Web Organizer (WebOrg) is a quick and easy tool to organize that ever growing list of bookmarks for Netscape and WebExplorer. Based on your bookmarks, and by using a full drag and drop interface, Web Organizer will let you build categorized WebPages that will be used as your HomePage for either Netscape or WebExplorer. This will give you the fastest access to any site you want to visit. Web Organizer was formerly known as WebExplorer Organizer. The "Explorer" part was removed from the name to exclude its primary association with WebExplorer. Yes, it still supports WebExplorer, but it also supports Netscape. Web Organizer is Shareware and only cost $19.95 to register. The unregistered version is fully functional, except it is limited to a maximum of 25 WebPages and/or Web Sites. MANY WAYS TO ORDER: * Online Secure Order Form via BMT Micro * BMT Micro's Online Secure Order Form * BMT Micro's Online Non-Secure Order Form * BMT Micro's Offline Order Form * Download BMT Micro's PGP Key * Call BMT Micro at 1-800-414-4268 * Simply e-mail BMT Micro. Web Organizer User's Comments ========================= I've never before registered a piece of shareware the same day I downloaded it. After installing Web Organizer and messing with it a few minutes, I began to think "Well, I can create those pages in any HTML editor... oh, no, that'd take *forever* and I'd have to *maintain* every last one of them..." I decided I couldn't do without it. That's pretty unusual for me. Thanks for the great software! Michael DeBusk, RH I work with the Internet a few hours a day, every day. My over 1500 Web Sites need to be kept organized on a constant basis in order to be found again in a matter of seconds. Web Organizer helped me solve this problem by allowing me to categorize them in folders and sub-folders easily and rapidly. I now have aver 250 WebPages and sub-Pages available anytime simply by hitting my HomePage icon in Netscape! I can now find anything in a matter of seconds instead of doing a whole new search again. That is what I call productivity! Web Organizer has all the qualities of the great utilities: it is FAST, SIMPLE and EFFICIENT! Thank You ONG Software! Michel Ferland Computer Claims Adjuster Montreal,Qc CANADA "WebOrg is indispensable, the most useful tool for those who access the Internet with Warp, either using Netscape or WebExplorer. It's so useful IBM should include it on the next Warp release". Put in few words: "I love it"! Marcel Leal - Morena FM WebOrg is another one of the reasons OS/2 is my first choice. It's a fast, easy to learn piece of shareware that does one thing really well, and makes my computer time a lot easier. Dave Cull WebExplorer Organizer v.01.03.03 ONG SoftWare Shareware: US$15 OS/2 Computing! Editor's Choice By Ronny Ko Ong software is truly the innovator in this area of apps designed to help users get a hold of their growing and highly becoming messy bookmark section of Webexplorer. This a software that every users must have. It is resonably priced. It is very useful and very intuitive. Some of the features that make it so unique is the one window user interface. This interface is so simple that anyone will become productive immediatly. For example, when the program loads up, it show a split screen. On the left side of the screen is where all links that the user has accumulated is presented. On the right side, it shows the directory where users can create new folders within each one. This means that the folders can be nested within each other. If the user wants to create a new folder, all he has to do is right mouse click and select to create a new folder. Once it is created, the user can use drag and drop to move the link on the right. And that's it! As many folder can be created by the user. Once this is done, when the user exits the program, WebExplorer Organizer creates an HTML file inside your TCPIP directory. Inside this file, all your sorted and organized URL's will appear in HTML format. All you have to is when you lauch Webexplorer, the file will be called and displayed when the browser is finished loading. We did not have many complaints about it; although the help system can be improved and it a little bit behind Innoval's WebExtras in terms of pictures and figures. But the text part is very well written and indexed. This is the way software should be. Easy and fun to use but highly useful! Our rating: 9/10 Copyright ¸ 1996 - OS/2 Computing! Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Web Organizer Features * Ability to open any Netscape Bookmark or WebExplorer INI file to access the web site entries contained within. * Ability to re-name, delete, and sort Netscape and WebExplorer web sites entries and update the files. * Filter to show the Netscape and WebExplorer web sites entries that have already been added and not added to a web page. * Ability to sort the WebPage's Web Organizer creates. * Auto-Sort WebPages, so that they are always in ascending or descending order. * Filter to show only the folder layout of the WebPages. * Ability to put the WebPage's web pages and web sites in any order you want, via drag-n-drop. * Ability to load a web site directly from Web Organizer with either Netscape or WebExplorer. * Custom Color scheme for the WebPages Web Organizer creates. * Ability to drag-n-drop web sites directly into WebPages in Web Organizer from the desktop, folders, Netscape, Netscape's Bookmark Window, and WebExplorer. * Many settings to help customize Web Organizer to you needs. * And much more... Web Organizer Help # How to get Web Organizer to open the bookmark files for the new versions of Netscape? The current version of Web Organizer will handle all versions Netscape's bookmark file. When you go into WebOrg you will need select the Open menu from the Web Site Entries window and select the Netscape bookmark file. Then it should show up in the list of last files you open from then on. And you will need to select it everytime you want to edit it. Also you will need to manually set Netscape to use the home page created by WebOrg as it's home page. But besides that it works fine with all versions of Netscape. All this will be taken care of in the next release.