Western Digital is a registered trademark of Western Digital Corporation; IBM PC, AT and XT are registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation; MS DOS, OS2 and PC DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. WD1002A-27X USER GUIDE Introduction The WD1002A-27X controller is designed for use with RLL type hard disk drives only. Consult your drive manual or contact the drive manufacturer to determine that your drive type is RLL compatible. The WD1002A-27X is an easy to install, RLL controller, which interfaces either one or two Winchester disk drives to a single host computer. It is to be used as the primary hard disk controller in IBM PC XT or compatible systems. Installation of the controller requires three steps: 1) Verifying jumper settings; 2) installing into the host computer; 3) formatting the hard disk drives. To complete installation you will need the following: Two hard disk cables (3 if using 2 hard disk drives); RLL drive; screwdriver; MSDOS Version 2.0 or later; *DEBUG utility; *FDISK utility; *Format utility (*normally included with MSDOS) Preparation of Controller WARNING HANDLE THE CONTROLLER BY THE ENDS OF THE BOARD SOME OF THE CHIPS ARE STATIC SENSITIVE AND DAMAGE MAY OCCUR IF THE BOARD IS INCORRECTLY HANDLED Before you can install your WD1002A-27X you will need to be certain that the jumpers (small shorting plugs) located at position W1 and W2 are correctly set. There are only two possible settings, both ON or both OFF. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄDrive 0ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ÚJ4¿ Data Cable 34pin Control Cable ³ ³ ÀÄÄÙ ÚÄÄJ2ÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄJ1ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ LED ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ ÚÄÄJ3ÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ Drive 1 ³ ³ Data Cable ³ ³ ³ ³ ÚW2Ä¿ ³ ³ ³ÄÄij ³ ³ ÀW1ÄÙ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÚÄBIOSÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ( ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄU8ÄÄÙ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ WD1002A-27X ³ ÀÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÙ Before setting the jumpers, you will need to know the parameters of your RLL drive. For your convenience, we have provided a list of the most common drives. You may access the list by returning to the previous menu. If your drive has 4 heads, a formatted capacity of 32 megabytes, and fewer than 663 cylinders, the controller jumper settings (W1 and W2) should be (ON). Note: Some versions of DOS or other operating systems will not recognize the 26 sector per track feature of RLL drives. Jumpers ON translates the configuration characteristics into a 17 sector per track format recognized by the Operating System. WITH JUMPER SETTINGS ON, YOU MAY USE THE SIMPLIFIED FORMATTING INSTRUCTIONS ON PAGE 4. DRIVES WITH GREATER THAN 663 CYLINDERS If your drive has more than 663 cylinders, jumpers must be OFF and you must use the Dynamic Formatting procedure. (See page 7) IF YOUR DRIVE IS NOT LISTED, YOU WILL NEED TO OBTAIN THE PARAMETERS FROM YOUR DRIVE MANUFACTURER OR MANUAL. Preparation of Drive WARNING MAKE SURE COMPUTER IS TURNED OFF AND POWER IS DISCONNECTED There are 3 steps in preparing your drive to interface with the WD1002A-27X Controller. 1) Power for drive is supplied by host computer through an extra connector from its power supply. Verify that the host computer contains a 135 watt power supply. 2) The terminating resistor must be present only on the last hard disk drive connected. If there are two drives, the terminating resistor must be present on the second drive. 3) Drive Select: If the controller cable has a twisted portion between two drive connectors, both drives must be jumpered for Drive Select 2. If controller cable has no twisted portion, first drive select should be 1, second drive select 2. See your drive manual for drive preparation and installation procedures. Note: The hard disk drive cable is not the same cable used for floppy disk drives. Installation Into Host Computer WARNING MAKE SURE COMPUTER IS TURNED OFF AND POWER IS DISCONNECTED Installation of Controller into Host Computer Remove blank expansion slot bracket and save for future use. The screw will be used to hold the controller board into place. INSTALL CONTROLLER INTO ANY AVAILABLE SLOT EXCEPT SLOT 8 Connect the 34-pin (wide control cable) connector to J1 on the controller board. Make sure that Pin 1 of the cable connector goes to Pin 1 on the controller board. Pin 1 of the cable connector is typically located on the color coded side of the cable. Connect the 20-pin (data cable) to J2 (Drive 0 Data Connector) on the controller board. Make sure that Pin 1 on the cable is connected to Pin 1 on the controller board. If a second drive is being installed, connect the Drive 1 data cable to J3. Verify that the disk drive(s) is(are) installed properly. This includes correct placement of drive select jumpers and drive terminator installation. Refer to the disk drive installation manual for further information. DO NOT USE THE RADIAL SELECT OPTION. Install the drive(s) per manufacturer's instructions. CAUTION WHEN ROUTING CABLES, BE CAREFUL NOT TO PINCH THEM. CABLES MUST NOT GET CAUGHT BETWEEN THE COVER AND THE BOARDS, NOR SHOULD THEY OBSTRUCT ANY AIR FLOW PATH FROM FANS OR VENTS.