Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 09:32:45 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] RexxMail updated. From: "Marcus de Geus" Build 20010610.100221 of RexxMail is now available from: This release includes a few minor bugfixes and adds topic text on the '/setasciiqp' switch. For information on RexxMail, including on-line browsing of the information and readme.txt files, see: From the RexxMail readme.txt file: RexxMail is an e-mail client program that uses the facilities offered by the OS/2 Workplace Shell (WPS) to the full. RexxMail itself is a Classic REXX program that runs invisibly (i.e. minimized) in OS/2 VIO sessions. It works by using a number of program objects that call the program (RexxMail.CMD) with various switches. Associations between these program objects and mail message files enable RexxMail to perform i 2001-06-10 = Update: build 20010610.100221. - Bugfix: attachments folder link creation error handling. - Bugfix: unsent message object title string date/time stamp. - Bugfix: (install.cmd): missing session title in parameters field of object. - Added topic text for '/setasciiqp' switch. Regards, Marcus de Geus -- ----------- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to