Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 11:14:35 -0500 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] New Opera beta now available From: Robert Henschel "Pal A. Hvistendahl" wrote: We just made Opera for OS/2 Beta 2 available for download on -- Vennlig hilsen/ Sincerely Pal A. Hvistendahl Communications Director Opera Software ASA [Moderator note: This is version 5.12 Beta 2 and is a self executing WarpIn (WPI) package. Install identifies it as Build 24, the same name as the file that was on Netlabs FTP site briefly a few days ago, though the file size is slightly different. From the installation: "INSTALLATION ------------ Starting with beta 2, Opera for OS/2 doesn't need the Odin runtime to be executed. All necessary files are packaged inside the main distribution, except for WarpIN. If you have Odin installed, it will not conflict with Opera installation and will not be used by Opera. The WPI archive has been created with WarpIn 0.9.14. If you have installed an older version of WarpIN you must upgrate it. WarpIN is a very easy to use installer/uninstaller for OS/2. Get it at or You just have to download the latest self-extracting archive and run it. Afterwards you can simply run the self-extracting Opera for OS/2 distribution and WarpIN will start the installation. If you are installing on the top of a previous installation, the opera.ini file will not be updated with new settings. This could lead to non-functional features available in this beta. Rename your opera.ini before going on, if you want to enable new features." and "FUNCTIONS --------- New features: - Printing - Java 1.3 - OS/2 look&feel - OS/2 drag&drop - Instant messaging. This release is missing: - Opera Mail." And finally, please don't send problem reports to me. For where to report problems and ask questions: "BUG REPORTING & QUESTIONS ------------------------- If you discover a bug you should first check bugs.txt. If you are 100% sure that the bug is not yet listed you can post it to the Opera for OS/2 Newsgroup: Newsserver: Group: opera.os2 We need the following information for each bug report: - Odin version you use (exact date) - OS/2 Version - Opera for OS/2 version"] ----------- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to