Date: Tue, 08 May 2001 20:55:01 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] Enhanced E Update From: 8 May 2001 The Enhanced E Editor has been updated to v2.3 The big news in this release is web publishing. Editing and saving a file from your website is almost as easy as working on a local file. Only the file dialog is different and it takes an extra second to save or retrieve depending on your connection. We have also updated the code templates on our website for use with the editor. In tagging languages like HTML you can now highlight text and doubleclick a tag in the template tool to tag it. Making a quick fix or even writing new web pages has never been easier and now you can save them directly to your website. New features in v2.3 are:  Open from or publish to web via FTP.  Addressed issues resolving differences when using eStyler Button enhancement on eCS - Thanks to Alessandro Cantatore  Changed Search dialog resources.  Change information line variable usage.  Change when loading file from command line.  Added "change font" in Code templates.  Added sound event for Spell check. Take a peek at our website for more information on the Enhanced E's. The PillarSoft Suite has also been updated and can be downloaded from our website. The Enhanced E is $25 and is available through BMT Micro, Mensys and others. The PillarSoft Suite contains this program plus 12 more OS/2 specific programs for only $99. Downloads and more information: PillarSoft: Enhanced E: PillarSoft Suite: Wayne Swanson ------------------------------------------------------------ Email: PillarSoft: Developers of: WarpZip and the PillarSoft Suite Vice President: VOICE (Virtual OS/2 Int'l Consumer Education) VOICE: ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to