Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 09:39:14 +0000 (CUT) From: IBM Software Newsletter Subject: IBM Software Newsletter, 2003 Issue 5 IBM Software Newsletter 07 March 2003 Welcome to your new edition! And welcome Rational software, as it joins DB2 Information Management Software, Lotus software, Tivoli software, and WebSphere software as IBM Software Group's fifth brand. Don't forget -- last chance to save $400 on our premier technical event, IBM developerWorks Live! in New Orleans, April 9-12. Inside this issue, find more details about its agenda. Please let us know if there is anything you would like to see in this newsletter, or on our IBM Software Web site, by contacting us at If you'd like to subscribe, unsubscribe, change your e-mail address, or switch to an html format, we urge you to visit the IBM Software Newsletter Web page: We look forward to continue building our relationship. Hope to see you in New Orleans! Enjoy. In Today's Issue: ================= Feature o IBM welcomes Rational software ------------------------------------------------------------ Feature ------------------------------------------------------------ IBM welcomes Rational software Excerpts of: Executive letter from Buell Duncan, General Manager, IBM Developer Relations and Michael Devlin, General Manager, Rational Software, IBM Software We are delighted to announce that IBM has just completed the acquisition of Rational Software. This is a very exciting time for both companies and builds on the extensive business relationship that IBM and Rational have had for more than 20 years. Most importantly, it can provide significant benefits to you -- our developer community. The software development tools market is expected to grow from the current $9 billion in 2002 to $15 billion in 2006*. Rational will continue to be a leader in the software application development tools marketplace... ...[Y]ou will appreciate the addition of Rational's application development and lifecycle management capabilities to IBM's e-business on demand strategy and market-leading solutions. IBM helps customers integrate their business processes and software infrastructures to build an on demand e-business. This requires the integration of software development, transaction management, data management, collaboration, and systems management and security. With Rational's leadership in application development tools, IBM will offer leading solutions in each of these categories and provide a complete solution for creating an on demand e-business. This includes broad support for your application development efforts. IBM and Rational, with our complementary software strategies, skilled resources, and commitment to customer success, can provide you with tremendous value. Integrated with your market leading software solutions, we will best serve our customers. The IBM developerWorks Live! technical conference, April 9-12, 2003 in New Orleans is the first event to showcase Rational as part of IBM Software Group. In addition to in-depth technical sessions on its products, Rational's Chief Scientist, Grady Booch, will be a conference keynote speaker and Michael Devlin, co-founder and now General Manager of Rational Software, IBM Software Group, will headline the Rational general session. Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to expanding our relationship with you in the future. Find the full letter at: More on Rational software. FAQ Access point into IBM Rational software Resource center for developers Developing with Rational tools Hear from the Rational experts. Register for IBM developerWorks Live! (Save $400, too!) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Top Stories ---------------------------------------------------------------- WebSphere Business Integration advances to next level A business will pass through various stages of technology adoption, as it moves toward an agile e-business. To meet the needs of end-to-end integration, such as helping companies respond faster to customer needs, adapting quicker to changes in supply and demand, and more flexibly handling the variety of on- the-fly changes, IBM is advancing the software central to helping customers become e-businesses on demand. Learn the new software: WebSphere Business Integration Server 4.2, WebSphere Business Integration Modeler, and WebSphere Integration Monitor. IBM Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) 9.4 introduced Informix Dynamic Server 9.4 provides the performance and reliability needed for today's always available, demanding, and global e-business environments. It exceeds all previous IDS on-line transaction processing (OLTP) performance records and allows unlimited scalability through the removal of previous size limitations. Also, the software enhances its replication capabilities and improves usability for developers and system administrators, allowing SQL Editing and Schema exploration. Lotus Team Workplace 3 makes collaboration easy Lotus Team Workplace (QuickPlace) 3 allows users, including members outside the firewall, to facilitate instant decision- making, collaborate on documents, reach consensus through discussion, and coordinate plans, tasks, and resources. Several new features help users organize and find information faster, as well as work more efficiently with Sametime integration. Features, such as My Places, Room Maps, and Team Calendar explained and displayed at the below address. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Developers ---------------------------------------------------------------- Save $400 - Early bird discount for IBM developerWorks Live! Last year saw over 4,500 attendees, representing 44 countries and this year, promises even more opportunity: Choose from 312 technical session hours, 126 hands-on lab hours, 75 hours dedicated to "Meet the Developers/Experts." Hear industry- respected speakers such as Steve Mills, SVP Software Group; Irving Wladawsky-Berger, General Manager, e-business on demand; and Grady Booch, Rational's Chief Scientist. See Moria Gunn, NPR's Tech Talk host, interview top IBM executives on e-business on demand proof points. Explore the Solutions Center with 200+ demonstrations. Be in New Orleans. Need one more reason? Save $400 in early bird registration, but discount ends March 16th! Four developer forums launched for Tivoli software Tivoli software announced the creation of four, moderated developer forums that focus on systems management opportunities and challenges. The topics covered by the initial forums are: Configuration and Operations, Performance and Availability, Storage Management, and Security Management. You can find these forums at the below address: Join the DB2 Universal Database .Net Enablement beta program Participate in the DB2 Universal Database .NET* Enablement beta program. The IBM DB2 UDB .NET Data Provider is the first technology available for preview. This beta program is open to all programmers interested in developing applications that use the Microsoft .NET Framework to access DB2 UDB databases. To learn more about this beta program and to download the beta code, visit the below address. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Innovations ---------------------------------------------------------------- Martin Scorsese on technology's influence on filmmaking Martin Scorsese, director of Mean Streets, The Last Waltz, The Age of Innocence, Goodfellas, Gangs of New York and other movies, took center stage at IBM PartnerWorld 2003 Conference. He spoke about the impact of technology, education, and collaboration on American filmmaking. Emphasized was IBM's participation in digitizing the newsreels with the help of WebSphere, DB2, and content management middleware. Business school to use interconnected grid Through a Shared University Research (SUR) award from IBM, consisting of IBM software, eServer, and storage technologies, Michigan State Eli Broad College of Business and IBM are creating a laboratory that will serve as an environment for modeling and analysis of an on demand supply chain. IBM plans to link the lab, via an advanced computing Grid with other leading partner universities. Collaborating would allow these universities to conduct joint applied research. IBM software helps expedite study of role of genes Johns Hopkins University researchers are using IBM technology to discover how genes and proteins can influence heart disease. DB2 Universal Database will be used to manage the massive amounts of data resulting from Johns Hopkins' research. WebSphere software will facilitate efficient data and application sharing among researchers working in separate locations. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Success Stories ---------------------------------------------------------------- Commercial manufacturer delivers with Linux MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG (MAN) is one of Europe's largest commercial vehicle manufacturers -- primarily trucks and buses. MAN used to preside over a fragmented, decentralized Web infrastructure that had grown up from individual initiatives across the company. As the number of users and activity increased, MAN needed an infrastructure that could deliver performance, scalability, and high availability. MAN's solution was an integrated Java-based infrastructure powered by WebSphere Application Server running on Linux clusters. Minolta changes its lens for business Minolta spol. s.r.o., based in the Czech Republic, produces diverse optical products including cameras, photocopiers, planetaria, and specialized medical equipment. Minolta a.s. wanted to be first in its business sector to enable dealers to submit orders and check their accounts online. The company worked with IBM Business Partner Brain Systems to implement a B2B e-commerce and account management site. The site is powered by WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Commerce, DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 and AS/400 model 620 and 170 servers. The Bekins Company moves to an e-business strategy The Bekins Company, one of the best known names in moving goods and households, has implemented an e-business strategy. One of the applications, Bekins' Tonnage Broadcast Exchange (TBE), is a virtual marketplace for agents to bid on shipping jobs. Bekins can now offer opportunities to all qualified agents at the same time and enable an agent to instantly claim a job, making it no longer available to anyone else. Built from scratch, as a Web Services application, it includes WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Portal Server, DB2, WebSphere MQ, and WebSphere Studio Application Developer. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Events Listing ---------------------------------------------------------------- WebSphere and Linux e-tutorials Take advantage of these online, self-paced courses that include hands-on labs, access to instructors and students, and Web based reading assignments. Discounted suite packages available. WEBCASTS Integrating Domino Collaboration into WebSphere Portal 19 March 11-12:30 ET Expand your market with Linux 20 March 11-12:30 ET How to compete in a chaotic economy 26 March 11-12:30 ET EVENTS IBM developerWorks Live! Save $400 - act quickly! 9-12 April New Orleans, LA IBM Software Symposium 19-23 May Munich, Germany Content Management & WebSphere Portal Technical Conference 9-11 June Orlando, FL ============================================================ You received this e-mail because you are subscribed to IBM Software Newsletter as ----------------------------------------------- To change your e-mail address or format, subscribe, or unsubscribe, go to ----------------------------------------------- Interested in updates for other IBM products or services? Subscribe to iSource -- IBM's customized e-news ----------------------------------------------- * indicates trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders ----------------------------------------------- Visit the IBM Software Web site at -----------------------------------------------