Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 09:11:14 -0500 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] Norman Virus Control Beta 3 available From: Norman Virus Control v5.2 Beta 3 for OS/2 and eComStation is now available using the following link: Anyone who has already installed Beta 1, can update using the Internet Update utility provided with Beta 1. Before attempting an update, specify the folowing licence key in the configuration editor, in the Installation Settings: HK4AC-B2MBW-QDNQJ-9I3EF-GXY3E This key will last for the duration of the beta period, and we expect further updates to be made available as they're ready. Please review the installation notes at the end of the update for important notes and limitations. Your feedback is appreciated at Changes in this release: WPS integration: - fixed problem with space in filename in WPS integration - added splash screen when desktop opens - removed "Check for virus..." from desktop menu - active component dialog now works - Config editor: - display only buttons needed, no save as... - state of installed components was changed on saveFile, fixed! - changes in on-access scanner->scanning page would not notify that file was changed, fixed! - cosmetic fixup of Install settings->Authentication page - white text on white background in dialog windows, fixed! - cosmetic fixups in common settings->quarantine page - parsing of IP and IPX addresses in message routing->routing page did not work, fixed! - saving and restoring of addresses from message routing module did not work, fixed! - button text in message handling pages did not make sence, fixed! Task editor: - cosmetic changes On-access scanner: - error popup in CClaw.c(719), rc=78382373, fixed On-demand scanner: - start automatically when scheduled - disable error popups - scanning whole drives from tasks now works - resize window now works correctly Internet update now enabled: - automatic engine and def file updates - new features and fixes will be made available progressively Note: If you are running eComStation GA, don't use the licence key you got bundled with your eCS GA. Please use the one provided by the Norman NVC for OS/2 beta programme. Url: From: Harald Eilertsen ( Submitted with the form on ----------- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to