Zampa - OS/2 Firewalling made easy - Latest news: 23rd of January 2000 - New release! Version 1.0b is now out, with a brand new Firewall Wizard to make YOUR life easier! 28th of Sept. 1999 - Name change to "Zampa". Also updated and bugfixed, version 0.99 is now out ;) 17th of June 1999 - This webpage was created. New version 0.98 is now available for download. Latest version: Version 1.0b - Please consider this release as beta. Mail any bugs/comments/suggestions to: ltning at VROBJ.DLL - needed for vxrexx programs, approx. 400k - Download! This file is only required if you don't already have VROBJ.DLL on your system. You can read the readme file (that's all I have of documentation for now) here: readme.txt The background story is as follows: When IBM made version 4.1 of the TCP/IP stack for OS/2, they modelled it after their AIX stack, which again is modelled after the BSD 4.4 stack. Into this stack, IBM built a firewall, also called the AIX Firewall. This one is a very good one, considered IBM made it for their lot of huge customers who really wanted a high degree of security. I believe it to be one of the most secure firewalls out there. So, since the stack for OS/2 from v4.1 and up was modelled after the AIX one, this firewall "accidentially" was also ported over, as part of the Virtual Private Network support. Ofcourse IBM didn't think of documenting this, or even including any useful programs to configure it, so on OS/2 it has very much been a mystery - up till' recently. IBM DID release, however, a redbook on the AIX firewall, more like a manual for it. From this manual one could find out how to set up the same firewall in OS/2, and luckily some russian OS/2 geek decided to do this. He made a cute little webpage about it too.. But this page has been hard to find, and didn't really give much help except telling you where to put the configuration files, and the basic syntax of them. So, after a long while of waiting for someone else to do it, I finally decided to sit down and make a front-end to these configuration files. Finally, others can also easily make use of this very powerful firewall included in all OS/2's TCP/IP stacks from version 4.1 and up, including ofcourse the one in OS/2 Warp Server for e-business (Aurora).