Some stuff for OS/2 and Interchange.
--Last updated February 2007. Lyn St George.

This is the OS/2 version of Interchange, v4.9.8. The zip contains a 'Readme.os2', the original 'Foundation' demo, Mike Heins's new 'mike' demo, and my new 'hardware' demo, along with the patched source, the pre-compiled cgi executable, and the patch.
NB: - this badly needs updating to v5.4x...

Readme.ic498.os2 | | Interchange-4.9.6_os2.tar.gz
Protx Payment Module for Interchange

This module 'plugs in' to Interchange and enables payment processing through Protx in the UK, using their 'Direct' product. It also creates a 'Virtual Terminal' within the Interchange Admin UI, which allows you to perform all operations needed for Protx (eg, settlement, refunds, changing a credit card, etc) and keep records of all transactions put through the system. Note: full documentation is included within the module - please read it.
NB A new version for their new API is due in August. (in testing now ..)

Protx docs | Protx module

Paypal Express Payment Module for Interchange

This module 'plugs in' to Interchange and can co-operate with other standard gateways such as, Protx etc. While this is being used on live sites, it is due to have some extra functions added, eg IPN handling for subscription services, the MassPay bit finished, and various other bits in the Paypal API - mostly half done but not quite ...

Full documentation is in the head - please read it. (36,160 bytes)

Locales and currencies in Interchange


This is Apache 1.3.26, built with mod_interchange and mod_ssl for Interchange.

'how-to' |

Perl 5.8.0, compiled with crypt and all other defines and modules needed for Interchange.
DB2 7.3 for OS/2
DB2 v7.3 OS/2 (NB: 390Mb)
DB2 - DBD readme
Fixpack for DB2 v7.1 | readme
BerkeleyDB, Crypt

BerkeleyDB 4.1.25 built with "db1.85 compatibility". Readme, patch, tools included in zip.
This crypt is built from, ie, 'ultra fast crypt'. It contains crypto.lib, crypt.lib, ufc.lib, crypt.exe, cert.exe, ufc.a, crypt.a, and crypt.h.

Readme.os2 | patch |

This updated "which" for OS/2 is very different to the Unix version. It includes searches on the BOOKSHELF (flag '-b', for .inf, .pdf), DPATH (flag -'d', for.*), LIBPATH (flag '-l', for .dll, .lib, .a), C_INCLUDE_PATH (flag '-i', for .h), HELP (flag '-h', for .hlp), as well as the PATH (for .exe, .cmd, .bat files). Flag '-a' lists all instances, flag '-s' lists size and datestamp. Returns date as YYYY.MM.DD. Option '-t' tests for a file's existence: returns just '0' if not found rather than the standard list of the full path (still returns filename if found).
External links

Interchange hosting, developing and support here
Some 'how to' documents for OS/2 here
My seven-year old daughter's own site here