______________ _______________________________/ ___________ \________ \__ _____//___| . ____ __________ _____ _______\ .. __/ ___/____ \ | /___/____ .. \ // \ / _____|___ | | \ / .. | \ | / | \/ . \/ | .. // | | \ //____________________/ _________________________________________ |__|_____\ :::::: ______________/ / :: _________ :::::: / / :: ___________/ / ::: :: : :_____/_______________//_____\_ //_______/__/____/ ___________/__________ /__ _________ __________/ . /______ | ___ . , ____ . _______\ :// . ______/ / | \ / \ / / | \ | ___\ // _____|___ / \___// \/ \ \ // ' .. \ , \/ | / _________________| .. ___________________________________| .. __________// :// /____________|_______\ / ___________/ // _______________\ /______________ \ :::::::: / / ::::: ________/ / ::::::::::::::::: ::: :: : ::: jp!cia ... \ \________/_//_______/..________/ system failure :: :::........::: \______________________// .........................:: _| |_ \ . // \ ./ \/ .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | System Failure: Issue #13 | `----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Whew. Finally, issue 13. We've been delayed for about a month now, partially due (okay, MOSTLY due) to the fact that I'm lazy and my schedule's been rather broken lately, and partially due to the fact that I've been far too generous in the amount of time I've given certain people (they know who they are) to get their articles to me. Anyway, this is our last issue before DefCon 6, and issue 14 (our second annual Spiffy Con Review Issue) should be out shortly thereafter. Thanks to Jack Phlash for this issue's opening ascii and .diz file. --Logic Box [7/16/98] .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | http://www.sysfail.org/ | | [sysfail@syfail.org] | `----------------------------------------------------------------------------' damnit. my screen is blue. BARKODE. what? I didn't do it. .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | CONTENTS | | SysInfoTrade by SysFail Staff | | WIPO: The Government's Stranglehold by Velocity | | Calling Number Delivery by Keystroke | | IP Masquerading for Dummies by Saint skullY the Dazed | | ARP: Your Ethernet Card's Best Friend by BarKode | | Private Branch Exchanges by The PBX Phreak | | Group Ethics and Morals by Logic Box | | SysFail Mailbox by SysFail Staff | `----------------------------------------------------------------------------' <-------+ | SysInfoTrade +----------------> staff@sysfail.org --System Failure shirts are in stock, get them now! sysshirt.jpg in the System Failure #13 zip show what they look like. Send $25 (s/h included) to Penguin Palace PO Box 836853 Richardson, TX 75083 http://www.sysfail.org/products.htm Get them now, because we'll only be bringing a limited supply to DefCon. --Penguin Palace's TORI DO: THE EPIC CD should be available for DefCon. Bring $20 to buy a copy at the con, and get it signed by pinguino. Jungle/Dark Ambient soundtrack by Re: (part of Consciousness Lab of Sacramento), Miguel Q, and Solo Jr. http://www.penguinpalace.com/torido --DefCon is July 31-August 2, 1998. It's at the Plaza Hotel and Casino, 1-800-634-6575 (refer to the Network Security Solutions convention when booking a hotel room) www.defcon.org --System Failure will be hosting contests during the convention; a scavenger hunt (friday) and a frequency hunt (saturday, bring a scanner). There will be prizes, if you have anything (ram, dox, payphone, little sister, pet goldfish, ANYTHING) you want to donate as a prize, email pinguino@sysfail.org or bring it by the table on Friday of the con. Come by the table for a flyer about the current contest. No information will be given out the day prior to the contest. --On July 1, 1998, law enforcement officials including local police, state police, and the FBI served search warrants at a Harwich, MA business and a 16 year-old Eastham boy's home and confiscated multiple computer systems from both places, but no arrests were made at either location. These raids were the result of a five month probe looking into alleged computer crimes against Cape Internet and clients of Cape Internet. The Harwich Business, Doctor PC, is the location of a Cape Internet POP, which serves lower Cape Cod customers with dialup lines. They are also investigating a half-dozen other teenage associates of the Eastham boy. (submitted by spee) --On June 24, 1998, American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) that it will merge with TCI, a cable based telecommunications and Internet provider. AT&T plans on merging its long distance, wireless, and Internet services with TCI's cable, telecommunications and Internet services to create what will be called AT&T Consumer Services. This new company will provide local, long distance, wireless, cable, and dialup and high speed internet access which will all be under the AT&T name. This merger allows AT&T to be able to offer local phone service, of which TCI has a network already. It also allows AT&T to offer cable modem services around the U.S. as well. AT&T hopes that this will allow them to offer a variety of services directly into consumer's homes. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- WIPO: The Government's Stranglehold by Velocity (velocity@ionsys.com) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- WIPO is an acronym for the 'World Intellectual Propery Organization' 1.1: Brief Introduction I was inspired to write this article after hearing about the controversial new WIPO bill (controversial to the computer literate actually, I imagine non-computer users couldn't care less about it). At the time I wrote this, the WIPO bill had been passed by the senate and was on its way to congress. If you haven't heard or read anything about the WIPO bill, oh well, that's not my problem, you just suck. Go do a netsearch on it or something because I don't want to discuss it in detail; I will however say that loosely translated, the WIPO bill dictates that the reverse engineering of software shall be illegal. For those of you who are less gifted and are having trouble with the big words, this basically means that it will be illegal to take end-user software packages and search for bugs within the program. 1.2: But Why? Now I imagine right now at this exact second you are saying to yourself, "Hey! I'm an elite hacker, I can do whatever I want, I can reverse engineer software until I turn purple and the government can't do anything because they won't know! Ha!". Well thats fine and dandy for you, I'm happy for you, and the whole world is happy for you. What about people who actually make a living doing this though? What about security consultants? Well, unlike you, they do what they do as a profession. They can't very well continue with their career if it is illegal. In the government's eyes, it would probably be equivalent to working for the mafia. I'm not sure how that equation works out, but it just does, so live with it. For the few of you who are thinking, "why would the government do something as downright nutty as this?", well seeing as how my telepathic skills aren't at their full potential at the moment, it being so late at night and all, I will just give you my personal opinion. If my opinion is not good enough for you, e-mail me and we can schedule and appointment for me to perform a Vulcan Mind Meld on you. That way you can see all the information I have stolen from the unsuspecting brains of government workers first hand! But for those of you too impatient to wait for the appointment, here is my opinion. My opinion is very simple, and probably very common among other people. THEY ARE SCARED! They are afraid, plain and simple. They know that malicious security-knowledgable individuals may be a greater threat to the civilized world then Iraq is. Perhaps they are afraid because they are ignorant, and they have no idea how to secure a system, so they just outlaw the process of actions which go into finding a security flaw. Or maybe they're not ignorant, they're just pricks. Who knows? But either way, the government is trying to put a stranglehold on hackers and computer users in general. 1.3: What If It's Passed? Let's briefly think about the after-effects (If the WIPO bill is passed). First of all, as mentioned earlier, poor unsuspecting security consultants will have their jobs flushed down the toilet, because technically their jobs would be illegal. Second of all, mailing lists like BUGTRAQ will become illegal, and probably will be forcefully shut down. Also, about a trillion hack/phreak web pages will suddenly become illegal, and be forcefully removed from web servers. What's next? Will the government start putting packet sniffers on IRC servers just to see if we're discussing exploits and such? I know using a packet sniffer is beyond the realms of most federal exployees' abilites, but still, they could fluke it. And eventually in the end, every computer user (with the exception of AOL users) will have a federal officer handcuffed to him, at all times, just to make sure he doesn't say anything to anybody about software bugs. 1.4: Other Threats WIPO isn't the only action of its kind being taken. I'm not sure if this is correct, but I recall reading a news article about the government's plan to make it law that crypto developers have to put a backdoor in all their programs, just in case the feds need to decrypt something (such as the mafia's e-mail). Well that's lovely. How safe would you feel using PGP if you knew the feds could decrypt it in 5 seconds? Probably not very god damned safe. What would probably happen is people would stop developing crypto-type stuff, because what's the use if the government can decrypt it anyway? That seems kind of like cleaning up your house just before you're about to move out. Well I guess it's not like that at all, but what kind of sicko cleans up his house before he moves out? I'm sure the government has a billion of these little laws waiting to be passed, but there isn't a whole lot we can do about it. You could write to your local congressman so he can wipo his ass with your letter. I bet as soon as he hears that you're upset about this law he'll do his best to make sure it's never passed! 1.5: Who Will Suffer? I think large corporations will suffer a lot from WIPO. The government may be able to stop some poor schmoe of a security consultant, but they can't stop every hacker in the world from developing exploits. Since the big corporations don't have any outside experts to fix their security bugs, they will be completely vulnerable. I guess that's kind of funny, because the government is trying to protect people from hackers. But I guess if hackers will still be writing exploits after WIPO, then there will probably be a handful of security consultants who care little of the government's wrath, and will continue with their work. And for every consultant brave enough to disobey the government, there will be a corporation pleased as punch to pay this consultant an enormous amount of money for him to work his magic on their network. Corporations are about as concerned with the law as your average serial killer, they just want to stop the 17-year-old kids from rebooting their webservers every day. However, like most things in life, the people to suffer the most will be the little guys. Read section 1.8 for information on how we will suffer. 1.6: Description of Following Paragraph The following paragraph was written a day after the rest of the article. All the information here probably belongs in various other places around the article, but I'm not about to go looking for places to put all this stuff, it consists mostly of my ramblings and opinions. 1.7: Personal Opinions Mostly Have you ever bought a table that had a big red sign on the top of it warning you to "not tinker with this table under penalty of death!". Of course you haven't. What manufacturer really gives a damn if you try to attach an extra leg to his table design? But this in essence is what WIPO is. Software being the table, and computer users being the would-be carpenters adding an extra leg to the table. Now if you live outside the United States (as I do), you may believe that WIPO doesn't affect you at all. WRONG! The WIPO treaty was signed by 96 countries last December (or last last December, I'm not sure). The chances are pretty good that unless you live in Biafra, you are affected by WIPO. 1.8: More WIPO Implications The treaty is actually meant to protect databases of all kinds. Wait, a phone book is a database. What if phone companies decided to disallow telemarketing agencies to use phone books? Well, I bet the telemarketers would have fun dialing up random numbers all day and praying they get an answer. Not that I would miss those nutty telemarketers, but still, there go another few million people in the unemployment line with all those security consultants. Also, with this nifty new treaty, software developers may decide to say that you can not make backups of software. Now I'm not talking about warez here, I'm talking about legit software backups. So what happens if you buy a $600 office suite software bundle, and accidently scratch the hell out of the cds? Well, you don't have any backups because it's now illegal, so you're out $600. WIPO also allows database developers to limit utilization of a database. What this means is that maybe the phone company will let you use a phone book, but by no means may you make your phone book available to any of your friends. It is impossible for me to even begin to mention the impact this treaty will have on us. I'm just trying to get across the fact that is is a very real threat, and we should all be worried. To understand the full implications of this treaty, you should really visit http://www.eff.org/, they have alot of great links with transcripts and whatnot. 1.9: Final Opinions This article contains very little facts, and several opionions! If I have any facts wrong, don't bother contacting me about the, I really don't care. I never asked you to read it, so if you don't like it and want to bitch at me about it, why don't you go play in traffic? However, if you do have any constructive criticism for me, you can send me telepathic messages anytime between 7am and 11pm (my waking hours). And for all you other weirdos who want to send me death threats, send them to velocity@ionsys.com. 1.10: More final opinions If you would like to read some official documents on this subject, there are several legislation transcripts available at http://www.eff.org/. I don't know the exact URL, but it's somewhere on eff.org. Or you can go to http://www.wipo.org/, which is roughly equivalent to asking Joe Camel if smoking is bad for you. I say this because in WIPO members' opinion, copyrights only "help the flow of information flow smoothly". Damn skippy, wait, nevermind... As a final thought I would like to quote a friend of mine, because I think what he said really fits this treaty. He describes it as being "security through obscurity". That is exactly what it is. When does copyrighting interrupt the flow of information? Well, it starts with this bill. Greetz to MrFly for editing my gay grammar. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Calling Number Delivery by Keystroke (keystroke@thepentagon.com) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In the PCIE (Post Caller-ID Era), caller information (name, number, etc.) was only available to the telcos through ANI. Customers had no way of knowing who was calling them. To fix this problem (and make more money), AT&T Bell Laboratories designed a service which made it possible for 'average' customers to receive information about the calling party. On April 15, 1986, "Calling Number Delivery" was patented in the United States Patent And Trademark Office. It was assigned Patent Number 4,582,956. Calling Number Delivery is on a subscription basis. The customer must pay their local RBOC to have the Calling Number's Information (we'll call this CNI) sent to them. If the customer being called subscribes to Caller ID, the Terminating Central Office sends the CNI during the final 3100ms of the 4000ms silent interval between the 1st and 2nd rings. Prior to the CNI being transmitted, a Channel Seizure Signal and Mark Signal are sent (first 900ms) to let the Caller ID Box (Customer Premises Equipment) know that CNI is about to be sent. The CNI is then sent in either Single Data Message Format (SDMF) or Multiple Data Message Format (MDMF). Both SDMF and MDMF contain the date, time, and calling number; however, MDMF also contains the name associated with the number. The data is then interpreted by the Customer Premises Equipment. For more information on Calling Number Delivery protocols, read BellCore articles: TR-TSY-000030, "SPCS Customer Premises Equipment Data Interface", TR-NWT-001273, "SPCS to Customer Premises Equipment Data Interface for Analog Display Services, Generic Requirements for an", TR-TSY-000031, "CLASS(sm) Feature: Calling Number Delivery", TA-NWT-001188, "CLASS(sm) Calling Name Delivery and Related Features", TR-NWT-000575, "CLASS(sm) Feature: Calling Identity Delivery on Call Waiting (LSSGR)". You can order them by calling 1-800-521-CORE. Okay, now for the 0day exploits. The Customer Premises Equipment sits dormant until the first ringing pattern. After the change in voltage, it listens for the Channel Seizure Signal and Mark Signal and finally the CNI. If no data is sent, or the data is corrupt (it doesn't correspond to the checksum), it displays an error message, which is determined by the particular CPE manufacturer. If the phone only rings once and no data is sent, a timer in the CPE will reset after several seconds, so the CPE knows that the next voltage change will be the FIRST ring and that it should look for data. If the timer is not reset, the CPE displays the caller's info and ignores the next few rings because data is only sent after the first ring. While I haven't seen any specs for CPEs, this timer thing seems logical, so we'll pretend it's true. Anyone starting to see a possible exploit here? Hint: It's lame. If you could somehow increase the voltage in the customer's loop, and then place your actual call, the CPE will error because no data is sent after the first (fake) "ring." The data will still be sent, but after the 2nd ring (as the caller ID box sees it, actually it would really be the 1st ring) but during this time, the caller ID isn't looking for info and has already errored and is ignoring future ringing patterns. The only problem now is making the trojan (first) "ring". Well, it isn't really too big of a problem. Since the Caller ID data is sent only after the 1st ring, you can call and hang up quickly without your info being dumped by the Terminating Central Office. Unfortunately, you can't communicate with the party on the other end unless they answer their phones lightning quick. Unless... 0-day Exploit ------------- Requirements - 2 phone lines, speedy fingers 1) Call victim on phone line #1; hang up after 1st ring 2) Quickly call them back on phone line #2 Sometimes you get a busy signal, but with practice you'll be calling people Caller ID free in no time. This is a bug in the CPE, as the data is still transmitted, so if they block people who do *67s, you'll still get through (*67 block is at the switch). Unfortunately, *69 still works, but maybe during the course of the call you can tell them you've hax0red their Caller ID and if they type *69 it'll blow up and kill them or something. Then again, maybe not. P.S. Contrary to the beliefs of some conspiracy theorists, when *67 is used to block your number, it is not sent to the called-party. A "P" is sent instead. You may have heard otherwise from some crazies, but I'm telling the truth. Really. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IP Masquerading for Dummies by Saint skullY the Dazed (skully@sysfail.org) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Well, since a few issues back Dr. Seuss was going to write an article on firewalling your Linux boxen but didn't write a very complete part 3, I'm going to (try) to cover that a little more fully here. It assumes you have a basic knowledge of configuration, compiling, and booting a kernel, some basic knowledge about ipfwadm, and TCP/IP in general. If you have little or no knowledge of the above, read the following HOWTO's, available at ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/ 1. Kernel-HOWTO 2. NET-3-HOWTO 3. PPP-HOWTO (If applicable) 4. ISP-Hookup-HOWTO (If applicable) 5. Diald mini-howto (See above) 6. Ethernet-HOWTO 7. Firewall-HOWTO 8. IP-Masquerade mini-howto Before I continue, I'd like to thank Logic and Pinguino for starting a kickass 'zine, Linus for writing a kickass kernel, the people at Walnut Creek for putting together what is IMO the best distribution available, Dr. Pepper for making a kickass soda, and the people working in the sweatshops in Asia for making my clothes cheap. This article will entail 3 parts: I. What is Required II. Setting Up the Basics III. More Advanced Stuff I. What is Required ------------------- To masquerade, you need some basic components: an internal network, A Linux box with two interfaces (one to the internal network the other to the external network--the internet), a connection to the internet, and some time and willingness to learn. The Linux box can be as small as a 386/SX with 8MB of RAM, although a 486/DX-66 with at least 16MB of RAM would be preferred, depending on what else the Linux box is expected to do. If you expect it to also handle mail and/or web, you will need to adjust your CPU and RAM accordingly. The connection to the internet can be anything from a PPP connection to a cable modem or an ethernet connection in a dorm. In my case, it's a wireless ethernet connection to my ISP (connected to eth0). II. Setting Up the Basics ------------------------- First, you should have your localnet setup. Each machine should have its own IP, preferrably in one of the reserved IP blocks used especially for internal (non-connecting) networks. There are 3three blocks setup, one for networks requiring a class A, one for networks requiring a class B, and one for networks requiring a class C. From RFC 1597: Section 3: Private Address Space The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has reserved the following three blocks of the IP address space for private networks: - - - You will most likely use just a class C, and the most common to use is, although works just as well. For our purposes, we will assume a 4-node network using So our network will appear something like this: Linux Router that will Masquerade Workstation #1 running Windows 95 Workstation #2 running MacOS Linux box that controls web and mail They are all networked via 10b2 (Coax, since it doesn't require a hub). Each machine is able to ping the other machines and can create connections as necessary. Our next task will be to set up the router to masquerade. Our box in this case is a freshly installed Slackware 3.5 system running Linux 2.0.34. The first thing we will want to do is to create a startup script called rc.firewall, and place it with the other startup scripts (most likely /etc/rc.d/ or /etc/rc/). A good basis for this is something like the following: #!/bin/bash # Clear all firewall entries and start fresh. ipfwadm -A -f ipfwadm -I -f ipfwadm -O -f ipfwadm -F -f This will flush all entries for any firewall stuff so you avoid duplicate or outdated entries. Next you will add any entries for blocking any ICMP, UDP and TCP packets you want/need (a common example is to block 139 to the outside world, since many versions of Samba have bugs and only your internal network needs to connect to the Linux box for this purpose). I recommend commenting all entries so that in 6 months' time when you need to change things, you remember what does what. Refer to ipfwadm(8) for how to do this. Next, we need to tell the Linux box to forward all connections from the internal network to the Internet and masquerade them. This is done with these two lines: ipfwadm -F -p deny ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D The first line tells the system to deny all forwarding requests by default. Otherwise, anyone who can control their routing (Read: anyone who runs any type of *ix system) can easily gain access to your internal network. The second line tells it to forward all requests from to anywhere, and to masquerade the requests. This is all that's needed to have a working setup, but remember that we also have a machine inside the LAN that is going to handle all mail and web connections. Enter in two more important programs: datapipe and tcplogger, both available at ftp://ftp.sysfail.org/pub/Linux/. Tcplogger is a program which will log all connection attempts from remote hosts. It doesn't matter if you are listening on that port or not. This is handy if someone tries to portscan you. For our purposes, it also allows us to see who connects to your machine for web and mail. Datapipe listens on a specified port and forwards all packets from the host machine to another machine. This allows us to forward all connections to port 80 and port 25 over to the Linux box handling web and mail. You need tcplog so that you can see who connects, since all the mail/web server will log is "". With tcplogger and datapipe setup, our network is complete and functioning how we want it. If this is all you're after, skip the rest of this document. III. More Advanced Stuff ------------------------ Ok, now that we have our network set up, we may need a few more things. This will deal with things related to having a subnet and wanting some machines to be masqueraded and others to not be. So we must modify our network a bit. We'll assume you have an 8 IP (6 usable IPs) subnet, and 10 machines to be connected. The machines we want to be visible to the outside will be using with a netmask of and a broadcast of The machines on the internal network will be using the class C So our IP Table now looks something like the following: Non-Masqueraded --------------- - Router - Web - web2 - web3 - mail - NT Box Masqueraded ----------- - Router - Workstations Now I'm going to assume that you want all connections originating from the internal network to be masqueraded (for security concerns) no matter which subnet it's on. So instead of the rather small script we had before, you will need to modify it a bit. Here's a sample script: # Clear all firewall entries and start fresh. /sbin/ipfwadm -A -f /sbin/ipfwadm -I -f /sbin/ipfwadm -O -f /sbin/ipfwadm -F -f # Add entries for IP Masquerading /sbin/ipfwadm -F -p deny # Subnet /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D # Workstations /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D This will masquerade all connections, but what good is our subnet if we are still masquerading. So we next add lines to allow hosts to connect into the subnet. This is done with a line similar to the following: /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -S -D But what if we want to do that on a host-by-host basis? Say, web1 will allow all connections, but web2 and web3 should only allow certain IPs to connect? We will then want to not use the lines above, and use something like this: # This is to allow all connections to web1 /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -S -D # This is to allow only to connect to web2 /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -S -D # This is to allow only to connect to web3 /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -S -D And for mail, we need to forward all connections to our mail server. # This is for mail connections /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -S -D And finally, the NT box should allow all connections. This will require two lines, one for input and one for output. We will use something like the following: # Allow the NT box to have any connections it wants. /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -S -D /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -S -D Now, we have a network set up to our original specifications. Providing you keep your Linux box secure, your machines inside the firewall should also be secure. If you wanted, you could limit the lines above even further by having the router only forward certain TCP ports rather then any traffic bound for the Linux box. For example, to allow only TCP packets destined for port 25 to connect to the Linux box, you would scrap the line above and use something like this: /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -P tcp -S 25 -D That will forward all port 25 connections to on to the mail machine, yet deny all other connections. If you've made it this far, you're probably thinking one of two things: "This shit is way over my head," or "This seems rather simple, what about filtering ports to the router and specifying interfaces?" Well, my response is that this was a followup to Dr. Seuss's last article (part 3 in "Firewalling your Linux Boxen") which he did not have time to make into the comprehensive guide he would have liked. So I wrote this, since I had to learn much of it myself and was getting tired of answering people's questions regarding some of the more advanced stuff. So now I can just say "Read my damn article" and not worry about it. :=) ***** Just a quick note not related to the article in any way ***** As I sit here and write this in vi, I can't help but be reminded of the many religious wars, e.g., elm vs. pine, vi vs. emacs, Linux vs. BSD, ad nauseum, I can't help but laugh. True, I myself have been guilty of entering into (and even starting) these wars. What they usually boil down to is personal preference, and whatever works for you is what's best. However, you should not force your personal preference. You can use whatever you like without having to worry about someone else forcing you to use another program. Hell, if it's what's right for you, you may even use Win95, although I would question your sanity. ;=) At any rate, I still love to get into these religious wars, however I do know that no matter how much I may argue, I still can't force anyone to use vi/elm/bash. You should realize the same, and maybe point out good features of each, but don't try to insult someone based on their personal preference. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ARP: Your Ethernet Card's Best Friend by BarKode (barkode@geekbox.slackware.org) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This document is meant to be an introduction to the ARP protocol. It assumes that you are somewhat familiar with TCP/IP networking. On the Link Layer of the 7-Layer OSI Network Model, you'll find ARP, standing by itself off in a corner. This seemingly out-of-the-way protocol is actually essential for most network communication to take place, as it translates logical addresses (in this case, IP) to Hardware Addresses. ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol, and for this document, we'll speak of ARP as it applies to a standard IPv4 TCP/IP network. ARP is responsible for resolving the 48-bit ethernet address associated with your 32-bit IP address. Your ethernet card doesn't care, nor does it even know what its IP address is. It just has a 48-bit address assigned to it, most often hard coded into the firmware. Your IP address however, can change any time, while your ethernet address stays the same. Hence, your IP-based network needs to know how to find which machine to send its IP packets to. ARP is the way. Let's say for this document your ethernet card has a hardware address of 00:00:2b:04:a9:11 and your IP address is, and you are on a class C network. When a machine on the network wants to initiate an IP-based connection, it first needs to find out the hardware address of the remote machine. ARP steps in and sends an ARP REQUEST, asking the network who has the IP address it's looking for. Let's say you are trying to connect to Running tcpdump you might see this: 00:00:2b:04:a9:11 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff arp 60: arp who-has tell Let's look at this packet. The first section is our hardware address. The second section is the broadcast hardware address of the network. This packet is sent to every machine listening asking each where this IP is. The third identifies the packet as being an ARP packet. The fourth is the size of the ethernet frame, padded to its minimum 60 bytes. The rest is fairly straightforward, asking "Which machine on this network has assigned to them? Please tell your hardware address." Now let's look at what this packet looks like on the network. Ethernet Header .-------------------------------. |Ethernet Dst|Ethernet Src|Frame| | Address | Address |Type | | | | | `-------------------------------' 6 bytes 6 bytes 2 bytes .--------------------------------------------------------------. | Hard|Prot|Hard|Prot|Op|Sender Eth|Sender|Target Eth|Target IP| | Type|Type|Size|Size| | Address | IP | Address | Address | | | | | | | | | | | `--------------------------------------------------------------' 2 2 1 1 2 6 4 6 4 The numbers below the fields represent the number of bytes in the field. This ARP request is 28 bytes in length. The Ethernet header contains the 48-bit ethernet address of the sender and the recipient, in this case, the recipient being the broadcast address. The 2-byte Frame Type field specifies that this is an ARP request or reply with the value 0x0806. The Hardware Type and Protocol Type fields specify the type of hardware address and type of protocol address, respectively. This would be a 1 for ethernet in this case, and an 0x0800 for for IP addresses, again respectively. Hard Size and Prot Size are related information, containing the size of the hardware address and protocol address contained in the following fields. In this case we have a 48-bit ethernet address (6 bytes) and a 32-bit IP address (4 bytes). The OP field specifies what type of service this packet is. It can be any of the following: 1 - ARP Request 2 - ARP Reply 3 - RARP Request (Reverse ARP, not covered in this article) 4 - RARP Reply For now assume Reverse ARP is a machine asking other machines for it's own IP. Since this field is a request, the target ethernet address is not included, as that is the information we are looking for. When the remote host recieved the broadcast request, it recognizes the IP as being its own, and replies: 00:00:4b:2a:01:04 00:00:2b:04:a9:11 arp 60: arp reply is-at 00:00:4b:2a:01:04 When the machine requesting the information gets this packet, it can now open the connection to the remote machine. This entire process on a 10Mbit network may take about 3ms. The packet sent back is formatted as the first packet, with different values in the fields. 1. The Ethernet header is formed with its own information. 2. The OP type is changed to 2, ARP reply. 3. The source and destination fields are completed with the information as expected, i.e. its own IP and hardware addresses. 4. The packet contains the hardware address of the machine with the IP address originally asked for in the request. But what about machines on other networks accessed through gateways? Well, ARP requests will not be made for machines not located on the local network. Instead, packets will be forwarded to a next-hop router (gateway) for delivery to another network. I hope you learned something reading this article. Next issue, we should be talking about RARP, ProxyARP, ARP caching, and Gratuitous ARP. If you are interested in learning more about ARP or any protocols in the TCP/IP family, I highly recommend W. Richard Stevens' TCP/IP Illustrated Volume 1. This book covers many topics of TCP/IP networking in great detail, belongs next to the bed at night, and was used for reference while writing this article. Also I recommend running tcpdump on your network often and watch what's going on. This is a good way to get a preliminary look into what's really going on when that light on the hub is blinking. :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Private Branch Exchanges by The PBX Phreak (chris@sloth.org) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I would like to thank Chapters book store for baring with me for all my time of research at their store, and also thank you to Starbucks coffee for providing their awesome cocoa! A lot of research was done for this article. I hope you like it! Down to Business: A private branch exchange (PBX) is a typical telephone system for large organizations. In this environment, an organization that is served by a central office dial tone from the local exchange company might need the capacity of high-volume calling and handling services. Clearly, a single-line telephone set with a dial-tone line for each user will work. But, it will only just work! It will not satisfy the needs of the organization. In addition, it will be expensive. Assume that a dial-tone line costs $20 per month. If the organization has a multitude of users, the cost per month will be significant. Table A highlights some of the typical costs associated with basic dial-tone service for various numbers of employees. These numbers are only representative, but they should get our point across. The table reflects the basic montly cost and the annualized cost of renting a dial-tone line from the local carrier. Table A: Number of Users Monthly Cost @ $20.00 Annualized Cost 100 $2,000 $24,000 500 $10,000 $120,000 1,000 $20,000 $240,000 2,500 $50,000 $600,000 10,000 $200,000 $2,400,000 You can clearly see from these numbers that the use of a basic dial-tone service can get quite expensive. As a matter of fact, many organizations now say that telecommunications is the number-two expense item in their corporate expense registers, second only to personnel costs. This is both good and bad. It is good that organizations are depending on telecommunications more, as opposed to more expensive alternatives (such as travel, personnel, and other sales and marketing costs). Pound for pound, telecommunications sill produce a greater return on every dollar spent. But back to the point. The costs can be staggering to a financial or senior managerial person in an orgranization. But the dial-tone line costs listed in table A give the user only dial-tone access. This is a full-time dedicated access line for two-way service for every single user. If you add just a single-line telephony set for each of these users, then there are some capital costs associated with the ownership of these lines. Table B shows the costs of a single-line set for every user, at a base price of $60 per single-line telephone set. These are, again, basic assumptions on the purchase of these sets; one could do better. Table B: Number of Users Cost of Equipment 100 $6,000 500 $30,000 1,000 $60,000 2,500 $150,000 10,000 $600,000 Again, you can see that the equipment costs can mount quickly. But what is wrong with this picture? Well for starters, the single-line set limits what the user can do with the basic dial-tone service. Also, the single-line set does not allow for intercommunication between the users within the organization unless they tie up their dial-tone lines as follows: - Grab the dialtone by going off hook. - When dial toen is recieved, dial the digits (seven) of the desired internal party. - When the ring is generated and the party answers, hold a conversation. But this completely ties up two outside lines for the two parties to converse. If a customer tries to call either of these two parties, the customer will get a busy tone. That is, unless the call hunts to some other number. If the call does hunt, then a third outside line is occupied while a message is taken at the rollover line. Customers can be denied access, and can get frustrated. All of this while the two parties could be talking to each other in the next office. Note that however long the wires are that run back to the central office where the dial tone is provided, the call uses twice that to get the two conversationalists together. Clearly, this is not an optimized use of telecommunications services. It should be obvious from the preceeding discussion that larger organizations require the larger capacity and capability of a private branch exchange (PBX). These systems have names that come in many flavours, such as Private Automated Branch Exchange (PABX), Computerized Branch Exchange (CBX), Digital Branch Exchange (DBX), Integrated Branch Exchange (IBX), and Nippon Electric Automated Exchange (NEAX). These names basically mean the same thing. They are just different vendors' acronyms used to differentiate their specific products. The generic term PBX is a private (customer owned and operated) branch exchange (like a central office, it switches and routes calls internally or externally and provides a dial tone to the internal users). The PBX marketplace is inundated with acronyms and features. However, they all do similiar things: they primarily process voice calls for the organization. These devices are computer systems that just happened to do voice. Now they also do other things, such as provide data communications and data access. On average the all-digital PBX will cost approximately $750 to $1000 per station. A station is the end-user device, and the figure includes the cost of all the associated hardware to support the telephone set. Included in this generic price is the card inside the computer that provides the dial tone and the logic, a portion of the common equipment that serves many users, and the telephone set, the wiring, and the installation. The Components of the PBX are as follows: - The central processor unit (CPU) is the computer inside the system. The "brains". - The memory-any computer needs some amount of memory. - The stations, or telephone sets, are also called lines. - The trunks are the telco CO trunks that terminate into a PBX. - The network switches calls inside the system. - The cabinets house all the components. - The information transfer, or bus carries the information to and from the computer. - The console or switchboard allows the operator to control the flow of incoming calls, and so on. - The common logic, power cards, and so on facilitate the system's operation. - The battery back-up insures against power failures. - The wiring infrastructure connects it all. The PBX is a stored-program, common-controlled device. As a telephone system, it is a resource-sharing system that provides the ability to access a dial tone and outside trunks to the end user. This stored-program controlled system today is an all-digital architecture. In older versions, the PBX could be an analog system, but newer systems are all digital. It would not make sense to produce an older technology for a modern-day telephony system. Analog Systems -------------- The analog system used analog components to handle to handle the call setup and tear-down for the entire system. A voice call is introduced into the system in much the same way that a business or residential user's input is introduced to the telephone company network. As the user generates a call, the telephone handset is picked up from the cradle. At this point, an input/output (I/O) request signal is sent to the main architecture of the PBX, which is usually a computer. Once the signal is sent to the common control, the system then returns a dial tone. The user then dials the digits for the party desired. This dialing sequence is done in-band on the wires the talk path of the caller. The digits, either rotary (pulse) or tone (DTMF), are sent down the wires to the telephone system. From there, the telephone system kicks in and generates a request through the architecture to a trunk card. The trunk card serves as the interface to the central office (CO) to request an outside dialtone. The PBX, upon recieving dial tone at the trunk card interface, then generates the pulses or the tones across the line to the central office. Then CO processes these digits in the same manner that is processes individual line requests from a residential user. From the telephone company's perspective, this is the easiest way to process the information. Digital PBX ----------- All newer systems are basically digital. As a computer architecture, the system processes the information in its digital format. A digital coder/decoder (codec) in the telephone set converts the analog voice conversation into a digital format. The digital signals are then carried down the wires to the PBX heart (the CPU) for processing. If a call must go outside to the world, the PBX has to determine the best route to process the call onto. In the case where the call will be traversing the telephone company's central office links on an analog circuit, the PBX must format the information for the outside link. In this case, a digital-analog conversion will take place. Even if the call is to traverse a digital link to the world, the PBX might have to go through a digital-digital conversion. This is because the digital signal at the PBX interface is a unipolar signal, whereas the signal to the telephone company is bipolar signal. The list of vendors selling and supporting PBX systems is quite lengthy. The manufacturers offer them to the customer directly or through a distributor. The options are many. The two largest suppliers of systems in the United States are Lucent Technologies and Northern Telecomm Inc. (NORTEL). This ranking is based on number of systems sold, rather than a qualification of "best", although tiy nught establish that the quantity sold is a reflection of some qualitative measure. Table C. shows the top players in the United States, based of sales volumes. It is interesting to note that the top 2 command better than 50 percent of the U.S. market. Table C: Top Players in the U.S. PBX Market ------------------------------------------- Northern Telecomm (NORTEL) Lucent Technologies ROLM NEC GTE Intecom Fujitsu Hitachi Mitel The PBX market has recently been plagued by soft sales. This is a function of the recession, the rightsizing and downsizing of corporate America, and the overall unsettled market from a technological standpoint. End users are uncertain of what to buy and when on the market curve they should buy. Therefore, the vendors have had to resort to major markdowns, and they often throw in several other goodies. The buyer's market prevails in the PBX industry. As a result, significant discounts can be obtained if you work with the vendor and understand the product being offered. Many vendors will also compete severly with their distributors. Remember, this is a buyer's market. In Table D. is a summary of how the costs would look for the acquisition of a digital PBX, the basic telephone system for an organization. This table reflects three important pieces of the billing arrangements. It would not be unethical to see how the vendors price out their systems against this model. In table D. we use an average price per port of $1000. The costs associated with a 1000-user system would, therefore, be as they appear in table D. Table D: Summary of Costs for a 1000-Line Digital PBX ----------------------------------------------------- - Cost of hardware, software, training, all telephone sets, and interfaces with installation of the hardware - $350,000 - Cost of wiring and installation for the building infrastructure - $350,000 - Markup and Profit - $300,000 - Total - $1,000,000 Another item of note is the third line item, that being profit. We always want out vendors to survive for another day , no two ways about that. However, we do not want to pay a 30 percent total markup on a system for profit. In actuality, the margin is 37 percent, and we will see why later. This is unheard of. So, the discounts that might be passed along from the vendor might well be from the profit picture. Suppose that the vendor offers a discount of 20 percent off the top of the price. The total price is $1,000,000 and the discount is 20 percent, so you can expect to pay $800,000. That should make you feel pretty good, to get a $200,000 discount off the top of your system. But, wait! What if the vendor cam back and said that the total discount is only $70,000? Where did we go wrong? Well, the issue is where the numbers are being calculated. The vendor discounted the 20 percent from the top of the system cost ($350,000 X 0.2 = $70,000). Now, you are paying around $930,000 total for the system, installed. That is not exactly what you thought you were getting a discount on! The vendor will explain that the cost of the wiring cannot be discounted because they use a subcontractor and have to pay this third party for the installation. True, but the vendor also marks up the cost of the wiring and installation. That $350,000 fee to install and wire the system is probably only a $280,000 to $300,000 charge from the subcontractor. So, the manufacturer or distributor is getting a piece of the pie for the installation too! Yes, this is true. Regardless of how we slice and dice the numbers, this is still a very lucrative sale for the vendor. With a $50,000 to $70,000 markup on the wiring, a $300,000 profit margin, and the remaining cost of the system ($280,000), you can imagine just how much the vendor is making on this system. Well now look at the margins based on this new evidence. Table E: Item Original Cost New Cost Profit Percent Margin ---- ------------- -------- ------ -------------- PBX System $350,000 $280,000 Wiring and Installation $350,000 $350,000 $70,000 20 Margin and Profit $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 30 Total $1,000,000 $930,000 $370,000 37 Can you see anything wrong with this picture? Even though the vendor has given a 20 percent discount to you, and you feel so special for negotiating such a difficult deal for the vendor, and a great one for the organization, the overall margin of profit that the vendor has achieved is still 37 percent. This still leaves a lot of room for negotiation before the deal is done. If you consider that there is still room to cut the cost in the profit margin, the profits on the subcontracted piece of wiring, and the overall system cost, then the dealing has only begun. In many cases, the ability to subcontract the wiring (for example) might produce more productive and competitive results. In this case, many organizations will act as the general contractor for the overall telephone system and then contract for the wiring separately from the telephones. An example of the wiring costs might look like the numbers shown in Table F, where a seperate contract is issued for the installation of a four-pair cable installed at 1000 user locations, the horizontal wiring between the telephone closets and the main distribution frame, and any ancillary cabling needed to implement the system. Table F: Cost Per Location Extended Price ----------------- -------------- Cost of wiring a 1000-user system @$250-$280 $250,000-$280,000 Cost of PBX manufacturer @$350 $350,000 Difference $70,000-$100,000 Keep in mind that these figures are generic, and will require seperate bids from various installation companies. If, however you now consider this figure, and recognize that the wiring contractor has already built the necessary profit margins to make money on the installation, then the PBX price now has a different perspective. The margin for the hardware, installation, and warrantee on the PBX is now subject to serious negotiation. See table G. Table G: Item Cost Percent Margin ---- ---- -------------- PBX $280,000 Markup $300,000 Subtotal $580,000 115 Wiring $280,000 15 Total $860,000 As you can now imagine, the cost for the telephone system is $280,000 with a profit margin of $300,000 (over 100 percent markup). No vendor will ever approach this structure; these are comparative pricing scenarios. However, if you consider that a 30 percent markup is what the vendor is entitled to, the following summary gives us a whole new structure to deal from. The intent is not to jeopardize the stability and profitability of the supplier, but to maximize the comfort between the two parties. This case will obviously consume a lot of time and effort. But, the overall results are significant. See table H. Table H: Item Original Pricing Revised Pricing Difference ---- ---------------- --------------- ---------- PBX $350,000 $280,000 $70,000 PBX Markup $300,000 $84,000 $216,000 Wiring $350,000 $280,000 $70,000 Totals $1,000,000 $644,000 $356,000 Percentage 35.6% Clearly the price has changed significantly! The system is now being considered at approximately $644 per user instead of $1000. This accounts for a $356,000 discount overall. This is the way you can look at using the system pricing, rahter than just accepting standard pricing. The pricing can vary quit a bit from the original proposal. Peripheral Devices ------------------ And finally, the list of peripheral devices for PBX markets is virtually unlimited. The devies range from items as simple as an external bell to very sophisticated management systems. The pieces are too numerous to list herein but there is still a lot of negotiating room for any component you might need. Here are some devices that might appear in the picture: Automatic call distribution Voicemail Automated attendant Call detail recording Modem pools Multiplexers Head serts Display sets (telephones) Paging systems Least cost call routing Network management systems Design tools Answering machines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Group Ethics and Morals by Logic Box (logic@sysfail.org) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I've been into the H/P scene for two years now. I got into it in July of 1996 after first reading PLA way back when it was still on peak.org. As do many other people, I went through my "stupidity" phase (as I guess it could be called) during which time most of my blatant (yet for the most part, piddly) illegal activity was done, and most of my power-tripping took place as well (mostly on IRC). After a few months of this--and a few rough experiences--I realized a few things and learned a few lessons. And after an interesting conversation with my good friend BarKode recently, I really began to realize something that not a lot of people in this scene seem to. It's important to have morals. In thinking about this, I began considering the people around me and those I associate with on a day-to-day basis--especially my group. Everything I do, and everything that everyone else in System Failure does, leaves an impression on people about the group as a whole. And I don't like making bad impressions. BarKode brought up a very good point in particular, involving Milw0rm's recent streak of military website attacks. JF and company hang out in our IRC channel regularly, and read this zine as well. In each of their website attacks, a shout-out to System Failure was included, along with a link to our website. This, of course, attracted all kinds of attention. I've noticed quite a few hits from government sites in our httpd access logs lately. The question is: is this good attention? I don't think so. I have thought a lot about this sort of thing. While we are friends with Milw0rm and such, these types of things probably aren't something that we--as a group--should be implicated in. I know that the collective group wouldn't go around doing stuff like this ourselves. We tend to be pretty passive people, and vie for our learning through reading and understanding, not doing blatantly illegal things (I am expressing no opinion about Milw0rm's actions). I do not wish to point the finger at Milw0rm, this is just a good example that I am using to prove my point. Another question that I began to ask myself is: if I got raided today, would I be okay? I think this is a question that everyone should ask themselves every now and then. Especially all the members of System Failure that are reading this. :) What if, say, one of the others members of my group got raided for something, and during questioning, they told the authorities that they were part of an underground group called System Failure? This would attract a lot of unwanted attention from the wrong people. Not exactly something I want. Our ethics, morals, and general overall attitude are important things, and should be taken into consideration by more people. Be careful about what you deal with, who you deal with, how you deal with them, and what the consequences might be--especially if you're in a group. Good groups are few and far between these days, and those that are should take steps to insure that they stay around. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <-------+ | SysFail Mailbox +----------------> staff@sysfail.org We've gotten a lot of interesting mail here at sysfail.org lately, so I just thought I'd share a few of the more humorous ones with you. Note that none of these are edited for grammar. From: Bell Haxor To: logic@sysfail.org Subject: infos y0 d00d, I've b33n readin' yur elite zine and have hella infos I'd like to hook yas up wit. I've got DMS-100 Skilz xESS skillz and many other cools things like that, can I get my piture on yur page etc? # Uhhhh, great. I dunno what a piture is, but I'll get right on it! Actually, # I never replied to this, and about two days later this guy sent me another # e-mail calling me a fucking asshole and saying "no wonder the only articles # in your fucking zine are about editing inetd.conf." It was funny as hell, # and I would include it here except I lost it. ------------------------------ From: DAIZY BOO To: staff@sysfail.org Subject: very important i really like your articles and stuff.But the reason im writing you is i want to know how to get passwords peoples accoun credit card number so do you think you could please help.If you want i have a few peoples account i could give to you for something in return.i want to no how to punt people and learn stuff from yall so please write back and tell me what ya think # As for the credit card stuff, I don't do that sort of thing. It's bad. And # I don't know what you mean by punting people, but one day some guy came to # IRC and threatened to punt us all (as soon as he learned how), and we # 'punted' his ass right off the channel. Funny huh? [above e-mail sent from # aol.com] ------------------------------ From: PTD125 To: staff@sysfail.org Subject: Worldvox exploit Q After I setup the worldvox conf, is it safe to call it from home? # Yeah, sure it is. I promise. [also sent from aol.com] ------------------------------ From: WopMan To: logic@sysfail.org Subject: CARD SCAMZ I HAVE FOUND A WAY TO GET TONS OF CREDIT CARD NUMBERS.YOU JUST NEED A SCANNER AND AN A ANTENNA USUALLY TWICE AS LARGE AS WHAT THEY GIVE YOU WHEN YOU BYE IT.100 DOLAARS FOR THE SCANNER AND 13 DOLLARS FOR A BIGGER ANTENNA FROM RADIO SHACK AND YOUR IN BUISSNESS.E-MAIL ME BACK AND TELL ME IF YOU WANT TO KNOW THE BEST MODEL SCANNERS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT 2 USE.ALSO A GREAT WAY TO GET INFO TO BLACKMAIL YOUR NIEGHBORS WITH.JUST E-MAIL ME AND ILL TELL YOU ALL THE BEST STUFF TO USE. # WOW, THAT'S GREAT! First of all, my advice is to fix your broken caps lock # key. Second, learn how to spell before I send the Grammar Mafia to your # house. Third, I don't know what a 'nieghbor' is, but I don't have any and I # can't say I've ever blackmailed them. [aol.com] ------------------------------ From: krow To: staff@sysfail.org Subject: Fucking over Sony Havent practiced this krime yet, but I assume it would work. If you put a playstation game in your pc cd drive you can access all kinds of data from the game. (some of you might know where I am going) If you have a read/write drive you can copy all of the data and save it to a new cd. Pop in another cd and do the same, until you have 500 dollars worth of pirate games and it cost you about 300 dollars. or for the more advenerous out there you might try carding the drive and cds from mail order DickUSA. If any one tries this I would like you to eMail me at [address edited out] with your results, because I am to stupid to card my own drive. # c0uld y3w t34ch m3 h0w t0 k0mm1t o7h3r h1gh-t3k kr1m3z? There's not a # DickUSA in my area, so I guess I'm out of luck. You can't play copied PSX # games (or foreign ones for that matter) anyway unless you've modified your # Playstation (but I wouldn't know how to do that or anything). And by the # way, this "krime" has been widely known for quite a while. ------------------------------ From: Georg Bourek To: logic@sysfail.org Subject: claim yr people have hacked our site. This caused us a loss in time and money. This practice to increase yr traffic is absolutely criminal. therefore we expect yr message within 24 hours how you will pay for this loss. yr org has to pay for the damage you caused. if no answer received, we will forward this matter another way. # We are not milw0rm. Quit e-mailing us, you morons. ------------------------------ From: John N. Phelps To: logic@sysfail.org Subject: url Hi, can you send me your secret romance url? Thanks :) # Uh, yeah... it's at http://nomercy.jobs.sk:8080 ------------------------------ From: Gideon To: pinguino@sysfail.org Subject: hey Hello , i am Gideon .... just a humble fan. I was wondering .. are you single. :) # No, but Spanish Prince is! You can e-mail him at spee@sysfail.org! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Well, that wraps up this issue. Issue 14 should be out soon after DefCon, with 15 following later in the month. To all of you who are attending DefCon 6, we'll see you there. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-E-O-F-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-