Alpine 1.10 for OS/2 (C) 2006-2008 The University of Washington. OS/2 Port by Nicholas Sheppard ( INTRODUCTION ============ This package contains all of the files that I needed to modify to get Alpine compiling and running on OS/2. I have tried to follow the Unix port as closely as possible, and the Windows port for handling file names. There is a significant amount of OS/2-specific code, however. ON COMPILERS ============ These patches can be used to compile Alpine on OS/2 using gcc 3.2.1. Other 3.2.x versions of gcc may also work but I have not tried them. The gcc 2.8.1 compiler distributed in the base EMX package cannot be used as it does not support a number of the C library functions required by Alpine. The gcc 3.3.x compilers distributed by Innotek cannot be used as they do not support the terminal-handling routines used by Alpine. I have not tried any non-gcc compilers. WHAT YOU NEED ============= * the original Alpine source code, available from * my OS/2 patches, available from * gcc 3.2.1, available from Hobbes and OS/2 Site * Some form of the make utility. I used GNU Make; others may or may not work. * ncurses for OS/2, available from the ./os2/dev/util directory on your favourites Hobbes mirror. * OpenSSL for OS/2, available from (also see Alpine's makefile assumes that you have compiled OpenSSL as a pair of DLLs. * an /etc/passwd emulation library; my own Pwd/2 is available from * GNU patch, available from the ./os2/dev/util directory on your favourite Hobbes mirror. BUILDING ALPINE =============== 1. Unpack the original sources and change to the alpine-1.10 directory: bzip2 -d alpine-1.10.tar.bz2 [or gzip] tar xvf alpine-1.10.tar cd alpine-1.10 2. Delete the old OS/2-dependent files from the IMAP toolkit: attrib -r imap\* /s del imap\src\osdep\os2\* 3. Unpack and apply the new OS/2 patches: unzip -o gpatch -p 1 < alpine-1.10-os2.patch Make sure you are using GNU patch, not OS/2's patch. 4. Open Makefile.os2 check that the macros in the "Configuration" section match your set-up. You should not need to modify anything below the "config" target. 5. Run "make -f Makefile.os2" to compile the executables. They will be stored in the "bin" sub-directory. 6. Run "make -f Makefile.os2 dist" to copy all of the support files into the "bin" sub-directory. This sub-directory will now look like the binary distribution and can be configured by following the instructions in README.OS2 Other useful targets are: make -f Makefile.os2 package -- create the binary distribution packages make -f Makefile.os2 clean -- remove all of the temporary files