Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 17:17:16 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] Updated kernels now officialy From: "Klaus Staedtler" 01.06.2001 Updated kernels now officialy (von: Klaus Staedtler : IBM has released the 0508 Kernel releases from testcase now officialy Warp 4/WSeB/MCP/ACP Kernels updated On May 31, 2001 IBM OS/2 Fix Distribution released updated files for the various kernels. They contain fixes since xr_e002/xr_m015/mcp/acp: New TrapDump Bug Fix: JR15030: TRAPDUMP QUERY doesn't show PD File: DF0508.ZIP SES drivers, See README.SES for details. File: SES0330.ZIP File versions : WSeb/ACP SMP (D is debug version) SMP0508.ZIP SMP0508D.ZIP WSeB/ACP Uni/MCP (D is debug version) UNI0508.ZIP UNI0508D.ZIP Warp4 (D is debug version) W40508.ZIP W40508D.ZIP New function: 1.Support for >64m memory using int15 func e820. Note, this support is enabled ONLY for Intel Pentium Pro or later, or non-Intel Pentium-class machines. This is done in an effort to prevent problems on older PCs. 2.The presence of \os2\boot\os2norev.$$$ suppresses the display of internal revision during boot. 3.Adding "EARLYMEMINIT=TRUE" to config.sys will allow device drivers, etc., access to the memory above 16mb early in boot. Previously, this was only available after DD and IFS init was completed. This has various implications when enabled: 1.AHA154X.ADD may do bad things to your system. Don't even enable if using. 2.There may be some settings of HPFS386 cache that are incompatible. 3.Trap messages will now give the module name instead of the device name. For example, "Exception in module: CLOCK01" instead of "Exception in Device Driver: CLOCK$". 4.Traps in 32 bit code now show the modname, too 5.Systems with a 486SX chip running FP15 will function correctly. Note, they will NOT work with ACP or (necessarily) on MCP. 6.SESDD32 will now work correctly (I hope) for both uni and smp Bug Fixes: JR13335: Some VDMs won't run, complaining of too-long command lines JR15194: XCOPY fails with SYS1186 or SYS1192 on (at least) MO drives JR15038: Trap 8 in h_DeviceHelpDM running an app from a tcpbeui drive JR15229: Files left open after ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES returned to app PJ27676: Causes hangs on some systems running UNI or W4 kernels PJ27554: Hang or (on allstrict) trap 3 on SMP (only) during beeps PJ27678: SMP kernels could not be RIPL-booted. As part of this, there is a new config.sys parameter I13PAGES= available. Adding I13PAGES=1 to config.sys (note, no SET) reduces the memory usage of the mini VDM processes used by ibm1s506.add and the GRADD drivers. This becomes important in RIPL-boot situations. PJ27677: SMP systems hang with multiple threads of same process entering a critical section (affects ADSM client) PJ27757: Trap 000e running Theseus/4 (note, theseus4.exe may still end up with a sys3175, but at least the system doesn't crash). PJ27736: Trap in _PLD_WriteReturnCode PJ27777: Set BEGINLIBPATH= (in config.sys ONLY) may be ignored. Also, it would lead to a bogus copy of BEGINLIBPATH= in the environment. PJ27906: Trap 000e in pvwRegKrnlInstance running SPM/2 (may also cause unknown odd behavior in other performance monitors). PJ27919: Complete system hang running some apps (same as JR12136) See README in the zip for Install Instructions. Disclaimer: These interim fixes will be supported by IBM until the next fixpack is available or until superceded by a newer interim fix. At the discretion of IBM, you may be required to revert to GA (i.e. MCP/ACP/fixpack) code to pursue specific support issues. Send via online news formular. ----------- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to