Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 16:20:46 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] New SysInfo/2 ver. 0.8.7 with embeded PCI SCAN is ready! From: "Alexey Smirnov :" 18.04.2001 New SysInfo/2 ver. 0.8.7 with embeded PCI SCAN is ready! New SysInfo/2 ver. 0.8.7 is published on Hobbes and on SysInfo/2 porject homepage. Main changers are: *** - Due to a kindly help from Joachim Benjamins new SyInfo/2 comes with new pictures!; *** - PCI BIOS scaning algorithm is added. All information that it may finds it will dispaly on "Device tree" page; *** - Memry Read&Write benchmark is added to "Memory" page; *** - CPU/FPU Benchmark on the first page is normalized using test information from more than 15th different CPU test results. AMD Athlon results are looking very strange! But this is documented truth. ;-)) - Video detection algorithm is rewroted again. Some new info is added and code size is reduced; - Some erorrs are corrected in multimedia detection algorithm. For now it will work more stable; - On the first page some new info about local version specification was added to OS/2 version detection and FixPack level and KERNEL level detection algorithms; - Also there - BIOS vendor detection algorithm was rewroted. Vendor identificators were adedd for thouse BIOS manufacters as Intel, Packard Bell, Insyde, Dell, etc. *** - More over, more than 65% of all SysInfo/2 code were dramatically rewroted. I think that for now is is better to start againg beta testing phase, couse new SysInfo/2 is a really new product. ;-)) *** - All code references to Sibyl DataBase Engine were erased from SysInfo/2 code. Note: I do not use Sibyl DataBase Engine, but some Sibyl base classes were referenced to it. After removing thouse references total SysInfo/2 size and memory requirements were reduced greatly. I am very interesting in your comments and bug reports. Thank you very much for thouse interest that my little work have got in OS/2 commuinity. -> URL: -> Hobbes: -> FTP-Search: Send via online news formular. ----------- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to