TITLE: LFSBrowser - a "wrapper" for the LocalFilesystem Zope Object VERSION: 02-08-02 PURPOSE: LFSBrowser is used to create a "wrapper" around a Zope LocalFilesystem Object allowing more flexibility in not only how information is displayed but adding descriptions for files as well as a search feature. LICENSE: This product is copyright (C) 2002 Jeff Robinson and released under the GNU General Public License. PREREQUISITES: LocalFS Product (Available from the http://www.zope.org website) A database connector (only mySQL has been tested currently) Ability to access the "Extensions" directory of the server's filesystem. INSTALLATION: 1) To install LFSBrowser import the LFSBrowser.zexp into your instance of Zope. 2) Copy the searchDir.py file into your /[Zope Base]/Extensions directory (on the server's filesystem). For security reasons directories may not be scanned from within Zope, thus this external method is required. 3) Create a LocalFilesystem object that you wish to use with LFSBrowser. Fill in the needed information on the "Properties"/"Edit" page. 4) Create a database connector object. (This object must be named fileDescDB to work). 5) View the properties page of the "settings" object (found in the LFSBrowser folder). 5a) newDays can be set to the number of days after creation you would like a file to display the "NEW!" icon. 5b) localFSObject *MUST* be set to the name (not title) of the LocalFS Object created in step 3. 5c) tableShadeColour will set the colour for alternating table sections when displaying lists of files. 5d) basePath *MUST* be set to the same as the basePath of your LocalFS Object which was created in step 3. 6) Create the new database schema 6a) In your chosen database create a user to be used by this instance of Zope. This user must be able to create tables in addition to adding and removing items from tables. 6b) Navigate to the LFSBrowser/DB/createDatabaseTables object. 6c) Select the "test" tab 6d) Click "Submit Query". If the command is successful your database table will have been created 7) Start populating your database! 7a) browser to http://[yourdomain.com]/LFSBrowser/admin. You will then be prompted to login 7b) once logged into Zope, you will now see an additional "modify description" link under each item's name. TO-DO: * Create original icons for the navMenu. * allow users to view the contents of zip, tar, and tar.gz files. This document last updated 02-08-02