Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 12:09:18 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] RexxMail updated to build 20010916.130334. From: "Marcus de Geus" Build 20010916.130334 of RexxMail is now available from: This edition of RexxMail introduces the SafeHTML option to filter HTML content, preventing automatic access to external resources. Users can now safely view HTML content without fear of initializing unwanted connections to outside servers. With SafeHTML, image tag tracers are removed, and legitimate text and image tags pointing to external resources are rewritten to appear as clickable links. In addition, RexxMail now rewrites links to MIME image content to point to the relevant graphics files in the attachments folder so images appear in line. And of course, Microsoft Smart Tags are always blocked. From the RexxMail readme.txt file: RexxMail provides an extremely flexible yet easy to use e-mail processing environment with a minimum of fuss. It operates through elements provided by the standard OS/2 Workplace Shell (which is still the best graphical user interface available on any platform). Since the RexxMail user interface consists of normal WPS folders and program and file objects, getting to know the program requires only a minimum of effort. Although the standard way of working with RexxMail is through the WPS by manipulating WPS objects, RexxMail is a straightforward Classic REXX program that runs, like any REXX program, from a command line in a (hidden) windowed or full-screen OS/2 command processor session. Since all RexxMail operations are controlled by command-line switches, the full range of RexxMail functions and settings can also be accessed from a command line. RexxMail is written in REXX, an interpreted language, so it is also its own source code, ready for you to edit to suit your preferences. 2001-09-16 = Update: build 20010916.130334. - HTML content of incoming attachment folders is filtered: * tag is added to header to block Microsoft smart tags. * tags are removed. * tags pointing to embedded images are rewritten to point to extracted image files in attachments folder. - Added 'SafeHTML' option: * tags that point to internal or external images less than 10 pixels wide or high are removed. * and tags pointing to external URLs are rewritten as clickable links. * tags except < ... CHARSET=...> are removed from HTML header. * tags with external background URLs are rewritten. * , , and </IFRAME> tags are removed, and <FRAME ...> and <IFRAME ...> tags are rewritten as clickable links. - Added PRM2RxMl.CMD filter to convert Post Road Mailer ASCII (TAB-delimited) address book files to RexxMail address text file format. - Added 'Converting to RexxMail from other mail clients' section to 'readme.txt' (this file). - Added explanatory 'contents.txt' file to RexxMail program directory. - Changed command-line help mechanism: RexxMail now uses a single help text resource file, 'showhelp.txt', and results are sent to standard output rather than piped to the 'more' command. - (Install.CMD): A few minor changes in connection with the new command-line help mechanism. - Added 'BeforeDispatch' option to specify a command to run before collecting and sending mail. - Added 'AfterDispatch' option to specify a command to run after collecting and sending mail. RexxMail is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, see <> Regards, Marcus de Geus -- ----------- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to