Extended Precision Arithmetic

Addition of larger numbers (say 96 bit numbers)

Number stored in three registers (%l0, %l1, %l2), most significant bits of the number stored in %l0.

Also, number to be added stored in three registers, %l3, %l4, %l5 with the most significant bit stored in %l3.

Special instructions: addx, addxcc

Similar to add and addcc, except that they add one to the answer if the carry bit is set.

So now, the addition of the two large numbers (96 bits each) can be carried out as:

addcc   %l2, %l5, %o2
addxcc  %l1, %l4, %o1
addx    %l0, %l3, %o0

Subtraction of larger numbers (say 96 bit numbers)

We again have to perform subtraction using the 2's complement method.

To find the 2's complement of the number to be subtracted (stored in three registers %l3, %l4, %l5):

not      %l5, %l5
not      %l4, %l4
not      %l3, %l3
inccc    %l5           ! make it 2's complement
addxcc   %l4, %g0, %l4 ! propogate carry
addx     %l3, %g0, %l3 ! propogate carry

Now perform normal addition of large numbers as shown :

addcc    %l2, %l5, %o2 
addxcc   %l1, %l4, %o1
addx     %l0, %l3, %o0

Another method of doing this is by making use of the subx and subxcc intructions. They are same as the sub and subcc instructions, but subtract one more if the carry bit C is set.

subcc   %l2, %l5, %o2 
subxcc  %l1, %l4, %o1
subx    %l0, %l3, %o0

Similarly, we can have multiplication and division of larger numbers also, but not using single instructions. The logic for extended precision multiplication and division is a lot more complicated, and beyond the scope of this course.

e.g.  for AB x CD = EFGH
                    A     B
              x     C     D
                 BD    BD
            BC   BC
            AD   AD
  +    AC   AC
       E    F    G     H


As described earlier in the course, the CPU can only operate on values when they are in registers. However, there are only 32 accessible registers, yet most programs use much more data than that. So we need a storage facility that holds data when it is not currently being used by the CPU. This storage is called memory.

We have already discussed how memory is used by the CPU -- each memory location has an address, and the CPU performs "read" and "write" operations on the memory using these addresses.

The SPARC architecture v. 7 (used on current machines) specifies addresses to be 32 bits long, so it can address 4GB of memory. Variables in memory can occupy 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes; these are referred to as bytes, halfwords, words, and doublewords. One can load or store any of these quantities from or into memory. These correspond to the C data types char, short, int. Doublewords are not supported by (our version of) C.

C data type           Sparc data type      Bits

char                      byte              8
short                     half             16
int, long                 word             32

In the SPARC architecture, memory addresses must be aligned. Halfwords must only be accessed on two-byte (even) boundaries. Words must only be accessed on 4-byte (multiple of 4) boundaries. Doublewords must only be accessed on 8-bytes boundaries. This is for efficiency -- at the hardware level, transfers are always in terms of words.

The SPARC architecture is big endian, which orders bytes left to right, and preserves the proper semantics for string comparisions. The address of a halfword, word, or doubleword is the address of the smallest-numbered byte it contains.

The Stack

LIFO (Last in First out) data structure.

Heap: How is it different from the stack ????

How should we store C variables in memory? There are basically two kinds of variables in C: static and automatic. How to store static variables? Just set the memory aside for the duration of the program's execution. How about automatic variables? Automatic variables come and go as subroutines are called and return. For this sort of memory allocation pattern we use a stack.

It's just traditional to start the program at the top of memory (low addrs) and the stack at the bottom of memory (high addrs). The stack starts from 0xf8000000 and grows toward smaller values. Programs in the SPARC architecture start from 0x2000. How much space is set aside below the program and above the stack? (16K below and 32M above)

The stack is maintained using two pointers: the stack pointer (%o6 or %sp) and the frame pointer (%i6 or %fp). The stack pointer always points to the lowest-numbered (that is, most recently pushed) item on the stack -- the top of the stack . To put something on the stack, we subtract its size from the stack pointer, then use the memory pointed to by the new %sp. To get space for a new doubleword on the stack, we:

	sub %sp, 8, %sp 
and then use the memory pointed to be %sp. The stack is always kept doubleword aligned. So we always modify %sp in multiples of 8. If we want 94 bytes we instead ask for 96 and just ignore the unused 2 bytes.

So if we need 30 bytes, we have to allocate 32 bytes (always a multiple of 8). The number can be made a multiple of 8 by chopping the last three bits. But this does not serve our purpose. Why??

Below, we have the results of chopping the last three bits:

31 = 011111      011000 = 24
23 = 010111      010000 = 16 , and so on
The trick we use to do this is to add a truncated negative number to the stack pointer. Truncating a negative number always gives a smaller (or equal) number. Adding a smaller number is the same as subtracting a larger number, so enough stack space is always allocated. To truncate, we clear the low 3 bits of the number. For example, -1 truncated is -8, -8 truncated is -8, -9 trucated is -16. Usually we know as we're writing the program how much space we want to allocate. So we can calculate this using the assembler:
	add %sp, -94 & 0xfffffff8, %sp
	add %sp, -94 & -8, %sp
The result is to subtract 96 from the stack pointer. So the previous instruction is the same as:
	add %sp, -96, %sp
Another example is shown below. In this case, we need 31 bytes, so we should be subtracting 32 instead. This is done as follows:
	add %sp, -31 & -8, %sp

31 =  011111               -31 = 100001
8  =  000100               - 8 = 111100

  31                       1 0 0 0 0 1
& -8                       1 1 1 0 0 0
  32                       1 0 0 0 0 0

The Frame Pointer

We tend to allocate space on the stack in big chunks, for example when we enter a subroutine or at the beginning of a program. However, within a subroutine we could push a lot of stuff on the stack, too. So, we need a way to "throw it all away" when the subroutine exits. Hence the frame pointer, %i6 or %fp. Every time we start a program or enter a subroutine we need to copy the %sp to the %fp. Then when we leave the subroutine, we simply copy the %fp to the %sp and, whoosh, it's all gone.

Now, here's the trick: note that %sp is really %o6 and %fp is really %i6. Remember that when the save instruction is executed, the CWP is decremented, which renames all of the "o" registers to "i" registers. So, when save is executed, the stack pointer becomes the frame pointer automatically.

Because we want to allocate space on the stack whenever a subroutine is called, the save instruction has another feature: it performs an addition, which is always used (with a negative value) to decrease the stack pointer. Thus, the save instruction does two things:

Whenever we enter a subroutine, we also need to set aside space on the stack for 8 of the registers -- so we always "save" 64 bytes more than the amount of local storage we need. So if the subroutine being entered has no local variables, we would code the save instruction as
	save %sp, -64, %sp
If the subroutine does have local (automatic) variables, we need to set aside even more space on the stack. For example, if we wanted to store five integers on the stack at the start of the program, we would code:
	save %sp, (-64 - (5 * 4)) & -8, %sp
Note that the constant will be calculated by the assembler, and the resulting number (-88) is what will be used in the immediate field of the instruction.

Addressing Stack Variables

Loads and Stores. here is a load/store pair for each data size (byte, halfword, word, and doubleword).

bytes : can be loaded or stored anywhere
half words : can only be loaded to or stored into addresses divisible by 2.
words : can only be loaded to or stored into addresses divisible by 4
double words : can only be loaded to or stored into addresses divisible by 8


ldsb  - load signed byte, propagate sign left.
ldub  - load unsigned byte, clear higher 24 bits
ldsh  - load signed half word, propogate sign left
lduh  - load unsigned half word, clear higher 16 bits
ld    - load word
ldd   - load double, register number should be even, four bytes into n, 
	next four into n+1

The format for all these instructions is:

ld..  [%fp - number],  register 
e.g. ld [%fp - 4], %l1 ldub [%fp - 5], %l2 ldsh [%fp - 8], %l3 ldd [%fp - 16], %l5 ! illegal, why???????


stb - store low byte of register (0-7) into memory
sth - store low two bytes of register (0-15) into memory
st  - store register
std - store double register, register number should be even, first
      four bytes from register n, next four from register n + 1.

The format for all these instructions is :

st..  register, [%fp - number] 
e.g. st %l1, [%fp - 4] sth %l2, [%fp - 6] stb %l3, [%fp - 7] sth %l4, [%fp - 9] ! illegal, why????

Why do we need signed & unsigned versions of ldb and ldh?
Answer: sign extension. Remember that the register may not be the same size as the item being moved to or from memory. In the case of a store, this doesn't matter too much; we simply store only the low-order byte or bytes from the register (in the case of stb and sth). However in the case of a load, we may want to perform sign extension. Sign extension is necessary if we have, say, an 8-bit signed number stored in a memory byte. If we want to operate on the number in a register, we have to convert it from an 8-bit representation to a 32-bit representation (since all operations are on registers, and registers are 32 bits wide). To convert an 8 bit number to a 32 bit number, we need to extend the sign bit from the 8 bit number to fill up the high 24 bits of the 32 bit number.

For each instruction, the pointer is enclosed in square brackets. The pointer may be a register, register plus a constant, or two registers added together.

So the following are legal:

	ld [%g1], 	%l0
	ld [%fp - 4], 	%l1
	ld [%l0 + %l1],	%l2

	st %l0,		[%g1]
	st %l1		[%fp - 4]
	st %l2,		[%l0 + %l1]
But the following are illegal:
	st %l0,		[%g1 + 3 + 6]
	st %l1		[%fp - 4 + 15]
	st %l2,		[%l0 + %l1 + %l3]
Why?? Well, because that is too much work to be done in one clock cycle, or to be encoded as one instruction.

The constant is signed two's complement in 13 bits. In fact, for all format 3 instructions (discussed later), if the immediate mode is used for the second argument, the constant is 13 bits. The makes it -4096 <= c <= 4095.

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