Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 12:42:05 -0500 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] New refresh of Java 1.3 From: Following announcement was on IBM's news:// News server A new service refresh of Java 1.3 for OS/2 is now available. The build version is co130-20010212 and can be accessed from Software Choice. This service refresh is a full install, using Feature Install, just like Java 1.3 GA was. (It is different to the 1.1.8 self extracting zip service refresh.) Please remember to extract javainrt.exe and javaintk.exe, if required, into a temporary directory at the same time before running install. It includes the following fixes: |co130-20001012|24162 | |N/A |Change syslevel compid's for Service. | |co130-20001014|25724 | |N/A |WAS:SVT: Expanding/Collapsing tree causes SIG | |co130-20001026|25958 |IC28765|N/A |Button1 double click broken | |co130-20001109|23299 | |N/A |command line removed from javacore | |co130-20001110|10770 | |N/A |JColorChooser scrollbar-HSB problem | |co130-20001110|24650 | |N/A |Win32 BasicTableUI editCellAt(int, int) | |co130-20001110|25739 | |N/A |JTextArea does not wrap | |co130-20001111|26287 | |N/A |WebSM: Hang in waitForID | |co130-20001115|25661 | |N/A |Ctrl+H destroys highlighted text | |co130-20001115|8239 | |TBR |Usability problem in renaming a folder in JFi | |co130-20001116|25632 | |N/A |Cache coherency problem on PowerPC | |co130-20001116|26004 | |N/A |Second fix for double-test idiom in clconstan | |co130-20001118|26379 | |4367718 |Modal Dialog appears more than once | |co130-20001118|26444 | |N/A |Popup menus displayed off screeen | |co130-20001121|26395 | |N/A |Compiler scoping problem with inner classes | |co130-20001209|24375 | |N/A |OS/2 JNI: Support for ancient VisualAge compi | |co130-20001209|24494 | |N/A |JTabbedPane focusGained misfires | |co130-20001209|24499 | |N/A |Bogus DocumentEvent from TextField | |co130-20001209|25751 | |4273532,|Java handling directories with '#' in their t | |co130-20001209|26245 | |N/A |timestamp in verbosegc | |co130-20001209|26297 | |N/A |<> file permission target prob | |co130-20001209|26354 | |N/A |JNDI plugin only sets Sun ORB initialisation | |co130-20001209|26555 | |N/A |JarInputStream.getManifest returns null | |co130-20001209|26802 | |N/A |Initial heap size default can be larger than | |co130-20001211|26290 | |N/A |Error with comments in Properties.load() | |co130-20001212|13250 | |N/A |Getting panic: double allocation failure | |co130-20001218|24655 | |N/A |error with java.util.TimeZone | |co130-20001219|27241 | |N/A |NullPointerException with DBCS String | |co130-20001227|27201 |IC29250|N/A |Same window class name causes 100% CPU | |co130-20010103|27498 |IC29233|N/A |Add toolkit specific installation details | |co130-20010104|25707 | |4332631 |Compiler raises a null pointer exception | |co130-20010104|27242 | |TBR |javac produces wrong scope for catch clause e | |co130-20010111|27529 | |N/A |10/10:nldej:image stuck Java 1.3 | |co130-20010113|27447 | |N/A |GPF when passing a maximum integer value | |co130-20010116|27458 | |N/A |Unexpected cursor behaviour in textfields | |co130-20010118|23120 | |N/A |missing serialversionUIDs | |co130-20010118|27664 |IC29383|N/A |Unable to create pipe connections to JVM rc=4 | |co130-20010120|27826 | |N/A |Cp1252 not translating correctly | |co130-20010125|27646 | |N/A |EBCDIC-Unicode conversion problems | |co130-20010125|27824 | |4403968 |javac case-sensitive to filename | |co130-20010130|27794 | |TBR |JPDA is too restrictive when filtering Field | |co130-20010131|27791 | |N/A |JVMDI does not step correctly on AIX. | |co130-20010201|28033 |IC29482|N/A |Include latest ICATJAVA debugger | |co130-20010207|28142 | |N/A |NullPtrException in LocalizedPrintStream | |co130-20010210|28296 |IC29554|N/A |Drag and Drop not working | Chris Tomlin IBM Java Technology Centre. ----------- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to