tag, depending on our active
Show | Hide
That is the content for out
tag. As you can see, it's the same sort
of style as seen in the Browser Compatibility section.
Now for the tag..
So the document should look like:
Show | Hide
I didn't check the above code to see if it works. Check it out, debug it
if required, that's just some homework.
Disclaimer: I'm self taught at JavaScript, sincere apologies if you spot
a few errors in this text. E-mail me with corrections if required.
. ....
: :
: 005 IIS Security :
: ...:. .
:.:.. by black-hand : :
: ;. . .. . ..;. . :
; ;
IIS (Internet Information Server) is the web server that ships with Windows NT
Option Pack. It allows an NT server to host both static websites, as well as
dynamic content with ASP (Active Server Pages). This article will focus on
generic security holes that have been discovered in IIS through the years
since the release of version 4.0. According to netcraft
(http://www.netcraft.com/survey/) IIS runs on approximately 20% of the worlds
web servers, and is also very popular in online commerce applications.
Most of the time to exploit these security holes, all that we need is a web
browser and some time. As a default install, IIS has a lot of default
directories and scripts that can be used by an attacker to read or execute
files on the system. From an Administrators perspective, a good first step in
securing an IIS server would be to remove every default site and script.
Another good practice would be to locate all web sites and pages on a
different drive to the drive that NT is installed on, such that if there is a
security hole that is being exploited by an attacker, chances are they wont be
able to access system files or applications.
In this article I will only touch on a few of the IIS holes, and the holes that we only need
a web browser to find/exploit.
A recent hole was the IIS UNICODE bug, originally posted to a message board on
packetstorm (packetstorm.securify.com), then picked up by rfp after a posting
to the VULN-DEV mailing list. rfp's analysis of the bug and how to exploit it
can be found here:
Microsoft released a patch for the issue (pity not many people have applied it).
To exploit the UNICODE bug, we need to traverse up directories from an
existing virtual directory and the sample directories are prefect for this
purpose. The VULN-DEV post and rfp's article outline the following method to
execute commands from a web browser:
the %c1%1c is an overlong UNICODE translation for the / character, which in
this case is used to traverse up directories then to cmd.exe. This example
only works (assuming that it is not patched) if /scripts is present on the
server, and /scripts is on the NT system drive of the server. An alternate
method is to use the /msadc directory, and to traverse up three times. The
/msadc virtual directory is a default directory created at install time by
IIS, and maps to the MSADC folder on the NT install drive. The following
example uses this directory to access and execute cmd.exe.
should return "echo on", notice that we use /winnt/system32/ as the path to
cmd.exe, this might need to be changed accordingly.
You will notice that using this method, cmd.exe does not allow piping
(ie. > < << >>), if you simply make another copy of cmd.exe, then use this,
you can get arround this problem.
Real path
Other security holes can be used to work out the exact system path to the web
directory. Requesting any file with the .idc, .ida, .idw or .idw extensions
can return the full path, such as
H:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\hehe.idc not found
this can be used in conjunction with other holes to locate system files, and
to work around the system.
Plus Dot HTR
Appending +.htr to the end of a file or server side script can reveal the
source to that file. ASP programmers rely on the fact that their scripts are
stored on the server and aren't intended for viewing by remote users, hiding
common programming errors and buggy code. A security hole such as plus-dot-htr
can reveal the server side code to an attacker and potentially reveal new holes
and/or database server passwords.
For more about ASP and server side script holes see my ASP doc:
A "200" return code to a /null.htw HTTP request indicates the presence of more
security holes that can be used to view server-side code (most times, it even
nicely formats and colours it in for you), a carefully constructed request can
reveal any file in the current working drive on the system, such as:
which would show the repair SAM (note: you might not get far with the repair
SAM file).
In that example we used /iissamples/issamples/oop/qfullhit.htw, but could of
also used
or, if in the cause of null.htw returning a "format of the QUERY_STRING is
invalid", we could use
An oldie but a goodie, showcode.asp was a default script that would allow for
a remote user to view the source code to the servers ASP scripts. A problem
with the script was that the ASP was not filtering ../ which is used to
traverse up directories to view any file on the system in such a manner:
there is a similar hole in viewcode.asp, which is located in a few default
places (see "what to look for"), aswell as codebrws.asp.
Plan of attack
First step would be to check for default directories, and/or the presence of
msadcs.dll. If the directory exists, then chances are the return code will be
403 (permission denied), if the directory does not exist, then the return code
will be 404 (not found).
Next step would be to try null.htw like so
and see if there is a response, based on these results, you can recursively
go through a list of potential scripts that might be on the server, and use
one or more to read/execute files on the system (see end of text).
The sample directories can also be used to exploit the UNICODE bug mentioned
Plan of defense
It isnt impossible to have a secure IIS server - it just takes a few simple
- Take the time to do a custom install of the option pack, and remove what you
wont need
- Remove all sample directories
- Remove all associations to default ISAPI objects (webhits.dll, ism.dll) from
the management console
- Apply the latest service pack
- Apply all the latest hot fixes (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security)
- Monitor Microsoft alerts and security mailing lists for latest bugs
- Turn off verbose error output from the server, and have a customer error
- Install an IDS (snort has been ported to win32, http://www.snort.org)
Its also interesting to note that some Microsoft Hotfixes open up new security
holes, which in turn have to be addressed again. This is mentioned in the
following post to Bugtraq entitled ".htr bug still exist after applying MS
Who is vulnerable
In just regarding Australian based websites, I've done some quick scans and
found that over 70% of e-commerce web servers running IIS had security holes
that would allow full compromise of data. In another result, I rounded up
every bank in Australia running IIS and found that over 50% of these where
vulnerable, allowing reading of any file on the system. The e-commerce sites
that were found to have security holes include some very large names in terms
of Australian-based e-commerce operations.
A common problem was that "front line" servers would be relatively patched,
but backend servers were left wide open. Quite often these other servers are
handling a lot of the work, and for some reason are overlooked when it comes
to updates and patches. With the amount of servers out there that are
vulnerable to such easy-to-exploit holes, I can only be surprised that there
isn't alot more public news about intrusions or disclosures of information.
What to look for
Try these on your favourite server.
/global.asa+.htr (or anyfile +.htr)
/global.asa%3F+.htr (or any other file)
Also see rhea, my own security scanner for windows (currently in early stages
of development):
. ....
: :
: 006 Overview of Recent and Future Hardware :
: ...:. .
:.:.. by Maticles : :
: ;. . .. . ..;. . :
; ;
Ok, I'll tell you something first, all the benchmarks in this section are NOT
done by me, for as I do not own a Geforce 3 cards, and I cannot see myself
owning one in the near future, so there.
The Geforce 3 (Formally NV20) is a Graphical Processing Unit, capable of 800
billion operations per second, 76 gigaflops, this thing is a beast. The
Geforce 3 is featuring with a minimum of 64MB SDRAM/SGRAM running at 230MHz
DDR (460MHz), this gives it 3.2ns access. Nice.
The Geforce 3 includes the standard nVidia T&L engine, and optimised support
for the Pentium 4. The Geforce 3 takes on a 0.15 micron process Taking
advantage of the DX8 SDK, the Geforce 3 looks simply stunning, using Per-pixel
reflection, this means that light sources can reflect off a pixel, and not
need another light source there, it looks fantastic, and seemingly life-like,
but thats what we said about Flight Simulator 5, which.. err.. isn't quite
life like. The Geforce 3 also has Environmental bumpmapping as well as DOT3
bumpmapping, and have both must be a good thing, as a variety of support with
erm.. bumps.
I got this 3dmark 2001 benchmark off hardocp.com, here are the results (GF3
vs. GF2 Ultra)
1024x768x32 on a Geforce 3 gets you 4859 3d marks.
1024x768x32 on a Geforce 2 Ultra gets you 3995 3d marks.
Radeon - The final interlude. - A quicker thing.
Here is some Radeon information for you;
Radeon was released around July/August of 2000, the Radeon has:
166MHz DDR ram (332MHz) (The better Radeon ViVo has 183MHz [366MHz]).
- HyperZ technology (Don't you love marketing?).
- Hardware Transform and Lighting engine.
- 2 Texture pipelines, but each can do 3 passes.
- Environmental bumpmapping.
This is all sounding very Geforce 2 territory, and its 2d quality EASILY
surpassed Geforce's 2d engine (without the 2d 'hack' of course - goto
google.com is you must know about the "2d hack for geforce") and its 3d is
NEARLY equal (some cases is equal) to the Geforce 2 GTS, but is still a touch
Environmental bumpmapping is a feature mostly seen on Matrox video cards, and
boy does it look GOOD - it rocks, but I find nVidia's DOT3 bump mapping to be
that slight better, although the nVidia shading rasterizer helps alot with the
shadows etc on the bumps.
AMD Palomino.
AMD's next generation of CPU is dawning on us lately, with information from
AMD being released at CeBIT, its going to be released on Quarter 3 of 2001.
Starting at 1533MHz, based on the Athlon core, its certaintly going to give
the Pentium 4 a run for its money, being cheaper too (priced around the same
as the current Athlon I predict) and not tied down to RAMBUS, Intel, look out.
Palomino also has Hardware Prefetching, Improved Branch-Prediction Unit, but
lacks SSE2, no longer pipeline, but it also doesn't require a new socket.
. ....
: :
: 007 Tunnelling SSH via HTTP :
: ...:. .
:.:.. by Tengu : :
: ;. . .. . ..;. . :
; ;
This article is loosely based around an idea presented in the
Firewall Piercing mini-HOWTO[1]. After starting university and
sitting down at a Windows based terminal was presented with the
problem of not being able to ssh home. I tried some experiments to
determine what exactly was going on. It appears that the institution
had blocked all Internet access outside their own subnet. They have
allowed specific services such as HTTP/FTP via their own
authenticating and accounting local proxy server.
This article aims to provide a brief understanding of how to use HTTP
tunnelling using the httptunnel package and how it actually works. I
have tried to create references where appropriate for those who which
to continue their reading.
After a quick search in Google[2], I came up with an interesting
SSH Client -> Local httptunnel client (htc) -> Proxy server -> Remote
httptunnel server (hts) -> Remote SSH Server
HTTP/1.1. The concept is that if you are using HTTP/1.0, your browser
requests a webpage with 3 images, it makes 4 _seperate_ requests to
the HTTP server. For example, index.htm, image1.png, image2.png and
image3.png. The difference with HTTP/1.1, is that it is able to serve
and request multiple files in a single GET statement. If you want to
read more about this, have a look at the RFCs. {2068, 1945}
httptunnel[3] is the software, which creates a ‘fake’ connection
through the proxy server. Generally, you would run the server
component on the box that you wish to connect to, but this is not
required (for further ideas, read ‘expanding’ section). The client
(htc) and server (hts) components are available in a *nix[3], and a
NT[4] implementation.
There are 3 general things you need to do. Metaphorically speaking,
you need to a) Open the door at the other end, b) Dig the tunnel, c)
Open your door.
a) Start the tunnel server. We do this by running the server
component on a remote box that we know that the proxy server can
access. This should be just about anywhere, provided they don’t
filter content. This starts a server listening on port 8888, and
forwarding requests to localhost:22, ie your local ssh server.
hts -F localhost:22 8888
b) Starts the tunnel client. This creates a persistent connection
from your workstation, through the proxy server, to your remote
server. It does this by requesting a page from the proxy server of
the form, GET http://remote:8888/junk.html?. As far as the proxy
knows, this is a valid request. Your client never closes the
connection however, so because it’s a HTTP/1.1 GET request, the
connection stays open. Perfect for us, now we can put whatever we
want through this ‘tunnel’, and the httptunnel server at the
remote end, will pass it onto our ssh server.
htc -F 2000 –D 1 -P PROXY:8000 REMOTE:8888
or if your proxy server required you to login (like mine),
htc -F 2000 –D 1 -P PROXY:8080 -A USER:PASS REMOTE:8888
c) Start ssh client. Now we need to connect our client to the tunnel,
this is done by simply opening your favourite client (eg. PuTTY),
and connecting to localhost port 2000, or whatever you specified
for the –F option.
And what we have here, is a connection as described in the Overview
section. With this method, there is of course, more overhead than a
direct client, server connection. But the HTTP overhead is very
minimal and only experienced when actually setting up the tunnel in
part b, because after that there is no more actual HTTP requests.
o Microsoft Proxy Server has been known to cause 407 errors when
starting the client program.
o Your institution may implement content filtering, or have acls set
up to disallow http://remote:port/ requests. Some solutions to this
would be to run the server on port 80 on a box, which doesn’t have a
As you may have gathered, you don’t have to run the server component
on the remote box that you wish to (ie –F localhost:22). You could of
course run hts on a public box and forward requests to another
server. For example, bob@work.com$ hts –F homebox:22 8888. Bob could
then connect from his institution, to his work tunnelling server.
Also, this whole article is not limited to SSH. Of course it could be
applied to (some) other protocols that work in the same way. For
instance, telnet, ftp, and irc with a little tweaking. But that is
beyond the scope of this document. Try your luck on google for more
[1] http://www.linux.com/howto/mini/Firewall-Piercing.html
[2] http://www.google.com/search?q=http+proxy+tunnel+ssh
[3] http://www.nocrew.org/software/httptunnel.html
[4] http://www.okchicken.com/~philip/httptunnel/
By Grant Holliday (tengu)
. ....
: :
: 008 HP-UX and the HP-9000/800 Series Unix server :
: ...:. .
:.:.. by Kayjay : :
: ;. . .. . ..;. . :
-What is a HP-9000?
-Models - (G,E,D,T,K,L,N,A,V,SuperDome)
-Hardware Paths and Block Diagrams
-SCSI/Fibre Channel.
-Networking (10/100/Gig Eth.)
-The HP-UX Boot Process
Operating System:
-Brief Introduction to LVM.
-Mapping your system with ioscan
-Software and Patch install.
-Administering Tasks made easy with SAM
HP-UX is a SVR4 Unix Operating System written, Supported and Maintained by
Hewlett Packard. Used in many small to large business's HP-UX is one of the
Top three players in the Commercial UNIX world. The others being IBMs AIX on
RS/6000 and Suns Solaris/SunOS on the Sparc.
What I will cover in this paper/talk is an introduction to HP-UX and the
HP-9000 Architecture. Some experience with Unix is recommended to fully grasp
the concepts in this paper.
The main HP-9000 systems in use around Australia and the world at the moment are.
- The G and E Series systems, also known as the Nova Series, which are very
old, yet, still supported. (For Now)
= The T Series, Designed at powering through multithreaded applications.
- The D series, A Small, Low end RISC Unix system aimed at small business.
- The K Series, HP's very popular scalable Midrange server.
- The L Series, A Fast, Affordable, Robust Unix server, Aimed at the midrange
market, features SMP and large memory capacity.
- The L Series is one of HP's newer servers, which looks to take off what the
K Series started.
- The N Series, An extremely fast, scalable and expandable Unix server, with
looks similar to the L Series, its known as the L's 'Big Brother'.
- The A Series, A small, extremely fast HP-9000 aimed at the ISP market.
- The V Series, An extremely large, SMP system, designed for large databases
and large CPU loads.
- The Superdome. HP's new Very High End Unix server, Not much on these as not
many people would have even seen them yet.
The Current models that HP are rolling out as new installs are the L , N, A
and V series, along with the Superdome to those who can afford them.
HP-9000 CPU's are RISC processors, RISC being Reduced Instruction Set
In short, RISC tries to do all the simple repetitive or often used instructions
in a hardwired processor in one CPU cycle. HP-9000s use what is called PA-RISC,
or Precision Archetecure RISC. PA-RISC is HPs additions to the RISC
architecture, adding performance and providing a stable framework and building
block to develop upon. PA-RISC has been designed to be fast, cost effective
and scalable.
PA-RISC CPU History.
PA-RISC Level Clock Speed HP-9000 Systems used in:
------------- ------------ ------------------------
PA 1.0 8-32Mhz 840/50/55/60/65
PA 1.0 (870) 50Mhz 870
PA 1.0 (890) 60Mhz 890
PA 1.1a (800) 32- 64Mhz F to I Series
PA 1.1b (T500) 90Mhz T500
PA 1.1c (800) 48-96Mhz E-Series
PA 1.1d (7200) 100-120Mhz K Series Not including 5xx, Some D-Series Systems
PA 1.1e (7300) 132-160Mhz D220/D230/D320/D330
PA 2.0 (8000) 160/180Mhz Some D and K Series only
PA 2.2 (8200) 200Mhz K370/K570
PA 2.x (8000) 180Mhz T600
PA 2.x (8200) 200Mhz V2200
The Current CPUs seen in the newer model machines are:
550Mhz - PA-8600
400/440Mhz - PA-8600
360Mhz- PA-8500
Each part of the HP-9000 are conncected via system busses, just like on any
normal computer system.
Within the HP-9000 there are a few main types of bus. The following 3 Busses
are 3 popular busses for connecting Peripherals/Adapters to the HP-9000.
Each type of bus outlined below is linked to the system board via Bus Adapters
or Bus Converters.
HP-PB (HP Precision Bus)
HP-PB is an older type of system bus, still used and supported today, although
mainly on the older machines of which it comes standard. (E, K and T series
machines use it the most frequently.) HP-PB bus is generally used for linking
external interfaces to the system such as SCSI cards,Tape Drives, Optical
Disks, Printers, Terminal Controllers, MUXes and Disks. The HP-PB interface is
easily recognised as alot of systems use large HP-PB I/O Expansion Cages to
allow maximum device connectivity to the systems. These cages are connected to
the system by large, thick ribbon type cables, generally grey in colour.
Unfortunately the HP-PB Bus is rather old and slow, allowing system performance
bottle necks to occur.
HSC (High Speed Connecct)
The HSC Bus is a high speed system bus, used for connecting SCSI interfaces,
Network interfaces and other I/O to the system much like HP-PB. HSC is
generally prefered to HP-PB on the older systems due to its much faster data
transfer rates. The HSC bus is generally found more often on D-Series machines
(where it also is known as GSC), K-Series and the T-Series machines.
The PCI bus has just started making rounds on HP-9000 systems with the
introduction of the N and L Series machines. Although slightly different to
the PCI Bus on x86 based systems, the PCI bus is the current Bus of choice for
the HP-9000 Architecture. The PCI bus allows you to add SCSI Cards, Lan cards,
Fibre Channel cards, MUX Cards ect to the system and have fast Data transfer
-Hardware Paths and Block Diagrams.
HP-9000 Systems have what are called Hardware Paths.
The Hardware paths are a way of mapping out the hardware on a system to
identify where a specific device(s) on the system resides, and if it is
visible from the operating system. A Hardware path is generally a string of
slash and decimal point seperated decimal characters which allow you to follow
the hardware's path from the systemboard over the bus converters that connect
it to the systemboard, through the interface card (eg, SCSI Cards) to the
Hardware paths are an important feature of HP-UX and HP-9000 Systems, and they
can be listed from the operating system with the ioscan command, which will be
covered later in the article. One thing to note is that Hardware paths on
every system are different, because each HP-9000 Model is different.
Most HP-9000 Systems have on the rear of the systems or any place where devices can be connected to the machine, a hardware path diagram
showing which slot or plug has which hardware path.
See the example block diagram on the Powerpoint Diagram of this paper at URL
www.wiretapped.net/~kj/hp-9k-talk.ppt This powerpoint Document is the document
I used at the 2600 Australia Seminar Series for my talk 'HP-UX/HP-9000
Overview'. As you can see the Hardware path --> 10/12/5 is referenced to the
'SE SCSI 2 ' (off the CORE I/O Card) device on the block diagram.
-SCSI/Fibre Channel
HP-9000 Systems two main interfaces to Peripheral Devices are SCSI (Small
Computer System Interface) which uses copper cabling and a variety of
different connectors and plugs to interface with mainly storage based devices
such as tape drives, disk drives and various librarys HP-9000 Systems support
SCSI 1, 2 and 3 and the LVD (Low Voltage Differential), HVD (High Voltage
Differential) and SE (Single Ended) Signalling methods.
And Fibre Channel, A High Speed peripheral interface which links systems to
devices via fibre optic cabling with high transfer speeds. With the future of
storage heading toward SAN's (Storage Area Networks), Fibre Channel will become
more and more popular, but as it is still an expensive medium, SCSI is still
the most Frequently used peripheral interface.
The HP-9000 system supports various types of Network interfaces from Ethernet
(10/100mb), Token Ring to Gigabit Ethernet for ultra high speed network access.
The operating system itself supports a multitude of protocols such as TCP/IP,
SNA(IBM), SNMP. Without HP-9000/HP-UX's great networking support and ability
to intergrate into almost any kind of networked environment, it definately
would have just dissapeared into the dark.
-The HP-UX Boot Process.
(This does not include the V-Class System)
1) Power ON
2) POST (Power On Self Test)
-Hardware is tested upon power on. Depending on the Series of the system, the
seftest output to the console will differ. L-Series Scroll information about
what specific parts of the system are being tested and what the hardware
specific return codes were of each test upon completion, whereas systems like
the K-Series or D-Series just output a series of Hexadecimal codes to the LCD
Panel and to the bottom corner of the console, which can be referenced to a
chart to see which parts of the system are being tested, ie CPU(s),I/O, etc
3)BCH (Boot Console Handler)
The Boot console Handler is almost what you could call an advanced BIOS. It
allows you to configure Boot Paths for the system, ie, where is the operating
system located. And also allows us to do basic mapping of various peripherals
such as SCSI buses attached to the system ect. There are many many more
features availiable to you in the BCH, and each revision for each model system
is slightly different, so its probably would be worth doing some investigating
of it a bit yourself if you have the chance. The BCH resides in whats called
PDC (Processor Dependant Code), code that is (generally) stored on the systems
mainboard. In most situations the BCH is on a 10 Second delay, so if it is not
interuppted it will boot the operating system specified by the Primary Boot
If you Interupt the Boot Process it is a tiny bit different, as you will be
placed at the BCH Main Menu. To move on with the boot process you must tell
BCH where to boot from, in most default installs we'll boot from the Primary
boot path by typing Main Menu> BO Pri
This will read some information from the LIF area of the bootable medium
specifed and we'll then be prompted with the following Interact with IPL (Y,
N, or Cancel)?>
The IPL (Initial Program Loader) or ISL (Initial System Loader) is the next
stage of the boot process after BCH. What the IPL/ISL allows you to do is
pass some paramiters to the kernel before its loaded into memory. To pass
these peramiters to the kernel you must select 'Y' to interact with the
IPL/ISL and then from the prompt type in the valid parameters you wish ie,
ISL>hpux -is <-- Boot to init level S or single user mode IPL>hpux <-- boot
default HP-UX
If you choose not to interact with the IPL/ISL HP-UX will boot with the
pre-set peramiters (generally just 'hpux' unless the administrator has
changed it with the mkboot command)
5) Load the Kernel into memory and execute Init scripts.
The Kernel at this stage is taken from the disk and loaded into memory if any
peramiters were passed to it from the IPL/ISL stage, these will be passed
before the laoding of the kernel into memory, once this is complete, the init
process will be spawned, the init scripts will be exectued, filesystems will
be mounted, and other processes will be started as per the system
After this is complete you will then be prompted to Login, as per the usual
UNIX login: prompt.
Below is an example of an L-Series Boot Process starting from the BCH Screen,
POST has been left out intentionally. In this siutuation the Boot Seqence has
been interupted and then manually booted from the primary boot path.
************ EARLY BOOT VFP *************
End of early boot detected
Firmware Version 40.48
Duplex Console IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 1
(c) Copyright 1995-2000, Hewlett-Packard Company, All rights reserved
Processor Speed State CoProcessor State Cache Size
Number State Inst Data
--------- -------- --------------------- ----------------- ------------
0 440 MHz Active Functional 512 KB 1 MB
3 440 MHz Idle Functional 512 KB 1 MB
Central Bus Speed (in MHz) : 82
Available Memory : 1048576 KB
Good Memory Required : 13020 KB
Primary boot path: 0/0/1/1.2
Alternate boot path: 0/0/2/0.2
Console path: 0/0/4/0.0
Keyboard path: 0/0/4/0.0
Processor is booting from first available device.
To discontinue, press any key within 10 seconds.
Boot terminated.
---- Main Menu ---------------------------------------------------------------
Command Description
------- -----------
BOot [PRI|ALT|] Boot from specified path
PAth [PRI|ALT] [] Display or modify a path
SEArch [DIsplay|IPL] [] Search for boot devices
COnfiguration menu Displays or sets boot values
INformation menu Displays hardware information
SERvice menu Displays service commands
DIsplay Redisplay the current menu
HElp [