 26J, 68J, 27J, 28J 2168 - 62P, 62F, 889, 792, 857, H89, L89, K89, H90, L90, K90, 62J, 63J, 64J, 65J pflash.txt 5632 10-28-99 Instructions for downloading, extracting, and installing the BIOS update for Aptiva 6xP machines (PFLASH.EXE). portupcn.exe 470030 08-12-98 Update for Chinese 2140 and 2142 systems which show corrupt characters in Device Manager for the serial port and parallel port entries. portupcn.txt 622 08-12-98 Readme for PORTUPCN.EXE r0faxrem.exe 425414 03-12-98 Aptiva owners with the 2136-E40 system have complained of getting Ring Central error messages when trying to create an R0 Fax Document from the "New" menu when they right click on the desktop. The R0FAXREM.EXE file will remove R0 Fax Document as an option from the 'New' menu. rchpfix.exe 55805 01-17-97 Executing this file will create a diskette containing updated files to improve printing ability when using Hewlett-Packard printers and Ring Central. rchpfix.txt 4899 06-13-97 Readme for RCHPFIX.EXE readmefr.txt 15609 05-29-98 Readme file for the Mwave drivers in the SetupFR.exe file readmegr.txt 17869 05-29-98 Readme file for the Mwave drivers contained in the SetupGR.exe file. readmeit.txt 16264 05-29-98 Readme file for the Mwave drivers in the SetupIT.exe file. readmesp.txt 15523 05-29-98 Readme file for the Mwave drivers in the SetupSP.exe file. restdvd.exe 1043799 06-28-99 Utility to reinstall the original MediaMatics DVD Express software on select Aptivas. restdvd.txt 7023 06-17-99 Readme for restdvd.exe rmmupd.txt 441 10-27-97 Readme for RMMUPD*.EXE files. rmmupdbr.exe 182514 10-27-97 The attached file will correct IOS Windows protection errors that occur when restarting Windows 95 after installing a program or making a configuration change. By pre-installing this fix, the error can be prevented. (Brazil) rmmupddk.exe 165802 10-27-97 The attached file will correct IOS Windows protection errors that occur when restarting Windows 95 after installing a program or making a configuration change. By pre-installing this fix, the error can be prevented. (Denmark) rmmupdfr.exe 179528 10-27-97 The attached file will correct IOS Windows protection errors that occur when restarting Windows 95 after installing a program or making a configuration change. By pre-installing this fix, the error can be prevented. (France) rmmupdgr.exe 182562 10-27-97 The attached file will correct IOS Windows protection errors that occur when restarting Windows 95 after installing a program or making a configuration change. By pre-installing this fix, the error can be prevented. (Germany) rmmupdit.exe 182820 10-27-97 The attached file will correct IOS Windows protection errors that occur when restarting Windows 95 after installing a program or making a configuration change. By pre-installing this fix, the error can be prevented. (Italy) rmmupdnl.exe 167830 10-27-97 The attached file will correct IOS Windows protection errors that occur when restarting Windows 95 after installing a program or making a configuration change. By pre-installing this fix, the error can be prevented. (Netherlands) rmmupdno.exe 178510 10-27-97 The attached file will correct IOS Windows protection errors that occur when restarting Windows 95 after installing a program or making a configuration change. By pre-installing this fix, the error can be prevented. (Norway) rmmupdpo.exe 182542 10-27-97 The attached file will correct IOS Windows protection errors that occur when restarting Windows 95 after installing a program or making a configuration change. By pre-installing this fix, the error can be prevented. (Portugal) rmmupdsp.exe 182566 10-27-97 The attached file will correct IOS Windows protection errors that occur when restarting Windows 95 after installing a program or making a configuration change. By pre-installing this fix, the error can be prevented. (Spain) rmmupdsu.exe 179716 10-27-97 The attached file will correct IOS Windows protection errors that occur when restarting Windows 95 after installing a program or making a configuration change. By pre-installing this fix, the error can be prevented. (Finland) rmmupdsv.exe 167365 10-27-97 The attached file will correct IOS Windows protection errors that occur when restarting Windows 95 after installing a program or making a configuration change. By pre-installing this fix, the error can be prevented. (Sweden) rmmupduk.exe 179719 10-27-97 The attached file will correct IOS Windows protection errors that occur when restarting Windows 95 after installing a program or making a configuration change. By pre-installing this fix, the error can be prevented. (United Kingdom) rvflsh.exe 896844 01-20-99 Riva video BIOS update for Aptiva 2163 systems rvflsh.txt 6343 01-20-99 Readme for RVFLSH.EXE rw1359.exe 4888943 03-16-99 Rockwell modem drivers version 1.35.9 (English) rw1359.txt 683 03-16-99 Readme for rw1359.exe rw154.exe 5200799 05-18-99 Single File version Rockwell Modem Driver update rw154.txt 659 05-18-99 Instructions for installing Rockwell Modem Driver update (single file version) rw15401.exe 1538048 05-18-99 Rockwell Modem Drivers Disk #1 rw15402.exe 1545216 05-18-99 Rockwell Modem Drivers Disk #2 rw15403.exe 1545216 05-18-99 Rockwell Modem Drivers Disk #3 rw15404.exe 1229824 05-18-99 Rockwell Modem Drivers Disk #4 rw154en.txt 7338 05-18-99 English instructions for downloading and installing Rockwell modem drivers setup.exe 7952109 04-17-98 Mwave 20D drivers, MIDI samples, and 20DP12. (US/Canada English) setupfr.exe 7941405 05-29-98 SETUPFR.EXE contains all of the Mwave 20D files, MIDI samples, and the 20DP12 file in a single, easy to install package. These are the latest drivers for Mwave-equipped 2134/2144/2168/2176 Aptiva systems which were preloaded with Windows 95 as the operating system. (France) setupgr.exe 7964976 05-29-98 SETUPGR.EXE contains all of the Mwave 20D files, MIDI samples, and the 20DP12 file in a single, easy to install package. These are the latest drivers for Mwave-equipped 2134/2144/2168/2176 Aptiva systems which were preloaded with Windows 95 as the operating system. (Germany) setupit.exe 7937075 05-29-98 SETUPIT.EXE contains all of the Mwave 20D files, MIDI samples, and the 20DP12 file in a single, easy to install package. These are the latest drivers for Mwave-equipped 2134/2144/2168/2176 Aptiva systems which were preloaded with Windows 95 as the operating system. (Italy) setupsp.exe 7933638 05-29-98 SETUPSP.EXE contains all of the Mwave 20D files, MIDI samples, and the 20DP12 file in a single, easy to install package. These are the latest drivers for Mwave-equipped 2134/2144/2168/2176 Aptiva systems which were preloaded with Windows 95 as the operating system. (Spain) sis6205.exe 192909 06-13-97 The files on this diskette are for use only on aptiva systems with flex memory and the SiS video chipset. sis6205.txt 5393 06-13-97 Readme for SIS6205.EXE sxxremov.pdf 173549 06-04-98 Mwave removal instructions for the Mwave card used in Aptiva 2159-Sxx systems preloaded with Windows 95. In order to view the instructions you are required to obtain and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader. trid_os2.exe 1015055 06-25-96 Updated video Drivers for Aptiva systems with OS/2 Warp as their operating System. trid_os2.txt 10535 06-12-97 Readme for TRID_OS2.EXE trid_w31.exe 1093857 06-25-96 Video Drivers for Aptiva systems with Windows 3.x as their operating system. trid_w31.txt 15610 06-12-97 Readme for TRID_W31.EXE trid_w95.exe 191076 06-25-96 Video Drivers for Aptiva Mxx, and Axx models that have Windows 95 as their operating system. trid_w95.txt 4952 06-12-97 Readme for TRID_W95.EXE ucocxfix.exe 620315 02-13-98 This file will assist users wishing to install or run Update Connector. It applies to users that have: 1) not installed Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 3.xx; 2) or have uninstalled IE 3.xx, and then 4) installed IE4. In addition to allowing these users to install and run Update Connector, this file updates comctl32.ocx. ucocxfix.txt 4859 02-13-98 Readme file for UCOCXFIX.EXE. ucpatch.exe 20480 09-23-99 This is needed for questbot.exe to run correctly. (used as a template) ucsetup.exe 9410912 12-16-98 Aptiva Update Connector Client version 2.0 ucsetup.txt 5356 12-16-98 Readme for UCSETUP.EXE ulm551_3.pdf 311622 06-15-98 User's Guide for the Aptiva MM55 monitor. usbupdbr.exe 987075 12-04-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Brazil) usbupdbr.txt 2310 12-04-97 Readme for USBUPDBR - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Brazil) usbupddk.exe 967383 12-04-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Denmark) usbupddk.txt 2272 12-04-97 Readme for USBUPDDK - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Denmark) usbupdfr.exe 989730 12-04-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (France) usbupdfr.txt 2363 12-04-97 Readme for USBUPDFR - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (France) usbupdgk.exe 997758 12-04-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Greece) usbupdgk.txt 2817 12-04-97 Readme for USBUPDGK - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Greece) usbupdgr.exe 990342 12-04-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Germany) usbupdgr.txt 2166 12-04-97 Readme for USBUPDGR - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Germany) usbupdit.exe 984427 12-04-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Italy) usbupdit.txt 2657 12-04-97 Readme for USBUPDIT - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Italy) usbupdjp.exe 993730 12-04-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Japan) usbupdjp.txt 2166 12-04-97 Readme for USBUPDJP - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Japan) usbupdnl.exe 969490 12-04-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Netherlands) usbupdnl.txt 1338 12-04-97 Readme for USBUPDNL - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Netherlands) usbupdno.exe 985243 12-19-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Norway) usbupdno.txt 2166 12-19-97 Readme file for USBUPDNO.EXE. usbupdpo.exe 990272 12-04-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Portugal) usbupdpo.txt 2302 12-04-97 Readme for USBUPDPO - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Portugal) usbupdsp.exe 984821 12-04-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Spain) usbupdsp.txt 2527 12-04-97 Readme for USBUPDSP - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Spain) usbupdsu.exe 984748 12-04-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Finland) usbupdsu.txt 2194 12-04-97 Readme for USBUPDSU - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Finland) usbupdsv.exe 965764 12-04-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Sweden) usbupdsv.txt 1936 12-04-97 Readme for USBUPDSV - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (Sweden) usbupduk.exe 981093 12-04-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (UK) usbupduk.txt 2087 12-04-97 Readme for USBUPDUK - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (UK) usbupdus.exe 980296 12-04-97 This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (US) usbupdus.txt 2087 12-04-97 Readme for USBUPDUS - This will update the Windows '95 revision 950B operating system to Universal Serial Bus (USB). This USB supplement will also update machines already equipped with USB support which are receiving an IOS error on boot. (US) usm751_2.pdf 809287 06-15-98 User's Guide for the Aptiva MM75 monitor. v90faq.txt 5022 06-23-99 Frequently Asked Questions about V.90 and 56K Connections. vflash.exe 820181 01-22-99 BIOS Version BVA__4K. Executing this file will run a program which creates a bootable floppy. Booting the computer off of the bootable floppy will flash the BIOS, updating it to the most current level. This can solve conflicts with hardware and software that require information not in the original bios in order to interact with the system. For use with 2161 and 2162 Aptivas. vflash.txt 6002 06-21-99 Instructions for using vflash.exe vide-cdd.sys 11294 10-28-99 DOS mode driver for IDE/ATAPI CD-ROM drives used in Aptiva systems. vrnfix.exe 334220 03-11-98 This diskette will update the RingCentral modem parameters to avoid the 12-14 second connection delay that may occur when using the speakerphone. This diskette should be applied again after the modem has been uninstalled and reinstalled or if the system has been reloaded. w95apt.exe 1155496 06-11-96 Executing the program will create a bootable floppy diskette. Booting the system off of a diskette will initiate the Windows 95 installation program. The W95APT.EXE diskette will assist in installing Windows 95 on your system. You must also have a copy of Windows 95 on CDROM from Microsoft. Aptiva 21xx-xxP, 2144-P30, 2144-S15systems only. w95apt.txt 6635 09-08-95 This is the readme file contained in the file W95APT.EXE. w95mpeg.exe 957735 05-17-96 Executing this file creates a bootable floppy diskette. Booting the system up off of this diskette will load the updated MPEG v1.21 drivers. This file improves MPEG play back quality over the original drivers. It also correct errors caused by the previous MPEG Update that caused MM281 Errors and DCI Errors when playing preloaded MPEG CDs (Dreams of Flight,Silent Steel). w95mpeg.txt 4785 06-10-97 Readme for W95MPEG.EXE w95mxx.exe 1173402 03-29-96 Executing this file creates a bootable diskette. This diskette replaces the one shipped with the IBM Windows 95 Upgrade Kits. This disk can ONLY be used as part of the IBM Windows 95 Upgrade Kit and requires the Aptiva Software CD that was included with that kit, and the Windows95 Upgrade CD. w95mxx.txt 4933 06-10-97 Readme for W95MXX.EXE w95upfix.exe 55741 03-13-96 Running this file will create a diskette which will correct certain issues caused by upgrading an Aptiva Mxx to Windows95 using the IBM Upgrade Kit. These issues include: Missing icons in Device Manager, Online Housecall not working properly, Online Services (AOL, Prodigy, etc) not working properly. w95upfix.txt 6813 06-12-97 Readme for W95UPFIX.EXE w95us1q1.exe 780206 07-28-97 Recovery Diskette For Use With Aptiva 2144/2168-Mxx Models Preloaded with Windows95 wallst.exe 1045258 02-23-96 Running this file will create a diskette which contains files that correct problems with the charting functions within the Wall Street Money program. Specifically, systems would often experience a General Protection Fault in Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; or reboot when one attempted to use the New Chart or Open Chart functions. wallst.txt 5046 06-12-97 Readme for WALLST.EXE waveamp.exe 115200 03-11-98 Some Aptiva users have found that the volume level of RingCentral's default outgoing message and the voice menu prompts are difficult to hear when in a noisy environment or when using a cellular phone. The file WAVEAMP.EXE will increase the volume of the default outgoing message and the voice menu prompts. windows.cnt 17710 10-15-97 This is a Windows95 Help File index update for French Aptiva systems 2162-56S and 2162-58S. Once downloaded, this file will need to be placed in the c:\window\help directory. wininst.reg 125 01-26-99 Updates Windows 98 Registry on 2139 and 2153 systems to remove the prompt for the Windows 98 CD when installing new components. workcom.exe 304513 09-17-97 This diskette updates the registry of Aptiva 2162 systems with the VF2US0N preload. This registry update will prevent the system from crashing when the MS Works communications tool is invoked. workcom.txt 673 09-17-97 Readme for WORKCOM.EXE xa1flash.exe 573897 03-26-98 This file updates the BIOS on Aptiva 2137-E24 and E34 systems experiencing lockup when using Via Voice. To apply this update, you will have to first identify the current level of BIOS on your system. If the next to last character of your BIOS level is a "2" (example: JW3EN2E), XA1FLASH.EXE is the correct BIOS update. xa1flash.txt 4534 03-26-98 Readme for XA1FLASH.EXE. ============================================================================ Authorized Dealer Support Files /pub/pccbbs/ta_support ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3270csd1.tg0 461778 03-23-92 3270 v. 2.0 DOS based CSD 3001 (1 of 3) 3270csdw.tg0 458086 03-23-92 3270 v. 2.0 Windows based CSD 4001 3278.exe 129019 02-18-92 3278/79 Adpt. Diag for PC XT/AT ver 4.0 35label.doc 193 01-19-95 Label for the 35V465.dsk diskette 35v465.exe 1064072 01-19-95 Eduquest 35 Enhanced Video Drivers ...diskette image of video drivers v4.65 for the eduquest thirty-five enhanced (.28mm) system. requires LOADDSKF program to transfer to a 1.44 meg diskette. Download LDF.COM from this BBS to get LOADDSKF 35video.ann 1745 01-19-95 Info about the 35V465 video package 365diag.exe 761419 08-19-99 QA Plus Diagnostic (v1.00): ThinkPad 365C, 365CS, 365CD, 365CSD, 365E, 365ED [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR- 60mbbuff.exe 211965 05-02-91 PS/2 60MB Fixed Disk Buffer Test v.1.10 ...IBM Personal System/2 60MB Fixed Disk Buffer Test Update Diskette. Version 1.10 60000 08-13-90 60MB Fixed Disk Upg for M50-021 V.1.00 701imset.exe 164598 11-03-97 Internal Modem Configuration Set Utility: ThinkPad 701 Only 701imset.txt 1002 11-21-97 README: Internal Modem Configuration Set Utility: ThinkPad 701 Only 8516diag.exe 108705 01-03-92 PS/2 Advanced Diagnostics Dsk ver 1.00 8518.exe 111686 01-21-92 Color Display 8518 Setup Disk Ver 1.00 acaddos5.exe 332838 06-04-92 Img. Adptr.Drvr. DOS5.0,Autocad R10,R11 apmirnt4.exe 1467682 06-24-99 Power Management Support (v2.40) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LSL apmirnt4.txt 1593 06-24-99 README: Power Management Support (v2.40) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LSL as400fix.exe 68707 07-14-92 OS/2 2.0 PC Support shared folders fix ...This file contains the OS/2 PC Support shared folders fix for OS/2 2.0. The fixes contained in this file are also available via PTFs. These fixes do not replace the fixes available via PTF; it should be used as a temporary solution until the PTFs are available on your AS/400. bbsdeal.txt 591162 04-20-99 IBM PC Company Dealer FAXBack Catalog blt103.bul 344 06-25-92 PS/2 Configurator Information blt104.bul 2796 02-13-92 IBM 4019 Laserprinter Early Warning blt106.bul 2415 07-29-91 3COM (R) TP Design Incompatible w/IBM ...3COM (R) TP Design Incompatible with IBM 486 Systems blt107.bul 1661 07-29-91 Replacement Memory Simm Retaining Clips blt110.bul 4382 07-29-91 SCSI 160MB Fixed Disk Data Trans. Prob. ...(ECA054) blt111.bul 835 09-04-91 Info on Token-Ring Busmaster ADF Files blt60.bul 2321 02-13-92 Using 60MB Fixed Disk Screen'g Diskette blt9095.bul 1721 06-25-92 Mod 90/95 Diskette Compatability bltdomg.bul 1576 06-25-92 Monitor Doming bltfocus.bul 7702 06-25-92 PS/2 Potential Data Integrity Problem bltnetsp.bul 598 06-25-92 Network Support Bulletin bltxga.bul 2249 02-13-92 PS/2 XGA Device Drivers Availability bmp1.exe 109340 10-31-95 Source code from 11/12 '95 OS/2 Dev Mag bmp1.txt 2132 10-31-95 Decsribes contents of bmp1.exe cbtlib1.tg0 1387068 01-10-92 CBT - Pers. System Training Lib II--3.0 ...CBT - Personal System Training Library II Version 3.0 Corrective Services Diskette #1 cbtlib2.exe 138085 01-10-92 CBT Pers. System Training Lib II--3.0 cbtlib2.tg0 123896 01-10-92 CBT - Pers. System Training Lib II--3.0 ...CBT - Personal System Training Library II Version 3.0 Corrective Service Diskette #2 ceuiq102.txt 1408 06-21-99 README: CE Utility Diskette II (v1.02): ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR- ceuix105.exe 232536 10-05-99 CE Utility Diskette (v1.05): ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDTT5 ceuix105.txt 3072 10-05-99 README: CE Utility Diskette (v1.05): ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDTT5 ceutb111.exe 637952 05-14-99 CE Utility Diskette (v1.11) : ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 IBM Authorized Servicers ONLY [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-426QH3 ceutb111.txt 3189 05-14-99 README: CE Utility Diskette (v1.11) : ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 IBM Authorized Servicers ONLY [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-426QH3 ceutd101.exe 221400 10-30-98 IBM Authorized Sevicers ONLY - CE Utility Diskette I (v1.01): ThinkPad i Series 1400 [NOTE: Only the following Model/Type numbers are supported: 2611 - 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456)] [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZQUZQ ceuti102.exe 480463 06-17-99 CE Utility Diskette (v1.02): ThinkPad 390X - IBM Authorized Servicers ONLY [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4D2UYL ceuti102.txt 1572 06-17-99 README: CE Utility Diskette (v1.02): ThinkPad 390X - IBM Authorized Servicers ONLY [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4D2UYL ceuts101.exe 707686 07-23-99 CE Utility Diskette (v1.01): ThinkPad 240 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR- ceuts101.txt 1552 07-23-99 README: CE Utility Diskette (v1.01): ThinkPad 240 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR- config.exe 75278 09-30-93 Configurator in self extracting zip ...Systems Configuration Grid - 10 files. Check README.XLS for more info. Requires Excel 4.0 & PM4. Contains data for thinkpad, valuepoint, PS/2, Servers. confpos2.exe 7021779 08-21-97 IBM ConfigPro - Application and data for Win-OS2 installation confpro.txt 9170 04-22-97 IBM ConfigPro - Readme for CONFPOS2.EXE and CONFPWIN.EXE confpwin.exe 7021779 08-21-97 IBM ConfigPro - Application and data for Windows installation ddconf.txt 2138 05-04-93 Device Driver Conf Info dgtpb113.exe 953344 05-03-99 PQA Diagnostics Diskette (v1.13): ThinkPad 390, i series 1720, i Series 1721 [DSKEXE]; Web DOC-ID: DSHY-426QKC dgtpb113.txt 2121 05-03-99 README: PQA Diagnostics Diskette (v1.13): ThinkPad 390, i series 1720, i Series 1721 [DSKEXE];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-426QKC dgtph106.exe 1045320 03-31-99 Diagnostic Diskette (v1.06): ThinkPad i Series 1400 Dealer/ Server ONLY, [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZQUZY dgtph106.txt 1468 03-31-99 README: Diagnostic Diskette (v1.06): ThinkPad i Series 1400 Dealer/ Server ONLY, [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZQUZY diags31x.exe 663211 08-27-98 Diagnostic Diskette (v1.5_e2): ThinkPad 310, 315 diskette.dgs 22497 11-20-92 PS/2 MODEL 56/57 DIAGNOSTIC UPDATE display.exe 470135 08-03-94 Display Course Certification disk dlrmodel.exe 1628956 08-21-97 IBM ConfigPro - data refresh only dos5eiub.exe 326394 11-27-91 Upg Enh Inst Util (UEIU) Dos 5.0,3.5 eapack.txt 10880 10-14-92 IBM LAN 3.0 pre-gen-availability info. eca001-2.txt 2491 03-03-94 3550 Mod 002 Cover Kit. Fixes FIT/I/O eca001-3.txt 3228 03-15-94 Prevents Sys hangs, OS/2 sys & Trap err eca001.txt 2565 02-18-94 PS/2 90/95 Data Loss/modification eca053.txt 3786 07-12-91 Intermittent False Mem Parity err 90/95 eca059.txt 3645 07-12-91 Parity Check Errors (03/91) eca083.txt 6247 11-14-91 Trap 0002, 110 and NMI errors ... eca103.txt 4204 10-24-92 60MB Fixed Disk Fails to Spin (09/92) emo105.exe 147194 10-23-90 Extended Maint. Option Program-Ver 1.05 ...This is a self extracting file that will create all the files for The Extended Maint. Option Proposal Program Version 1.05. Read bulletin #26 for more information. emoupd.exe 145028 10-23-90 Extended Maint. Option Update-Ver 1.05 ...This is a self extracting file that will create the files needed to update the EMO Proposal Program to version 1.05 For more information read bulletin #26. faxdiag.exe 184713 05-29-92 IBM PS/2 Fax Modem Diags ver 1.10 fud103.exe 207548 04-03-98 ThinkPad 760 2.1/3.0 HDD Microcode update 90720 01-26-93 GPIB Support Program v1.0 hi-spdad.exe 62766 04-19-91 IBM High Speed Adaptor Diags. ver 1.00 ibmdeal.txt 1436898 11-07-99 29-99 IBM Dealer Files Available from this BBS 256138 11-07-99 29-99 Compressed Version of IBMDEAL.TXT iclasqa.doc 51907 03-03-92 ICLAS Q&A-Common Questions and Answers japdisp.exe 46066 10-29-92 Japanese Display Adapter Option Disk. 13589 08-18-92 L40 driver updates - see [F]ive line ...Fixes problems with OS/2 Power management and false keyboard codes. For installation instructions see README.L40 from this self extracting file. l40sxtrn.exe 497882 02-09-94 Model L40 SX Business Partner Education 15826 07-31-91 Pioneer Videodisc Dev. Driv. OS/2 V98 ...This is a self-extracting file. ldv4200.exe 23031 06-16-92 Videodisc Dev. Driv. 2200 & 4200 (DOS) maint150.exe 495964 11-11-98 REPLACED BY MAINT160 - Maintenance Diskette (v1.50): ThinkPad 340, 355, 360, 365X/XD, 370, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 750, 755, 755C, 755CD, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CDV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X maint160.exe 556892 04-20-99 Maintenance Diskette (v1.60): ThinkPad 340, 355, 360, 365X/XD, 370, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570, 600, 600E, 750, 755, 755C, 755CD, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CDV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: GSMH-38YGUH maprices.exe 260577 08-20-92 Maintenance Agreement prices, discounts msports.exe 312894 01-22-98 This file corrects for ASCII text appearing in the Device Manager. Use the MSPORTS.EXE to create a bootable diskette. After creating diskette, shut down the system leaving the diskette in the diskette drive. Restart the system. Updates will be made automatically. msports.inf 9362 01-22-98 This file corrects for ASCII text appearing in the Device Manager. Manually replace the corrupt MSPORTS.INF with this updated file in the directories \WINDOWS\INF and \WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\ . net50.exe 295473 06-22-91 Update file for PCLP and DLR--for DOS50 netdiag.exe 114397 02-21-92 PC Network Adapter Diagnostics newsltr.txt 76290 10-10-91 Articles from TA Newsletter 3rd Qtr '91 ...Articles from TA Newsletter Volume 2 number 3. 3rd Quarter 1991 Contains: L40 SX Battery Concerns, DOS Lives!, Extended Graphics Array (XGA), Understanding PS/2 Model Numbers, Q's and A's, IBM Personal Communications/3270 and NetWare from IBM interoperability. novdos50.exe 129104 06-12-91 Novell Supplement files/DOS 5.0 Upgrade os2pcsfx.exe 79508 06-19-92 PC Support fixes for OS/2 2.0 os2t101f.exe 247507 05-09-92 OS2TAPE 1.01 fix to work with 0S/2 2.0 ost100f1.tg0 594352 05-02-92 OS2TAPE 1.0 upg to 1.01/OS/2 2.0 fix d1 ...OS2TAPE 1.0 upgrade to 1.01. Diskette 1 of 2. This is a maintenance release that incorporates all of the fixes needed to run OS2TAPE with OS/2 2.0 ost100f2.tg0 468323 05-02-92 OS2TAPE 1.0 to 1.01 upg w/ 2.0 fix 2of2 pnplmts.exe 221301 09-13-95 Part # price list in machine type seq. pnplpns.exe 199235 09-13-95 part # price list in part # sequence 31833 04-30-92 PS/2 Trackpoint Program Diskette V.1.00 ps2fax11.exe 184713 07-29-92 PS/2 Internal Data/Fax Diags/Util V1.1 ...PS/2 Internal Data/Fax Modem Diagnostic and Utility Diskette V1.1 This is an image of the diskette that is shipped with the PS/2 Internal Data/Fax modem used in the N51 and CL57 computers. ps2tpmr.exe 436649 05-09-92 PS2TAPE 2.0 upgrade to 2.01 maint rel pspconf.txt 2952 05-04-93 Personal System Product Conf Info ptflmgr1.exe 419251 08-15-92 PTF UR37165 LNM 1.0 for OS/2 2.o compat ptflmgr2.exe 478493 08-15-92 PTF UR37165 LNM 1.0 for OS/2 2.0 compat qsys.exe 79290 05-24-91 Query System Information (QSYSTEM.EXE) ...This self-extracting file contains QSYSTEM.EXE and documentation. tapefix.exe 65338 02-22-91 OS/2 Tape Patch - Contains three files. ...TAPEFIX.EXE is a self-extracting file. It contains the files BKP.DLL, MB.DLL, and OS2TPFIX.PKG. Copy these three files to the \OS2TAPE directory. 366066 01-31-94 IBM Thinkpad Service Training Diskette 43459 10-07-92 Touch display doc for OS/2 2.0 API func 47240 01-24-92 File to extract tg0 files (See 5 line) ...All of the reference disks and many of the option disks in this directory contain the extension TG0. This is the file you need to download to extract the TG0 files onto a diskette. UNPAKTG0.COM is self-extracting. Run it from a dos prompt, and TELEGET.EXE will come out of it. Run TELEGET.EXE to extract TG0. usa_invd.exe 48565 06-05-97 PC Config. | Availability as of date 24910 08-01-95 Updated install.exe for ypc80 course ============================================================================ TCP/IP Support Files /pub/pccbbs/tcpip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- apps20c1.exe 1000819 06-19-96 Apps Kit CSD, TCP/IP 2.0 for OS/2 1/2 apps20c2.exe 1473410 06-19-96 Apps Kit CSD, TCP/IP 2.0 for OS/2 2/2 dbox20c1.exe 528076 08-26-94 Dos/Windows Access Kit CSD 382863 01-10-94 TCP/IP 2.0 for OS/2 DBOX CSD UN50383 dns20c1.exe 532967 08-26-94 DNS Kit CSD dos20csd.doc 1398 08-26-94 Info on DBOX20C1.EXE 6304 05-05-95 Fix for IBM TCPDOS w/ PC DOS 7. 274209 10-14-93 OS/2 TCP/IP unattended CID Fix nfs20c1.exe 903408 06-24-94 TCP/IP 2.0 NFS Kit CSD UN57064 nfscsd.doc 6081 11-08-93 NFSCSD Information file nfscsd.exe 261662 11-08-93 TCPIP 1.2.1 Fixes for NFS feature pgmg20c1.exe 351507 06-24-94 TCP/IP 2.0 PGMG Kit CSD UN57887 pmxcsd1.exe 1020305 04-19-93 TCP/IP 1.2.1 CSD for X-Window s.server ...Options diskette for the 3.5 inch rewritable optical disk. Version 2.0. LDF.COM is needed to extract this file. 234794 04-19-93 TCP/IP 1.2.1 CSD for Progrm. Toolkit sendmail.exe 119734 04-18-94 Sendmail, - PN47008 - t211bc1.exe 1339952 11-10-95 CSD for TCP/IP 2.1.1 Base DOS/Win Disk1 t211bc2.exe 1333510 11-10-95 CSD for TCP/IP 2.1.1 Base DOS/Win dsk2 t211bc3.exe 954497 11-10-95 CSD for TCP/IP 2.1.1 Base Dos/Win Disk 3 t211nc1.exe 283000 11-10-95 CSD for TCP/IP 2.1.1 NFS Dos/Win Disk 1 t211pc1.exe 365131 11-10-95 CSD for TCP/IP 2.1.1 Pgmr. Dos/Win Disk1 t211sc1.exe 220249 11-10-95 CSD for TCP/IP 2.1.1 NetBios Dsk Dos/Win tcp20c1.exe 975457 08-26-94 Fixes for BASE & APPS of TCP/IP 2.0 1/4 tcp20c2.exe 1217543 08-26-94 Fixes for BASE & APPS of TCP/IP 2.0 2/4 tcp20c3.exe 1036252 08-26-94 Fixes for BASE & APPS of TCP/IP 2.0 3/4 tcp20c4.exe 1121454 08-26-94 Fixes for BASE & APPS of TCP/IP 2.0 4/4 tcpcsd2.exe 1427595 11-01-93 TCP/IP 1.2.1 Base CSD (UN50472) 2 of 2 366553 05-27-94 TCP/IP Newsletter in PS format tcpnewv2.txt 28440 05-26-94 TCP/IP Newsletter tcpnewv3.txt 54288 10-26-94 TCP/IP Newsletter tcpnewv4.txt 68634 05-19-95 TCP/IP Newsletter 1017548 12-07-95 TCP/IP Newsletter (PostScript) tcpnewv5.txt 52437 12-07-95 TCP/IP Newsletter (ASCII Text) tcpv21c1.exe 1210827 10-20-93 CSD's for TCP/IP DOS/Win3.1 tcpv21c2.exe 1262456 10-20-93 CSD's for TCPIP DOS/Win3.1 tcpv21cn.exe 378328 10-21-93 NFS CSD v for TCP/IP DOS/Win tcpv21cp.exe 1054355 10-21-93 TCP/IP v 2.1 Programmer's toolkit CSD tcpv21nb.exe 184190 01-26-94 TCP/IP v2.1 Netbios CSD 65622 02-27-93 TCP/IP 1.2.1 CSD for X25 feature xcl20c1.exe 875398 08-27-94 XClient Kit CSD UN52842 1/2 xcl20c2.exe 1076218 08-26-94 XClient Kit CSD UN52842 2/2 xnt20c1.exe 496256 06-24-94 TCP/IP 2.0 XNT Kit CSD UN60005 371208 01-10-94 TCP/IP 2.0 for OS/2 XNT CSD UN52906 ============================================================================ Network Support Files /pub/pccbbs/network ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00n9593p.pdf 569237 08-25-99 User's Guide for the 3Com/Megahertz 16/4 Token-Ring LAN PC Card 01n0500p.pdf 2205858 08-24-99 User's Guide for the 3Com Etherlink III ISA 10Mbps Ethernet Network Interface Card 01n0503p.pdf 2811993 08-24-99 User's Guide for the 3Com Etherlink XL PCI 10Mbps Ethernet Network Interface Card 01n0506p.pdf 512606 08-24-99 User's Guide for the 3Com/Megahertz 10/100 CardBus LAN PC Card w/10BT cable Connector 01n0509p.pdf 451367 08-24-99 User's Guide for the 3Com/Megahertz 10Mbps LAN PC Card w/Cabled 10BT & COAX Connector 01n0512p.pdf 255273 08-24-99 User's Guide for the 3Com/Megahertz 10/100 LAN PC Card. 01n0515p.pdf 512606 08-24-99 User's Guide for the 3Com/Megahertz 10/100 CardBus LAN PC Card w/XJACK LAN Connector. 01n0521p.pdf 176107 08-24-99 User's Guide for the Xircom RealPort Ethernet 10/100 + Modem 56 01n0530p.pdf 451367 08-24-99 User's Guide for the 3Com/Megahertz 10Mbps LAN PC Card w/XJACK 10BT LAN Connector and Cabled 10BT/COAX LAN Connector 01n0533p.pdf 1724332 08-24-99 User's Guide for the 3Com Fast Etherlink XL PCI 10/100Mbps Ethernet Network Interface Card 01n0536p.pdf 95880 08-24-99 User's Guide for the Xircom 100Mbs Ethernet PC Card 01n0539p.pdf 192666 08-24-99 User's Guide for the Xircom 100Mbs Ethernet Cardbus Combo 09n3698p.pdf 1724332 08-24-99 User's Guide for the 3Com Fast Etherlink XL PCI 10/100Mbps Managed Ethernet Network Interface Card 3c389a.exe 876078 07-29-99 3c389a.exe is the Installation and Diagnostic Program; Version 5.0, Disk 1of 6. 3c389a_f.txt 264 07-29-99 3c389A_F is the readme for 3c389a-e. 3c389b.exe 576695 07-29-99 3c389b.exe are drivers for the following the platforms;Disk 2 of 6: Netware DOS Client and Server Windows 95 and Windows NT NDIS 2.01 DOS and OS/2 Lan Support Program 3c389c.exe 811210 07-29-99 3c389c.exe are the IBM LAN Client A Drivers; Version 5.0,Disk 3 of 6. 3c389d.exe 1203427 07-29-99 3c389d are the IBM LAN Client B Drivers; Version 5.0, Disk 4 of 6. 3c389e.exe 1408975 07-29-99 3c389e are the IBM LAN Client C Drivers; Version 5.0, Disk 5 of 6. 3c389f.exe 226830 07-29-99 3c389f are the Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 Drivers; Version 5.0, Disk 6 of 6. 3c900b.exe 825963 07-28-99 Installation Diskettes for the 10Mbs 3Com 3C900B-Combo Ethernet PCI Card, Disk 1 of 2,:(Marketing part number 01N0503, fru part number 01N0505). 3c900b.txt 598 07-28-99 Is the readme for 3c900b.exe and 3c900b2.exe. 3c900b2.exe 1265966 07-28-99 Installation Diskettes for the 10Mbs 3Com 3C900B-Combo Ethernet PCI Card, Disk 2 of 2,:(Marketing part number 01N0503, fru part number 01N0505). 3c905b_1.exe 926052 09-15-99 3C905B_1.exe contains Network Interface Card diagnostics & configuration files for Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0. 3c905b_1.txt 661 09-15-99 3C905B_1.txt contains the readme information for 3C905B_1.exe. 3c905b_2.exe 1159066 09-15-99 3C905B_2.exe contains the Dynamic Access Software files for Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0, in addition to Client 32, Windows For Workgroups 3.11, and Alpha drivers NDIS 3, NDIS 4, and NDIS 5 drivers. 3c905b_2.txt 732 09-15-99 3C905B_2.txt contains the readme information for 3C905B_2.exe. 3c905b_3.exe 815986 09-15-99 3C905B_3.exe contains diagnostics and configuration programs as well as some drivers for 16-bit operating systems. 3c905b_3.txt 895 09-15-99 3C905B_3.txt contains the readme information for 3C905B_3.exe. 3c905btx.pdf 687828 09-15-99 User's Guide for the 3Com 10/100 Fast EtherLink XL Adapters (34L0401 and 34L1001). 3c90x.txt 203 10-20-99 readme for 3c90x1x.exe and 3c90x2x.exe. 3c90x1x.exe 811187 10-20-99 contains the installation and configuration files, disk 1 of 2. 3c90x2x.exe 1250169 10-20-99 contains the installation and configuration files, disk 2 of 2. 3cc509b.exe 1187594 07-27-99 Installation Disk for 3CC509B 10Base TEthernet 3Com Combo ISA Card:(Marketing part number 01N0500, FRU part number 01N0502) Disk 1 of 2. CTO 3cc509b2.exe 739399 07-27-99 Installation Disk for 3CC509B 10Base TEthernet 3Com Combo ISA Card:(Marketing part number 01N0500, FRU part number 01N0502) Disk 2 of 2. CTO 3cc509b2.txt 469 07-27-99 Readme for 3CC509B 10Base TEthernet 3Com Combo ISA Card:(Marketing part number 01N0500, FRU part number 01N0502) atsa155.unx 395776 01-05-96 ATM TW155 Sbus Solaris Arp Svr Dvr v1.1 atsa25.unx 395776 01-05-96 ATM TW25 Sbus Sol Arp Svr Dvr V1.1 atsb155.unx 1040384 01-05-96 ATM TW155 Sbus Sol Base Dvr V1.1 atsb25.unx 1039872 01-05-96 ATM TW25 Sbus Sol Base Dvr V1.1 atsi155.unx 424960 01-05-96 ATM TW155 Sbus Sol Classical IP Dvr V1.1 atsi25.unx 425984 01-05-96 ATM TW25 Sbus Sol Classical IP Dvr v1.1 atsosa.unx 376832 01-05-96 ATM TW25/155 Sbus SunOS Arp Svr Dvr v1.1 atsosb.unx 1294336 01-05-96 ATM TW25/155 Sbus SunOS Base Dvr v1.1 atsosi.unx 827392 01-05-96 ATM TW25/155 Sbus SunOS Clas IP dvr v1.1 c905ctd.txt 704 07-30-99 Readme for c905ctxd.exe. c905ctxa.exe 1068280 07-30-99 C905ctxa.exe is Diskette #1 of 3 for 3Com's 3C905C-TX-M EtherLink Family, 10 Mbps Ethernet PCI Network Interface Card. Version 5.01, Drivers supported: Windows 9X, Windows NT 3.51 & 4.0. Also includes 3Com Diagnostics software. c905ctxa.txt 582 07-30-99 Readme for c905ctxa.exe. c905ctxb.exe 1194403 07-30-99 C905ctxb.exe is Diskette #2 of 3; Drivers on this diskette support: Windows for Workgroups 3.11,Clarkson Packet Driver, and NetWare Client 32. Also includes DynamicAccess Technology c905ctxb.txt 612 07-30-99 Readme for c905ctxb.exe. c905ctxc.exe 830818 07-30-99 C905ctxc.exe is Diskette #3 of 3 for Drivers on this diskette support: NetWare 3.X and 4.X Serverand Client (DOS, OS/2) and NDIS 2 Drivers. Also includes Utilities, DOS Diagnostics and Configuration Utility c905ctxc.txt 638 07-30-99 Readme for c905ctxc.exe. c905ctxd.exe 1373047 07-30-99 C905ctxd.exe is is the DynamicAcess version 3.0 software, optional program, supporting DMI 2.0s for Windows 95, and Windows NT. cce589.txt 383 07-28-99 Readme for cce5891.exe and cce5892.exe. cce5891.exe 679679 07-28-99 Installation Disk for the 10Mbs 3CCE589EC 3COM PC Card Ethernet:, Disk 1 of 2. cce5892.exe 503399 07-28-99 Installation Disk for the 10Mbs 3CCE589EC 3COM PC Card Ethernet:, Disk 2 of 2. ccfe5741.exe 892073 07-28-99 For the 10/100BT 3Com Mbs Ethernet (CTO - 3CCFE574BT):(Marketing part number 01N0512, Fru part number 01N0514). ccfe5741.txt 490 07-28-99 Readme for Ccfe5741.exe ccfe574d.exe 1336852 07-28-99 Dynamic Access Software for the 10/100BT 3Com Mbs Ethernet (CTO - 3CCFE574BT), for Windows 95 and Windows NT, Version 1.5:(Marketing part number 01N0512, Fru part number 01N0514). ccfe574d.txt 727 07-28-99 Readme for Ccfe574d.exe ccfe5751.exe 1115485 07-28-99 Installation Disk for the 10/100Mbs 3Com Cardbus Ethernet, Version 2.2:(Marketing part number 01N0506, Fru part number 01N0508). ccfe5751.txt 649 07-28-99 Readme for Ccfe5751.exe ccfe575d.exe 1341044 07-28-99 Dynamic Access Software for the 10/100Mbs 3Com Cardbus Ethernet, Version 1.5, for Windows 95 and Windows NT:(Marketing part number 01N0506, Fru part number 01N0508). ccfe575d.txt 794 07-28-99 Readme for Ccfe575D.exe. ccfe575u.txt 4735 08-24-99 Information concerning the Optional Upgrade for Dynamic Access (R) Software. crynwr.txt 159 03-28-96 How to get the latest Crynwr Packet Drvr cxfe5751.exe 1104091 07-29-99 Installation Disk for the 10/100 3Com 3CFE575BT Mbs Cardbus Ethernet W/Xjack(Marketing part number 01N0515, Fru part number 01N0517). cxfe5751.txt 649 07-29-99 Readme for Cxfe5751.exe cxfe575d.exe 1341044 07-29-99 Dynamic Access Software Diskette for the 10/100 3Com 3CFE575BT Mbs Cardbus Ethernet W/Xjack(Marketing part number 01N0515, Fru part number 01N0517). cxfe575d.txt 790 07-29-99 Readme for Cxfe575d.exe. cxfe575u.txt 4741 08-24-99 Information concerning the Optional Upgrade for DynamicAccess (R) Software. 1410176 06-01-95 DOS Lan Services and 16/4 II update drvrlist.exe 54166 10-05-99 IBM Adapter information sheet (MS Word) 64968 11-03-95 ISA Ethernet lost configuration patch ethmc16.exe 343251 03-17-95 Ethernet/A opt. dsk short card v 1.17 hhtr.bin 302439 07-28-94 EISA Token Ring SCO Unix file 2 of 2 hhtr.txt 3568 07-28-94 EISA Token Ring SCO Unix file 1 of 2 349655 02-19-97 Client for Win95/LS 4.0 connectivity 1240387 04-21-95 OBI Guide for Wireless LAN (postscript) irv220.exe 520241 02-08-95 Infrared Wireless Options Diskette irv220.txt 11667 10-07-97 Readme file for IRV220.EXE landr6.exe 150850 09-09-96 Lan Driver Update for NW 3.x & 4.1 lnaid720.exe 408083 05-24-95 AUTO ISA 16/4 LANAIDC on 720K disk ...This file is a 720K format disk image for users of the auto 16/4 ISA token-ring adapters who only have a 720K drive. IT includes the DOS command-line adapter configuration utility LANAIDC as well as drivers for Novell, Windows for WorkGroups, OS/2, and LAN support program custom version. mg51-04.exe 1053316 07-29-99 Installation Disk for 51-04 Madge Token Ring PCI 16/4Smart, Wake on LAN, Disk 1 of 2:(Marketing part number 00N9604, Fru part number 00N9603). mg51-04.txt 265 07-29-99 readme for mg51-04.exe and mg51-04b.exe. mg51-04b.exe 681281 07-29-99 Installation Disk for 51-04 Madge Token Ring PCI 16/4Smart, Wake on LAN, Disk 2 of 2:(Marketing part number 00N9604, Fru part number 00N9603). mg60-06.exe 1053316 07-29-99 Installation Disk for 60-06 Madge Token Ring PCI Presto Plus, Disk 1 of 2: mg60-06.txt 265 07-29-99 Readme for mg60-06.exe and mg60-06b.exe. mg60-06b.exe 681281 07-29-99 Installation Disk for 60-06 Madge Token Ring PCI Presto Plus, Disk 2 of 2: netdsk1.exe 1060692 01-19-93 Ethernet Drivers, ThinkPad 300 1 of 3 netdsk2.exe 1117611 01-19-93 Ethernet Drivers, ThinkPad 300 2 of 3 netdsk3.exe 90244 01-19-93 Ethernet Drivers, ThinkPad 300 3 of 3 p4_720d.exe 298916 06-01-95 Auto 16/4 ISA diagnostics - 720K disk pc_net5.exe 115801 10-05-93 PC Net Adv Diagnositcs V2.01 5.25" 12493 09-26-94 Baseband ODI slow client on fast server pcn2shel.obj 6747 09-23-94 BaseBand Netware 2.x obj File. rbe100w3.exe 773920 07-29-99 Installation Drivers for the 100 Mbs Xircom Ethernet Cardbus, for WIndows 3.x:(Marketing part number 01N0524, Fru part number 01N0541). rbe100w3.txt 1163 07-29-99 Readme for rbe100w3.exe. rbe100ws.exe 332454 07-29-99 Installation Drivers for the 100 Mbs Xircom Ethernet Cardbus, for WIndows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT:(Marketing part number 01N0524, Fru part number 01N0541). rbe100ws.txt 1156 07-29-99 readme for rbe100ws.exe. tok_dist.tar 163840 05-22-95 Auto 16/4 Token Ring SCO Unix (2 of 2) tok_dist.txt 3329 05-22-95 Auto 16/4 Token Ring SCO Unix 64052 05-19-93 Token Ring 4MB /A Option Disk vpether.exe 240767 05-10-94 VP 10Base-T/10Base2 Ether Adp ver 1.01 wle11d1.exe 283047 10-30-96 W/L Lan Entry Install Disk 1 wle11d2.exe 278547 10-30-96 W/L Lan Entry Install Disk 2 wle11dsk.exe 651110 10-30-96 W/L Lan Entry DOS, OS/2, Novell wle11dsk.txt 396 10-30-96 W/L Lan Entry Text File wlew95.exe 646841 10-30-96 W/L Lan Entry w/Win95 wllan1.exe 609638 03-13-96 IBM RF Wireless LAN Disk 1 of 6 -Utility wllan2.exe 590661 03-13-96 IBM RF Wireless LAN Disk 2 of 6-Netware wllan3.exe 957095 03-13-96 IBM RF Wireless LAN Disk 3 of 6 Dos/Win wllan4.exe 1133974 03-13-96 IBM RF Wireless LAN Disk 4 of 6 OS/2 1/3 wllan5.exe 897849 03-13-96 IBM RF Wireless LAN Disk 5 of 6 OS/2 2/3 wllan6.exe 839948 03-13-96 IBM RF Wireless LAN Disk 6 fo 6 OS/2 3/3 wlple.exe 863643 09-28-95 Wireless LAN Entry Install 1.0 wwdu.bin 324889 07-29-94 LanStreamer SCO Unix file 2 of 2 wwdu.txt 4672 09-09-94 LanStreamer SCO Unix file 1 of 2 ============================================================================ Network Station /pub/pccbbs/network_station ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- compactflash.pdf 62564 11-03-99 This document is intended to provide information that will assist system administrators in successfully establishing flash-based Network Stations. conte.pdf 71928 07-20-99 This is needed for questbot.exe to run correctly. (used as a template) esuite.pdf 157350 04-05-99 eSuite WorkPlace 1.5 Quick Installation Guide flash3p.pdf 277578 06-17-99 This is needed for questbot.exe to run correctly. (used as a template) ica_v2r1.pdf 423862 10-28-99 This document describes how Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) is used for Microsoft Windows application access. ica_v2r1_internal.pd10-25-99 462081 10-25-99 This document describes how Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) is used for Microsoft Windows application access. javansperf.pdf 36669 07-21-99 This is needed for questbot.exe to run correctly. (used as a template) ns.pdf 5002 07-23-99 This is needed for questbot.exe to run correctly. (used as a template) ns390.pdf 34945 10-25-99 This document describes of how to migrate user and configuration data from Network Station Manager (NSM) Version 1 Release 3 (V1R3), running on S/390 (OS/390 or VM/ESA), to the new NSM Version 2 Release 1 (V2R1) running on the supported platforms. nsboot.pdf 131774 10-25-99 Running V2R1 on the Series 2800 may require an updated NS Boot version. If you have the H2033190 (03/31/99) NS boot version, you must follow these instructions to update your version of NS Boot. nsbootsupport.pdf 20902 09-10-99 This is needed for questbot.exe to run correctly. (used as a template) perform.pdf 168719 11-02-99 This is needed for questbot.exe to run correctly. (used as a template) qfrw.pdf 112640 05-10-99 QuickOn for Running Windows - Installation Guide qol.pdf 15360 05-10-99 QuickOn for Running Windows - Installation Guide templates.exe 1457593 06-24-99 This is needed for questbot.exe to run correctly. (used as a template) thin.pdf 27648 04-28-99 This is needed for questbot.exe to run correctly. (used as a template) ============================================================================ Netware 3.x & 4.x Update Files /pub/pccbbs/netware_3x_and_4x ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- clos2d1.exe 7269162 01-07-99 NetWare Client for OS/2 v2.12 (diskette) clos2n1.exe 7261576 01-07-99 NetWare Client for OS/2 v2.12 (network) clty2kp1.exe 195356 01-07-99 IW Client Year 2000 Fixes net33x.exe 231240 06-19-95 DOS 7 and Windows Drivers for NETX (updat ...Workstations using NETX & Win 3.1 os2pt2.exe 610164 01-07-99 Patch for OS/2 NetWare Client v2.12 os2u1.exe 896505 10-18-95 OS/2 Utilities for 3.12, 4.02 & 4.10 vlm121_1.exe 1033942 01-03-97 VLM Client Kit v1.21 1/6 vlm121_2.exe 460188 01-03-97 VLM Client Kit v1.21 2/6 vlm121_3.exe 1345057 01-03-97 VLM Client Kit v1.21 3/6 vlm121_4.exe 1080832 01-03-97 VLM Client Kit v1.21 4/6 vlm121_5.exe 430418 01-03-97 VLM Client Kit v1.21 5/6 vlm121_6.exe 1058865 01-03-97 VLM Client Kit v1.21 6/6 w95unc.exe 95547 01-03-97 Uninstall for Client 32 for Windows 95 ============================================================================ IBM Tips /pub/pccbbs/ta_ibm_tips ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25hinges.txt 2296 08-27-96 2625 hinges for 365c/cd/cs/csd/x/xd/e/ed 2625eca2.txt 7462 05-06-97 2625 365X & XD BASE SHIELD UPGRADE KIT 2625hmm.txt 14350 11-05-96 2625 365X & 365XD HMM LCD ADD/CORRECTION 2635cdro.txt 7544 05-20-97 2635 MOD 380/385 CD-ROM INSTALL TEST CORRECTION 26standb.txt 2624 08-27-96 2620 MODS 360CE/CSE/PE fail to standby 45mic.txt 2460 08-27-96 9545 755cd internal mic & spkr cable 755fru.txt 2624 08-27-96 9545 755CX VGA NEW FRU PART NUMBERS. 9545eca2.txt 5412 05-06-97 ECA002, 9545 MOD 755CE/CSE/CD TRAP, HANG, OR NO POWER 9547disk.txt 2624 10-14-96 9547 1.4GB HARD DISK DRIVE FRU. h0000001.txt 3854 01-03-96 Pers Computer Replacement Pkg Order Proc h001115.txt 2296 05-07-96 Server 320/520 Traps after cache upgrade h00138.txt 1558 05-03-96 2625 Operator's Manual Correction h001444.txt 2788 05-08-96 No vid w/Cornerstone Acc/2 Adptr Instald h001448.txt 1398 03-25-99 H001448: FALSE ERROR MESSAGE WHEN RESTARTING SERVICE PROCESSOR h001448a.txt 1406 03-25-99 H001448: FALSE ERROR MESSAGE WHEN RESTARTING SERVICE PROCESSOR h001481.txt 6888 05-13-96 Server 320/520 ServerGuide Install Fails h00157.txt 1230 05-03-96 9546/9547 DSKT DRIVE FRU UPDATE FOR HMM h001587.txt 1234 03-25-99 H001587: DDS/3 TAPE DRIVE 01K1282 REQUIRES FIRMWARE UPDATE 7.27A h00196.txt 3690 05-06-96 NetFin RAID Drv Info is Displayed Incorr h002094.txt 642 11-13-95 3516 Power Supply Spcs (FRU52G7955) h002463.txt 1722 05-13-96 PS/2 Hnags/Vid Corrupt w/ImageI Adptr/A h002586.txt 738 05-13-96 UNIVERSAL TRACKPOINT CAP FRU h003182.txt 5740 05-15-96 9546/9547 KINGSTON MEMORY SAFETY CHECK h003210.txt 823 03-05-97 SERVER WON'T POWEROFF W/ADV SYS MGMT OPT h003263.txt 3465 11-19-96 ECA004, REPLACEMENT 8MB MEMORY IN 8640 h003324.txt 1345 03-25-99 H003324: ORACLE JAVA AND SYMBIOS SYMPLICITY REQUIRES 1MB VRAM h003324a.txt 1425 03-25-99 H003324: ORACLE JAVA AND SYMBIOS SYMPLICITY REQUIRES 1MB VRAM h003324b.txt 2143 03-25-99 H003324: ORACLE JAVA AND SYMBIOS SYMPLICITY REQUIRES 1MB VRAM h003383.txt 3608 05-17-96 Intermit Media Err on R/W Optical Drives h003814.txt 2132 05-21-96 Svr 320 Hard Drives Lose Power or Hang h003850.txt 2624 05-21-96 Sys Loses Conn w/3COM 3C590 ENET Card h004178.txt 2132 05-06-97 9552 700 & 720 MONO HINGE KIT FRU h004976.txt 472 03-25-99 H004976: NETFINITY RACK HAS NO PLANT CODE PREFIX AS PART OF S/N h00598.txt 2050 05-06-96 Sys Hangs w/Video ROM Shadowing Disabled h006835.txt 3854 05-23-96 9546 False LCD Diag Error in Easy Setup h007583.txt 1520 01-27-98 SECOND PROCESSOR INSTALLATION IN INTELLISTATION M-PRO h007813.txt 3854 05-23-96 Svr 320 Traps with 8 parity SIMMS Instal h00894.txt 2706 05-06-96 Divide by 0 Error Opening MS Word File h00993.txt 7954 04-01-96 Internal proc error/sys halts pc300/700 h011600.txt 5166 06-12-96 Windows95 Vid Err After Change Resolutn h012493.txt 2132 04-03-96 Hardfile Noise or Vibration in PC 360 h013309.txt 9007 03-10-97 INTERMITTENT TAPE ERRORS W/ 4/10GB DRIVE h013335.txt 4604 05-13-97 ECA011: PC SERVER 310 RISER CARD REPLACEMENT h013820.txt 4920 04-03-96 6598 Fails when an audio adapter is inst h013851.txt 8924 04-11-97 Windows NT Inst on PC Server 720 (8642) h014240.txt 4264 05-06-97 2625 365X/XD HMM lCD Addition/Correction h014469.txt 2378 04-03-96 Sys hang during IPL w/3com 3c509b adptr h01506.txt 1722 06-21-96 Warp Conn Uninst Doesn't remove all file h01516.txt 2296 06-21-96 Vid Corrupt in CoSession for Win Viewer h01525.txt 2542 06-21-96 System hang using cosession via NETBIOS h01544.txt 2296 06-21-96 CoSession for OS/2 Fails w/Netware h01556.txt 2460 06-21-96 Cosession Disconnects After Run COM2 Tst h015613.txt 1551 03-25-99 H015613: BIOS 27A AND 28A COULD CORRUPT SYSTEM TIME AND DATE h01566.txt 1804 06-21-96 Insufficient NETBIOS Res.Running CoSess h01567.txt 2788 06-21-96 QAPlus/2 fails to print the test page h01573.txt 2132 06-21-96 PlugNPlay Adpt Fails Cfg in 6577/87 h01588.txt 1968 06-21-96 Misleading 'Query Failed' msg w/flpy tst h01595.txt 2460 06-21-96 No error msg if vid tst fails in QA+/2 h01609.txt 2378 06-21-96 No err msg if kybd tst fails in QA+/2 h016164.txt 772 11-13-95 750ce & 755 CDPD Power Up Duration h01647.txt 2788 06-21-96 False CPU error code MBD061 with QA+/2 h01650.txt 2624 06-21-96 Sys hang w/Adaptec 3940 cards n slot 1/2 h016887.txt 1804 04-03-96 PC360 6598 Hangs w/RIPL to a Warp server h017056.txt 567 11-13-95 HMM correction, blank DASD tray: 9595a h01721.txt 4920 06-21-96 Whte Scr/Trap swtch from winos2 to os/2 h01737.txt 3034 06-21-96 RPL Halted error w/IBM LAN Adpt for ENET h017452.txt 3772 03-10-97 WIN95 REBOOT - NO SECONDARY IDE PORT h01754.txt 2952 06-21-96 False 'disk change' test fail in QA+/Win h01767.txt 2870 06-21-96 Video Corrupt of Icons in QAPlus/Win-Win h01772.txt 2132 06-21-96 Non-functional Icons on OS/2 Launchpad h01774.txt 1230 06-21-96 Service layer not running err w/dmi bwsr h01778.txt 2870 06-21-96 Bad clr in QA+ Grid Tst w/Cosess Viewer h017784.txt 1968 06-21-96 PC300 6577/87 Does not support 70NS Mem h017829.txt 4182 06-24-96 Safe Recov Msg Dur Init Boot of PC300 h017881.txt 2952 06-21-96 "Inaccessible Boot Device" with WinNT h01789.txt 2132 06-27-96 Video RGB Mixer Tst Fails in QA+/2 h01819.txt 2952 06-21-96 Sys Info Tool 'using help' func fails h01846.txt 2624 06-21-96 Sys Hangs After Installing PCMCIA Adptr h01855.txt 4100 06-21-96 Win311 Loops on S3 Vid Driver Install h01891.txt 3362 06-21-96 Mobile HMM FRU Corrections h021331.txt 12874 11-19-96 ECA001, 2625 PROACTIVE SYSTEM UPGRADE h022744.txt 3854 02-26-96 Unable to inst SVGA support w/WinNT 3.51 h023369.txt 4920 07-01-96 Svr 704 Traps or Hangs Dur. OS Install h023394.txt 2050 04-05-96 Corrupt CMOS, pw bad on PC 300/700 h027075.txt 852 11-14-96 SERVER 720 133/166MHZ PANIC WITH SCO SMP h02860.txt 4100 06-27-96 PC Svr 704 POST ERROR 0303 (ECC Simm Er) h031607.txt 2296 08-13-96 Soundpiper16 MCA Fails in PC700 h031649.txt 2378 04-05-96 Pound sign ("#") in SCSI error code h037505.txt 2214 04-17-97 BLANK SCREEN ON REBOOT W/CIRRUS OS/2 DRIVER V1.13B1 h061134.txt 3763 03-25-99 H061134.txt SERVERAID LOG MUST BE CLEARED AFTER FIRMWARE/BIOS IS UPDATED h061134a.txt 2910 03-25-99 H061134: SERVERAID LOG MUST BE CLEARED AFTER FIRMWARE/BIOS IS UPDATE h061389.txt 1088 02-10-97 NO VIDEO/VIDEO FADES ON PCSERVER 320/520 h06176.txt 7708 03-04-96 8640 System Board BIOS revisions (srv320 h062600.txt 3453 12-29-97 PENTIUM PROCESSOR REPLACEMENT IN 6384 P60/D h062669.txt 4592 10-04-96 PC 300 6576/6586 w/Win95 Boots to Setup h064597.txt 4100 09-20-96 logic cards mounted on fixed disk drives h065939.txt 2296 04-12-96 IBM T/A Bridge Software Fails w/PC700 MC h066617.txt 1148 04-12-96 PC 360 6598 of 2.88 Disk Drv h067030.txt 2952 04-12-96 System hangs w/DOS 6.3 and PCI Net Adptr h06894.txt 2296 10-04-96 SYS2170 Error in NetView DM CID Install h083626.txt 4592 07-15-96 176 POST Cover Tamper Error on PC730 h083867.txt 2460 07-15-96 'IRQ 00 Not Being Serviced' error in log h08410.txt 1581 10-11-94 OS/2 CID dwnld fails on 9577/9576 h084333.txt 1878 01-09-97 TESTING PC SERVER 720 PROCESSORS (8642) h084384.txt 4756 07-15-96 PC 700 Fails to RIPL w/Adptec 2940 SCSI h084762.txt 694 03-25-99 H084762: SYSTEM HANGS USING PREFORMATTED DISKETTE FOR SAVING DIAG. LOG h086910.txt 1722 10-04-96 Hangs Download Files w/Auto Wake Token R h087320.txt 1230 07-29-97 2635 HARD DISK AND BRACKET ORDER INFO. h091076.txt 2257 05-03-97 ECA009, PC SERVER 704 HOT-SWAP TRAY REPLACEMENT h091380.txt 3218 10-04-96 FALSE DDD ERRORS RUNNING TME10 NETFINITY h091381.txt 8692 01-18-96 9595A/8641 RAID Arrray w/SCSI Tape or CD h093102.txt 11480 02-19-96 Hotswap Fixed Disk Drive Replacement Tip h093980.txt 3227 08-14-98 H093980: MULTIPLE DDD DRIVES CAUSED BY INCORRECT CHANNEL MAPPING h095558.txt 4838 07-26-96 SURGE SUPPRESSORS AND INTERMITTENT PROBS h096517.txt 4592 10-04-96 IBMAV 2.5 ERRORS AFTER INSTALL ON PC 365 h101069.txt 3690 07-26-96 WAKE ON LAN FEATURE HALTS AT MOUSE ERROR h102486.txt 2624 04-23-96 MS Framemaker Fails on PS/2 9576/9577 h104713.txt 1886 04-17-96 NEC XP21 Disp not DDC2b Compat w/PC 700 h105274.txt 3772 04-17-96 Sys Hanges in Win w/ENET 10/100 Adapter h107355.txt 2624 08-23-96 JITTER IN 800 X 600 MODE ON G41 & G50 h121195.txt 2788 11-14-96 PC 300/700 MAY FAIL TO CONNECT AT 57.6K h121333.txt 823 11-11-96 SERVER 310 HANG W INTEL ETHEREXPRESS ADP h122173.txt 1957 05-11-99 H122173: MSCS & SERVERAID: IPSHAHTO.EXE MAY FAIL TO MOVE RESOURCES h122801.txt 1968 04-18-96 Bowed backplane may cause hardfile prblm h122974.txt 2460 01-12-96 Svr Guide OS/2 Install Disk Creatn Proc h123235.txt 1886 04-18-96 HOT-SWAP TRAY FITS TIGHTLY IN DASD BAY h123246.txt 2214 04-17-97 800X600 RESOLUTION CAUSES BLANK SCREEN IN WINDOWSNT h123250.txt 3198 04-17-97 CRYSTAL AUDIO DRIVER FOR OS/2 README CORRECTION h123252.txt 1558 04-17-97 VIDEO FEATURE CONNECTOR DISABLED ON 6272/6282 h123257.txt 2296 04-17-97 MONOCHROME MONITOR FAILS TO DISPLAY 16 GREY SHADES h123307.txt 3280 04-17-97 VIDEO CORRUPTION IN OS/2 W/4777 OR 4778 INSTALLED h123334.txt 2132 04-17-97 Antivirus Icon Remains on Desktop after Installation h123342.txt 2378 04-17-97 1024x768 RESOLUTION FAILS ON IBM G50 MONITORS h123394.txt 3116 11-20-96 SERIOUS DISK ERROR BANYAN VINES&WIN 3.1 h123545.txt 1722 07-29-97 2635 CD-ROM OPTION INSTALLATION WARNING h123636.txt 4182 05-06-97 BIOS INFO / UPGRADE: EX. 2640 HANGS WITH EDO SO DIMM h123708.txt 2870 02-03-97 REM INST WINDOWS NT FAILS W/ETHEREXPRESS h123817.txt 1581 08-05-97 NETWARE 3.1X SERVER DOES NOT RECOGNIZE MEMORY > 16MB h123906.txt 2378 01-12-96 9545 HMM Correction Concerning DSTN LCD h124556.txt 1722 03-26-96 Speech Recognition fails in Win-OS/2 h124716.txt 2296 08-13-96 Kodak ImgLink 990D Scanr Fail PC300/700 h125101.txt 1575 08-08-97 WIN95 SYSTEM HANGS AFTER INSTALLING NOVELL CLIENT 32 h125499.txt 938 01-08-98 3518 STORAGE ENCLOSURE: SYNCHRONIZATION MAY FAIL W/ 2.25 GB h126229.txt 14678 02-02-96 9595 Type 4 RefDisk Flash/BIOS info h126253.txt 1148 05-13-96 755CD Rear Fascia HMM FRU# correction h126326.txt 3477 12-29-97 IBM PC 300 PENTIUM PROCESSOR REPLACEMENT h126327.txt 3534 12-29-97 IBM PC 700 PENTIUM PROCESSOR REPLACEMENT h126563.txt 1148 02-12-97 9545 755CD MIC CONNECT AND SPEAKER CABLE h12773.txt 437 10-31-94 8551 LEG kit fru35G3333 note: 07G1209 h127771.txt 8938 03-04-96 8640 System board BIOS revisions (srv300 h131137.txt 2050 08-01-96 PC300 6576/6586 Fails Boot w/FVC ATM Adp h131157.txt 2132 08-01-96 Hayes SmrtMdm 2400 won't config 6876/86 h131259.txt 4756 08-01-96 Auto16/4 Token Ring fails after flash h131546.txt 1452 02-20-96 Server 720 Documentation Correction h131754.txt 4192 01-09-97 SERVER 720 BIOS REVISIONS (8642) h131758.txt 1327 07-29-97 PC SERVER 704: 0176, 0177, 0178, 0179 POST ERRORS h131887.txt 5002 03-06-96 Svr 500/520/720/320 Mult Defunct Fix Drv h132024.txt 3073 03-25-99 H132024: 174 POST ERROR AND MICROPROCESSOR ERROR IN DIAGNOSTIC h132041.txt 1329 12-03-96 Network err w/HP J2585A 10/100 Adapter h132121.txt 8442 01-02-96 6324 ECA001 Monitor colors incosistent h132153.txt 2378 01-05-96 H132156 - 9545 LI-ION BATTERY INFO h132156.txt 3444 01-05-96 H132153 - "ADAPTER NOT FOUND" w/IBM ENET h132166.txt 6642 01-12-96 PC300 486 Jumper Corrections h132168.txt 4182 01-12-96 Low Memory Resource Error running Win 31 h132195.txt 2296 01-15-96 NO Video/System Hang with Kurta Vid Adpt h132199.txt 4984 11-20-96 8642 ECA001-SCSI CBL RPLC (4x-CDROM) h132209.txt 2952 01-16-96 166 Post Error with IBM Serverguard Adpt h132224.txt 2788 01-17-96 CD Rom falls out during insertion h132238.txt 21976 01-18-96 Server 500 s/390 Opt may be set incorect h132253.txt 3034 01-19-96 System Hang during file xfr w/IBM Ether h132254.txt 2132 01-19-96 GPIB Adt Fails Diagnostics in PC 300 h132256.txt 2624 03-11-96 Svr 520 Erroneous Config error msg h132258.txt 2378 02-15-96 Serial port data errors and miscompares h132259.txt 2870 01-19-96 GPF's w/Intel Ether Express Pro/10 h132261.txt 2050 01-19-96 Install problem with WinNT server 3.51 h132268.txt 3034 01-24-96 Win NT 3.51 Reports Lanstreamer Missing h132270.txt 1331 10-29-96 RAID SERVER DOSN'T BOOT TO CORRECT OPSYS h132272.txt 2706 01-24-96 FDISK Shows drives in wrong order h132284.txt 3116 01-24-96 BIOS Update during SYSBRD Replacement h132289.txt 3362 01-24-96 Server hangs with PCI SCSI Adapter h132301.txt 5740 04-09-96 8642 ECA002,100MHZ Processor-Novell SMP h132302.txt 2952 01-24-96 System hang in Windows w/8MB Parity MEM h132320.txt 3029 02-24-98 CLIENTCARE, CLIENT MANAGER USAGE TIPS IN PC300GL (6561) h132343.txt 2542 01-25-96 ATI Grph Pro Turbo Adpt Fails in PC700 h132354.txt 8364 01-25-96 Intel Pentium Overdrive Proc in IBM Sys h132357.txt 1968 01-25-96 False Diag error on RAID SCSI Device h132358.txt 1968 01-25-96 False Diag Error on RAID SCSI Device h132374.txt 1886 01-29-96 Server 720 Error code EP:104X h132397.txt 6806 04-29-96 Svr 500 RAID Drives DDD Recov Proc Ineff h132401.txt 1968 01-29-96 9546 HMM FRU Corrections h132433.txt 3116 01-31-96 6553 Monitor - 2401 Post error w/doc en h132461.txt 5740 01-31-96 Svr 500 S/390 - False Processor Diag Er h132485.txt 2132 02-01-96 Sys hangs or dev dvr NOT bind to net pro h132486.txt 3772 02-02-96 2625 Fails to resume when stdby is DIABL h132488.txt 1968 02-01-96 2625 AC Adptr HMM FRU Prt Num Correction h132489.txt 4674 04-24-96 Novell Netware Lost Hardware Interrupts h132491.txt 1968 02-02-96 CD-ROM Power Extension Cable Available h132494.txt 2952 11-07-96 PC 100 Setup Incorrectly Shows 2 CDROMS h132499.txt 3362 02-05-96 6542 ECA001 - Repl broken tilt/swvl stnd h132520.txt 3362 02-06-96 Adaptec 1640 SCSI Adt Fails in PS/2 Sys h132521.txt 5896 02-08-96 Distorted video on pc700 with OS/2 h132523.txt 6314 02-06-96 Sys Boot/Hang Fail IBM(ADPTC) PCI SCSI-2 h132528.txt 2706 02-06-96 Kodak Scanner not seen by svr300/320/520 h132536.txt 4920 02-08-96 26(10,25,30) 9545 & 9552 AC Adt FRU NOTE h132548.txt 5904 05-23-96 G70 Monitor Screen Blanks Intermittently h132637.txt 4920 02-21-96 G50 and G41 Monitors Intermittent Blink h132707.txt 1452 02-20-96 Seamless Apps Hang Under OS/2 2.11 h132711.txt 3608 02-20-96 Flash Disks Fail After viewing w/ dir h132716.txt 1148 02-20-96 2625 HMM Sound Card Correction h132741.txt 2706 02-22-96 System Hang in XCOPY w/ PCI LANStreamer h132743.txt 2132 02-22-96 Video Distortion w/Windows for Workgroup h132745.txt 2706 02-22-96 3Com 3C509 Adapter not config in 6576 h132746.txt 2624 02-22-96 No video on PC700 with XGA-2 Adapter h13275.txt 2137 01-17-96 Win32 bit disk access errs on PC 300/700 h132775.txt 1804 02-27-96 PC Server 520, SCSI Cable P/N Correction h132788.txt 2788 02-27-96 Matrox Driver Install Requests Wrong Dsk h132789.txt 1558 02-27-96 Disk Factory Loop on SCSI-2 Drvr Create h132790.txt 2460 02-27-96 SB AWE32 PnP Driver Fails to Load h132791.txt 2214 02-27-96 TCP/IP Conflict w/Heywood & IBM Int Conn h132792.txt 3608 02-27-96 COM 2 Missing from TranXit Config Menu h132793.txt 2296 02-27-96 Reinstall of QAPlus/2 Fails on PC 700 h132794.txt 2378 02-27-96 LANAID Displays Incorrect INT usage h132796.txt 1804 02-27-96 QAPlus/Pro Hangs with Japanese 106 Kybd h132798.txt 2050 02-27-96 Video Distortion Moving Windows in Warp h132799.txt 2870 02-27-96 Win-OS/2 Session Video Corrupt on PC700 h132800.txt 2706 02-28-96 Power Mngmt Fails with IBMIDECD.SYS h132801.txt 2214 02-28-96 System Hang at Warp Logo PC700 6877/87 h132803.txt 2624 02-29-96 OS/2 Hangs on Reboot after Res. Change h132804.txt 1968 02-29-96 OS/2 Warp Connect DskTp & Icons Distrtd h132805.txt 2460 03-04-96 QAPlus/Win-Win Quick Test Loops on PC700 h132808.txt 3116 03-04-96 CDAudio/LPT1: IRQ Fails w/QAPlus/2 h132809.txt 3034 03-04-96 False Diag Err Rptd by QAPlus/WIN-WIN h132810.txt 2050 03-04-96 Sys hang printing rpts w/QAPlus/Pro 5.32 h132811.txt 1722 03-04-96 Token Ring & COM2 Conflict in PC700 h132814.txt 3280 03-04-96 "Path not found" running IBMSETUP PC700 h132815.txt 2132 03-04-96 Intrmtnt Vid Corrupt Running Winstone96 h132816.txt 3198 03-04-96 Vid Corrupt or Sync Loss w/3278/79 Adptr h132817.txt 3772 03-04-96 Incorrect Info Displyd on IBM DMI Brwsr h132821.txt 1968 03-04-96 Sys Hang w/Actionmedia II Strtr Diag Dsk h132822.txt 1968 03-04-96 Sys Hang using "Create LAN Img" w Win95 h132823.txt 2050 03-04-96 Vid Mem Size is Incorrect w/NetFinity h132824.txt 2542 03-04-96 Disk Create Fails in OS/2 Warp Rmte Inst h132825.txt 1476 03-04-96 Vert Lines Ovr ShtDwn Box Dur OS/2 IPL h132826.txt 2706 03-04-96 CDROM Bkgrd Missing in Selective Install h132827.txt 1968 03-04-96 CPU Utill is Incorrect with NetFinity h132832.txt 2378 03-04-96 Partition Info Incorrect w/IBM NetFinity h132835.txt 3280 03-04-96 Matrox Dev Drvr Install Fails on PC700 h132836.txt 2952 03-04-96 Vid Corrupt while run Adobe Acrobat 2.0 h132841.txt 13858 03-04-96 IBM PC360-150 Matrox Mill Vid Adptr Tips h132842.txt 5084 03-04-96 PCI Adptrs Fail on warm bt in PC300/700 h132850.txt 4264 03-04-96 SCSI/RAID Adapter Matrix h132876.txt 1722 03-04-96 False Lvl2 Cache err with QAPlus/Pro5.32 h132877.txt 1640 03-04-96 Page Fault Errs in Win3.1 using LANAID h132878.txt 2378 03-04-96 Sys Hang Booting Win95 w/o Ethernet Cbl h132879.txt 3690 03-04-96 Cannot set 1600x1200 Res in Win95 h132880.txt 1968 03-04-96 CoSession Info Screen Blkd by Win95 bar h132895.txt 4428 03-06-96 Trap 000E&L2 Cache Errors-IntelDX4 Upgr h132931.txt 2050 03-06-96 Sys Hang w/Diamond Vpr VLB Adap-PC 300 h132966.txt 2378 03-07-96 Sys Hang w/MIRO Dual Monitor Adap-PC300 h132971.txt 1148 03-08-96 2524 new pen door released-separate FRU h132973.txt 1066 03-08-96 2620 HMM Corr. NHMI Battery P/N84G2144 h133024.txt 1295 02-25-97 4/10GB TAPE DRIVE: CLEANING PROCEDURES h133070.txt 2417 12-03-96 320/520 Hangs booting diags or srvrguide h133083.txt 1230 03-18-96 9546 Screw Cover Manufacturing Change h133109.txt 4510 03-19-96 Server 520 boots as a server 320 h13313.txt 1809 06-20-97 PC SERVER 704 TRAPS, HANGS, OR REBOOTS h133146.txt 6068 03-22-96 2625 User's Guide Bat Status Info Update h133190.txt 2378 03-26-96 Adptr resource conflict in PC700 6877/87 h133191.txt 4592 03-26-96 Problems running QuickLink Msg Center h133194.txt 1476 03-26-96 Audio feature fails aftr suspnd in Win95 h133195.txt 1886 03-26-96 Mwave for Windows fails in OS/2 h133196.txt 1804 03-26-96 EMU Sample Wave File Fails in Win95 h133197.txt 1312 03-26-96 MWave Drivers fail to install in Win95 h133198.txt 1640 03-26-96 QAPlus WIN-WIN Stops for Win95 Screensvr h133200.txt 1886 03-26-96 EtherJet Driver Install fails in Win95 h133201.txt 2378 03-26-96 RTC CDROM SCSI Driver Install Fails h133202.txt 1722 03-26-96 Diskette factory up/down arrow keys fail h133203.txt 1722 03-26-96 Matrox Grph Adptr Programs fail in OS/2 h133204.txt 2214 03-26-96 Keyboard setup not avail in cosession h133205.txt 2870 03-26-96 Tips on reinstall of Netfinity in OS/2 h133206.txt 2788 03-26-96 SINGF30 General Prot Fault in Netfinity h133211.txt 2132 03-26-96 Disks from OS/2 Disk Fact Unusable h133212.txt 1886 03-26-96 Help Topic not found in QAPLUS/WIN-WIN h133213.txt 1640 03-26-96 OS/2 "SYS 1202" err after reinst QAPLUS2 h133216.txt 2542 03-26-96 Can't edit dict or view hlp in monologue h133217.txt 2132 03-26-96 DOSCALL$ trap error w/MWAVE and TCPIP h133218.txt 2296 03-26-96 MWave Modem not listed in RePrint Plus h133219.txt 2296 03-26-96 WinOS/2 Fails after dual boot from DOS h133285.txt 3280 04-22-96 163 POST Error - Date & Time Incorrect h133293.txt 5002 04-22-96 Adpt Resource Confilct in PC700 MCA h133294.txt 3362 04-22-96 Vid Corrupt w/Artist Graph Adptr w/PC300 h133305.txt 1908 12-19-96 Potential Data Modification w/Netfinity h133326.txt 4249 11-20-96 ECA003, Prevent Multi DDD SCSI Dr in Srv h133382.txt 5002 10-04-96 Svr 520 PCI RAID Drives DDD: Cable Instr h133402.txt 2542 04-29-96 4/10 Tape Drive Appears Hung, Err Recovr h133403.txt 2624 04-29-96 PC 700 Fails to Print Graphics h133421.txt 2788 04-29-96 3516 On/OFF Button Sticks When Depressed h133434.txt 3198 04-29-96 PC700 Hangs when fully populated w/adptr h133440.txt 1160 07-09-98 CLIENTCARE HELP FILES MISSING IN NON-ENGLISH PRELOADS h133497.txt 2132 08-05-96 Vid Distort of Windows Group Buttons h133498.txt 1558 08-05-96 Full & 3/4 adapters unsupport in slot #1 h133499.txt 5412 08-05-96 Sony 17seII Disp not seen as DCC Comp h133500.txt 5904 08-05-96 IBM G40 Disp not seen as DDC on 6560 h133501.txt 2214 08-05-96 Cosession Disconn while running QAPLUS h133502.txt 2214 08-05-96 QAPlus/WIN-WIN Fails Mouse test on 6560 h133503.txt 2050 08-05-96 ProShare UNISTALL doesn't remove all fil h133504.txt 2214 08-05-96 Cosession UNINSTALL fails on PC340 6560 h133505.txt 3116 08-05-96 False mem error w/QAPLUS/WIN-WIN on 6560 h133506.txt 2788 08-05-96 Vid corrupt in Win3.11 on PC340 6560 h133507.txt 1558 08-05-96 IBM ISA ARTIC Adpt not supp in 6560/6260 h133509.txt 3772 08-05-96 Adapt Resource conflict on 1st Win95 IPL h133510.txt 4264 08-05-96 QAPLUS/WIN-WIN Incorrectly disp 109 kybd h133511.txt 2296 08-05-96 DMI Browser control panel text upsidedwn h133512.txt 2460 08-05-96 Sys Info Tool "using help" function fail h133523.txt 5541 06-02-97 ECA006, SERVER PCI RAID ADAPTER REPLACEMENT h133529.txt 2378 08-05-96 Bad marked speed on 60ns DIMMS 6577/6587 h133539.txt 4182 08-06-96 1 lng/3 shrt beeps on PC700 w/ImgAdpt A h133569.txt 2214 08-13-96 IBM TMC-850 FD SCSI Card fails PC300/700 h133573.txt 851 08-05-97 PC SERVER 704 HANGS WITH PCI BRIDGE TO BRIDGE ADAPTERS h133581.txt 1968 08-13-96 Adv Pwr Mngmt Fails on PC300/700 h133587.txt 2296 08-12-96 9546-THE PCMCIA SLOT FRU CORRECTION h133588.txt 2296 08-13-96 ATI Vid Drvr Install Fails in OS/2 Warp h133593.txt 2296 08-12-96 Thomas Conrad TR Not Recognized in Setup h133627.txt 3854 08-15-96 Recov Boot Disk Repeatedly Wants CD Type h133635.txt 2214 08-15-96 Windows NT 3.51 Failts to Install h133653.txt 2542 08-23-96 System Fails to Start POST After PowerOn h133675.txt 2378 08-23-96 Keyboard LockUp/System Hang in WP6.1 h133688.txt 2296 08-23-96 PC300 Reboots or Boots to Setup Utility h133731.txt 13458 11-21-96 ECA005, 8642 PROC & MEM Card Replacement h133777.txt 2589 03-18-97 SERVER BACKPLANE ADDRESS JUMPER CONFIG h134082.txt 4428 10-04-96 RAID ARRAY SYNCH - PREVENT REBUILD FAIL h134097.txt 3526 11-20-96 D/T2640 HMM SYSTEM BOARD FRU CORRECTION h134109.txt 3608 10-04-96 IBM PCI RAID Adapter (FRU p/n06h5078) h134111.txt 6642 10-04-96 PREVENT FALSE DDD ERRORS ON SERVER HD h134334.txt 2542 10-23-96 PowerPoint Slide Show in B/W under WARP h134338.txt 5248 10-23-96 Mouse Fails Exiting Power Mgmt. Win 3.x h134356.txt 2388 10-09-96 3518 LCD AND CONTROL PANEL NOT FUNCTION h134391.txt 4264 10-14-96 Video Corrupt w/ Intercept V4.0 WIN-OS/2 h134423.txt 1804 03-05-97 3547 INTERNAL DISK DRIVE EJECT PROBLEM h134453.txt 3280 10-14-96 SYS HANG IN MS EXCEL W/OS/2 WARP CONNECT h134465.txt 3936 10-23-96 SYSTEM HANG AFTER INSTALL OS2 S3 DRIVERS h134488.txt 4018 11-20-96 DOS 3270 APP FAILS TO CONNECT UNDER OS/2 h134499.txt 1713 10-16-96 BRIDGE CARD LED REMAINS OFF WITH BIOS 09 h134528.txt 2542 06-20-97 2640 ECA002, NEW AC ADAPTER CORRECTS LCD FLICKER h134555.txt 1631 12-03-96 SERVER HANGS W/IBM 100/10 ETHERNET ADAPT h134622.txt 1451 10-22-96 NETWARE 3.12: LOST HARDWARE INTERRUPT h134625.txt 5002 11-20-96 D/T2625 365X/XD KYBD SPACER FOR SUSPEND h134640.txt 2687 10-23-96 SERVER 720 133MHZ/166MHZ TRAPS OR HANGS h134690.txt 1182 10-25-96 WINDOWS NT TRAPS ON RAID SERVERS h134877.txt 700 10-31-96 SERVER 720 RUNS SLOW AFTER RUNNING DIAGS h134918.txt 802 11-05-96 WIN-NT SHUTDOWN HANGS W LANSTREAMER ADPT h134921.txt 2517 06-23-97 SERVER 720 BOOTS SLOWLY AFTER A WARM BOOT h134928.txt 1886 11-05-96 PC 340 Setup shows 166Mhz OverDrive as 0 h134937.txt 2105 11-05-96 PCI/MCA SERVER HANGS W IBM 100/10 ETHER h134978.txt 13530 11-20-96 9545-47&2625 POST 8603OR8611&KYBD RESETS h134988.txt 2132 11-20-96 2630 NEW MULTIPORT LATCH FRU h135021.txt 3362 11-20-96 9546&9547 HMM 1.2GB HD IS FRU P/N29H9228 h135022.txt 3690 11-20-96 2625 MISCELLANEOUS LCD KIT. h135061.txt 2870 11-20-96 9547 760EL/ELD HMM FIX TO S82G-1503-03 h135070.txt 2624 11-14-96 PC 340 PROCESSOR TYPE JUMPER SETTINGS h135078.txt 2775 11-21-96 ECA007, PC SERVER 320 POWER SUPPLY h135115.txt 563 11-14-96 SMC 10/100 ETHERNET DIAGNOSTIC FAILURE h135118.txt 2132 11-14-96 PC350/750 COVER BENDS/SHIFTS W/LARGE MON h135179.txt 2675 11-20-96 720 RUNNING SCO DISPLAYS PANIC / WARNING h135180.txt 3936 11-20-96 TP SUSPEND RESUME PROBLEM UNDER WARP 4 h135198.txt 2460 11-20-96 32-Bit Disk Access Errors w/CDROM added h135239.txt 2460 11-20-96 Other Devices" Displays "?" in Windows95 h135274.txt 1516 11-21-96 704 TIMEOUT WITH MICROSOFT EXCHANGE SRVR h135499.txt 1334 12-19-96 PCI RAID SERVER TRAPS OR HANGS SOMETIMES h135588.txt 13120 12-19-96 9546/47 HANGS DURING OPER. SYSTEM LOAD. h135606.txt 7954 12-19-96 9546/47 THERMAL BASEPAD EVEN HEAT XFER. h135609.txt 6970 12-19-96 3547 SELECTADOC W 760E/ED HANGS AT POST h135610.txt 6806 12-19-96 9546/47 760 MODELS NEW LOCKING DIMM DOOR h135662.txt 2378 03-05-97 ERRATIC MS-MOUSE MOVEMENT ON DOCKED TPAD h135699.txt 2296 02-12-97 2640 HMM VOLUME 3 MEMORY CORRECTION h135712.txt 3703 12-19-96 MCA PROCESSOR PLANAR JUMPER SETTINGS h135767.txt 975 01-28-97 server 720 (8642) traps/hangs w/o error h135789.txt 3116 12-19-96 OS/2 Hang w/Token Ring & Matrox MGA Card h135791.txt 2128 12-19-96 320 TRAPS/HANGS W/ NEC 32MB PARITY SIMM h135895.txt 2952 12-30-96 AZERTY KEYBOARD PW "M" KEY NOT ACCEPTED h135906.txt 4674 01-03-97 PC700 FAILS BOOT AFTER FLASH BIOS UPDATE h135913.txt 696 01-03-97 60NS 32MB SIMM INCORRECTLY LABELED: 70NS h135914.txt 3034 01-03-97 SYSTEM HANG RUNNING MULTIPLE XCOPY (OS2) h135920.txt 2952 01-10-97 NO VIDEO ON PC 700 MICROCHANNEL W/MATROX h135923.txt 1544 01-10-97 INSUFFICIENT MEMORY ERROR WITH CHKDSK h135953.txt 3116 01-10-97 PC 300 HARDFILES IN APM MODE PREMATURELY h136018.txt 984 02-12-97 D/T2625 365X/XD NO IBM VOICE DICTATION h136020.txt 14022 02-12-97 755/760/560/365X/XD 2GB UNDETECT DATAMOD h136046.txt 1988 01-14-97 INTRMTNT POST ERRORS ON PC 700 6877/6887 h136047.txt 2296 01-11-97 Chicony 104 Keyb App Causes Prn Activity h136077.txt 1312 02-12-97 2640 560 FALSE AUDIO ADAPTER FAILURE h136089.txt 2624 01-15-97 D/T9615 Errors Reading 1.44mb Disks h136237.txt 414 01-20-97 PC SERVER 720 *8642) PROC. CARD SUPPORT h136244.txt 2624 02-03-97 PC 300 FAILS TO FORMAT A 1.44MB DISKETTE h136252.txt 2296 01-21-97 INSUFF.SPACE CREATING WINDOWS3.11 BACKUP h136268.txt 2084 01-22-97 Server 720 (8642) hangs or fails to boot h136301.txt 1215 05-11-99 H136301: PC SERVER325/330: PLANNING FOR A ROLLOUT - BATTERY ISSUES h136378.txt 3116 01-28-97 WIN-OS2 FULLSCRN FAIL W/ARTIST GRAPHICS h136382.txt 2624 01-28-97 300/700 FAIL TO BOOT W/CORNERSTONE IMAGE h136383.txt 2870 01-28-97 PC 100 FAIL TO REMOTE IPL W/3COM 3C509-B h136387.txt 984 05-06-97 now two different Lower Cover Assemblies h136402.txt 1528 01-30-97 325/330 HANG AT POST W/PCI ARTIC ADAPTER h136434.txt 2050 02-12-97 2630 HANG W/RESUME PW & 640X480X 16M ENA h13646.txt 6451 12-24-98 H13646: ECA002, PC SERVER FIXED DISK FAILS TO SPIN-UP h136483.txt 2296 02-05-97 PC 300 6586 FAILS TO POWER ON WITH 220V h136484.txt 2460 02-05-97 9524 TOUCH SCREEN MONITOR DEAD OR BLANK h136503.txt 2542 02-06-97 HANGS/GPF'S IN WIN-NT W/ADAPTEC AVA-1515 h136516.txt 3854 02-07-97 NO VIDEO OR 210 POST ERROR-PC300 w/32MB h136519.txt 2624 02-07-97 SYS3175 ERROR RUNNING CM/2 1.11 w/ Warp h136521.txt 2460 02-07-97 PC300 Diskette Read Error During Trans. h136522.txt 2856 02-08-97 PENTIUM PRO REPLACEMNT IN SERVER 325/330 h136551.txt 7626 02-12-97 2620 LCD COMPONENT FRU PART NUMBERS h136565.txt 764 02-13-97 SERVER 325/330 HD IN-USE LED NOT FLASHIN h136594.txt 2050 02-14-97 720 WON'T BOOT AFTER FLASHING TO BIOS 10 h136613.txt 1006 02-18-97 SERVER RAID DRIVES DDD W/ARCSERVE BACKUP h136617.txt 12956 03-05-97 9546 COMBINED SYSBRD/CPU FRU REPLACEMENT h136740.txt 511 02-25-97 320/520 PCI/EISA WON'T ACCEPT FLASH BIOS h136767.txt 3936 03-05-97 THINKPAD KEYBOARD REPLACEMENT INFO. h136769.txt 12956 05-06-97 2640 560 LCD COMPONENT FRU LIST & INSTRU h136817.txt 1873 03-05-97 HANGS/TRAP 000E ERRORS W/256KB L2 CACHE h136842.txt 3035 03-17-97 720 HANGS AT CP 69 AFTER PLANAR REPLACE h136869.txt 1968 03-17-97 Cache Extraction Tool for PC 300/700 h136887.txt 1210 06-23-97 OEM VIDEO ADAPTERS FAIL IN SECONDARY PCI SLOTS h136889.txt 1274 07-09-97 LANDESK HELP NOT AVAILABLE IN WINDOWS NT V4.0 h136895.txt 1369 07-09-97 SOME HELP TOPICS NOT AVAILABLE IN WINDOWS NT V4.0 h13693.txt 5166 02-12-97 PREVENT T-POINT & KEYB 8611-13 ERRORS h13697.txt 12792 04-08-96 RAID array fixed disk drive repl process h137086.txt 5753 03-02-98 ECA008, PC SERVER 300/320/500/520 HEALTH CHECKUP h137318.txt 1222 04-11-97 6577/6587 SYSTEM W/2.5GB SHOWS 2.0GB AVAILABLE h137343.txt 6068 05-06-97 2625 ECA002 - 365X & XD BASE SHIELD UPGRADE KIT h137377.txt 663 04-11-97 TR4 TAPE DRIVE INSTALLATION IN PC SERVER 330 h137448.txt 845 04-23-97 8641/8642 RAID CONTROLLER TO BACKPLANE CABLE h137500.txt 1476 05-06-97 3545 & 3546 CD ROM TRAY OPTION AND FRU PART NUMBERS h137536.txt 507 04-23-97 PC SERVER 310: WINDOWS NT 4.0 INSTALLATION h137547.txt 498 04-23-97 PC SERVER 720 HANGS WITH PEERMASTER OR ARTIC ADAPTERS h137616.txt 2475 05-03-97 PC SERVER SERVERAID ADAPTER CONFIGURATION ERROR h137633.txt 5030 05-03-97 ECA010: PC SERVER 325/330 PROCESSOR CARD JUMPER J9 h137696.txt 1237 06-11-97 ECA007, SIGNAL QUALITY CONDITION h137697.txt 1239 06-11-97 ECA008, SIGNAL QUALITY CONDITION h137698.txt 1237 06-11-97 ECA009, SIGNAL QUALITY CONDITION h137713.txt 7134 05-13-97 16X CD HANGS OR LOADS 2 COPIES OF APPLICATION h137755.txt 6396 05-20-97 2635 MOD 380/385 CD-ROM INSTALL TEST CORRECTION h137768.txt 5494 05-16-97 6899 FAILS TO POWER ON/OFF h137807.txt 1854 05-20-97 PC SERVER 310 TRAPS WITH ISA ETHERJET ADAPTER h137828.txt 1145 05-27-97 PC SERVER 720 HANGS WITH WINDOWS NT SERVER h137864.txt 3772 05-27-97 DISPLAY APPLET WINDOW TOO LARGE FOR SCREEN h137865.txt 2706 05-27-97 NE2000 ETHERNET FAILS IN PC 300 6588/6888 h137866.txt 4838 05-27-97 IBM P200/P201 DISPLAYS NOT SEEN AS DDC COMPLIANT h137867.txt 3936 05-27-97 SYSTEM HANG ON INITIAL BOOT TO WINDOWSNT 3.51 h137868.txt 3854 05-27-97 CDROM SEEN AS 3.5" DISKETTE IN 6588/6888 SETUP h137869.txt 4018 05-27-97 UNINSTALL OF IBM PRODUCT REGISTRATION FAILS h137870.txt 3854 05-27-97 MISSING HELP SCREENS IN PC 300 6588/6888 SETUP h137871.txt 3362 05-27-97 SECOND DISKETTE DRIVE NOT SEEN IN 6588/6888 SETUP h137931.txt 1016 06-02-97 PC SERVER 704 RAID DRIVES FAIL TO FORMAT h137949.txt 3444 06-02-97 6272/6282 SYSTEMS HANG DURING POST AT CHECKPOINT 60 h137955.txt 914 06-05-97 PC SERVER 325/330 8X CD-ROM WON'T EJECT h137977.txt 900 06-13-97 PC SERVER 704 ABEND: DIVIDE BY ZERO EXCEPTION h13889.txt 1066 02-01-96 2630 Mod 701 Keyboard CAM/HMM Correction h16124.txt 1422 06-18-97 APM FAILS ON IBM PC300-GL WITH WINDOWS 95 h16125.txt 1268 06-18-97 SCANDISK REQUIRED AFTER APM SHUTDOWN ON IBM PC h16126.txt 1569 06-18-97 IBM PC300-GL FAILS TO ENTER APM MODE WITH NT 4.0 h161379.txt 8280 12-31-97 ECA012, 1.12GB, 2.25GB HARD DRIVE REPLACEMENT (UPDATED) h161478.txt 1509 12-10-97 9547 ECA005 HEAT SINK INSTALLATION h161480.txt 22967 12-22-97 PROBLEM DIAGNOSTICS IN A SHARED DISK CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT _V02 h161500.txt 2184 11-21-97 SHRINKWRAP NT4.0 TRAPS WITH SERVICE PACKS 2 AND 3 h16160.txt 1843 06-24-97 OS/2 WARP CONNECT HANGS AT BOOT ON IBM PC h161606.txt 1716 07-09-98 UNABLE TO INSTALL WINDOWS NT 4.0 FROM CDROM BOOT h161692.txt 3690 07-15-98 ECA013: 8650 BACKPLANE/DISPLAY PANEL FIRMWARE REPLACEMENT h16198.txt 1313 06-24-97 INTERMITTENT POWER-ON FAILURE ON IBM PC300-GL h16199.txt 1477 06-24-97 WARP 3 INSTALLS SOUNDBLASTER DRIVERS FOR CRYSTAL AUDIO h16200.txt 6134 06-26-97 ECA006, 2.5 GB TIMING INCOMPATIBILITY CONDITION h162123.txt 873 03-26-99 H162123: NETFINITY 3000: SOME CUSTOMERS MAY REQUIRE 2-DROP IDE CABLE h162123a.txt 820 03-26-99 H162123: NETFINITY 3000: SOME CUSTOMERS MAY REQUIRE 2-DROP IDE CABLE h162138.txt 993 12-11-97 2524 730T TOP COVER BEZEL REPLACEMENT h162142.txt 1198 12-11-97 PC SERVER 315 EXPERIENCING INTERMITTENT VIDEO FAILURES h162146.txt 826 12-11-97 9547 AND 9546 3GB HDD HMM FRU CORRECTION TO P/N45H8791. h16219.txt 2021 07-08-97 ISDN EXTERNAL MODEMS FAIL TO CONNECT AT HIGH SPEEDS h162191.txt 1005 12-16-97 PC SERVER 330: BOOT ERROR AFTER ADDING SERVERAID II_ADAP TER h162298.txt 2053 12-30-97 PC SERVER 325/330: SOME DIMM'S MISSING FRU AND OPTION P/N'S h162302.txt 2542 12-30-97 SERVERAID II ADAPTER SHIPS WITH HARD DRIVE FLASH DISKETTE h162303.txt 6243 12-30-97 ECA016: FIRMWARE UPGRADE FOR SOME 4.5/9.1GB SCSI HARD DRIVES h162305.txt 4813 12-31-97 ECA015: PC SERVER 330 FIRMWARE UPGRADE ON SOME SELECT MODELS h162332.txt 2299 01-07-98 WINDOWS NT 4.0 INSTALL HALTS ON INTELLISTAITON M-PRO (6898) h162342.txt 1121 01-08-98 "NO BOOTABLE MEDIA" ERROR WITH 4.2GB IDE HARDFILES h162398.txt 1312 07-09-98 COSESSION32 VIEWER DESKTOP DISPLAYS INCORRECTLY h16240.txt 1619 07-02-97 IMPROVING IDE HARDFILE PERFORMANCE ON PC340 h162412.txt 2820 01-16-98 PC SERVER 315 HANGS AT PROMPT DURING BOOT. h162440.txt 1769 01-16-98 LOST HARDWARE INTERRUPTS RUNNING NOVELL NETWARE 3.12 h162483.txt 2262 01-20-98 POWER-ON VIDEO/SYSTEM FAILURE IN IBM PC300PL h1625.txt 1113 06-19-97 SERVER 315/325/330 SCSI TERMINATION ON NON HOT-SWAP MODE h16253.txt 3034 07-08-97 2635 HDD SPACER RELEASED FOR USE WITH 12.5MM HDDS h162541.txt 1646 01-27-98 RPL ERRORS WITH ONBOARD ETHERNET UNDER OS/2 WARP 3.0/4.0 h162590.txt 1177 02-03-98 INSTALLING RETAIL WIN95 IN IBM PC300GL, M/T 6561/6591 h162591.txt 1408 02-03-98 SYSTEM HANGS AFTER CHANGING RESOLUTION IN WINDOWS (WFW) h162592.txt 1111 02-03-98 READY-TO-CONFIGURE CDROM (RTC) ERROR UNDER DOS/WINDOWS h162593.txt 1361 02-03-98 G40 (6542-103) DISPLAY GOES BLANK IN WINDOWS 95 h162594.txt 1801 02-03-98 167 POST ERROR AFTER PENTIUM II PROCESSOR UPGRADE h162595.txt 2048 07-09-98 INTEL NDIS OID QUERY PROTOCOL ERRORS h162596.txt 1194 02-03-98 PC DOCTOR MISIDENTIFIES PENTIUM II PROCESSOR h162597.txt 1468 02-03-98 UNABLE TO CONFIGURE ADAPTEC AHA-1542CF SCSI ADAPTER h162598.txt 887 02-03-98 NETFINITY STARTUP ERROR, "NO SERVICES AVAILABLE" h162600.txt 924 02-03-98 DMI REPORTS "LOG AREA CLEARED" ON REBOOT h162601.txt 1485 02-03-98 SYSTEM HANGS WITH PCI TOKEN RING ADAPTER AND WINDOWS 95 h162602.txt 1116 02-03-98 INSTALLING RETAIL WIN95 IN PC300GL, M/T 6561/6591 h162603.txt 2301 02-03-98 IBM PC300GL MACHINE TYPE 6561/6591 SERVICE TIPS h162604.txt 1145 02-03-98 USB KEYBOARDS FAIL POWER-ON TEST IN PC DOCTOR h162649.txt 1537 02-06-98 SYSTEM HANGS & TRAP ERRORS WITH 256KB L2 CACHE h16265.txt 1323 07-02-97 IBM PC300-GL DASD TRAY SERVICE AID h16266.txt 1475 07-02-97 KEYBOARD ERRORS IN WINDOWS95 NOTEPAD h16267.txt 1855 07-02-97 CREATIVE LABS CDROM DOES NOT WORK IN IBM PC340 h16268.txt 1939 07-02-97 MULTIPLE PNP ADAPTERS NOT RECOGNIZED BY OS/2 WARP 4 h16269.txt 2120 07-02-97 1762 POST ERROR ON IBM PC365 WITH 4.2GB HARDFILE h16270.txt 1658 07-02-97 CORRUPTED VIDEO WITH MATROX MILLENIUM IN IBM PC365 h162702.txt 1279 02-11-98 CLIENTCARE HELP FILES MISSING IN NON-ENGLISH PRELOADS h162741.txt 1786 02-17-98 IBM MPEG INTERACTIVE VIDEO PLAYER SEQUENCE ERRORS h162742.txt 1365 02-17-98 INCORRECT INTERNET URL ADDRESS IN USER GUIDES h162743.txt 2335 02-17-98 COMPAQ V70 DISPLAY IMAGE JITTER ON IBM PC300PL h162744.txt 1518 02-17-98 INCORRECT FLYER INFORMATION FOR WINDOWS95 INSTALLATION h162824.txt 2222 12-24-98 H162824: CONFIGURING SCSI REPEATERS IN THE 3518 ENCLOSURE h162830.txt 1011 02-24-98 INCORRECT JUMPER POSITION SHOWN ON COVER LABEL h162849.txt 2876 02-25-98 PC DOCTOR QUICK/FULL ERASE UTILITY AND FORMATTING h162868.txt 1458 02-27-98 LARGE FONT ERROR SWITCHING TO 640X480 RESOLUTION h162932.txt 3200 05-11-99 H162932: ECA028: FIBRE OPTIC CABLES h162995.txt 1367 03-12-98 ERROR INSTALLING IBM UTILITIES IN RETAIL WINDOWS NT 4.0 h162996.txt 1567 03-12-98 MICROSOFT DESKTOP MANAGEMENT CONFLICTS WITH LANDESK h162997.txt 1567 03-12-98 INCORRECT COLORS IN ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 4.0/4.1 h162998.txt 1529 03-12-98 INTERNET EXPLORER HANGS IN IBM WELCOME CENTER h163036.txt 2033 03-16-98 SYSTEM HANG DURING FLASH BIOS UPDATE h163143.txt 1874 10-14-98 NETFINITY 7000: FRONT PANEL DISPLAYS UNREADABLE CHARACTERS h163290.txt 1928 07-09-98 MEMORY RANGE CONFLICT IN WINDOWS 95 h163380.txt 1382 07-09-98 SCROLLPOINT FUNCTIONS LIMITED IN INTERNET EXPLORER 4.0 h163413.txt 1751 07-09-98 NETFINITY "KEYS HELP" FILES FAIL TO OPEN h163414.txt 1581 07-09-98 ISA ADAPTERS DO NOT FUNCTION UNDER WINDOWS NT/95 h163425.txt 1860 07-09-98 SYSTEMS HANG WITH OEM PCI ADAPTERS h163434.txt 1659 07-09-98 WINDOWS NT 3.51 VIDEO TEST AND DRIVER INSTALLATION h163474.txt 15310 03-26-99 H163474: POST ERROR CODES FOR SERVERAID AND SERVERAID II CONTROLLERS h163493.txt 1931 07-09-98 FAN SPEED VARIES OR STOPS/STARTS IN PC300PL, 6862/6892 h163545.txt 2820 07-09-98 ECA017, DECREASED NETWORK PERFORMANCE USING 100MBS ETHERNET h163546.txt 3740 07-09-98 ECA018, SYSTEM HANGS & TRAP ERRORS WITH 256KB L2 CACHE h163554.txt 4428 07-23-98 ECA018: MANDATORY BIOS UPGRADE TO REV 29A OR HIGHER FOR 8644 h163569.txt 6806 07-09-98 ECA019, DATA MISCOMPARE ERRORS USING IBM ANTIVIRUS V3.0 h163570.txt 2851 05-12-98 COM PORT RETRY ERRORS IN WINDOWS 95 AND WINDOWS NT h163571.txt 1143 07-09-98 BLACK SCREEN HANG AFTER CHANGING COLOR DEPTH h163572.txt 1241 07-09-98 ERROR LOADING LARGE FONTS IN WINDOWS FOR WORKGROUPS h163573.txt 1198 05-12-98 NO AUDIO WITH MADGE 22-04 TOKEN RING AND OS/2 h163574.txt 2190 07-09-98 ETHERJET INSTALLATION APPEARS TO HANG SYSTEM h163582.txt 1849 05-12-98 CLIENTCARE INSTALLATION HANGS WITH IBM ANTIVIRUS h163606.txt 1596 07-09-98 WINDOWS NT 4.0 "LOW ON REGISTRY QUOTA" ERROR h163646.txt 2755 07-09-98 WINDOWS 95 MEMORY ERROR BOOTING WITH 1GB RAM h163649.txt 2319 10-14-98 PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS FOR SERVERAID I AND II ADAPTERS h163675.txt 1684 07-09-98 INCORRECT RTC OVERVIEW HELP FOR DUTCH NEDERLANDS h16371.txt 3296 07-10-97 IBM PC300XL/IBM PC6888 MATROX GRAPHICS ADAPTER (MGA) TIPS h163735.txt 1714 07-09-98 SCSI BIOS ERROR: "SCSI TERMINATION NOT FOUND" h163740.txt 1278 07-09-98 CRYSTALWARE MPU-401 DEVICE MANAGER CONFLICT IN WINDOWS 95 h163753.txt 463 10-14-98 ECA021: PC SERVER 300 HANGS OR RE-BOOTS INTERMITTENTLY h163765.txt 2092 07-09-98 SUPPORTED MEMORY TYPES/SPEEDS IN 6862/6892 SERIES SYSTEMS h163767.txt 1907 07-09-98 SUPPORTED MEMORY TYPES AND SPEEDS IN 6889 SERIES SYSTEMS h163772.txt 2559 07-09-98 OBI TAPE DRIVES - TR4 INSTALLATION TIPS h163793.txt 2479 07-09-98 INTERMITTENT "NO POWER" CONDITION IN 4X4 DESKTOP SYSTEMS h163815.txt 1772 07-09-98 SCSI BIOS ERROR: "SCSI TERMINATION NOT FOUND" h163817.txt 2368 07-09-98 SLOW CD-ROM PERFORMANCE WITH PRELOADED BUSMASTER DRIVER h163838.txt 1039 12-24-98 H163838: INSTALLING IBM NETFINITY HIGH AVAILABILITY CLUSTER SOLUTION h163849.txt 2751 07-09-98 ERRORS EXTRACTING ZIP FILES 2.0MB AND LARGER h163928.txt 3293 07-09-98 CLIENTCARE, CLIENT MANAGER USAGE TIPS IN IBM PC300PL h163949.txt 1343 07-09-98 UNABLE TO INSTALL FULL SIZE ISA/PCI ADAPTERS h163950.txt 3345 07-09-98 A:> DRIVE SEEN AS B:> WITH LS120 DISKETTE DRIVE h163951.txt 1521 07-09-98 VIAVOICE MICROPHONE SETUP ERRORS AFTER INSTALLATION h163952.txt 1444 07-09-98 QUICKLINK II FOR DOS FAILS TO CONNECT, RETURNS ERRORS h163953.txt 1468 07-09-98 IDE HARD FILE NOT SEEN IN NT 3.51 SCSI CONFIGURATION h163954.txt 1741 07-09-98 TOKEN RING/ETHERNET CONFIGURATION SYSTEM HANG h163955.txt 1197 07-09-98 CONFIGSAFE, NETFINITY README FILE ERRORS IN WINDOWS 95 h163956.txt 1409 07-09-98 PHOTOSHOP 3.0 INSTALLATION CAUSES GPF IN WINDOWS 95 h163957.txt 1683 07-09-98 3D BLASTER HANGS W/FULL HARDWARE ACCELERATION h163962.txt 2450 07-09-98 SAFE HANDLING PROCEDURE FOR PC300GL/PL, 6893 SYSTEMS h164001.txt 3024 07-09-98 ECA020, AUDIO RECORDING SIGNAL QUALITY CONDITION h164002.txt 1276 07-09-98 POOR AUDIO RECORDING QUALITY FROM MIC OR CDROM h164020.txt 5417 12-24-98 H164020: YEAR 2000: SERVERS THAT REQUIRE A BIOS UPGRADE h164030.txt 5632 10-14-98 ECA014: NETFINITY 7000 POWER CORD/RECEPTACLE COMPATIBILITY h164040.txt 1850 07-09-98 VIDEO IMAGE (MPEG, AVI) BLEEDS THROUGH TOP WINDOW h164048.txt 12405 03-26-99 H164048: ECA022: FIRMWARE UPGRADE FOR SOME 4.5/9.1GB SCSI HARD DRIVES h164143.txt 2057 07-13-98 NETFINITY 3500: EMC CLIP REMOVAL TO FIX FLOPPY DRIVE ERROR h16420.txt 1432 07-15-97 COSESSION HOST INSTALLATION FAILS WITH SHRINKWRAP WIN95 h164201.txt 2486 07-23-98 SERVERGUIDE: HARDWAREGUIDE HANGS SERVER WHEN > 1GB RAM h164207.txt 3980 07-23-98 NETFINITY 5500: DIAGNOSTICS HANGS WHEN LOADING DOS ASPI h164208.txt 864 07-23-98 6892 / 6898 / 8644 / 8476 HORIZONTAL MOUNTING h164208u.txt 873 07-23-98 6892 / 6898 / 8644 / 8476 HORIZONTAL MOUNTING (Updated) h16421.txt 2824 07-15-97 CHASSIS INTRUSION BIT RESET ON IBM PC6588 & PC6888 h164212.txt 1321 07-23-98 NETFINITY 3500: INTRANETWARE DRIVER ISSUE WITH PCI SLOT#1 h164215.txt 1524 07-23-98 NETFINITY 3500: NOS INSTALL FAILS REBOOT ON OPEN BAY SYSTEM h164216.txt 931 07-23-98 HMM UPDATE: MISSING "DISPLAY PANEL SUPPORT" FOR PCSERVER 520 h16422.txt 1069 07-15-97 ENTER KEY DOES NOT WORK ON IBM REGISTRATION WINDOW BUTTONS h16423.txt 1484 07-15-97 OS/2 FDISK ERROR WITH 4.2GB IDE HDD IN IBM PC6588/6888 h164352.txt 1958 08-14-98 SERVER MAY HANG WITH 2+ TOKEN RING / SMP / INTRANETWARE h164353.txt 1362 08-13-98 NETFINITY 5500: HANG WITH UNATTENDED BOOT / PASSWORD / OS/2 h164358.txt 6726 08-13-98 UNEXPECTED REBOOT MAY OCCUR WITH A.S.M.A. ON SOME SERVERS h164360.txt 1527 08-13-98 CORRECT CONCURRENT DRIVE SPIN-UP ON POWER-UP SETTINGS h164393.txt 5721 08-13-98 ECA 023: NEW CABLE MANAGEMENT ARM AND RACK MOUNTING FLANGES h164409.txt 3510 10-14-98 NETFINITY 5500: WITH 256MB REGISTER SDRAM h164427.txt 1674 08-28-98 NETFINITY 3500: OS/2 WARP SERVER SMP V4.0 INSTALL HANGS h164431.txt 685 08-28-98 NETFINITY 7000: SERVERGUIDE CD#1 HANGS SYSTEM AT BOOT h164433.txt 1798 08-28-98 A.S.M.A. MAY NOT BE DETECTED BY SERVER AFTER POWER OFF/ON h16447.txt 4406 07-18-97 IOS ERROR DURING INITIAL BOOT ON IBM PC6588-12U h1645.txt 2084 06-11-97 PC340 FILE AND MEMORY ERRORS WITH IBM OBI MEMORY OPTION h16452.txt 1941 07-17-97 PC SERVER 720: INSTALLING LONG ADAPTERS h16462.txt 417 07-18-97 HMM CORRECTION, 32MB & 64MB DIMM FRUS FOR PC SERVER 325/ 330 h164662.txt 905 10-14-98 PLANAR BOARDS NOT REPLACED PROPERLY h164699.txt 649 10-14-98 SHARING SERIAL PORTS ON THE ASMA ADAPTER ARE NOT SUPPORTED h164701.txt 786 10-14-98 NETFINITY3000: SERVERAID 3X ARE ONLY SUPPORTED IN PCI SLOT 3 h164721.txt 1214 10-14-98 NETFINITY SERVERS: CANNOT CREATE THE FILE A:\RAIDEVT.LOG h164722.txt 841 10-14-98 SERVER DIAGNOSTICS WILL HANG IF USB DEVICE IS ATTACHED h164723.txt 2381 10-14-98 AIC78XX FAILED TO LOAD IN NT WHEN USING SERVERGUIDE h164724.txt 914 10-14-98 BIOS REPORTS INCORRECT PROCESSOR SPEED h164725.txt 897 10-14-98 CERTAIN DIAGNOSTIC TESTS HANG WHEN USB ENABLED h164726.txt 2701 10-14-98 CLIENT NOT CONNECTED AFTER HOT-ADDING A 10/100 ETHERNET NIC h164727.txt 2218 10-14-98 SERVERAID DRIVER FAILURE DURING NW4.11 INSTALL h164728.txt 2209 03-25-99 H164728: I20 WILL NOT WORK IN CONJUNCTION WITH HOT PLUG h164729.txt 1300 10-14-98 NETFINITY 7000 M10: OS/2 WARP HANGS OR TRAPS DURING INSTALL h164730.txt 2000 10-14-98 NETFINITY 5500: GETTING 1601 AND 012991XX POST ERRORS h164731.txt 756 10-14-98 SERVICE PROCESSOR DISKETTE IS NOT CREATED IN SERVERGUIDE h164732.txt 1797 10-14-98 MULTIPLE FORE ATM ADAPTERS DO NOT WORK WITH NETWARE DRIVER h164733.txt 883 10-14-98 RTC CLOCK DATE CHANGED WHEN LOOPING DIAGNOSTICS OVERNIGHT h164734.txt 1476 10-14-98 NETWARE ABENDS RUNNING SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT PROCESSOR DRIVER h164735.txt 556 10-14-98 REMOTE TERMINAL: DIAGNOSTICS NOT UPDATING DISPLAY STATUS h16476.txt 771 07-21-97 PC SERVER 704: SYS0281 DURING BOOT OF WARP SERVER SMP h164781.txt 767 10-14-98 HOTPLUG OR I2O IS SUPPORTED, BUT NOT BOTH AT SAME TIME h164782.txt 785 10-14-98 HARDSET INTERRUPTS CHANGING AFTER REBOOT h164810.txt 5188 10-14-98 DRIVES MAY NOT AUTOMATICALLY REBUILD IN RAID ENVIRONMENT h164824.txt 1349 10-14-98 SERVER RUNNING WINDOWS NT 4.0 MAY HANG DURING HEAVY FILE I/O h164870.txt 1700 10-14-98 NETFINITY 5500 & 5500-M10: NETWARE 4.11 SMP INSTALL PROBLEMS h164897.txt 765 12-24-98 H164897: ETHERNET DIAGNOSTICS FAILS IF AN EXTERNAL WRAP IS ATTACHED h164900.txt 821 12-24-98 H164900: AMBIENT OVER-TEMPERATURE FAILURE REPORTED INCORRECTLY h164901.txt 982 12-24-98 H164901: POST SHOWS WRONG PROCESSORS AFTER REPLACEMENT OF A PROCESSOR h164902.txt 894 12-24-98 H164902: NETFINITY 5500 M10: BAD VRM IS NOT INDICATED BY SYSTEM LED h164903.txt 944 12-24-98 H164903: NETFINITY 5500 M10: ERROR LED RESET TO OFF h164905.txt 1100 10-14-98 REMOTE CONNECTION LOST WHEN RUNNING DIAGNOSTICS h164906.txt 1074 12-24-98 H164906: REVISION LEVEL OF DIAGNOSTICS IN SYSTEM SET-UP NEVER CHANGES h164907.txt 698 12-24-98 H164907: "90" POWER SYSTEM ERRORS NOT REPORTED ON THE FRONT PANEL h164908.txt 1721 12-24-98 H164908 INABILITY TO HOT-ADD PCI DEVICES WITH 4GB OF MEMORY h164971.txt 4633 12-24-98 H164971: ECA020: POWER TERMINATOR FOR BACKPLANES IN 3518 ENCLOSUR h164978.txt 1497 12-24-98 H164978: CHKDSK REPORTS FALSE FILE READ ERRORS h164979.txt 943 12-24-98 H164979: INCORRECT MOVEMENT OF SMU'S MENU SELECTION BAR DURING TELNET h16498.txt 791 07-24-97 HMM CORRECTIONS: PC SERVER 330 (8640) h164980.txt 1504 12-24-98 H164980: TRAP 0003 OCCURS WITH UNATTENDED BOOT USING OS/2 WARP h164982.txt 1234 12-24-98 H164982: UNABLE TO UPDATE SERVICE PROCESSOR / POST ERROR 01299181 h165.txt 1968 06-13-97 OBI 28.8 PC CARD DATA/FAXMODEM FAILURES h165005.txt 1947 12-24-98 H165005: NETWARE NOT CONNECTING WITH 10/100 FAULT TOLERANT ADAPTER h165018.txt 3890 12-24-98 H165018: DOS FDISK REPORTS NO FIXED DISKS PRESENT WITH PCI RAID h16503.txt 1227 07-24-97 MOUSE NOT SEEN DURING INITIAL WIN95 SETUP ON IBM PC300XL h165049.txt 2442 12-24-98 H165049: SSA RAID ADAPTER RESTRICTED TO RAID 5 WITH OVER 2GB OF RAM h16505.txt 6806 07-29-97 9546 & 9547 THINKPAD 760 12.1 LCD FLICKER h165084.txt 2289 12-24-98 H165084: CONFIGURING SCSI REPEATERS IN THE 3518 ENCLOSURE h165111.txt 2117 12-24-98 H165111: NETFINITY 5500: WINDOWS NT INSTALLATION FAILS, SYSTEM HALTED h165117.txt 782 12-24-98 H165117: NETFINITY 5000: VRM ERROR - SYSTEM HELD IN STANDBY MODE h165120.txt 1032 12-24-98 H165120: 10/100 ETHERJET PCI ADAPTER: POOR PERFORMANCE, DISCONNECTS h165123.txt 1306 12-24-98 H165123: LOGIN TO SYSTEM MANAGEMENT UTILITY WITH A WEB BROWSER FAILS h165124.txt 985 12-24-98 H165124: NETFINITY 5000: PEER TO PEER ADAPTER CARD PERFORMANCE h165127.txt 1148 12-24-98 H165127: DBCS CORRUPTION WITH OS/2 WARP SERVER SMP 4.0J h165128.txt 956 12-24-98 H165128: SCO 5.0.5 & IBM PCI T/R ADAPTER SHARING INTERRUPTS h165135.txt 1124 12-24-98 H165135: INCORRECT POWER SUPPLY STATUS, AFTER ADDING A POWER SUPPLY h165140.txt 897 12-24-98 H165140: PROCESSOR NOT REPORTED CORRECTLY, AFTER A PROCESSOR GOES BAD h165142.txt 1066 12-24-98 H165142: NETFINITY 5000: ADAPTER CARDS WITH PCI BRIDGE (LIMITATIONS) h165144.txt 975 12-24-98 H165144: ADAPTER IRQ CHANGES / ADAPTER NOT VISIBLE IN CONFIGURATION h165145.txt 1937 12-24-98 H165145: FREE IRQ'S ON 320, 520, AND 330'S, FOR PCI DEVICES h165149.txt 707 12-24-98 H165149: SERVICE PROCESSOR WILL TAKE CONTROL OF THE SHARED PORT h165150.txt 523 12-24-98 H165150: MEMORY ERRORS NOT IN LOG IF "ALL BANKS" MEMORY TEST SELECTED h165264.txt 771 12-24-98 H165264: PUSHDOWN TAB IN BAY 3 INTERFERES WITH TAPE DRIVE FUNCTION h165402.txt 1496 03-25-99 H165402: WHEN RUNNING DOWN LEVEL DIAGS. I2C TEST AND SP TESTS FAIL h165405.txt 1553 12-24-98 H165405: SERVER & NETWARE V4.11 HANGS ON MULTIPLE SERVERAID ADAPTERS h165409.txt 789 12-24-98 H165409: V72 FIRMWARE HELPS 'DETACHED LEADER' ON DLT TAPE DRIVES h165424.txt 881 12-24-98 H165424: NETFINITY 5500: RAID OPTIONAL SCSI CABLE FOR EXTERNAL DEVICE h165425.txt 973 12-24-98 H165425: NETFINITY 5500: RUNNING DIAGNOSTICS TESTS CAUSES HANG h165434.txt 3645 05-11-99 H165434: ECA025: NETFINITY 5000 - HOT SWAP BACKPLANE REPLACEMENT h165466.txt 1440 12-24-98 H165466: PROCEDURE FOR BACK-LEVELING SERVERAID FIRMWARE/BIOS. h165467.txt 855 12-24-98 H165467: ON/OFF SWITCH NOT WORKING AFTER SYSTEM CATASTROPHIC FAILURE h165468.txt 2450 12-24-98 H165468: MICROSOFT CLUSTER SERVER RESOURCES FAIL AFTER APPLYING SP4 h16547.txt 2788 07-29-97 IBM VOICETYPE & VIAVOICE NOT SUPPORTED ON SOME THINKPAD MODELS h16549.txt 1929 07-29-97 PC SERVER 310 HANGS WHEN ACCESSING SCSISELECT UTILITY h165493.txt 2403 12-24-98 H165493: SERIALRAID ADAPTER: USE NT SP4 AND 6450 ADAPTER UCODE h165498.txt 2237 12-24-98 H165498: ECA024: REAL TIME CLOCK GAINS EXCESSIVE TIME h165518.txt 1390 03-26-99 H165518: DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 2 VRMS MADE BY DIFFERENT VENDORS h165518a.txt 1357 03-26-99 H165518: DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 2 VRMS MADE BY DIFFERENT VENDORS h165526.txt 2362 12-24-98 H165526: ECA026: CHANGE PACKING MATERIAL IN SHIPPING CONTAINERS h165545.txt 799 12-24-98 H165545: NETFINITY'S ASM DIMM INFORMATION DISPLAY ERROR h165581.txt 2319 03-25-99 H165581: OS/2 VIDEO CORRUPTION IN TEXT MODE USING VGA DRIVER h165582.txt 1344 03-25-99 H165582: SP MAY ISSUE OVER VOLTAGE ALERT DUE TO PS COMPATIBILITY h165583.txt 772 03-25-99 H165583: NETFINITY 5500 M10 PLANAR BATTERY h165604.txt 1398 03-25-99 H165604: FALSE ERROR MESSAGE WHEN RESTARTING SERVICE PROCESSOR h165674.txt 2865 03-26-99 H165674: UNABLE TO START FIBRE ADAPTER CONFIGURATION PROGRAM h165693.txt 1649 03-25-99 H165693: NETWARE/NT INSTALLATION FAILS WITH ADAPTEC AAA131 ADAPTER h165693a.txt 1953 03-25-99 NETWARE/NT INSTALLATION FAILS WITH ADAPTEC AAA131 ADAPTER h165693b.txt 1648 03-25-99 H165693: NETWARE/NT INSTALLATION FAILS WITH ADAPTEC AAA131 ADAPTER h165694.txt 1289 03-25-99 H165694: SYSTEM HANGS DURING INSTALLATION OF OS/2 SMP h165695.txt 1162 03-25-99 H165695: ALERT TIME NOT REPORTED CORRECTLY ON NETFINITY MANAGER h165698.txt 1843 03-25-99 H165698: 9086001 - SHARING IRQS MAY CAUSE UNPREDICTABLE RESULTS h165703.txt 1102 03-25-99 H165703: SYSTEM SHUTS DOWN WHEN PCI CARD IS REMOVED OR ADDED h165704.txt 2246 03-25-99 H165704: REBUILD USING SERVERAID ADMIN UTILITY FAILS USING HIGH ID h165713.txt 452 03-25-99 H165713: INCORRECT FRU NUMBER LISTED IN EARLY VERSION OF 8661 HMM h165714.txt 2494 03-25-99 H165714: NOS FAILS TO BOOT WHEN SERVER IS REBOOTED DURING REBUILD h165714a.txt 2310 03-25-99 H165715a: REBUILD USING SERVERAID ADMIN UTILITY FAILS USING HIGH ID (this tip replaces H165704, which was removed from RETAIN) h165760.txt 3339 03-25-99 H165760 PCI TOKEN-RING ADAPTER-2 POWER OFF/ON PROBLEM h165786.txt 1806 03-25-99 H165786: I386 ERROR INSTALLING NETWORK ADAPTERS UNDER WINDOWS NT h165787.txt 1269 03-26-99 H165787: WINDOWS NT 4.0 WILL NOT INSTALL WITH 4GB OF SYSTEM MEMORY h165796.txt 985 03-26-99 H165796: ON/OFF SWITCH CABLE DETECT NOT WORKING h165797.txt 911 03-26-99 H165797: UPDATING THE IBM NETFINITY CLUSTER ENABLER SOFTWARE h165805.txt 2726 03-26-99 H165805: NETFINITY 3500: NT 4.0 DOES NOT LOAD OR INSTALL h165806.txt 1233 03-26-99 H165806: 8639-OEX: VIDEO ON SEVERAL BECOMES CORRUPTED h165807.txt 1560 03-26-99 H165807: ECA027: ADDITIONAL FAN FOR THE NETFINITY 7000 h165838.txt 1301 03-26-99 H165838: NO VIDEO DURING POST AFTER REBOOT OR POWER CYCLE h165839.txt 822 03-26-99 H165839: NETFINITY 7000 M10 FAN MONITOR STATUS NOT CORRECT h165852.txt 1142 03-26-99 H165852: NETFINITY 7000-M10: PROCESSOR FRU PART QUALIFICATION h165853.txt 2171 03-26-99 H165853: FDD ERROR OCCURS IF BOTH SERVERAID & ADAPTEC INSTALLED h165853a.txt 2172 03-26-99 H165853: FLOPPY DRIVE ERROR: IF BOTH SERVERAID & ADAPTEC INSTALLED h165854.txt 2457 03-26-99 H165854: DATA CORRUPTION ON HPFS386 DRIVES OR BOOT FAILURE h165855.txt 2636 03-26-99 H165855: HANG OCCURS IN WINDOWS NT WITH A PLEXTOR CD-ROM TOWER h165869.txt 1137 03-26-99 H165869: NETFINITY RACK SIDE PANELS TOO HIGH h165892.txt 3700 03-26-99 H165892: ORACLE TERMINATES WITH FAILURE OF NODE IN A TWO-NODE CLUSTER h165893.txt 3036 03-26-99 H165893: ORACLE ENTERPRISE MANAGER SHOWS DATABASE AS NOT STARTED h165894.txt 2348 03-26-99 H165894: ORACLE ENTERPRISE MANAGER ONLY SEE DATABASES AS INDIVIDUAL h165895.txt 3312 03-26-99 H165895: CLIENTS CAN NOT CONNECT TO AN ORACLE PARALLEL SERVER NODE h165896.txt 2636 03-26-99 H165896: HANG OCCURS IN WINDOWS NT WITH A PLEXTOR CD-ROM TOWER h165897.txt 2834 03-26-99 H165897: NETFINITY 5500 & 5500-M10: USE OF SSA ADAPTERS h165927.txt 1948 03-26-99 H165927: SERVERAID II WITH NVRAM BATTERY CACHE PROBLEMS h165929.txt 8200 03-26-99 H165929: ECA029: REPLACEMENT OF NETFINITY FIBRE CHANNEL CONTROLLER h165929a.txt 8422 03-26-99 H165929: ECA029: REPLACEMENT OF NETFINITY FIBRE CHANNEL CONTROLLER h165989.txt 1355 03-26-99 H165989 NETFINITY RACK SIDE PANELS TOO HIGH h1661.txt 2214 06-13-97 2635 MOD 380 / 385 HIBERNATION DOES NOT COMPLETE h166102.txt 2678 05-11-99 H166102: REBUILDING MULTI DDD DRIVES ACROSS MORE THAN ONE ARRAY h166102a.txt 2406 03-26-99 H166102: REBUILDING MULTI DDD DRIVES ACROSS MORE THAN ONE ARRAY h166162.txt 1770 05-11-99 H166162: HANGS ON WINDOWS NT 4.0 AND TERMINAL SERVER 4.0 h166163.txt 1633 05-11-99 H166163: S3 VIDEO DRIVER MAY NOT LOAD WITH SOME COMM ADAPT h166164.txt 1284 05-11-99 H166164: NETFINITY 7000: DIAGNOSTICS REPORT FALSE ERRORS h166165.txt 840 05-11-99 H166165: NETFINITY 7000 OR PC SERVER 704: PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS h166166.txt 1690 05-11-99 H166166: WINDOWS NT 4.0 WILL NOT INSTALL WITH 4GB OF SYSTEM MEMORY h166167.txt 682 05-11-99 H166167: CORRECTION TO THE FIBRE CHANNEL PCI ADAPTER USERS GUIDE h166168.txt 2376 05-11-99 H166168: NETFINITY ESCON: PROBLEMS WITH SERVICE PACK 4 h166171.txt 1884 05-11-99 H166171: 9086-001: HANGS UNLOADING PBXAAPI OR SHUTTING DOWN NETWARE h166172.txt 3184 05-11-99 H166172: MULTI-SERVERAID: MISCELLANEOUS EVENTS OCCUR IN THE EVENT LOG h1662.txt 1066 06-13-97 2635 380 / 385. NO MODEM SOUND h16625.txt 377 08-05-97 PC SERVER 330: MISLABELED 3-DROP SCSI CABLE h166288.txt 8610 05-11-99 H166288: ECA029: REPLACEMENT OF NETFINITY FIBRE CHANNEL CONTROLLER h166299.txt 3242 05-11-99 H166299: ECA028: FIBRE OPTIC CABLES h1663.txt 1230 06-13-97 2635 MOD 380 / 385 SYSTEM NOISE h166305.txt 1593 05-11-99 H166305: SYSTEM CLOCK (TIME) IS AFFECTED AFTER BOOTING FROM CD h166306.txt 1568 05-11-99 H166306: PCI FIBRE CHANNEL ADAPTER: STATEMENT OF SUPPORT h166308.txt 2100 05-11-99 H166308: NETFINITY 5000: WINDOWS NT INSTALLATION FAILS, SYSTEM HALTED h166309.txt 2216 05-11-99 H166309: UNABLE TO INSTALL WINDOWS NT 4.0 FROM CDROM BOOT h166309a.txt 2413 05-11-99 H166309: UNABLE TO INSTALL WINDOWS NT 4.0 FROM CDROM BOOT h166312.txt 8440 05-11-99 H166312: ECA029: REPLACEMENT OF NETFINITY FIBRE CHANNEL CONTROLLER h166313.txt 4214 05-11-99 H166313: STOP SSA EVENT LOGGER BEFORE HOST SOFTWARE INSTALL h166314.txt 1274 05-11-99 H166314: PC SERVER 720: PROBLEM AFTER REPLACING PLANAR OR BRIDGE CARD h1668.txt 318 06-19-97 HMM CORRECTION, 256MB DIMM FRU FOR PC SERVER 325/330 h167794.txt 6478 08-15-97 ECA0004 9545, ALL 370, 750 & 755 MOUSE BUTTON FAILURES. h16811.txt 4018 08-18-97 2625 ECA003 KEYBOARD CABLE FAILURES h16849.txt 1304 08-21-97 PC SERVER 704 PARALLEL PORT NOT FUNCTIONING IN EPP/ECP MODE h20721.txt 1886 02-01-96 TFT LCD Pixel Failure Criteria h20859.txt 10824 02-09-96 8590/8595 Processor module upgrade mwav2195.txt 3287 06-24-96 Removing MWAVE 2.0 From Windows 95 pci.txt 3526 10-30-96 6577, 6587 ERRORS WITH PCI LAN CARD INST 94587 03-10-96 All tips from 1994 with Text of Desc 333485 06-21-96 Complete set of 1995 IBM Tips Docs w/Ind ============================================================================ IBM PS/ValuePoint Files /pub/pccbbs/valuepnt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 540to528.exe 171625 12-15-94 64XX 540 H-disk fix for Novell Server 6381fxx.exe 226681 10-29-93 6381 FXX Power Management Disk 9033 05-25-94 Replaces SYSTEM.INI in Win for WrkGroup atios232.exe 678200 07-26-94 32-bit video driver for OS/2 2.1 on P60/D atiset01.exe 1061236 07-26-94 ATI/PCI Mach 32 video drivers for OS/2 clock00.exe 35920 06-02-93 Date/Time error fix for OS/2 1.3 on VP clock01.sys 3686 10-14-93 VP2 OS/2 2.00.1 Date & Time d2uf4spl.pdf 444257 08-11-98 ValuePoint HMM Supplement April, 1994 dcodeati.exe 893377 01-11-95 OS/2 ATI-TR fix for P60/D doscdati.exe 21897 01-04-95 Device driver for TR, ATI & Novell P60D dosdcati.exe 21783 01-11-95 Fix for Video Hangs with Net. Cards and > 16 colors on network dosports.exe 1792 02-23-94 Initialize COM3 or COM4 on ISA Systems 4071 03-24-94 Fix - 6381 or P60/D serial port hangs-DOS dsaafix.exe 123391 04-02-96 Code fix for IDE 120, 240, 340MB 19 12-17-94 Fast cursor for 6381 hddpio.exe 6731 05-18-94 Makes 170&245M HD on 6384 P60D a PIO ibmatid1.exe 950635 01-27-95 ATI Mach32 setup & video drivers 2.3 P60D #1 ibmatid2.exe 1095131 08-16-94 ATI Mach32 setup & video driver 2.3 P60D #2 ibmkbfix.exe 16766 09-15-93 Fix VP keyboard lockup in Windows ide311.exe 22324 01-02-93 updated disk driver for netware 3.11 idecdfix.sys 12926 12-22-94 IDE CDROM fix for 6387 l6jt68a.exe 428589 06-21-95 Flash BIOS update for ValuePoint 2 v68 l6jt70a.exe 429023 05-06-97 Flash BIOS update diskette VP2 v70 153 06-13-97 Readme for L6JT70A.EXE l6jt70a.txt 4454 06-13-97 Readme for L6JT70A.EXE l8jt43a.exe 568599 03-10-95 Flash BIOS update for 6381 v.43 l8jt44a.exe 569232 01-19-96 Flash BIOS update for 6381 v44 l8jt51a.exe 572766 01-05-98 Flash BIOS v51 6381 l8jt52a.exe 569361 01-19-98 Flash BIOS update v52a 6381 l8jt52a.txt 640 01-19-98 Readme for L8JT52A.EXE ldjt67a.exe 683785 03-01-95 Flash BIOS update 64xx v67 ldjt70a.exe 683887 05-06-95 Flash BIOS update 64xx v70 ldjt80a.exe 631137 01-05-98 Flash BIOS v80A 6472, 6482, 6492, 6484, 6494 ldjt80a.txt 6361 01-05-98 Readme for LDJT80A ldjt81a.exe 686465 09-10-99 Flash BIOS update diskette v81a 64xx ldjt81a.txt 6513 09-10-99 Readme file for LDJT81A.EXE lformat.exe 144660 01-16-95 low-level format utility for 6384 P60/D 13802 02-15-94 Patch to load Windows NT from diskette 6384-18x, 6384-19x os2drvp.exe 918273 02-26-93 OS/2 2.00.1 vid recovery dsk - 486 VP1 p60dgs.exe 626719 06-03-94 Diagnostics for P-60D v 4.0 p60nt.exe 147472 03-15-94 Fix for P60D w/527MB hardfile that can't load WIN NT 3.1 parityfx.exe 768 07-07-93 Fix for Parity Errors on NEW VP's preinst1.exe 497344 12-29-92 OS/2 Pre-Install Utility Disk (1 of 3) preinst2.exe 545752 06-23-94 OS/2 - Pre-install utility disk 2 of 3 preinst3.exe 473647 12-30-92 OS/2 Preinstall Utility Disk (3 of 3) refresh.exe 33756 02-17-95 Refresh Rate Utility for VP Systems s3-16m.exe 1358907 12-13-94 OS/2 2.1 S3 video drivers 6 01-28-94 132 Column mode for S3 Valuepoints. 6 01-27-94 132 col mode for S3 VP's s3cds22.exe 377277 06-15-95 S3 86C805 v2.20 DOS/Utilities s3cos1.exe 1357586 06-15-95 S3 86C805 OS/2 2.x High Res s3cwn24.exe 567357 06-15-95 S3 86C805 v2.4B8 Windows s3dos20.exe 348507 07-23-93 DOS and CAD S3 drivers ver 2.0 s3dos220.exe 388231 12-16-93 S3 DOS and CAD drivers Ver2.2 s61g1423.pdf 1248701 05-18-98 Valuepoint Hardware Maintenance Manual - September 1993 shadow.exe 6921 05-12-93 Enable/Disable ROM Shadow for NEW VPs si25dosb.exe 639877 10-13-93 6381 425sx DOS Video Driver Update si25winb.exe 689013 10-14-93 6381 (Fxx) Windows 3.1 updated SVGA driver si33dosb.exe 427010 10-13-93 6381 433dx DOS Video Driver Update si33winb.exe 611643 10-13-93 6381 433dx Windows Video Driver Update sirq.exe 7759 05-03-94 Fixes for VP Ethernet Cards in 6381 for IRQ's other than 11 810 02-24-94 Slow down utility for fast CPU's vp1diags.exe 145208 05-13-93 Diag diskette for orig. 6384 VP1 61010 09-28-94 VP2 Math-coprocessor fix DOS/Win Req/VP2FL65A vp2diags.exe 181185 01-13-94 PS/VP Diagnostics (Type 2) 1.2 425SX, 433SX, 433DX, 466DX2 vp2fl53a.exe 428380 09-20-94 Flash bios upgrade for ValuePoint 2 v53 vp2fl54a.exe 428442 09-20-94 Flash bios upgrade for ValuePoint 2 v54 vp2fl58a.exe 428382 09-20-94 Flash bios upgrade for ValuePoint 2 v58 vp2fl62a.exe 428425 09-20-94 Flash bios upgrade for ValuePoint 2 v62 vp2fl65a.exe 428441 09-23-94 Flash BIOS update for ValuePoint 2 v65 vp2fl66a.exe 429333 10-26-94 Fix for Danish Language Problem vp2upmem.exe 156672 04-13-94 Flash For 192K Upper Memory on VP2. vp386svg.exe 866834 12-22-93 PS/VP 386 SVGA Drivers/Utilities vp486svg.exe 339833 11-22-94 PS/VP 486 SVGA Drivers/utilities vpclock.sys 3712 06-29-93 Old clock01.sys for 6384 VP/ OS2 2.00.1 vpp60fl4.exe 721307 09-20-94 Flash Bios update for P60/D;flicker problems vpp60fl6.exe 722824 09-20-94 Flash Bios update for P60/D v1.00.06 vppdiags.exe 352413 07-07-94 Diagnostics for 64XX ValuePoint vppfl44a.exe 623043 09-20-94 Flash BIOS upgrade 64XX v44 vppfl53a.exe 428310 09-14-94 Flash BIOS upgrade 64XX v53 vppfl54a.exe 429233 12-22-94 Flash BIOS update 64xx v54 vppfl56a.exe 626543 09-20-94 Flash BIOS upgrade 64XX v56 vppfl58a.exe 627692 09-19-94 Flash BIOS upgrade 64XX v58 vppfl61a.exe 654404 12-10-94 Flash BIOS upgrade 64XX v61 vppfl63a.exe 683707 12-17-94 Flash BIOS update 64xx v63 vppfl64a.exe 684754 12-21-94 Flash BIOS update 64xx v64 vppfl65a.exe 683871 01-20-95 Flash BIOS update 64xx v65 vppnp10.exe 82452 03-08-95 64xx Plug & Play Utility 12967 03-13-93 ValuePoint Common Q&A Excellent Info!! vpsidia2.exe 175302 01-05-94 Diagnostics Diskette for 6381SX/SI VP v1.01 vpsidiag.exe 175302 06-03-94 Diagnostics diskette for 6381 VP v1.01 vpsifl39.exe 569061 09-20-94 Flash BIOS update for 6381 v39 vpsifl40.exe 568677 09-20-94 Flash BIOS update for 6381 v40 vpsifl42.exe 569147 09-20-94 Flash BIOS update for 6381 v42 vpwinbhf.exe 27390 01-12-95 WIN 32 bit disk access for > 527 meg IDE HD windr386.exe 753476 12-22-92 Windows 3.1 drivers for 386 PS/VP windr486.exe 1132886 10-19-93 Windows driver for et4000 -vp1 6788 03-24-94 Fix - 6381 or P60/D serial port hangs-Windows. 23162 06-09-94 Fix Problems in Windows for Workgroups 6381, P60/D 857 05-12-93 3rd party DMA Networking Card Fix ============================================================================ IBM Portables, Notebooks, Laptops /pub/pccbbs/mobiles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00index.txt 277224 11-07-99 PCCBBS Mobiles Area File Listing 08k8619.pdf 63872 10-08-99 Shipping Checklist: ThinkPad i Series 1400 and 1500 (Machine Type 2621) 08k8620.pdf 339340 10-08-99 Setup Guide: ThinkPad i Series 1400 and 1500 (Machine Type 2621) 08k8621.pdf 112761 10-08-99 Quick Reference and Service Information: ThinkPad i Series 1400 and 1500 (Machine Type 2621) 08k8623.pdf 1543829 10-08-99 User's Reference: ThinkPad i Series 1400 and 1500 (Machine Type 2621) 09n1033.pdf 1069060 06-16-99 Hardware Maintance Manual - June 1999: ThinkPad 600, 600E 09n1083.pdf 1999789 09-22-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual: ThinkPad 390X 09n1084.pdf 2737547 10-19-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual: ThinkPad i Series 1400,1500 (2621) September 1999 09n8590.pdf 3259410 10-04-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual: ThinkPad 240 (October 1999) 10gbhdug.pdf 60839 01-25-99 ThinkPad 10.1GB Hard Disk Drive User's Guide - TP 600, 600E 1400cl.pdf 51470 11-20-98 Shipping Checklist for the ThinkPad i Series 1400 1400hmm.pdf 2054726 08-30-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual (September 1998): ThinkPad 1400 1400olug.exe 393621 06-18-99 On-line User's Guide (HTML format): ThinkPad i Series 1400 [ZIPEXE] 1400qr.pdf 411251 11-20-98 Quick Reference for ThinkPad i Series 1400 1400sg.pdf 584451 11-20-98 Setup Guide for ThinkPad i Series 1400 1400supp.pdf 293734 06-18-99 Supplement to User's Reference: ThinkPad i Series 1400. This supplement applies to models 40x, 43x, 49x, 412, 452, 456, 472, 476, and 47F only. 1400ur.pdf 3883328 11-20-98 User's Reference for ThinkPad i Series 1400 240acces.exe 148068 07-08-99 Patch for Access ThinkPad: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] 240acces.txt 593 07-08-99 README: Patch for Access ThinkPad: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] 240cklst.pdf 72737 06-22-99 ThinkPad 240 Shipping Checklist that shipped with the system. Provides a list of items that shipped with the ThinkPad. 240refcd.pdf 202798 06-22-99 ThinkPad 240 Quick Reference and Service Information card that shipped with the system. Provides system views, FN key combinations and service related information. 240setup.pdf 547310 06-22-99 ThinkPad 240 Setup Guide that shipped with the system. Provides front and rear views of features on the system as well as other basic setup information. 240usref.pdf 2274889 06-22-99 ThinkPad 240 User's Reference that shipped with the system. 300bio44.exe 249153 07-14-94 BIOS Flash Update (v4.4): ThinkPad 300 310dskfx.exe 494491 09-12-97 EMEA Reload Installation Disk Fix: Windows 95 310dskfx.txt 647 09-12-97 README: EMEA Reload Installation Disk Fix: Windows 95 310hmm.pdf 1975311 03-30-98 HMM ThinkPad 310, 315 (Feb 1998) 310ug.pdf 1592840 02-15-99 User's Guide: ThinkPad 310E/ED, 315E/ED 350biosi.exe 787933 01-24-95 System Service Diskette (vI): ThinkPad 350 350cpfix.exe 16371 04-22-94 Central Point Backup Fix: ThinkPad 350 350himem.exe 26934 07-29-94 RAM Allows access > 16Mb: ThinkPad 350 350vdfix.exe 21988 05-20-94 Video Fix for Descenders & VGA: ThinkPad 350...This file fixes problems encountered on the ThinkPad 350/350C and PS/Note 425/425C with character descenders (ie- letters ""j"", ""g"",,etc.) and programs that incorrectly identify the maximum video resolution. 3550210a.exe 245947 04-28-94 Option Disk (v1.0): Docking Station 3550 360origl.exe 57505 01-12-95 Original Files - ThinkPad 360C/Cs Contains the original AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS and all INI files for the referenced machine (the 500 & 755TM files also contain GRP files). 431944 01-09-97 Technical Tips - Postscript: ThinkPad 365 365_tips.txt 33461 01-09-97 Technical Tips - ASCII: ThinkPad 365C/CD/CS/CSD/X/XD 365c_sas.exe 381503 01-06-96 Restore Select-A-System Desktop: ThinkPad 365C 365cdsas.exe 410616 01-06-96 Restore Select-A-System Desktop: ThinkPad 365CD 365dealr.exe 800831 09-27-96 Windows 95 Restore Disk for Dealers: ThinkPad 365E/ED 36xusegd.pdf 1693703 04-03-98 User's Guide for TP 365X/XD 37l2095.pdf 1873920 04-27-99 Hardware Maintance Manual for the IBM WorkPad z50 (March 1999) 37l5152.pdf 1057862 07-21-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual for TP 770 series (January 1999) 37l5153.pdf 2594816 05-14-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual (March 1999): ThinkPad 390E only 37l5191.pdf 1814772 07-21-99 ThinkPad 570 and 570 UltraBase Hardware Maintenance Manual (Feburary 1999) 37l5192.pdf 2225868 09-07-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual: ThinkPad i Series 1400 (models 40x, 412, 43x, 452, 456, 472, 476, 47F, and 49x only) 380dug.pdf 1345974 09-22-98 ThinkPad 380 and 380D User's Guide 380setup.pdf 981808 04-03-98 Setup Guide for TP 380XD, TP 385XD 380usegd.pdf 1638641 04-03-98 User's Guide for TP 380XD, TP 385XD 380usrsup.pdf 66332 04-09-98 User's Guide Supplement for TP 380XD, TP 385XD 380warp4.txt 9842 11-25-97 Installation instructions of Warp 4 on ThinkPad 380 Series 383956hw.pdf 40866 03-17-99 Hardware and Software Compatibility Matrix: ThinkPad 380, 385, 390, and 560 385ugd.pdf 1921504 05-05-98 ThinkPad 385 User's Guide 385xdchk.pdf 74290 07-28-98 Checklist for TP 385XD (model LEU only) 385xdset.pdf 532148 07-28-98 Setup Guide for ThinkPad 385XD model LEU 38xhmm.pdf 2060595 04-01-98 HMM ThinkPad 380XD,385XD (May 1998) 38xugsup.pdf 202542 07-28-98 ThinkPad 385XD User's Guide Supplement (for model LEU only) 38zcklst.pdf 51517 09-09-98 TP 380Z Shipping Checklist that was provided with the system in the box. It provides a list of material that shipped with the ThinkPad. This only applies to those models preloaded with Windows 98. 38zhmm.pdf 1617575 09-09-98 TP 380Z Hardware Maintenance Manual (August 1998) for use by Authorized IBM Servicers 38zoug.pdf 502461 09-09-98 TP 380Z On-line User's Guide that was provided with the systems that was preloaded on the ThinkPad 38zrefcd.pdf 72080 09-09-98 TP 380Z Reference Card that was provided with the system in the box. This provides information on the meaning of the System Status Indicators, FN keys, etc. 38zsetup.pdf 432374 09-09-98 TP 380Z Setup Guide that was provided with the system in the box. It provides front and rear views of system features as well as other basic setup instructions. 38zusrgd.pdf 2201579 09-09-98 TP 380Z User's Reference that was provided with the system in the box. 390cklst.pdf 55414 12-22-98 Shipping Checklist for the ThinkPad 390 390dvd.pdf 76130 09-09-99 IBM ThinkPad 390 DVD/FDD Bay Drive: User's Guide 390ehmm.pdf 2580761 03-18-99 Hardware Maintenance Manual (March 1999): ThinkPad 390E only 390eoug.exe 475082 04-08-99 On-line User's Guide in HTML format: ThinkPad 390E. This is the same On-line User's Guide that comes preinstalled on the ThinkPad. This is a self extracting zip file. The first page to load is BT2OB.HTM. Web Doc ID: LWIK- 46RNRM. 390hddug.pdf 58398 11-03-98 User's Guide for ThinkPad 390 6.4GB HDD with adapter 390hmm.pdf 2746319 11-03-98 ThinkPad 390 / i Series 1720 Hardware Maintenance Manual (November 1998) 390refcd.pdf 507046 12-22-98 Reference Card for the ThinkPad 390 390setup.pdf 473652 12-22-98 Setup Guide for the ThinkPad 390 390usrgd.pdf 2422370 12-22-98 User's Reference for ThinkPad 390 390xoug.exe 705869 09-28-99 On-line User's Guide: ThinkPad 390X (HTML) [ZIPEXE] 390xqr.pdf 88655 09-23-99 Quick Reference for ThinkPad 390X 390xsug.pdf 235154 09-23-99 Setup Guide for the ThinkPad 390X. 39xu2000.exe 1252825 10-14-99 ThinkPad Utility Features Package for Windows 2000 Beta 3: ThinkPad 390, 390E, and 390X only. DO NOT use this Utility Features Package on any other ThinkPad or operating system. 39xu2000.txt 2240 10-14-99 README: ThinkPad Utility Features Package for Windows 2000 Beta 3: ThinkPad 390, 390E, and 390X only. DO NOT use this Utility Features Package on any other ThinkPad or operating system. 500-256c.exe 980269 07-14-94 Video Drv 256 Color(640x480 only) For Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 500 500delay.exe 26081 05-03-95 Delay Fix for TrackPoint II: ThinkPad 500 500origl.exe 75804 01-12-95 Original Files - 170M Load: ThinkPad 500 ..Contains the original AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS and all INI files for the referenced machine (the 500 & 755TM files also contain GRP files). 500ph222.exe 58515 06-08-94 PCMCIA Phoenix Drv (v2.22): ThinkPad 500 500util.exe 2996 12-08-94 Utility Disk: ThinkPad 500 400969 01-09-97 Technical Tips - Postscript: ThinkPad 560 560_tips.txt 31600 01-09-97 Technical Tips - ASCII: ThinkPad 560 560pci.exe 148391 03-11-97 PCI Bridge driver for plain installation of Windows 95 (Please read the TXT file for additional information): ThinkPad 560 [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3F6F67 560pci.txt 1637 03-11-97 README: PCI Bridge driver for plain installation of Windows 95 (Please read the TXT file for additional information): ThinkPad 560 [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3F6F67 560rem.txt 5116 12-10-96 Remote Install of Warp Connect: ThinkPad 560 560tref.pdf 326158 05-26-98 ThinkPad 560/E Technical Reference Manual 560ugd.pdf 2007254 05-05-98 Thinkpad 560 User's Guide 560warp.txt 4885 12-10-96 Install of OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 560 560xhmm.pdf 1032670 04-01-98 HMM ThinkPad 560X (Oct 1997) 56xusergd.pdf 1593876 04-09-98 User's Guide for TP 560X 56zcklst.pdf 37748 09-09-98 TP 560Z Shipping Checklist that was provided with the system in the box. Provides a list of items that shipped with the ThinkPad. This only applies to those systems preloaded with Windows 98. 56zhmm.pdf 678047 08-17-99 TP 560Z Hardware Maintenance Manual for use by Authorized IBM Servicers. 56zoug.pdf 508270 09-09-98 TP 560Z On-line User's Guide that was provided with the system that was preloaded on the system. 56zrefcd.pdf 54887 09-09-98 TP 560Z Reference Card that was provided with the system in the box. This explains the meaning of the System Status indicators and the FN keys. 56zsetup.pdf 651464 09-09-98 TP 560Z Setup Guide that was provided with the system that came in the box. Provides front and rear views of features on the system as well as other basic setup information. 56ztecrf.pdf 350515 10-26-98 TP 560Z Technical Reference Manual 56zursp.pdf 6000 09-21-98 TP 560Z User's Guide Supplement that was provided with the system in the box 56zusrgd.pdf 1890276 09-09-98 TP 560Z User's Guide that was provided with the system in the box. 570base.pdf 3021881 04-21-99 ThinkPad 570 UltraBase User's Guide 570charg.pdf 2907060 04-21-99 ThinkPad 570 External Battery Charger User's Guide 570ddwar.pdf 22637 08-13-99 IBM ThinkPad 570 Direct Dock Adapter Help and Service Information and Product Warranty 570libat.pdf 2887269 04-21-99 ThinkPad 570 Li-Ion Battery User's Guide 570oug.pdf 511296 04-20-99 ThinkPad 570 On-line User's Guide 570refcd.pdf 89314 04-21-99 ThinkPad 570 Quick Reference Card 570setup.pdf 362264 04-21-99 ThinkPad 570 Setup Guide 570usref.pdf 2777050 04-21-99 ThinkPad 570 User's Reference 570usrsp.pdf 15845 08-13-99 ThinkPad 570 User's Reference Supplement 570w2000.exe 443392 05-07-99 System Program Service Diskette: ThinkPad 570 [DSKEXE]. This is for use with Windows 2000 Beta 3 only. If using any other operating system use filename SPSDIM39.EXE. 570w2000.txt 2118 05-07-99 README: System Program Service Diskette: ThinkPad 570 [DSKEXE]. This is for use with Windows 2000 Beta 3 only. If using any other operating system use filename SPSDIM39.EXE. 600cklst.pdf 35274 09-09-98 TP 600 Shipping Checklist that was provided with the system in the box. It provides a list of materials that was shipped with the system. This is only for those models preloaded with Windows 98. 600dvdug.pdf 78739 09-21-98 UltraslimBay DVD Drive User's Guide: ThinkPad 600, 600E 600hddad.pdf 92559 09-09-98 TP 600 UltraslimBay HDD Adapter User's Guide 600hddfw.exe 751314 03-16-99 Hard Disk Drive Firmware Update Diskette (v1.00): ThinkPad 600 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45ZQUN 600hddfw.txt 2307 03-16-99 README: Hard Disk Drive Firmware Update Diskette (v1.00): ThinkPad 600 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45ZQUN 600hwsw.pdf 36720 01-29-99 Hardware and Software Support Matrix: ThinkPad 600 series 600qksrv.pdf 188497 04-02-98 Quick Reference and Service Information for TP 600 600setup.pdf 390101 09-09-98 TP 600 Setup Guide that was provided with the system that came in the box. It provides front and rear view of system features as well as other basic setup information. 600shplst.pdf 74706 04-02-98 Shipping CheckList for TP 600 600stupgd.pdf 1479456 04-02-98 Setup Guide for TP 600 600supug.pdf 786536 05-26-98 ThinkPad 600 Suppliment to the User's Guide 600tech.pdf 469318 05-01-98 Technical Reference Manual for the ThinkPad 600 600userrf.pdf 2011215 04-02-98 User's Reference Guide for TP 600 600usref.pdf 2017533 09-09-98 TP 600 User's Reference that was provided with the system in the box (Windows 98 preloaded systems only). 600win98.pdf 231736 09-09-98 TP 600 Guide for Windows 98 that was provided with the system in the box. This is only for those TP 600's that came preloaded with Windows 98. 60ebatug.pdf 43585 09-21-98 ThinkPad 600E UltraslimBay Battery User's Guide 60ecklst.pdf 52684 09-21-98 TP 600E Shipping Checklist that was provided with the system in the box. Provides a list of items that shipped with the ThinkPad. This only applies to those systems preloaded with Windows 98 60eoug.pdf 651570 09-21-98 TP 600E On-line User's Guide that was provided with the system that was preloaded on the system 60erefcd.pdf 264959 09-21-98 TP 600E Reference Card that was provided with the system in the box. This explains the meaning of the System Status indicators and the FN keys 60esetup.pdf 520225 09-21-98 TP 600E Setup Guide that was provided with the system that came in the box. Provides front and rear views of features on the system as well as other basic setup information 60esup2.pdf 22903 06-14-99 TP 600E Supplement to User's Reference (models 4Bx, 5Bx, 8Bx, DAx, DBX, and BAU) 60eursp.pdf 21768 10-22-98 TP 600E Supplement to User's Reference 60eusrgd.pdf 3068078 09-21-98 TP 600E User's Reference 700c120.exe 255750 06-16-94 Video Drv 256 Color (v1.20) For Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 700C,720C 700propm.exe 24074 04-22-94 Video Display Control OS/2: ThinkPad 700C,720C 701_tips.txt 25554 06-30-97 Technical Tips - ASCII: Thinkpad 701 701c_sas.exe 478247 03-06-96 Restore Select-A-System DeskTop: ThinkPad 701C 701c_sas.txt 6783 03-06-96 README: Restore Select-A-System DeskTop: ThinkPad 701C 101900 10-25-96 Technical Tips - Postscript: ThinkPad 360,750,755C/CS 750_tips.txt 36193 10-25-96 Technical Tips - ASCII: ThinkPad 360,750,755C/CS 517629 01-09-97 Technical Tips - Postscript: ThinkPad 755CD/CE/CSE/CV/CDV/CX 755_tips.txt 41936 01-09-97 Technical Tips - ASCII: ThinkPad 755CD/CE/CSE/CV/CDV/CX 755_warp.txt 32820 08-04-95 Installing OS2 Warp text: ThinkPad 755CD/CE/CSE 755cdori.exe 154326 01-12-95 Original Files - ThinkPad 755CD ...Contains the original AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS and all INI files for the referenced machine (the 500 & 755TM files also contain GRP files). 755cdsas.exe 418518 06-23-95 Restore Select-A-System Desktop: ThinkPad 755CD 755cdsas.txt 5268 11-01-95 README: Restore Select-A-System Desktop: ThinkPad 755CD 755cdug.pdf 2422946 10-07-98 TP 755CD User's Guide 755ceori.exe 152314 01-12-95 Original Files - ThinkPad 755CE ...Contains the original AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS and all INI files for the referenced machine (the 500 & 755TM files also contain GRP files). 755corig.exe 59430 01-12-95 Original Files - ThinkPad 755C ...Contains the original AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS and all INI files for the referenced machine (the 500 & 755TM files also contain GRP files). 755cvsas.exe 336744 06-23-95 Restore Select-A-System Desktop: ThinkPad 755CV 755cxori.exe 262716 05-25-95 Original Files: ThinkPad 755CX 755cxsas.exe 448977 07-11-95 Restore Select-A-System Desktop: ThinkPad 755CX 755cxsas.txt 6784 03-06-96 README: Restore Select-A-System Desktop: ThinkPad 755CX 755cxug.pdf 1709151 10-01-98 TP 755CX User's Guide 755dpsas.exe 448631 03-06-96 Restore Select-A-System: ThinkPad 755CD Pentium. 755dpsas.txt 6786 03-06-96 README: Restore Select-A-System: ThinkPad 755CD Pentium. 755dvsas.exe 437900 03-06-96 Restore Select-A-System: ThinkPad 755CDV 755dvsas.txt 6785 03-06-96 README: Restore Select-A-System: ThinkPad 755CDV 755ew95.txt 40503 03-22-96 Installation Instructions for Windows 95 upgrade: ThinkPad 755CD/CE/CSE/CDV/CV/CX 755nxsas.exe 394436 03-06-96 Restore Select-A-System: ThinkPad 755CX NO Mwave 755nxsas.txt 6788 03-06-96 README: Restore Select-A-System: ThinkPad 755CX NO Mwave 755rotat.exe 641223 07-05-95 Rotation Drv(180) for OS/2: ThinkPad 755CV,CDV 755tmori.exe 119289 01-13-95 Original Files: ThinkPad 755C Travel Multi-Media 755wdock.exe 412841 07-04-95 OS/2 Dock Supplement: ThinkPad 755CE/CSE/CD/CDV/CV/CX 744151 01-09-97 Technical Tips - Postscript: ThinkPad 760C/CD/E/ED/EL/ELD/L/LD 760_tips.txt 61080 01-09-97 Technical Tips - ASCII: ThinkPad 760C/CD/E/ED/EL/ELD/L/LD 760c_sas.exe 462252 01-31-96 Restore Select-A-System Desktop: ThinkPad 760C 760cdmpg.txt 4034 09-26-96 Installation Instruction for Enhanced Video and MPEG for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 760CD 760cdsas.exe 437521 01-31-96 Restore Select-A-System Desktop: ThinkPad 760CD 760cdug.pdf 71797 05-28-98 ThinkPad 760,765 CD-ROM User's Guide (not all 760's support CD-ROM drives) 760cdugd.pdf 3309894 05-05-98 ThinkPad 760CD User's Guide 760cid.txt 16108 03-19-97 README: 760CIDW3/760CIDW4: CID Installation of Warp: ThinkPad 760 1058312 03-19-97 CID Installation Drivers and Utils For Warp v3: ThinkPad 760 1998628 03-19-97 CID Installation Drivers and Utils For Warp v4: ThinkPad 760 760cugd.pdf 1881546 06-10-98 ThinkPad 760C User's Guide 760edm4.txt 2812 12-09-96 Enhanced Video and MPEG Installation Instructions For OS/2 Warp 4: ThinkPad 760ED 760edmpg.txt 3544 12-10-96 Enhanced Video and MPEG Installation Instructions For OS/2 Warp 3: ThinkPad 760ED 760l_sas.exe 357145 03-06-96 Restore Select-A-System: ThinkPad 760L 760l_sas.txt 6783 03-06-96 README: Restore Select-A-System: ThinkPad 760L 760ldsas.exe 365194 03-06-96 Restore Select-A-System: ThinkPad 760LD 760ldsas.txt 6784 03-06-96 README: Restore Select-A-System: ThinkPad 760LD 760rem.txt 8658 01-30-97 Remote Install OS/2 Warp Connect: ThinkPad 760C/CD/E/ED/EL/ELD/L/LD 760w4rem.txt 7287 01-30-97 Remote Install of OS/2 Warp 4: ThinkPad 760C/CD/E/ED/EL/ELD/L/LD 760w95.txt 46951 03-22-96 (v1.01) Installing Windows 95 Upgrade on ThinkPad 760C and 760CD 760warp.txt 7962 01-30-97 Installation of OS/2 Warp 3 on ThinkPad 760C/CD/E/ED/EL/ELD/L/LD 760warp4.txt 8916 01-30-97 Installation of OS/2 Warp 4 on ThinkPad 760C/CD/E/ED/EL/ELD/L/LD 765tref.pdf 392597 05-04-98 ThinkPad 760XL, 760XD, 765L and 765D Technical Reference Manual 76eusegd.pdf 2073478 04-02-98 User's Guide for TP 760E/ED/EL 770audio.pdf 74548 05-26-98 ThinkPad 770 Advanced Audio Fact Sheet 770cdug.pdf 3492731 05-28-98 ThinkPad 770 CD-ROM Upgrade installation guide 770dvdug.pdf 97968 09-21-98 ThinkPad 770 DVD Drive User's Guide 770esup.pdf 250690 04-23-98 ThinkPad 770E/ED Supplement to the Users Guide 770hwsw.pdf 43096 01-29-99 Hardware and Software Support Matrix: ThinkPad 770 series 770qksrv.pdf 133598 04-02-98 Quick Reference and Service Information for TP 770E/ED 770setup.pdf 953164 04-02-98 Setup Guide for TP 770 770sup.pdf 93774 04-23-98 ThinkPad 770 Supplement to the User Guide 770tref.pdf 449184 04-24-98 Technical Reference Manual for the ThinkPad 770 770ugd.pdf 1550723 05-22-98 ThinkPad 770 User's Guide 770xursp.pdf 15442 10-22-98 TP 770X Supplement to the User's Reference 77xcklst.pdf 47294 09-21-98 TP 770X Shipping Checklist that was provided with the system in the box. Provides a list of items that shipped with the ThinkPad. This only applies to those systems preloaded with Windows 98 77xoug.pdf 674341 09-21-98 TP 770X On-line User's Guide that came preloaded on the system 77xrefcd.pdf 276041 09-21-98 TP 770X Reference card that shipped with the system in the box 77xsetup.pdf 985724 09-21-98 TP 770X Setup Guide that was provided with the system that came in the box. Provides front and rear views of features on the system as well as other basic setup information 77xusrgd.pdf 2674166 09-21-98 TP 770X User's Reference that shipped with the system 77zsupp.pdf 29719 01-25-99 Supplement to User's Reference and Setup Guide - ThinkPad 770Z a8855880.pdf 102102 10-28-99 TP560E - Additional Information (Japanese) a8857470.pdf 1735471 10-28-99 TP560 User's Guide (Japanese) a8857760.pdf 22623 10-28-99 TP560 - User's Guide Supplement (Japanese) a8858270.pdf 1223923 10-27-99 SelectaDock II User's Guide (Japanese) a8859620.pdf 1413485 10-28-99 TP 770 User's Guide (Japanese) a8859630.pdf 791777 10-28-99 TP770 - Up and Running (Japanese) a8859670.pdf 1431012 10-27-99 SelectaDock III User's Guide (Japanese) a8859800.pdf 62458 10-28-99 TP 770 - User's Guide Supplement (Japanese) a8859810.pdf 474075 11-04-99 TP 770 - Online Book (Japanese) a8859940.pdf 689052 10-28-99 TP560X - Setup Guide (Japanese) a8859950.pdf 1497554 10-28-99 TP560X - Setup Guide (Japanese) a8859960.pdf 763360 10-28-99 TP560X Up and Running (Japanese) a8859970.pdf 363524 10-28-99 TP 560X - Step Up Guide (Japanese) a8861330.pdf 2671231 11-04-99 TP 570 - User's Reference (Japanese) a8861340.pdf 531120 11-04-99 TP 570 - Step up Guide (Japanese) a8862370.pdf 239834 11-04-99 TP 1400 - Online User's Guide (Japanese) a8864460.pdf 2369448 11-04-99 TP 240 - User's Reference (Japanese) a8865650.pdf 1623071 10-27-99 TP 380Z User's Guide a8865660.pdf 787816 10-28-99 TP 560Z Setup Guide (Japanese) a8865670.pdf 1669433 10-28-99 TP 560Z User's Reference (Japanese) a8865680.pdf 549563 10-28-99 TP 560Z Step Up Guide (Japanese) a8865760.pdf 720071 10-28-99 TP 560Z Hardware Maintenance Manual (Japanese) a8865800.pdf 1216102 11-04-99 TP 380Z - Setup Guide (Japanese) a8865810.pdf 1889666 10-27-99 TP 380Z User's Reference a8865820.pdf 570093 10-27-99 TP 380Z - Step Up Guide (Japanese) a8865920.pdf 1164285 06-17-99 TP 770X - Setup Guide (Japanese) a8865940.pdf 735578 11-02-99 TP 770X - Step Up Guide (Japanese) a8865970.pdf 1042885 10-27-99 TP 600E Setup Guide (Japanese) a8865980.pdf 2927247 11-04-99 TP 600E - User's Reference and Service Information (Japanese) a8866010.pdf 830755 10-27-99 TP 600,600E Hardware Maintenance Manual Supplement (Japanese) a8866020.pdf 768869 10-28-99 TP770/E/ED/X - Hardware Maintenance Manual Supplement (Japanese) a8866050.pdf 2534824 10-27-99 TP 390 Hardware Maintenance Manual (Japanese) a8866060.pdf 441959 10-27-99 TP 390 - Step Up Guide (Japanese) a8866160.pdf 1804727 10-27-99 TP 390 - User's Reference (Japanese) a8866190.pdf 1627689 11-04-99 TP 1400 - User's Reference (Japanese) a8866342.pdf 2201439 11-04-99 TP 1400 - Hardware Maintenance Manual (Japanese) a8866660.pdf 872228 11-04-99 TP 600/E - Legal and Safety (Japanese) a8866680.pdf 122556 11-04-99 TP 390E - User's Reference Supplement (Japanese) a8866710.pdf 595910 06-17-99 Setup Guide: ThinkPad 600E (Japanese) SA886671-00 acp2000.txt 4403 11-10-98 README: ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000: ThinkPad 600 and 770X - Please view the readme file for installation and support information. acp2000a.exe 709450 11-10-98 ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 600 and 770X - Please view the readme file for installation and support information. acp2000b.exe 1149435 11-10-98 ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 600 and 770X - Please view the readme file for installation and support information. acp56cc.mdm 6490 04-28-99 Lotus Notes cc:Mail ACP Modem file to add IBM ThinkPad ACP 56k modem as a choice of modem support: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3WENHE acp56no.mdm 3276 09-29-98 Lotus Notes ACP Modem file to add IBM ThinkPad ACP 56k modem as a choice of modem support: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED. See web page for further info. acp90r2.exe 3196456 05-21-99 ThinkPad Internal ACP Modem V.90 Upgrade (v2.00WW - 2.516) for Windows 95/98 and NT: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZVPYF acp90r2.txt 9214 05-21-99 README: ThinkPad Internal ACP Modem V.90 Upgrade (v2.00WW - 2.516) for Windows 95/98 and NT: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZVPYF acpcw32.exe 1938874 02-15-99 ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.51) for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z - [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZBVUV acpcw32.txt 1555 02-15-99 README: ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.51) for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z - [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZBVUV acpdw9x.exe 5287936 10-16-98 ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.36) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3TTL7Y acpdw9x.txt 2581 10-16-98 ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.36) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED [PFTW];WEB DOC-ID: DSHY-3TTL7Y acpdwnt.exe 1966872 10-16-98 ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3TTLJ7 acpdwnt.txt 2376 10-16-98 README: ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3TTLJ7 acpntctr.exe 368302 06-24-99 ACP modem patch for country selection under Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 600E, 770X and 770Z [PFTW] acpntctr.txt 2158 06-24-99 README: ACP modem patch for country selection under Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 600E, 770X and 770Z [PFTW] acpos2.exe 1819648 04-30-99 ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3TNQLT acpos2.txt 2125 04-30-99 README: ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3TNQLT acpw31.exe 2192384 05-06-99 ThinkPad ACP Internal MODEM II Drivers (v2.37) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3TTLTX acpw31.txt 2120 05-06-99 README: ThinkPad ACP Internal MODEM II Drivers (v2.37) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3TTLTX acpx2ptc.exe 295910 07-29-99 Patch for x2 connections with the ACP modem: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED - Please visit our support site at and view document LWIK-425MVY for additional information about the symptoms this patch corrects. acpx2ptc.txt 1820 07-29-99 README: Patch for x2 connections with the ACP modem: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED - Please visit our support site at and view document LWIK-425MVY for additional information about the symptoms this patch corrects. ada305gu.pdf 148886 10-27-99 User's Guide: Altec Lansing ADA305 Speakers (GUI) ada305tx.pdf 182065 10-27-99 User's Guide: Altec Lansing ADA305 Speakers (text) ada70usg.pdf 227840 10-27-99 User's Guide: Altec Lansing ADA70 Speakers addcd98.pdf 155745 10-26-99 User's Guide: Addonics Pocket CD98 USB CD-ROM drive (TP Proven) af36b335.exe 505693 07-16-96 Audio Features Package (v4.03.35) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 365CD, 365CSD, 365ED [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: GCOR-38DJBJ af36b335.txt 3579 07-16-96 README: Audio Features Package (v4.03.35) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 365CD, 365CSD, 365ED [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: GCOR-38DJBJ af36bos2.exe 298828 09-18-96 Audio Disk (v1.0.1) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 365CD/CSD/ED af36bos2.txt 2978 09-18-96 README: Audio Disk (v1.0.1) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 365CD/CSD/ED af36bw31.exe 357977 08-02-96 Audio Disk (v3.05) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365CD/CSD/ED af36bw31.txt 2317 08-02-96 README: Audio Disk (v3.05) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365CD/CSD/ED af701100.txt 3835 10-31-95 Audio install doc - OS/2, Windows 3.1 and Windows 95: ThinkPad 701 af701201.exe 291513 12-30-95 Audio Disk (v2.01) for OS2: ThinkPad 701 af701201.txt 5468 12-31-95 README: Audio Disk (v2.01) for OS2: ThinkPad 701 af701951.exe 419343 11-01-95 Audio Driver Windows 95: ThinkPad 701 af701wi1.exe 1170755 08-26-96 Audio Disk 1 of 2 for Windows 3.1x: ThinkPad 701 af701wi2.exe 1342602 08-26-96 Audio Disk 2 of 2 for Windows 3.1x: ThinkPad 701 afrkix98.exe 1267857 10-05-99 ESS Audio Rack Utility (v2.28a) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621 only) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDPPX afrkix98.txt 1550 10-05-99 README: ESS Audio Rack Utility (v2.28a) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621 only) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDPPX aftp3wnt.exe 104604 06-10-97 AudioDrive Features Package (v1.00) for Windows NT 3.51: ThinPpad 365X. 365XD, 560, 560E, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XL, 765L [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: GSMH-39ED9A aftp3wnt.txt 1665 06-10-97 README: AudioDrive Features Package (v1.00) for Windows NT 3.51: ThinPpad 365X. 365XD, 560, 560E, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XL, 765L [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: GSMH-39ED9A aftp4wnt.exe 93835 06-10-97 AudioDrive Features Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: Thinkpad 365X/XD,560,560E,760EL/ELD/L/LD/XL,765L aftp4wnt.txt 1698 06-10-97 README: AudioDrive Features Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: Thinkpad 365X/XD,560,560E,760EL/ELD/L/LD/XL,765L aftpaw31.exe 1426861 10-16-97 Audio Driver Disketter (v4.03.2320) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 310, 315 aftpaw31.txt 1457 10-16-97 Audio Driver Disketter (v4.03.2320) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 310, 315 aftpaw95.exe 920502 10-16-97 Audio Support Software Package (v1.06E) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310, 310E, 310ED, 315ED [PFTW], Web DOC-ID: BBOD-3JDKKU aftpaw95.txt 1441 10-16-97 README: Audio Support Software Package (v1.06E) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310, 310E, 310ED, 315ED [PFTW], Web DOC-ID: BBOD-3JDKKU aftpaw9x.exe 1529414 07-07-98 Audio Driver Package (v4.05.2338) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310, 310E, 310ED, 315ED [PFTW], Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3JJGRU aftpaw9x.txt 3212 07-07-98 README: Audio Driver Package (v4.05.2338) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310, 310E, 310ED, 315ED [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3JJGRU aftpbos2.exe 115305 01-11-99 Audio Features Diskette (v1.02 ) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 aftpbos2.txt 2594 01-11-99 README: Audio Features Diskette (v1.02 ) for :ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 aftpbw3a.exe 1194269 11-03-98 Audio Features Diskette (v3.35 ) for Windows 3.1, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 aftpbw3b.exe 829547 11-03-98 Audio Features Diskette (v3.35 ) for Windows 3.1, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 aftpbw3x.txt 1833 11-03-98 README: Audio Features Diskette (v3.35 ) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 aftpbw9x.exe 1782784 04-13-99 Audio Features Package (v1.46) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZSQUP aftpbw9x.txt 2913 04-13-99 README: Audio Features Diskette (v1.46 ) for Windows 95/98:ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721[DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZSQUP aftpbwnt.exe 257912 07-15-99 Audio Features Package (v 1.26.013T) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3ZSQXL aftpbwnt.txt 1989 07-15-99 README: Audio Features Package (v 1.26.013T) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3ZSQXL aftpcw31.exe 916480 06-02-99 Audio Features (v2.02) for Dos and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600E, 770X , 770Z [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-48GPEJ aftpcw31.txt 2258 06-02-99 README: Audio Features (v2.02) for Dos and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600E, 770X , 770Z [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-48GPEJ aftpcw9x.exe 2899903 03-26-99 Audio Features Package (v2.87) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z [PFTW - Complete Package] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZEQXS aftpcw9x.txt 6430 03-26-99 README: Audio Features Package (v2.87) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z [PFTW - Complete Package] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZEQXS aftpgos2.exe 216004 07-02-97 AudioDrive Features Diskette (v1.01) for OS/2: Thinkpad 365X/XD,560,560E,760EL/ELD/L/LD/XL,765L aftpgos2.txt 3165 06-10-97 README: AudioDrive Features Diskette (v1.01) for OS/2: Thinkpad 365X/XD,560,560E,760EL/ELD/L/LD/XL,765L aftpgw31.exe 706348 07-02-97 AudioDrive Features Diskette (v1.00) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X/XD,560,560E,760EL/ELD/L/LD/XL,765L aftpgw31.txt 1356 06-10-97 README: AudioDrive Features Diskette (v1.00) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X/XD,560,560E,760EL/ELD/L/LD/XL,765L aftpgw95.exe 216064 04-23-98 AudioDrive Features Package (v1.02) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 365X, 365XD, 560, 560E, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XL, 765L [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: COBN-38CE8U aftpgw95.txt 3039 04-23-98 README: AudioDrive Features Package (v1.02) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 365X, 365XD, 560, 560E, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XL, 765L [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: COBN-38CE8U aftphw98.exe 1456232 07-15-99 Audio Features Package (v4.05.2343) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400 Models 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456) - [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQ9D aftphw98.txt 2228 07-15-99 README: Audio Features Package (v4.05.2343) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400 Models 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456) - [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQ9D aftphysx.exe 1741824 10-30-98 Y-Station Audio Software (v3.20) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 1400 - The Yamaha Y-Station Diskette enables or updates the YAMAHA Audio Rack program [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUBJ aftphysx.txt 1610 10-30-98 README: Y-Station Audio Software I (v3.20) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 1400 [NOTE: Only the following Model/Type numbers are supported: 2611 - 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456)] - The Yamaha Y-Station Diskette enables or updates the YAMAHA Audio Rack program [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUBJ aftpir9x.exe 948950 11-02-99 Audio Features package (v1139) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LS7 aftpir9x.txt 2972 11-02-99 README: Audio Features package (v1139) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LS7 aftpirnt.exe 254274 06-24-99 Audio Features Package (v4.05.18) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LSC aftpirnt.txt 2190 06-24-99 README: Audio Features Package (v4.05.18) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LSC aftpis9x.exe 950913 09-27-99 Audio Features (v4.05.00.1113) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390X, i Series 1400/1500 (Types 2621 only) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5SMZ aftpis9x.txt 3040 10-05-99 README: Audio Features (v4.05.00.1113) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390X, i Series 1400/1500 (Types 2621 only) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5SMZ aftpisds.exe 94688 09-27-99 Audio Features (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390X [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5SMQ aftpisds.txt 1686 09-27-99 README: Audio Features (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390X [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5SMQ aftpisnt.exe 822538 09-27-99 Audio Features (v4.05.19) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5SX4 aftpisnt.txt 2683 09-27-99 README: Audio Features (v4.05.19) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5SX4 aftpisos.exe 95768 09-27-99 Audio Features (v1.17) for OS/2: ThinkPad 390X [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5SXD aftpisos.txt 2350 09-27-99 README: Audio Features (v1.17) for OS/2: ThinkPad 390X [DSJEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5SXD aftpisw3.exe 235739 09-27-99 Audio Features (v4.17.26) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390X [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5S33 aftpisw3.txt 2301 09-27-99 README: Audio Features (v4.17.26) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390X [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5S33 aftpjw98.exe 921850 06-14-99 Audio Features Package (v4.05.00.1086) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500(2611), i Series 1400 [2611 - 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435)] [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-48XKBA aftpjw98.txt 1579 06-14-99 README: Audio Features Package (v4.05.00.1086) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 [2611 - 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435)] [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR- aftpjysx.exe 1272847 06-21-99 Audio Rack Package II (v2.23a) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-493THR aftpjysx.txt 1318 06-21-99 README: Audio Rack Package II (v2.23a) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-493THR aftpqdos.exe 52925 03-16-99 Audio Features (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-4646W3 aftpqdos.txt 1597 03-19-99 README: Audio Features (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-4646W3 aftpqos2.exe 95016 03-16-99 Audio Features (v1.14) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-4646YC aftpqos2.txt 2330 03-16-99 Audio Features (v1.14) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-4646YC aftpqw31.exe 198074 03-16-99 Audio Features (v4.17.23) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-4646VJ aftpqw31.txt 1773 03-16-99 README: Audio Features (v4.17.23) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-4646VJ aftpqw9x.exe 891904 03-16-99 Audio Features Package (v4.05.00.1086) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-45ZHUS aftpqw9x.txt 2849 03-16-99 README: Audio Features Package (v4.05.00.1086) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-45ZHUS aftpqwnt.exe 776192 03-16-99 Audio Features Package (v4.05.15) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-45ZJ25 aftpqwnt.txt 2249 03-16-99 README: Audio Features Package (v4.05.15) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-45ZJ25 aftpros2.exe 313072 10-22-98 Audio Features Diskette (v2.07 ) for OS/2: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3HJL6Y aftpros2.txt 2953 10-22-98 README: Audio Features Diskette (v2.07 ) for OS/2: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3HJL6Y aftprw31.exe 996352 10-18-98 Audio Features Diskette (v1.82) for Dos and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 770, 770E, 770ED [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3HJK6N aftprw31.txt 2680 10-18-98 README: Audio Features Diskette (v1.82) for Dos and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 770, 770E, 770ED [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3HJK6N aftprw95.exe 621568 06-24-98 Audio Features Package (v2.80) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 770, 770E, 770ED [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: BBOD-3HJLDH aftprw95.txt 4245 06-24-98 README: Audio Features Package (v2.80) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 770, 770E, 770ED [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: BBOD-3HJLDH aftprwnt.exe 441083 02-15-99 Audio Features Package (v1.92) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3HJLJB aftprwnt.txt 3509 02-15-99 README: Audio Features Package (v1.92) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3HJLJB aftps140.exe 827996 09-28-95 Audio Disk (v1.40) For DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 360,750,755C/Cs aftps140.txt 3141 09-28-95 README: Audio Disk (v1.40) For DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 360,750,755C/Cs aftpvw9x.exe 1282666 04-20-99 Audio Features II (2.87) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YQUS aftpvw9x.txt 3644 04-20-99 README: Audio Features II (2.87) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YQUS aftpvwnt.exe 514311 04-20-99 Audio Features II (2.051) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YQVV aftpvwnt.txt 2607 04-20-99 README: Audio Features II (2.051) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YQVV afvoyw31.exe 1314785 03-05-99 Voyetra Audio Station Diskette (v1.80) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z [DSKEXE] afvoyw31.txt 1313 03-05-99 README: Voyetra Audio Station Diskette (v1.80) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z [DSKEXE] apmbwnt4.exe 781439 04-26-99 APM Support Package (v1.00) for Windows NT4.0: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3ZSL36 apmbwnt4.txt 2048 04-26-99 README: APM Support Package (v1.00) for Windows NT4.0: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3ZSL36 apmiswnt.exe 792241 09-30-99 NANS(APM) Driver (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C8HK2 apmiswnt.txt 2224 09-30-99 README: NANS(APM) Driver (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C8HK2 apmqwnt4.exe 668595 03-16-99 APM Utility (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45ZNQF apmqwnt4.txt 1748 10-04-99 README: APM Utility (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45ZNQF apmvacpi.pdf 39213 07-09-98 Windows 98 Power Management on ThinkPad Notebooks Information Brief atado200.exe 590253 03-22-94 File System and HDD PCMCIA Disk - ThinkPad awcl2_32.dll 24064 05-14-96 Timing fix for Microsoft Fax in Windows 95: ThinkPad 760 awcl2_32.txt 2811 05-13-96 README: Timing fix for Microsoft Fax in Windows 95: ThinkPad 760 battu765.exe 306435 11-17-97 Battery Installation Check Utility Diskette (v1.02) for Windows 3.1/95/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 765D/L battu765.txt 1972 11-17-97 README: Battery Installation Check Utility Diskette (v1.02) for Windows 3.1/95/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 765D/L bvhvga.exe 37923 04-22-94 Fullscreen OS2 Text Fix - ThinkPad 350 cbss403.exe 159808 01-05-98 Update 1 of 3 for PCMCIA Support for Windows 95 OSR2: ThinkPad 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L ( See the following document for complete details about this driver.) Web Doc ID: RJJR-3QFSKR cd310w31.exe 81772 02-10-98 CD-ROM Driver Diskette (v3.10L) for DOS, Windows 3.11: ThinkPad 310, 315 cd310w31.txt 1182 02-10-98 README: CD-ROM Driver Diskette (v3.10L) for DOS, Windows 3.11: ThinkPad 310, 315 cd36b100.exe 497138 04-24-96 CD-ROM Disk (v1.00) for DOS,Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365 cd36b100.txt 928 04-24-96 README: CD-ROM Disk (v1.00) for DOS,Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365 cdpd110.exe 1847545 05-16-94 CDPD Dsk (v1.10) cdreload.exe 483909 01-11-96 Select-a-System Recovery CD Boot Diskette (v2.0FP): ThinkPad 701, 755, 760C/CD/L/LD cdreload.txt 11050 03-20-96 README: Select-a-System Recovery CD Boot Diskette (v2.0FP): ThinkPad 701, 755, 760C/CD/L/LD cdromos2.exe 34657 08-28-96 OS/2 Warp 3 and 4, Sleep Mode Support for TEAC-40E CD-ROM: ThinkPad 365, 755, 760 cdromos2.txt 2050 08-29-96 README: OS/2 Warp 3 and 4, Sleep Mode Support for TEAC-40E CD-ROM: ThinkPad 365, 755, 760 cdtpe120.exe 213521 07-25-95 CD-ROM Drv (v1.20) for DOS,Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV cdtpe120.txt 4433 07-25-95 README: CD-ROM Drv (v1.20) for DOS,Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV cdtpgdos.exe 99846 10-19-98 CD-ROM Driver (v3.12) for DOS & Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365XD, 380D, 380ED, 380XD, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 380Z, 390, 390E, 390X, 570, 600, 600E, 760CD, 760ED, 760ELD, 760LD, 760E, 760EL, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i Series 1720/21 cdtpgdos.txt 3976 09-29-99 README: CD-ROM Driver (v3.12) for DOS & Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365XD, 380's, 390's, 570, 600's, 760's, 765's, 770's, i Series 1720's [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: RMIE-38CEKN ceuiq102.exe 198854 10-22-99 CE Utility Diskette II (v1.02): ThinkPad i Series 1400 Models 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-493UYM chopper.exe 67893 06-10-99 DOS based utility program used to slit larger files into smaller files to fit on a 1.44 Meg floppy. (Version 1.00) Web Doc ID: DSHY-44QSCB cosess1g.exe 594690 10-17-95 Cosession Upgrade for Windows d2141100.exe 134694 12-13-94 Diagnostic Disk (v1.00): PSNOTE 2141 ONLY! d3maebs6.pdf 2105973 02-19-98 HMM ThinkPad 365X/XD/560 (February 1997) daa_200d.exe 1197533 12-05-95 DAA Disk ThinkPad World Trade - MWave 2.0 daa_200d.txt 2649 12-05-95 README: DAA Disk ThinkPad World Trade - MWave 2.0 ddtps110.exe 100796 07-14-94 Digitizer Disk (v1.10): ThinkPad 360P,750P ...Disk contains PenDOS and Pen for OS/2 Digitizer Device Drivers for the Thinkpad 360P and 750P. dftpf100.exe 30133 03-05-96 Diskette Factory Fix: ThinkPad 760L/LD dg300100.exe 619586 04-21-94 Diagnostic Disk (v1.00): ThinkPad 300 dg350102.exe 144024 01-25-95 Diagnostic Disk (v1.02): ThinkPad 350 dg500100.exe 541909 04-21-94 Diagnostic Disk (v.100): ThinkPad 500 dg720120.exe 610102 12-20-95 Diagnostic Disk (v1.2): ThinkPad 700,700C,720,720C dgn45100.exe 736699 04-21-94 Diagnostic Disk (v1.00): N45 dgn51120.exe 464800 04-21-94 Diagnostic Disk (v1.20): N51 (SX & SLC) dgpcdoc.exe 1134864 10-12-99 PC Doctor Diagnostic Diskette (v2.0.651a): ThinkPad 240, 390E, 390X, 570, i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models 2621(all) and 2611- 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-495KW2 dgpcdoc.txt 3857 10-12-99 README: PC Doctor Diagnostic Diskette (v2.0.651a): ThinkPad 240, 390E, 390X, 570, i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models 2621(all) and 2611- 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-495KW2 dgpcdoca.exe 242688 05-03-99 PC Doctor Diagnostics (v1.00.04) Start Up Diskette 1 or 3: ThinkPad 390E, 570 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YQZZ dgpcdocb.exe 718170 05-03-99 PC Doctor Diagnostics (v1.00.04) Diskette 2 of 3: ThinkPad 390E, 570 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YQZZ dgpcdocc.exe 272770 05-03-99 PC Doctor Diagnostics (v1.00.04) Diskette 3 of 3: ThinkPad 390E, 570 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YQZZ dgpcdoci.exe 1094882 07-08-99 PC Doctor Diagnostic Diskette (v2.0.616): ThinkPad 240, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-495KW2 dgpcdoci.txt 2394 07-08-99 README: PC Doctor Diagnostic Diskette (v2.0.616): ThinkPad 240, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-495KW2 dgpcdocx.txt 3164 05-03-99 README: PC Doctor Diagnostics (v1.00.04): ThinkPad 390E, 570 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YQZZ dgtpf102.exe 253888 08-28-96 Diagnostic Disk (v1.02): 755CD/CE/CSE/CV/CDV/CX, 760C/CD/L/LD dgtpf102.txt 1049 08-28-96 README: Diagnostic Disk (v1.02): 755CD/CE/CSE/CV/CDV/CX, 760C/CD/L/LD dock1100.exe 312990 05-02-94 Option Disk (v1.00) DOCK I (3545-001) dock1100.txt 4412 05-02-94 README: Option Disk (v1.00) DOCK I (3545-001) dock1ug.pdf 1164458 10-14-98 Dock 1 User's Guide dock2100.exe 1118172 09-22-94 Option Disk (v1.00) DOCK II (3546-001) dockfin.pdf 46994 05-26-98 SelectaDock Information Brief dockiiug.pdf 1441348 11-10-98 Dock II User's Guide docksad1.exe 1057996 09-18-96 Option Disk for Select-A-Dock (3547-001) docksad1.txt 7845 09-18-96 README: Option Disk for Select-A-Dock (3547-001) dstn_fix.exe 22071 11-01-95 Wavy-Screen Fix for DSTN displays dstn_fix.txt 4212 11-01-95 README: Wavy-Screen Fix for DSTN displays dvd1814.exe 17997945 06-29-99 Mediamatics DVDExpress Player Upgrade for Windows 95 and Windows 98. A previous version of Mediamatics DVDExpress MUST be already installed on the system. [PFTW] dvd1814.txt 2684 06-29-99 README: Mediamatics DVDExpress Player Upgrade for Windows 95 and Windows 98. A previous version of Mediamatics DVDExpress MUST be already installed on the system. [PFTW] dvd1823.exe 18197531 07-27-99 Mediamatics DVDExpress Player Upgrade for Windows 95 and Windows 98: ThinkPad 390E, 600, 600E, i Series 1400, and i Series 1500 only. NOT SUPPORTED on the ThinkPad 770 series [PFTW] dvd1823.txt 3384 08-25-99 README: Mediamatics DVDExpress Player Upgrade for Windows 95 and Windows 98: ThinkPad 390E, 600, 600E, i Series 1400, and i Series 1500 only. NOT SUPPORTED on the ThinkPad 770 series [PFTW] dvdfin.pdf 38636 05-26-98 DVD Information Brief dvdix125.exe 1291172 10-14-99 DVD-Video Player Upgrade (v5. for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 Type 2621 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDTT4 dvdix125.txt 2522 10-14-99 README: DVD-Video Player Upgrade (v5. for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 Type 2621 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDTT4 emailupd.exe 198656 04-30-99 Patch for synchronization failure of emails with large recipient list: IBM WorkPad [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: LWIK-425RBL emailupd.txt 3154 04-30-99 README: Patch for synchronization failure of emails with large recipient list: IBM WorkPad [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: LWIK-425RBL enetisdr.exe 1346932 10-26-99 Built-in Advanced Ethernet Features Package (v3.37.14.001): ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4D2JQG enetisdr.txt 3573 10-26-99 README: Built-in Advanced Ethernet Features Package (v3.37.14.001): ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4D2JQG enetisfl.exe 526330 10-26-99 Built-in Advanced Ethernet Flash Utility Diskette (v1.02): ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4D2JQG enetisfl.txt 1710 10-26-99 README: Built-in Advanced Ethernet Flash Utility Diskette (v1.02): ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4D2JQG eportdrv.exe 1070694 10-26-99 Advance EtherJet Feature Package (v2.57) used with Port Replicator with Adv. EtherJet (PN 05K4872) and PC Card Enabler with Adv. EtherJet (PN 05K4820): ThinkPad 380Z, 390(all), 560Z, 570, 600(all), 770(all), i series 172x - [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YSKU9 eportdrv.txt 7116 04-09-99 README: Adv. EtherJet Feature (v2.57) used with Port Replicator with Adv. EtherJet (PN 05K4872) and PC Card Enabler with Adv. EtherJet (PN 05K4820): ThinkPad 380Z, 390(all), 560Z, 570, 600(all), 770(all), i series 172x - [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YSKU9 eportfls.exe 118861 04-09-99 Advance EtherJet Flash Diskette (v1.50) used with Port Replicator with Adv. EtherJet (PN 05K4872) and PC Card Enabler with Adv. EtherJet (PN 05K4820): ThinkPad 380Z, 390(all), 560Z, 570, 600(all), 770(all), i series 172x -[DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YSKU9 eportfls.txt 2426 04-09-99 README: Adv. EtherJet Flash Disk(v1.50) used with Port Replicator with Adv. EtherJet (PN 05K4872) and PC Card Enabler with Adv. EtherJet (PN 05K4820): ThinkPad 380Z, 390(all), 560Z, 570, 600(all), 770(all), i series 172x -[DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YSKU9 eportrep.pdf 766095 09-09-98 TP 380Z, 560Z Port Replicator with Advance EtherJet feature User's Guide eportsup.pdf 14559 10-22-98 TP 380Z, 560Z Port Replicator with Advance EtherJet feature User's Guide Supplement frvctp98.exe 934342 06-10-99 Video Capture Driver III update for the French version of Windows 98 only: ThinkPad 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web DOC ID: MIGR-48QQAM fwv701-1.exe 1411154 08-04-96 Faxworks Fix Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 701 ONLY fwv701-2.exe 1132065 09-18-96 Faxworks Fix Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 701 ONLY fwv701.txt 1370 08-11-97 README: file for FWV701-1.EXE and FWV701-2.EXE fwvmw058.exe 2702402 10-17-95 FaxWorks Voice (v3.00G058) (Not for TP701) hayesopt.exe 214617 03-04-99 ACP patch for downloading large files from Hayes Optima 28.8 modem: TP 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z. Please visit the support site at for additional information. Web DOC ID: LWIK-45NHAQ hayesopt.txt 2221 03-04-99 README: ACP patch for downloading large files from Hayes Optima 28.8 modem: TP 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z. Please visit the support site at for additional information. Web DOC ID: LWIK-45NHAQ hibv4win.exe 1136520 04-20-99 Hibernation Utility Drivers (v1.01) for Windows 95, 98, and NT: ThinkPad 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YQSH hibv4win.txt 1545 04-20-99 README: Hibernation Utility Drivers (v1.01) for Windows 95, 98, and NT: ThinkPad 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YQSH i7u5fix1.reg 151 11-07-97 Utility Diskette Registry Fix. To be used ONLY with UTTP7W95 version 4.02 or later: ThinkPad 760C/CD/E/ED/EL/ELD/L/LD/XD/XL, 765D/L, 770 ibmbay.vxd 23610 04-01-98 IBM Ultra Bay II Device driver for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770 ide31dwx.exe 74644 06-24-97 IDE Driver Diskette (v1.00) for DOS, Windows 3.11/95: ThinkPad 310,310D (EMEA/Asia Pacific Only) ide31dwx.txt 2833 06-23-97 README: IDE Driver Diskette (v1.00) for DOS, Windows 3.11/95: ThinkPad 310,310D (EMEA/Asia Pacific Only) intcdrom.exe 205646 01-16-95 Future Domain Internal CD-ROM Option Disk (v2.32) ionbatug.pdf 58449 11-03-98 User's Guide for ThinkPad 390/i Series 1720 Li-Ion Battery ir36b120.exe 134691 09-18-96 Infrared (v1.20) Windows 3.11 and Windows 95: ThinkPads 365C/CD/E/ED ir36b120.txt 2276 08-02-96 README: Infrared (v1.20) Windows 3.11 and Windows 95: ThinkPads 365C/CD/E/ED ir701100.exe 131397 05-08-95 Infrared Driver (v1.00): ThinkPad 701 irtpgall.exe 173672 07-02-97 Infrared Features Diskette (v3.02) for DOS/Windows 3.1, Windows 95, OS/2: 365X/XD, 560, 755CE/CD/CV/CDV, 760C/CD/L/LD/E/ED/EL/ELD/XD/XL, 765D/L irtpgall.txt 4423 04-28-97 README: Infrared Features Diskette (v3.02) for DOS/Windows 3.1, Windows 95, OS/2: 365X/XD, 560, 755CE/CD/CV/CDV, 760C/CD/L/LD/E/ED/EL/ELD/XD/XL, 765D/L irtpgwnt.exe 300032 10-19-98 Infrared Feature Driver Package (v1.12) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 385D, 385ED, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: BBOD-3MCHT3 irtpgwnt.txt 5257 10-19-98 README: Infrared Feature Driver Package (v1.12) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 385D, 385ED, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: BBOD-3MCHT3 irtprdwo.exe 240313 09-09-98 Infrared Features II Diskette (v1.02) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X. Do NOT use for 560. irtprdwo.txt 10501 09-09-98 README: Infrared Features II Diskette (v1.02) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X. Do NOT use for 560. lacrosse.pdf 1861798 02-19-98 HMM for ThinkPad 310 lrgptr10.exe 21943 09-18-96 Large Pointer Program For Thinkpads ls120dg.exe 826595 05-12-99 ThinkPad SuperDisk (LS120) Diagnostics Diskette for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E [DSKEXE] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3XGM83 ls120dos.exe 26101 11-13-98 ThinkPad SuperDisk (LS120) UltraslimBay Drive device driver Package (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 600, 600E [DSKEXE] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3XGM83 ls120dos.txt 1208 11-13-98 README: ThinkPad SuperDisk (LS120) UltraslimBay Drive device driver Package (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 600, 600E [DSKEXE] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3XGM83 ls120dsc.exe 154624 11-13-98 ThinkPad SuperDisk (LS120) Media Descriptor Package for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3XGM83 ls120dsc.txt 2118 11-13-98 README: ThinkPad SuperDisk (LS120) Media Descriptor Package for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3XGM83 ls120w95.exe 600064 11-13-98 ThinkPad SuperDisk (LS120) UltraslimBay Drive device driver package (v1.00) for Windows95: ThinkPad 600, 600E [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3XGM83 ls120w95.txt 2113 11-13-98 README: ThinkPad SuperDisk (LS120) UltraslimBay Drive device driver Package (v1.00) for Windows95: ThinkPad 600, 600E [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3XGM83 ltwin56k.mdm 10963 06-04-99 MDM file for internal Lucent modem for Lotus Notes and cc:Mail - ThinkPad 390, 390E, 570, i Series 1400, i Series 172x Web Doc ID: MIGR-48MKBR mdltbcsd.exe 156672 01-11-99 Modem Country Select Package (v98.9.11) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3ZUQKJ mdltbcsd.txt 2114 01-11-99 README: Modem Country Select Package (v98.9.11) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3ZUQKJ mdltbdos.exe 133695 11-03-98 Modem Driver Diskette (v5.15) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 mdltbdos.txt 2196 11-03-98 README: Modem Driver Diskette (v5.15) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 mdltbos2.exe 107612 11-03-98 Modem Driver Diskette (v5.15B) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 mdltbos2.txt 2088 11-03-98 README: Modem Driver Diskette (v5.15B) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 mdltbrng.exe 225879 11-03-98 Modem Ring Package (v1.426b) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: DSHY-426QAL mdltbrng.txt 2048 11-03-98 README: Modem Ring Package (v1.426b) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: DSHY-426QAL mdltbw31.exe 241363 11-03-98 Modem Driver Diskette (v5.25) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 mdltbw31.txt 2505 11-03-98 README: Modem Driver Diskette (v5.25) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 mdltbw9x.exe 1092867 02-01-99 Modem Driver Diskette (v5.28a) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3ZUPTZ mdltbw9x.txt 3015 05-14-99 README: Modem Driver Diskette (v5.28a) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3ZUPTZ mdltbwnt.exe 1010615 10-21-99 Modem Driver Package (v5.56) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720/1721- [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3ZUQ4G mdltbwnt.txt 2030 10-21-99 README: Modem Driver Package (v5.56) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720/1721- [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-3ZUQ4G mdlthrng.exe 231517 11-03-98 Modem Ring Package (v1.426) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400 [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: DSHY-42HL9B mdlthrng.txt 1041 11-03-98 README: Modem Ring Package I (v1.426) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400 [NOTE: Only the following Model/Type numbers are supported: 2611 - 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456)] [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-42HL9B mdlthw98.exe 1011702 10-30-98 Modem Drivers Package (v5.19) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 1400 - The Lucent Modem driver Diskette enables or updates the Lucent Modem driver program [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUP3 mdlthw98.txt 1540 10-30-98 README: Modem Drivers Package I (v5.19) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 1400 [NOTE: Only the following Model/Type numbers are supported: 2611 - 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456)] [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZQUP3 mdltir32.exe 3807564 11-02-99 Modem Drivers (v5.48) for Windows 95/98/NT 4.0: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LSH mdltir32.txt 4031 11-02-99 README: Modem Drivers (v5.48) for Windows 95/98/NT 4.0: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LSH mdltir95.exe 3848962 07-07-99 Modem Drivers (v5.43) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LSE mdltir95.txt 1923 07-07-99 README: Modem Drivers (v5.43) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LSE mdltis32.exe 3843132 09-30-99 Modem Driver (v5.44) for Windows 95, 98, and NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5TT7 mdltis32.txt 3779 09-30-99 README: Modem Driver (v5.44) for Windows 95, 98, and NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5TT7 mdltisos.exe 850300 09-29-99 Modem Features (v5.41) for OS/2: ThinkPad 390X [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C7RG7 mdltisos.txt 1768 09-29-99 README: Modem Features (v5.41) for OS/2: ThinkPad 390X [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C7RG7 mdltisrg.exe 279703 09-29-99 Modem Ring Package (v2.32) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID MIGR-4C7RG6 mdltisrg.txt 2154 09-30-99 README: Modem Ring Package (v2.32) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID MIGR-4C7RG6 mdltisw3.exe 308517 10-01-99 Modem Drivers (v5.41) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390X [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C9SMM mdltisw3.txt 2059 10-01-99 README: Modem Drivers (v5.41) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390X [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C9SMM mdltix98.exe 3942295 10-05-99 Modem Driver (v5.44) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621 only) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDPPZ mdltix98.txt 2262 10-05-99 README: Modem Driver (v5.44) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621 only) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDPPZ mdltixrg.exe 280027 10-05-99 Modem Ring Driver (v2.34) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621 only) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDPXK mdltixrg.txt 2060 10-05-99 README: Modem Ring Driver (v2.34) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621 only) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDPXK mdltjrng.exe 274963 06-14-99 Modem Driver Package II (v2.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR- mdltjrng.txt 1200 06-14-99 README: Modem Driver Package II (v2.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR- mdltjw98.exe 3780821 06-14-99 Modem Driver Package II (v5.37) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500(2611), i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR- mdltjw98.txt 1419 06-14-99 README: Modem Driver Package II (v5.37) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR- mdltqcsd.exe 165888 03-16-99 Modem Country Selector (v98.9.21) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-463NEG mdltqcsd.txt 3162 03-16-99 README: Modem Country Selector (v98.9.21) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-463NEG mdltqdos.exe 136846 03-16-99 Modem Drivers (v5.30) for DOS: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-4646WK mdltqdos.txt 2124 05-24-99 README: Modem Drivers (v5.30) for DOS: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-4646WK mdltqos2.exe 146528 03-16-99 Modem Drivers (v5.38) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-4646SL mdltqos2.txt 1613 03-16-99 README: Modem Drivers (v5.38) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-4646SL mdltqrng.exe 263168 03-16-99 Modem Ring Package (v2.20) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45ZK2Y mdltqrng.txt 2124 03-16-99 README: Modem Ring Package (v2.20) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45ZK2Y mdltqw31.exe 251088 03-16-99 Modem Drivers (v5.36) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-4646PV mdltqw31.txt 1882 03-16-99 README: Modem Drivers (v5.36) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-4646PV mdltqw9x.exe 1326875 08-17-99 Modem Drivers (v5.43) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-45ZJ7J mdltqw9x.txt 1905 08-17-99 README: Modem Drivers (v5.43) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-45ZJ7J mdltqwnt.exe 1339561 10-25-99 Modem Driver Package (v5.52) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390E - [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46JS49 mdltqwnt.txt 2592 10-25-99 README: Modem Driver Package (v5.52) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390E - [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46JS49 mdltvreg.exe 241064 08-16-99 LT Modem Region package (v1.00) for Windows 95/98 and NT: ThinkPad 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4ATGNX mdltvreg.txt 2255 08-31-99 README: LT Modem Region package (v1.00) for Windows 95/98 and NT: ThinkPad 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4ATGNX mdltvwin.exe 3814123 04-20-99 LT Modem Driver Package (v5.39a) for Windows 95/98 and NT 4.0: ThinkPad 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YQXZ mdltvwin.txt 1477 04-20-99 README: LT Modem Driver Package (v5.39a) for Windows 95/98 and NT 4.0: ThinkPad 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YQXZ mic12db2.exe 147364 07-02-99 Patch for low microphone gain after reinstalling the audio driver under Windows 95: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD [PFTW] mic12db2.txt 906 07-02-99 README: Patch for low microphone gain after reinstalling the audio driver under Windows 95: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD [PFTW] micsetfr.exe 1145217 12-05-97 French - Microphone Setup Patch needed for VoiceType Simply Speaking or Simply Speaking Gold - Disk 1 of 1: ThinkPad 770 micsetgr.exe 1153209 12-05-97 German - Microphone Setup Patch needed for VoiceType Simply Speaking or Simply Speaking Gold - Disk 1 of 1: ThinkPad 770 micsetit.exe 1202216 12-05-97 Italian - Microphone Setup Patch needed for VoiceType Simply Speaking or Simply Speaking Gold - Disk 1 of 1: ThinkPad 770 micsetsp.exe 1131755 12-05-97 Spain - Microphone Setup Patch needed for VoiceType Simply Speaking or Simply Speaking Gold - Disk 1 of 1: ThinkPad 770 micsetuk.exe 1153219 12-05-97 UK - Microphone Setup Patch needed for VoiceType Simply Speaking or Simply Speaking Gold - Disk 1 of 1: ThinkPad 770 micsetus.exe 1325251 12-05-97 US - Microphone Setup Patch needed for VoiceType Simply Speaking or Simply Speaking Gold: ThinkPad 770 [PFTW] micsetus.txt 339 12-05-97 README: US - Microphone Setup Patch needed for VoiceType Simply Speaking or Simply Speaking Gold: ThinkPad 770 [PFTW] modemcu6.txt 3331 03-18-99 README: Modem Country Update Diskette (v1.50) for Windows 3.1 and OS/2: ThinkPad 600 (Note: Not needed for Windows 95/98 or NT if you apply v1.50ww of the V.90 update) modemcu7.txt 3125 03-18-99 README: Modem Country Update Diskette (v1.60) for Windows 3.1, and OS/2: ThinkPad 770, 770ED (Note: Not needed for Windows 95/98 or NT if you apply v1.50ww of the V.90 update) modemcuo.exe 1166593 03-18-99 Modem Country Update Diskette (v1.60 and v1.50) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED modemcuw.exe 1230005 03-18-99 Modem Country Update Diskette (v1.60 and v1.50) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED (Note: Not needed for Windows 95/98 or NT if you apply v1.50ww of the V.90 update) mptp4wnt.exe 321262 05-20-97 MPEG-2 Multimedia Driver (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 760ED, 760XD, 765D [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3HGATB mptp4wnt.txt 8192 05-20-97 README: MPEG-2 Multimedia Driver (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 760ED, 760XD, 765D [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3HGATB mptpcw98.exe 417913 03-30-99 MPEG Features III (v1.02) for Windows 98: 770X, 770Z ONLY! [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46FRPA mptpcw98.txt 3474 03-30-99 README: MPEG Features III (v1.02) for Windows 98: 770X, 770Z ONLY! [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46FRPA mptpdw95.exe 536576 04-18-98 MPEG Features Package (v1.10) for SoftDVD in Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: YAST-3MAS4C mptpdw95.txt 4188 04-18-98 README: MPEG Features Package (v1.10) for SoftDVD in Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: YAST-3MAS4C mptpdw9x.exe 450030 06-11-99 MPEG Features III (v1.20) for DVDExpress in Windows 95/98: Windows 95 on ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z and for Windows 98 on the 770, 770E, 770ED systems ONLY! [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZNV2Z mptpdw9x.txt 2775 06-11-99 README: MPEG Features III (v1.20) for DVDExpress in Windows 95/98: Windows 95 on ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z and for Windows 98 on the 770, 770E, 770ED systems ONLY! [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZNV2Z mptpdwnt.exe 348624 03-30-99 MPEG Features III (v1.55) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZFUKG mptpdwnt.txt 6054 03-30-99 README: MPEG Features III (v1.55) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZFUKG mptpf100.exe 1248374 02-26-96 MindPath Presentation (v1.0): ThinkPad 760 mptpfos2.exe 1422912 07-22-96 MPEG Video Disk (v1.00) OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 760CD mptpfos2.txt 2142 07-22-96 README: MPEG Video Disk (v1.00) OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 760CD mptpfw31.exe 263486 09-26-97 MPEG Video Drivers for Windows 3.11: ThinkPad 760ED/XD, 765D mptpfw31.txt 2255 09-26-97 README: MPEG Video Drivers for Windows 3.11: ThinkPad 760ED/XD, 765D mptpfw95.exe 302414 08-28-96 MPEG Features Package I (v1.11) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 760CD [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: EMON-3MUKNZ mptpfw95.txt 1024 08-28-96 README: MPEG Features Package I (v1.11) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 760CD [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: EMON-3MUKNZ mptpgcd1.exe 347634 01-16-98 Video CD Player Install Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95: Thinkpad 760CD/ED/XD, 765D mptpgcd1.txt 1261 01-16-98 README: Video CD Player Install Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95: Thinkpad 760CD/ED/XD, 765D mptpgos2.exe 1412192 05-16-97 MMPM/2 MPEG Update Diskette II (v1.20) for OS/2: Thinkpad 760ED/XD,765D mptpgos2.txt 2351 05-16-97 README: MMPM/2 MPEG Update Diskette II (v1.20) for OS/2: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D mptpgw31.exe 266955 05-16-97 MPEG Features Diskette II (v1.12) for Windows 3.1: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D mptpgw31.txt 3498 06-30-97 README: MPEG Features Diskette II (v1.12) for Windows 3.1: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D mptpgw95.exe 347136 05-16-97 MPEG Features Package II (v1.12) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: COBN-383CHS mptpgw95.txt 4188 05-16-97 README: MPEG Features Package II (v1.12) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: COBN-383CHS msmmwave.exe 9381 03-20-95 MWave 1.X MS Mail Remote Fix mw2000r2.exe 1818997 10-28-99 Mwave for Windows 2000 (Beta 3 RC2): ThinkPad 760XD, 765D [PFTW] mw2000r2.txt 20135 10-28-99 README: Mwave for Windows 2000 (Beta 3 RC2): ThinkPad 760XD, 765D [PFTW] mw95wav.exe 146977 01-26-96 DSP Patch Mwave (v2.10) for Windows 95 mw95wav.txt 3597 09-18-96 README: DSP Patch Mwave (v2.10) for Windows 95 mwaudos2.exe 190316 05-22-97 Mwave Audio Features Diskette (v2.24) for OS/2: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX and 760C/CD/E/ED/XD mwave202.txt 19868 10-25-96 MWave (v2.22) Install in OS/2 on ThinkPads mwave222.txt 17624 01-30-97 Mwave Support (2.22) for OS/2 on IBM ThinkPad's mwave224.txt 17400 11-07-97 Mwave Support (2.24) for OS/2 on IBM ThinkPad's mwavefix.exe 597623 08-04-95 MWave Fix (MacroMedia,>16M,Sierra) mwaveras.exe 261449 08-20-96 Updated MODEM.INF for MWAVE, RAS & WFWG mwavew95.txt 12560 06-24-98 README: Mwave for Windows 95/98 (v 2.25a) ThinkPad 755CE, 755CSE, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D (For use in the United States, Canada, or Japan ONLY) mwavew9a.exe 1272685 06-24-98 Mwave (v 2.25a) Disk 1 of 3 for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 755CE, 755CSE, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CX, 755CV, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D (For use in the United States, Canada, or Japan ONLY) mwavew9b.exe 1406014 06-24-98 Mwave (v 2.25a) Disk 2 of 3 for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 755CE, 755CSE, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CX, 755CV, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D (For use in the United States, Canada, or Japan ONLY) mwavew9c.exe 1305437 06-24-98 Mwave for Windows 95/98 (v 2.25a) Disk 3 of 3: ThinkPad 755CE, 755CSE, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D (For use in the United States, Canada, or Japan ONLY) mwdoswin.txt 8367 01-30-97 Mwave (v2.22) Supplemental for DOS and Windows on IBM ThinkPad's mwmacnt4.exe 72388 02-24-98 Mwave (v2.2, v2.21, v2.3) Macromedia wave file fix for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D mwmacnt4.txt 1779 02-24-98 README: Mwave (v2.2, v2.21, v2.3) Macromedia wave file fix for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D mwmidi-2.exe 1381470 10-17-96 MWave MIDI Sample Diskette 2 of 6 (v2.30) for Windows 3.1/95/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mwmidi-3.exe 1381216 10-17-96 MWave MIDI Sample Diskette 3 of 6 (v2.30) for Windows 3.1/95/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mwmidi-4.exe 1331687 10-17-96 MWave MIDI Sample Diskette 4 of 6 (v2.30) for Windows 3.1/95/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mwmidi-5.exe 1358728 10-17-96 MWave MIDI Sample Diskette 5 of 6 (v2.30) for Windows 3.1/95/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mwmidi-6.exe 560187 10-17-96 MWave MIDI Sample Diskette 6 of 6 (v2.30) for Windows 3.1/95/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mwmidio1.exe 408140 10-17-96 MWave MIDI Sample Diskette 1 of 6 (v2.30) for OS/2: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D (Diskettes 2 to 6 are common with Windows 3.1/95/NT) mwmidio1.txt 1533 05-23-97 README: File for MWMIDIO1 and common midi files MWMIDI-2, MWMIDI-3, MWMIDI-4, MWMIDI-5, MWMIDI-6 mwmidiw1.exe 355852 10-17-96 MWMIDIW1.EXE MWave MIDI Sample Diskette 1 of 6 (v2.30) for Windows 3.1/95/NT: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mwmidiw1.txt 1745 05-23-97 README: File for MWMIDIW1 and common midi files MWMIDI-2,MWMIDI-3,MWMIDI-4,MWMIDI-5,MWMIDI-6 mwmidos2.exe 6204680 09-25-98 Self extracting Mwave MIDI Package for OS/2: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CDV, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D (This package contains MWMIDIO1.EXE, MWMIDI-2 through MWMIDI-6) Use -d when running this file. mwmidwin.exe 6095396 09-25-98 Self extracting Mwave MIDI Package File for Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windowsn 98, Windows NT: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D (This file contains mwmidi-2 to mwmidi-6, and mwmidiw1.exe.) mwmmtask.exe 166706 10-21-98 This patch is for the ThinkPad 755CE/CSE/CV/CD/CDV/CX (note: not all 755CX's use the Mwave modem), 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, and 765D with the Mwave modem. This is a self extracting zip file. For more information on this file, visit our support site at and search on DOC ID: LWIK-3ZASUM mwmodthr.exe 56950 07-01-95 MWave (v1.XX) Fix -Throughput w/Short Block xfr mwmsm28.exe 28322 08-19-96 MSMail fix for TP7XX users - MWave v2.X mwmsm28.txt 2982 08-19-96 README: MSMail fix for TP7XX users - MWave v2.X mwnotos2.exe 26400 02-12-98 Mwave (v2.24) fix for suspend / resume problems in Warp: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D. This is the actual executable. You should download the README file for instructions on how to install this fix: MWNOTOS2.TXT mwnotos2.txt 1552 02-12-98 README: How to install the Mwave (v2.24) fix for suspend / resume problems in Warp: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mwnt336.txt 32113 09-08-97 README: Mwave 336k support for Windows NT: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mwnt3361.exe 1057630 09-08-97 Mwave 336.k support for Windows NT diskette 1 of 2: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mwnt3362.exe 1187665 09-08-97 Mwave 336.k support for Windows NT diskette 2 of 2: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mwntvv.exe 253301 11-04-98 Mwave patch (v3.10) for ViaVoice 98 for Windows NT: ThinkPad 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D mwntvv.txt 2215 11-04-98 README: Mwave patch (v3.10) for ViaVoice 98 for Windows NT: ThinkPad 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D mwo224-1.exe 1257849 05-22-97 Mwave DSP Features (v2.24) for OS/2 Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mwo224-2.exe 1245446 05-22-97 Mwave DSP Features (v2.24) for OS/2 Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mwo224-x.txt 1953 05-22-97 README: Mwave DSP Features (v2.24) for OS/2: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mwos2aud.exe 268478 05-03-95 MWave Audio drv - OS2 2.1x - NOT WARP! mwpatch.exe 337660 10-12-98 Mwave disconnection patch (v1.08) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D mwpatch.txt 1692 10-12-98 README: Mwave disconnection patch (v1.08) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D mwpatw98.exe 569802 06-26-98 Mwave APM Patch (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 535, 535E, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D mwpatw98.txt 1951 06-26-98 README: Mwave APM Patch (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 535, 535E, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D mwqktest.txt 2827 04-03-96 README: for MWQTINST.EXE-MWave v2.0 & 2.1 mwqt74g.exe 213980 01-23-98 Mwave v2.25 Quicktime/Java/AOL/Mpeg fix: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD. 765D: only released for United States, Canada, and Japan. mwqt74g.txt 2212 01-23-98 README: Mwave v2.25 Quicktime/Java/AOL/Mpeg fix: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD. 765D: only released for United States, Canada, and Japan. mwqtinst.exe 308376 03-25-96 MWave (v2.0 and 2.1) Quick Test for Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 mwvod100.exe 98062 10-17-95 Voice Over Data Upgrade for MWave 2.0 mwvod100.txt 5842 10-17-95 README: Voice Over Data Upgrade for MWave 2.0 mww224-1.exe 1294754 06-10-97 Mwave DSP Features (v2.24) for Windows 3.1 Disk 1 of 3: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mww224-2.exe 1371084 06-10-97 Mwave DSP Features (v2.24) for Windows 3.1 Disk 2 of 3: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mww224-3.exe 1150266 06-10-97 Mwave DSP Features (v2.24) for Windows 3.1 Disk 3 of 3: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D mww224-x.txt 2267 05-22-97 README: Mwave DSP Features (v2.24) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, 765D n45bi41e.exe 91413 06-16-94 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v4.1E): N45 n51vdfix.exe 13662 06-16-94 Display Utility - N51sx netf56x1.exe 1235456 12-16-97 Client Services for Netfinity (v5.00.3) for Windows 95: Disk 1 of 5: ThinkPad 560X netf56x2.exe 1288293 12-16-97 Client Services for Netfinity (v5.00.3) for Windows 95: Disk 2 of 5: ThinkPad 560X netf56x3.exe 1192396 12-16-97 Client Services for Netfinity (v5.00.3) for Windows 95: Disk 3 of 5: ThinkPad 560X netf56x4.exe 1215657 12-16-97 Client Services for Netfinity (v5.00.3) for Windows 95: Disk 4 of 5: ThinkPad 560X netf56x5.exe 1200362 12-16-97 Client Services for Netfinity (v5.00.3) for Windows 95: Disk 5 of 5: ThinkPad 560X newrs.pdf 181078 02-20-98 TP 380, Aptiva - Real Estate Solution - Setup and Tips Guide ntcddock.exe 182272 12-22-97 Fix for CDROM Audio on a DOCK II when using a 760E/ED/EL/ELD/XD/XL [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: BBOD-3LYJZV ntcddock.txt 1046 12-22-97 README: Fix for CDROM Audio on a DOCK II when using a 760E/ED/EL/ELD/XD/XL [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: BBOD-3LYJZV oceanhmm.pdf 1190067 02-19-98 HMM ThinkPad SelectaDock II onlinreg.exe 1456343 05-27-97 Online Registration: ThinkPad 760E/ED/EL/ELD ops4463f.pdf 53904 04-01-98 ThinkPad Options Compatibility Matrix pc31dos.exe 345595 10-16-97 PC Card Program Diskette (v4.02g.01a) for Dos: ThinkPad 310,315 (US, EMEA & Japan) pc31dos.txt 2025 10-16-97 README: PC Card Program Diskette (v4.02g.01a) for Dos: ThinkPad 310,315 (US, EMEA & Japan) pc31w31a.exe 731213 10-16-97 PC Card Program Diskette 1 of 2 (v4.02g01a) for Windows 3.11: ThinkPad 310,315 (US, EMEA & Asia Pacific only) pc31w31b.exe 733675 10-16-97 PC Card Program Diskette 2 of 2 (v4.02g01a) for Windows 3.11: ThinkPad 310,315 (US, EMEA & Asia Pacific only) pc31w31x.txt 2221 10-16-97 README: PC Card Program (v4.02g01a) for Windows 3.11: ThinkPad 310,315 (US, EMEA & Asia Pacific only) pc36bw31.exe 501840 09-18-96 PCMCIA (v1.40) for Windows 3.11 and OS/2: ThinkPads 365C/CD/E/ED pc36bw31.txt 4594 08-02-96 README: PCMCIA (v1.40) for Windows 3.11 and OS/2: ThinkPads 365C/CD/E/ED pccardup.exe 194112 01-05-98 Update 3 of 3 for PCMCIA Support for Windows 95 OSR2: ThinkPad 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L ( See the following document for complete details about this driver.) Web Doc ID: RJJR-3QFSKR pccd2000.exe 154624 05-07-99 IBM Portable PCMCIA CD-ROM Device Driver for Windows 2000 Beta 3: IBM 20X-8X PCMCIA CD-ROM drive, IBM Portable 4X Speed CD-ROM (PCMCIA) [PFTW] pccd2000.txt 4146 05-07-99 README: IBM Portable PCMCIA CD-ROM Device Driver for Windows 2000 Beta 3: IBM 20X-8X PCMCIA CD-ROM drive, IBM Portable 4X Speed CD-ROM (PCMCIA) [PFTW] pcdrfix.exe 579231 08-11-99 Fix (v1.00) for PC Doctor version 2.1.214: ThinkPad 390, iSeries 1720 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-449P2N pcdrfix.txt 1194 08-11-99 README: Fix (v1.00) for PC Doctor version 2.1.214: ThinkPad 390, iSeries 1720 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-449P2N pcenablr.pdf 735887 10-22-98 PC Card Enabler with Advance EtherJet Feature User's Guide pcm2ata.exe 16444 09-12-95 PCMCIA ATA Drv - WARP pcs38dos.exe 744991 09-08-97 CardSoft Disk (v5.02.17) for DOS: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED pcs38dos.txt 1655 09-08-97 README: CardSoft Disk (v5.02.17) for DOS: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED pctp4wnt.exe 232448 11-17-97 PC Card Director (v1.02) for Windows NT 4.0: Thinkpad 365X, 365XD, 535, 560, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L [PFTW] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3GDCC6 pctp4wnt.txt 2127 11-17-97 README: PC Card Director (v1.02) for Windows NT 4.0: Thinkpad 365X, 365XD, 535, 560, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L [PFTW] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3GDCC6 pctpb95a.exe 979870 11-03-98 PCMCIA CardWorks (v5.50.06S) for Windows 95, Disk 1 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 pctpb95b.exe 662063 11-03-98 PCMCIA CardWorks (v5.50.06S) for Windows 95, Disk 2 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 pctpb95c.exe 1452258 11-03-98 PCMCIA CardWorks (v5.50.06S) for Windows 95, Disk 3 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 pctpb95x.txt 2249 11-03-98 README: PCMCIA CardWorks (v5.50.06S) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 pctpbdos.exe 783199 11-03-98 PCMCIA CardSoft (v5.32e) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 pctpbdos.txt 2031 11-03-98 README: PCMCIA CardSoft (v5.32e) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 pctpbw31.exe 1234284 01-11-99 PCMCIA CardWizard (v5.30.09K) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 pctpbw31.txt 2598 01-11-99 README: PCMCIA CardWizard (v5.30.09K) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 pctpcdos.exe 749568 05-12-99 CardSoft Driver (v5.32.23) for DOS: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NPU8M pctpcdos.txt 4227 05-12-99 README: CardSoft Driver (v5.32.23) for DOS: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NPU8M pctpcw31.exe 1099783 07-08-99 CardWizard driver (v5.32.21.sk4) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NPUGX pctpcw31.txt 3244 07-08-99 README: CardWizard driver (v5.32.21.sk4) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NPUGX pctpcw95.exe 1777854 04-20-99 CardWorks Driver (v5.32.25.vpr) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NPUKY pctpcw95.txt 4028 04-20-99 README: CardWorks Driver (v5.32.25.vpr) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NPUKY pctpcwnt.exe 1206272 04-30-99 CardWizard PCMCIA Driver (v3.10.04j) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3NPUQX pctpcwnt.txt 4213 04-30-99 README: CardWizard PCMCIA Driver (v3.10.04j) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3NPUQX pctpdock.exe 162069 07-15-98 PCMCIA PC Card Drivers for SelectaDock I and SelectaDock II (v. 1.01) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z - [PFTW] NOTE: Web Doc ID: DSHY-3VRR25 pctpdock.txt 3689 07-15-98 README: PCMCIA PC Card Drivers for SelectaDock I and SelectaDock II (v. 1.01) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z - [PFTW] NOTE: Web Doc ID: DSHY-3VRR25 pctpgos2.exe 839039 10-01-99 PC Card Director (v4.12) for OS/2: ThinkPad 345, 365X/XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 390, 390E, 390X, 535, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E/ED, 760EL/ELD, 760L/LD, 760XD, 760XL, 770, 770E/ED, 770X, 770Z pctpgos2.txt 13004 10-01-99 README: PC Card Director (v4.12) for OS/2: ThinkPad 345, 365X/XD, 380's, 385's, 390's, 535's, 560's, 600's, 760's, 770's [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: YAST-3MDRYE pctpgw31.exe 714411 11-17-97 PC Card Director (v4.07) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 345C, 345CS, 365X, 365XD, 560, 560E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L pctpgw31.txt 8005 11-17-97 README: PC Card Director (v4.07) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 345C, 345CS, 365X, 365XD, 560, 560E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L pctpgw95.exe 834271 10-26-98 PC Card Director (v4.08) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 345C, 345CS, 365X, 365XD, 560, 560E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: GSMH-3AVHVL pctpgw95.txt 13338 10-26-98 README: PC Card Director (v4.08) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 345C, 345CS, 365X, 365XD, 560, 560E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L pctphw98.exe 228488 04-09-99 PC Card (PCMCIA) Features Package (v1.34) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400 [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUWX pctphw98.txt 1968 04-09-99 README: PCMCIA Features Package I (v1.34) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400 [NOTE: Only the following Model/Type numbers are supported: 2611 - 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456)] [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUWX pctpirds.exe 787483 06-30-99 CardSoft PCMCIA drivers (v3014a) for DOS: ThinkPad 240 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496lsQ pctpirds.txt 2086 06-30-99 README: CardSoft PCMCIA drivers (v3014a) for DOS: ThinkPad 240 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496lsQ pctpqdos.exe 786274 03-16-99 PCMCIA CardSoft (v5.32.18k) for DOS: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-463QLB pctpqdos.txt 1979 03-16-99 README: PCMCIA CardSoft (v5.32.18k) for DOS: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-463QLB pctpqw31.exe 1201915 03-16-99 PCMCIA CardWizard (v5.30.09K4) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-463RW4 pctpqw31.txt 2184 03-16-99 README: PCMCIA CardWizard (v5.30.09K4) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-463RW4 pctpqw95.exe 2452754 07-30-99 PCMCIA PC Card CardWorks (v5.50.06T3) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45ZJNW pctpqw95.txt 3683 07-30-99 README: PCMCIA PC Card CardWorks (v5.50.06T3) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45ZJNW pctpx130.exe 523195 07-24-95 PCMCIA Disk (v1.3): Thinkpads 340/CSE, 350/C/CS, 360/C/CS/P/CSE/CE/PE, 370C, 500, 510CS, 701C, 720/C, 750/C/P/CS/CE, 755C/CS/CE/CD/CSE/CX/CV/CDV pctpx130.txt 3778 07-25-95 README: PCMCIA Disk (v1.3): Thinkpads 340/CSE, 350/C/CS, 360/C/CS/P/CSE/CE/PE, 370C, 500, 510CS, 701C, 720/C, 750/C/P/CS/CE, 755C/CS/CE/CD/CSE/CX/CV/CDV pcw38w31.exe 1129774 09-08-97 CardWizard (v5.02.17) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED pcw38w31.txt 1720 09-08-97 README: CardWizard (v5.02.17) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED persdata.exe 130048 05-07-99 ThinkPad Personlization Data Update Diskette for Windows 2000 Beta 3: ThinkPad 380E/ED/XD/Z, 385E/ED/XD, 560E/X/Z, 570, 600/E, 760XD/XL, 765D/L, 600 (all), 770 (all) [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: LWIK-46SNR pm75xwnt.exe 176128 01-07-97 Power Management Driver (v1.0) for Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CX [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3B4L3U pm75xwnt.txt 1037 01-07-97 README: Power Management Driver (v1.0) for Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CX [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3B4L3U pu310w95.exe 332988 02-10-98 Patch Utility Package (v1.20) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED, 315 [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3JDB6L pu310w95.txt 1784 02-10-98 README: Patch Utility Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED, 315 [PFTW]; Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3JDB6L qexpunit.exe 29219 10-21-96 update QEXPUNIT Dock Utility 760E/ED PCI r700c120.exe 666898 09-17-93 Reference Disk (v1.20): ThinkPad 700C r700m120.exe 665631 09-17-93 Reference Disk (v1.20): ThinkPad 700 r720c120.exe 663484 09-17-93 Reference Disk (v1.20): ThinkPad 720C r720m120.exe 663760 09-18-93 Reference Disk (v1.20): ThinkPad 720 rc140121.exe 10225664 05-26-99 RingCentral Fax version 1.40.121 for use with ThinkPad 390, 390E, i Series 1400, and i Series 172x systems. This update corrects a symptom with Novell Client 3.1. Please visit the support site at for additional information rc140121.txt 2094 05-26-99 README: RingCentral Fax version 1.40.121 for use with ThinkPad 390, 390E, i Series 1400, and i Series 172x systems. This update corrects a symptom with Novell Client 3.1. rc410107.txt 2084 05-03-99 README: Ring Central update from 4.10.97, 4.10.99 to 4.10.107 to be used with RC41097 and RC41099. rc41078.exe 444555 07-01-98 Updates Ring Central version 4.10.78 to version 4.10.87. You must update to version 4.10.87 before you can update to version 4.10.105 which will work with Windows 98. rc41082.exe 312208 07-01-98 Updates Ring Central version 4.10.82 to version 4.10.87. You must update to version 4.10.87 before you can update to version 4.10.105 which will work with Windows 98. rc41085.exe 257377 07-01-98 Updates Ring Central version 4.10.85 to version 4.10.87. You must update to version 4.10.87 before you can update to version 4.10.105 which will work with Windows 98. rc41097.exe 445838 05-03-99 Ring Central update from 4.10.97 to 4.10.107: Note: This version is preloaded on Thinkpad 600, 770ED Windows 95 model for AP-English and US. Please see RC410107.TXT for more details. rc41099.exe 413406 05-03-99 Ring Central update from 4.10.99 to 4.10.107: Note: This version is preloaded on ThinkPad 600, 770ED Windows 95 model for Brazil, Canada-French, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, LA-Spanish, Netherland, Norway, PanEurope, Spain, Sweden, and UK. PLEASE SEE RC410107.TXT for more details. rc410xx.txt 1585 07-01-98 README: Updates Ring Central version 4.10.78, 4.10.82, or 4.10.85 to version 4.10.87. You must update to version 4.10.87 before you can update to version 4.10.105 which will work with Windows 98. rcl57100.exe 615503 04-23-94 Reference Disk (v1.00): CL57 rcupdt.exe 759659 07-01-98 Updates Ring Central version 4.10.87 to version 4.10.105. You must update to version 4.10.87 before you can update to version 4.10.105 which will work with Windows 98. rcupdt.txt 927 07-01-98 README: Updates Ring Central version 4.10.87 to version 4.10.105. You must update to version 4.10.87 before you can update to version 4.10.105 which will work with Windows 98. remcdir.exe 202752 06-24-98 This file is used to facilitate the removal of PC Card Director when upgrading from Windows 95 to Windows 98: ThinkPad 365X/XD, 560/E, 760, 765 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: PFAN-3VRTMZ remcdir.txt 1045 06-24-98 README: This file is used to facilitate the removal of PC Card Director when upgrading from Windows 95 to Windows 98: ThinkPad 365X/XD, 560/E, 760, 765 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: PFAN-3VRTMZ remideup.exe 147096 04-01-98 Microsoft ATAPI IDE driver update to provide DMA Support for ATAPI devices, ATAPI Tape drive support, and SMART support for certain programs to predict whether a hard disk failure may occur. For base Windows 95, OSR0, OSR1. Not needed if using OSR2 or later. rfl40103.exe 498166 04-21-94 Reference Disk (v1.03): L40 rfn51120.exe 558459 04-21-94 Reference Disk (v1.20): N51 (SX & SLC) rld1240.exe 787575 11-01-99 ThinkPad Recovery CD Boot Diskette: ThinkPad 240 (models 21x and 15J only) [DSKEXE] rld1240.txt 3496 11-01-99 README: ThinkPad Recovery CD Boot Diskette: ThinkPad 240 (models 21x and 15J only) [DSKEXE] rld2240.exe 786395 11-01-99 ThinkPad Recovery CD Boot Diskette: ThinkPad 240 (models 31x and 35J only) [DSKEXE] rld2240.txt 3461 11-01-99 README: ThinkPad Recovery CD Boot Diskette: ThinkPad 240 (models 31x and 35J only) [DSKEXE] rlnt560z.exe 845612 06-22-99 Recovery boot diskette for Windows NT: ThinkPad 560Z systems preloaded with Windows NT [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR- s36b2141.exe 825836 11-13-96 System Disk (v2.14) Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 365C/CS/CD/CSD/E/ED s36b2142.exe 726349 08-02-96 System Disk (v2.14) Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 365C/CS/CD/CSD/E/ED s36b214x.txt 8429 08-28-96 README: System Disk (v2.14): ThinkPad 365C/CS/CD/CSD/E/ED s710t110.exe 236949 06-16-94 System Disk (v1.10): ThinkPad 710 s730t110.exe 722002 10-17-95 System Disk (v1.10): ThinkPad 730T s730t110.txt 3166 10-17-95 README: System Disk (v1.10): ThinkPad 730T sad2optn.exe 1056287 09-03-98 Select-A-Dock II (3547-002) Option Diskette sad2sup.pdf 665203 07-28-98 HMM Supplement for SelectaDock II sad2ugd.pdf 1181289 05-04-98 SelectaDock II User's Guide sad3optn.exe 1105653 03-30-98 Selectadock III Option Diskette sad3ug.pdf 2065602 10-26-98 SelectaDock III User's Guide sad3ugsp.pdf 9160 10-26-98 SelectaDock III Supplement to the User's Guide saddiag.exe 132024 04-18-98 Selectadock I and II Diagnostic Diskette (v1.01): ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z - NOTE: Web Doc ID: YAST-3MARN5 saddiag.txt 1738 04-18-98 README: Selectadock I and II Diagnostic Diskette (v1.01): ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z - NOTE: Web Doc ID: YAST-3MARN5 setpk102.exe 424157 09-03-97 REPLACED BY sytpi110 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.02): ThinkPad 560E, Web Document ID: DSHY-3MGMWJ spkon.exe 18870 09-15-98 Audio CD FIX for DOSK II: ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD spsdhr20.exe 424960 03-17-99 REPLACE BY SPSDHR21 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level hret20ww) : ThinkPad 560E - Posted on 04-26-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: EMON-3MLMWJ spsdhr21.exe 424089 10-14-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level HRET21WW): ThinkPad 560E - Posted to the Web on October 13, 1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: EMON-3MLMWJ spsdhr21.txt 5416 10-14-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level HRET21WW): ThinkPad 560E - Posted to the Web on October 13, 1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: EMON-3MLMWJ spsdhx58.exe 455680 05-03-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level hxet58ww): ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D, 765L - For XGA LCD Panels - Posted on 04-30-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: COBN-3D4DUG spsdhx59.exe 454899 10-13-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level hxet59ww): ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D, 765L - For XGA LCD Panels - Posted on 10-13-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: COBN-3D4DUG spsdhx59.txt 8798 10-13-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level hxet59ww): ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D, 765L - For XGA LCD Panels - Posted on 10-13-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: COBN-3D4DUG spsdhz71.exe 779264 05-03-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level HZET71WW or HYET78): ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XL systems with SVGA (800x600) LCD Panels. Posted on 05-03-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-38ABVB spsdhz72.exe 779353 10-13-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level HZET72WW or HYET79): ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XL systems with SVGA (800x600) LCD Panels. Posted on 10-13-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-38ABVB spsdhz72.txt 11465 10-13-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level HZET72WW or HYET79): ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XL systems with SVGA (800x600) LCD Panels. Posted on 10-13-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-38ABVB spsdi147.exe 398336 04-07-99 REPLACED BY SPSDI148 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level i1et47ww): ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED - Posted on 04-27-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: EMON-3MGGW8 spsdi148.exe 398044 10-18-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level I1ET48WW): ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED - Posted to the Web on 10-13-99 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: EMON-3MGGW8 spsdi148.txt 9580 10-18-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level I1ET48WW): ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED - Posted to the Web on 10-13-99 {DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: EMON-3MGGW8 spsdi831.exe 486400 04-30-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level I8ET31WW) : ThinkPad 560x [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSJHY-3QYK7L spsdi831.txt 7758 04-30-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level I8ET31WW) : ThinkPad 560x [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSJHY-3QYK7L spsdib40.exe 581632 04-12-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIB41 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ibet40ww): ThinkPad 600 - Posted on 04-27-99 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3VRJPK spsdib41.exe 581632 05-12-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIB42 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ibet41ww) Posted to the web on May 18, 1999: ThinkPad 600 [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3VRJPK spsdib42.exe 625948 06-24-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ibet42ww) Posted to the web on August 31, 1999: ThinkPad 600 [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3VRJPK spsdib43.exe 626563 10-14-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ibet43ww): ThinkPad 600 - Posted to the web on October 13, 1999 [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3VRJPK spsdib43.txt 12842 10-14-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ibet43ww): ThinkPad 600 - Posted to the web on October 13, 1999 [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3VRJPK spsdid33.exe 646802 09-15-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level IDET33WW) : ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED - Posted to the Web on April 27, 1999 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3P2MCB spsdid34.exe 649245 10-12-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level IDET34WW) : ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED - Posted to the Web on October 12, 1999 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3P2MCB spsdid34.txt 12269 10-12-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level IDET34WW) : ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED - Posted to the Web on October 12, 1999 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3P2MCB spsdie25.exe 520529 03-15-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIE26 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Build Level IEET25WW): ThinkPad 560Z [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YTKKV spsdie26.exe 521216 04-09-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIE27 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level IEET26WW) : ThinkPad 560Z - Posted to the Web on April 21, 1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YTKKV spsdie27.exe 521833 10-14-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level IEET27WW) : ThinkPad 560Z [DSKEXE] - Posted to the Web on October 13, 1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YTKKV spsdie27.txt 6497 10-14-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level IEET27WW) : ThinkPad 560Z [DSKEXE] - Posted to the Web on October 13, 1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YTKKV spsdif17.exe 848896 04-08-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIF18 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ifet17ww or icet29ww): ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD - Posted on 04-27-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3S2RLY spsdif30.exe 850201 10-18-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ifet18ww or icet30ww): ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD - Posted on 10-13-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3S2RLY spsdif30.txt 13818 10-18-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ifet18ww or icet30ww): ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD - Posted on 10-13-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3S2RLY spsdig26.exe 578058 03-15-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIG27 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level IGet26WW): ThinkPad 380Z [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YVL6D spsdig26.txt 7303 03-15-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIG27 - README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level IGet26WW): ThinkPad 380Z [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YVL6D spsdig27.exe 578240 04-09-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level iget27ww): ThinkPad 380Z - Posted on 04-26-99 -[DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YVL6D spsdig27.txt 7563 04-09-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level iget27ww): ThinkPad 380Z - Posted on 04-27-99 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YVL6D spsdih36.exe 578560 04-12-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIH37 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ihet36ww): ThinkPad 600E (2645-55*, 2645-A5* Models ONLY!) - Posted on 04-27-99 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-43DNQ5 spsdih37.exe 624390 06-28-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ihet37ww): ThinkPad 600E (2645-55x , A5U, Bxx (except for BAU), Jxx, and RRA Models ONLY!) [DSKEXE] Posted to the Web on August 31, 1999 - Web Doc ID: DSHY-43DNQ5 spsdih38.exe 625696 10-14-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ihet38ww): ThinkPad 600E (2645-55x , A5U, BAx (except for BAU), BBx, JJ1, JJ2, and RRA Models ONLY!) [DSKEXE] Posted to the Web on October 13, 1999 - Web Doc ID: DSHY-43DNQ5 spsdih38.txt 9612 10-14-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ihet38ww): ThinkPad 600E (2645-55x , A5U, BAx (except for BAU), BBx, JJ1, JJ2, and RRA Models ONLY!) [DSKEXE] Posted to the Web on October 13, 1999 - Web Doc ID: DSHY-43DNQ5 spsdii37.exe 582656 04-15-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level iiet37ww) : ThinkPad 770X - Posted to the Web on April 27, 1999 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-42QLVU spsdii38.exe 584248 10-14-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level IIET38WW) : ThinkPad 770X - Posted to the Web on October 12, 1999 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-42QLVU spsdii38.txt 6582 10-12-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level IIET38WW) : ThinkPad 770X - Posted to the Web on October 12, 1999 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-42QLVU spsdija7.exe 994425 10-22-98 REPLACED BY SPSDIJC0 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-A7): ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 - Posted on 11-13-1998 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-427MCG spsdijc0.exe 994807 12-12-98 REPLACED BY SPSDIJC3 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-C0): ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 - Posted on 01-11-1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-427MCG spsdijc3.exe 981694 12-24-98 REPLACED BY SPSDIJE0 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-C3): ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 - Posted on 02-17-1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-427MCG spsdije0.exe 750178 07-13-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIJF0 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-E0): ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 - Posted on 07-30-1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-427MCG spsdijf0.exe 751024 09-14-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-F0): ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 - Posted on 09-14-1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-427MCG spsdijf0.txt 7466 11-04-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-F0): ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 - Posted on 09-14-1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-427MCG spsdijf3.exe 751978 10-13-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS) for Windows 2000 Beta 3 - ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 - DO NOT INSTALL THIS BIOS UPDATE IF YOU ARE USING ANY OTHER OPERATING SYSTEM!! [DSKEXE] spsdijf3.txt 6707 10-13-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS) for Windows 2000 Beta 3 - ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 - DO NOT INSTALL THIS BIOS UPDATE IF YOU ARE USING ANY OTHER OPERATING SYSTEM!! [DSKEXE] spsdik5h.exe 279734 10-30-98 REPLACED BY SPSDIK6A - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-A5H): ThinkPad i Series 1400 (except Models 40x, 47x, 49x, 412, 452, 456, {43x except 434 and 435}) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZRS4M spsdik6a.exe 276086 11-12-98 REPLACED BY SPSDIK6D - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-A6A): ThinkPad i Series 1400 (except Models 40x, 47x, 49x, 412, 452, 456, {43x except 434 and 435}) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZRS4M spsdik6d.exe 275788 12-15-98 REPLACED BY SPSDIK6L - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-A6D): ThinkPad i Series 1400 (except Models 40x, 47x, 49x, 412, 452, 456, {43x except 434 and 435}) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZRS4M spsdik6l.exe 271424 03-26-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIK6M - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-A6L): ThinkPad i Series 1400 (except Models 40x, 47x, 49x, 412, 452, 456, {43x except 434 and 435}) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZRS4M spsdik6m.exe 276480 06-07-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIK6N - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-A6M): ThinkPad i Series 1400 (except Models 40x, 47x, 49x, 412, 452, 456, {43x except 434 and 435}) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZRS4M spsdik6n.exe 271436 09-02-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-A6N): ThinkPad i Series 1400 (except Models 1412/1452/1472) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZRS4M spsdik6n.txt 3788 09-03-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-A6N): ThinkPad i Series 1400 (except Models 1412/1452/1472) [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZRS4M spsdila3.exe 517838 08-11-99 REPLACED BY SPSDILA7 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01_A3): ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46AKPY spsdila7.exe 518352 09-08-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01_A7): ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46AKPY spsdila7.txt 8174 11-04-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01_A7): ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46AKPY spsdilb1.exe 519100 10-13-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS) for Windows 2000 Beta 3 - ThinkPad 390E - DO NOT USE THIS BIOS WITH ANY OTHER OPERATING SYSTEM!! [DSKEXE] spsdilb1.txt 6292 10-13-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS) for Windows 2000 Beta 3 - ThinkPad 390E - DO NOT USE THIS BIOS WITH ANY OTHER OPERATING SYSTEM!! [DSKEXE] spsdilf4.exe 557730 03-20-99 REPLACED BY SPSDILG2 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.00-R00-F4): ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46AKPY spsdilg2.exe 564515 04-09-99 REPLACED BY SPSDILH5 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.00-R00-G2): ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46AKPY spsdilh5.exe 516096 05-27-99 REPLACED BY SPSDILH8 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS vR00_H5): ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46AKPY spsdilh8.exe 517120 06-03-99 REPLACED BY SPSDILI1 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R00_H8): ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46AKPY spsdili1.exe 516474 07-06-99 REPLACED BY SPSDILA3 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R00_I1): ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46AKPY spsdim39.exe 443392 04-20-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIM43 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level imet39ww) Posted to the Web on April 26, 1999: ThinkPad 570 Date [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-47JS5Z spsdim43.exe 421888 05-28-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIM45 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level imet43ww): ThinkPad 570 Posted to the Web on June 7, 1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-47JS5Z spsdim45.exe 421065 09-10-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIM52 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level imet45ww): ThinkPad 570 Posted to the Web on July 1, 1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-47JS5Z spsdim45.txt 5679 09-10-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level imet45ww): ThinkPad 570 Posted to the Web on July 1, 1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-47JS5Z spsdim52.exe 501497 09-27-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level imet52ww): ThinkPad 570 - Posted to the Web on September 27, 1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-47JS5Z spsdim52.txt 7486 09-27-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level imet52ww): ThinkPad 570 - Posted to the Web on September 27, 1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-47JS5Z spsdin21.exe 581632 04-14-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIN22: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Build Level inet21ww): ThinkPad 600E (2645-3Ax, 2645-4Ax, 2645-5Ax, 2645-8Ax Models ONLY!) - Posted on 04-27-99 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-46HLKQ spsdin22.exe 582656 04-28-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIN24: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Build Level INET22WW): ThinkPad 600E (2645-3Ax, 2645-4Ax, 2645-5Ax, 2645-8Ax Models ONLY!) Date posted to Web: May 14, 1999 [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-46HLKQ spsdin24.exe 628371 05-24-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level INET24WW): ThinkPad 600E (2646, 2645-3xx, 4xx, 5Ax, 5Bx, 5Jx, 8xx, Axx, BAU, Cxx, Dxx, Exx, Gxx, Mxx, RPx, RRx, Uxx) not for A5U and RRA. Posted to Web: 08-31-1999 [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-46HLKQ spsdin25.exe 630321 10-14-99 System Program Service Disk (BIOS Level INET25WW): ThinkPad 600E (2646, 2645-3xx,4xx, 5Ax,5Bx,5Jx, 8xx, AAU,ALx,AMx, BAU, Cxx, Dxx, Exx, Fxx, Gxx, Ixx, JJ3, Mxx, Pxx, Rxx, SSx, Uxx) Not for RRA -Posted to Web: 10-13-1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46HLKQ spsdin25.txt 8958 10-14-99 README: System Program Service Disk (BIOS Level INET25WW): ThinkPad 600E (2646, 2645-selected models) - Posted to Web on 10-13-1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46HLKQ spsdio18.exe 585728 04-29-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ioet18ww): ThinkPad 770Z - Posted to the Web on 04-28-1999 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-47F3VA spsdio19.exe 588509 10-12-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ioet19ww): ThinkPad 770Z - Posted to the Web on 10-12-1999 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-47F3VA spsdio19.txt 5154 10-12-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ioet19ww): ThinkPad 770Z - Posted to the Web on 10-12-1999 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-47F3VA spsdiq2i.exe 291963 06-14-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-A2I): ThinkPadi Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) - Posted on 06-14-99 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR- spsdiq3c.exe 297800 08-26-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-A3CI): ThinkPad i Series 1500 (2611), i Series 1400 Models 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) - Posted on 08-26-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-48XKLN spsdiq3c.txt 3266 08-26-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-A3CI): ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) - Posted on 08-26-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-48XKLN spsdir07.exe 417756 09-13-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS) for Windows 2000 Beta 3: ThinkPad 240 [DSKEXE]. DO NOT USE THIS BIOS WITH ANY OTHER OPERATING SYSTEM!! If you are running any operating system than use filename spsdir19.exe. spsdir07.txt 7980 09-13-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS) for Windows 2000 Beta 3: ThinkPad 240 [DSKEXE]. DO NOT USE THIS BIOS WITH ANY OTHER OPERATING SYSTEM!! If you are running any operating system than use filename spsdir19.exe. spsdir14.exe 417859 06-22-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIR17 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level iret14ww): ThinkPad 240 - Posted on 06-24-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LGR spsdir17.exe 417937 07-29-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIR19 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level iret17ww): ThinkPad 240 - Posted on 08-06-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LGR spsdir19.exe 418025 09-08-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level iret19ww): ThinkPad 240 - Posted on 09-08-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LGR spsdir60.exe 418043 11-03-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level iret60ww): ThinkPad 240 - Posted on 11-03-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LGR spsdir60.txt 6916 11-03-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level iret60ww): ThinkPad 240 - Posted on 11-03-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LGR spsdis30.exe 760854 09-27-99 System Program Service Diskette (Build level isbo30ww): ThinkPad 390X - Posted to the Web on September 27, 1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5UP9 spsdis30.txt 3458 11-04-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (Build level isbo30ww): ThinkPad 390X - Posted to the Web on September 27, 1999 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5UP9 spsdix1m.exe 326472 10-05-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-A1M) Posted to the web on October 05, 1999: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621 only) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDPQ3 spsdix1m.txt 3310 10-05-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS version R01-A1M) Posted to the web on October 05, 1999: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621 only) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDPQ3 sscrdbus.ini 671 09-04-98 Sscrdbus.ini is an updated ini file for CardWizard for Windows NT to allow the use of IRQ 10 for PC Cards. For more detailed information about the file and for installation instructions, goto the following web page: sy36x105.exe 416576 01-30-97 REPLACED BY SYTPX110 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.05): ThinkPad 365X, 365XD sy36x105.txt 5743 02-06-97 REPLACED BY SYTPX110 - README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.05): ThinkPad 365X, 365XD sy510137.exe 844805 08-10-95 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.37): ThinkPad 510 sys7013o.exe 475412 08-19-96 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v3O): ThinkPad 701 sys7013o.txt 8442 01-11-96 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v3O): ThinkPad 701 sytpa117.exe 248260 02-10-98 REPLACED by SYTPA118 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.17): ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED sytpa117.txt 5002 02-10-98 REPLACED by SYTPA118 - README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.17): ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED sytpa118.exe 248274 03-18-98 REPLACED by SYTPA120 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.18): ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED sytpa118.txt 5389 03-18-98 REPLACED by SYTPA120 - README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.18): ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED sytpa120.exe 248282 06-04-98 REPLACED BY SYTPA122 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.20): ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED sytpa120.txt 6033 06-04-98 REPLACED BY SYTPA122 - README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.20): ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED sytpa122.exe 367943 07-06-98 REPLACED BY SYTPA124 - System Progam Service Diskette (BIOS v1.22): ThinkPad 310, 310E, 310D, 310ED, 315, 315D, 315ED sytpa122.txt 6544 07-06-98 REPLACED BY SYTPA124 - README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.22): ThinkPad 310, 315 sytpa124.exe 248818 07-28-98 System Progam Service Diskette (BIOS v1.24): ThinkPad 310, 310E, 310D, 310ED, 315, 315D, 315ED sytpa124.txt 7024 07-28-98 README: System Progam Service Diskette (BIOS v1.24): ThinkPad 310, 310E, 310D, 310ED, 315, 315D, 315ED sytpc100.exe 576728 10-01-98 REPLACED BY SYTPC101 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level iiet32ww) : ThinkPad 770X - Posted to the Web on November 30, 1998 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-42QLVU sytpc101.exe 579911 12-16-98 REPLACED BY SYTPC102 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level iiet34ww) : ThinkPad 770X - Posted to the Web on December 21, 1998 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-42QLVU sytpc102.exe 579913 12-16-98 REPLACED BY SPSDII37 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level iiet34ww) : ThinkPad 770X - Posted to the Web on March 05, 1999 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-42QLVU sytpd100.exe 525623 10-28-97 REPLACED BY SYTPD121 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level i7et40ww) : ThinkPad 770 - Posted on 11-21-97 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3P2MCB sytpd121.exe 592227 06-23-98 REPLACED BY SYTPD122 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level idet23ww) : ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED - Posted on 06-24-98 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3P2MCB sytpd122.exe 593692 08-07-98 REPLACED BY SYTPD123 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level idet24ww) : ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED - Posted on 08-17-98 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3P2MCB sytpd123.exe 591785 08-24-98 REPLACED BY SYTPD125 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level idet25ww) : ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED - Posted on 08-27-98 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3P2MCB sytpd125.exe 640414 09-25-98 REPLACED BY SYTPD127 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level idet28ww) : ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED - Posted on 10-07-98 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3P2MCB sytpd127.exe 642761 12-16-98 REPLACED BY SYTPD128 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level idet30ww) : ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED - Posted on 12-21-98 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3P2MCB sytpd128.exe 642763 12-16-98 REPLACED BY SPSDID33 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level idet30ww) : ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED - Posted on 03-05-99 - [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3P2MCB sytpe144.exe 373097 12-04-96 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.44): ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX sytpe144.txt 14185 12-04-96 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.44): ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX sytpf125.exe 409905 12-04-97 REPLACED BY SYTPF130 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.25): ThinkPad 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD sytpf125.txt 11121 12-04-97 REPLACED BY SYTPF130 - README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.25): ThinkPad 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD sytpf130.exe 409312 06-24-98 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.30): ThinkPad 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD sytpf130.txt 12234 06-24-98 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.30): ThinkPad 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD sytpg201.exe 779069 10-03-97 REPLACED BY SYTPG210 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v2.01): ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760XL, 760EL, 760ELD models WITHOUT XGA LCD Panels sytpg201.txt 9687 01-06-98 REPLACED BY SYTPG210 - README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v2.01): ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760XL, 760EL, 760ELD models WITHOUT XGA LCD Panel sytpg210.exe 779589 06-24-98 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v2.10): ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760El, 760ELD NON-XGA LCD panels sytpg210.txt 10409 06-24-98 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v2.10): ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD NON-XGA LCD panels sytph201.exe 454654 10-06-97 REPLACED BY SYTPH210 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v2.01): ThinkPad 765D, 765L, 760E, 760ED, 760XD - Models WITH XGA LCD Panels sytph210.exe 455280 05-21-98 REPLACED BY SPSDHX58 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v2.10): ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L Systems with XGA LCD Panels, posted to the Web on 06-24-98, [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: COBN-3D4DUG sytpi110.exe 424479 04-15-98 REPLACE BY SPSDHR20 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.10): ThinkPad 560E only!! Web Document ID: DSHY-3MGMWJ sytpin20.exe 580828 03-26-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIN21 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Build Level INET01WW): ThinkPad 600E (2645-3Ax, 2645-4Ax, 2645-5Ax, 2645-8Ax Models ONLY!) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-46HLKQ sytpj100.exe 454170 12-02-97 REPLACED BY SYTPJ101 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.00): ThinkPad 560X ONLY! Web Document ID: DSHY-3QYK7L sytpj101.exe 483539 04-06-98 REPLACED BY SYTPJ110 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.01): ThinkPad 560X ONLY! Web Document ID: DSHY-3QYK7L sytpj110.exe 487593 06-10-98 REPLACED BY SYTPJ111 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.10): ThinkPad 560X ONLY! Web Document ID: DSHY-3QYK7L sytpj111.exe 487049 08-07-98 REPLACE BY SYTPJ112 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.11): ThinkPad 560X ONLY! Web Document ID: DSHY-3QYK7L sytpj112.exe 485819 10-08-98 REPLACED BY SPSDI831 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.12): ThinkPad 560X ONLY! , Web Document ID: DSHY-3QYK7L sytpk111.exe 422487 03-18-98 REPLACED BY SYTPK120 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.11): ThinkPad 560 ONLY! Not to be used with 560E, 560X, or 560Z!!! Web Document ID: DSHY-38SD2F sytpk120.exe 422934 04-09-98 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.20): ThinkPad 560 ONLY!! Not to be used with 560E, 560X, or 560Z!!! Web Document ID: DSHY-38SD2F sytpk120.txt 16277 04-09-98 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.20): ThinkPad 560 ONLY!! Not to be used with ThinkPad 560E, 560X, or 560Z!! Web Document ID: DSHY-38SD2F sytplccm.exe 33973 10-26-98 Remote CMOS Update Utility Diskette (v1.00) for LCCM: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X sytplccm.txt 4708 10-26-98 README: Remote CMOS Update Utility Diskette (v1.00) for LCCM: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X sytpm103.exe 391140 09-03-97 REPLACED BY SYTPM106 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level i1et36ww): ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED Posted to the Web on 09-08-97 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: EMON-3MGGW8 sytpm106.exe 398090 03-18-98 REPLACED BY SYTPM110 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level i1et43ww): ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED Posted to the Web on 03-19-98 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: EMON-3MGGW8 sytpm110.exe 398546 04-13-98 REPLACED BY SYTPM111 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level i1et44ww): ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED Posted to the Web on 06-23-98 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: EMON-3MGGW8 sytpm111.exe 398574 06-26-98 REPLACED BY SPSDI147 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level i1et45ww): ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED Posted to the Web on 07-10-98 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: EMON-3MGGW8 sytpn101.exe 494147 03-18-98 REPLACED BY SYTPN111 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level icet19ww): ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD - Posted on 03-19-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3S2RL sytpn111.exe 852181 06-23-98 REPLACED BY SYTPN112 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ifet14ww or icet25ww): ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD - Posted on 07-08-98 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3S2RL sytpn112.exe 853361 09-11-98 REPLACED BY SYTPN114 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ifet15ww or icet25ww): ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD - Posted on 10-02-98 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3S2RL sytpn114.exe 850000 10-30-98 REPLACED BY SYTPN115 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ifet15ww or icet26ww): ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD - Posted on 11-13-98 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3S2RL sytpn115.exe 849501 03-03-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIF17 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS Level ifet15ww or icet27ww): ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD - Posted on 03-16-99 - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3S2RL sytpo100.exe 575520 09-11-98 REPLACED BY SYTPO101 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.00): ThinkPad 380Z sytpo100.txt 5170 09-11-98 REPLACED BY SYTPO101 - README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.00): ThinkPad 380Z sytpo101.exe 575526 09-11-98 REPLACED BY SYTPO102 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.01): ThinkPad 380Z sytpo101.txt 5689 09-11-98 REPLACED BY SYTPO102 - README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.01): ThinkPad 380Z sytpo102.exe 575153 10-27-98 REPLACED BY SYTPO103 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.02): ThinkPad 380Z sytpo102.txt 6434 10-27-98 REPLACED BY SYTPO103 - README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.02): ThinkPad 380Z sytpo103.exe 576606 02-10-99 REPLACCED BY SPSDIG26 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.03): ThinkPad 380Z [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YVL6D sytpo103.txt 6335 02-10-99 REPLACCED BY SPSDIG26 -README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.03): ThinkPad 380Z [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YVL6D sytps143.exe 928643 05-09-97 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.43): ThinkPad 750C, 750CS, 755C, 755CS, 355, 360 Models sytps143.txt 15327 05-07-97 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.43): ThinkPad 750C, 750CS, 755C, 755CS, 355, 360 Models sytpt101.exe 575525 06-23-98 REPLACED BY SYTPT103 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.01): ThinkPad 600 sytpt103.exe 574641 08-21-98 REPLACED BY SYTPT105 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.03): ThinkPad 600 sytpt105.exe 577199 09-25-98 REPLACED BY SYTPD106 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.05): ThinkPad 600 sytpt106.exe 578852 12-17-98 REPLACED BY SYTPT107 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.06): ThinkPad 600 sytpt107.exe 578810 12-17-98 REPLACED BY SYTPT108 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.07): ThinkPad 600 [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3VRJPK sytpt108.exe 580597 03-26-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIB40 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.08): ThinkPad 600 [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3VRJPK sytpuuid.exe 210043 10-09-98 Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) (v1.00): ThinkPad 600, 770, 770E, 770ED sytpuuid.txt 2134 10-09-98 README: Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) (v1.00): ThinkPad 600, 770, 770E, 770ED sytpv100.exe 575671 12-17-98 REPLACED BY SYTPV101 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.00): ThinkPad 600E sytpv101.exe 615397 12-17-98 REPLACED BY SYTPV102 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.01): ThinkPad 600E (2645-55*, 2645-A5* Models ONLY!) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-43DNQ5 sytpv102.exe 577673 03-26-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIH36 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.02): ThinkPad 600E (2645-55*, 2645-A5* Models ONLY!) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-43DNQ5 sytpw141.exe 731217 04-09-98 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.41): ThinkPad 340CSE, 345, 370C sytpw141.txt 7886 04-09-98 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.41): ThinkPad 340CSE, 345, 370C sytpx110.exe 416725 06-24-98 System Program Service Diskette (v1.10): ThinkPad 365X, 365XD sytpx110.txt 6255 06-24-98 README: System Program Service Diskette (v. 1.10): ThinkPad 365X, 365XD sytpz100.exe 518475 09-11-98 REPLACED BY SYTPZ101 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.00): ThinkPad 560Z, Web Document ID: DSHY-3YTKKV sytpz101.exe 519319 01-13-99 REPLACED BY SYTPZ101 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.01): ThinkPad 560Z, Web Document ID: DSHY-3YTKKV sytpz102.exe 519321 01-13-99 REPLACED BY SPSDIE25 - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS v1.02): ThinkPad 560Z [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3YTKKV tbook.pdf 176093 12-03-98 Quick Reference Sheets for all currently available ThinkPads (December 1998) ths6017f.pdf 97843 04-28-98 ThinkPad Docking and Port Replication Solutions Marketing Brochure ths6063f.pdf 185921 04-28-98 ThinkPad 380ED and 380XD Marketing Brochure ths6090f.pdf 229900 04-28-98 ThinkPad 770 series US Marketing Brochure ths6144f.pdf 147213 04-28-98 ThinkPad 600 Series US Marketing Brochure ths6216f.pdf 196314 11-02-98 ThinkPad 390 Series US Marketing Brochure tp211fix.exe 1591683 09-02-94 OS2 2.11 Hibernation Fix for ThinkPads ...This file addresses suspend and hibernation problems encountered when running OS/2 2.11 on ISA ThinkPad units (355, 360, 750, 755). File is also known as BRAPPK. tp600.pdf 1129870 04-23-98 HMM ThinkPad 600 (April 1998) tp600ent.exe 5954154 09-02-99 This is a self extracting zip file of all the current NT device drivers (v2.00). All drivers contained in this package are also available separately. Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZMPXR tp600ent.txt 14251 09-02-99 README: This is a self extracting zip file of all the current NT device drivers (v2.00). All drivers contained in this package are also available separately. Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZMPXR tp600nt.exe 7039613 10-26-98 Windows NT Package (v1.30) for the ThinkPad 600 - This is a self extracting zip file of all the current NT Device drivers. All drivers contained in this package are also available separately. Please see TP600NT.TXT for a listing of all files. tp600nt.txt 16444 10-26-98 README: Windows NT Package (v1.30) for the ThinkPad 600 - This is a self extracting zip file of all the current NT Device drivers. All drivers contained in this package are also available separately. tp760fix.txt 2974 12-31-95 Instructions for how to fix Pink Display and systems hangs requiring a power off/on cycle in Preloaded Windows 95: ThinkPad 760CD tp76xwnt.exe 5980982 09-25-98 Windows NT Package (v1.00) for the ThinkPad 760XD, 765D - This is a self extracting zip file of all the current NT Device drivers. All drivers contained in this package are also available separately. Please see TP76XWNT.TXT for a listing of all files. tp76xwnt.txt 24487 09-25-98 README: Windows NT Package (v1.00) for the ThinkPad 760XD, 765D - This is a self extracting zip file of all the current NT Device drivers. All drivers contained in this package are also available separately. tp770egu.exe 4034487 05-26-98 ThinkPad 770 Electronic Information Guide tp770wnt.exe 7460460 11-18-98 Windows NT Package (v1.00) for the ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED - This is a self extracting zip file of all the current NT Device drivers. All drivers contained in this package are also available separately. Please see TP770WNT.TXT for a detailed listing of all files. tp770wnt.txt 26009 11-18-98 README: Windows NT Package (v1.00) for the ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED - This is a self extracting zip file of all the current NT Device drivers. All drivers contained in this package are also available separately. Please see TP770WNT.TXT for a detailed listing of all files. tp770xnt.exe 6608402 05-03-99 This is a self extracting zip file of all the current NT device drivers. All drivers contained in this package are also available separately. tp770xnt.txt 23819 05-03-99 This is a self extracting zip file of all the current NT device drivers. All drivers contained in this package are also available separately. tp8xcdug.pdf 80042 05-28-98 ThinkPad 8X CD-ROM drive installation guide for ThinkPad 760,765 (not all 760's support CD-ROM drives) tpcomsaf.pdf 17361 04-23-98 Tips for Using You ThinkPad Comfortably and Safely tpichart.pdf 892452 04-01-98 ThinkPad Quick Refence sheets for all models tpmemhlp.exe 38772 09-21-95 Updated Crystal Audio driver to free up addition memory: ThinkPad 355, 360, 750, 755C, 755CS tpmwhpfs.exe 37123 04-27-95 Patch to MWave 1.10 Upgrade on HPFS sys tpntdtct.exe 44408 05-01-96 Patch diskette: ThinkPad 345C, 370C tpos2snd.exe 109491 08-28-96 Crystal Audio Drivers for WINOS2: ThinkPads 755 tpp95rld.exe 839220 05-12-98 Windows 95 OSR2 Reload Boot Diskette (v2.50) with added PCMCIA CD-ROM Support: ThinkPad 380(all), 560E, 560X, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770ED tpp95rld.txt 1933 10-24-97 README: Windows 95 OSR2 Reload Boot Diskette with added PCMCIA CD-ROM Support: ThinkPad 380(all) ,560E, 560X, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770 tpproven.pdf 507441 11-03-99 IBM ThinkPad and WorkPad Proven Vendors and Solutions tpsetvga.exe 1183034 07-15-94 Resets Corrupted OS2 Video to VGA tpthreed.exe 174199 03-21-95 THREED.VBX dated 4/28/93 supplied on ThinkPad: Fixes Threed.vbx errors in Windows 95 [PFTW] tpthreed.txt 372 03-21-95 README: THREED.VBX dated 4/28/93 supplied on ThinkPad: Fixes Threed.vbx errors in Windows 95 [PFTW] tpvol1.pdf 3382703 04-01-98 HMM Volume 1 (May 1995) for the ThinkPad 300, 350, 500, 510, 710T, Dock I, Dock II, l40SX, CL57, N45 and N51 tpvol2.pdf 3716188 03-30-98 HMM Volume 2 for the ThinkPad 340, 355, 360, 370, 700, 720, 701, 750 and 755 systems tpvol3.pdf 7235531 09-10-99 HMM Volume 3 ThinkPad 365, 380, 385, 560, 760 and SelectaDock III (March 1999) tpw2000.exe 267264 04-28-99 ThinkPad TrackPoint Driver Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta 3: ThinkPad 600, 770 - Please view the readme file for installation and support information [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: MIGR-476HV2 tpw2000.txt 3099 04-28-99 README: ThinkPad TrackPoint Driver Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta 3: ThinkPad 600, 770 - Please view the readme file for installation and support information [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: MIGR-476HV2 tpwarupg.pdf 161830 10-12-99 ThinkPad US Warranty and Maintenance Options tpwinnt.txt 49577 10-31-96 README: (v1.40) for Windows NT 3.51 on ThinkPads tpwint40.txt 84642 06-16-97 README: (v1.30) for Windows NT 4.0 on ThinkPads tpzip100.pdf 605106 12-09-98 IBM Zip 100MB UltraslimBay Drive User's Guide trackptw3.exe 762061 10-28-99 TrackPoint Driver Package III (v1.11) for Windows NT 3.51: ThinkPad 770, 770D [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4D4JF7 trackptw3.txt 2916 10-28-99 README: TrackPoint Driver Package III (v1.11) for Windows NT 3.51: ThinkPad 770, 770D [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4D4JF7 tracpto1.exe 813158 10-15-98 TrackPoint Driver Diskette I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 390X, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: YAST-3MDRHL tracpto1.txt 2585 09-28-99 README: TrackPoint Driver Diskette I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 390X, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: YAST-3MDRHL tracpto2.exe 813021 09-09-98 TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z tracpto2.txt 1985 09-09-98 README: TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z tracptw1.exe 493849 10-28-99 TrackPoint Driver Package I (v1.20) for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 390X, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i series 1400, 1500, 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3PWQT4 tracptw1.txt 10091 10-28-99 README: TrackPoint Driver Package I (v1.20) for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 390X, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i series 1400, 1500, 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3PWQT4 tracptw2.exe 270778 06-30-99 TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT: ThinkPad 240, 380Z, 560Z [PFTW] Web DOC ID: DSHY-3Y5MGY tracptw2.txt 6839 06-30-99 README: TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT: ThinkPad 240, 380Z, 560Z [PFTW] Web DOC ID: DSHY-3Y5MGY tranx31a.exe 1189287 07-15-97 Puma Tranxit Full Install (v3.00.10) Disk 1 of 2: Thinkpad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED tranx31b.exe 1129824 07-15-97 Puma Tranxit Full Install (v3.00.10) Disk 2 of 2: Thinkpad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 385D, 385ED twbook.pdf 714864 10-23-98 Quick Reference Sheets for all withdrawn ThinkPads u8858760.pdf 56949 11-04-99 TP 240 - Parts List (Japanese) umapwpd.exe 887743 04-20-99 Universal Management Agent (UMA): WorkPad z50 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46ZL55 umapwpd.txt 6371 04-20-99 README: Universal Management Agent (UMA): WorkPad z50 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46ZL55 umd31w95.exe 1280000 05-03-99 Notebook Manager Utility Package (v1.69) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310,310D,310E,310ED,315 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3JDBBE umd31w95.txt 2110 05-03-99 README: Notebook Manager Utility Package (v1.69) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310,310D,310E,310ED,315 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3JDBBE upcon305.exe 12473420 02-10-99 Update Connector (v3.05): ThinkPad 380, 385, 390, 600, 770, and i Series 1400 and 172X upcon305.txt 2305 02-10-99 README: Update Connector (v3.05): ThinkPad 380, 385, 390, 600, 770, and i Series 1400 and 172X updatecs.exe 169984 05-14-99 Year 2000 patch for ConfigSafe Version 2.00.06 or earlier [PFTW] updatecs.txt 1053 05-14-99 README: Year 2000 patch for ConfigSafe Version 2.00.06 or earlier [PFTW] usm31dwx.exe 832030 07-06-98 Sleep Manager Utility Diskette (v1.55) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED, 315D, 315ED usm31dwx.txt 1501 10-16-97 README: Sleep Manager Utility Diskette (v1.55) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED, 315D, 315ED usu31w95.exe 835584 05-03-99 SafeOFF Utility Package (v1.43) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED, 315 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3JDAJK usu31w95.txt 2107 05-03-99 README: SafeOFF Utility Package (v1.43) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED, 315 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3JDAJK ut36b120.exe 44398 09-18-96 Utility Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.11 and Windows 95: ThinkPad 365C/CD/E/ED ut36b120.txt 2476 09-17-96 README: Utility Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.11 and Windows 95: ThinkPad 365C/CD/E/ED ut500100.exe 123863 08-18-94 Utility Diskette (v1.00): ThinkPad 500 ut510100.exe 1074448 12-23-94 Utility Diskette (v1.00): ThinkPad 510 ut75xwnt.exe 1009097 03-27-96 ThinkPad Features (v1.00) for Windows NT 3.51/4.0: ThinkPad 345CS, 360C, 360CS, 370C, 755C, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3DAM7V ut75xwnt.txt 6571 12-05-96 README: ThinkPad Features (v1.00) for Windows NT 3.51/4.0: ThinkPad 345CS, 360C, 360CS, 370C, 755C, 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3DAM7V utcpisds.exe 86880 10-01-99 Command Prompt Utility (v0.96) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95/98, and OS/2: ThinkPad 390X [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C9S2X utcpisds.txt 1954 10-01-99 README: Command Prompt Utility (v0.96) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95/98, and OS/2: ThinkPad 390X [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C9S2X utcpisnt.exe 281497 09-30-99 Command Prompt Utility (v0.96) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-44C8PES utcpisnt.txt 2150 09-30-99 README: Command Prompt Utility (v0.96) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C8PES utelix14.exe 1399584 10-05-99 IBM Easy Launch buttons (v1.01) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400 (Type 2621) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDTT7 utelix14.txt 1433 10-05-99 README: IBM Easy Launch buttons (v1.01) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDTT7 utelix15.exe 1398438 10-05-99 IBM Easy Launch buttons (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500 (Type 2621) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDTT7 utelix15.txt 1305 10-05-99 README: IBM Easy Launch buttons (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500 (Type 2621) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDTT7 utnmhw98.exe 1241088 10-30-98 NoteBook Manager Utility (v2.21) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 1400 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUUB utnmhw98.txt 1114 10-30-98 README: NoteBook Manager Utility I Package (v2.21) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 1400 [NOTE: Only the following Model/Type numbers are supported: 2611 - 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456)] [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUUB utnmix98.exe 1117852 10-05-99 NoteBook Manager Utility Driver (v1.03) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621 only) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDMXL utnmix98.txt 1612 10-05-99 README: NoteBook Manager Utility Driver (v1.03) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621 only) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDMXL utnmjw98.exe 1096627 06-18-99 Notebook Manager Utility Package II (v1.02) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500(2611), i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-48Y225 utnmjw98.txt 1370 06-14-99 README: Notebook Manager Utility Package II (v1.02) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR- utskhw98.exe 1098752 10-30-98 ShortCut Key Utility Package (v0.99): ThinkPad 1400 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUWQ utskhw98.txt 1115 10-30-98 README: ShortCut Key Utility Package (v0.99): ThinkPad 1400 [NOTE: Only the following Model/Type numbers are supported: 2611 - 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456)] [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUWQ utskjw98.exe 1271161 06-21-99 Shortcut Key Utility Package II (v1.40) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-493SC9 utskjw98.txt 1418 06-21-99 README: Shortcut Key Utility Package II (v1.40) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-493SC9 utsmhw98.exe 929792 10-30-98 Sleep Manager Package (v1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 1400 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUP9 utsmhw98.txt 1055 10-30-98 README: Sleep Manager Package I (v1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 1400 [NOTE: Only the following Model/Type numbers are supported: 2611 - 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456)] [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUP9 utsmix98.exe 955733 10-05-99 Sleep Manager Utility Driver (v1.65) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621 only) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDPPU utsmix98.txt 1520 10-05-99 README: Sleep Manager Utility Driver (v1.65) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 (Type 2621 only) [DSKEXE] - Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDPPU utsmjw98.exe 942814 06-14-99 Sleep Manager package II (v1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500 (2611), i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR- utsmjw98.txt 1368 06-14-99 README: Sleep Manager package II (v1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR- utsohw98.exe 882526 08-03-99 SafeOff Utility Package (v1.50) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400 Models: 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456) [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUTW utsohw98.txt 1190 08-03-99 README: SafeOff Utility Package (v1.50) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400 Models: 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456) [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQUTW utsojw98.exe 853225 08-03-99 SafeOff Utility Package II (v1.44) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500(2611), i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-48XUYR utsojw98.txt 1364 08-03-99 README: SafeOff Utility Package II (v1.44) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-48XUYR uttp1os2.exe 1463296 05-25-99 Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ uttp1w31.exe 1245184 05-25-99 Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ uttp1w98.exe 3165951 06-15-99 Utility Features (v1.11a) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 uttp1w9x.exe 2231296 05-18-99 Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E*, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X* (*NOT FOR USE ON 600E, 770X WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD uttp1wnt.exe 2386944 05-14-99 Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE uttp2000.exe 3880941 08-05-99 ThinkPad Utility Features Package for Windows 2000 Beta 3: ThinkPad 380E/ED/XD/Z, 385E/ED/XD, 390/E, 560E/X/Z, 570, 600/E, 760XD/XL, 765D/L, 600 (all), 770 (all) [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: LWIK-46SNR3 uttp2000.txt 3609 10-20-99 README: ThinkPad Utility Features Package for Windows 2000 Beta 3 Release Candidate 2: ThinkPad 380E/ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385ED, 385XD, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570, 600, 600E, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-46SNR3 uttp2os2.exe 1637376 05-25-99 Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ uttp2w31.exe 1428480 05-25-99 Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ uttp2w98.exe 3623258 06-15-99 Utility Features (v1.11a) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 uttp2w9x.exe 2187264 05-18-99 Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z*, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z* (*NOTE: NOT FOR USE WITH 380Z, 560Z WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD uttp2wnt.exe 2532352 05-18-99 Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570[PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE uttpbase.exe 232334 04-20-99 UltraBase Swap Utility Driver II (1.01) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID:DSHY-46YQN5 uttpbase.txt 2850 04-20-99 README: UltraBase Swap Utility Driver II (1.01) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID:DSHY-46YQN5 uttpbdos.exe 98669 11-03-98 Utility Diskette (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 uttpbdos.txt 1561 11-03-98 README: Utility Diskette (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 uttpbhib.exe 328638 12-01-98 Hibernation Utility diskette (v1.00) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720, i Series 1721 uttpbswp.exe 1452110 10-19-99 Warm Swap Driver Package (v3.10.07bfix) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, 390E, i series 1720, i Series 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-426QF7 uttpbswp.txt 2445 10-19-99 README: Warm Swap Driver Package (v3.10.07bfix) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, 390E, i series 1720, i Series 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-426QF7 uttpbw9x.exe 1388544 01-11-99 Utility Features Package (v1.04) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZSKJF uttpbw9x.txt 3166 01-11-99 README: Utility Features Package (v1.04) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZSKJF uttpd38z.exe 696191 11-10-98 ThinkPad Utility Data Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta 2: ThinkPad 380Z uttpd56z.exe 641438 11-10-98 ThinkPad Utility Data Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta 2: ThinkPad 560Z uttpd7xx.exe 813094 11-10-98 ThinkPad Utility Data Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta 2: ThinkPad 600, 770X uttpdnt.txt 2336 11-17-98 README: ThinkPad Utility Features Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta 2: ThinkPad 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600 series, and 770 series - Please view the readme file for installation and support information. uttpdnta.exe 1097908 11-17-98 ThinkPadUtility Features Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta 2, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600 series, and 770 series - Please view the readme file for installation and support information. (*Requires Utility Data Diskette uttpd38z.exe, uttpd56z.exe, or uttpd7xx.exe depending on your model) uttpdntb.exe 1092355 11-17-98 ThinkPadUtility Features Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000 Beta 2, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600 series, and 770 serires - Please view the readme file for installation and support information. (*Requires Utility Data Diskette uttpd38z.exe, uttpd56z.exe, or uttpd7xx.exe depending on your model) uttpfdos.exe 259313 04-20-99 Utility Features Package (v4.15a) for DOS: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 380Z, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z ([LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: RMIE-3AXE3E uttpfdos.txt 5282 04-20-99 README: Utility Features Package (v4.15a) for DOS: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 380Z, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: RMIE-3AXE3E uttpfide.exe 294249 02-15-99 IDE Driver (v1.01) for Windows NT : ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 560X, 560Z, 570, 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3TZP3T uttpfide.txt 3610 02-15-99 README: IDE Driver Diskette (v1.01) for Windows NT : ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 560X, 560Z, 570, 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3TZP3T uttpfos2.txt 6464 05-25-99 README: Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ uttpfper.exe 124349 03-01-99 Personalization Editor Package (v4.14): ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 380Z, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [ZIPEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45LN57 uttpfper.txt 2598 03-01-99 README: Personalization Editor Package (v4.14): ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 380Z, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [ZIPEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45LN57 uttpfuel.exe 904039 07-06-99 Fuel Gauge Utility (v0.95) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, 390E [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-494KB9 uttpfuel.txt 2228 07-06-99 README: Fuel Gauge Utility (v0.95) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, 390E [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-494KB9 uttpfw31.txt 7977 05-25-99 README: Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ uttpfw98.txt 4021 08-12-99 README: Utility Features (v1.11a) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 uttpfw9x.txt 6115 08-17-99 Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 385 series(*), 560 series(*), 600 series(*), 760 series, and 770 series(*). * View readme for important info* [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD uttpfwnt.txt 7325 05-18-99 README: Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE uttpg101.exe 1035929 06-24-97 Utility Diskette 1 (v3.33) for DOS, Windows 3.1/95 & OS/2 for ThinkPads 340/340CSE, 345C/CS, 355C/CS, 360C/CS/CE/CSE/P/PE, 370C, 750/750C/CS/P/CE, 755C/CS/CE/CD/CSE/CV/CDV/CX uttpg201.exe 319910 12-13-96 Utility Diskette 2 Personalization (v3.32) for DOS, Windows 3.1/95 & OS/2 for ThinkPads 340/340CSE, 345C/CS, 355C/CS, 360C/CS/CE/CSE/P/PE, 370C, 750/750C/CS/P/CE, 755C/CS/CE/CD/CSE/CV/CDV/CX uttpgx01.txt 6626 06-24-97 README: Utility Diskette for DOS, Windows 3.1/95 & OS/2 for ThinkPads 340/340CSE, 345C/CS, 355C/CS, 360C/CS/CE/CSE/P/PE, 370C, 750/750C/CS/P/CE, 755C/CS/CE/CD/CSE/CV/CDV/CX uttpir9x.exe 1381605 11-02-99 ThinkPad Configuration Utility (v3.02) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LGT uttpir9x.txt 3062 11-02-99 README: ThinkPad Configuration Utility (v3.02) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LGT uttpis9x.exe 1826474 09-29-99 Configuration Utility (v1.03) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C7SCD uttpis9x.txt 2257 09-29-99 README: Configuration Utility (v1.03) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C7SCD uttpisnt.exe 1801465 09-29-99 Configuration Utility (v0.98) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C7SCJ uttpisnt.txt 2382 09-29-99 README: Configuration Utility (v0.98) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C7SCJ uttpiswp.exe 754395 09-29-99 Swap Master Utility (v1.02) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C7SX3 uttpiswp.txt 2406 09-29-99 README: Swap Master Utility (v1.02) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C7SX3 uttpperd.exe 129634 03-01-99 Personalization Editor DATA Diskette (v4.14): ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 380Z, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z - [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45LN57 uttpperd.txt 2265 03-01-99 README: Personalization Editor DATA Diskette (v4.14): ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 380Z, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45LN57 uttpqdos.exe 89169 03-16-99 Utility Features (v0.96) for DOS: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-463S5G uttpqdos.txt 1470 03-16-99 README: Utility Features (v0.96) for DOS: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-463S5G uttpqhib.exe 395782 03-16-99 Hibernation Utility Diskette (v4.03): ThinkPad 390E, 390X [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45ZLX7 uttpqhib.txt 4551 10-01-99 README: Hibernation Utility Diskette (v4.03): ThinkPad 390E, 390X [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45ZLX7 uttpqw9x.exe 1821573 10-28-99 ThinkPad Configuration Utility (v1.04) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-45ZJC5 uttpqw9x.txt 2833 10-28-99 README: ThinkPad Configuration Utility (v1.04) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-45ZJC5 uttpqwnt.exe 1605632 03-16-99 Utility Features (v0.98) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-45ZJJM uttpqwnt.txt 2121 03-16-99 README: Utility Features (v0.98) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-45ZJJM uttpswap.exe 232800 02-15-99 UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.02) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3TZPJ4 uttpswap.txt 5007 02-15-99 README: UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.02) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3TZPJ4 uttpvhib.exe 395700 07-08-99 Hibernation Utility Diskette (4.03a): ThinkPad 240, 570 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YQSH uttpvhib.txt 1800 07-08-99 README: Hibernation Utility Diskette (4.03a): ThinkPad 240, 570 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YQSH utw2k240.exe 1370653 11-04-99 ThinkPad Utility Package for Windows 2000 (Beta 3 RC2): ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] utw2k240.txt 2874 11-04-99 README: ThinkPad Utility Package for Windows 2000 (Beta 3 RC2): ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] utw2k380.exe 2800738 10-20-99 ThinkPad Utility Features Package for Windows 2000 Beta 3 Release Candidate 2: ThinkPad 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385E, 385ED, 385XD, [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: LWIK-46SNR3 utw2k560.exe 2901273 10-20-99 ThinkPad Utility Features Package for Windows 2000 Beta 3 Release Candidate 2: ThinkPad 560E, 560X, 560Z [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-46SNR3 utw2k570.exe 2975392 10-20-99 ThinkPad Utility Features Package for Windows 2000 Beta 3 Release Candidate 2: ThinkPad 570 [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-46SNR3 utw2k600.exe 3045045 10-20-99 ThinkPad Utility Features Package for Windows 2000 Beta 3 Release Candidate 2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: LWIK-46SNR3 v90faq.rtf 92517 04-30-99 ThinkPad V.90 Modem Frequently Asked Questions v90paper.rtf 439737 04-30-99 V.90 Modem Technology (White Paper) vbios21.exe 69980 04-19-94 VBIOS Patch for OS/2 2.10: ThinkPad 750 vctp2000.exe 175484 06-11-99 ThinkPad Video Capture driver for Windows 2000 Beta 3: ThinkPad 770X (with DEVA card), ThinkPad 770Z (with DEVA card) [PFTW] vctp2000.txt 2966 06-11-99 README: ThinkPad Video Capture driver for Windows 2000 Beta 3: ThinkPad 770X (with DEVA card) and Thinkpad 770Z (with DEVA card) [PFTW] vctp4wnt.exe 179200 06-30-97 Video Capture Driver Package (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: Thinkpad 760ED/XD, 765D [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: BBOD-3JUJ84 vctp4wnt.txt 8412 06-30-97 README: Video Capture Driver (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: Thinkpad 760ED/XD, 765D vctpcw95.exe 914603 03-30-99 Video Capture Driver III (v1.12) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770X, 770Z ONLY! [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZFV8W vctpcw95.txt 1858 03-30-99 README: Video Capture Driver III (v1.12) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770X, 770Z ONLY! [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZFV8W vctpcw98.exe 943953 09-09-99 Video Capture Driver III (v2.00.01) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 770X, 770Z ONLY! [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZFVCN vctpcw98.txt 4383 09-09-99 README: Video Capture Driver III (v2.00.01) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 770X, 770Z ONLY! [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZFVCN vctpcwnt.exe 205956 03-30-99 Video Capture and Overlay Driver III (v2.05) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZFV28 vctpcwnt.txt 6974 03-30-99 README: Video Capture and Overlay Driver III (v2.05) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZFV28 vctpdos2.exe 120002 04-18-98 Video Capture Driver III (v1.10) for OS/2: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED vctpdos2.txt 2135 04-18-98 README: Video Capture Driver III (v1.10) for OS/2: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED vctpdw9x.exe 916370 03-30-99 Video Capture Driver III (v1.13) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3QFLV9 vctpdw9x.txt 2273 07-06-99 README: Video Capture Driver III (v1.13) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3QFLV9 vctpgos2.exe 150104 08-20-97 MPEG/Video Capture Driver II (v1.10) for OS/2: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D vctpgos2.txt 3435 08-20-97 README: MPEG/Video Capture Driver II (v1.10) for OS/2: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D vctpgw31.exe 413578 05-13-97 Video Capture Driver II (v1.13) for Windows 3.1: Thinkpad 760ED/XD, 765D vctpgw31.txt 2446 08-20-97 README: Video Capture Driver II (v1.13) for Windows 3.1: Thinkpad 760ED/XD, 765D vctpgw95.exe 327018 05-15-99 Video Capture Driver II (v1.13) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED/XD, 765D [PFTW] Web DOC ID: GCOR-39ZLMN vctpgw95.txt 2486 05-16-97 README: Video Capture Driver II (v1.13) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED/XD, 765D [PFTW] Web DOC ID: GCOR-39ZLMN vetpe120.exe 327781 06-26-95 Enhanced Video Disk (v1.20) for OS/2: ThinkPad 755CD/CDV ONLY [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3P4NAF vetpe120.txt 4551 06-26-95 README: Enhanced Video Disk (v1.2): ThinkPad 755CD/CDV ONLY vetpfos2.exe 221419 08-28-96 Enhanced Video Disk (v1.00) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 760CD vetpfw31.exe 328656 02-24-98 Enhanced Video Features Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.1: Thinkpad 760CD Only vetpfw31.txt 2159 02-24-98 README: Enhanced Video Features Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 760CD Only vetpfw95.exe 385024 04-27-99 Enhanced Video Package (v1.00) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 760CD [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: RMIE-39TGZD vetpfw95.txt 2116 04-27-99 README: Enhanced Video Package (v1.00) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 760CD [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: RMIE-39TGZD vf310w31.exe 1075945 02-10-98 Video Display Driver Diskette (v1.39c) for Windows 3.11: ThinkPad 310, 315 vf310w31.txt 2428 02-10-98 README: Video Display Driver Diskette (v1.39c) for Windows 3.11: ThinkPad 310, 315 vf310w95.exe 256962 02-10-98 Video Display Driver Package (v2.37) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED, 315D, 315ED [PFTW], Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3JCJ2M vf310w95.txt 2139 02-10-98 README: Video Display Driver Package (v2.37) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 310, 310D, 310E, 310ED, 315D, 315ED [PFTW], Web DOC-ID: GCOR-3JCJ2M vf350251.exe 792161 01-25-95 Video Disk (v2.51): ThinkPad 350 vf36bos2.exe 1089827 08-26-96 Video Disk (v3.2.2) for OS/2 WARP: ThinkPad 365C, 365CS, 365CD, 365E, 365ED vf36bos2.txt 4514 08-02-96 README: Video Disk (v3.2.2) for OS/2 WARP: ThinkPad 365C, 365CS, 365CD, 365E, 365ED vf36bw31.exe 1142649 08-02-96 Video Disk (v3.23) for Windows 3.11: ThinkPad 365C, 365CS, 365CD, 365E, 365ED vf36bw31.txt 4185 08-02-96 README: Video Disk (v3.23) for Windows 3.11: ThinkPad 365C, 365CS, 365CD, 365E, 365ED vf36bw95.exe 206114 08-02-96 Video Package (v1.1.0.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 365C, 365CS, 365CD, 365E, 365ED [PFTW], WEB DOC-ID: COBN-38BD9S vf36bw95.txt 2495 08-02-96 README: Video Package (v1.1.0.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 365C, 365CS, 365CD, 365E, 365ED [PFTW], WEB DOC-ID: COBN-38BD9S vf38znt.exe 78380 11-10-98 ThinkPad Video Features Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000: ThinkPad 380Z - Please view the readme file for installation and support information. vf38znt.txt 2140 11-10-98 README: ThinkPad Video Features Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000: ThinkPad 380Z - Please view the readme file for installation and support information. vf701nt1.exe 57066 11-01-95 Video Driver (v3.2.1) for Windows NT 3.5x: ThinkPad 701 vf701nt1.txt 2856 10-31-95 README: Video Driver (v3.2.1) for Windows NT 3.5x: ThinkPad 701 vf701os2.exe 1321701 01-17-97 Video Disk (v4.2.0) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 701 vf701os2.txt 10643 01-17-97 README: Video Disk (v4.2.0) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 701 vf75xwnt.exe 167936 06-04-96 Video Drivers for Windows NT 3.51: ThinkPad 750C, 755C, 755CD, 755CE, 755CDV, 755CX [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: EMON-3MQH6F vf75xwnt.txt 5229 06-04-96 README: Video Drivers for Windows NT 3.51: ThinkPad 750C, 755C, 755CD, 755CE, 755CDV, 755CX [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: EMON-3MQH6F vf77xnt.exe 276581 11-10-98 ThinkPad Video Features Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000: ThinkPad 770X - Please view the readme file for installation and support information. vf77xnt.txt 2244 11-10-98 README: ThinkPad Video Features Diskette for Microsoft Windows 2000: ThinkPad 770X - Please view the readme file for installation and support information. vft38nt3.exe 185344 08-22-97 Video Features Package (v3.06) for Windows NT 3.51: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 385D, 380E, 380ED, 385ED [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: BBOD-3HHS5M vft38nt3.txt 2114 08-22-97 README: Video Features Package (v3.06) for Windows NT 3.51: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 385D, 380E, 380ED, 385ED [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: BBOD-3HHS5M vftp3wnt.exe 234496 06-30-97 Video Features Package (v1.13) for Windows NT 3.51: Thinkpad 365X, 365XD, 560, 560E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: GSMH-39ECXM vftp3wnt.txt 6292 06-30-97 README: Video Features Package (v1.13) for Windows NT 3.51: Thinkpad 365X, 365XD, 560, 560E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: GSMH-39ECXM vftp4wnt.exe 189440 06-30-97 Video Features Package I (v1.04) for Windows NT 4.0: Thinkpad 365X, 365XD, 560, 560E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L [PFTW] Web DOC ID: RMIE-3CUDC2 vftp4wnt.txt 4213 06-30-97 README: Video Features Package I (v1.04) for Windows NT 4.0: Thinkpad 365X, 365XD, 560, 560E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L [PFTW] Web DOC ID: RMIE-3CUDC2 vftpbos2.exe 1122368 03-13-99 Video Features Diskette (4.24) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZSLKJ vftpbos2.txt 2522 03-13-99 README: Video Features Diskette (4.24) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: LWIK-3ZSLKJ vftpbw31.exe 828355 01-11-99 Video Features Diskette (v1.13) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 vftpbw31.txt 2146 01-11-99 README: Video Features Diskette (v1.13) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 vftpbw9x.exe 464618 01-11-99 Video Features Package (v2.01.03) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID:LWIK-3ZSLVA vftpbw9x.txt 5120 01-11-99 README: Video Features Package (v2.01.03) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 [PFTW];Web DOC-ID:LWIK-3ZSLVA vftpbwnt.exe 383146 09-14-99 Video Features Diskette (v4.27.08Q) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Document ID: LWIK-3ZSM7N vftpbwnt.txt 4273 09-14-99 README: Video Features Diskette (v4.27.08Q) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Document ID: LWIK-3ZSM7N vftpcw9x.exe 508396 09-14-99 Video Features Package IV (TR9397D) (v6.45.5422-41.98.11) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z - [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZFV6Q vftpcw9x.txt 7138 09-14-99 README: Video Features Package IV (TR9397D) (v6.45.5422-41.98.11) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z - [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZFV6Q vftpd3nt.exe 198656 09-26-97 Video Features Package IV (v1.01) for Windows NT 3.51: ThinkPad 770 [PFTW] Web DOC ID: BBOD-3MAQWU vftpdnt3.txt 3156 09-26-97 README: Video Features Package IV (v1.01) for Windows NT 3.51: ThinkPad 770 [PFTW] Web DOC ID: BBOD-3MAQWU vftpdnt4.exe 258121 09-07-99 Video Features Package IV (v4.4051.11) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MAR8X vftpdnt4.txt 4241 09-07-99 README: Video Features Package IV (v4.4051.11) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MAR8 vftpdos2.exe 1201039 04-30-99 Video Features IV (v1.04) for OS/2: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [ZIPEXE] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MARPT vftpdos2.txt 4377 04-30-99 README: Video Features IV (v1.04) for OS/2: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [ZIPEXE] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MARPT vftpdw31.exe 745179 10-21-98 Video Features Diskette IV (v1.10) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X vftpdw31.txt 1871 10-21-98 README: Video Features Diskette IV (v1.10) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X vftpecx1.exe 1292111 09-18-96 Video Disk for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 755CX vftpecx1.txt 25896 09-18-96 README: Video Disk for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 755CX vftpewd1.exe 1232940 09-18-96 Video Disk for OS/2 Warp WD90C24: ThinkPad 755 vftpewd1.txt 25004 09-17-96 README: Video Disk for OS/2 Warp WD90C24: ThinkPad 755 vftpgos2.exe 1105332 10-24-97 Video Features Diskette I (v1.16) for OS/2: Thinkpad 365X, 365XD, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E (with SVGA 800x600 Display Panel) and 760EL (except types 9547-x4G,9547-x4K & 9547-x4T) vftpgos2.txt 10032 10-24-97 README: Video Features Diskette I (v1.16) for OS/2: Thinkpad 365X, 365XD, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E (with SVGA 800x600 Display Panel) and 760EL (except types 9547-x4G,9547-x4K & 9547-x4T) vftpgw31.exe 452298 10-24-97 Video Features Diskette I (v1.15) for Windows 3.1: Thinkpad 365X, 365XD, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E (with SVGA 800x600 Display Panel) and 760EL (except types 9547-x4G,9547-x4K & 9547-x4T) or 760ELD vftpgw31.txt 5616 10-24-97 README: Video Features Diskette I (v1.15) for Windows 3.1: Thinkpad 365X, 365XD, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E (with SVGA 800x600 Display Panel) and 760EL (except types 9547-x4G,9547-x4K & 9547-x4T) or 760ELD vftpgw95.exe 218371 03-13-99 Video Features Package I (v2.02) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 560, 560E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L [PFTW] Web Doc ID: RMIE-3ENEN9 vftpgw95.txt 11051 03-13-99 README: Video Features Package I (v2.02) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 560, 560E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L [PFTW] Web Doc ID: RMIE-3ENEN9 vftphw98.exe 399982 10-30-98 Video Features Package (v6.14Q) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZQULQ vftphw98.txt 1517 10-30-98 README: Video Features I Package (v6.14Q) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400 [NOTE: Only the following Model/Type numbers are supported: 2611 - 434, 435, (41x's except 412), (45x's except 452 and 456)] [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3ZQULQ vftpir9x.exe 430742 11-02-99 Video Features (NM2160) package (v6.25) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LGW vftpir9x.txt 5521 11-02-99 README: Video Features (NM2160) package (v6.25) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LGW vftpirnt.exe 215207 11-02-99 Video Features (NM2160) package (v3.33) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LS6 vftpirnt.txt 3690 11-02-99 README: Video Features (NM2160) package (v3.33) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LS6 vftpis9x.exe 495601 09-27-99 Video Features (v2.08.02Q) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5TJ3 vftpis9x.txt 5547 09-27-99 README: Video Features (v2.08.02Q) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5TJ3 vftpisnt.exe 383150 09-27-99 Video Features (v4.27.08Q) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5TJ5 vftpisnt.txt 3157 09-28-99 Video Features (v4.27.08Q) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5TJ5 vftpisos.exe 1411595 09-27-99 Video Features (v4.27) for OS/2: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5TJ8 vftpisos.txt 2093 09-27-99 README: Video Features (v4.27) for OS/2: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5TJ8 vftpisw3.exe 843050 09-27-99 Video Features (v1.20) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5TT6 vftpisw3.txt 2185 09-27-99 README: Video Features (v1.20) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4C5TT6 vftpix98.exe 10033554 10-05-99 ATI Video Display Driver (vM6.10.31) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 Type 2621 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDPQ6 vftpix98.txt 1728 10-05-99 README: ATI Video Display Driver (vM6.10.31) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 Type 2621 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-4CDPQ6 vftpjw98.exe 496527 06-14-99 Video Features Package II (v2.06.02Q) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500 (2611), i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-48XL7D vftpjw98.txt 2119 06-14-99 README: Video Features Package II (v2.06.02Q) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i Series 1500, i Series 1400 Models: 40x, 412, 452, 456, 47x, 49x, (43x's except 434, 435) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR- vftpkos2.exe 1006477 10-24-97 Video Features Diskette II (v1.17) for OS/2: Thinkpad 560, 560E, 760E (with XGA 1024x768 Display Panel), 760EL types 9547-x4G, 9547-x4K or 9547-x4T, 760ED, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L vftpkos2.txt 11179 10-24-97 README: Video Features Diskette II (v1.17) for OS/2: Thinkpad 560, 560E, 760E (with XGA 1024x768 Display Panel), 760EL types 9547-x4G, 9547-x4K or 9547-x4T, 760ED, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L vftpkw31.exe 617046 10-24-97 Video Features Diskette II (v1.23) for Windows 3.1: Thinkpad 560, 560E, 760E (with XGA 1024x768 Display Panel), 760EL (types 9547-x4G,9547-x4K or 9547-x4T), 760ED, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L vftpkw31.txt 11991 10-24-97 README: Video Features Diskette II (v1.23) for Windows 3.1: Thinkpad 560, 560E, 760E (with XGA 1024x768 Display Panel), 760EL (types 9547-x4G,9547-x4K or 9547-x4T), 760ED, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L vftpownt.exe 381952 02-08-99 Video Features Package (NM2200) (v4.22.02Q) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380Z, 600E only [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46SLHK vftpownt.txt 4208 02-08-99 README: Video Features Package (NM2200) (v4.22.02Q) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380Z, 600E ONLY [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46SLHK vftpqos2.exe 1122588 03-16-99 Video Features (v4.24) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-463SE6 vftpqos2.txt 2275 03-16-99 README: Video Features (v4.24) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-463SE6 vftpqw31.exe 829515 03-16-99 Video Features (v1.16) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-463SJT vftpqw31.txt 1935 03-16-99 README: Video Features (v1.16) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-463SJT vftpqw9x.exe 498688 06-07-99 Video Features (v2.06.02Q) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, 390E, i Series 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-45ZHHL vftpqw9x.txt 6509 06-07-99 README: Video Features (v2.06.02Q) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, 390E, i Series 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-45ZHHL vftpqwnt.exe 369175 03-16-99 Video Features (v4.20Q) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-45ZHPY vftpqwnt.txt 3072 03-16-99 README: Video Features (v4.20Q) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390E [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: DSHY-45ZHPY vftpros2.exe 1165739 10-20-99 Video Features (NM2093/2160/2200) version 4.28.03 for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3Y5M7P vftpros2.txt 3759 10-20-99 README: Video Features (NM2093/2160/2200) version 4.28.03 for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3Y5M7P vftprw31.exe 833860 04-12-99 Video Features Diskette (NM2200) (v1.16) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380Z, 600E only [ZIPEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3Y5MBP vftprw31.txt 2887 04-12-99 README: Video Features Diskette (NM2200) (v1.16) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380Z, 600E only [ZIPEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3Y5MBP vftprw9x.exe 490761 10-01-99 Video Features (NM2200) (v2.10.01T) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 380Z, 570, 600E only [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3Y5LVT vftprw9x.txt 8053 10-01-99 README: Video Features (NM2200) (v2.10.01T) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 380Z, 570, 600E only [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3Y5LVT vftprwnt.exe 382528 07-30-99 Video Features (NM2200) (v4.27.08Q) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380Z,570,600E [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46SLHK vftprwnt.txt 4649 07-30-99 README: Video Features (NM2200) (v4.27.08Q) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380Z,570,600E [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46SLHK vftps133.exe 1102645 12-06-94 Video Features Diskette (v1.33) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, OS/2 2.1x: ThinkPad 355,360,750,755 vftpxos2.exe 1119454 06-23-99 Video Features III (v3.58) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3HHRR2 vftpxos2.txt 4299 06-23-99 README: Video Features III (v3.58) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3HHRR2 vftpxw31.exe 810712 04-18-98 Video Features Diskette III (v5.08) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600 vftpxw31.txt 2565 09-09-98 README: Video Features Diskette III (v5.08) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600 vftpxw9x.exe 428769 07-15-99 Video Features Package III (v6.25.00Q) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600 [PFTW] DOC ID: BBOD-3HHRYY vftpxw9x.txt 6234 07-15-99 README: Video Features Package III (v6.25.00Q) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600 [PFTW] DOC ID: BBOD-3HHRYY vftpxwnt.exe 192512 09-09-98 Video Features Package III (v3.22Q) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600 [PFTW] Web Doc: BB0D-3HHSBE vftpxwnt.txt 4209 09-09-98 README: Video Features Package III (v3.22Q) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600 [PFTW] Web Doc: BB0D-3HHSBE vg760102.exe 488509 10-15-96 Video Fix Disk (v1.02) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 760,560,365X vg760102.txt 2540 10-25-96 README: Video Fix Disk (v1.02) for OS/2 Warp: ThinkPad 760,560,365X vmcdfly.pdf 27648 05-24-99 Flyer that shipped with the ThinkPad 390/E, i Series 1400, 380Z, 560Z, 600/E, and 770X systems that explains the purpose of the Microsoft virtual machine CD. vmm.vxd 427552 04-23-98 Updated VMM.VXD to correct system hangs when inserting a PCMCIA card in Windows 95 OSR2 or later: ThinkPad 600 vol4hmm.pdf 8194060 06-29-99 ThinkPad 380, 385, 560, 560E, all 760, 765 and SelectADock III Hardware Maintenance Manual (March 1999)) votpe120.exe 632060 07-24-95 Video Disk (v1.20) OS/2 2.11: ThinkPad 755CD/CE/CSE/CX/CV votpe120.txt 3057 07-26-95 README: Video Disk (v1.20) OS/2 2.11: ThinkPad 755CD/CE/CSE/CX/CV vpdchk.exe 267627 09-15-99 Patch for VPD Checksum error when attempting to update the BIOS: ThinkPad i Series 1400 [DSKEXE] vpdchk.txt 760 09-15-99 README: Patch for VPD Checksum error when attempting to update the BIOS: ThinkPad i Series 1400 [DSKEXE] vw701321.exe 1129940 09-21-95 Video Disk (v3.21) for Windows: ThinkPad 701 vw701321.txt 11062 09-21-95 README: Video Disk (v3.21) for Windows: ThinkPad 701 vwtpe121.exe 552094 07-25-95 Video Disk (v1.21) for Windows: ThinkPad 755CD/CE/CSE/CV/CX vwtpe121.txt 2508 07-25-95 README: Video Disk (v1.21) for Windows: ThinkPad 755CD/CE/CSE/CV/CX w3_760e.exe 583767 08-19-96 Boot Disk for Windows 3.11 Preload CD pn=RWCAUS: ThinkPad 760E w3_760ed.exe 583585 08-19-96 Boot Disk for Windows 3.11 Preload CD pn=RWEAUS: ThinkPad 760ED w3_760el.exe 583693 08-19-96 Boot Disk for Windows 3.11 Preload CD pn=RWDAUS: ThinkPad 760EL w3_760xx.txt 9697 08-19-96 README: Boot Disk for Windows 3.11 Preload CD w3_alltp.exe 577563 08-19-96 Boot Disk for Windows 3.11 Preload CD pn=RWDAUS1 w95sfd56.exe 262355 09-09-98 Supplement File Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z w95sfd56.txt 6237 09-09-98 README: Supplement File Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95:ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z w95sfd77.exe 735001 05-03-99 Supplement File Disk I (v1.03) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z - Web Doc ID: EMON-3MDJP2 w95sfd77.txt 6436 10-26-99 README: Supplement File Disk I (v1.03) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z - Web Doc ID: EMON-3MDJP2 w95sfdb.exe 302825 05-03-99 Windows 95 Supplement File Disk (v1.30): ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 w95sfdb.txt 9153 05-03-99 README: Windows 95 Supplement File Disk (v1.30): ThinkPad 390, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 w95sfdis.exe 298085 10-20-99 Supplement File Package (v1.90) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR- w95sfdis.txt 10401 10-20-99 README: Supplement File Package (v1.90) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390X [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR- w95sfdq.exe 222423 06-09-99 Supplement File Diskette (v1.50) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45ZN99 w95sfdq.txt 6193 06-09-99 README: Supplement File Diskette (v1.50) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390E [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-45ZN99 w95sfdv.exe 272207 05-03-99 Supplement File Diskette II (v1.00) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 570 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YR2T w95sfdv.txt 5293 05-03-99 README: Supplement File Diskette II (v1.00) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 570 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YR2T w98sfdi.exe 143163 05-03-99 Supplement Files Disk (v.1.04) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XL, 760XD, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3VQQS6 w98sfdi.txt 7021 05-03-99 README: Supplement Files Disk (v.1.04) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XL, 760XD, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z - Web Doc ID: DSHY-3VQQS6 w98sfdv.exe 49036 05-03-99 Supplement File Diskette II (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 570 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YR5T w98sfdv.txt 3092 05-03-99 README: Supplement File Diskette II (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 570 [DSKEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-46YR5T w9xsfdir.exe 800867 07-08-99 Supplement File Package (v1.00) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LSN w9xsfdir.txt 4901 07-08-99 README: Supplement File Package (v1.00) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 240 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: MIGR-496LSN warp4iu.txt 4219 02-24-99 README: OS/2 Warp Version 4 Install Update Diskettes (v1.02): ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 390, 390E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 - Web Doc ID: YAST-3MARH8 warp4iu1.exe 928549 02-24-99 OS/2 Warp Version 4 Install Update Disk 1 of 2 (v1.02), replaces Disk 1 from Warp version 4: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 390, 390E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 - Web Doc ID: YAST-3MARH8 warp4iu2.exe 1055338 02-24-98 OS/2 Warp Version 4 Install Update Disk 2 of 2 (v1.00), replaces Install disk 2 from Warp version 4: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 390, 390E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i Series 1720, i Series 1721 - Web Doc ID: YAST-3MARH8 win32s.txt 1490 08-20-97 README: Microsoft Win32s (v1.20) Setup Diskette: Thinkpad 760/CD/ED/XD, 765D win32s11.exe 1088130 05-16-97 Microsoft Win32s (v1.20) Setup Diskette (1 of 2): Thinkpad 760/CD/ED/XD, 765D win32s21.exe 239342 05-16-97 Microsoft Win32s (v1.20) Setup Diskette (2 of 2): Thinkpad 760/CD/ED/XD, 765D win95set.exe 865830 06-04-96 Windows 95 setup: ThinkPad 3XX,370,701,75X win95set.txt 4927 09-18-95 README: Windows 95 setup: ThinkPad 3XX,370,701,75X workpad.exe 8702420 06-29-98 IBM WorkPad Desktop installation software for Windows 95 (v. 3.0) wp2mb_ir.pdf 1128284 07-01-98 Installation Guide for the WorkPad 2 MB Infrared upgrade wp33en2x..exe 2640368 10-18-99 Palm OS 3.3 Software Upgrade: IBM WorkPad (model 20X only) (English) wp33en3x.exe 2640598 10-18-99 Palm OS 3.3 Software Upgrade: IBM WorkPad PC Companion (model 30X only) (English) wp33enc3.exe 2640598 10-18-99 Palm OS 3.3 Software Upgrade: IBM WorkPad c3 (models 40U and 40X only) (English) wp33ge2x.exe 2901012 10-18-99 Palm OS 3.3 Software Upgrade: IBM WorkPad (model 2GE only) (German) wp33ge3x.exe 2896211 10-18-99 Palm OS 3.3 Software Upgrade: IBM WorkPad PC Companion (model 3GE only) (German) wp33gec3.exe 2896211 10-18-99 Palm OS 3.3 Software Upgrade: IBM WorkPad c3 (model 4GE only) (German) wpadupos.exe 14484 01-12-98 WorkPad Operating System Update (v2.0.4): WorkPad Model 8602 - 10U only. wpadupos.txt 1363 01-12-98 README: WorkPad Operating System Update (v2.0.4): WorkPad Model 8602 - 10U only. wpapps4.pdf 1689407 04-21-98 IBM WorkPad 2 Applications Handbook wpbasic4.pdf 648816 04-21-98 IBM WorkPad 2 Basic Handbook wpc3hand.pdf 2484224 05-25-99 Handbook for the IBM WorkPad c3 PC Companion. wpc3strt.pdf 256000 05-25-99 Getting Started Guide for the IBM WorkPad c3 PC Companion. wpc3warr.pdf 345088 05-25-99 Warranty, Service, and Support Booklet for the IBM WorkPad c3 PC Companion. wpcpwarr.pdf 263168 05-25-99 Warranty, Service, and Support Booklet for the IBM WorkPad PC Companion. wphandbk.pdf 2511872 05-25-99 Handbook for the IBM WorkPad PC Companion. wphs301.exe 109141 08-31-98 HotSync update to v.3.0.1 for IBM WorkPad (model 20X only) wphs301.txt 1616 08-31-98 README: HotSync update to v.3.0.1 for IBM WorkPad (model 20X only) wpmodem4.pdf 191988 04-21-98 IBM WorkPad Modem Handbook wpos302.exe 18793 08-28-98 IBM WorkPad Palm OS update v3.0.2 for IBM WorkPad model 20X only wpos302.txt 2360 08-28-98 README: IBM WorkPad Palm OS update v3.0.2 for IBM WorkPad model 20X only wpos311.exe 147936 06-09-99 Palm OS 3.1.1 update for the IBM WorkPad c3 and WorkPad PC Companion. wpos311.txt 3073 06-09-99 README: Palm OS 3.1.1 update for the IBM WorkPad c3 and WorkPad PC Companion. wpos33ud.txt 13845 10-18-99 README: Palm OS 3.3 Software Upgrade: IBM WorkPad (model 2GE only) (German) wpos33ur.pdf 362154 10-18-99 Guide to Palm OS 3.3 Software Upgrade: IBM WorkPad (20X and 2GE), WorkPad PC Companion (30X and 3GE), and WorkPad c3 (40U, 40X, and 4GE) wppcstrt.pdf 261120 05-25-99 Getting Started Guide for the IBM WorkPad PC Companion. wpspecs.pdf 219926 02-24-99 IBM WorkPad 2 Specifications sheet xirepp11.exe 3689 05-24-95 BIOS TSR for Xircom & EPP - TP 701,755 yptf$034.exe 17741 07-30-96 Trackpoint Keyboard Driver for DOS, Windows 3.1 and Windows 95: ThinkPad 760 yptf$035.exe 17811 07-30-96 Trackpoint Keyboard Driver for OS/2: ThinkPad 760 yptf$037.exe 28453 03-11-97 Thermal Patch for DOS and Windows: ThinkPad 760E/ED/EL/ELD yptf$037.txt 537 03-11-97 README: Thermal Patch for DOS and Windows: ThinkPad 760E/ED/EL/ELD yptf$038.exe 41219 03-05-97 Thermal Patch for OS/2: ThinkPad 760E/ED/EL/ELD yptf$038.txt 606 03-05-97 README: Thermal Patch for OS/2: ThinkPad 760E/ED/EL/ELD yptf$040.exe 19775 01-02-97 Thermal Patch for Windows 95: ThinkPad 760E/ED/EL/ELD yptf$040.txt 2097 04-30-99 README: Thermal Patch for Windows 95: ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD [PFTW];Web DOC-ID: RMIE-3D3CQD yptf$049.exe 822258 06-05-97 Special Edition PC Card Director for 3.3/5V Dual Voltage PCMCIA Cards: ThinkPad 760E/ED/EL/ELD models preloaded with Windows 95 OSR0 or OSR1 ONLY) [PFTW] yptf$049.txt 5128 06-05-97 README: Special Edition PC Card Director for 3.3/5V Dual Voltage PCMCIA Cards: ThinkPad 760E/ED/EL/ELD models preloaded with Windows 95 OSR0 or OSR1 ONLY) [PFTW] yptf$057.exe 17797 04-02-98 Patch file to fix Intermittent lockups or reboots on IBM ThinkPad Dock 1 when a SCSI device is installed, running Windows 95. The problem may occur when the Mwave DSP or another ISA Busmaster is active in the ThinkPad. **WARNING: THIS IS A SELF-EXTRACTING ZIP FILE yptf$057.txt 945 04-02-98 README: Patch file to fix Intermittent lockups or reboots on IBM ThinkPad Dock 1 when a SCSI device is installed, running Windows 95. The problem may occur when the Mwave DSP or another ISA Busmaster is active in the ThinkPad. yptf012.exe 18884 07-27-95 Dock Station Timing Fix For DOS: ThinkPad 360 Family, 750 Family, and 755 Family yptf012.txt 837 07-27-95 README: Dock Station Timing Fix For DOS: ThinkPad 360 Family, 750 Family, and 755 Family yptf022.exe 2710 09-05-95 Dock Station Timing Fix for OS2 ISA Card: ThinkPad 360 Family, 750 Family, and 755 Family yptf032.exe 62480 10-09-96 Dock Station Timing Fix for Windows NT: ThinkPad 360 Family, 750 Family, and 755 Family ============================================================================ Additional CSD's /pub/pccbbs/os2_fixes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ Desktop Vendor Files /pub/pccbbs/desktop_vendor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 811501 06-13-95 Cirrus 5430 Windows Driver ver1.22 613475 06-13-95 Cirrus 5430 Windows Driver ver1.22 31360 07-26-94 MicroStat.5 Prot.mode S3 drvr- VP2 v1.2 8050 07-26-94 MicroStat.5 Real mode S3 drvr for VP2 19650 07-26-94 VersaCad S3 video driver for VP2 v1.3 7580 07-26-94 WordPerfect S3 video driver for VP2 11839 07-26-94 Cadkey5 S3 video driver for VP2 53124 07-25-94 WinNT S3 86C805 Vid Drvr for VP2 v2.11 etw32os2.exe 754299 09-16-94 Tseng ET4000/W32 Vid.Drv v1.02 OS/2 2.1 759693 08-11-94 Cirrus Logic CL542x ( READ 5-LINE ) ...Cirrus Logic CL542x series driver for Windows. Must use PKUNZIP with the "-d" option to extract it correctly. This driver is from the Cirrus BBS Version 1.43 927349 10-31-95 Cirrus 5430 drivers v1.24 for Win (1/2) 1016086 10-31-95 Cirrus 5430 driver v1.24 for win (2/2) pwrscsi4.exe 532172 09-18-96 Power SCSI drivers for TMC adapters vdiag.exe 284208 08-11-94 ET4000 W32 Diagnostic-6381 DX Si v5.2 14242 08-11-94 ATI Vesa Support Update for P60D 53124 01-24-95 Win NT S3 864 Vid Drvr- VP 64xx v2.11 vpati21.exe 670862 07-26-94 ATI video drvr for Pent with OS/2 2.1 vppwin14.exe 676931 04-24-95 S3 864 Windows Video Drivers Version 1.4 wineng04.exe 706668 12-15-95 S3 Trio Generic Video Drivers winpan32.exe 38689 09-05-95 Win 3.1 Tch Control Panel for S3 drivers ============================================================================ NetFinity Manager /pub/pccbbs/netfinity_manager ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ipxsampl.exe 22362 05-30-95 Sample Files for Req Install (How To) nf5000jp.exe 382183 05-06-98 Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.00.0J for OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows, and NetWare (Japanese) nf5000jp.txt 2813 05-06-98 Readme for NF5000JP.EXE - Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.00.0 (Japanese) nf5000us.exe 2115757 05-06-98 Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.00.0 for OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows, and NetWare nf5000us.txt 2801 05-06-98 Readme for NF5000US.EXE - Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.00.0 (English) nf5002jp.exe 382192 05-06-98 Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.00.2J for OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows, and NetWare (Japanese) nf5002jp.txt 2813 05-06-98 Readme for NF5002JP.EXE - Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.00.2 (Japanese) nf5002us.exe 1121106 05-06-98 Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.00.2 for OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows, and NetWare nf5002us.txt 2801 05-06-98 Readme for NF5002US.EXE - Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.00.2 (English) nf5003jp.exe 382193 05-06-98 Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.00.3J for OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows, and NetWare (Japanese) nf5003jp.txt 2813 05-06-98 Readme for NF5003JP.EXE - Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.00.3 (Japanese) nf5003us.exe 1121106 05-06-98 Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.00.3 for OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows, and NetWare nf5003us.txt 2801 05-06-98 Readme for NF5003US.EXE - Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.00.3 (English) nf50raid.exe 438973 10-17-97 Corrects Write Back, Data Scrubbing problem nf5100jp.exe 408921 04-23-98 Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.10.0J for OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows, and NetWare (Japanese) nf5100jp.txt 2812 04-23-98 Readme for NF5100JP.EXE - Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.10.0 (Japanese) nf5100us.exe 2155197 06-03-98 Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.10.0 for OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows, and NetWare nf5100us.txt 2801 04-23-98 Readme for NF5100US.EXE - Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.10.0 (English) nf5102us.exe 1415990 06-03-98 Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.10.2 for OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows, and NetWare nf5102us.txt 2801 04-23-98 Readme for NF5102US.EXE - Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.10.2 (English) nf5103us.exe 1415986 06-03-98 Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.10.3 for OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows, and NetWare nf5103us.txt 2801 04-23-98 Readme for NF5103US.EXE - Fixes for Netfinity Manager & Client Services V5.10.3 (English) nfdasd.flt 11696 04-22-96 Unpacked file for all versions of NetFin nfdasd.pak 7119 04-22-96 Packed file for all versions of NetFin oep128a.exe 736672 07-12-95 NF ServerGuard software for OS/2 & NW sna4netf.exe 572320 09-24-97 Adds SNA support to Netfinity 4.00.5 for OS/2 and Win95 ============================================================================ PS/1 Files /pub/pccbbs/ps1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1024-cyl.txt 3282 07-27-95 Adding a second hard drive ..."This file contains information on adding a second hard drive. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." 19wn3xpe.exe 127001 07-25-95 IBM/Lexmark 4019 Laser Printer Driver ...This is the IBM/Lexmark 4019 Laser Printer Driver for Microsoft Windows 3.x, version 4.42. Installation: Download file. Copy file to an empty directory. From DOS and the directory containing the file, enter: 19WN3XPE to expand the file. See the README.1ST file for further installation instructions. 2121cd.exe 65923 06-22-95 PS/1 2011 & 2121 CD-ROM drivers ...These CD-Rom drivers are for the IBM CD-ROM drive expansion unit for PS/1 2121 computer only! Install: Download file. Create a directory on drive C: called CDROM. Move the file to that directory. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: 2121CD to expand the file. See the INSTALL.TXT file for more information 2123strt.exe 271547 05-12-95 PS/1 2123 Starter Disk ...This file will create a bootable starter diskette for a PS/1 2123 only! Installation: Download to an empty directory. From DOS, go to the directory with the file and type: 2123STRT See the README.TXT file in the directory for further installation instructions. 2144-m30.txt 2226 09-20-95 Aptiva M30 (2144-M30) specs ..."This file contains information about the new Aptiva M30 (2144-M30). This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." 2144-m50.txt 2274 09-21-95 Aptiva M50 (2144-M50) specs ..."This file contains information about the new Aptiva M50 (2144-M50). This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." 2168-m40.txt 2228 09-21-95 Aptiva M40 (2168-M40) specs ..."This file contains information about the new Aptiva M40 (2168-M40). This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." 21wpsf.exe 167768 08-02-93 OS/2 2.1 screen patches ...Self-extracting file with 3 patches for fixing 3 know screen problems with OS/2 2.1. There is a TEXT file called INSTRUCT.FIX that provides information on installing and a description of each patch. 32bitinf.txt 22105 09-08-95 32 bit Disk Access (Win 3.1x) ..."This file contains information on Microsoft Windows 3.1x 32-Bit Disk Access Feature and the IBM PS/1 Computers. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." 4quad6-2.exe 175539 05-18-95 4-Quad screen for MS-DOS 6.2x ...This updates the 4-Quadrant screen on early PS/1's for use with MS-DOS 6.2, 6.21 or 6.22. Installation: Download file. Insert disk into the A drive. From DOS (SHIFT+F9 from 4-Quad screen), type: 4QUAD6-2 A: (The A: is very important.) See the README.TXT text file on the diskette for further installation instructions. 540fix.exe 17157 06-09-95 Patch for 540 MB or larger HD ...File is for hard drives >528 MB. Only MB >528 is recognized by Fall '92 PS/1's. File allows access to 528 MB of the HD. **FILE WILL *NOT* PROVIDE ACCESS TO ENTIRE HD!** Install: Connect lg. hard drive. Download file to C drive. From DOS, enter: 540FIX. Answer "Y" to modify HD settings. FDISK and FORMAT the new drive. 95games.txt 3694 12-07-95 Aptiva Mxx w/Win 95 & Mem. Opt./games ...File contains info. on how to set up your Aptiva Mxx (Windows 95 pre-loaded) to play games. Applies to Aptiva 2144-M31, M51, M52, M63 and the 2168-M41, M53, M55, M56, M57, M61, M62, M71, M72. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor. acu_ntu.txt 3426 09-08-95 Constructing and Installing an ACU ..."This file contains information on constructing and installing an ACU (Adapter Card Unit). This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." alist2_0.txt 29666 11-10-94 info about ARIA soundcard(support, etc) aolos2.exe 17792 05-10-93 GEOS PATCH FOR OS/2. SEE 5 LINE INFO ...This file allows users to run PCAOL under OS/2. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ THE README FILE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION! This file is NOT supported by IBM. The author and his contact information are located in the README file. aptfix.exe 86967 06-27-95 Aptiva Scheduler & Display Select Updat ...Contains replacement files for Scheduler and Display Select prog. If you experience problems with these prog. on Fall '94 Aptiva, use these files. Install: Download file. Insert empty disk into A drive. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: APTFIX A: to expand files to diskette. Enter: A:\INSTALL to install. aptshoop.exe 17491 01-09-96 Corrects "Shoop Shoop" sound that may be heard when playing back recorded sounds.See README.TXT for more info. ariafaqv.txt 32733 10-16-95 The Aria FAQ (Ver. 1.12) ...Document is aimed at everyone in the market for a soundcard, already owns an Aria soundcard, or wants to learn more about Aria soundcards in general. It focuses on hardware related Aria info. including developers information. File is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Notepad. ariainfo.exe 12917 05-20-94 Information about the Aria soundcard backup.txt 3963 12-07-95 Backing Up in OS/2 ...This file contains information on how to backup files and etc. under the OS/2 operating system. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor. blaster.txt 2177 07-27-95 Setting up Sound Blaster card ..."This file contains information on setting up and configuring a Sound Blaster card. Also discusses memory in regards to the Sound Blaster. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." buyprt.txt 6396 07-27-95 Buying a printer ..."This file contains information on buying a printer. Includes a checklist of things to look for/consider when purchasing a printer. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." c5422_24.exe 1443153 06-16-95 Cirrus Logic 5422/5424 Win Drivers ...Cirrus Logic Win drv(v1.50) for CL-5422 & CL-5424 video chipsets. Install: Download file. From DOS and directory with file, enter: C5422_24. Insert blank disk in drive A and enter: K54242E -D A: Insert another blank disk in drive A and enter: K54242E2 -D A: **Must use -D parameter.** See INSTALL.TXT for further install. c5426_28.exe 1512188 06-16-95 Cirrus Logic 5426/5428 Win Drivers ...Cirrus Logic Win drv(v1.50) for CL-5426 & CL-5428 video chipsets. Install: Download file. From DOS and directory with file, enter: C5426_28. Insert blank disk in drive A and enter: K54282E -D A: Insert another blank disk in drive A and enter: K54282E2 -D A: **Must use -D parameter.** See INSTALL.TXT for further install. c5426_28.txt 1284 09-14-98 Readme for c5426_28.exe c5430_34.exe 1467111 06-16-95 Cirrus Logic 5430/5434 Win Drivers ...Cirrus Logic Win drv(v1.22) for CL-5430 & CL-5434 video chipsets. Install: Download file. From DOS and directory with file, enter: C5430_34. Insert blank disk in drive A and enter: K543X2E -D A: Insert another blank disk in drive A and enter: K543X2E2 -D A: **Must use -D parameter.** See INSTALL.TXT for further install. cafal93s.exe 17863 06-27-95 Fall '93/SBlast-CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT ...Contains orig. CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT files that were preloaded on Fall '93 PS/1's with Sound Blaster sound card. *Files may not work with current configuration.* Install: Download file. Move file to empty directory. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: CAFAL93S. See CAFAL93S.TXT file for further instructions. cafal94a.exe 17991 06-27-95 Fall '94/Aria-CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT ...Contains orig. CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT files that were preloaded on Fall '94 PS/1's with Aria sound card. *Files may not work with current configuration.* Install: Download file. Move file to empty directory. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: CAFAL94A. See CAFAL94A.TXT file for further instructions. cafall93.exe 17562 06-27-95 Fall '93-CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT ...Contains orig. CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT files that were preloaded on Fall '93 PS/1's. *Files may not work with current configuration. Install: Download file. Move file to empty directory. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: CAFALL93. See CAFALL93.TXT file for further instructions. canonenv.txt 1531 09-08-95 Works 3 problems w/envelopes, Canon prt ..."This file contains information on Works 3.0 problems printing envelopes on a Canon printer. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." caspr94a.exe 18063 06-27-95 Spring '94/Aria-CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT ...Contains orig. CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT files that were preloaded on Spring '94 PS/1's with Aria sound card. *Files may not work with current configuration.* Install: Download file. Move file to empty directory. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: SPR94A. See CASPR94A.TXT file for further instructions. caspr94s.exe 18087 06-27-95 Spr '94/SBlast-CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT ...Contains orig. CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT files that were preloaded on Spring '94 PS/1's with Sound Blaster card. *Files may not work with current configuration.* Install: Download file. Move file to empty directory. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: SPR94S. See CASPR94S.TXT file for further instructions. casprg93.exe 17121 06-27-95 Spring '93-CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT ...Contains orig. CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT files that were preloaded on Spring '93 PS/1's. *Files may not work with current configuration.* Install: Download file. Move file to empty directory. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: CASPRG93. See CASPRG93.TXT file for further instructions. cd_speed.txt 855 09-08-95 Speeding up your CD-ROM drive ..."This file contains information on improving your CD-ROM's performance. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." cdromdos.sys 13509 02-15-95 CD Rom Driver cir-vesa.exe 17646 01-05-94 VESA drivers for Cirrus video ...Instructions: Download this file and execute it. This will create 2 files:  CRUSVESA.COM (the VESA driver itself), and README.TXT (instructions for using the VESA driver). ciros2.exe 271744 08-09-93 Cirrus Drivers for OS/2 2.0 (not 2.1) cirutil.exe 643712 08-09-93 Utilities for Cirrus Video Chip Sets citizn24.exe 129772 04-24-95 Citizen 24 pin Windows Drivers ...Supports these printers: Citizen PN48, Citizen 124D, Citizen 224, Citizen Prodot 24, Citizen Swift 24, Citizen Swift 24x, Citizen Swift 24e, Citizen GSX-130, Citizen GSX-140, Citizen GSX-140+, Citizen GSX-145. Installation: In file's directory, type: CITIZN24. Refer to PRINTER.TXT file for installation instructions cmdfile.txt 987 12-07-95 Creating CMD Files in OS/2 ...This file contains information on how to CMD files in the OS/2 operating system. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor. conf2011.exe 19430 04-24-95 PS/1 2011 Configuration file ...This file contains the CONFIGUR.EXE file which is used to set various system settings (i.e.: COM PORTS, KEYBOARD and MOUSE). Installation: Download file and change to directory containing the file. At the DOS prompt, type: CONF2011 C:\DOS. The file will be placed in the C:\DOS directory. For PS/1 2011 models only! conf2121.exe 19430 04-24-95 PS/1 2121 Configuration file ...This file contains the CONFIGUR.EXE file which is used to set various system settings (i.e.: COM PORTS, KEYBOARD and MOUSE). Installation: Download file and change to directory containing the file. At the DOS prompt, type: CONF2121 C:\DOS. The file will be placed in the C:\DOS directory. For PS/1 2121 models only! conf_f92.exe 16008 05-25-95 FAll '92 PS/1 Configur Utility ...This is the CONFIGUR.EXE file for the Fall 1993 PS/1 model line and is used to set various system settings such as COM PORTS, KEYBOARD and MOUSE. Installation: Download file. In DOS, change to the directory with the file. Type: CONF_F93 C:\DOS to expand le and place it in the C:\DOS directory, where it is needed. conf_f93.exe 16076 05-25-95 Fall '93 PS/1 CONFIGUR Utility ...This is the CONFIGUR.EXE file for the Fall 1993 PS/1 model line and is used to set various system settings such as COM PORTS, KEYBOARD and MOUSE. Installation: Download file. In DOS, change to the directory with the file. Type: CONF_F93 C:\DOS to expand le and place it in the C:\DOS directory, where it is needed. conf_s93.exe 16076 05-25-95 Spring '93 PS/1 CONFIGUR Utility ...This is the CONFIGUR.EXE file for the Spring 1993 PS/1 model line and is used to set various system settings such as COM PORTS, KEYBOARD and MOUSE. Installation: Download file. In DOS, change to the directory with the file. Type: CONF_S93 C:\DOS to expand le and place it in the C:\DOS directory, where it is needed. conf_s94.exe 16076 05-25-95 Spring '94 PS/1 CONFIGUR Utility ...This is the CONFIGUR.EXE file for the Spring 1994 PS/1 model line and is used to set various system settings such as COM PORTS, KEYBOARD and MOUSE. Installation: Download file. In DOS, change to the directory with the file. Type: CONF_S94 C:\DOS to expand le and place it in the C:\DOS directory, where it is needed. confix.exe 22030 06-01-95 Configuration Patch Files ..."*** See Bulletin # 10 for more details!! *** BIOS configuration patch for writing/correcting BIOS information written to the hard disk. Installation: Download file and move to an empty directory. Enter: CONFIX to expand file, then enter: FIXIT to run utility." d5wn31.exe 485395 05-17-95 HP DeskJet Printer Drivers ...HP DeskJet 500 series printer driver Ver. 4.1 for MS Windows 3.1. Supports the HP DeskJet, DeskJet PLUS, 500, 510, 520, 500C, 550C, and 560C printers. Installation: Download to an empty directory. From DOS, go to the directory with the file and type: D5WN31 See the README.TXT file in the directory for further instructions. defrag.txt 4211 10-16-95 Running DEFRAG ..."This file contains information about running DEFRAG in DOS. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." denynone.exe 17792 04-18-93 SHARE.EXE patch for OS/2 ...This self extracting file will allow programs which use SHARE.EXE to be run on an OS/2 system. Please read the README file which accompanies the package. dispdll.dll 29696 01-16-95 REPLACEMENT FILE dispsel.exe 11264 02-10-94 Display Select for PS/1's dj100en.exe 1158941 07-25-95 HP DeskJet 500 Printer Drivers ...HP DeskJet 500 series printer driver Ver 6.1d for MS Windows 3.1. Supports the HP DeskJet 500, 510, 520, 540, 500C, 550C, and 560C printers. Installation: Download to an empty directory. From DOS, go to the directory with the file and type: DJ100EN See the README.TXT file in the directory for further instructions. dos62sp.exe 763184 12-15-93 DOS 6.2 Supplemental Diskette ...After stepping up to DOS 6.2 from 6.0, you will need to RUN this program to extract the files to a floppy with the following command: DOS62SP A: . The EDLIN.EXE file in this program is now fixed, and the EDLIN.COM file needs to be removed from your system if it exists. dos6supp.exe 482944 10-25-93 Supplimental files for DOS 6.0 ...Additional files that were left out odf the DOS 6.0 upgrade, as well as many of the DOS 5.0 files that were not included. The BASIC files GORILLA.BAS and others are also included in this self-extracting file. Download to a FLOPPY and run to extract files. Then run the INSTALL program. dos6to62.exe 29166 05-31-95 COUNTRY.SYS and KEYB.COM files ..."File contains MS-DOS versions of COUNTRY.SYS and KEYB.COM which allows upgrading of MS-DOS 6.0 w/o the error message that files cannot be upgraded. Installation: Download file. In DOS, change to the directory with the file. Type: DOS6TO62 C:\DOS to expand le into the DOS directory. Answer ""Y""es to overwrite files." dos7demo.exe 576139 03-10-95 PC-DOS 7.0 Demo ...PC-DOS 7 Demo-This is a program that highlights the new features of PC-DOS 7. Installation: Download file and copy to disk. Type: A:DOS7DEMO, then: A:INSTALL C: (where C is the drive to install to). To run, type: C:\DOS7DEMO\DOS7DEMO. To pause/resume demo, press the [Space] key. To stop, press the [Esc] key 3 times. dosmenu.exe 17166 03-13-91 DOS Menu files dosshell.bat 256 02-17-93 DOS shell menu from 4 quad screen dwnldlib.txt 5018 09-13-95 Software Library Files ..."This file contains information on the IBM Software/Download Libraries on the electronic services. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." eagle.mdm 551 12-15-93 Windows .MDM driver DIGICOM FAX/MODEMS ...Download this file and place in the C:\WAOL\MPM directory before starting WAOL. Choose the SETUP button and then MODEM SETUP, you will now see a listing for the EAGLE DIGICOM modem. Highlight it and return to the SIGNON screen after verifying the COM port your modem is attached to. et3000.exe 433851 08-14-95 Tseng ET3000 video drivers ...Tseng video drivers for the ET3000 video chipset (PS/1 2011 or 2121 models). Installation: Download file. Insert a blank disk into drive A. From DOS and the directory containing the file, enter: ET3000 A: to expand the file. See the README.DOC text file for further instructions. et4000.exe 571965 08-14-95 Tseng ET4000 video drivers ...Tseng video drivers for the ET4000 video chipset. Installation: Download file. Insert a blank disk into drive A. From DOS and the directory containing the file, enter: ET4000 A: to expand the file. See the README.DOC text file, on the diskette, for further installation instructions. fastcfg.txt 2708 12-07-95 Using FASTCFG for your MWave card ...This file contains information on how to use the FASTCFG program for the MWave card. Article applies to all Aptiva computers that came pre-loaded with the MWave sound card/modem. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor. generic.txt 1918 07-27-95 Generic/Text Only Printer Drivers ..."This file explains how to correct problems with Generic/Text Only printer drivers. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." hpfs.txt 1609 10-16-95 OS/2 and High Performance File System ..."This file contains information about OS/2 and High Performance File System (HPFS). This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." ibmboot.exe 71972 08-15-95 IBM Helpware Boot Disk Utility ...Utility creates a boot disk that will enable running of programs that utilize memory in an unconventional manner (Like Games). **DOS files MUST reside in C:\DOS directory.** Install: Download file. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: IBMBOOT and follow on-screen instructions. (DOS ver. 6.x or 7.0 only!)(v2.04) ibmidecd.sys 12926 12-07-95 Aptiva IDE CD-ROM driver ...This is the original IBMIDECD.SYS CD-ROM driver that is on the IBM Aptiva computers. Installation: Download file. Copy or move the file to the C:\DOS directory. idchip.exe 17002 04-10-95 Cirrus Logic Video chip ID Program. ...This utility is for computers containing a Cirrus Logic video chipset. This utility identifies the chipset, amount of video RAM, video BIOS version, VESA support (if present) and number of colors supported. Installation: Download and type: IDCHIP to run. DO NOT RUN WHILE WINDOWS IS RUNNING. (Ver: Jan. 1995) instdrv.exe 32582 05-17-95 Sierra Games Drivers for PS/1 ...This file contains drivers and an installation program for Sierra Online games for use on the PS/1 2011 or 2121 with the Audio & Joystick card. Installation: Download to an empty directory. From DOS, go to the directory with the file and type: INSTDRV, then type: README for further installation instructions. inteoi.exe 18173 06-13-95 End of Int. fix (2121 & 2123) ...Program performs an End of Interrupt (EOI) instruct. to the Interrupt Controller. Some programs require this when running on PS/1 2121's and 2123's. Install: Download file. Insert empty disk into the A drive. From DOS and the directory containing file, enter: INTEOI A:. See README.TXT file for further installation. internet.txt 3255 12-07-95 OS/2 Warp's Internet Connection ...This file contains information on OS/2 Warp's Internet Connection. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor. joystick.exe 26341 06-28-95 OS/2 Joystick driver ...Contains an OS/2 Joystick driver for OS/2 Warp. Installation: Download file. Insert empty disk into the A drive. From DOS and the directory containing the file, enter: JOYSTICK A: to expand the files, creating the "OS/2 Joystick Device Driver" diskette. See the README.TXT file on the diskette for further installation. k54xx_d3.exe 1350605 08-15-95 Cirrus Logic 54xx OS/2 drivers ...Cirrus Logic OS/2(ver 2.x, 3.0) drivers for CL-5426, 5428, 5430 and 5434 video chipsets. Install: Download file. Insert blank disk into drive A. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: K54xx-D3 -D A: to expand file. "-D" parameter is very important. See the README.TXT file for further install instructions. killmnk3.exe 30106 04-27-95 Kill Monkey and INT_10 Viruses ...KillMonk is a program for finding and removing the Monkey and INT_10 viruses from hard disks and diskettes. Installation: Download file and copy to it's own directory. Change to the directory with the file and type: KILLMNK3.EXE, then read the KILLMNK3.DOC file for more info. and instructions on running. kompend.exe 247636 06-09-95 PC Information/Reference ...KOMPEND is a collection of information about PCs compiled by Ken Hopkins. (Ver. October, 1994) Installation: Download file and move to empty directory. From File Manager, double-click on file: KOMPEND.EXE. Press [F5] to update File Manager. Double-click on the file: KOMPEND.HLP. Also, see the README.TXT file included. krnl386.exe 75490 09-08-95 File for Vince Layne ...Take this file and place it in the C:\Windows\System subdirectory. This file will replace the old file. loaddisk.exe 23052 05-18-95 Creates disks from *.DSK files ...This file will create diskettes from disk (*.dsk)image files. Installation: Download file to empty directory. In DOS, change to the directory with the file. Type: LOADDISK to expand the file. Usage syntax: LOADDSKF drv:\direct\flname.DSK A: /F where "drv", "direct", "flname" is the location and name of *.DSK image file. makecu.exe 26777 10-26-95 DOS 6.2x/Recovery Update ...Corrects problems experienced when creating PS/1 Recovery disk after upgrading MS-DOS version to MS-DOS 6.2x. It corrects PS/1 Tools utilities to allow creation of the PS/1 Recovery disk and original software backups. Installation: Download file. Copy file to the C:\PS1TOOLS directory. Choose to overwrite existing file. mcbdf94a.exe 18717 03-06-95 Multi-Cnfg boot disk for Fall94 w/Aria ...Multiple-Configuration/DOS 6.x and higher. This boot disk will solve memory problems you may have with some DOS programs that you may be running. You will have 4-6 selections in a menu at boot-up. Installation: Insert disk into A drive, change to the directory w/downloaded file and type MCBDF94A, then type INSTALL. mcbdf94s.exe 18874 03-06-95 Multi-Cfg boot disk for Fall94 w/SBlast ...Multiple-Configuration / DOS 6.x and higher. This boot disk will solve memory problems you may have with some DOS programs that you may be running. You will have 4-6 selections in a menu at boot-up. Installation: Insert disk into A drive, change to the directory w/downloaded file and type MCBDF94S, then type INSTALL. mcbds94a.exe 18768 03-06-95 Multi-Cfg boot disk for Spring94 w/Aria ...Multiple-Configuration / DOS 6.x and higher. This boot disk will solve memory problems you may have with some DOS programs that you may be running. You will have 4-6 selections in a menu at boot-up. Installation: Insert disk into A drive, change to the directory w/downloaded file and type MCBDS94A, then type INSTALL. mcbds94s.exe 18827 03-06-95 Multi-Cfg boot disk for Spring94 w/SB ...Multiple-Configuration / DOS 6.x and higher. This boot disk will solve memory problems you may have with some DOS programs that you may be running. You will have 4-6 selections in a menu at boot-up. Installation: Insert disk into A drive, change to the directory w/downloaded file and type MCBDS94S, then type INSTALL. memory.txt 2493 07-27-95 RAM, DRAM, SRAM, VRAM explained ..."This file explains the differences in RAM, DRAM, SRAM, and VRAM. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." memory2.txt 16717 09-13-95 Memory information and tips ..."""Everything That You Wanted To Know About Memory But Forgot to Ask"" by Pat Kusbel This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." mickey.exe 52096 06-19-95 Mickey's Colors and Shapes fix ...This is an updated file for the original MICKEY.EXE for Disney's "Mickey's Colors and Shapes" application preloaded on Disney PS/1 models. File fixes problems of not being able to hear sound after printing in the program. Installation: Download and copy file to the C:\MICKC&S directory. Choose to overwrite the existing file. missicon.txt 2736 12-07-95 Vanishing Windows Icons ...This file contains information on vanishing Windows icons. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor. mjp.exe 65408 06-19-95 Mickey's Jigsaw fix ...This is an updated file for the original MJP.EXE for Disney's "Mickey's Jigsaw Puzzle" application preloaded on Disney PS/1 models. File fixes problems of not being able to hear sound after printing in the program. Installation: Download and copy file to the C:\JIGSAW directory. Choose to overwrite the existing file. mm-recv.exe 675683 04-25-94 PS/1 MultiMedia recovery files ...To create a PS/1 MultiMedia recovery disk with this file, first create a MS-DOS 6.0 system disk (FORMAT A: /S from a MS-DOS 6.0 command line). Then enter the command MM-RECV A: with that disk in your A: drive. This disk will then allow you to recover from the PS/1 CD. models.txt 2187 12-07-95 PS/1, Aptiva, PS/Note models ...This file lists all PS/1, Aptiva, and PS/Note models and their respective model "year". This file can be referenced when looking at other downloadable file descriptions. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Notepad or the DOS editor. 31872 04-16-93 This is the mouse driver for PC DOS 5.0 ...This is the mouse driver for PC DOS 5.0 made available to those who need the updated mouse driver to correct various problems. This should correct problem for those who purchase MS DOS 5.0 or 6.0. mouse123.exe 15058 06-13-95 Lotus 1-2-3 v3.1 Mouse fix ...Program enables use of the mouse on a PS/1 when running Lotus 123 Rel. 3.1 in WYSIWYG mode. Installation: Download file. Insert an empty diskette into the A drive. From DOS, and the directory containing the file, enter: MOUSE123 A: See the README.TXT file on the diskette for further installation instructions. mouse5.exe 31872 06-22-95 DOS 5.0 Mouse driver ...This is the mouse driver from DOS 5.0. This mouse driver occupies less memory than later versions and may help in optimizing memory. It will also replace your old driver, if you have deleted it. Installation: Download file. Move file to DOS or another directory. Address/run the file as needed. mscdex.exe 25472 07-30-93 MSCDEX.EXE version 2.2 ...MSCDEX.EXE version 2.2 for use with a CD-ROM drive and the newer versions of DOS (MS-DOS 6.0 and IBM PC-DOS 6.1). msd211.exe 184599 12-22-94 MSD: Microsoft Diagnostics ...MSD is a DOS utility designed to provide detailed technical info. about a computer's hardware/software. This info. may be helpful when trying to diagnose and solve problems. Install: Download and move file to an empty directory. In DOS, enter: MSD211 to expand ile. Enter: MSD to run utility. See README.TXT for more info. msdos6up.exe 986045 06-19-95 Early MS-DOS 6.0 Update ...For early release MS-DOS 6.0(2-12-93 file dates) on Spring '93 PS/1's. This will upgrade DOS to the released version of MS-DOS 6.0. Install: Download. Insert blank disk into A drive. From DOS and direct. containing file, enter: MSDOS6UP A:. It's *VERY* important to read/follow instruct. in READNOW.TXT file on disk. mwave.txt 5161 12-07-95 MWave sound card/modem features ...This file contains information on the MWave sound card/modem features. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor. new_mod.exe 69328 10-26-95 New Aptiva Mxx pentium models ...This is a help file that contains information on the newest Aptiva pentium models. Installation: Download file. From DOS and the directory containing the file, enter: NEW_MOD Double-click on the filename NEW_MOD.HLP, located in the same directory as .EXE, in Windows File Manager (3.1X) or Explorer (95). notevid.exe 733721 06-22-95 PS/Note-ThinkPad Video driver ...Video drivers for Win 3.1 and some DOS applications. Drivers are specifically designed to max. perform of applications on ThinkPad 350/350C and PS/Note 425/425C.(Ver. 2.5.1) Install: Download file and copy to empty directory. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: NOTEVID. See README.TXT file for further install. ntu-dx4.txt 18188 08-02-95 Performance Upgrading: A look... ..."This file discusses upgrading your PS/1 486 computer in regards to improving performance. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." od-test.txt 3710 08-02-95 Intel OverDrive Test Results ..."Test results of Intel OverDrive processors in PS/1 computers (rev. 07.145F) This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows' Notepad or the DOS editor." os2-aria.exe 135105 06-28-95 OS/2 Warp-Aria16 drivers ...Aria16 sound card drivers for OS/2 Warp on IBM PS/1 or Aptiva. (Same as: ARIA16.ZIP.) **Requires IBM OS/2 Aptiva Update disk for Aptivas. See README.TXT.** Install: Download file. Insert empty disk in drive A. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: OS2-ARIA A:. See README.TXT file on disk for further installation os2_s3.dsk 466643 06-22-95 S3-OS/2 video drv - Pent Aptiva ...Updated OS/2, S3 video drv for Pentium Aptivas(710,712,715,730). *LOADDISK.EXE MUST BE INSTALLED.* Install: Download. Insert disk into A drive. Enter: drv:\path\LOADDSKF drv:\path\OS2_S3.DSK A: Where 'drv' and 'path' is location of each file, respectively. Boot Aptiva with disk in A drive. (OS/2 must be on the C drive.) os2games.txt 4571 12-07-95 Configuring Aptiva Mxx w/OS/2 for games ...File contains info. on how to set up Aptiva Mxx (PC DOS 7.0 and OS/2 Warp pre-loaded) to play games. Article applies to Aptiva 2144-M30, M35, M50 and 2168-M40, M54, M58, M60, M70. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor. os2hist.txt 3572 09-13-95 A Brief History of OS/2 ..."This file contains information on the history of OS/2. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." outlet.txt 1931 06-22-95 IBM PC Factory Outlet Information ...File contains info on sales available from IBM PC Factory Outlet. File provides info on how to get the latest price list via fax, 24 hrs/day. File is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor. Windows Notepad is suggested, with word wrap turned on. Word wrap is located in Edit on menu bar of Notepad. p30-550.txt 1327 08-03-95 Aptiva 550 (2144-P30) specs ..."This file contains information about the new Aptiva 550 (2144-P30). This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." page.exe 16714 06-22-95 Page Mode for PS/1 486SX 25 MHz ...Files are used to turn page mode on for the PS/1 and will stop "snow" from appearing on the 25 Mhz 486SX PS/1's. Installation: Download file. Copy file to an empty directory. From DOS and the directory containing the file, enter: PAGE to expand the file. See the READTHIS.TXT file for further installation instructions. partcat2.txt 7801 09-13-95 IBM Club Partner Point Catalog pent63.exe 481315 03-23-95 CP Backup(DOS 6.3) and Pentium patch ...Central Point Backup (included in PC-DOS 6.3) and Pentium Processor patch. This file will correct problems that exist with the CP Backup program and the Pentium processor. Installation: Download and move to empty directory. From directory, type: PENT63, then type: PENTFIX. procupgr.txt 4532 12-07-95 Processors: How fast do you need? ...This file contains information on processors and how fast do you need. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor. progman.txt 10113 08-03-95 Features of Windows Program Manager ..."This file explains how to use the features of Windows Program Manager. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." ps1audwd.exe 84959 06-13-95 PS/1 Audio Card/Windows driver ...Driver is for PS/1 Audio Card (in 2011 or 2121) and Windows 3.1. Driver is limited in it's capabilities (See README.TXT). Install: Download file. Move file to an empty directory. From DOS and the directory containing the file, enter: PS1AUDWD. See the README.TXT file, included, for further install instructions. ps1dos5.exe 52244 05-19-95 4-Quad screen for DOS 5.0 ...This updates the 4-Quadrant screen on early PS/1's for use with DOS 5.0. Installation: Download file. Insert disk into the A drive. From DOS (SHIFT+F9 from 4-Quad screen), type: PS1DOS5 A: (The A: is very important.) See the README.TXT text file on the diskette for further installation instructions. ps1kybd.exe 13846 06-22-95 Degree symbol on PS/1 386SX ...PS1KB.EXE, included in this file, allows you to enter the degree symbol on a PS/1 386SX. This terminate and stay resident program (TSR) correctly handles the degree symbol. Install: Download file. From DOS and directory containing the file, enter: PS1KYBD. Enter: PS1KB to run program or see README.TXT file, included. ps1mdos6.exe 140486 05-31-95 PS/1-Note Tools update DOS5 to MSDOS6.x ...For PS/1-Notes preloaded with DOS 5 and upgraded to MS-DOS 6.x. This updates the PS/1-Note software tools which do not work correctly after upgrading DOS. To install: Download and copy to a blank diskette. Type: A: and then: A:PS1MDOS6 -D (the -D must be present), then: A:INSTALL.BAT. See README.TXT for more info. ps1mic01.exe 45952 11-18-91 For PS/1 Audiocard. Record & Play. ...This file is self-extracting into RECORD.EXE, PLAY.EXE, PLAYBIG.EXE, and README.TXT. Be sure to read the README file and leave message here to Hal Bufford. Note - PLAYBIG.EXE does not use a buffer, so high playback rates or playback from diskette sound choppy. Use PLAY.EXE instead. ps1unzip.exe 18480 05-31-95 PS/1 Recovery UNZIP Utility ..."PS1UNZIP will allow you to extract a file or group of files from the .ZIP files in the C:\RECOVERY directory. PS1UNZIP requires that no files have been deleted from the C:\RECOVERY directory. Installation: Download file and copy it to the C:\RECOVERY directory. Type ""PS1UNZIP"" or ""PS1UNZIP ?"" for help." ps1win.exe 96533 06-19-95 PS/1-Win files for Windows 3.0 ...File contains several, original *.ICO, *.PIF, *.INI, and *.GRP files unique to the PS/1 2121 and 2123. File should be used if original files were deleted. Installation: Download file and copy to empty directory. From DOS and directory containing the file, enter: PS1WIN. Move the files needed to the C:\WINDOWS directory ptsfax.exe 568989 11-21-95 W95/Comm. Ctr. fax printing fix ...Fixes printing of faxes from Communications Center. File only for MS Windows 95 and Aptiva Comm. Ctr. Install: Download file. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: PTSFAX Insert blank HD diskette when prompted. Boot with new diskette. Follow on-screen nstructions to install. After installation, reboot the Aptiva. resume.exe 2875 05-17-94 file for the APM of the PS/1 19712 06-22-95 ROMSHELL.COM (6-13-91) ...This file is the original ROMSHELL.COM that was included on the PS/1 2011 or 2121 computers. This file is part of the 4-Quadrant menu system on these PS/1's. Installation: Download file. Move the file to the C:\DOS directory. ** This file does not need to be expanded. rrstac40.txt 5171 09-13-95 Stacker 4.0 and Rapid R ..."This file contains information on Rapid Resume and Stacker 4.0. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." s15-720.txt 1196 08-03-95 Aptiva 720 (2144-S15) specs ..."This file contains information about the new Aptiva 720 (2144-S15). This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." s3drv8xp.exe 556032 05-20-95 Windows s3 video drivers ...These are updated Windows S3 video drivers for Aptiva 710, 712, 715, and 730. These drivers prevent character dropout that my be experienced with lower level drivers. Installation: Download file to it's own subdirectory, type: S3DRV8XP to expand the file. See Windows Setup to install driver or for Help. (V. 2.4b8) 47521 04-10-95 Sound Blaster emulation for Aria card ...The SB201.COM program contains the latest version of the Sound Blaster emulation for the Aria sound card. Installation: Download and copy this file to the PS1TOOLS directory(or directory in PATH statement). Run this program before running your DOS game. This program is not needed for Windows games! shell.clr 4438 04-22-95 File for Carl Stallone. 640 06-22-95 SHELLSTB.COM (6-13-91) ...This file is the original SHELLSTB.COM that was included on the PS/1 2011 or 2121 computers. This file is part of the 4-Quadrant menu system on these PS/1's. Installation: Download file. Move the file to the C:\DOS directory. ** This file does not need to be expanded. smtdrv42.exe 27794 09-14-93 Microsoft(R) Smartdrv ver. 4.2 ...Latest version of Microsoft(R) SMARTDRV.EXE. Fixes reported problems with theWRITE-BEHIND cache. Runs a little slower, but provides better security. 128 06-09-95 Clears sound card bits for 1362 errors ...Clears sound card bits in CMOS and BDA and is needed if the sound card causes "1362 Configuration Error" upon bootup (Usually clone sound cards). **NOTE: System Info. and Config. Util. will NOT display sound card.** Install: Download and move to C:\. Insert: C:\SOUNDCLR.COM in AUTOEXEC.BAT file before the HWCHECK command. spkrfix.exe 126792 12-15-95 Aptiva 21xx-Mxx/Win 95 Mono sound fix ...File is used to correct the problem of having sound in only one speaker on the Aptiva 21xx-Mxx systems pre-loaded with Windows 95. Installation: Download file. In Explorer, run: SPKRFIX.EXE You will need a 3.5" HD diskette. See the README.TXT file on the iskette for further installation. stelth64.txt 1361 10-16-95 Diamond Stealth 64 VRAM card inWARP ..."This file contains information about the Diamond Stealth 64 VRAM card in OS/2 Warp and installing drivers. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." sup60.exe 482846 06-09-95 MS-DOS 6.0 Supplemental Disk ...MS-DOS 6.0 Supplemental Disk, includes: AccessDOS, Keybrd util., Util. to create bootable compressed disk, Util. from MS-DOS 5 not included with 6.0, Updated network files, MS-DOS Shell. Install: Download and move file to empty directory. From DOS and the directory with the file, enter: SUP60, then enter: SETUP. sup62.exe 763182 06-09-95 MS-DOS 6.2 Supplemental Disk ...MS-DOS 6.2 Supplemental Disk, includes: AccessDOS, Keybrd util., Util. to create bootable compressed disk, Util. from MS-DOS 5 not included with 6.2, Updated network files, MS-DOS Shell. Install: Download and move file to empty directory. From DOS and the directory with the file, enter: SUP62, then enter: SETUP. sup621.exe 755334 06-09-95 MS-DOS 6.21 Supplemental Disk ...MS-DOS 6.21 Supplemental Disk, includes: AccessDOS, Keybrd util., Util. to create bootable compressed disk, Util. from MS-DOS 5 not included with 6.21, Updated network files, MS-DOS Shell. Install: Download and move file to empty directory. From DOS and the directory with the file, enter: SUP621, then enter: SETUP. sup622.exe 781125 06-13-95 MS-DOS 6.22 Supplemental Disk ...MS-DOS 6.22 Supplemental Disk, includes: AccessDOS, Keybrd util., Util. to create bootable compressed disk, Util. from MS-DOS 5 not included with 6.22, Updated network files, MS-DOS Shell. Install: Download and move file to empty directory. From DOS and the directory with the file, enter: SUP622, then enter: SETUP. swlib.exe 241657 12-15-95 Files available for download ...Windows Help file containing info on files available in IBM Connection-America Online, IBM Club-Prodigy, PS/1 & Aptiva Forum-CompuServe, and Aptiva-PS/1 BBS Download Lib. Install: Download. Enter: SWLIB, then Double-click on filename SWLIB.HLP, ocated in same directory, in File Manager (3.1x) or Explorer (95) 22044 02-15-94 Fix for T7G and Cirrus GL542x IC ...This is the Cirrus Logic fix for The &th Guest and the Cirrus Logic GL542x video controller chipset. Please test and verify brefore you distribute it to PS/1 users. Downloaded directly from the Cirrus Logic BBS. tdci103.exe 1468345 12-15-95 Aptiva 21xx-Mxx Trident Win3.1x MPEG Dr ...File contains updated MPEG drivers for Aptiva 21xx-Mxx systems running Windows 3.1x. Installation: Download file. Copy file to an empty directory. From DOS and the directory containing the file, enter: TDCI103 to expand the file. See the README.TXT file for further installation instructions. tempdir.txt 3545 10-16-95 TMP files in the \DOS directory ..."This file contains information about TMP files in the \DOS directory. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." terminal.exe 148160 02-20-95 Replacement File for Ted Gumbel. threed.vbx 56816 02-08-95 File for Jason Peal tiebb1.txt 2520 04-11-95 File for Tom Tennant. tp_files.txt 10607 05-18-95 PS/Note & ThinkPad Files available ...TP_FILES.TXT lists all files that are available for PS/Note, ThinkPad, and other IBM Mobile computers. The files are available from the IBM PC Co. BBS and IBM's WWW Homepage. The list contains the filenames, a brief description, and instructions on how to download the files from the IBM Homepage, or the PCC BBS. tseng.exe 19512 05-11-93 TSENG ET-4000 VESA driver tseng4.exe 1110912 07-28-93 TSeng video drivers for Windows ...This is a self extracting file that contains Windows video drivers for the Tseng video chip set. tsrfont.txt 981 08-03-95 Using TSRFONT.EXE for DOS font problems ..."This file tells how to use the TSRFONT.EXE file for font problems in DOS on an Aptiva. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." tx12-28.exe 1120856 10-16-95 OS/2 vid drv for Trident 9680XGi ...Updated OS/2 vid drv for Trident 9680XGi chipset. Fixes Trap 000E in IBM Works. Installation: Download file. Copy or Move file to an empty directory. From DOS and the directory containing the file, enter: TX12-28. For further installation, see the TX12-28.TXT file in the same directory. Needs: IBM Aptiva Mxx unixboot.exe 17280 07-30-93 Fix for UNIX not recognizing HD cntlr ...Self-extracting file that fixes the problem where UNIX does not correctly recognize the Hard Drive controller in the IBM PS/1. There are instructions for its use in the UNIXBOOT.TXT file enclosed. usawks3b.exe 1009967 06-09-95 MS Works for Windows 3.0b Update ...File contains Works for Windows 3.0b update which corrects problems that existed in ver. 3.0. Install: Download file. Insert HD disk into the A drive. In DOS, change to directory with the file. Enter: USAWKS3B A: to expand the file onto the diskette. See the UPDATE.WPS file, on diskette, for further installation. vesanote.exe 41984 09-02-93 vesa driver for the PS/note 425 vsbpd.386 5888 06-13-95 SB16 driver for Rapid Resume ...This is a previous version of the Windows Sound Blaster driver. It allows the Sound Blaster to function with Rapid Resume in Fall '93 PS/1's with Smart Energy System. Installation: Download file. Copy file to the: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory. Answer "yes" to overwrite existing file. *This file does not need to be expanded. warp.exe 1459334 04-10-95 Demo of OS/2 Warp ...OS/2 Warp Demo-This is a program that highlights the new features of OS/2 Warp. Installation: Download file, change to directory where the file is located and type: WARP. Then type: INSTALL. Follow the instructions to complete the installation. To run the Demo again, type: OS2DEMO. (You do not need OS/2 to run demo.) wfxcomm.drv 9488 12-23-93 WinFAX Comm Driver for 16550 UARTS ...Copy this file into the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Edit the following line in your SYSTEM.INI file [boot] section: COMM.DRV=COMM.DRV to read COMM.DRV=WFXCOMM.DRV. RESTART Windows, and set your PORTS settings in CONTROL PANEL to 19200 (COM1). wfxcomm.exe 23165 04-27-95 Enhanced 16550 Communication Driver ...Enhanced 16550 Communication Driver for Windows and Windows for Workgroups 3.1 and higher. (Ver. 3.1) This file provides better 16550 UART support under Windows for high speed modems equipped with the 16550 UART. Installation: Change to the directory with the downloaded file and type: WFXCOMM, then type: INSTRUCT. win32bit.exe 17092 12-25-94 Win 32-Bit Disk Access update ...This file will only work with the listed models. DO NOT USE THIS FILE ON AN UNLISTED SYSTEM. 2133-?43,?50,?53,G46,S45,W42,M40,G49, S47, W45,M46, and 2155-?44,?54,P57,P71,?76,?78,G52,S50,W48,G72, Z33,S70,W57,P74,G82,S80,W77,P84, and 2168-G57,S55,W52,G87,S85, , P89 (The '?' is replaced with the letters G,P,S,W.) window95.txt 3235 10-16-95 Installing Windows 95 on your PS/1 ..."This file contains information about installing Windows 95 on a PS/1. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." winwrks.txt 1043 08-03-95 PFS: WindowWorks fast answers ..."This file provides some fast answers to PFS: WindowWorks. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." wpcset.txt 2727 08-03-95 Correcting WP 6.0 for Windows problem ..."This file explains how to correct a Word Perfect 6.0 for Windows problem. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." ww1000.exe 24830 05-19-95 VSHARE-replacement for SHARE ...File contains VSHARE.386(Ver This version is compatible with Windows 3.1, WFWG 3.1, 3.11. VSHARE.386 eliminates the need for SHARE.EXE. Installation: Download file. In DOS, change to the directory with the file and type: WW1000. See the README.TXT file for further installation instructions. ww1138.exe 41573 06-22-95 MS Windows Calculator Upgrade ...MS Windows Calculator upgrade, fixes problems with rounding in earlier version with simple subtractions done with two numbers with integers to right of decimal point. Install: Download file and copy to empty directory. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: WW1138. See README.TXT file for further installation wworksgp.txt 2154 08-03-95 PFS: WindowWorks GPF errors ..."This file contains information on GPF errors experienced in PFS: Window Works. Also discusses printer setup in Window Works. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." zipdrive.txt 2128 08-03-95 Information on Iomega ZIP Drive ..."This file provides some information on the new ZIP Drive by Iomega. This file is in standard text format and can be viewed by any text editor, such as Windows Notepad or the DOS editor." ============================================================================ Ambra Files /pub/pccbbs/ambra ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5561 11-17-95 10BASE T wiring notes + How To Wire 1189828 11-17-95 MGA II Drivers for Matrox PCI Card 1/2 ...Version 1.42. Includes SETUP Utility and Windows 3.1 drivers. PKUNZIP with -D and install from DOS. Disk 1 of 2 738916 11-17-95 MGA II Drivers for Matrox PCI Card 2/2 ...Requires Disk 1 to install. Contains updated AUTOCAD DRIVERS for MGA PCI. PKUNZIP with -D to extract. Disk 2 of 2. **From MATROX BBS** 940846 11-21-95 MM drivers for Phillips 205 CDROM 1/2 ...For DOS and SINGLESPIN multimedia only. 1324260 11-21-95 MM drivers for Phillips 205 CDROM 2/2 206_nt31.exe 42562 11-17-95 BETA driver for CM206 CDROM -Win NT 3.1 ...Note: THIS DRIVER CANNOT BE USED TO INSTALL NT 3.1 FROM CDROM From Philips LMSI 206diag.exe 77188 11-17-95 Diag Utility for CM206 2X CDROM 33v12b.exe 975018 11-17-95 WD90C33 Video Drivers for Lotus,WP,ACAD ...For use on Ambra models 466DX and 466BL ONLY. 3c5x9x.exe 458482 11-17-95 Latest 3COM Ethernet card drivers. 486eisa.exe 243821 07-08-99 Flash BIOS Update Level 1.2r2.4 ** for Ambra T466E/VL & D466E/VL EISA 486DX2-66 Models ONLY ** 119683 11-29-95 BIOS Upgrad for T466E/VL & D466E/VL ...**NOTE: For EISA 486DX2-66 Models Only** Updates BIOS ro 3/21/94 1.2R2.4 See README.486 for installation instructions. 89win31.exe 670973 07-09-99 Windows 3.1 Video Drivers for the Genoa 8900 PCI Video Adapter 655203 11-17-95 Genoa 8900 PCI card Win 3.1Drivers 201173 11-29-95 BIOS update for DP90PCI and TP90PCI ...BIOS version 1.00.02.AX1P. Fixes problems with multiple PCI interface cards (specifically Adaptec 2940 PCI SCSI Host Adapters & Video Cards) aha152x.add 36827 11-21-95 OS/2 SCSI driver for BL and DX Series aha152x.exe 163983 07-12-99 OS/2 Adaptec SCSI Driver amb-ide.exe 211518 07-19-99 Sony ATAPI IDE CD-ROM (DOS) Drivers for Sony CD-ROM models CDU55D, CDU55E ambra95.exe 700095 08-12-99 Windows95 Startup Disk for systems with Toshiba CD-ROM drives aspen1_1.exe 1257534 08-12-99 Aspen 33 ISIS Marlin Mwave Modem Card Drivers (Disk 1 of 3) aspen1_2.exe 1220155 08-12-99 Aspen 33 ISIS Marlin Mwave Modem Card Drivers (Disk 2 of 3) aspen1_3.exe 327594 08-12-99 Aspen 33 ISIS Marlin Mwave Modem Card Drivers (Disk 3 of 3) aspi2dos.sys 18311 08-12-99 ASPI DOS Manager for the AHA-1540/1542/1640/1740/1742/1744 Adaptec Host Adapters in standard mode atim32d1.exe 940636 08-12-99 ATI Mach-32 Video Chipset Drivers and Utilities - Disk 1 of 4 atim32d2.exe 592380 08-12-99 ATI Mach-32 Video Chipset Drivers and Utilities - Disk 2 of 4 atim32d3.exe 1115600 08-12-99 ATI Mach-32 Video Chipset Drivers and Utilities - Disk 3 of 4 atim32d4.exe 782186 08-12-99 ATI Mach-32 Video Chipset Drivers and Utilities - Disk 4 of 4 19143 11-17-95 NE2000 plus NDIS 2.0.1 Net Drivers 2.6 atreset.exe 8468 08-12-99 The National Semiconductor AT/LANTIC card recovery program baham64.exe 1005848 08-12-99 Achiever 900 MiniTower - S3 Video Drivers 6798 11-17-95 NS2000 OS/2 Ethernet Adapter driver. ...From National Semiconductor. NE2000 compatible. boca95.exe 311816 03-12-98 This file contains the Windows 95 drivers for Ambra systems containing the BOCA Sound Expression Audio/Modem card. boca95.txt 1270 03-12-98 Readme file for BOCA95.EXE. 43883 11-17-95 Caller's Guide for PCBoard (ASCII) cardsoft.exe 270480 08-12-99 Cardsoft PCMCIA Drivers cirrus.exe 801230 08-12-99 Cirrus Logic SVGA Video Chipset DOS/Windows Drivers clmode.exe 149670 08-12-99 Cirrus Logic Video Mode Program 133900 11-17-95 Set Video Mode on Ambra Slimline series 3121 08-12-99 VESA Extension 17985 11-21-95 OS/2 BETA driver for CM205/206 boards. ...Upon finding the boards, it will determine if there are any conflicts with the IRQ or PORT address settings. See README.TXT for installation instructions. 312610 11-17-95 Install software for tape backup units. creatix.exe 564100 08-12-99 Sierra 28.8 SQ3465 PnP Modem Driver d011v200.exe 23437 08-12-99 Toshiba 4X/6X CD-ROM Drivers dd260142.exe 32872 08-12-99 Phillips Doublespin CD-ROM Drivers 17102 11-21-95 Phillips 2X CDROM device driver v.1.42 ...Known to fix compatibility problems with Quicken, MYST, and MS Encarta. dvgautil.exe 623296 08-12-99 Notebook NB9800D - Dual Scan VGA Drivers for Windows 3.1 565145 11-17-95 Dual Scan drivers for Ambra NB9800D ...PKUNZIP with -D. Install from Windows. dx4dock.exe 17755 08-12-99 Notebook N75/N100 - Docking Station COM/LPT Port Refresh Utility e_scsi_1.exe 72897 08-12-99 SCSI Support Disk for BlueLightning-66 and EISA Systems - Disk 1 of 3 e_scsi_2.exe 48893 08-12-99 SCSI Support Disk for BlueLightning-66 and EISA Systems - Disk 2 of 3 e_scsi_3.exe 90770 08-12-99 SCSI Support Disk for BlueLightning-66 and EISA Systems - Disk 3 of 3 eisaconf.exe 328777 08-12-99 Ambra - EISA Machine Configuration Utility 313007 11-17-95 EISA config. w/ CF & SD commands. endriv.exe 67584 11-17-95 Installing an EtherNODE*16 AT LAN Mgr. ...Lan Manager(NDIS). Also contains drivers. 34113 11-17-95 Installing an EtherNODE*16 AT LAN Mgr. ...From National Semiconductor. For use with 3COM's 3+Open LAN Manager Ver. 1.1 ess301.exe 1259120 08-12-99 Achiever 500 - Windows 3.1 Audio Drivers - Disk 1 of 2 ess302.exe 1234160 08-12-99 Achiever 500 - Windows 3.1 Audio Drivers - Disk 2 of 2 ess412-1.exe 1036231 08-12-99 Notebokk N75D/N75T/N100T - Audio Drivers - Disk 1 of 2 ess412-2.exe 1049892 08-12-99 Notebook N75D/N75T/N100T - Audio Drivers - Disk 2 of 2 et4util.exe 374898 08-12-99 Tseng ET4000-W32 SVGA Video Chipset Configuration Utility 359128 11-17-95 TSENG ET4/W32 Config Utils ...Used by Ambra I/VL models. Includes utility for setting refresh rate VGAUTIL and VMODE. 587189 11-17-95 TSENG ET4000 Windows 3.1 Video Drivers ...For Ambra Models D466I/VL and T466I/VL. Dated 9/28/93 etherid.exe 1535 08-12-99 Ambra D466BL/D466DX/T466BL/T466DX - Ethernet Chipset ID Utility fixit.exe 2945 03-12-98 This file provides fix for DOS games that are missing sound effects in an Ambra with the BOCA sound card. FIXIT.EXE needs to be run before starting the DOS game. fm563_11.exe 889600 08-13-99 Audio/Video Windows95 drivers for ESS1788 sound card 58167 11-17-95 NCSA Pentium Bug Fix ...Note: This is a short term solution. All Ambra customers will receive replacement processors on request, through IBM. U.S. customers contact (800) 465-2227 for info. This file is shareware. galabios.exe 583825 08-13-99 Flash BIOS update for BlueLightning systemboards with WD video daughter cards hardware.doc 9039 11-17-95 Q&A on Adaptec Host hardware. hdwrcon.doc 2031 11-17-95 Info on H/W conflicts w/ Jumbo/Trakker 132671 11-17-95 NETWKSTA.200 module for OS/2 requestors ...Also contains MFSD20.SYS which is only needed for RIPL servers. icw40fr.exe 82640 08-13-99 IBM Internet 4.0 software updates for French Windows95 systems 190755 11-17-95 Zinc data file ver. 3.1 ...From National Semiconductor. This is evaluation software to test BASE IO, Interrupts, etc. jazz16.exe 573239 08-13-99 Media Vision Jazz-16 sound card driver for Windows 3.1 jazzsony.exe 775444 08-13-99 Jazz-16 sound card and Sony 55e IDE CD-ROM drivers 358317 11-17-95 Jumbo Backup Software from Colorado 577429 11-17-95 Cirrus Logic Video Drivers and Utils ...Contains drivers for ACAD, WP, WordStar, Word, Lotus 2.x/3.x. PKUNZIP with -D onto diskette. 888297 11-17-95 Cirrus Logic drivers for 5426/5428 sets ...Version 1.43 for Windows. Includes most Ambra Slimline and all 466DXA models. PKUNZIP with -D onto diskette and install from Windows. 1238957 11-17-95 OS/2 2.1 Cirrus Logic Video Drivers. ...For models using the 5426 or 5428 chipset, including the 466DXA. PKUNZIP with -D onto diskette. 9150 11-17-95 NS2000 drivers for LanServer 2.0 lms205.exe 21250 11-21-95 LMS205.ADD for Phillips CDROM OS/2 2.1 lms206.exe 37056 11-21-95 Phillips 2X CDROM drivers for OS/2 mdmusrvi.inf 44527 08-13-99 US Robotics Sportster Vi modem OSR2 driver for Windows95 mhz2_1.exe 441824 11-17-95 System Softs Point Enablers ver. 2.1 ...Known fix for Megahertz' fax/modem containing the c39 chipset. Please contact Megahertz at 1-800-LAP-TOPS or Ambra Technical Support before downloading this file. mminst_1.exe 992263 08-13-99 MultiMedia Installation Disk 1 of 3 mminst_2.exe 1361366 08-13-99 MultiMedia Installation Disk 2 of 3 mminst_3.exe 1379154 08-13-99 MultiMedia Installation Disk 3 of 3 mmmpdos1.exe 922772 08-13-99 Mwave MultiMedia modem driver for DOS - Disk 1 of 2 mmmpdos2.exe 1035535 08-13-99 Mwave MultiMedia modem driver for DOS - Disk 2 of 2 mmmpemu1.exe 1232064 08-13-99 Mwave MultiMedia modem MIDI Samples - Disk 1 of 2 mmmpemu2.exe 1361662 08-13-99 Mwave MultiMedia modem MIDI samples - Disk 2 of 2 mmmpuser.pdf 151561 08-20-99 Mwave Multimedia Modem Plus User's Guide mmmpwin1.exe 1246107 08-19-99 Mwave Multimedia Modem Plus Windows 3.1 and Windows95 Drivers - Disk 1 of 2 mmmpwin2.exe 1462076 08-19-99 Mwave Multimedia Modem Plus Windows 3.1 and Windows95 Drivers - Disk 2 of 2 msd.exe 165864 11-17-95 Microsoft Diagnostics 2.11 ...From the Microsoft BBS. First version able to detect the Pentium Processor. Not compressed. mtb.exe 40054 08-19-99 Trackball Driver 24284 11-17-95 Trackball driver for SN and N series. 1062659 11-21-95 MM Software Recovery for CM206 1 of 3 ...Version 1.42 PKUNZIP with -D onto diskette. 1088371 11-21-95 MM Software Recovery for CM206 2 of 3 ...Version 1.42 PKUNZIP with -D onto diskette. 1332963 11-21-95 MM Software Recovery for CM206 3 of 3 ...Version 1.42 PKUNZIP with -D onto diskette. mw_disk1.exe 1288188 08-19-99 Mwave sound card software for OS/2 Warp - Disk 1 of 2 mw_disk2.exe 1196942 08-19-99 Mwave sound card software for OS/2 Warp - Disk 2 of 2 mw_vsd.exe 178102 08-19-99 Mwave sound card drivers for OS/2 Warp mwbackf.exe 22832 08-19-99 Fix for Microsoft Backup for Windows failing compatibility test 7062 11-17-95 Fix for MS backup for Windows. ...Fix for failing compatibility test on Ambra TP90PCI & DP90PCI. Copy MWBACKF.DLL to C:\DOS directory and restart Windows. nov_scsi.doc 21515 11-17-95 Novell Netware Info -Adaptec SCSI Hosts ...Also Adaptec SCSI Hard Disk Controllers novell.doc 13721 11-17-95 Common Novell Network Q&A 553539 11-17-95 Win Disp drivers for N-Series Notebooks ...For N450C, N450T, N433C. Extract to floppy. 57149 11-17-95 Nat. Semicon. Ethernet ODI Net drivers. 29173 11-17-95 OS/2 Network drivers w/ NET.CFG example 17990 11-21-95 DDLMS.ADD driver for Phillips CDROMs 665727 11-17-95 OS/2 MACH32 Drivers from ATI ...LOADER.ZIP is also required. 708757 11-17-95 Tseng Labs OS/2 2.x driver. ...For ET4000/W32, ET4000/W31, ET4000/W32P 17128 11-17-95 Q&A for PAS16 & Pro-16 MM Systems p6090vid.exe 1095248 08-19-99 Diamond Viper PCI Video Drivers and Utilities for Windows 3.1, AutoCAD, Windows NT p60vid_1.exe 446922 08-19-99 Genoa Phantom-32i Video Drivers and Utilities for Windows 3.1 - Disk 1 of 2 p60vid_2.exe 612875 08-19-99 Genoa Phantom-32i Video Drivers and Utilities for Windows 3.1 - Disk 2 of 2 p90vido1.exe 92329 08-19-99 Diamond Viper PCI Video Drivers for OS/2 2.1 - Disk 1 of 2 p90vido2.exe 18165 08-19-99 Diamond Viper PCI Video Drivers for OS/2 2.1 - Disk 2 of 2 730851 11-21-95 Install Disk for 205 version of PAS ...Shipped with early models of Ambra Computers with SINGLESPIN CDROMs. Contains DD250 CDROM driver and MVSOUND.SYS drivers. Install from DOS. 34827 11-17-95 Help for PAS16 DOS Applications 585255 11-21-95 CM206 Sound Card Installation Diskette ...Identical to the one that ships with Ambra Multimedia Computers. *Not required if you have MULTI1.ZIP & MULTI2.ZIP pci04.exe 572577 07-08-99 Flash BIOS Update Level 1.00.04.AF1P ** for Ambra DP series PCI based models ONLY 189701 11-29-95 DP60PCI Flash BIOS Upgrade ...**NOTE: For Ambra Pentium PCI Computers ONLY** Upgrade BIOS to 1.00.04.AF1P CAUTION: NOT FOR 90MHz PENTIUM SYSTEMS!!!! pcm222.exe 481495 08-19-99 Card and Socket Services (PCMCIA) pcmss.exe 150925 08-19-99 PCMPLUS Socket Services Driver for Sub-Notebooks (SN425/SN425C) 6447 11-17-95 PCMPLUS socket services driver for Subs ...For Ambra Subnotebook computers (SN425, SN425C). Same version of Databook PCMCIA controller driver that ships with the computer. penteisa.exe 367148 07-08-99 Flash BIOS Update Level 1.2r1.3 ** for Ambra DP60E/VL and TP60E/VL EISA Pentium Models ONLY ** 119997 11-29-95 BIOS Upgrade for DP60E/VL & TP60E/VL ...**NOTE: For EISA Pentium Models ONLY** Updates BIOS to 2/25/94 1.2R1.3 See README.1ST for installation instructions. 22278 11-21-95 PAS-16 DOS Driver for 2X CDROM drives ...Version 3.25 Replace files in C:\SPECTRUM prod508b.exe 43066 11-21-95 OS/2 BETA drivers for PAS CM206 Card ps2mouse.exe 24966 03-12-98 This file contains Ambra PS/2 mouse drivers for DOS. Run PS2MOUSE.EXE to extract files. Then run 1.BAT to install. 13869 11-17-95 REDIRECT version 2.0! ...Test Drive applications on your Try & Buy CDROM. Keep a backup copy of this file as it is replaced every time you run the install program on the CD. See README.1ST for further instructions. 1132916 11-17-95 OS/2 2.1 S3 Driver Disk s3-ref.exe 164927 08-19-99 S3 Video Chipset Refresh Rate Program for DOS/Windows and OS/2 20547 11-17-95 Refresh rate program for the S3 chipset ...Use for DOS/Windows and OS/2 to set vertical refresh. s3_1_1t.exe 957654 08-19-99 S3 Trio & Galileo Video Utilities 578164 11-17-95 S3 805 Windows 3.1 Video Drivers ...Version 2.22 Dated 1/4/94 For the card shipped with most Ambra EISA models. sb16cd_1.exe 1192676 08-19-99 Sound Blaster 16 sound card & IBM CD_ROM drive Multimedia disks - Disk 1 of 3 sb16cd_2.exe 1471994 08-19-99 Sound Blaster 16 sound card & IBM CD-ROM drive Multimedia disks - Disk 2 of 3 sb16cd_3.exe 633687 08-19-99 Sound Blaster 16 sound card & IBM CD-ROM drive Multimedia disks - Disk 3 of 3 303257 11-17-95 Latest McAfee Antivirus (SHAREWARE) 1.2 544227 11-17-95 EZ-SCSI utilities for SCSI Hard Drives se1440.exe 755051 08-20-99 BOCA SE1440 Sound Card Drivers for Windows 3.1 se14joy.exe 200306 08-20-99 Boca SE1440 sound card joystick driver for Windows95 sis5596.exe 122060 08-20-99 SIS 5596 Video Drivers 117738 11-17-95 OS/2 2.1 Small resource SVGA driver. ...For 1024*768*256. March '94 BETA version. Basically gives you the resources used by the 640*480 display driver at 1024*768 resolution, efficiently giving you more screen real estate. smccomm.exe 22611 08-20-99 SMC Super I/O Chipset updated serial port driver 6841 11-29-95 Updated COMM.DRV for DP60PCI & I/VL ...For Windows 3.1 Fixes 16550 UART problems. smcuart.exe 19832 08-20-99 Fix for Serial Communications & 16550 UART problems with DOS applications 4062 11-29-95 COMS.EXE for DP60PCI & I/VL ...For DOS Applications that experience problems with serial communications and 16550 387157 11-17-95 Windows video drivers for sub-notebooks ss31_10.pif 995 08-20-99 Updated Super Sound 32 audio driver for Windows95 OSR2 stupf01.exe 837050 08-20-99 French Startup disk with Toshiba CD-ROM drivers trakker.doc 10010 11-17-95 Trakker Troubleshooting Guide trident.exe 171757 08-23-99 Trident (9320/9440/9660) Video Drivers for Windows95 tridwin.exe 1049440 08-23-99 Trident (TGUI9440) Video Drivers and Utilities for Windows 3.1 uvesa32.exe 37177 08-23-99 Universal VESA TSR 21407 11-17-95 TSR for VESA compatibility with SVGA ...Small Terminate and Stay Resident program that provides the video bios routines of SVGA cards to make them compatible with the Video Electronics Standards Association. v599_101.exe 1073078 08-23-99 SiS6205 Video Chipset and IDE Drivers vbsetio.exe 23638 08-23-99 Video Blaster and ATI Graphics Ultra Pro video card I/O conflict fix 7868 11-17-95 Video Blaster w/ Graphics Ultra Pro fix ...For IO conflicts between the Video Blaster and the ATI Graphics Ultra Pro card. vgamode.exe 92441 11-17-95 Set refresh rate on BL and DX2 series. viper306.exe 08-23-99 Diamond Viper PCI Drivers and Utilities for Windows 3.1, Windows NT, AutoCad, plus VPRMODE utility vpr_pas.exe 16967 08-23-99 Diamond Viper PCI video adapter and MediaVision Pro Audio Spectrum 16 conflict fix 1197 11-29-95 Fix for the Viper PCI/PAS conflict. ...For Ambra DP60PCI machines. w31w32.exe 620650 08-23-99 Tseng (ET4000-W32) SVGA Video Drivers for Windows 3.1 wd31win.exe 1119093 08-23-99 VGA (WD90C33) Video drivers for Windows 3.1 wd33win.exe 571847 08-23-99 VGA (WD90C33) Video Drivers for Windows 3.1 1089250 11-17-95 Win 3.1 Video drivers for WD90C31 ...For use in the Ambra S450SL model ONLY. Indentical to the version that ships with the computer. 547886 11-17-95 Western Digital Win 3.1 Video Drivers ...Version 3.3 wdcos2.exe 34281 11-17-95 Enhanced IDE Drives Driver - OS/2 2.1x ...From Western Digital BBS. Supports faster access to IDE drives and offers better support for drives > 540MB. See README.OS2 for installation instructions. wdnovell.exe 33875 11-17-95 Novell 3.x/4.x & WD Enhanced IDE Drives ...From Western Digital BBS. Supports faster access to IDE and offers better support for drives > 540MB. See README.NVL for installation instructions. 11137 11-17-95 AC2540 Disk Utility -540 Enhanced IDE ...From Western Digital BBS. For the Caviar 540MB Enhanced IDE Drive. For use on Ambra models that do not support Enhanced IDE. Will change the drive from 1048 to 1024 cylinders or back again. Replaces the old WD_X.COM. 28221 11-17-95 Troubleshooting utils from Western Dig. ...For problems with 32 Bit Disk access including: FINDHOOK, GTCMOS and CHK_BIOS with docs. wg0974.exe 24320 08-23-99 Keyboard fix for Windows for Workgroups wg1001.exe 22864 08-23-99 Fix for serial port lockups on Pentium based machines with 16550 UART's using Windows for Workgroups win31.exe 329953 08-24-99 Updated Western Digital Caviar harddrive driver for 32bit disk access in Windows for Workgroup 3.11 winntfdd.exe 29319 08-24-99 Fix for diskette drive read/write problems in WindowsNT 13549 11-17-95 NT floppy driver fix for Ambra DP60PCI ...Replaces SYSTEM\FLOPPY.SYS. ws10dos.exe 446845 08-24-99 Wavestar32 sound card drivers for DOS ============================================================================ Intellistation /pub/pccbbs/intellistation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- p37l2184.pdf 2344835 10-26-99 IBM InstelliStation M Pro (Type 6868, 6878) - User Guide and Installing Options Manual ============================================================================ Communications /pub/pccbbs/communications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1as120o.exe 420901 07-26-99 1as120o.exe is the ARTIC Support for IBM Communications Manager and IBM Communications Server, Version 1.2.0. 1as120o.txt 8505 07-26-99 Readme file for 1as120o.exe. 1dg203d.exe 685458 07-10-99 Program image for the ARTIC186 Adapter Diagnostics. 1dg203d.txt 6722 07-10-99 Readme for 1dg203d.exe 1sn110w.exe 945486 07-10-99 Program image for ARTIC Support for SNA on Windows NT. 1sn110w.txt 8228 07-10-99 Readme for 1sn110w.exe 288intl1.exe 770022 10-15-96 28.8 Internat PCMCIA -DOS/Win95 288intl1.txt 10494 02-13-98 These are files for the 28.8 PCMCIA International Data/Fax Modem (Marketing part number 42H4319): 288intl1.exe is the Country Selector program disk 1 of 2. 288intl2.exe is the Country Selector program disk 2 of 2. 288intl1.txt is the readme for 288intl1 288intl2.exe 676622 05-24-96 28.8 Internat PCMCIA -Win 3.1 /OS/2 Warp 288mod01.exe 1188391 05-01-98 PCMCIA 28.8/14.4 DATA/FAX Modem Diskette 288mod01.txt 8829 02-13-98 Readme file for 288mod01.exe, 288mod02.exe, 288mod03.exe. 288mod02.exe 784412 05-01-98 PCMCIA 28.8/14.4 Data/Fax Modem - Win95 288mod03.exe 656422 05-01-98 PCMCIA 28.8/14.4 Data/Fax Modem-Cellular 3270csd.exe 46900 06-18-93 3270 credit card enablers Version 1.00 3270csd.txt 29910 01-06-98 The following files are for the IBM PCMCIA 3270 Emulation Credit Card Adapter (Marketing partnumber 0933315). Test3270.exe contains the diagnostics, version 2.0. Test3270.txt is the readmefor Test3270.exe. 3270csd.exe contains the enablers, version 1.0. 3270demo.exe 813329 01-26-93 Personal Communication\3270 V3.0 demo ...Provide graphic demonstration of all functions and features and all modes of the emulator. 336mdinf.exe 20029 03-27-97 PCMCIA 33.6/14.4 Data/Fax Modem INF 336mod01.exe 1015442 07-07-99 Contains installation and firmware drivers, disk 1 of 2. 336mod02.exe 534326 07-07-99 Contains installation and firmware drivers, disk 2 of 2. 336mod03.exe 386666 05-07-97 PCMCIA 33.6/14.4 DATA/FAX Modem Cellular/Upgrade Diskette 3 v1.52 336mod03.txt 11105 05-01-98 Readme for 336mod03.exe 336mod95.txt 10381 07-07-99 Contains installation instructions for Windows 95. 336modnt.txt 3957 07-07-99 Contains the installation instructions for Windows NT. 336modwn.txt 5973 07-07-99 contains installations instructions for Windows 3.1. 336pnpnt.txt 3379 07-08-99 Is the readme for 336pnpnt.exe. 5250emul.exe 91671 03-22-95 IBM 5250 Emulation Patch V 2.2 56dfmodw.exe 898982 12-04-97 These files are for the 56K ISA Modem Internet Kit (Marketing part number 42H4321): 56dfmodw.txt is the readme for 56dfmodw.exe. 56dfmodw.exe contains files and drivers for the modem. 56kfix.txt is the readme for 56kfix.exe. 56kfix.exe contains the upda 56dfmodw.txt 28158 12-04-97 These files are for the 56K ISA Modem Internet Kit (Marketing part number 42H4321): 56dfmodw.txt is the readme for 56dfmodw.exe. 56dfmodw.exe contains files and drivers for the modem. 56kfix.txt is the readme for 56kfix.exe. 56kfix.exe contains the upda 56kcell.exe 48628 08-24-98 Windows 95/Windows NT 4.0 installation disk for 56K Cellular Capable PC Card (02K4196). 56kcell.txt 1326 08-24-98 Readme file for 56Kcell.exe 56kfix.exe 909888 06-19-97 ISA 56K Modem Internet Kit (42H4321) - Installation Disk 56kfix.txt 28376 07-29-97 Readme for 56kfix.exe 56kgsm.pdf 376188 05-11-98 56K PC Card Modem with GSM Capability user's guide. 56kmkv90.exe 1020755 06-26-98 V.90 Modem Internet Kit installation files and drivers. 56kmkv90.txt 35527 06-26-98 V.90 Modem Internet Kit readme file. 56kpnp.exe 24641 01-26-98 ISA 56K/33.6Kbps Plug and Play Modem (01K1216) - Driver diskette 56kpnp.txt 3385 01-26-98 Readme for 56KPNP.EXE 56modwin.exe 746929 03-30-98 OBI Modems - 56K PC Card Modem/Cellular Capable - Windows95/NT 4.0 firmware update for improved cellular performance. 56modwin.txt 1579 03-30-98 OBI Modems - 56K PC Card Modem/Cellular Capable - Windows95/NT 4.0 Installation readme file 7852fls.exe 966181 04-18-97 Flash that fixes the manual dial problem for the 7852-400 modem 7852fls.txt 142 08-24-98 Readme file for 7852fls.exe 86s201.exe 228956 09-27-99 Program image for Realtime Interface Co-Processor Developer's Kit version 2.0.1. 86s201.txt 8180 09-27-99 Readme for 86s201.exe. 9as122o.exe 1599009 07-10-99 Program file for the ARTIC960 OS/2 ANDIS MAC Device Driver. 9as122o.txt 18841 07-10-99 Readme for 9as122o.exe 9fr101w.exe 2016429 07-23-99 Program image for the ARTIC960 Support for Frame Relay on Windows NT. 9fr102w.exe 1977568 10-01-99 Program image for theARTIC960 Support for Frame Relay on Windows NT. 9fr102w.txt 11400 10-01-99 Readme for 9fr102w.exe. 9nw101n.exe 788456 10-01-99 Program image for ARTIC960 Support for Netware WAN HSM. 9nw101n.txt 7471 06-17-99 Readme for 9nw101n.exe. 9od122o.exe 496323 10-01-99 Program image for ARTIC960 Support for OS/2 Developer's Kit. 9od122o.txt 9761 10-01-99 Readme for 9od122o.exe. 9os122o.exe 1335273 07-10-99 Program image for the ARTIC960 Support for OS/2. 9os122o.txt 9864 07-10-99 Readme for 9os122o.exe 9ws103w.exe 2172523 10-01-99 Program image for ARTIC960 Support for SNA on Windows NT. 9ws103w.txt 9130 10-01-99 Readme for 9ws103w.exe. aox0cntl.pdf 166217 07-27-98 PCMCIA 28.8/14.4 Data Fax Modem (25H6420) user's guide. ascadiag.exe 169186 03-24-97 Diags for the Async/SDLC Comm. Adapter ascadiag.txt 975 08-24-98 Readme file for ascadiag.exe async-32.exe 35888 04-26-95 IBM Asynchronous/SDLC V.32 Modem/A Option Diskette atcmsv90.pdf 183341 03-09-99 AT Command Reference for the V.90 PCI Data/Fax Modem bm316dhx.exe 2876416 05-07-99 Firmware level 316D for the 7852400 External Modem flash upgrade. bm416dhx.exe 2906112 05-07-99 Firmware level 416D for the 7852400 External Modem flash upgrade. bmx16dhx.txt 1117 05-10-99 Readme for Flashpru.exe ca95nt.txt 56436 03-02-98 5250 Express PC Card readme.txt. ca95nt_1.exe 982642 03-02-98 5250 Express PC Card files and drivers - disk 1. ca95nt_2.exe 955620 03-02-98 5250 Express PC Card files and drivers - disk 2. ccupdate.exe 3419752 08-25-97 Firmware and software updates for ComCentral and ComCentral 33.6 - version 6.03 ccupdate.txt 4852 08-25-97 Readme for ccupdate.exe chklst60.pdf 20394 11-04-98 Preinstallation checklist for the Netfinity ESCON Adapter (9086-001) comctrc.txt 7274 08-24-98 Readme for ComCentral Utility disks comctrc1.exe 1443838 03-24-97 IBM COMCENTRAL CONFIG Utility Disk 1of3 comctrc2.exe 1476259 03-24-97 IBM COMCENTRAL CONFIG Utility Disk 2of3 comctrc3.exe 338286 03-24-97 IBM COMCENTRAL CONFIG Utility Disk 3of3 ctiadmin.pdf 963627 07-08-98 CT-618 Small Business Computer Telephony Solution administrator's guide. ctiinst_.pdf 476886 07-08-98 CT-618 Small Business Computer Telephony Solution installation guide. diagsupp.exe 280327 04-05-96 5250 Diags,Options,Support,Enabler diagsupp.txt 388 08-11-97 Readme for DIAGSUPP.EXE (5250 Diags, Options, Support, Enabler) dingo.exe 886784 05-21-99 Dingo.exe is the V.90 modem files and drivers for French Preloaded systems only. dingo.txt 1028 05-21-99 Dingo.txt is the readme for Dingo.exe. 44928 05-27-94 Patch file for Enhanced 5250 V2.4 dsp120b.txt 40058 01-14-99 Readme for Dsp120b1.exe, Dsp120b2.exe, Dsp120b3.exe dsp120b1.exe 1245589 08-16-94 IBM DSP Modem & Audio Adptr v1.2 1/3 dsp120b2.exe 665927 08-16-94 IBM DSP Modem & Audio Adptr v1.2 2/3 dsp120b3.exe 1074113 08-16-94 IBM DSP Modem & Audio Adptr v1.2 3/3 dsp150d.exe 287551 07-10-99 Program image for Realtime Interface Co-Processor DOS Support. dsp150d.txt 9046 07-10-99 Readme for dsp150d.exe e9gebase.pdf 429561 07-01-99 Guide to Operations for the ARTIC X.25 ISA Adapter. e9ifbase.pdf 266397 07-01-99 Guide to Operations for the ARTIC 960 PCI Adapter. e9inbase.pdf 282465 07-01-99 Guide to Operations for the ARTIC X.25 PCI Adapter. enhdenb.exe 12124 03-07-95 Cable not attached fix for 5250 v2.4 es105s.exe 259280 09-27-99 Program image for Realtime Interface Co-Processor Extended Servers, Samples, Version 1.0.5. es105s.txt 10183 09-27-99 Readme for es105s.exe. es110d.exe 124331 09-01-99 Program image for Realtime Interface Co-Processor Extended Services. es110d.txt 9065 09-01-99 Readme for es110d.exe. escon531.exe 293953 03-04-99 Netfinity ESCON Adapter MAINTENANCE Kit 1.0 escon531.txt 8606 03-04-99 Readme for Escon531.exe. esconpre.pdf 2264983 02-11-99 Marketing Presentation for the Netfinity ESCON Adapter. etccha.exe 2012343 11-10-95 Home and Away PCMCIA Adapter Disks v1.11 etccha.txt 59787 07-29-97 Readme for ETCCHA.EXE faxconop.exe 34041 11-13-91 Fax Concentrator Ad/A Option dsk V1.00 flashpru.exe 55922 06-30-99 Utility used to apply the flash upgrade for the 7852-400 modem. forcelow.reg 115 02-18-99 The following files are for the IBM PCMCIA 3270 Emulation Credit Card Adapter (Marketing partnumber 0933315). Test3270.exe contains the diagnostics, version 2.0. Test3270.txt is the readmefor Test3270.exe. 3270csd.exe contains the enablers, version 1.0. forcelow.txt 341 02-18-99 The following files are for the IBM PCMCIA 3270 Emulation Credit Card Adapter (Marketing partnumber 0933315). Test3270.exe contains the diagnostics, version 2.0. Test3270.txt is the readmefor Test3270.exe. 3270csd.exe contains the enablers, version 1.0. fwg167.exe 1098229 09-08-97 Faxworks for Non-Mwave Modems version 3.00g.167 fwg167.txt 10557 09-08-97 Readme for FWG167.EXE gk0base.pdf 218357 07-01-99 This is needed for questbot.exe to run correctly. (used as a template) gk1base.pdf 327610 07-01-99 IBM ARTIC960 4-Port T1/E1 Mezzanine Card Guide to Operations manual. gk2base.pdf 307162 07-01-99 Guide to Operations for the ARTIC960Hx PCI Adapter. gk3base.pdf 236325 10-21-99 The Guide to Operations manual for the ARTIC960 4-Port Selectable PMC. gn6base.pdf 521112 07-01-99 IBM ARTIC186 8-Port PCI Adapter Guide to Operations manual. go2base.pdf 427850 07-29-99 IBM ARTIC186 Model II ISA/PCI Adapter Guide to Operations manual. gq4base.pdf 426774 06-30-99 Guide to Operations manual for the IBM ARTIC960Rx Frame Relay PCI Adapter. gq9base.pdf 468651 07-01-99 IBM ARTIC186 8-Port ISA Adapter Guide to Operations manual. hawin95.exe 202608 08-11-99 These files are for the Home and Away Credit Card Adapter (Marketing part number 10H4707): Hawin95.exe provides Windows 95 Drivers and Support. Hawin95.txt is the readme for Hawin95.exe Etccha.exe provides DOS, Windows 3.x, and OS/2 Drivers and Support. hawin95.txt 24427 08-11-99 These files are for the Home and Away Credit Card Adapter (Marketing part number 10H4707): Hawin95.txt is the readme for Hawin95.exe hplaser2.pft 2874 01-02-93 HP LaserJet Driver for 5250 Software hspcm120.exe 260825 06-18-93 PCMCIA Fax/Modem drivers & diags v. 1.2 hspcm120.txt 14503 08-05-98 Readme for Hspcm120.exe i336w95t.exe 20499 06-16-97 IBM ISA Plug & Play 33.6 Modem (42H4322) - INF and Readme for Windows95 and Windows NT i336w95t.txt 3465 02-19-98 Readme file for i336w95t.exe. ibm2390.pft 4228 07-24-95 5250 PFT description file ibm3270.inf 1018 05-28-96 Win 95 INF files for 3270 PCMCIA ibm4019.pft 3769 12-08-90 4019 PFT for 5250, S36/38, & AS/400 PCS ...This Printer Function Table is used when connecting the 4019 to the System/36, System/38, or AS/400 using Enhanced 5250 Emulation Version 2.2, S36/38 Work Station Program, or AS/400 PC Support. ibm4p.pdf 3057664 06-02-99 User's Guide for the 4P BRI ST/U Adapter. ibm5250.inf 3823 05-28-96 Win 95 INF files for 5250 PCMCIA ibm5250.txt 526 08-11-97 Readme for IBM5250.INF ibmcd12.exe 7826496 09-21-99 Ibmcd12.exe contains the Netfinity ESCON Adapter Software, Version 1.2. ibmcd12.txt 11147 09-21-99 Ibmcd12.txt contains the installation instructions for Ibmcd12.exe. ibmdrxdx.txt 16667 07-12-99 Readme for Ver 1.1 Install Disks ibmescon.pdf 1918155 08-03-99 Netfinity ESCON Adapter Installation Guide (version 1.1). ibmras.pdf 3232768 06-02-99 User's Guide for the 2P PRI RAS Adapter. ibmrel17.exe 812350 03-02-99 Install diskette which supports multi-processor environment for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT and OS/2. ibmrel17.txt 3928 06-17-99 Is the readme for Ibmrel17.exe. int31os2.exe 758184 05-21-97 International Modem 33.6 Upgrade for Windows 3.1 and OS/2 (1 of 1) int31os2.txt 2778 08-04-97 These are files for the 28.8 PCMCIA International Data/Fax Modem (Marketing part number 42H4319): 288intl1.exe is the Country Selector program disk 1 of 2. 288intl2.exe is the Country Selector program disk 2 of 2. 288intl1.txt is the readme for 288intl1 intgsm.exe 1696837 05-03-99 These files are for the International 56K PC Card Modem with GSM Capability( Marketing part number 02K4280): Pccrdgsm.exe contains installation files. Pccrdgsm.txt is the readme for Pccrdgsm.exe Intgsm.exe is the firmware upgrade to install V.90 or K56f intgsm.txt 14020 05-03-99 These files are for the International 56K PC Card Modem with GSM Capability( Marketing part number 02K4280): Pccrdgsm.exe contains installation files. Pccrdgsm.txt is the readme for Pccrdgsm.exe Intgsm.exe is the firmware upgrade to install V.90 or K56f intgsmu1.exe 1218206 05-03-99 These files are for the International 56K PC Card Modem with GSM Capability( Marketing part number 02K4280): Pccrdgsm.exe contains installation files. Pccrdgsm.txt is the readme for Pccrdgsm.exe Intgsm.exe is the firmware upgrade to install V.90 or K56f intgsmu2.exe 450198 05-03-99 These files are for the International 56K PC Card Modem with GSM Capability( Marketing part number 02K4280): Pccrdgsm.exe contains installation files. Pccrdgsm.txt is the readme for Pccrdgsm.exe Intgsm.exe is the firmware upgrade to install V.90 or K56f 5579 08-13-90 1200 Baud Internal Modem/A V.1.01 intmod14.exe 3524 06-08-94 Opt. DDisk for Internal 14.4 Modem 24242 12-16-92 300/1200/2400 Int. modem opt dsk v 1.20 intugw95.exe 892240 05-21-97 These are files for the 28.8 PCMCIA International Data/Fax Modem (Marketing part number 42H4319): 288intl1.exe is the Country Selector program disk 1 of 2. 288intl2.exe is the Country Selector program disk 2 of 2. 288intl1.txt is the readme for 288intl1 intugw95.txt 3869 08-01-97 International Modem 33.6 Upgrade for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 (1 of 1) intwin.txt 8374 08-25-98 These are files for the 28.8 PCMCIA International Data/Fax Modem (Marketing part number 42H4319): 288intl1.exe is the Country Selector program disk 1 of 2. 288intl2.exe is the Country Selector program disk 2 of 2. 288intl1.txt is the readme for 288intl1 intwin95.exe 767652 08-14-96 These are files for the 28.8 PCMCIA International Data/Fax Modem (Marketing part number 42H4319): 288intl1.exe is the Country Selector program disk 1 of 2. 288intl2.exe is the Country Selector program disk 2 of 2. 288intl1.txt is the readme for 288intl1 intwinos.exe 542852 08-14-96 These are files for the 28.8 PCMCIA International Data/Fax Modem (Marketing part number 42H4319): 288intl1.exe is the Country Selector program disk 1 of 2. 288intl2.exe is the Country Selector program disk 2 of 2. 288intl1.txt is the readme for 288intl1 ipx110w.exe 176959 07-10-99 Program image for ARTIC Support for IP Over X.25 on Windows NT. ipx110w.txt 6773 07-10-99 Readme for ipx110w.exe isahpc31.exe 398629 10-27-98 ISA V.34 HPC modem code for Windows 3.x isahpc31.txt 497 10-27-98 Readme for Isahpc31.exe isahpc95.exe 289740 10-27-98 ISA V.34 HPC modem code for Windows 95 isahpc95.txt 2072 10-27-98 Readme for Isahpc95.exe isampca.exe 156065 05-23-94 Multi-Protocol Adapter for ISA Bus --> ...Option diskette image and Documentation. isampca.txt 31348 08-24-98 Readme for isampca.exe isdgsm16.exe 198029 10-05-99 These files are for the ISDN International PC Card Modem with GSM Capability Install Disk 1, ver. 1.0 isdgsm23.exe 1470305 10-05-99 These files are for the ISDN International PC Card Modem with GSM Capability Install Disk 2, ver. 1.0 isdgsm33.exe 1190734 10-05-99 These files are for the ISDN International PC Card Modem with GSM Capability Install Disk 3, ver. 1.0 isdgsmrd.txt 777 06-29-98 These files are for the ISDN International PC Card Modem with GSM Capability (Marketing part numbers 02K4282, MOD282, 10L7318, 02K4208, 10L7315, 02K4202, 10L7359, 02K4203, 02K4209, 01K1240): Isdgsm16.exe is the Readme for Isdgsm16, 23, & 33 isdngsm.pdf 765807 06-26-98 ISDN International PC Card Modem with GSM Capability user's guide. jr11739.exe 34592 09-04-98 Readme for Jr11739.exe m01k1199.pdf 549556 01-21-98 IBM 56K PC Card Modem with XJACK User's guide. m20l0421.pdf 1654337 02-01-99 V.90 Modem Internet Kit user's guide. m39h8070.exe 143497 06-17-99 Option diskette for the ARTIC Portmaster Adapter. m39h8070.txt 9970 07-23-99 m39h8070.txt is the readme for m39h8070.exe. m4304434.pdf 1370949 01-21-98 IBM PCI Multiprotocol Adapter User's guide. m4304470.pdf 291297 01-21-98 IBM ISA 33.6/56K Plug and Play Modem Guide to Operations. m72h4189.pdf 688196 02-04-99 IBM ISA V.34 HPC Modem User's guide. m72h4200.pdf 562013 01-21-98 IBM PCMCIA V.34 HPC Modem User's guide. m76h2773.pdf 1354342 01-21-98 IBM 7852-400 Modem Technical Reference. m82g5769.exe 56831 07-23-99 Option diskette for the ARTIC X.25 Interface Co-processor. m84h5162.pdf 822876 04-27-99 Publication(s) for the 33.6 PCMCIA Data/Fax Modem with X-Jack connector (Marketing part number 55H6759). m84h8232.pdf 180346 01-21-98 IBM ISA 56K Modem for Windows Internet Kit User's guide. mdmibmx2.exe 42960 07-09-97 56K PC Card Modem w/XJACK (04K0052) - INF for Windows95 and Windows NT 4.0 mdmibmx2.txt 1067 07-09-97 Readme for Mdmibmx2.exe mmmpos21.exe 1284096 04-15-97 These files are for the Multimedia Modem Plus (Marketing part number 42H4320): Mmmpwin1.exe is the support disk, 1 of 2, for Windows. Mmmpwin2.exe is the support disk, 2. of 2, for Windows. Mmmpdos1.exe is the support disk, 1 of 2, for DOS. Mmmpdos2.ex mmmpos22.exe 1196489 01-12-96 These files are for the Multimedia Modem Plus (Marketing part number 42H4320): Mmmpwin1.exe is the support disk, 1 of 2, for Windows. Mmmpwin2.exe is the support disk, 2. of 2, for Windows. Mmmpdos1.exe is the support disk, 1 of 2, for DOS. Mmmpdos2.ex mmmpvsd.exe 175937 01-12-96 These files are for the Multimedia Modem Plus (Marketing part number 42H4320): Mmmpwin1.exe is the support disk, 1 of 2, for Windows. Mmmpwin2.exe is the support disk, 2. of 2, for Windows. Mmmpdos1.exe is the support disk, 1 of 2, for DOS. Mmmpdos2.ex modem142.exe 382413 04-19-95 IBM PCMCIA Fax/Modem Program Disk v1.42 modem142.txt 13786 08-25-98 Readme for modem142.exe mos2emu1.exe 388706 02-13-96 These files are for the Multimedia Modem Plus (Marketing part number 42H4320): Mmmpwin1.exe is the support disk, 1 of 2, for Windows. Mmmpwin2.exe is the support disk, 2. of 2, for Windows. Mmmpdos1.exe is the support disk, 1 of 2, for DOS. Mmmpdos2.ex mos2emu2.exe 1365953 02-13-96 These files are for the Multimedia Modem Plus (Marketing part number 42H4320): Mmmpwin1.exe is the support disk, 1 of 2, for Windows. Mmmpwin2.exe is the support disk, 2. of 2, for Windows. Mmmpdos1.exe is the support disk, 1 of 2, for DOS. Mmmpdos2.ex mos2emu3.exe 923520 02-13-96 These files are for the Multimedia Modem Plus (Marketing part number 42H4320): Mmmpwin1.exe is the support disk, 1 of 2, for Windows. Mmmpwin2.exe is the support disk, 2. of 2, for Windows. Mmmpdos1.exe is the support disk, 1 of 2, for DOS. Mmmpdos2.ex mpadd20.exe 39038 11-21-95 MPA Support Co-existence with Soundcard ...The MPADD20.DSK file will expand into 3 files, README.DOC, MPADD.SYS, and MPADD.INF. This update is for CM/2 1.11 ONLY. mpca1meg.exe 62506 07-23-99 Is the data file required to update the PCI MPCA card to allow it to run in a memory space above 1 megabyte:(Marketing part number 12J2981) mpca1meg.txt 581 07-23-99 Is the readme for Mcpa1meg.exe 9190 06-08-94 Multiprotocol Adapter for MCA nhm310n.exe 433552 09-27-99 Program image for ARTIC X.25 Co-Processor Support for Netware WAN HSM, version 3.1.0. nhm310n.txt 8748 09-27-99 Readme for nhm310n.exe. osp150o.exe 240027 07-23-99 Program image for Realtime Interface Co-Processor OS/2 Support. osp150o.txt 9027 07-23-99 Readme for osp150o.exe. pccrdgsm.exe 999467 05-03-99 These files are for the International 56K PC Card Modem with GSM Capability( Marketing part number 02K4280): Pccrdgsm.exe contains installation files. Pccrdgsm.txt is the readme for Pccrdgsm.exe Intgsm.exe is the firmware upgrade to install V.90 or K56f pccrdgsm.txt 1140 05-03-99 These files are for the International 56K PC Card Modem with GSM Capability( Marketing part number 02K4280): Pccrdgsm.exe contains installation files. Pccrdgsm.txt is the readme for Pccrdgsm.exe Intgsm.exe is the firmware upgrade to install V.90 or K56f pci-enab.exe 514472 12-20-96 5250 PCI Adapter Diag/Option/Supp/Enable pci-enab.txt 3072 08-25-98 Readme for pci-enab.exe pci3270g.pdf 182930 02-08-99 User's Guide for the 3270 Emulation PCI Adapter pcimparf.exe 101184 07-20-99 Diagnostics and Windows 95 INF for the IBM PCI Multiprotocol Adapter (12J2981) pcimparf.txt 821 09-30-97 Readme file for pcimparf.exe pciv90.exe 275195 03-25-99 V.90 PCI Data/Fax Modem Installation Driver pciv90.txt 470 03-25-99 Readme for Pciv90.exe pcmhpc3x.exe 396666 07-08-97 PCMCIA V.34 HPC modem code for Windows 3.x pcmhpc3x.txt 477 07-08-97 Readme for Pcmhpc3x.exe pcmhpc95.exe 290498 07-08-97 PCMCIA V.34 HPC modem code for Windows95 pcmhpc95.txt 2050 07-08-97 README FOR PCMHPC95.EXE pcomcsd1.exe 950548 03-11-94 PCom 3.1 Corrective Service Full Function for DOS pcsupp36.exe 546799 06-04-92 PC Support/36 Installation Disk Fix for hard drives greater than 32MB postcde.txt 4857 09-21-99 postcde.txt contains the Netfinity ESCON Adapter, POST Code update. quiklnk1.exe 1020080 02-10-95 QuickLink 1 Upgrade to 1.04 1 of 2 quiklnk2.exe 985912 02-10-95 QuickLink 1 Upgrade to 1.04 2 of 2 r5250emu.exe 311382 01-28-92 Remote 5250 Emulation Program Ver. 2.02 rasbroch.pdf 26662 09-01-99 Brochure for the Netfinity Server Remote Access Server Adapters. rasspecs.pdf 257024 06-02-99 Specifications sheet for the Remote Access Server products. 11665 10-15-91 IBM System 36/38 Work Station Option s39h8058.pdf 30327 10-20-99 Specifications sheet for the ARTIC960 PCI Adapter. s55h4501.pdf 38586 10-20-99 Specifications sheet for the ARTIC X.25 PCI Adapter. s71g6460.pdf 39413 10-20-99 Specifications sheet for the ARTIC X.25 ISA Adapter. s87h3320.pdf 51069 10-20-99 Specifications sheet for the ARTIC186 8-Port ISA Adapter. s87h3410.pdf 267106 10-20-99 Specifications sheet for the ARTIC960 4-Port Selectable PMC. s87h3450.pdf 51307 10-20-99 Specifications sheet for the ARTIC960Hx PCI Adapter. s87h3750.pdf 44330 10-20-99 Specifications sheet for the ARTIC186 Model II ISA/PCI Adapter. s87h3765.pdf 114345 10-20-99 Specifications sheet for the ARTIC186 8-Port PCI Adapter. s87h3800.pdf 49935 10-20-99 Specifications sheet for the ARTIC960Rx Frame Relay PCI Adapter. sdlc.exe 61073 08-21-92 SDLC diagnostics v2.02 sdlcdd.exe 215272 07-24-95 SDLC Device Drivers for OS/2 sdlcdd.txt 2201 08-25-98 Readme for sdlcdd.exe si5s4000.exe 278588 06-18-99 K56flex firmware to revert back from V.90 si9d4000.exe 273681 06-18-99 V.90 firmware upgrade from K56flex. spec.pdf 78677 02-08-99 Marketing Flyer for the Netfinity ESCON Adapter sriobroc.pdf 575115 09-01-99 Brochure for the Netfinity Server Serial I/O Adapters. sriospec.pdf 59218 09-01-99 Specifications for the Netfinity Server Serial I/O Adapters. ss39h8058.pdf 30327 10-20-99 ARTIC960 PCI Adapter specification sheet. sst128p.pdf 4692992 06-01-99 Installation Guide for the Serial I/O SST128P Expandable Adapter sst16p.pdf 1725440 06-01-99 Installation Guide for the Serial I/O SST16P Adapter sst16pig.pdf 1725086 08-26-99 Installation guide for the Serial I/O SST 16P RJ Adapter and Serial I/O SST 16P DB Adapter. sst8p.pdf 1142784 06-01-99 Installation Guide for the Serial I/O SST8P DB Adapter sst8pig.pdf 1142661 08-26-99 Installation Guide for the Serial I/O SST 8P DB Adapter. test3270.exe 31216 01-18-94 The following files are for the IBM PCMCIA 3270 Emulation Credit Card Adapter (Marketing partnumber 0933315). Test3270.exe contains the diagnostics, version 2.0. Test3270.txt is the readmefor Test3270.exe. 3270csd.exe contains the enablers, version 1.0. test3270.txt 10126 01-05-98 The following files are for the IBM PCMCIA 3270 Emulation Credit Card Adapter (Marketing partnumber 0933315). Test3270.exe contains the diagnostics, version 2.0. Test3270.txt is the readmefor Test3270.exe. 3270csd.exe contains the enablers, version 1.0. tordf111.exe 358803 03-15-94 IMD Canada PCMCIA Data/Fax Modem Disk v1.11 tordf130.exe 367646 09-28-94 Configuration software disk for all IMD/IBM PCMCIA modems unin.exe 173568 07-12-99 Uninstall utility to remove drivers, utilities, & diagnostics unin.txt 562 07-12-99 Readme for Uninstall utility upgrad.txt 1680 04-16-98 These files are for the 56K ISA Modem Internet Kit (Marketing part number 42H4321): 56dfmodw.txt is the readme for 56dfmodw.exe. 56dfmodw.exe contains files and drivers for the modem. 56kfix.txt is the readme for 56kfix.exe. 56kfix.exe contains the upda upgrad16.exe 2924502 04-16-98 These files are for the 56K ISA Modem Internet Kit (Marketing part number 42H4321): 56dfmodw.txt is the readme for 56dfmodw.exe. 56dfmodw.exe contains files and drivers for the modem. 56kfix.txt is the readme for 56kfix.exe. 56kfix.exe contains the upda upgrad32.exe 3200297 04-16-98 These files are for the 56K ISA Modem Internet Kit (Marketing part number 42H4321): 56dfmodw.txt is the readme for 56dfmodw.exe. 56dfmodw.exe contains files and drivers for the modem. 56kfix.txt is the readme for 56kfix.exe. 56kfix.exe contains the upda v90_1216.exe 648381 10-30-98 V.90 upgrade for the IBM ISA 56K/33.6K Plug and Play Data/Fax Modem (p/n 01K1216). v90_1216.txt 5299 06-03-98 Readme file for v90_1216.exe. v90_4321.exe 943656 06-03-98 These files are for the 56K ISA Modem Internet Kit (Marketing part number 42H4321): 56dfmodw.txt is the readme for 56dfmodw.exe. 56dfmodw.exe contains files and drivers for the modem. 56kfix.txt is the readme for 56kfix.exe. 56kfix.exe contains the upda v90_4321.txt 5144 06-03-98 These files are for the 56K ISA Modem Internet Kit (Marketing part number 42H4321): 56dfmodw.txt is the readme for 56dfmodw.exe. 56dfmodw.exe contains files and drivers for the modem. 56kfix.txt is the readme for 56kfix.exe. 56kfix.exe contains the upda v90load2.txt 1735 06-18-99 Readme for Si5s4000.exe and Si9d4000.exe. v90pc_nt.exe 661453 11-05-98 These files are for the V.90 PC Card Modem w/XJACK (Marketing part number 10L7939): V90pcw9x.exe is the Installation files for Windows 95 and Windows 98. V90pc_nt.exe is the Installation files for Windows NT 4.0. V90pcwin.txt is the Readme file for V90p v90pci.pdf 801764 03-04-99 Installation Guide for the V.90 PCI Modem. v90pcw9x.exe 408474 11-05-98 These files are for the V.90 PC Card Modem w/XJACK (Marketing part number 10L7939): V90pcw9x.exe is the Installation files for Windows 95 and Windows 98. V90pc_nt.exe is the Installation files for Windows NT 4.0. V90pcwin.txt is the Readme file for V90p v90pcwin.txt 1622 11-05-98 These files are for the V.90 PC Card Modem w/XJACK (Marketing part number 10L7939): V90pcw9x.exe is the Installation files for Windows 95 and Windows 98. V90pc_nt.exe is the Installation files for Windows NT 4.0. V90pcwin.txt is the Readme file for V90p v9ibm156.exe 703100 06-03-98 V.90 Upgrade for the IBM 56K PC Card Modem Kit (p/n 04K0052) v9ibm156.txt 21295 06-03-98 Readme file for v9ibm156.exe. v9ibm56a.exe 851968 03-02-99 Contains the V.90 Upgrade, Version 1.2 v9ibm56a.txt 23009 06-10-99 Is the readme for V9ibm56a.exe. vppa101.exe 249398 03-30-99 Virtual Point to Point Adapter Driver for Windows NT. vppa101.txt 1515 03-30-99 Readme for Vppa101.exe w98110w.exe 316539 07-10-99 Program image for ARTIC Support for Windows 98. w98110w.txt 8372 07-10-99 Readme for w98110w.exe wac230.exe 373113 07-02-96 IBM Wide Area Connector Inst&Diag Disk wac230.txt 20967 08-25-98 Readme for wac230.exe wanbroch.pdf 56358 09-01-99 Brochure for the Netfinity Server Wide Area Network Adapters. wanspec.pdf 30833 09-01-99 Specifications sheet for the Netfinity Server Wide Area Network Adapters. wanstall.pdf 821564 09-01-99 Installation Guide for the Netfinity Server Wide Area Network Adaptes. wlccc1.exe 806386 11-10-95 Cellular/CPDP Modem Instll & Supp Rel2.0 wlccc2.exe 314018 11-10-95 Cellular/CDPD Modem Wireless Mngr Rel2.0 wlccc3.exe 869766 11-10-95 Cellular/CDPD Modem - QuickLink Mobile wnt150w.exe 317161 07-10-99 Program image for the ARTIC Support for Windows NT. wnt150w.txt 8757 07-10-99 Readme for wnt150w.exe wr2isae1.exe 1173875 03-23-98 WaveRunner OS/2 ISA/MCA English disk 1. wr2isae1.txt 5782 03-23-98 WaveRunner OS/2 ISA/MCA english readme file. wr2isae2.exe 1202806 03-23-98 WaveRunner OS/2 ISA/MCA English disk 2. wr2isaf1.exe 1153065 03-27-98 WaveRunner OS/2 ISA/MCA French disk 1. wr2isaf2.exe 1205047 03-27-98 Waverunner OS/2 ISA/MCA French disk 2. wr2isag1.exe 1156395 03-30-98 WaveRunner OS/2 ISA/MCA German disk 1. wr2isag2.exe 1205358 03-30-98 WaveRunner OS/2 ISA/MCA German disk 2. wr2isaj1.exe 1173875 03-30-98 WaveRunner OS/2 ISA/MCA Japan disk 1. wr2isaj2.exe 1202170 03-30-98 WaveRunner OS/2 ISA/MCA Japan disk 2. wr2pcme1.exe 1282259 03-23-98 WaveRunner OS/2 PCMCIA English disk 1. wr2pcme1.txt 4629 03-23-98 WaveRunner OS/2 PCMCIA english readme file. wr2pcme2.exe 1339412 03-23-98 WaveRunner OS/2 PCMCIA English disk 2. wr2pcmj1.exe 1282259 03-30-98 WaveRunner OS/2 PCMCIA Japan disk 1. wr2pcmj2.exe 1339069 03-30-98 WaveRunner OS/2 PCMCIA Japan disk 2. wr3isae1.exe 1087424 03-23-98 WaveRunner W3.x ISA/MCA English disk 1. wr3isae1.txt 9093 03-23-98 WaveRunner W3.x ISA/MCA english readme file. wr3isae2.exe 1010622 03-23-98 WaveRunner W3.x ISA/MCA English disk 2. wr3isaf1.exe 1090944 03-27-98 WaveRunner W3.x ISA/MCA French disk 1. wr3isaf2.exe 1011144 03-27-98 WaveRunner W3.x ISA/MCA French disk 2. wr3isag1.exe 1099121 03-30-98 WaveRunner W3.x ISA/MCA German disk 1. wr3isag2.exe 1011364 03-30-98 WaveRunner W3.x ISA/MCA German disk 2. wr3isaj1.exe 1087021 03-30-98 WaveRunner W3.x ISA/MCA Japan disk 1. wr3isaj2.exe 1010622 03-30-98 WaveRunner W3.x ISA/MCA Japan disk 2. wr3pcme1.exe 1162939 03-23-98 WaveRunner W3.x PCMCIA English disk 1. wr3pcme1.txt 31412 03-23-98 WaveRunner W3.x PCMCIA english readme file. wr3pcme2.exe 954126 03-23-98 WaveRunner W3.x PCMCIA English disk 2. wr3pcmf1.exe 1130171 03-27-98 WaveRunner W3.x PCMCIA French disk 1. wr3pcmf2.exe 954605 03-27-98 WaveRunner W3.x PCMCIA French disk 2. wr3pcmg1.exe 1128996 03-30-98 WaveRunner W3.x PCMCIA German disk 1. wr3pcmg2.exe 954814 03-30-98 WaveRunner W3.x PCMCIA German disk 2. wr3pcmj1.exe 1162650 03-30-98 WaveRunner W3.x PCMCIA Japan disk 1. wr3pcmj2.exe 954126 03-30-98 WaveRunner W3.x PCMCIA Japan disk 2. wr95.txt 9114 03-27-98 WaveRunner Windows 95 readme text file for ISA, MCA and PCMCIA. wr9isae1.exe 1323855 03-27-98 WaveRunner Windows 95 ISA english disk 1. wr9isae2.exe 806950 03-27-98 WaveRunner Windows 95 ISA english disk 2. wr9isag1.exe 1309092 03-30-98 WaveRunner Windows 95 ISA German disk 1. wr9isag2.exe 850882 03-30-98 WaveRunner Windows 95 ISA German disk 2. wr9mcae1.exe 1323758 03-27-98 WaveRunner Windows 95 MCA english disk 1. wr9mcae2.exe 804899 03-27-98 WaveRunner Windows 95 MCA english disk 2. wr9mcag1.exe 1309163 03-30-98 WaveRunner Windows 95 MCA German disk 1. wr9mcag2.exe 848884 03-30-98 WaveRunner Windows 95 MCA German disk 2. wr9pcme1.exe 1310652 03-27-98 WaveRunner Windows 95 PCMCIA english disk 1. wr9pcme2.exe 683241 03-27-98 WaveRunner Windows 95 PCMCIA english disk 2. wr9pcmg1.exe 1296025 03-30-98 WaveRunner Windows 95 PCMCIA German disk 1. wr9pcmg2.exe 711133 03-30-98 WaveRunner Windows 95 PCMCIA German disk 2. wrdisae1.exe 36729 03-27-98 WaveRunner ISA diagnostic english diskette. wrdisaf1.exe 62560 03-27-98 WaveRunner ISA french diagnostic disk. wrdisag1.exe 62434 03-30-98 WaveRunner ISA diagnostic German diskette. wrdmcae1.exe 27779 03-27-98 WaveRunner MCA reference english diskette. wrdmcaf1.exe 28026 03-27-98 WaveRunner MCA french reference disk. wrdmcag1.exe 28262 03-30-98 WaveRunner MCA reference German diskette. wrdpcme1.exe 45535 03-27-98 WaveRunner PCMCIA diagnostic english diskette. wrdpcmf1.exe 45964 03-27-98 WaveRunner PCMCIA french diagnostic disk. wrdpcmg1.exe 46019 03-30-98 WaveRunner PCMCIA diagnostic German diskette. x25103d.exe 490354 09-27-99 Program image for ARTIC X.25 Co-Processor Support Program, version 1.0.3. x25103d.txt 8873 09-27-99 Readme for x25103d.exe. x25141w.exe 948854 08-05-99 Program image ARTIC Support for X.25 on Windows NT and Windows 98. x25141w.txt 9955 08-05-99 Readme for x25141w.txt. xj336upg.exe 228922 01-27-98 Firmware upgrade for the IBM 33.6K X-Jack Data FAX Modem. xj336upg.txt 1667 01-27-98 Installation instructions for XJ336UPG.EXE (firmware upgrade for the IBM 33.6K X-Jack Data FAX Modem.) xj56upg.exe 286966 01-27-98 Firmware upgrade for the IBM 56K X-Jack Data FAX Modem. xj56upg.txt 1700 01-27-98 Installation instructions for XJ56UPG.EXE (firmware upgrade for the IBM 56K X-Jack Data FAX Modem.) xjack336.exe 528084 04-18-97 Option diskette for X-Jack 33.6 Modem xjack336.txt 3030 08-25-98 Readme for xjack336.exe xjackinf.exe 22203 04-16-97 XJACK INF Files for Windows 95 and NT xjak4win.exe 1242074 05-09-97 PCMCIA 33.6kbps Data/Fax/Voice Modem w/XJACK Connector (55H6759) - Windows95 & Windows NT4.0 Installation Disk xjak4win.txt 2767 08-05-98 Readme for Xjak4win.exe ============================================================================ Back Level /pub/pccbbs/backlevel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- e28z10us.exe 5504572 08-26-99 IBM Fire GL1 for Windows NT lejt62a.exe 651447 04-03-96 Flash Update Disk 6571, 6581, 6573, 6583 v62 lejt63a.exe 656021 03-22-96 Flash Update Disk 6571, 6581, 6573, 6583 v63 lejt65a.exe 656303 03-26-96 Flash Update Disk 6571, 6581, 6573, 6583 v65 lkgt28a.exe 811426 09-27-96 QA Plus/Pro for IBM bootable diskette v5.45 lpjt49a.exe 608336 10-06-95 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6576, 6586 v49 lpjt51a.exe 608737 10-23-95 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6576, 6586 v51 lpjt52a.exe 614938 11-27-95 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6576, 6586 v52 lpjt53a.exe 607287 01-29-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6576, 6586 v53 lpjt56a.exe 705523 04-19-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6576, 6586 v56 lpjt59a.exe 698064 05-15-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6576, 6586 v59 lpjt60a.exe 697735 12-03-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6576, 6586 v60 lqjt34a.exe 752000 03-07-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6877, 6887 v34 lqjt36a.exe 754733 04-18-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6877, 6887 v36 lqjt39a.exe 755963 08-05-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6877, 6887 v39 lqjt40a.exe 755658 10-14-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6877, 6887 v40 lqjt42a.exe 757663 04-22-97 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6877, 6887 v42 6373 06-13-97 Readme for LQJT42A.EXE lqjt42a.txt 13845 06-13-97 Readme for LQJT42A.EXE lqjt43a.exe 757787 06-26-97 Flash BIOS update diskette 6877, 6887 v43 lqjt43a.txt 13862 06-27-97 PC300 Flash BIOS Version 43 lqjt44a.exe 758391 10-02-97 Flash BIOS Update Diskette 6877, 6887 v44 lqjt44a.txt 21857 10-02-97 Readme file for lqjt44a.exe ltjt15a.exe 376439 04-23-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6598 v15 luj232a.exe 1082121 11-07-97 Flash BIOS update v32a 6589 (Japanese) luj234a.exe 1025412 02-13-98 Flash BIOS update v34a 6589 (Japanese) lujt23a.exe 821658 09-27-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6589 v23 lujt25a.exe 823058 01-02-97 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6589 v25 lujt26a.exe 827050 01-06-97 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6589 v26 lujt27a.exe 828152 01-29-97 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6589 v27 lujt28a.exe 828378 02-25-97 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6589 v28 lujt31a.exe 828355 04-17-97 Flash BIOS updt diskette 6589 v31 3866 06-13-97 Readme for LUJT31A.EXE lujt31a.txt 11691 06-13-97 Readme for LUJT31A.EXE lujt32a.exe 1146498 11-07-97 Flash BIOS update v32a 6589 lujt32a.txt 17203 11-07-97 Readme for LUJT32A.EXE and LUJ232A.EXE lujt34a.exe 828812 02-13-98 Flash BIOS update v34a 6589 lujt34a.txt 17717 02-13-98 Readme file for LUJT34A.EXE lvj231a.exe 1033541 10-10-97 Flash BIOS Update Diskette v31a 6577, 6587 (Japanese) lvj232a.exe 1039784 01-28-98 Flash BIOS update v32a 6577, 6587 (Japanese) lvj233a.exe 1040884 02-13-98 Flash BIOS update v33a 6577, 6587 (Japanese) lvjt18a.exe 824464 05-21-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6577, 6587 v18 lvjt21a.exe 826218 07-24-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6577, 6587 v21 lvjt22a.exe 826387 10-14-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6577, 6587 v22 lvjt25a.exe 835562 01-02-97 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6577, 6587 v25 lvjt26a.exe 836084 01-29-97 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6577, 6587 v26 lvjt27a.exe 836484 03-06-97 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6577, 6587 v27 lvjt28a.exe 836834 05-16-97 Flash BIOS Update 6577, 6587 v28A 6372 06-13-97 Readme for LVJT28A.EXE lvjt28a.txt 13844 06-13-97 Readme for LVJT28A.EXE lvjt30a.exe 844861 07-01-97 Flash BIOS update diskette 6577, 6587 v30 lvjt30a.txt 13844 07-01-97 Readme for LVJT30A.EXE lvjt31a.exe 844549 09-16-97 Flash BIOS Update Diskette v31a 6577, 6587 lvjt31a.txt 21653 09-16-97 Readme file for Lvjt31a.exe lvjt32a.exe 843741 01-28-98 Flash BIOS update v32a 6577, 6587 lvjt32a.txt 21586 01-28-98 Readme for LVJT32A.EXE lvjt33a.exe 844966 02-13-98 Flash BIOS update v33a 6577, 6587 lvjt33a.txt 21777 02-13-98 Readme file for LVJT33A.EXE lxj221a.exe 1005929 09-27-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6560 v21 Japan lxj224a.exe 1024332 11-12-97 Flash BIOS update v24a 6560 (Japanese) lxjt18a.exe 811326 08-05-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6560 v18 lxjt20a.exe 811040 08-05-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6560 v20 lxjt21a.exe 810084 09-27-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6560 v21 lxjt22a.exe 819945 03-18-97 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6560 v22 lxjt23a.exe 821844 06-24-97 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6560 v23 lxjt23a.txt 13831 06-27-97 Readme file for LXJT23A.EXE lxjt24a.exe 829115 11-12-97 Flash BIOS update v24a 6560 lyjt20a.exe 249116 08-01-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6260 v20 lyjt21a.exe 248866 09-18-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6260 v21 lyjt23a.exe 248932 10-21-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6260 v23 lyjt24a.exe 248982 10-31-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6260 v24 lyjt29a.exe 250412 03-10-97 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6260 v29 3528 06-13-97 Readme for LYJT29A.EXE lyjt29a.txt 5425 06-13-97 Readme for LYJT29A.EXE lyjt31a.exe 251241 11-17-97 PC 100 6260 FLASH POST/BIOS Update Utility lyjt31a.txt 8951 11-17-97 Readme for LYJT31A - PC 100 6260 FLASH POST/BIOS Update Utility lz3t07a.exe 393961 07-25-96 Cirrus Logic Windows 95 driver 6560 v1.12f n1jt76a.exe 656372 04-01-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6875, 6885 v76 n1jt78a.exe 656640 10-31-95 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6875, 6885 v70 n1jt79a.exe 663461 11-13-95 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6875, 6885 v79 n1jt80a.exe 663275 12-15-95 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6875, 6885 v80 n1jt81a.exe 663392 02-28-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6875, 6885 v81 n1jt84a.exe 664111 08-12-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6875, 6885 v84 n1jt85a.exe 664580 01-08-97 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6575, 6585, 6875, 6885 v85 13884 06-13-97 Readme for N1JT85A.TXT n1jt85a.txt 5578 06-13-97 Readme for N1JT85A.TXT n2jt32a.exe 260929 03-26-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6876, 6886 v32 n2jt38a.exe 261371 09-11-95 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6876, 6886 v38 n2jt43a.exe 267261 11-13-95 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6876, 6886 v43 n2jt44a.exe 267326 03-25-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6876, 6886 v44 n2jt45a.exe 267580 03-07-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6876, 6886 v45 n2jt47a.exe 268030 08-12-96 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6876, 6886 v47 n2jt48a.exe 268958 02-25-97 Flash BIOS Update diskette 6876, 6886 v48 7634 06-13-97 Readme for N2JT48A.EXE n2jt48a.txt 5517 06-13-97 Readme for N2JT48A.EXE n71104a.exe 927985 05-20-96 S3 864/868 OS/2 Video Device Driver 1/2 n71204a.exe 1198462 05-20-96 S3 864/868 OS/2 Video Device Driver 2/2 ndj223a.exe 1130935 10-16-97 Flash BIOS Update Diskette v23A 6272, 6282 (Japanese) ndjt17a.exe 920103 04-23-97 Flash BIOS Update Diskette 6272, 6282 v17 ndjt18a.exe 933532 04-22-97 Flash BIOS Update Diskette 6272, 6282 v18 401 06-13-97 Readme for NDJT18A.EXE ndjt18a.txt 12781 06-11-97 Readme for NDJT18A.EXE ndjt19a.exe 933784 07-16-97 Flash BIOS update diskette 6272, 6282 v19A ndjt19a.txt 13453 07-16-97 Readme for NDJT19A.EXE ndjt21a.exe 934549 08-20-97 Flash Bios Update Diskette (6272, 6282) (Level 21A) ndjt21a.txt 14318 08-26-97 Readme for Flash Bios Update Diskette for 6272/6282 v21a ndjt22a.exe 935104 09-18-97 Flash BIOS Update Diskette 6272, 6282 v.22 ndjt22a.txt 14566 09-18-97 Readme file for ndjt22a.exe ndjt23a.exe 935544 10-07-97 Flash BIOS Update Diskette v23A 6272, 6282 ndjt23a.txt 14937 10-07-97 Readme file for ndjt23a.exe ndjt24a.exe 935693 01-12-98 Flash BIOS update v24a 6272, 6282 ndjt24a.txt 14772 01-12-98 Readme for NDJT24A.EXE ndjt25a.exe 936285 03-05-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v25a 6272, 6282 ndjt25a.txt 15219 03-05-98 Readme file for NDJT25A.EXE nejt08a.exe 637942 05-14-97 Flash BIOS updt diskette 6588 & 6888 v8 nejt09a.exe 595297 05-30-97 Flash BIOS update 6588, 6888 v09 nejt09a.txt 11120 06-10-97 Readme for NEJT09A.EXE nejt11a.exe 706023 07-29-97 Flash BIOS update v11a 6588, 6888 nejt11a.txt 12383 07-29-97 Readme for NEJT11A.EXE nejt12a.exe 708059 12-02-97 Flash BIOS v12 6588, 6888 nejt12a.txt 12411 12-02-97 Readme for nejt12a.exe nejt13a.exe 719665 01-09-98 Flash BIOS v13a 6588, 6888 nejt13a.txt 12595 01-09-98 Readme for NEJT13A.EXE nejt14a.exe 719654 01-19-98 Flash BIOS update v14a 6588, 6888 nejt14a.txt 12745 01-19-98 Readme for NEJT14A.EXE nejt15a.exe 720011 05-01-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v15a 6588, 6888 nejt15a.txt 12891 05-01-98 Readme file for NEJT15A.EXE ngj220a.exe 1187910 12-02-97 Flash BIOS v20 6898 (Japanese) ngj224a.exe 1188812 12-02-97 Flash BIOS update v24 6898 (Japanese) ngj225a.exe 1191721 01-23-98 Flash BIOS update v25a 6898 (Japanese) ngj226a.exe 1193185 03-18-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v26a 6898 (Japanese) ngj228a.exe 1194924 05-04-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v28a 6898 (Japanese) ngjt20a.exe 993072 12-02-97 Flash BIOS v20 6898 ngjt20a.txt 15010 12-02-97 Readme for ngjt20a.exe ngjt24a.exe 993348 12-02-97 Flash BIOS update v24 6898 ngjt24a.txt 15724 12-02-97 readme for ngjt24a.exe ngjt25a.exe 994176 01-23-98 Flash BIOS update v25a 6898 ngjt25a.txt 16413 01-23-98 Readme for NGJT25A.EXE ngjt26a.exe 996104 03-18-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v26a 6898 ngjt26a.txt 17208 03-18-98 Readme file for NGJT26A.EXE ngjt28a.exe 999201 05-04-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v28a 6898 ngjt28a.txt 18807 05-04-98 Readme file for NGJT28A.EXE nkj213a.exe 1066343 10-30-97 Flash BIOS Update Diskette v13a 6899 (Japanese) nkj214a.exe 1067401 02-13-98 Flash BIOS update v14a 6899 (Japanese) nkjt10a.exe 844165 05-14-97 Flash BIOS update diskette 6899 v10 nkjt12a.exe 869690 07-01-97 Flash BIOS update diskette 6899 v12 nkjt12a.txt 12785 07-01-97 Readme for NKJT12A.EXE nkjt13a.exe 870662 10-30-97 Flash BIOS Update Diskette v13a 6899 nkjt13a.txt 15210 10-30-97 Readme for NKJT13A.EXE nkjt14a.exe 872007 02-13-98 Flash BIOS update v14a 6899 nkjt14a.txt 16165 02-13-98 Readme file for NKJT14A.EXE nmj215a.exe 1121564 11-18-97 Flash BIOS update v15a 6562, 6592 (Japanese) nmj218a.exe 1150213 04-17-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v18a 6562, 6592 (Japanese) nmjt11a.exe 924193 09-11-97 Flash BIOS update diskette 6562, 6592 v11A nmjt11a.txt 16932 09-11-97 Readme file for nmjt11a.exe nmjt15a.exe 926877 11-18-97 Flash BIOS update v15a 6562, 6592 nmjt15a.txt 19050 11-18-97 Readme for nmjt15a.exe nmjt18a.txt 22172 04-17-98 Readme file for NMJT18A.EXE nuj225a.exe 626829 05-22-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v25a 6889 (Japanese) nuj227a.exe 632168 07-08-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v27a 6889 (Japan) nuj229a.exe 633341 08-17-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v29a 6889 (Japanese) nujt25a.exe 1048628 05-22-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v25a 6889 nujt25a.txt 15471 05-22-98 Readme file for NUJT25A.EXE nujt27a.exe 1034164 07-08-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v27a 6889 nujt27a.txt 16597 07-08-98 Readme file for NUJT27A.EXE nujt29a.exe 1039777 08-17-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v29a 6889 nujt29a.txt 17176 08-17-98 Readme file for NUJT29A.EXE nvj225a.exe 1226623 04-28-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v25a 6862, 6892 (Japanese) nvj227a.exe 1226511 05-12-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v27a 6862, 6892 (Japanese) nvj228a.exe 1226293 06-01-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v28a 6862, 6892 (Japanese) nvj229a.exe 1229363 06-08-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v29a 6275, 6285, 6862, 6892 (Japanese) nvj231a.exe 1230478 06-30-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v31a 6862, 6892 (Japan) nvj232a.exe 1205659 07-27-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v32a 6862, 6892, 6893 (Japanese) nvjt25a.exe 1029761 04-28-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v25a 6862, 6892 nvjt27a.exe 1030435 05-12-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v27a 6862, 6892 nvjt28a.exe 1031120 06-01-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v28a 6862, 6892 nvjt29a.exe 1032537 06-08-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v29a 6862, 6892 nvjt29a.txt 16074 06-08-98 Readme file for NVJT29A.EXE nvjt31a.exe 1033924 06-30-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v 31a 6862, 6892 nvjt31a.txt 16407 06-30-98 Readme file for NVJT31A.EXE nvjt32a.exe 1009371 07-27-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v32a 6862, 6892, 6893 nvjt32a.txt 16887 07-27-98 Readme file for NVJT32A.EXE nvjt36a.exe 1009882 08-20-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v36a 6862, 6892, 6893 nvjt36a.txt 17648 08-20-98 Readme file for NVJT36A.EXE nvjt37a.exe 1014330 09-15-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v37a 6862, 6892, 6893 nvjt37a.txt 18121 09-15-98 Readme file for NVJT37A.EXE nzj220a.exe 1164257 02-10-98 Flash BIOS update v20a 6561, 6591 (Japanese) nzj222a.exe 1165210 02-23-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v22a 6561, 6591 (Japanese) nzj224a.exe 1166806 03-11-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v24a 6561, 6591 (Japanese) nzj233a.exe 1177275 07-01-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v33a 6561, 6591 (Japan) nzjt20a.exe 966954 02-10-98 Flash BIOS update v20a 6561, 6591 nzjt20a.txt 15423 02-10-98 Readme file for NZJT20A.EXE nzjt22a.exe 968100 02-23-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v22a 6561, 6591 nzjt22a.txt 16105 02-23-98 Readme file for NZJT22A.EXE nzjt24a.exe 968940 03-11-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v24a 6561, 6591 nzjt24a.txt 17232 03-11-98 Readme file for NZJT24A.EXE nzjt29a.exe 977209 05-27-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v29a 6561, 6591 nzjt29a.txt 22398 05-27-98 Readme file for NZJT29A.EXE nzjt33a.exe 980468 07-01-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v33a 6561, 6591 nzjt33a.txt 23417 07-01-98 Readme file for NZJT33A.EXE pdj212a.exe 1167138 07-01-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v12a 6275, 6285 (Japan) pdj214a.exe 1141922 07-23-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v14a 6275, 6285 (Japanese) pdjt12a.exe 971166 07-01-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v12a 6275, 6285 pdjt12a.txt 15904 07-01-98 Readme file for PDJT12A.EXE pdjt14a.exe 945723 07-23-98 Flash BIOS update diskette v14a 6275, 6285 pdjt14a.txt 16500 07-23-98 Readme file for PDJT14A.EXE q57t07a.exe 238256 04-19-97 Crystal Ethernet Device Driver (all Operating Systems) 6272, 6282 q57t10a.exe 210979 09-15-97 Crystal Ethernet (All Operating Systems) 6272, 6282 q63t04a.exe 223329 05-07-97 S3 V2 drivers Windows 95 6588, 6888 v2.30.21 q63t05a.exe 209286 10-06-97 S3 V2 driver for Windows 95 v2.30.30 6588, 6888 t3gt03a.exe 651383 09-03-97 IBM Enhanced Diagnostics Diskette 6260, 6272, 6282, 6588, 6562, 6592, 6560, 6575, 6576, 6577, 6585, 6586, 6587, 6589, 6598, 6875, 6876, 6877, 6885, 6886, 6887, 6899 t3gt03a.txt 11321 09-03-97 Readme file for T3GT03A.EXE t3gt11a.exe 672850 02-23-98 IBM Enhanced Diagnostics for all non-486 IBM PC machines (except Japanese 6885) t3gt11a.txt 7912 02-23-98 Readme file for T3GT11A.EXE t3gt17a.exe 812111 06-18-98 IBM Enhanced Diagnostics for all non-486 IBM PC machines (except Japanese 6885) t3gt17a.txt 7453 06-18-98 Readme file for T3GT17A.EXE t4os2dos.exe 985343 03-13-96 DOS/OS2 Touch Drv for 654x Monitors t4os2dos.txt 449 10-02-98 Readme for t4os2dos.exe t4win95.exe 956797 03-13-96 Windows 95 drivers for 654x Touch Screen Monitors. z02t06a.exe 663082 09-25-96 S3 Trio 64V+ driver Windows 3.11 v1.62-02 6577, 6587, 6877, 6887 z03t03a.exe 124824 06-13-96 S3 Trio 64V+ driver Windows 95 v2.10-01 6577, 6587, 6877, 6887 z04t01a.exe 86796 06-13-96 S3 Trio 64V+ driver Windows NT v1.13B4 6577, 6587, 6877, 6887 z23t07a.exe 57661 05-24-96 IDE Bus Master Driver Windows 95 v2.61 6577, 6587, 6877, 6887 z24t07a.exe 56503 09-26-96 IDE Bus Master Driver Windows NT v1.65 6577, 6587, 6877, 6887 za1t19a.exe 1371518 08-26-97 Matrox Graphics Drivers for OS/2 6562, 6592 v2.13.053 zk2t00a.exe 698773 06-13-96 S3 Trio 64 Windows 3.11 driver 6576, 6586 v1.51-04 zo3t07a.exe 692378 05-07-97 Crystal Audio drivers for Windows 95, OS/2 Warp 3, OS/2 Warp 4, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0 - 6588, 6888 v1.81f zv0t02a.exe 800878 05-13-97 Cirrus Logic 5446 Drivers Windows95 6272,6282 zv1t05a.exe 1217420 04-19-97 Cirrus Logic 5446 Drivers OS/2 v1.13K 6272, 6282 zv1t09a.exe 1217475 10-10-97 Cirrus Logic CLGD5446 Video for OS/2 6272, 6282 zv3t07a.exe 128280 06-30-97 Cirrus Logic Video for Windows 95 6272, 6282 zv3t10a.exe 130706 10-16-97 Cirrus Logic 5446 Driver for Windows 95 6272, 6282 zv4t05a.exe 302631 04-22-97 Cirrus Logic 5446 Drivers Windows NT 6272, 6282 v 1.13L ============================================================================ EPRM Files /pub/pccbbs/eprm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- epr2a.inf 1444592 07-26-99 EPRM File for ThinkPad Brand epr2b.inf 1449912 08-03-99 EPRM File for ThinkPad Brand epr2c.inf 1429787 08-10-99 EPRM File for ThinkPad Brand epr2d.inf 1274048 09-30-99 EPRM File for ThinkPad Brand epr2e.inf 1308408 10-27-99 EPRM File for ThinkPad Brand epr2f.inf 1155162 10-05-99 EPRM File for ThinkPad Brand epr3a.inf 1456253 10-22-99 EPRM File for Server Brand epr3b.inf 1327262 10-27-99 EPRM File for Server Brand epr3c.inf 1388724 09-30-99 EPRM File for Server Brand epr3d.inf 1323859 10-27-99 EPRM File for Server Brand epr3e.inf 1222220 09-21-99 Server files epr3f.inf 506600 10-27-99 Netfinity 5600 HMM epr_www.exe 41906 02-15-99 EPRM File for Automated OS/2 Intranet Launching epradf0.inf 917947 07-26-99 MicroChannel ADF File epradf1.inf 685105 07-26-99 MicroChannel ADF File eprload.exe 51344 10-27-99 EPRM File for OS/2 eprm.inf 1453159 10-27-99 EPRM File for CDT/Intellistation eprm0.inf 1236247 10-11-99 EPRM File for Options Brand eprm1.inf 96132 07-26-99 EPRM File for PowerPC eprm2.inf 1450397 08-03-99 EPRM File for ThinkPad Brand eprm3.inf 1453834 10-22-99 EPRM File for Server Brand eprm4.inf 158685 08-10-99 EPRM File for Networking Control Unit 82xx eprm5.inf 358535 10-22-99 EPRM File for Display Units/LCD/CRT eprma.inf 1442208 10-27-99 EPRM File for Consumer Brand eprmb.inf 1035365 10-27-99 EPRM File for CDT/IntelliStation eprmnew.doc 42787 10-27-99 History of EPRM Updates eprmw.inf 1900572 10-27-99 ALLFILES eprmx.inf 1442873 10-27-99 EPRM File for CDT/Intellistation eprxa.inf 906926 10-27-99 Updated Server tips and ECAs monitor.txt 129100 06-16-99 EPRM - Monitor FRU/PN information os2x1.exe 555238 02-11-98 EPRM File for OS/2 winx.exe 383911 02-11-98 EPRM File for Windows OS ============================================================================ Ispirati Files /pub/pccbbs/ispirati ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- drv_ispar.exe 1051189 08-12-99 Ispirati - Audio/Video/Modem Drivers ispar95.exe 730653 08-13-99 Windows95 Startup Disk isparmodm.exe 566659 08-18-99 LT Microelectronics modem driver for Windows95 isprdrv2.exe 319099 08-13-99 Device drivers and Utilities diskette ltv90mod.exe 452413 08-13-99 LT Win modem with V90 driver diskette for Windows98 win98bt.exe 838032 08-24-99 Windows98 Startup disk for AMD K6 processor machines only ============================================================================ Thinkpad National Language Files /pub/pccbbs/tpnls ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 530s1120.exe 608022 08-24-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 530CS (Japanese). Posted on 5/14/97. [DSKEXE] 530s1120.txt 15971 08-24-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 530CS (Japanese). Posted on 5/14/97. [DSKEXE] dk95sfd1.exe 270832 10-19-98 Dansk - Supplement File Disk I (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X dk95sfd3.exe 157818 11-07-98 Dansk - Supplement File Diskette III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 dk95sup2.exe 253032 09-09-98 Dansk - Supplement File Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z dkacpnta.exe 934097 10-19-98 Dansk - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED dkacpntb.exe 985357 10-19-98 Dansk - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED dkacpos2.exe 1826938 05-07-99 Dansk - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] dkacpw31.exe 2185950 05-07-99 Dansk - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] dkacpw32.exe 1925931 09-13-99 Dansk - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.51) for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZBVUV dkacpw9x.exe 5272957 09-13-99 Danish - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem I (v2.36) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3TTL7Y dkafbos2.exe 115958 11-03-98 Dansk - Audio Features Diskette (v1.02) for OS/2 Warp v4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 dkafw31.exe 996720 05-04-98 Dansk - Audio Features Diskette (v1.82) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X dkbatchk.exe 306016 07-22-98 Dansk - Battery Installation Check Utility Diskette (v1.02) for Windows 3.1/95/98/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 765D, 765L dkcdtpgd.exe 94113 09-09-98 Dansk - CD-ROM Driver Diskette (v3.12) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365XD, 380D, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 600, 600E, 760CD, 760ED, 760ELD, 760LD, 760E*, 760EL*, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L*, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*For 760E, 760EL, 765D, 765L only models with CD-ROM capable Ultra Bay.) dkcrd95a.exe 718908 10-19-98 Dansk - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X dkcrd95b.exe 977036 10-19-98 Dansk - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X dkcrdw31.exe 1171468 10-19-98 Dansk - CardWizard Driver (V5.32.21) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X dkcrdwnt.exe 1102845 09-09-98 Dansk - CardWizard (v3.10.04k) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X dkirdwo.exe 240835 09-09-98 Dansk - Infrared Features II Diskette (v1.02) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X. Do NOT use for 560. dkmdlt98.exe 910866 11-23-98 Dansk - Lucent Modem Driver (v5.19) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 dkmpcwnt.exe 229027 10-22-98 Dansk - MPEG-2 Features Diskette III (v1.47) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X dkmpdw9x.exe 453760 07-22-98 Dansk - MPEG Features Disk III (v1.10) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED dkmpfw9x.exe 231507 07-22-98 Dansk - MPEG Features Diskette II (v1.12) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D dkmw224a.exe 1268228 07-22-98 Dansk - Mwave DSP Features Diskette 1 of 3 (v2.24, 69H) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D (NOTE: Disk 1 is unique to this country. Disk 2 and 3 are common with the English version.) dkmwptch.exe 533726 07-22-98 Dansk - Mwave APM Patch (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D dkntide.exe 166389 09-09-98 Dansk - IDE Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT : ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X dkpcbw31.exe 1247214 11-07-98 Dansk - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.30.09H) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 dkpcbw9a.exe 787016 11-07-98 Dansk - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 1 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 dkpcbw9b.exe 661680 11-07-98 Dansk - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 2 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 dkpcbw9c.exe 1463791 11-07-98 Dansk - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 3 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 dkpcbwnt.exe 1200554 11-07-98 Dansk - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v4.00.09a3) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 dkpcmh98.exe 169552 11-23-98 Dansk - PCMCIA PC Card Features Diskette (v1.32) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 dkpcmos2.exe 602773 10-15-98 Dansk - PCMCIA PC Card Director (v4.10) for OS/2: ThinkPad 345C, 345CS, 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X dktp1os2.exe 816687 10-22-98 Dansk - TrackPoint Driver Disk I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X dktp1win.exe 1069045 05-20-99 DK (Dansk) - TrackPoint Driver Package I (v1.12) for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i series 1400, 1500, 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3PWQT4 dktp2os2.exe 819061 09-09-98 Dansk - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for OS/2: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z dktp2win.exe 123404 09-09-98 Dansk - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z dkubayw9.exe 64989 07-22-98 Dansk - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED dkut1os2.exe 1468848 05-17-99 Dansk - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ dkut1w31.exe 1434759 05-17-99 Dansk - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ dkut1w95.exe 2053934 05-17-99 Dansk - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E*, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X* (*NOT FOR USE ON 600E, 770X WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD dkut1w98.exe 3063016 05-17-99 Dansk - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 dkut1wnt.exe 2398754 05-17-99 Dansk - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE dkut2os2.exe 1642695 05-17-99 Dansk - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ dkut2w31.exe 1434759 05-17-99 Dansk - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ dkut2w95.exe 2192306 05-17-99 Dansk - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z*, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z* (*NOTE: NOT FOR USE WITH 380Z, 560Z WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD dkut2w98.exe 3535901 05-17-99 Dansk - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 dkut2wnt.exe 2537075 05-17-99 Dansk - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE dkutbapm.exe 664501 11-07-98 Dansk - APM Utility Support Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 dkutbdos.exe 104863 11-07-98 Dansk - Utility Diskette (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 dkutbswp.exe 1307507 11-03-98 Dansk - Warm Swap Driver (v3.10.05b) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 dkutbw9x.exe 1280906 11-07-98 Dansk - Utility Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 dkutldos.exe 595540 10-13-98 Dansk - Utility Diskette (v4.13) for DOS and Personalization: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*Requires Utility Data Diskette I, II, or III depending on model: uttpf3xx, uttpf5xx, or uttpf7xx) dkutnm98.exe 1179748 11-23-98 Dansk - NoteBook Manager Utility (v2.21) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 dkutsk98.exe 1022705 11-23-98 Dansk - ShortCut Key Utility Diskette (v0.99) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 dkutsm98.exe 921054 11-23-98 Dansk - Sleep Manager Utility Diskette (1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 dkutso98.exe 808983 11-23-98 Dansk - SafeOff Utility Diskette (1.44) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 dkutswap.exe 100235 10-29-98 Dansk - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X dkvc2w9x.exe 216149 07-22-98 Dansk - Video Capture Driver II (v1.13) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D dkvc3w9x.exe 334468 07-22-98 Dansk - Video Capture Driver III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED dkvc4w95.exe 1112236 10-22-98 Dansk - Video Capture Driver III (v1.11) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770X dkvc4wnt.exe 69282 10-22-98 Dansk - Video Capture Driver III (v2.03) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X dkvcdply.exe 350294 07-22-98 Dansk - Video CD Player Install Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98: Thinkpad 760CD, 760ED, 760XD, 765D dkvfdos2.exe 1110862 10-19-98 Dansk - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.03) for OS/2: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X dkvfdw31.exe 620886 10-22-98 Dansk - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.10) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X dkvfos2.exe 1405123 04-29-98 Dansk - Video Features Diskette III (v3.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 600 dkvfw31.exe 810854 04-29-98 Dansk - Video Features Diskette III (v5.08) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600 dkwrpiu1.exe 928295 04-30-98 Dansk - Install Update Diskette (v1.01) Disk 1 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 770, 770E, 770ED - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 1 dkwrpiu2.exe 1026213 05-04-98 Dansk - Install Update Diskette (v1.00) Disk 2 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 770, 770E, 770ED - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 2 dkysh98a.exe 1298541 11-23-98 Dansk - Y-Station Audio Software Diskette (v3.20) for Windows 98, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 dkysh98b.exe 294958 11-23-98 Dansk - Y-Station Audio Software Diskette (v3.20) for Windows 98, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 fi95sfd1.exe 271196 10-19-98 Finnish - Supplement File Disk I (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X fi95sfd3.exe 157850 11-07-98 Finnish - Supplement File Diskette III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 fi95sup2.exe 258936 09-09-98 Finland - Supplement File Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z fiacpnta.exe 933278 10-19-98 Finland - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED fiacpntb.exe 985441 10-19-98 Finland - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED fiacpos2.exe 1828496 05-07-99 Finnish - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] fiacpw31.exe 2186880 05-07-99 Finnish - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] fiacpw32.exe 1928500 09-13-99 Finnish - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.51) for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZBVUV fiacpw9x.exe 5272984 09-13-99 Finnish - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem I (v2.36) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3TTL7Y fiafbos2.exe 116056 11-03-98 Finnish - Audio Features Diskette (v1.02) for OS/2 Warp v4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 fiafw31.exe 1091697 05-04-98 Finland - Audio Features Diskette (v1.82) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X fibatchk.exe 306338 07-22-98 Finland - Battery Installation Check Utility Diskette (v1.02) for Windows 3.1/95/98/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 765D, 765L ficdtpgd.exe 137941 09-09-98 Finland - CD-ROM Driver Diskette (v3.12) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365XD, 380D, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 600, 600E, 760CD, 760ED, 760ELD, 760LD, 760E*, 760EL*, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L*, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*For 760E, 760EL, 765D, 765L only models with CD-ROM capable Ultra Bay.) ficrd95a.exe 719093 10-19-98 Finland - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X ficrd95b.exe 981026 10-19-98 Finland - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X ficrdw31.exe 1177285 10-19-98 Finland - CardWizard Driver (V5.32.21) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X ficrdwnt.exe 1105313 09-09-98 Finland - CardWizard (v3.10.04k) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X fiirdwo.exe 242537 09-09-98 Finland - Infrared Features II Diskette (v1.02) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X. Do NOT use for 560. fimdlt98.exe 910206 11-23-98 Finnish - Lucent Modem Driver (v5.19) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 fimpcwnt.exe 229045 10-22-98 Finland - MPEG-2 Features Diskette III (v1.47) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X fimpdw9x.exe 453532 07-22-98 Finland - MPEG Features Disk III (v1.10) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED fimpfw9x.exe 231475 07-22-98 Finland - MPEG Features Diskette II (v1.12) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D fimw224a.exe 1266715 07-22-98 Finland - Mwave DSP Features Diskette 1 of 3 (v2.24, 69i) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D (NOTE: Disk 1 is unique to this country. Disk 2 and 3 are common with the English version.) fimwptch.exe 533724 07-22-98 Finland - Mwave APM Patch (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D fintide.exe 166451 09-09-98 Finland - IDE Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT : ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X fipcbw31.exe 1214330 11-07-98 Finnish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.30.09H) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 fipcbw9a.exe 771718 11-07-98 Finnish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 1 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 fipcbw9b.exe 1300921 11-07-98 Finnish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 2 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 fipcbw9c.exe 994937 11-07-98 Finnish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 3 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 fipcbwnt.exe 1200918 11-07-98 Finnish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v4.00.09a3) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 fipcmh98.exe 150909 11-23-98 Finnish - PCMCIA PC Card Features Diskette (v1.32) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 fipcmos2.exe 604716 10-15-98 Finnish - PCMCIA PC Card Director (v4.10) for OS/2: ThinkPad 345C, 345CS, 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X fitp1os2.exe 818826 10-22-98 Finland - TrackPoint Driver Disk I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X fitp1win.exe 1069133 05-20-99 FI (Finnish) - TrackPoint Driver Package I (v1.12) for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i series 1400, 1500, 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3PWQT4 fitp2os2.exe 820079 09-09-98 Finland - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for OS/2: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z fitp2win.exe 123558 09-09-98 Finland - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z fiubayw9.exe 65151 07-22-98 Finland - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED fiut1os2.exe 1472440 05-17-99 Finnish - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ fiut1w31.exe 1257571 05-17-99 Finnish - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ fiut1w95.exe 2056365 05-17-99 Finnish - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E*, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X* (*NOT FOR USE ON 600E, 770X WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD fiut1w98.exe 3072503 05-17-99 Finnish - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 fiut1wnt.exe 2405930 05-17-99 Finnish - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE fiut2os2.exe 1646287 05-17-99 Finnish - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ fiut2w31.exe 1440547 05-17-99 Finnish - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ fiut2w95.exe 2194358 05-17-99 Finnish - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z*, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z* (*NOTE: NOT FOR USE WITH 380Z, 560Z WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD fiut2w98.exe 3544508 05-17-99 Finnish - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 fiut2wnt.exe 2544007 05-17-99 Finnish - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE fiutbapm.exe 664087 11-07-98 Finnish - APM Utility Support Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 fiutbdos.exe 107032 11-07-98 Finnish - Utility Diskette (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 fiutbswp.exe 1304849 11-03-98 Finnish - Warm Swap Driver (v3.10.05b) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 fiutbw9x.exe 1340886 11-07-98 Finnish - Utility Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 fiutldos.exe 596081 10-13-98 Finnish - Utility Diskette (v4.13) for DOS and Personalization: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*Requires Utility Data Diskette I, II, or III depending on model: uttpf3xx, uttpf5xx, or uttpf7xx) fiutnm98.exe 1179782 11-23-98 Finnish - NoteBook Manager Utility (v2.21) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 fiutsk98.exe 1022024 11-23-98 Finnish - ShortCut Key Utility Diskette (v0.99) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 fiutsm98.exe 983509 11-23-98 Finnish - Sleep Manager Utility Diskette (1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 fiutso98.exe 807482 11-23-98 Finnish - SafeOff Utility Diskette (1.44) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 fiutswap.exe 100419 10-29-98 Finland - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X fivc2w9x.exe 216551 07-22-98 Finland - Video Capture Driver II (v1.13) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D fivc3w9x.exe 335033 07-22-98 Finland - Video Capture Driver III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED fivc4w95.exe 796413 10-22-98 Finland - Video Capture Driver III (v1.11) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770X fivc4wnt.exe 69404 10-22-98 Finland - Video Capture Driver III (v2.03) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X fivcdply.exe 350674 07-22-98 Finland - Video CD Player Install Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98: Thinkpad 760CD, 760ED, 760XD, 765D fivfdos2.exe 1110944 10-19-98 Finland - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.03) for OS/2: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X fivfdw31.exe 620886 10-22-98 Finland - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.10) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X fivfos2.exe 1405113 04-29-98 Finnish - Video Features Diskette (v3.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600 fivfw31.exe 810848 04-29-98 Finnish - Video Features (v5.08) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600 fiwrpiu1.exe 926319 04-30-98 Finland - Install Update Diskette (v1.01) Disk 1 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 1 fiwrpiu2.exe 1074603 05-04-98 Finland - Install Update Diskette (v1.00) Disk 2 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 2 fiysh98a.exe 1300739 11-23-98 Finnish - Y-Station Audio Software Diskette (v3.20) for Windows 98, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 fiysh98b.exe 311424 11-23-98 Finnish - Y-Station Audio Software Diskette (v3.20) for Windows 98, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 fr95sfd1.exe 271420 10-19-98 French - Supplement File Disk I (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X fr95sfd3.exe 157832 11-07-98 French - Supplement File Diskette III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 fr95sup2.exe 258350 09-09-98 France - Supplement File Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z fracpnta.exe 937544 10-19-98 French - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED fracpntb.exe 993868 10-19-98 French - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED added file fracpos2.exe 1838074 05-07-99 French - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] fracpw31.exe 2190810 05-07-99 French - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] fracpw32.exe 1932329 09-13-99 French - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.51) for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZBVUV fracpw9x.exe 5288399 09-13-99 French - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem I (v2.36) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3TTL7Y frafbos2.exe 211012 11-03-98 French - Audio Features Diskette (v1.02) for OS/2 Warp v4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 frafh98a.exe 183587 11-23-98 French - Audio Features Diskette (v4.05.2341) for Windows 98, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 frafh98b.exe 1144581 11-23-98 French - Audio Features Diskette (v4.05.2341) for Windows 98, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 frafrw31.exe 931163 10-18-98 French - Audio Features Diskette (v2.00) for Dos and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X frbatchk.exe 306702 07-22-98 France - Battery Installation Check Utility Diskette (v1.02) for Windows 3.1/95/98/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 765D, 765L frcdtpgd.exe 94707 09-09-98 France - CD-ROM Driver Diskette (v3.12) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365XD, 380D, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 600, 600E, 760CD, 760ED, 760ELD, 760LD, 760E*, 760EL*, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L*, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*For 760E, 760EL, 765D, 765L only models with CD-ROM capable Ultra Bay.) frcrd95a.exe 722927 10-19-98 France - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X frcrd95b.exe 989224 10-19-98 France - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X frcrdw31.exe 1176537 10-19-98 French - CardWizard Driver (V5.32.21) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X frcrdwnt.exe 1108406 09-09-98 French - CardWizard (v3.10.04k) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X frirdwo.exe 243541 09-09-98 French - Infrared Features II Diskette (v1.02) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X. Do NOT use for 560. frmdbdos.exe 133783 11-07-98 French - Modem Driver Diskette (v5.15) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 frmdbw9x.exe 908337 11-07-98 French - Modem Driver Diskette (v5.28) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 frmdbwnt.exe 898341 11-07-98 French - Modem Driver Diskette (v5.19) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 frmdlt98.exe 912895 11-23-98 French - Lucent Modem Driver (v5.19) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 frmpcwnt.exe 229015 10-22-98 French - MPEG-2 Features Diskette III (v1.47) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X frmpdw9x.exe 455712 07-22-98 France - MPEG Features Disk III (v1.10) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED frmpfw9x.exe 233121 07-22-98 Franch - MPEG Features Diskette II (v1.12) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D frmw224a.exe 1279802 07-22-98 France - Mwave DSP Features Diskette 1 of 3 (v2.24, v69i) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D frmw224b.exe 1339695 07-22-98 France - Mwave DSP Features Diskette 2 of 3 (v2.24, 69i) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D frmw224c.exe 1220093 07-22-98 France - Mwave DSP Features Diskette 3 of 3 (v2.24, 69i) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D frmwptch.exe 533725 07-22-98 France - Mwave APM Patch (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D frntide.exe 166483 09-09-98 France - IDE Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT : ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X frpcbw31.exe 1213247 11-07-98 French - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.30.09H) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 frpcbw9a.exe 774151 11-07-98 French - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 1 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 frpcbw9b.exe 673147 11-07-98 French - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 2 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 frpcbw9c.exe 993651 11-07-98 French - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 3 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 frpcbwnt.exe 1276820 11-07-98 French - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v4.00.09a3) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 frpcmh98.exe 222402 11-23-98 French - PCMCIA PC Card Features Diskette (v1.32) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 frpcmos2.exe 607851 10-15-98 French - PCMCIA PC Card Director (v4.10) for OS/2: ThinkPad 345C, 345CS, 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X frtp1os2.exe 822646 10-22-98 French - TrackPoint Driver Disk I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X frtp1win.exe 1073160 05-20-99 FR (French) - TrackPoint Driver Package I (v1.12) for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i series 1400, 1500, 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3PWQT4 frtp2os2.exe 823256 09-09-98 France - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for OS/2: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z frtp2win.exe 123578 09-09-98 France - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z frubayw9.exe 65459 07-22-98 France - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED frut1os2.exe 1476760 05-17-99 French - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ frut1w31.exe 1264598 05-17-99 French - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ frut1w95.exe 2066071 05-17-99 French - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E*, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X* (*NOT FOR USE ON 600E, 770X WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD frut1w98.exe 3079815 05-17-99 French - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 frut1wnt.exe 2411322 05-17-99 French - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE frut2os2.exe 1650607 05-17-99 French - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ frut2w31.exe 1447574 05-17-99 French - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ frut2w95.exe 2204692 05-17-99 French - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z*, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z* (*NOTE: NOT FOR USE WITH 380Z, 560Z WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD frut2w98.exe 3551346 05-17-99 French - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 frut2wnt.exe 2549584 05-17-99 French - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE frutbapm.exe 666680 11-07-98 French - APM Utility Support Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 frutbdos.exe 86282 11-07-98 French - Utility Diskette (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 frutbswp.exe 1310855 11-03-98 French - Warm Swap Driver (v3.10.05b) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 frutbw9x.exe 1282691 11-07-98 French - Utility Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 frutldos.exe 598619 10-13-98 French -Utility Diskette (v4.13) for DOS and Personalization: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*Requires Utility Data Diskette I, II, or III depending on model: uttpf3xx, uttpf5xx, or uttpf7xx) frutnm98.exe 1184665 11-23-98 French - NoteBook Manager Utility (v2.21) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 frutsk98.exe 1339064 11-23-98 French - ShortCut Key Utility Diskette (v0.99) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 frutsm98.exe 930550 11-23-98 French - Sleep Manager Utility Diskette (1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 frutso98.exe 809006 11-23-98 French - SafeOff Utility Diskette (1.44) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 frutswap.exe 100679 10-29-98 French - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X frvc2w9x.exe 216885 07-22-98 France - Video Capture Driver II (v1.13) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D frvc3w9x.exe 335494 07-22-98 France - Video Capture Driver III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED frvc4wnt.exe 69386 10-22-98 French - Video Capture Driver III (v2.03) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X frvcdply.exe 352525 07-22-98 France - Video CD Player Install Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98: Thinkpad 760CD, 760ED, 760XD, 765D frvfdos2.exe 1111376 10-19-98 French - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.03) for OS/2: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X frvfdw31.exe 621372 10-22-98 French - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.10) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X frvfos2.exe 1404805 04-27-98 French - Video Features Diskette III (v3.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600 frvfw31.exe 810774 04-27-98 French - Video Features Diskette III (v5.08) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600 frwrpiu1.exe 922161 04-30-98 French - Install Update Diskette (v1.01) Disk 1 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 1 frwrpiu2.exe 1023915 05-04-98 French - Install Update Diskette (v1.00) Disk 2 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 2 frysh98a.exe 1301107 11-23-98 French - Y-Station Audio Software Diskette (v3.20) for Windows 98, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 frysh98b.exe 262864 11-23-98 French - Y-Station Audio Software Diskette (v3.20) for Windows 98, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 gr95sfd1.exe 270834 10-19-98 German - Supplement File Disk I (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X gr95sfd3.exe 157804 11-07-98 German - Supplement File Diskette III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 gr95sup2.exe 274915 09-09-98 German - Supplement File Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z gracpnta.exe 937326 10-19-98 German - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED gracpntb.exe 996601 10-19-98 German - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED gracpos2.exe 1839662 05-07-99 German - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] gracpw31.exe 2199527 05-07-99 German - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] gracpw32.exe 1936097 09-13-99 German - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.51) for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZBVUV gracpw9x.exe 5286366 09-13-99 German - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem I (v2.36) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3TTL7Y grafbos2.exe 306318 11-07-98 German - Audio Features Diskette (v1.02) for OS/2 Warp v4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 grafh98a.exe 182089 11-23-98 German - Audio Features Diskette (v4.05.2341) for Windows 98, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 grafh98b.exe 1144577 11-23-98 German - Audio Features Diskette (v4.05.2341) for Windows 98, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 grafw31.exe 998353 05-04-98 German - Audio Features Diskette (v1.82) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X grbatchk.exe 306270 07-22-98 German - Battery Installation Check Utility Diskette (v1.02) for Windows 3.1/95/98/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 765D, 765L grcdtpgd.exe 94853 09-09-98 German - CD-ROM Driver Diskette (v3.12) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365XD, 380D, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 600, 600E, 760CD, 760ED, 760ELD, 760LD, 760E*, 760EL*, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L*, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*For 760E, 760EL, 765D, 765L only models with CD-ROM capable Ultra Bay.) grcrd95a.exe 717642 10-19-98 German - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X grcrd95b.exe 990774 10-19-98 German - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X grcrdw31.exe 1185265 10-19-98 German - CardWizard Driver (V5.32.21) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X grcrdwnt.exe 1111850 09-09-98 German - CardWizard (v3.10.04k) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X grirdwo.exe 243231 09-09-98 German - Infrared Features II Diskette (v1.02) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X. Do NOT use for 560. grmpcwnt.exe 229381 10-22-98 German - MPEG-2 Features Diskette III (v1.47) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X grmpdw9x.exe 453738 07-22-98 German - MPEG Features Disk III (v1.10) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED grmpfw9x.exe 232278 07-22-98 German - MPEG Features Diskette II (v1.12) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D grmwptch.exe 533724 07-22-98 German - Mwave APM Patch (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D grntide.exe 166549 09-09-98 German - IDE Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT : ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X grpcbw31.exe 1218789 11-07-98 German - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.30.09H) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 grpcbw9a.exe 769403 11-07-98 German - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 1 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 grpcbw9b.exe 685586 11-07-98 German - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 2 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 grpcbw9c.exe 995313 11-07-98 German - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 3 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 grpcbwnt.exe 1203046 11-07-98 German - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v4.00.09a3) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 grpcmh98.exe 150897 11-23-98 German - PCMCIA PC Card Features Diskette (v1.32) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 grpcmos2.exe 609345 10-15-98 German - PCMCIA PC Card Director (v4.10) for OS/2: ThinkPad 345C, 345CS, 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X grtp1os2.exe 823846 10-22-98 German- TrackPoint Driver Disk I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X grtp1win.exe 1072147 05-20-99 GR (German) - TrackPoint Driver Package I (v1.12) for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i series 1400, 1500, 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3PWQT4 grtp2win.exe 123890 09-09-98 German - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z grubayw9.exe 65255 07-22-98 German - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED grut1os2.exe 1480325 05-17-99 German - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ grut1w31.exe 1267345 05-17-99 German - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ grut1w95.exe 2063689 05-17-99 German - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E*, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X* (*NOT FOR USE ON 600E, 770X WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD grut1w98.exe 3079044 05-17-99 German - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 grut1wnt.exe 2413045 05-17-99 German - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE grut2os2.exe 1654172 05-17-99 German - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ grut2w31.exe 1450321 05-17-99 German - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ grut2w95.exe 2202008 05-17-99 German - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z*, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z* (*NOTE: NOT FOR USE WITH 380Z, 560Z WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD grut2w98.exe 3551538 05-17-99 German - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 grut2wnt.exe 2551040 05-17-99 German - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE grutbapm.exe 668328 11-07-98 German - APM Utility Support Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 grutbdos.exe 87226 11-07-98 German - Utility Diskette (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 grutbswp.exe 1312932 11-03-98 German - Warm Swap Driver (v3.10.05b) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 grutbw9x.exe 1284395 11-07-98 German - Utility Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 grutldos.exe 603604 10-13-98 German - Utility Diskette (v4.13) for DOS and Personalization: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*Requires Utility Data Diskette I, II, or III depending on model: uttpf3xx, uttpf5xx, or uttpf7xx) grutnm98.exe 1185038 11-23-98 German - NoteBook Manager Utility (v2.21) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 grutsk98.exe 1339026 11-23-98 German - ShortCut Key Utility Diskette (v0.99) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 grutsm98.exe 931083 11-23-98 German - Sleep Manager Utility Diskette (1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 grutso98.exe 813756 11-23-98 German - SafeOff Utility Diskette (1.44) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 grutswap.exe 100593 10-29-98 German - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X grvc2w9x.exe 216766 07-22-98 German - Video Capture Driver II (v1.13) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D grvc3w9x.exe 335748 07-22-98 German - Video Capture Driver III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED grvc4w95.exe 1113436 10-22-98 German - Video Capture Driver III (v1.11) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770X grvc4wnt.exe 69952 10-22-98 German - Video Capture Driver III (v2.03) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X grvcdply.exe 351925 07-22-98 German - Video CD Player Install Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98: Thinkpad 760CD, 760ED, 760XD, 765D grvfdos2.exe 1111134 10-19-98 German - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.03) for OS/2: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X grvfdw31.exe 620954 10-22-98 Germand - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.10) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X grvfos2.exe 1405173 04-27-98 German - Video Features Diskette III (v3.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600 grvfw31.exe 810852 04-27-98 German - Video Features Diskette III (v5.08) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600 grwrpiu1.exe 925993 04-30-98 German - Install Update Diskette (v1.01) Disk 1 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 1 grwrpiu2.exe 1025020 05-04-98 German - Install Update Diskette (v1.00) Disk 2 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 2 gttp2os2.exe 825049 09-09-98 German - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for OS/2: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z gw95224a.exe 1282652 05-29-97 German Language Version: Mwave DSP Features Diskette 1 of 3 (v2.24) for Windows 95 for ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX and 760C/CD/E/ED/XD gw95224b.exe 1340176 05-29-97 German Language Version: Mwave DSP Features Diskette 2 of 3 (v2.24) for Windows 95 for ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX and 760C/CD/E/ED/XD gw95224c.exe 1218998 05-29-97 German Language Version: Mwave DSP Features Diskette 3 of 3 (v2.24) for Windows 95 for ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX and 760C/CD/E/ED/XD gw95224x.txt 58350 05-29-97 README: File for GW95224A.EXE, GW95224B.EXE & GW95224C.EXE gwaudos2.exe 180553 05-29-97 German Language Version: Mwave Audio Features Diskette (v2.24) for OS/2 for ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX and 760C/CD/E/ED/XD gwavent1.exe 894511 05-29-97 German Language Version: MWave DSP Features (v2.21) Diskette 1 of 2 for Windows NT 3.51 & 4.0 for ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD gwavent2.exe 1101088 05-29-97 German Language Version: MWave DSP Features (v2.21) Diskette 2 of 2 for Windows NT 3.51 & 4.0 for ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX, 760C/CD/E/ED/XD gwaventx.txt 40050 05-29-97 README: File for GWAVENT1.EXE & GWAVENT2.EXE gwo224-1.exe 1262963 05-29-97 German Language Version: Mwave DSP Features Diskette 1 of 2 (v2.24) for OS/2 for ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX and 760C/CD/E/ED/XD gwo224-2.exe 1254558 05-29-97 German Language Version: Mwave DSP Features Diskette 2 of 2 (v2.24) for OS/2 for ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX and 760C/CD/E/ED/XD gwo224-x.txt 34964 05-29-97 README: File for GWO224-1.EXE & GWO224-2.EXE gww224-1.exe 1311009 05-29-97 German Language Version: Mwave DSP Features Diskette 1 of 3 (v2.24) for Windows 3.1 for ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX and 760C/CD/E/ED/XD gww224-2.exe 1367315 05-29-97 German Language Version: Mwave DSP Features Diskette 2 of 3 (v2.24) for Windows 3.1 for ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX and 760C/CD/E/ED/XD gww224-3.exe 1150605 05-29-97 German Language Version: Mwave DSP Features Diskette 3 of 3 (v2.24) for Windows 3.1 for ThinkPad 755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CV/CX and 760C/CD/E/ED/XD gww224-x.txt 58350 05-29-97 README: File for GWW224-1.EXE,GWW224-2.EXE & GWW224-3.EXE hgjt210.exe 1208121 08-27-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 750, ThinkPad 755C/CS (Japanese). Posted on 6/5/98. [DSKEXE] hgjt210.txt 14921 08-27-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 750, ThinkPad 755C/CS (Japanese). Posted on 6/5/98. [DSKEXE] hruj050.exe 682853 08-24-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 560E (Japanese). Posted on 5/19/99. [DSKEXE] hruj050.txt 10017 08-24-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 560E (Japanese). Posted on 5/19/99. [DSKEXE] hvjt10j0.exe 667816 08-27-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 760C, ThinkPad 760CD, ThinkPad 760L and ThinkPad 760LD (Japanese). Posted on 7/25/98. [DSKEXE] hvjt10j0.txt 20369 08-27-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 760C, ThinkPad 760CD, ThinkPad 760L and ThinkPad 760LD (Japanese). Posted on 7/25/98. [DSKEXE] hxuj100.exe 712511 08-26-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760XD and 765 (XGA models only for all systems listed) (Japanese). Posted on 5/10/99. [DSKEXE] hxuj100.txt 11938 08-26-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760XD and 765 (XGA models only for all systems listed) (Japanese). Posted on 5/10/99. [DSKEXE] i0jt130.exe 683715 08-26-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 560 (Japanese). Posted on 7/25/98. [DSKEXE] i0jt130.txt 15948 08-26-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 560 (Japanese). Posted on 7/25/98. [DSKEXE] i4jt060.exe 672661 08-24-99 System Program Service Disketted (BIOS): ThinkPad 535, 535E (Japanese). Posted on 07/25/98. [DSKEXE] i4jt060.txt 12088 08-24-99 README: System Program Service Disketted (BIOS): ThinkPad 535, 535E (Japanese). Posted on 07/25/98. [DSKEXE] i8uj060.exe 732769 08-24-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 560X (Japanese). Posted on 5/10/99. [DSKEXE] i8uj060.txt 12015 08-24-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 560X (Japanese). Posted on 5/10/99. [DSKEXE] iauj010.exe 966222 08-24-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 535X (Japanese). Posted on 07/25/98. [DSKEXE] iauj010.txt 9694 08-24-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 535X (Japanese). Posted on 07/25/98. [DSKEXE] iduj100.exe 910099 08-26-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 770, 770E, and 770ED. Posted on 5/10/99. [DSKEXE] iduj100.txt 16393 08-26-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 770, 770E, and 770ED. Posted on 5/10/99. [DSKEXE] ieuj050.exe 771942 08-25-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 560Z (Japanese). Posted on 5/10/99. [DSKEXE] ieuj050.txt 11089 08-25-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 560Z (Japanese). Posted on 5/10/99. [DSKEXE] iiuj060.exe 834841 08-26-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 770X (Japanese). Posted on 5/10/99. [DSKEXE] iiuj060.txt 11157 08-26-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 770X (Japanese). Posted on 5/10/99. [DSKEXE] ikb1180.exe 329814 08-26-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad i Series 1400 (models 456 and 476 only). Posted on 6/10/99. [DSKEXE] ikb1180.txt 12199 08-26-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad i Series 1400 (models 456 and 476 only). Posted on 6/10/99. [DSKEXE] imuj050.exe 669380 08-25-99 System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 570 (Japanese). Posted on 7/8/99. [DSKEXE] imuj050.txt 9328 08-25-99 README: System Program Service Diskette (BIOS): ThinkPad 570 (Japanese). Posted on 7/8/99. [DSKEXE] it95sfd1.exe 270820 10-19-98 Italy - Supplement File Disk I (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X it95sfd3.exe 157850 11-07-98 Italian - Supplement File Diskette III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 it95sup2.exe 271616 09-09-98 Italy - Supplement File Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z itacpnta.exe 935936 10-19-98 Italy - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED itacpntb.exe 995174 10-19-98 Italy - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED itacpos2.exe 1829783 05-07-99 Italian - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] itacpw31.exe 2192055 05-07-99 Italian - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] itacpw32.exe 1931213 09-13-99 Italian - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.51) for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZBVUV itacpw9x.exe 5283944 09-13-99 Italian - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem I (v2.36) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3TTL7Y itafbos2.exe 401532 11-07-98 Italian - Audio Features Diskette (v1.02) for OS/2 Warp v4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 itafw31.exe 1000845 05-04-98 Italy - Audio Features Diskette (v1.82) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X itbatchk.exe 306438 07-22-98 Italy - Battery Installation Check Utility Diskette (v1.02) for Windows 3.1/95/98/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 765D, 765L itcdtpgd.exe 94841 09-09-98 Italy - CD-ROM Driver Diskette (v3.12) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365XD, 380D, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 600, 600E, 760CD, 760ED, 760ELD, 760LD, 760E*, 760EL*, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L*, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*For 760E, 760EL, 765D, 765L only models with CD-ROM capable Ultra Bay.) itcrd95a.exe 715767 10-19-98 Italy - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X itcrd95b.exe 986232 10-19-98 Italy - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X itcrdw31.exe 1175865 10-19-98 Italy - CardWizard Driver (V5.32.21) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X itcrdwnt.exe 1103352 09-09-98 Italy - CardWizard (v3.10.04k) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X itirdwo.exe 241871 09-09-98 Italy - Infrared Features II Diskette (v1.02) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X. Do NOT use for 560. itmpcwnt.exe 228931 10-22-98 Italy - MPEG-2 Features Diskette III (v1.47) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X itmpdw9x.exe 453081 07-22-98 Italy - MPEG Features Disk III (v1.10) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED itmpfw9x.exe 232428 07-22-98 Italy - MPEG Features Diskette II (v1.12) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D itmw224a.exe 1276714 07-22-98 Italy - Mwave DSP Features Diskette 1 of 3 (v2.24, v69i) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D (NOTE: Disk 1 is unique to this country. Disk 2 and 3 are common with the English version.) itmwptch.exe 533728 07-22-98 Italy - Mwave APM Patch (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D itntide.exe 166475 09-09-98 Italy - IDE Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT : ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X itpcbw31.exe 1211194 11-07-98 Italian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.30.09H) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 itpcbw9a.exe 767135 11-07-98 Italian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 1 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 itpcbw9b.exe 672977 11-07-98 Italian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 2 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 itpcbw9c.exe 987120 11-07-98 Italian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 3 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 itpcbwnt.exe 1199532 11-07-98 Italian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v4.00.09a3) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 itpcmos2.exe 608357 10-15-98 Italy - PCMCIA PC Card Director (v4.10) for OS/2: ThinkPad 345C, 345CS, 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X ittp1os2.exe 823430 10-22-98 Italy - TrackPoint Driver Disk I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X ittp1win.exe 1071042 05-20-99 IT (Italian) - TrackPoint Driver Package I (v1.12) for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i series 1400, 1500, 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3PWQT4 ittp2os2.exe 823768 09-09-98 Italy - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for OS/2: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z ittp2win.exe 123638 09-09-98 Italy - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z itubayw9.exe 65241 07-22-98 Italy - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED itut1os2.exe 1475517 05-17-99 Italian - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ itut1w31.exe 1260691 05-17-99 Italian - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ itut1w95.exe 2059830 05-17-99 Italian - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E*, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X* (*NOT FOR USE ON 600E, 770X WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD itut1w98.exe 3071586 05-17-99 Italian - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 itut1wnt.exe 2404103 05-17-99 Italian - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE itut2os2.exe 1649364 05-17-99 Italian - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ itut2w31.exe 1443667 05-17-99 Italian - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ itut2w95.exe 2198195 05-17-99 Italian - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z*, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z* (*NOTE: NOT FOR USE WITH 380Z, 560Z WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD itut2w98.exe 3543787 05-17-99 Italian - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 itut2wnt.exe 2542659 05-17-99 Italian - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE itutbapm.exe 665825 11-07-98 Italian - APM Utility Support Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 itutbdos.exe 131801 11-07-98 Italian - Utility Diskette (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 itutbswp.exe 1307212 11-03-98 Italian - Warm Swap Driver (v3.10.05b) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 itutbw9x.exe 1282669 11-07-98 Italian - Utility Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 itutldos.exe 599575 10-13-98 Italian - Utility Diskette (v4.13) for DOS and Personalization: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*Requires Utility Data Diskette I, II, or III depending on model: uttpf3xx, uttpf5xx, or uttpf7xx) itutswap.exe 100585 10-29-98 Italy - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X itvc2w9x.exe 217009 07-22-98 Italy - Video Capture Driver II (v1.13) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D itvc3w9x.exe 335493 07-22-98 Italy - Video Capture Driver III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED itvc4w95.exe 799452 10-22-98 Italy - Video Capture Driver III (v1.11) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770X itvc4wnt.exe 70357 10-22-98 Italy - Video Capture Driver III (v2.03) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X itvcdply.exe 353891 07-22-98 Italy - Video CD Player Install Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98: Thinkpad 760CD, 760ED, 760XD, 765D itvfdos2.exe 1111428 10-19-98 Italy - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.03) for OS/2: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X itvfdw31.exe 621350 10-22-98 Italy - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.10) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X itvfos2.exe 1405131 04-27-98 Italy - Video Features Diskette III (v3.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600 itvfw31.exe 810868 04-27-98 Italy - Video Features Diskette III (v5.08) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600 itwrpiu1.exe 922745 04-30-98 Italy - Install Update Diskette (v1.01) Disk 1 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 1 itwrpiu2.exe 1074673 05-04-98 Italy - Install Update Diskette (v1.00) Disk 2 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 2 jpafw31.exe 1004569 05-04-98 Japan - Audio Features Diskette (v1.82) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600 jpcrddos.exe 726719 05-04-98 Japan - CardSoft (5.32.18) for DOS: ThinkPad 600 jpcrdw31.exe 1097583 05-04-98 Japan - CardWizard (v5.32.18) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600 jpirdwo.exe 242135 05-04-98 Japan - Infrared Driver Diskette (v1.01) for DOS, Windows 3.1x, and OS/2 jppcmos2.exe 611482 04-29-98 Japan - PCMCIA Driver Diskette (v4.09) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600 jptos2.exe 1402448 04-29-98 Japan - TrackPoint IV Driver Diskette (v1.01) for OS/2 - ThinkPad 600 jputdos.exe 628161 04-29-98 Japan - Utility Diskette (4.11) for DOS: ThinkPad 600 jputos2.exe 1007698 04-29-98 Japan - Utility Diskette (v4.11) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600 jputw31.exe 782762 04-29-98 Japan - Utility Diskette (v4.11) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600 jpvfos21.exe 1217384 04-27-98 Japan - Video Features Diskette III (v3.37) Disk 1 of 2 for OS/2: ThinkPad 600 jpvfos22.exe 163500 04-27-98 Japan - Video Features Diskette III (v3.37) Disk 2 of 2 for OS/2: ThinkPad 600 jpvfw31.exe 921753 04-27-98 Japan - Video Features Diskette III (v5.08) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600 mwav224b.exe 1351160 09-09-98 English - Mwave DSP Features Diskette 2 of 3 (v2.24, 69H) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D mwav224c.exe 1210206 09-09-98 English - Mwave DSP Features Diskette 3 of 3 (v2.24, 69H) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D ne95sfd1.exe 271304 10-19-98 Netherlands - Supplement File Disk I (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X ne95sfd3.exe 157824 11-07-98 Dutch - Supplement File Diskette III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 ne95sup2.exe 263516 09-09-98 Netherlands - Supplement File Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z neacpnta.exe 934331 10-19-98 Netherland - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED neacpntb.exe 988220 10-19-98 Netherland - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED neacpos2.exe 1826984 05-07-99 Dutch (NE)- ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] neacpw31.exe 2187823 05-07-99 Dutch (NE) - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] neacpw32.exe 1929759 09-13-99 Dutch - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.51) for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZBVUV neacpw9x.exe 5274596 09-13-99 Dutch - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem I (v2.36) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3TTL7Y neafbos2.exe 115722 11-07-98 Dutch - Audio Features Diskette (v1.02) for OS/2 Warp v4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 neafh98a.exe 204022 11-23-98 Dutch - Audio Features Diskette (v4.05.2341) for Windows 98, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 neafh98b.exe 1144577 11-23-98 Dutch - Audio Features Diskette (v4.05.2341) for Windows 98, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 neafw31.exe 997859 05-04-98 Netherlands - Audio Features Diskette (v1.82) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X nebatchk.exe 306092 07-22-98 Netherland - Battery Installation Check Utility Diskette (v1.02) for Windows 3.1/95/98/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 765D, 765L necdtpgd.exe 94515 09-09-98 Netherlands - CD-ROM Driver Diskette (v3.12) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365XD, 380D, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 600, 600E, 760CD, 760ED, 760ELD, 760LD, 760E*, 760EL*, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L*, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*For 760E, 760EL, 765D, 765L only models with CD-ROM capable Ultra Bay.) necrd95a.exe 720677 10-19-98 Netherlands - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X necrd95b.exe 986027 10-19-98 Netherlands - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X necrdw31.exe 1179841 10-19-98 Netherlands - CardWizard Driver (V5.32.21) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X necrdwnt.exe 1103694 09-09-98 Netherlands - CardWizard (v3.10.04k) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X neirdwo.exe 241832 09-09-98 Netherlands - Infrared Features II Diskette (v1.02) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X. Do NOT use for 560. nempcwnt.exe 228913 10-22-98 Netherlands - MPEG-2 Features Diskette III (v1.47) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X nempdw9x.exe 454018 07-22-98 Netherland - MPEG Features Disk III (v1.10) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED nempfw9x.exe 232060 07-22-98 Netherland - MPEG Features Diskette II (v1.12) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D nemw224a.exe 1267203 07-22-98 Netherland - Mwave DSP Features Diskette 1 of 3 (v2.24, 69i) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D (NOTE: Disk 1 is unique to this country. Disk 2 and 3 are common with the English version.) nemwptch.exe 533724 07-22-98 Netherland - Mwave APM Patch (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D nentide.exe 166447 09-09-98 Netherlands - IDE Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT : ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X nepcbw31.exe 1197033 11-07-98 Dutch - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.30.09H) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 nepcbw9a.exe 772373 11-07-98 Dutch - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 1 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 nepcbw9b.exe 661686 11-07-98 Dutch - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 2 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 nepcbw9c.exe 988372 11-07-98 Dutch - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 3 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 nepcbwnt.exe 1197717 11-07-98 Dutch - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v4.00.09a3) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 nepcmh98.exe 151255 11-23-98 Dutch - PCMCIA PC Card Features Diskette (v1.32) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 nepcmos2.exe 605190 10-15-98 Netherlands - PCMCIA PC Card Director (v4.10) for OS/2: ThinkPad 345C, 345CS, 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X netp1os2.exe 822977 10-22-98 Netherland - TrackPoint Driver Disk I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X netp1win.exe 1070414 05-20-99 NE (Dutch) - TrackPoint Driver Package I (v1.12) for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i series 1400, 1500, 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3PWQT4 netp2os2.exe 823441 09-09-98 Netherlands - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for OS/2: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z netp2win.exe 123692 09-09-98 Netherlands - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z neubayw9.exe 65035 07-22-98 Netherland - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED neut1os2.exe 1471186 05-17-99 Dutch - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ neut1w31.exe 1254590 05-17-99 Dutch - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ neut1w95.exe 2057719 05-17-99 Dutch - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E*, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X* (*NOT FOR USE ON 600E, 770X WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD neut1w98.exe 3071710 05-17-99 Dutch - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 neut1wnt.exe 2402559 05-17-99 Dutch - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE neut2os2.exe 1645033 05-17-99 Dutch - Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ neut2w31.exe 1437566 05-17-99 Dutch - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ neut2w95.exe 2195788 05-17-99 Dutch - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z*, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z* (*NOTE: NOT FOR USE WITH 380Z, 560Z WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD neut2w98.exe 3544860 05-17-99 Dutch - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 neut2wnt.exe 2540981 05-17-99 Dutch - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE neutbapm.exe 664786 11-07-98 Dutch - APM Utility Support Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 neutbdos.exe 86148 11-07-98 Dutch - Utility Diskette (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 neutbswp.exe 1308499 11-03-98 Dutch - Warm Swap Driver (v3.10.05b) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 neutbw9x.exe 1282554 11-07-98 Dutch - Utility Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 neutldos.exe 603071 10-13-98 Nederlands - Utility Diskette (v4.13) for DOS and Personalization: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*Requires Utility Data Diskette I, II, or III depending on model: uttpf3xx, uttpf5xx, or uttpf7xx) neutnm98.exe 1181710 11-23-98 Dutch - NoteBook Manager Utility (v2.21) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 neutsk98.exe 1023314 11-23-98 Dutch - ShortCut Key Utility Diskette (v0.99) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 neutsm98.exe 985121 11-23-98 Dutch - Sleep Manager Utility Diskette (1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 neutso98.exe 809942 11-23-98 Dutch - SafeOff Utility Diskette (1.44) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 neutswap.exe 100345 10-29-98 Netherland - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X nevc2w9x.exe 216419 07-22-98 Netherland - Video Capture Driver II (v1.13) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D nevc3w9x.exe 335542 07-22-98 Netherland - Video Capture Driver III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED nevc4w95.exe 795835 10-22-98 Netherland - Video Capture Driver III (v1.11) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770X nevc4wnt.exe 69276 10-22-98 Netherlands - Video Capture Driver III (v2.03) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X nevcdply.exe 352535 07-22-98 Netherland - Video CD Player Install Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98: Thinkpad 760CD, 760ED, 760XD, 765D nevfdos2.exe 1111112 10-19-98 Netherlands - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.03) for OS/2: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X nevfdw31.exe 620954 10-22-98 Netherland - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.10) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X nevfos2.exe 1405113 04-29-98 Netherlands - Video Features Diskette III (v3.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600 nevfw31.exe 810766 04-27-98 Netherlands - Video Features Diskette III (v5.08) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600 newrpiu1.exe 921571 04-30-98 Netherlands - Install Update Diskette (v1.01) Disk 1 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 1 newrpiu2.exe 1022895 05-04-98 Netherlands - Install Update Diskette (v1.00) Disk 2 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 2 neysh98a.exe 1299741 11-23-98 Dutch - Y-Station Audio Software Diskette (v3.20) for Windows 98, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 neysh98b.exe 262634 11-23-98 Dutch - Y-Station Audio Software Diskette (v3.20) for Windows 98, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 no95sfd1.exe 270780 10-19-98 Norway - Supplement File Disk I (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X no95sfd3.exe 157836 11-07-98 Norwegian - Supplement File Diskette III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 no95sup2.exe 257254 09-09-98 Norway - Supplement File Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z noacpnta.exe 933759 10-19-98 Norway - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED noacpntb.exe 985581 10-19-98 Norway - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED noacpos2.exe 1825731 05-07-99 Norwegian - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] noacpw31.exe 2185070 05-07-99 Norwegian - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] noacpw32.exe 1925085 09-13-99 Norwegian - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.51) for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZBVUV noacpw9x.exe 5275172 09-13-99 Norwegian - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem I (v2.36) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3TTL7Y noafbos2.exe 497087 11-07-98 Norwegian - Audio Features Diskette (v1.02) for OS/2 Warp v4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 noafw31.exe 994244 05-04-98 Norway - Audio Features Diskette (v1.82) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X nobatchk.exe 306404 07-22-98 Norway - Battery Installation Check Utility Diskette (v1.02) for Windows 3.1/95/98/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 765D, 765L nocdtpgd.exe 94121 09-09-98 Norway - CD-ROM Driver Diskette (v3.12) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365XD, 380D, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 600, 600E, 760CD, 760ED, 760ELD, 760LD, 760E*, 760EL*, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L*, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*For 760E, 760EL, 765D, 765L only models with CD-ROM capable Ultra Bay.) nocrd95a.exe 718750 10-19-98 Norway - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X nocrd95b.exe 986125 10-19-98 Norway - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X nocrdw31.exe 1180425 10-19-98 Norway - CardWizard Driver (V5.32.21) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X nocrdwnt.exe 1101529 09-09-98 Norway - CardWizard (v3.10.04k) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X noirdwo.exe 241403 09-09-98 Norway - Infrared Features II Diskette (v1.02) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X. Do NOT use for 560. nomdlt98.exe 909956 11-23-98 Norwegian - Lucent Modem Driver (v5.19) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 nompcwnt.exe 229173 10-22-98 Norway - MPEG-2 Features Diskette III (v1.47) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X nompdw9x.exe 453814 07-22-98 Norway - MPEG Features Disk III (v1.10) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED nompfw9x.exe 232037 07-22-98 Norway - MPEG Features Diskette II (v1.12) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D nomw224a.exe 1264824 07-22-98 Norway - Mwave DSP Features Diskette 1 of 3 (v2.24, 69i) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D (NOTE: Disk 1 is unique to this country. Disk 2 and 3 are common with the English version.) nomwptch.exe 533728 07-22-98 Norway - Mwave APM Patch (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D nontide.exe 166447 09-09-98 Norway - IDE Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT : ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X nopcbw31.exe 1196710 11-07-98 Norwegian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.30.09H) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 nopcbw9a.exe 776017 11-07-98 Norwegian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 1 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 nopcbw9b.exe 661658 11-07-98 Norwegian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 2 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 nopcbw9c.exe 981617 11-07-98 Norwegian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 3 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 nopcbwnt.exe 1197437 11-07-98 Norwegian - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v4.00.09a3) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 nopcmh98.exe 151215 11-23-98 N orwegian - PCMCIA PC Card Features Diskette (v1.32) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 nopcmos2.exe 602487 10-15-98 Norway - PCMCIA PC Card Director (v4.10) for OS/2: ThinkPad 345C, 345CS, 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X notp1os2.exe 815895 10-22-98 Norway - TrackPoint Driver Disk I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X notp1win.exe 1067892 05-20-99 Norway - TrackPoint Driver Package I (v1.12) for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i series 1400, 1500, 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3PWQT4 notp2os2.exe 816057 09-09-98 Norway - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for OS/2: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z notp2win.exe 123386 09-09-98 Norway - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z noubayw9.exe 64995 07-22-98 Norway - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED nout1os2.exe 1466605 05-17-99 Norwegian - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ nout1w31.exe 1249622 05-17-99 Norwegian - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ nout1w95.exe 2049816 05-17-99 Norwegian - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E*, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X* (*NOT FOR USE ON 600E, 770X WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD nout1w98.exe 3060646 05-17-99 Norwegian - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 nout1wnt.exe 2394397 05-17-99 Norwegian - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE nout2os2.exe 1640452 05-17-99 Norwegian - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ nout2w31.exe 1432598 05-17-99 Norwegian - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ nout2w95.exe 2188224 05-17-99 Norwegian - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z*, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z* (*NOTE: NOT FOR USE WITH 380Z, 560Z WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD nout2w98.exe 3533227 05-17-99 Norwegian - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 nout2wnt.exe 2532581 05-17-99 Norwegian - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE noutbapm.exe 664252 11-07-98 Norwegian - APM Utility Support Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 noutbdos.exe 105939 11-07-98 Norwegian - Utility Diskette (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 noutbswp.exe 1312224 11-03-98 Norwegian - Warm Swap Driver (v3.10.05b) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 noutbw9x.exe 1278658 11-07-98 Norwegian - Utility Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 noutldos.exe 593553 10-13-98 Norwegian - Utility Diskette (v4.13) for DOS and Personalization: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*Requires Utility Data Diskette I, II, or III depending on model: uttpf3xx, uttpf5xx, or uttpf7xx) noutnm98.exe 1180593 11-23-98 Norwegian - NoteBook Manager Utility (v2.21) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 noutsk98.exe 1022372 11-23-98 Norwegian - ShortCut Key Utility Diskette (v0.99) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 noutsm98.exe 982497 11-23-98 Norwegian - Sleep Manager Utility Diskette (1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 noutso98.exe 808971 11-23-98 Norwegian - SafeOff Utility Diskette (1.44) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 noutswap.exe 100241 10-29-98 Norway - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X novc2w9x.exe 216913 07-22-98 Norway - Video Capture Driver II (v1.13) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D novc3w9x.exe 334446 07-22-98 Norway - Video Capture Driver III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED novc4w95.exe 796729 10-22-98 Norway - Video Capture Driver III (v1.11) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770X novc4wnt.exe 69288 10-22-98 Norway - Video Capture Driver III (v2.03) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X novcdply.exe 351831 07-22-98 Norway - Video CD Player Install Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98: Thinkpad 760CD, 760ED, 760XD, 765D novfdos2.exe 1110941 10-19-98 Norway - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.03) for OS/2: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X novfdw31.exe 620864 10-22-98 Norway - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.10) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X novfos2.exe 1405121 04-27-98 Norway - Video Features Diskette III (v3.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600 novfw31.exe 810850 04-27-98 Norway - Video Features Diskette III (v5.08) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600 nowrpiu1.exe 929239 04-30-98 Norway - Install Update Diskette (v1.01) Disk 1 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 1 nowrpiu2.exe 1074201 05-04-98 Norway - Install Update Diskette (v1.00) Disk 2 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 2 noysh98a.exe 1301960 11-23-98 Norwegian - Y-Station Audio Software Diskette (v3.20) for Windows 98, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 noysh98b.exe 286417 11-23-98 Norwegian - Y-Station Audio Software Diskette (v3.20) for Windows 98, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 sp95sfd1.exe 271224 10-19-98 Spain - Supplement File Disk I (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X sp95sfd3.exe 157850 11-07-98 Spanish - Supplement File Diskette III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 sp95sup2.exe 264358 09-09-98 Spain - Supplement File Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z spacpnta.exe 933860 10-19-98 Spain - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED spacpntb.exe 994110 10-19-98 Spain - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED spacpos2.exe 1831212 05-07-99 Spanish - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] spacpw31.exe 2193920 05-07-99 Spanish - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] spacpw32.exe 1930528 09-13-99 Spanish - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.51) for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZBVUV spacpw9x.exe 5278547 09-13-99 Spanish - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem I (v2.36) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3TTL7Y spafbos2.exe 592505 11-07-98 Spanish - Audio Features Diskette (v1.02) for OS/2 Warp v4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 spafw31.exe 997352 05-04-98 Spain - Audio Features Diskette (v1.82) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X spbatchk.exe 306744 07-22-98 Spain - Battery Installation Check Utility Diskette (v1.02) for Windows 3.1/95/98/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 765D, 765L spcdtpgd.exe 94603 09-09-98 Spain - CD-ROM Driver Diskette (v3.12) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365XD, 380D, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 600, 600E, 760CD, 760ED, 760ELD, 760LD, 760E*, 760EL*, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L*, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*For 760E, 760EL, 765D, 765L only models with CD-ROM capable Ultra Bay.) spcrd95a.exe 722895 10-19-98 Spain - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X spcrd95b.exe 986081 10-19-98 Spain - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X spcrdw31.exe 1179357 10-19-98 Spain - CardWizard Driver (V5.32.21) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X spcrdwnt.exe 1109756 09-09-98 Spain - CardWizard (v3.10.04k) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X spirdwo.exe 243091 09-09-98 Spain - Infrared Features II Diskette (v1.02) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X. Do NOT use for 560. spmdbcsd.exe 26834 11-07-98 Spanish - Modem Country Select Diskette (v5.14) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 spmdbdos.exe 133687 11-07-98 Spanish - Modem Driver Diskette (v5.15) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 spmdbw9x.exe 907365 11-07-98 Spanish - Modem Driver Diskette (v5.28) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 spmdbwnt.exe 896950 11-07-98 Spanish - Modem Driver Diskette (v5.19) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 spmpcwnt.exe 229047 10-22-98 Spain - MPEG-2 Features Diskette III (v1.47) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X spmpdw9x.exe 452913 07-22-98 Spain - MPEG Features Disk III (v1.10) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED spmpfw9x.exe 232354 07-22-98 Spain - MPEG Features Diskette II (v1.12) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D spmw224a.exe 1273473 07-22-98 Spain - Mwave DSP Features Diskette 1 of 3 (v2.24, 69i) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D (NOTE: Disk 1 is unique to this country. Disk 2 and 3 are common with the English version.) spmwptch.exe 533723 07-22-98 Spain - Mwave APM Patch (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D spntide.exe 166485 09-09-98 Spain - IDE Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT : ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X sppcbw31.exe 1214724 11-07-98 Spanish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.30.09H) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 sppcbw9a.exe 774309 11-07-98 Spanish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 1 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 sppcbw9b.exe 672933 11-07-98 Spanish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 2 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 sppcbw9c.exe 988698 11-07-98 Spanish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 3 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 sppcbwnt.exe 1204245 11-07-98 Spanish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v4.00.09a3) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 sppcmos2.exe 607110 10-15-98 Spain - PCMCIA PC Card Director (v4.10) for OS/2: ThinkPad 345C, 345CS, 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X sptp1os2.exe 820406 10-22-98 Spain - TrackPoint Driver Disk I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X sptp1win.exe 1071523 05-20-99 Spain - TrackPoint Driver Package I (v1.12) for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i series 1400, 1500, 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3PWQT4 sptp2os2.exe 821110 09-09-98 Spain - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for OS/2: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z sptp2win.exe 123754 09-09-98 Spain - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z spubayw9.exe 65137 07-22-98 Spain - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED sput1os2.exe 1474039 05-17-99 Spanish - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ sput1w31.exe 1261280 05-17-99 Spanish - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ sput1w95.exe 2057538 05-17-99 Spanish - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E*, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X* (*NOT FOR USE ON 600E, 770X WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD sput1w98.exe 3072720 05-17-99 Spanish - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 sput1wnt.exe 2406192 05-17-99 Spanish - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE sput2os2.exe 1647886 05-17-99 Spanish - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ sput2w31.exe 1444256 05-17-99 Spanish - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ sput2w95.exe 2195689 05-17-99 Spanish - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z*, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z* (*NOTE: NOT FOR USE WITH 380Z, 560Z WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD sput2w98.exe 3544304 05-17-99 Spanish - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 sput2wnt.exe 2544606 05-17-99 Spanish - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE sputbapm.exe 665549 11-07-98 Spanish - APM Utility Support Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 sputbdos.exe 85662 11-07-98 Spanish - Utility Diskette (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 sputbswp.exe 1309910 11-03-98 Spanish - Warm Swap Driver (v3.10.05b) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 sputbw9x.exe 1281651 11-07-98 Spanish - Utility Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 sputldos.exe 598691 10-13-98 Spain -Utility Diskette (v4.13) for DOS and Personalization: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*Requires Utility Data Diskette I, II, or III depending on model: uttpf3xx, uttpf5xx, or uttpf7xx) sputswap.exe 100459 10-29-98 Spain - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X spvc2w9x.exe 217266 07-22-98 Spain - Video Capture Driver II (v1.13) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D spvc3w9x.exe 335071 07-22-98 Spain - Video Capture Driver III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED spvc4w95.exe 797086 10-22-98 Spain - Video Capture Driver III (v1.11) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770X spvc4wnt.exe 69582 10-22-98 Spain - Video Capture Driver III (v2.03) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X spvcdply.exe 352887 07-22-98 Spain - Video CD Player Install Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98: Thinkpad 760CD, 760ED, 760XD, 765D spvfdos2.exe 1111207 10-19-98 Spain - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.03) for OS/2: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X spvfdw31.exe 620964 10-22-98 Spain - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.10) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X spvfos2.exe 1405131 04-28-98 Spain - Video Features Diskette III(v3.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600 spvfw31.exe 810778 04-28-98 Spain - Video Features Diskette III (v5.08) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600 spwrpiu1.exe 922211 04-30-98 Spain - Install Update Diskette (v1.01) Disk 1 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 1 spwrpiu2.exe 1028622 05-04-98 Spain - Install Update Diskette (v1.00) Disk 2 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 2 sv95sfd1.exe 270770 10-19-98 Sweden - Supplement File Disk I (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X sv95sfd3.exe 157808 11-07-98 Swedish - Supplement File Diskette III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 sv95sup2.exe 258614 09-09-98 Sweden - Supplement File Diskette II (v1.02) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z svacpnta.exe 932967 10-19-98 Sweden - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED svacpntb.exe 985029 10-19-98 Sweden - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem (v2.351) for Windows NT, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED svacpos2.exe 1826785 05-07-99 Swedish - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] svacpw31.exe 2183539 05-07-99 Swedish - ThinkPad ACP Modem Driver (v2.37) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZH] svacpw32.exe 1926134 09-13-99 Swedish - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem II (v2.51) for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT: ThinkPad 600E, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3ZBVUV svacpw9x.exe 5273415 09-13-99 Swedish - ThinkPad ACP Internal Modem I (v2.36) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 770, 770ED [PFTW] Web DOC-ID: DSHY-3TTL7Y svafbos2.exe 687295 11-07-98 Swedish - Audio Features Diskette (v1.02) for OS/2 Warp v4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 svafw31.exe 1098094 05-04-98 Sweden - Audio Features Diskette (v1.82) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X svbatchk.exe 306590 07-22-98 Sweden - Battery Installation Check Utility Diskette (v1.02) for Windows 3.1/95/98/NT & OS/2: ThinkPad 765D, 765L svcdtpgd.exe 93865 09-09-98 Sweden - CD-ROM Driver Diskette (v3.12) for DOS and Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365XD, 380D, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 600, 600E, 760CD, 760ED, 760ELD, 760LD, 760E*, 760EL*, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L*, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*For 760E, 760EL, 765D, 765L only models with CD-ROM capable Ultra Bay.) svcrd95a.exe 717901 10-19-98 Sweden - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X svcrd95b.exe 979499 10-19-98 Sweden - CardWorks (v5.32.24) for Windows 95 Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X svcrdw31.exe 1176787 10-19-98 Sweden - CardWizard Driver (V5.32.21) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 380XD, 380Z, 385XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X svcrdwnt.exe 1098321 09-09-98 Sweden - CardWizard (v3.10.04k) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 380XD, 385XD, 380Z, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X svirdwo.exe 240584 09-09-98 Sweden - Infrared Features II Diskette (v1.02) for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Warp: ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X. Do NOT use for 560. svmdlt98.exe 909957 11-23-98 Swedish - Lucent Modem Driver (v5.19) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 svmpcwnt.exe 229105 10-22-98 Sweden - MPEG-2 Features Diskette III (v1.47) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X svmpdw9x.exe 454370 07-22-98 Sweden - MPEG Features Disk III (v1.10) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED svmpfw9x.exe 231675 07-22-98 Sweden - MPEG Features Diskette II (v1.12) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D svmw224a.exe 1264941 07-22-98 Sweden - Mwave DSP Features Diskette 1 of 3 (v2.24, 69i) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D (NOTE: Disk 1 is unique to this country. Disk 2 and 3 are common with the English version.) svmwptch.exe 533726 07-22-98 Sweden - Mwave APM Patch (v1.00) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV, 755CE, 755CSE, 755CV, 755CX, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760XD, 765D svntide.exe 166379 09-09-98 Sweden - IDE Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT : ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X svpcbw31.exe 1196850 11-07-98 Swedish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.30.09H) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 svpcbw9a.exe 770500 11-07-98 Swedish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 1 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 svpcbw9b.exe 661658 11-07-98 Swedish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 2 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 svpcbw9c.exe 981753 11-07-98 Swedish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v5.50.06s) for Windows 95, Disk 3 of 3: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 svpcbwnt.exe 1194847 11-07-98 Swedish - CardSoft CardWizard driver (v4.00.09a3) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 svpcmh98.exe 166074 11-23-98 Swedish - PCMCIA PC Card Features Diskette (v1.32) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 svpcmos2.exe 603727 10-15-98 Sweden - PCMCIA PC Card Director (v4.10) for OS/2: ThinkPad 345C, 345CS, 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760L, 760LD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X svtp1os2.exe 814731 10-22-98 Sweden - TrackPoint Driver Disk I (v1.02) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X svtp1win.exe 1067825 05-20-99 Sweden - TrackPoint Driver Package I (v1.12) for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT: ThinkPad 390, 390E, 570, 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z, i series 1400, 1500, 1720, 1721 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3PWQT4 svtp2os2.exe 814610 09-09-98 Sweden - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for OS/2: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z svtp2win.exe 123510 09-09-98 Sweden - TrackPoint Driver Diskette II (v1.00) for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT: ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z svubayw9.exe 65017 07-22-98 Sweden - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.00) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED svut1os2.exe 1468175 05-17-99 Swedish - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ svut1w31.exe 1252855 05-17-99 Swedish - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ svut1w95.exe 2052422 05-17-99 Swedish - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 600, 600E*, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X* (*NOT FOR USE ON 600E, 770X WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD svut1w98.exe 3063661 05-17-99 Swedish - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 svut1wnt.exe 2398234 05-17-99 Swedish - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE svut2os2.exe 1642022 05-17-99 Swedish - Utility Features (v4.14a) for OS/2: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NP6UJ svut2w31.exe 1435831 05-17-99 Swedish - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z [LZHEXE] Web Doc ID: GCOR-3AZJEQ svut2w95.exe 2190934 05-17-99 Swedish - Utility Features (v4.14) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z*, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z* (*NOTE: NOT FOR USE WITH 380Z, 560Z WITH WINDOWS 98!) [PFTW] Web Doc ID: BBOD-3MANBD svut2w98.exe 3536394 05-17-99 Swedish - Utility Features (v1.11) for Windows 98: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3XZMX3 svut2wnt.exe 2536806 05-17-99 Swedish - Utility Features (v4.15) for Windows NT: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 570 [PFTW] Web Doc ID: DSHY-3NCUWE svutbapm.exe 664119 11-07-98 Swedish - APM Utility Support Diskette (v1.00) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 svutbdos.exe 85922 11-07-98 Swedish - Utility Diskette (v1.00) for DOS: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 svutbswp.exe 1306999 11-03-98 Swedish - Warm Swap Driver (v3.10.05b) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 svutbw9x.exe 1280633 11-07-98 Swedish - Utility Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95/98: ThinkPad 390, i series 1720 svutldos.exe 595375 10-13-98 Sweden - Utility Diskette (v4.13) for DOS and Personalization: ThinkPad 365X, 365XD, 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD, 380Z, 385D, 385ED, 385XD, 560, 560E, 560X, 560Z, 600, 600E, 760C, 760CD, 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760ELD, 760L, 760LD, 760XD, 760XL, 765D, 765L, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X (*Requires Utility Data Diskette I, II, or III depending on model: uttpf3xx, uttpf5xx, or uttpf7xx) svutnm98.exe 1180110 11-23-98 Swedish - NoteBook Manager Utility (v2.21) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 svutsk98.exe 1022318 11-23-98 Swedish - ShortCut Key Utility Diskette (v0.99) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 svutsm98.exe 984411 11-23-98 Swedish - Sleep Manager Utility Diskette (1.63) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 svutso98.exe 806589 11-23-98 Swedish - SafeOff Utility Diskette (1.44) for Windows 98: ThinkPad i series 1400 svutswap.exe 100191 10-29-98 Sweden - UltraBay Utility Driver Diskette (v1.01) for Windows 95, Windows 98: ThinkPad 600, 600E, 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X svvc2w9x.exe 216223 07-22-98 Sweden - Video Capture Driver II (v1.13) for Windows 95: Thinkpad 760ED, 760XD, 765D svvc3w9x.exe 335047 07-22-98 Sweden - Video Capture Driver III (v1.10) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED svvc4w95.exe 788551 10-22-98 Sweden - Video Capture Driver III (v1.11) for Windows 95: ThinkPad 770X svvc4wnt.exe 69354 10-22-98 Sweden - Video Capture Driver III (v2.03) for Windows NT 4.0: ThinkPad 770X svvcdply.exe 351826 07-22-98 Sweden - Video CD Player Install Diskette (v1.20) for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98: Thinkpad 760CD, 760ED, 760XD, 765D svvfdos2.exe 1111113 10-19-98 Sweden - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.03) for OS/2: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X svvfdw31.exe 620946 10-22-98 Sweden - Video Features Diskette IV (v1.10) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X svvfos2.exe 1405123 04-28-98 Sweden - Video Features Diskette III (v3.37) for OS/2: ThinkPad 600 svvfw31.exe 810858 04-28-98 Sweden - Video Features Diskette III (v5.08) for Windows 3.1: ThinkPad 600 svwrpiu1.exe 928675 04-30-98 Sweden - Install Update Diskette (v1.01) Disk 1 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 1 svwrpiu2.exe 1022524 05-04-98 Sweden - Install Update Diskette (v1.00) Disk 2 of 2 for Warp Version 4: ThinkPad 600 - Replaces Warp 4 Diskette 2 svysh98a.exe 1297165 11-23-98 Swedish - Y-Station Audio Software Diskette (v3.20) for Windows 98, Disk 1 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 svysh98b.exe 357599 11-23-98 Swedish - Y-Station Audio Software Diskette (v3.20) for Windows 98, Disk 2 of 2: ThinkPad i series 1400 ============================================================================ Visuals /pub/pccbbs/visuals ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02k0849.pdf 183952 03-17-99 User's Guide for the IBM 3153 Terminal Display. 11l2832.pdf 295578 03-25-99 3153 ASCII Terminal Display - Keyboard Installation Guide (Part Number 11L2832) 3153usgd.pdf 839732 02-11-99 User's Guide for the InfoWindows II 3153 ASCII Display 8516enh.exe 405578 08-20-97 This diskette contains the Windows 3.1 and OS/2 drivers for 8516 Touch Screen monitors 9495bain.pdf 1364840 10-16-99 User's guide for the 9495 17-inch SXGA Color IPS-TFT Monitor. 9513t55a.pdf 1335865 11-25-98 User's Guides for the T55A 15" TFT LCD Color Monitor (9513) 9513t55d.pdf 1612573 11-25-98 User's Guides for the T55D 15" TFT LCD Color Monitor (9513) 9514_16.txt 4389 10-08-98 Readme for 9514.icm, 9514.inf, 9516.icm, and 9516.inf. 9514eng.pdf 539134 06-15-98 User's Guide for the IBM 9514 TFT LCD Color Monitor 9516eng.pdf 1969719 05-07-98 9516 B03/B13 Color LCD monitor user's guide. aix1_4.tar 71680 09-23-98 Test Pattern Set-Up Diskettes for the 9516-A03, A13, A23 flat panel monitors, for RISC systems cleaning.pdf 36821 10-07-98 Important cleaning instructions for monitor screens. g3260265.pdf 170812 03-23-99 IBM 3486/88/89 Terminal Information on the Marketing Reference Guide (G326-0265) g41-g50.pdf 1127737 07-02-99 User's Guide for the G41 and G50 Color Monitor. g5209415.pdf 155512 03-16-99 3153 ASCII Terminal Display Marketing Reference Guide (G520-9415) g5209424.pdf 95892 03-24-99 IBM 3483 Coax Display Terminal - Information on the Marketing Reference Guide (G520-9424) g54-74.pdf 484116 11-24-98 User's Guide for Philips G54 and 74 Monitors (6546 and 6547). g54-74eu.pdf 922658 08-31-98 User's Guide for Samsung G54 and 74 Monitors (6546 and 6547) - Europe. g70fix2.exe 66482 02-16-96 Fix for blinking problem on G70 Display g70fix2.txt 79 10-02-98 Readme for G70fix2.exe. ga274083.pdf 839732 03-17-99 IBM 3153 ASCII Terminal Display - User's Guide gxt150m.tar 71680 09-23-98 Test Pattern Set-Up Diskettes for the 9516-A03, A13, A23 flat panel monitors, for RISC systems. ibm_9514.icm 102856 10-08-98 Windows 95 Refresh Installation Disk for the IBM 9514 LCD Flat Panel Monitor. ibm_9514.inf 1244 10-08-98 Windows 95 Installation Disk for the IBM 9514 LCD Flat Panel Monitor. ibm_9516.icm 102880 10-08-98 Windows 95 Refresh Installation Disk for the IBM 9516 LCD Flat Panel Monitor. ibm_9516.inf 1386 10-08-98 Windows 95 Installation Disk for the IBM 9516 LCD Flat Panel Monitor. ibmupagp.exe 303263 10-01-99 Ibmupagp.exe contains the self-extracting AGP BIOS update (See additional information). ibmuppci.exe 303258 10-01-99 Ibmuppci.exe contains the self-extracting PCI BIOS update (See additional information). moninf.exe 693912 07-29-98 Various IBM Monitors/files for Windows 95 and 98. moninf.txt 2183 07-29-98 Readme file for moninf.exe. monitor1.pdf 127276 10-12-99 IBM Monitors U.S. Warranty upgrades nt128.exe 631154 08-20-97 Windows NT 3.51/4.0 driver for 654x Touch Screen Monitors. nt128.txt 7798 08-20-97 Readme for Nt128.exe nt324109.exe 637765 03-31-99 These files are for all models of these Flat Panel monitors: T85 18" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9519). T55 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513 - that have the BIOS update). as well as these Graphics Accelerators: PCI Digi nt324109.txt 110244 03-31-99 These files are for all models of these Flat Panel monitors: T85 18" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9519). T55 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513 - that have the BIOS update). as well as these Graphics Accelerators: PCI Digi nt437015.exe 3511948 03-31-99 These files are for all models of these Flat Panel monitors: T85 18" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9519). T55 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513 - that have the BIOS update). as well as these Graphics Accelerators: PCI Digi nt437015.txt 7337 03-31-99 These files are for all models of these Flat Panel monitors: T85 18" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9519). T55 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513 - that have the BIOS update). as well as these Graphics Accelerators: PCI Digi nt_3671.exe 3575876 12-15-98 These files are for all models of the T55A and T55D 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513): Nt_3671.exe is the Matrox Display installation file for Windows NT. Nt_3671.txt is the readme for Nt_3671.exe. W311_11.exe is the installation file for W nt_3671.txt 21511 12-15-98 These files are for all models of the T55A and T55D 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513): Nt_3671.exe is the Matrox Display installation file for Windows NT. Nt_3671.txt is the readme for Nt_3671.exe. W311_11.exe is the installation file for W os22382.exe 1154615 10-01-99 Contains the OS/2 Flat Panel Drivers. os22382.txt 4158 03-31-99 These files are for all models of these Flat Panel monitors: T85 18" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9519). T55 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513 - that have the BIOS update). as well as these Graphics Accelerators: PCI Digi os2_16a.exe 567563 09-23-98 Test Pattern Set-Up Diskettes for the 9516-A03, A13, A23 flat panel monitors, for OS2 operating systems os2_221.exe 1157796 10-01-99 Contains the installation file for OS/2. os2_221.txt 3489 08-26-99 Os2_221.txt is the readme for Os2_221.exe. os2_30.exe 700605 08-20-97 OS/2 Warp 3.0 and 4.0 drivers for 654x Touch Screen Monitors. os2_30.txt 10237 08-20-97 Readme for Os2_30.exe os2_b14.exe 566066 10-12-98 Test Pattern Set-Up Diskettes for the 9516-B03, B13, B23 flat panel monitors for OS/2. p202sony.pdf 358076 08-31-98 User's Guide for P202 Monitor (Model 6558). p72sony.pdf 472142 08-31-98 User's Guide for P72 Monitor (Model 6556). p92sony.pdf 361088 08-31-98 User's Guide for P92 Monitor (Model 6557). sun1_4.tar 278528 09-23-98 Test Pattern Set-Up Diskettes for the 9516-A03, A13, A23 flat panel monitors, for SUN systems t5585inf.exe 268097 03-31-99 These files are for all models of these Flat Panel monitors: T85 18" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9519). T55 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513 - that have the BIOS update). as well as these Graphics Accelerators: PCI Digi t5585inf.txt 7337 03-31-99 These files are for all models of these Flat Panel monitors: T85 18" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9519). T55 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513 - that have the BIOS update). as well as these Graphics Accelerators: PCI Digi tw34dsk1.exe 1017079 08-20-97 MS-DOS, Windows 3.1x, and Windows 95 drivers for the 654x Touch Screen Monitors, Disk 1 of 2. tw34dsk2.exe 917474 08-20-97 MS-DOS/Windows 3.1x/Windows 95 drivers for the 654x Touch Screen Monitors, Disk 2 of 2. tw34dsks.txt 23533 10-02-98 Readme for Tw34dsk1.exe and Tw34dsk2.exe upc501_a.pdf 155004 01-13-99 Users guide for IBM 2235 monitors upgrade.txt 8030 03-08-99 These files are for all models of the T55A and T55D 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513): Nt_3671.exe is the Matrox Display installation file for Windows NT. Nt_3671.txt is the readme for Nt_3671.exe. W311_11.exe is the installation file for W w311_11.exe 2401019 12-15-98 These files are for all models of the T55A and T55D 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513): Nt_3671.exe is the Matrox Display installation file for Windows NT. Nt_3671.txt is the readme for Nt_3671.exe. W311_11.exe is the installation file for W w311_11.txt 7080 12-15-98 These files are for all models of the T55A and T55D 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513): Nt_3671.exe is the Matrox Display installation file for Windows NT. Nt_3671.txt is the readme for Nt_3671.exe. W311_11.exe is the installation file for W w9x43040.exe 2978752 03-31-99 These files are for all models of these Flat Panel monitors: T85 18" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9519). T55 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513 - that have the BIOS update). as well as these Graphics Accelerators: PCI Digi w9x43040.txt 7337 03-31-99 These files are for all models of these Flat Panel monitors: T85 18" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9519). T55 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513 - that have the BIOS update). as well as these Graphics Accelerators: PCI Digi w9x_421.exe 3136923 12-15-98 These files are for all models of the T55A and T55D 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513): Nt_3671.exe is the Matrox Display installation file for Windows NT. Nt_3671.txt is the readme for Nt_3671.exe. W311_11.exe is the installation file for W w9x_421.txt 7338 08-26-99 W9x_421.txt is the readme for W9x_421.exe. wfw15301.exe 3729241 10-01-99 Contains the Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Flat Panel Drivers. wfw15301.txt 7081 03-31-99 These files are for all models of these Flat Panel monitors: T85 18" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9519). T55 15" TFT LCD Color Monitors (Machine Type 9513 - that have the BIOS update). as well as these Graphics Accelerators: PCI Digi win16a.exe 251289 09-23-98 Test Pattern Set-Up Diskettes for the 9516-A03, A13, A23 flat panel monitors winb14.exe 248632 10-12-98 Test Pattern Set-Up Diskettes for the 9516-B03, B13, B23 flat panel monitors. For Windows 3.1, '95, '98, NT, and DOS. winb14.exe 248632 10-12-98 248632 10-12-98 Test Pattern Set-Up Diskettes for the 9516-B03, B13, B23 flat panel monitors. For Windows 3.1, '95, '98, NT, and DOS.