(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1995. All rights reserved. IBM BookManager READ/2 IBM BookManager Library Reader/2 Version 1.2.1 and Version 1.2.1 Product Number: 5601-454 Product Number: 5601-454 Product Installation Instruction & Release Notes Welcome to IBM BookManager READ/2 or IBM BookManager Library Reader/2 This README file contains information you need for installation, as well as information that was not available for our printed publications. This README file is divided into the following categories: - License Agreement - Product prerequisites - Installation - Important Information - Getting Help When we refer to BookManager READ in the this file, we are refering to either IBM BookManager READ/2 or IBM BookManager Library Reader/2, which ever you are installing. LICENSING --------- If you are installing the IBM BookManager Library Reader you must first read and agree to the terms and conditions specified in the Program License Agreement for the IBM BookManager Library Reader/2 in the file PLALRENG.AGR. Users of the IBM Online Library must also read and agree to the terms and conditions specified in the file BOOKENG.AGR. Any use of IBM machine-readable documentation indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. PRODUCT PREREQUISITES --------------------- * IBM OS/2 Version 2.0 with CSD level XR06055, or higher INSTALLING IBM BOOKMANAGER READ ------------------------------- 1. To start the CD installation, enter: f:\READ2\ENU\INSTALL where f: is your CD drive and READ2\ENU is the directory containing INSTALL.EXE. To start the diskette installation, enter: A:\INSTALL where a: is your diskette drive containing product disk 1. NOTE: If you do not start INSTALL.EXE in the directory which it resides, or if you do not fully qualify the path for INSTALL.EXE, then another INSTALL.EXE may be started. By default, OS/2 puts INSTALL.EXE in your path. 2. After loading some installation files, the installation utility displays an INSTRUCTIONS window. 3. Select CONTINUE to start the install process. If IBM BookManager READ is already installed, you will have the option of deleting it and re- installing or updating. Follow the prompts on the installation utility panels on how to do this. 4. The INSTALL window appears. This window contains product information and two options. It is recommended that you let the installation utility update your CONFIG.SYS. For additional information on the options, select the option and press the HELP push button or press F1. To manu- ally update your CONFIG.SYS, see "Manually Updating Your Configuration File" in this section after you complete the install. To continue with the install, select OK. 5. The INSTALL-DIRECTORIES window appears. IBM BookManager READ contains two components. Select one or more of the components and then press DESCRIPTIONS for a summary of each component. If you want to install both components, press SELECT ALL. The default installation directories for IBM BookManager READ are dis- played at the bottom of this window. INSTALLATION DIRECTORY The main or root directory for IBM BookManager READ BOOK DIRECTORY Directory containing the IBM BookManager READ softcopy books, bookshelf, and bookshelf index. The DISK SPACE push button is used to display bytes available on all attached drives. If you want to change the default drive, select a drive from the list, and select the CHANGE DIRECTORIES TO SELECTED DRIVE check box. Select OK and your default installation directories will be changed to the new drive you selected. 6. After selecting the components you want to install and entering the drive where you them installed, select INSTALL... from the INSTALL-DIRECTORIES window. 7. An INSTALL-PROGRESS window appears. A progress indicator shows how the installation is proceeding. For diskette installation, you will be prompted when additional diskettes are needed. 8. After the transfer of files is complete, an informational pop-up window appears confirming a successful installation. Before starting IBM BookManager READ, shutdown your system and restart. 9. Select EXIT to end the installation utility. DELETING BOOKMANAGER READ The installation utility deletes all BookManager READ directories and files that were installed by the utility. However, the utility does not know about any user files that may exist in the BookManager READ directories. User files will not be deleted. In addition, the installation utility used by BookManager READ is different from the installation utility used by previous releases of BookManager READ Therefore, the BookManager READ installation utility will not delete previous releases of BookManager READ that may exist on your workstation. You should manually delete any previous releases of BookManager READ MAINTAINING IBM BOOKMANAGER READ/2 When IBM BookManager READ/2 is successfully installed, a BookManager family icon (folder) is placed on your desktop. Double-clicking on the icon opens the folder. The BookManager folder may contain several BookManager products. Double-click on the IBM BookManager READ/2 folder. This folder contains a IBM BookManager READ/2 product icon, the Installation Utility icon, and any other components that you may have installed (such as IBM BookManager READ/2 publications). BookManager READ/2 now uses Software Installer for OS/2 to perform the installation. If you have already installed READ/2 using the EZ2INST install process, you will need to migrate your installation files before you can apply maintenance. To migrate your files, run EPASETUP.EXE from an OS/2 session. You will find this file where INSTALL.EXE is located. To apply maintenance or upgrades to IBM BookManager READ/2, follow the instructions included with the maintenance diskette that you will receive. MANUALLY UPDATING YOUR CONFIGURATION FILE _________________________________________ If you do not let the installation utility automatically update your config- uration file, then you must do it yourself. You need to edit the PATH, LIBPATH, and HELP statements before you can run IBM BookManager READ. Edit your configuration file with an editor such as the OS/2 System Editor. Refer to OS/2 documentation for information about using the OS/2 System Editor. NOTE: Be careful when editing your configuration file. Ensure that your editor does not truncate any long PATH, LIBPATH, or HELP statements. To update your configuration file, make these changes: o Specify the location of the BookManager READ program files and DLLs by adding the path to the PATH, LIBPATH, and HELP statements. For example, if you installed the program files and DLLs in the default path, you would change the CONFIG.SYS file on your workstation to contain the following lines: For BookManager READ/2: In the "SET PATH=" statement, add "C:\BOOKMGR;" In the "SET LIBPATH=" statement, add "C:\BOOKMGR;" In the "SET HELP=" statement, add "C:\BOOKMGR;" For BookManager Library Reader/2: In the "SET PATH=" statement, add "C:\READIBM2;" In the "SET LIBPATH=" statement, add "C:\READIBM2;" In the "SET HELP=" statement, add "C:\READIBM2;" Adding the path statements ensures that you can start IBM BookManager READ from the command line. Setting the HELP path ensures that you can request help. When you finish updating the configuration file, you must restart your work- station before starting IBM BookManager READ. INSTALLING IBM BOOKMANAGER READ THROUGH CID-ENABLEMENT ________________________________________________________ NOTE: This section of the installation is for LAN administrators. IBM has developed a configuration, installation, and distribution method, called CID, as an industry solution for you to install, configure, and dis- tribute DOS, DOS/Windows 3.1 and OS/2 products through LAN servers. IBM BookManager READ is enabled for CID installations. With IBM BookManager READ being CID-enabled, it allows you two different modes of installation techniques. o Attended o Lightly attended or unattended Attended installation mode Attended mode requires you to be at your workstation when IBM BookManager READ is installed. Lightly-attended or unattended installation mode Lightly-attended or unattended mode requires you to start the installation and possibly perform other simple or predefined tasks. These tasks could include re-IPLing the system. Any other user-required responses are con- tained in response files. Response files control this mode of installation. Response files allow all user interaction to be bypassed during installation and configuration. Unattended installation can also be started by a software distribution manager (SDM) such as NetView* Distribution Manager/2 (NetView DM/2). Unat- tended installation can be performed only on a system that has the CID-enablement agent installed and activated. Unattended installation proceeds without requiring any user input at the client workstation. As with the lightly-attended installation, information is usually obtained from a response file. Response files are ASCII files that contain sequences of keyword=value pairs that are processed by the installation utility. To allow a SDM to start an installation, the client system must have CID-enabling installation code resident in the base. This agent is started when the client system is IPLed. Before an SDM starts installing a product, it connects to the client agent, which runs the installation process trans- mitted by the SDM. See your appropriate SDM documentation for additional information. HOW TO INSTALL FROM A LAN SERVER--ATTENDED MODE If you have a license to install IBM BookManager READ on several work- stations, you can install licensed copies of IBM BookManager READ from the LAN server. Follow these steps: 1. Create a directory on the LAN server to store the IBM BookManager READ source files, for example: MKDIR J:\READ 2. Copy either the IBM BookManager READ CD-ROM directory or the contents of the diskettes into this directory using the XCOPY command, for example: XCOPY f:\READ2\ENU J:\READ or XCOPY A:\*.* J:\READ with f: being the CD-ROM drive, and READ2\ENU being the directory you wish to install. 3. Setup your LAN server directory as a shared directory. Refer to your LAN server documentation on how to do this. 4. Connect to the shared directory and enter: J:\READ\INSTALL HOW TO INSTALL FROM A LAN SERVER--LIGHTLY-ATTENDED MODE If you have a license to install IBM BookManager READ on several work- stations, you can install licensed copies of IBM BookManager READ from the LAN server. Follow these steps: 1. Create a directory on the LAN server to store the IBM BookManager READ source files, for example: MKDIR J:\READ 2. Copy either the IBM BookManager READ CD-ROM directory or the contents of the diskettes into this directory using the XCOPY command, for example: XCOPY f:\READ2\ENU J:\READ or XCOPY A:\*.* J:\READ with f: being the CD-ROM drive, and READ2\ENU being the directory you wish to install. 3. Setup your LAN server directory as a shared directory. Refer to your LAN server documentation on how to do this. 4. Edit your response file (on the shared drive) and follow the instructions provided in the response file (*.RSP). 5. Connect to the shared directory. The following command is an example of how to install IBM BookManager READ in lightly-attended mode. For BookManager READ/2: INSTALL /A:I /L1:C:\INSTALL.ERR /R:J:\READ\EPAR2ENU.RSP /S:J:\READ For BookManager Library Reader/2: INSTALL /A:I /L1:C:\INSTALL.ERR /R:J:\READ\EPAL2ENU.RSP /S:J:\READ HOW TO INSTALL FROM A LAN SERVER--UNATTENDED MODE Follow these steps: 1. Create a directory on the LAN server to store the IBM BookManager READ source files, for example: MKDIR J:\READ 2. Copy either the IBM BookManager READ CD-ROM directory or the contents of the diskettes into this directory using the XCOPY command, for example: XCOPY f:\READ2\ENU J:\READ or XCOPY A:\*.* J:\READ with f: being the CD-ROM drive, and READ2\ENU being the directory you wish to install. 3. Edit the sample IBM BookManager READ response file (EPAR2ENU.RSP for READ/2 or EPAL2ENU.RSP for Library Reader/2). Follow the instructions in the response file on what needs to be changed. If any of the necessary lines in the response files are commented out, the install prompts you for information (attended mode of installation). 4. The following command is an example of how to install IBM BookManager READ in unattended mode. For BookManager READ/2: INSTALL /A:I /L1:C:\INSTALL.ERR /R:J:\READ\EPAR2ENU.RSP /S:J:\READ /X For BookManager Library Reader/2: INSTALL /A:I /L1:C:\INSTALL.ERR /R:J:\READ\EPAL2ENU.RSP /S:J:\READ /X where /A: Specifies the type of installation utility action you want to perform. Valid values for this parameter are: D For deleting I For installing R For restoring U For updating /L1: Specifies the drive, path, and file name of the error log file. All lines logged to the error file are prefixed with a time stamp. Example of using the /L1 parameter to create INSTALL.ERR file in the C:\ directory: /L1:C:\INSTALL.ERR /L2: Specifies the drive, path, and file name of the history log file. If this parameter is not specified, no history log is maintained. All lines logged to the history file are prefixed with a time stamp. Example of using the /L2 parameter to create HISTORY.LOG file in the D:\READ\ directory: /L2:D:\READ\HISTORY.LOG /L3: /L4: /L5: Each of these parameters can contain a drive, path, and file name of a log file. /R: Specifies the drive, path, and file name of the specific response file. The drive and path are optional. The following search order is used to find the response files. o The fully-qualified file specification o The current directory o Each directory in the PATH environment variable o Each directory in the DPATH environment variable Example: /R:J:\READ\EPAR2ENU.RSP or /R:J:\READ\EPAL2ENU.RSP /S: Specifies the drive and path that contains the source files to install. Example: /S:J:\READ /T: Specifies the drive and path where the product files are installed. This parameter only affects the value of the FILE directory (directory corresponding to the FILELABEL keyword). If this parameter is specified, it overrides the FILE paths that are specified in the response files and the package files. Example: /T:C:\BOOKMGR or /T:C:\READIBM2 /TU: Specifies the drive and path of the target CONFIG.SYS to be updated. If this parameter is not specified, the CONFIG.SYS on the boot drive is updated as specified in the product's package file. Example: /TU:C:\ /X Specifies that the action is unattended. If all of the information needed for the action to complete is not spec- ified, an error occurs. No progress indication is shown when specifying the /X option. IMPORTANT INFORMATION --------------------- Please refer to the section below for information on how to obtain the latest corrective service for this product. We recommend you obtain corrective service at installation time. GETTING HELP on BookManager Products ------------------------------------- The following contains information on getting service and support for BookManager products. Both electronic and telephone support are available. ELECTRONIC SUPPORT ------------------ Electronic support is available via Internet. This support covers: - Hint & Tips - Most Frequently Asked Questions & Answers - Fixes (for some BookManager products) - Customer to Customer forum INTERNET -------- Web: BookServer Home Page - see Service & Support icon: http://booksrv2.raleigh.ibm.com IBM Personal Software Services Home Page: http://ps.software.ibm.com FTP: FTP to ps.software.ibm.com logon anonymous use your email as your password change directory to /ps/products/bookmanager TELEPHONE SUPPORT ----------------- If you do not have electronic access, or you still have a question, you may call: In the United States 1-800-237-5511 In Canada 1-800-992-4777 updated: 96/02/16