SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS TO PORT MIXMASTER DOS SOURCE CODE TO OS/2 (MIXMASTER/2). N.B. This zipfile does not contain PGP or any other encryption software. N.B. Use an editor that inserts and preserves real tab characters. 1. Get and install GNU EMX 0.9c for OS/2, available from Hobbes, etc. 2. Get and install GNU MAKE for OS/2, available from Hobbes, etc. 3. Rename the GNU MAKE executable "gmake.exe" and place in \emx\bin. 4. Get and unzip the source for the _DOS_ version of Mixmaster. Get the source for the RSAREF library and unzip it in the \mix...\src directory. 5. Copy build.cmd to \mix...\build directory. 6. Edit build.cmd to supply drive\path\directory information. 7. Copy ranlib.cmd to \emx\bin directory. 8. Copy Makefile to \mix...\src directory, overwriting default. 9. Run build.cmd to create "mixmaster" file in destination directory. 10. Copy make-mixmast-exe.cmd to destination, edit accordingly, and run. 11. Copy files in \mix...\ directory to destination directory. 12. REN mixmaste.con mixmaster.conf. 13. Edit mixmaster.conf to set REMAILERLIST to type2.list (not .lis). 14. REN mixmaste.htm mixmaster.html. 15. Edit mixmaster.conf to set RELLIST to mixmaster.html (not .htm). You may use the "-o outfile" option to create a mixmaster file which you can then import into your regular email program and send to the first remailer to which you chose to send the output file when you created it. Alternatively, IF YOU DO NOT USE UTLIMAIL, you may configure sendmail.exe to send the remailer file to the first remailer automatically, without using your regular email program. (N.B. Do not follow this alternative if you want to continue using Ultimail/2, unless you are a sendmail wizard.) - Omit the "-o outfile" option from the mixmaster command line. - Add "SENDMAIL [tab] [drive]:/tcpip/bin/sendmail.exe -t" to mixmaster.conf. - Find and open the TCP/IP Internet (LAN) folder. - Double-click on the TCP/IP Configuration (LAN) icon. - Go to sendmail settings page 1; click on radio button for "When using another mail package"; set your Mqueue and Mail directories to your installed Mixmaster directory; identify Mixmaster as your mailer, using the full directory, path, and program name; fill in your reply domain; and fill in the complete address of your SMTP mail gateway. - You probably may ignore sendmail settings page 2. - Got to mail settings page 1; for your "mail environment," check the radio button for "internet only"; "LAN and internet" should also work. - You probably may ignore mail settings page 2. - Close the TCPIP Configuration settings, saving all changes, and reboot. If you have deleted Ultimail/2, you will get an error message or two, which you may ignore. - To send Mixmaster output automatically, use the following command line: mixmaster -f infile -to userid@domain -s "subject" -l [# # # #] - You should see something like this on your screen: IBM OS/2 SENDMAIL VERSION 2.0 Using Sendmail Configuration File [drive]:\TCPIP\ETC\ - If you have problems, check your file for the following: > Mlocal, P=d:\mix\mixmaster.exe, F=lsmDFP, S=10, R=0, A=d:\mix $u > Mprog, P=c:\os2\cmd.exe, F=lsDFM, A= /C $u These lines should match the information you provided on sendmail settings page 1 of the TCP/IP Configuration (LAN) icon. It should be unnecessary to change these lines manually if you made your Mqueue and Mail directories the same as your mixmaster directories. Do not change the rest of alone unless you are a sendmail wizard. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: These instructions and the included files are provided "as is" and with no warranty whatsoever. No warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose are made. Rather, these instructions and the included batch files were prepared by a non-programmer who does not even know how to debug or search for problems, defects, security holes, etc. In short, you are a fool if you rely on this file or the included batch files without at least examining them very closely, running this stuff past a real programmer, and performing a lot of tests before you do anything important with this stuff. DISCLAIMER OF LEGALITY: Governments are getting increasingly paranoid as signs of the times point more and more to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and His final victory over evil, including evil governments. The chances are that you live in a country that has imposed or will impose serious restrictions on your right of access to or use of encryption software and anonymous remailers. Due to these circumstances and the uncertaintly of what politicians will do in the future, nothing is warranted, represented, or implied about whether and how it would be legal or illegal for you to get the various software packages needed to compile the OS/2 version of Mixmaster, nor is anything implied, warranted, or represented as to the legality or illegality of your using Mixmaster/2.