Installation Pre requisite: 32 bit Tcpip stack (vs 4.02) WarpIn 0.9.5 and more to install you can obtain warpin from HPFS partitioned drive Installation: simply double click on the zxmail.wpi to start WarpIn, you will then find a ZxMail folder on the desktop, inside it you will find an icon for ZxMail Server just double click on it. Go to the Server menu and click properties to set up the server. This software as been tested with these mail clients: PMMail 2.x for windows and OS/2 MS-Outlook Express, and MS-Outlook MR/2 Ice MR/2 Netscape Mail. TheBat. Please read the license agreement before using this product. If you use this product it is understood you agree to abide by the license agreement hereto included. Command line info: Only one command line option has been implemented as of now, -min to start the server minimized Contact info: order or general info: tech support: History: Release 1.1.12 Fixed: Limit outgoing size was not saved from the correct value. Fixed: Byte stuff error in pop3 module Fixed: A new alias would not show unless you turned the page of the notebook. Fixed: If you edited this alias and modified it the program would get a sys3175 in zxmaildb. Note: The last 2 errors are due to an improper compilation batch run. Added: TID and PID have been added to the log info, option to select the level of logging is next. Release 1.1.13 Fixed: Bug in SMTP page max thread was not saved and initialized at any other value than the default Note: The bug fix with outgoing size was not included in the previous version because the file was not refresehed Release 1.1.14 Fixed: Left one instance of the byte stuffing in the pop3 module fix it now Release 1.1.15 Fixed: Port for smtp relay would not be saved correctly and would be set to 1 at restart, only affects the relay through another smtp server component. Release 1.1.16 Fixed: Mailbox dialog when opened stayed close until opening new mailbox window. Fixed: MX lookup serialisation errors. Modifed: TID is placed before tid in log (clearer that way). Release 1.1.17 Fixed: ZxSmtp correction on mail from command. Release 1.1.18 Beta 1: Fixed an intermittent problem when connecting to an SMTP session a socket error wold happen. Added: Rexx filtering, for smtp data command, smtp connection, and pop3 client (external mailbox) Release 1.1.18 Beta 2 Modified: SMTP behavior when a size limit is specified, when the limit is reached, the file stopped being written. Modified: RxSpamCheck, modifed the parameter list you can specify which to spam server to use from the supported list. Fixed: If error occurred on RCPT command on fetching external mailbox, a trap occurred. Modified: SMTP connect some idiots are making the connect response multi line so i have to change the behavior to remove that garbage. To be Added: specifiyng how much to log, need the interface the logic is there. Reload interface to reload scripts. Release 1.1.18 Beta 4 Fixed: SMTP transmit errors on server when a multi line reponse would exceed 1000 bytes the delivery would fail, with line too long error. Modified: Pop3 invalid login were not logged, now logged with ip address and username used. Release 1.2.0 RC1 Added: ZxAddDest to add a destination email address to an smtp message in smtp.flt and smtpdata.flt Fixed: a timezone issue, it now check if the timezone has been reset by the system or another app. Release 1.2.1 Fixed: Fixed a stack error Release 1.2.2 Fixed: Had to re release to fix a stack overflow, it seems changing to static linking of tcpip library caused some stack issues. Release 1.2.3 Fixed: Still having stack problems, this should fix weird behavior, mangled message etc... Release 1.2.4 Added: Dropbox directory, just drop a message in it, make sure it is rfc822 compliant and it will be delivered. Fixed: SMTP relay auth failed for PLAIN type of authentification. Modified: if a domain does not have an MX entry the domain was not allways checked directly. Modified: improved POP3 email transfer speed. Fixed: numerous little bugs. Release 1.2.5 Fixed: POP3 command failed when Release 1.2.6 Fixed: some SMTP code were incorrectly taken as errors, now corrected Fixed: Did not take optional parameter on simple auth mechanism, now solves it for Eudora. Fixed: Fixed CRAM-MD5 error, base64 encoding error caused invalid login from clients using CRAM-MD5. Fixed: Fixed a pointer error that caused some memory stack error. Release 1.2.7 Fixed: Smtp transfer errors on bad connection fixed. Fixed: POP3 and Smtp block error when a line exceeded 50k the line was not segmented correctly. Fixed: Smtp socket interruption, fixed error in transfer parsing. Fixed: Smtp rcpt and mail error not trapped after last modification. Release 1.2.8 Fixed: Sockets failed to close, leaving sockets open, the counter would connection still active. Release 1.2.9 Improved: Connection sub-routine. Release 1.2.10 Fixed: Error when deleting forward entry. Fixed: memory overwrite when email is returned and it fails to create a file. Modified: dropbox email reading to read a bcc address. Modified: will not modify return-path, like it was done on external pop message. Added: more login of SMTP transaction Client errors. Improved: email parsing in SMTP transaction (faster). Release 1.2.11 Fixed: SMTP possible error and failed to get end of message flag. Release 1.2.12 Fixed: POP server would not close file handle if connection broke, causing some problems for following transaction. Added: SMTP backup relay server option, this is to solve the problem where some ISP block direct access to their mx server for users of their network, basicaly the option sends directly if for any reason it fails, it passes the email to the defined SMTP relay. To do: update the help for this new feature. Release 1.2.13 Fixed: If returned message was to an Alias the message would get to default mailbox Fixed: Rexx external interface errors in load function with the provided routine Fixed: Mime for return email had an error, which made attachment not visible, also would add an empty attachment. Fixed: SMTP relay mode would not keep sending emails if DATA FROM command failed. Fixed: Timezone error, fixed. Fixed: If APOP was selected for external mailbox, and the server did not support it, it would crash ZxMail in ZxPop3 module. Fixed: empty email message would be accepted, causing some client to crash, now if email does not have a body it is rejected. Fixed: hang when modifying a filter and reopening the properties or going through the blocking/filter list. Fixed: invalid login in smtp auth using the smtp relay, only affects CRAM-MD5 login, LOGIN and PLAIN worked fine. Fixed: Now sends "quit" sent after failure to use smtp auth with smtp relay. Modified: received info in the header. Added: ZxAdmin command tool allows you to control remotely your server, still work to be done on it, it is not safe to use in production environment yet. Release 1.2.14 Fixed: Backup relay would fail authentication, if relay was using CRAM-MD5 authentication, all other should be fine. Fixed: Base64 encryption had one bug that would incorrectly encode some specific string, it cause problem in using ASMTP (Auth SMTP) in the SMTP relay and backup relay. Fixed: Error in sequence numbering when copying a message to a mailbox, it would sometimes fail the db would not properly lock the table. Fixed: The server would allways default back to log level 5 after restart. Fixed: IP Filter range did not work. Fixed: Top command sent entire message if line number asked was 0. Fixed: accepts empty body, will create empty one if one is not provided. Modified: parsing of email put in dropbox, bcc is now read and not copied into email header. Fixed: Socket would close because of stack error, would create duplicate message. Fixed: accepts null mail from, for some reason that part of the code was broken. Fixed: if abuse or postmaster is not defined for a domain it is sent to the server mailbox. Modified: default is now to require authentication at init, unless otherwise specified. Fixed: some servers are allowing null chars in the middle of an email (contrary to rfc822, adelphia is one culprit), making it impossible to use normal c functions, now filter it out of that crap (removing them). Fixed: Improper line termination could cause problem detecting EOM in pop fetch. Release 1.2.15 Updated: Updated the help file. Fixed: When a script was loaded and unloaded more than once it would fail. Fixed: sometimes a trailing \n would be at the end of the from_d info in pop3 filter. Fixed: Error in cleanup for pop3 fetch filter. Fixed: Header incorrectly adds the ip address in some situations, or skips a record info, the receive line is not correct in al situations. Modified: Envelope-To: header is no longer read from incoming pop fetch. Added: ip source of an email, parsed from the header, it allows detection of spam with spamcop(or ORDB etc...) for incoming pop email (sample of it includedin the pop3.sam in filter dir) Added: ZxAddPopDest function to pop3.flt script, allows you to add a destination to an email. Added: ZxAddHeader to add a header line to an email (only available for pop3.flt and smtpdata.flt). Fixed: If SMTP rset command was set the ip info for the client was lost (only affected mail tracking). Release 1.2.16 Fixed: Fixed memory access cleanup that would crash in some random instance (depends on volume of mail) Fixed: Error in forwarding emails, modif was missing for memory handling in forward, making emails fail to be sent if forwarded. Fixed: Same as previous but for message dropped in Dropbox. Added: ISP name in popfilter var list, so the variable popdata.!ispname will contain the name of the isp being fetched as defined by the user, this is the name the user enters to define the external mailbox. Fixed: Parsing problem for the dropbox, the problem occurred with parsing email address that was not enclosed with <> Added: popdata.!subject for the subject of incoming email via POP3 external mailbox Fixed: Error in message-id tag in the header, wound up with a double <> set. Fixed: Some spammer where not respecting rfc822 for text message causing the body to be split at the wrong place. Fixed: Error in parsing certain Outlook to field since it does mix the format of the address, applies for cc field also. Added: option in rexx dll to reload filters, fetch external mailbox, and corrected bug in get server config and set server config. Modified: Server param to remotely use ZxAdmin, this depends on the server being reachable via NetBeui or TCPBEUI. Modified: ZxAdmin to include the fetch option, so that ZxMail would fetch mail from external mailbox with this command. Fixed: possible buffer overflow in retieving some mail from a pop server. Release 1.2.17 Fixed: Buffer error in getting pop file. Fixed: numerous little bugs in pop server. Fixed: Error with PLAIn authentication (could not validate, since no cleint existed to test it) Thunderbird and mozilla mail do now support it, so i corrected it to make it functional Release 1.2.18 Added: Function ZxMD5 to get a MD5 disgest from the filters, more details in Filters.inf. Fixed: Crash when adding a header and some io error occurred.