Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 18:23:27 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] RexxMail -- the sequel. From: "Marcus de Geus" News about RexxMail: RexxMail has been updated with built-in POP3 and SMTP services, so users are no longer dependent on external programs (e.g. sendmail) to handle mail transmission. This makes installation and configuration of the program a lot easier. Of course, RexxMail still offers capabilities for handling mail transmission through external programs for those who prefer to do so. The updated RexxMail also includes a mailing list feature with the option of sending personalized messages. RexxMail is an object-oriented e-mail client written in REXX that makes full use of the extensive range of facilities offered by the OS/2 Workplace Shell (WPS). The RexxMail user interface uses only standard WPS components (folders, file and program objects, etc.). RexxMail mail message objects are separate, plain text, files that can be used anywhere on the WPS desktop. You can use your favourite editor to compose and read mail messages, and since both incoming and outgoing attachments (including HTML content) are presented as standard WPS objects, you can also use your favourite software to process these. The program takes up very limited system resources (the RexxComm-stripped RexxMail code weighs in at a puny 88 kB), and only when performing specific tasks such as sending, collecting, and processing e-mail message files. For all other tasks, it relies on the unequalled object-oriented data handling environment of the WPS. In addition, RexxMail offers an easy command-line interface for all its functions. RexxMail features a multi-user configuration as well as a wide range of individual user options, including: - choice of text reader for incoming messages; - choice of text editor for outgoing messages; - preprocessing of incoming attachments (e.g. virus scan); - preprocessing of outgoing attachments (e.g. data compression); - preselection of header entries to show for incoming messages; - preconfigurable message object title content; - send message text as quoted-printable or (word-wrapped) ASCII; - send selected messages or all messages as ASCII text; - intelligent 8-bit (PC850) to 7-bit (ASCII) text conversion; - conversion to 8.3 filenames for selected filename extensions; - full error and message traffic logging; - RFC to ISO-sorted date conversion; - choice of message icon stationery colours. The updated version of RexxMail will be available after the weekend from: RexxMail is released under the terms of the GNU license, see Regards, Marcus de Geus -- ----------- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to