Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 19:36:25 -0500 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] New W4/MCP/ACP kernels and ses release out for test From: (Dan Casey) X-Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.bugs Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 16:16:02 -0600 (CST) From: "Scott E. Garfinkle" Subject: PLEASE READ: new kernel and ses release out for test I've put out (in the current state of the kernel and ses. EVERYBODY who is currently using the 0111 kernels MUST get this (or revert to something earlier than 0111) to fix a regression in that kernel. I'll append the new readme below. Note to those of you using SES: you MUST get and apply the new sesdd32.sys (and, I suggest, the mouse.sys that also comes in that zip file). Older SESDD32s will cause traps. This version of SESDD32 should work fine with all 6 kernels I've put out. w4*.zip - for MCP or FP15 uni*.zip - for ACP or FP2 (running UNI) smp*.zip - for ACP or FP2 (running SMP) README: This contains fixes since xr_e002/xr_m015/mcp/acp. Important note: If you use the OS/2 SES facility, you need a new sesdd32.sys dated 1/23/2001 or later to use this kernel. Also, a new dump formatter (df_ret.exe) is required, if you want to analyze a dump from this kernel. New function: 1) Support for >64m memory using int15 func e820. Note, this support is enabled ONLY for Intel Pentium Pro or later, or non-Intel Pentium-class machines. This is done in an effort to prevent problems on older PCs. 2) The presence of \os2\boot\os2norev.$$$ suppresses the display of internal revision during boot. Bug Fixes: Fixed strange loader i/o problems specific to the 0111 kernel. JR15494: Delayed response of Ctrl-C or Ctrl-S (pause) in os/2 windows JR15405: (probably) DosQueryAsyncTimer fails on timecritical thread after mscount rolls over after 49.7 days of uptime JR15030: TRAPDUMP QUERY doesn't show PD (needs a new trapdump.exe, too) JR13335: Some VDMs won't run, complaining of too-long command lines JR15194: XCOPY fails with SYS1186 or SYS1192 on (at least) MO drives JR15038: Trap 8 in h_DeviceHelpDM running an app from a tcpbeui drive JR15229: Files left open after ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES returned to app PJ27676: Causes hangs on some systems running UNI or W4 kernels PJ27554: Hang or (on allstrict) trap 3 on SMP (only) during beeps PJ27678: SMP kernels could not be RIPL-booted. As part of this, there is a new config.sys parameter I13PAGES= available. Adding I13PAGES=1 to config.sys (note, no SET) reduces the memory usage of the mini VDM processes used by ibm1s506.add and the GRADD drivers. This becomes important in RIPL-boot situations. PJ27677: SMP systems hang with multiple threads of same process entering a critical section (affects ADSM client) Following are rough instructions for applying the os2krnl fix: In the directory from which you boot (C:\ or d:\ or whatever), type these commands. Note that os2krnlr should have come with this file. 1. attrib -r -s -h os2krnl 2. attrib -r -s -h os2ldr 3. copy os2krnl os2krnl.sav 4. copy os2ldr os2ldr.sav 5. copy \os2\system\trace\*.tdf \save (or wherever) 5. unzip -o Trace files (*.tdf) have been included. An os2krnl.sym file has been provided with this fix. Just save it somewhere (root directory or anywhere). It is only needed in case OS/2 service requests a standalone dump of your system in the future. ----------- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end