LimeSurvey Web/2 Setup ======================= If you chose to use Web/2 as your web server, there are 2 things to note. First, you'll need to copy the php.exe file from the "\CGI" directory in your PHP directory to your web\cgi-bin directory (or wherever you've installed web/2). You'll also need to have the PHP4.DLL file (also in the PHP directory) somewhere in your Libpath. Then you'll need to start Web/2 from a CMD file just to be sure you have all the environment variables setup. Here's a copy of my web2.cmd file: set path=%PATH%C:\WEB\CGI-BIN; set BEGINLIBPATH=C:\WEB\CGI-BIN; @echo off :top web.exe %1 >> weberr.log 2>>&1 if errorlevel 248 goto end goto top :end Finally, you'll need to modify the alias.cfg to redirect a URL to wherever you plan to install LimeSurvey. The only other comment about Web/2 is if you use it as your webserver, you'll need to run its addpuser.exe on the \limesurvey\admin directory to password protect the LimeSurvey administrator system (See the limesurvey documentation for more information on protecting the admin system)